CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. IOANNA PAPATHANASSIOU, historian Research Director at the Institute of Social Research of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) EKKE-IRS, 9, Kratinou St, 10552 Athens, Greece tel +30 7491622, e-mail:
[email protected] General data Born in Athens (1958). Married – one child. Elementary and secondary education in Greece. Higher education in Greece (1976–1980). Postgraduate and doctoral studies in France (1981–1988). Research interests Contemporary Political and Social History, Political Sociology, Contemporary Political and Social History Archives, The 20th century in Greece and in Europe: Political and Social Movements, Memory and History, Biographies and Testimonies, Gender. Activities Research and Evaluation Co-operation with the Centre d'Histoire et de Sociologie du Communisme, Paris; University of Paris X and CNRS (1989–1994). Co-operation with the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) (1989–1994), and Researcher at the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) (since 1998). Co-operation with the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI) – Athens (1995– 2015). Member of the Board of Directors (since 1998) and responsible for their Records and Archival Collections. Co-operation with the Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy (since 2011). Editing Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Archeiotaxio, published by the Contemporary Social History Archives and Themelio editions (1999–2015). Member of the Editorial Committee of the Greek Review of Social Research (2010–2013). Responsible for the historical series Martyries (Testimonies), published by Vivliorama editions (since 2012). Teaching Teaching - undergraduate level Hellenic Open University. Contract teaching in the Studies in European Civilization program (EPO 11) – Annual course: “Social and Economic History of Europe” (since 2005).