Greater Business Visits and Events Strategy 2019 – 2025

1 Our Vision

The aim of this document is to set out By 2025, will the robust approach needed for Greater be a global destination of choice Manchester to realise this ambitious for conferences aligned to Greater vision. The Strategy is firmly based Manchester’s priority sectors; on evidence – from recent local and offering world class support to national research and from consultation conference organisers and a with the industry. It focuses on delivery memorable experience for delegates. that demands strong and productive partnerships. It demonstrates how Our ambition is to grow business Marketing Manchester will work with tourism earnings in Greater the industry to increase the volume and Manchester from £862m in 2017 value of business events coming into by 40% or more by 2025, generating the region by stimulating future growth an additional £345m to the within the sector; supporting markets regional economy. that produce high value and stimulating shorter lead markets; as well as Achieving 40% growth in tourism retaining as much of the existing earnings is an ambitious challenge. conference business as possible. Recent annual growth has only increased by 1.6%, and there will need to be at least a 3.2% increase year on year to meet this challenge.

2 3 The Importance of Business Tourism

Conference and business events hosted within Greater Business Tourism plays a vital role in the growth and Manchester during 2017 were worth £862m to the economy development of Greater Manchester’s Economy: (up from £810m in 2015). A further £430m is projected to • It is less seasonal than leisure tourism, providing a year- be generated from delegates who will make a return visit for round influx of delegates, thereby increasing productivity leisure purposes, many bringing partners and family with them1. The sector supports over 35,000 jobs, with additional • It improves the region’s image (by bringing visitors jobs being supported by those extending, or returning, for who wouldn’t normally have considered Manchester; leisure purposes. by discussing world leading innovations/topics; by generating global media coverage) The findings confirm the increasing value of conference • It promotes the region’s world leading experts through and business events business coming from outside of the their participation in business tourism north west, from the rest of the UK and from overseas. This • It provides a distinctive means to highlight the region’s business now accounts for £454m, compared to £370m ground-breaking research six years ago. International association business is key to • Business visitors spend more than leisure visitors developing our overseas market and this has almost doubled since 2011; from £46m in 2011 to £91m in 2017. • A delegate’s experience of a destination can generate return leisure visits or extended stays Whilst these areas of higher value business have grown,

competition for business events is fierce in an ever- ___ increasing competitive global marketplace. 1(source: Conference Volume and Value Report 2017, RJS Associates for Marketing Manchester, using data modelling from VisitBritain’s Business Visits and Events Delegate Spend and Trip Extensions Report).

Business tourism plays a significant role in the success Overseas visitors attending business events in the UK are “of hotels in Manchester, filling rooms and creating vital “ valuable to our economy, spending more than one and a delegate spend year-round as well as important repeat half-times what the average inbound visitor spends during business. Business tourism has undoubtably been a key their stay. VisitBritain is committed to growing the business factor in the rapid growth of Manchester’s hotel sector events sector, working with local destinations as well as and has certainly helped improve Manchester’s image internationally to highlight all the UK has to offer, from our as a place to do business. world-leading credentials in business, research and Adrian Ellis, Chairman of” the Manchester Hoteliers innovation to our first-class convention centres, exclusive Association incentive travel programmes and quality infrastructure. VisitBritain/ VisitEngland Director Robin Johnson ”

We need to continue to collaborate and work in partnership to ensure we remain competitive with the ability to attract world- “ leading events that can not only deliver maximum return for our economy but help keep the spotlight firmly on Manchester as a leading global destination for business. Shaun Hinds, CEO of Manchester Central”

The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) uses the following definition for business tourism:

“Business tourism is the provision of facilities and services to delegates who attend meetings, congresses, exhibitions, business events, incentive travel and corporate hospitality”.

4 5 About Manchester Convention Bureau

Marketing Manchester’s Role In 2017/18 the Manchester Convention Bureau The Manchester Convention Bureau was established in 1996 by Marketing Manchester to facilitate and attract conferences to the region. The Bureau has sought to develop a series of strategic partnerships with key stakeholders Submitted 85 bids including VisitBritain, Manchester Central, the universities for major conferences and the Manchester Hoteliers Association to increase the number of conferences hosted in Greater Manchester and to maximise their economic benefit.

Manchester’s Convention Bureau identifies, bids for, and successfully secures, major conferences to Greater Converted 30 bids Manchester; works with professional conference organisers and venue contacts to secure and facilitate incoming with an economic business; and operates a venue sourcing service and a delegate accommodation service. impact of £26million into confirmed business Manchester’s Convention Bureau sits within Marketing Manchester and is responsible for developing and supporting the destination’s conference and business events activity conducted under the ‘Great Minds Meet in Manchester’ brand. Booked £2.2million Marketing Manchester is responsible for promoting of business through its Venue Location Greater Manchester as a place to visit, invest, meet and and Accommodation Booking Services study and is the Destination Management Organisation for Greater Manchester. Marketing Manchester is part of the Growth Company. Placed 12,000 accommodation bookings

Increased the number of bids submitted by 16.5% compared to 2007

Increased the number of bids converted by 50% over the same period

Achieved a 25% increase in economic impact

6 7 Trends

Recent Performances Greater Manchester Trends

Conference and business events hosted within Greater Conference activity within Greater Manchester is generally Manchester during 2017 were worth £862m to the economy focused around Manchester City Centre, particularly (up from £810m in 2015). A further £430m is projected to Petersfield and Manchester Central, as well as The Quays. be generated from delegates who will make a return visit for leisure purposes, many bringing partners and family with Consistent growth has been seen from international them1. The sector supports over 35,000 jobs, with additional associations, overseas delegates and business booked from jobs being supported by those extending, or returning, for outside . leisure purposes. The findings confirm the increasing value of conferences Between 2015 and 2017 Greater Manchester performed and business events coming from outside of the north west, better than the UK average: from the rest of the UK and from overseas. This business now accounts for £454m, compared to £370m six years ago. • There was a 2% decrease in the number of conferences International association business is key to developing our and meetings hosted in Greater Manchester compared to overseas market and this has almost doubled since 2011; a 4% decrease in the UK from £46m in 2011 to £91m in 2017. • The average conference length was 1.7 days in Greater Manchester compared to 1.5 days in the UK In recent years, there has been a trend towards Manchester • The average delegate rate in Greater Manchester was Central hosting larger conferences, yet across all venues higher than the UK average the size of meetings has become smaller and the length of conferences has become shorter. However: • There was a 2% decrease in the number of delegates Venues outside the city centre, such as EventCity and hosted in Greater Manchester compared to a 1% decrease Victoria Warehouse, along with the extensive facilities at across the UK sporting venues (Emirates Old , Etihad Stadium, Manchester United Football Club, AJ Bell etc) all offer • The number of delegate days in Greater Manchester significant opportunities for further growth. decreased by 5% compared to a 3% decrease for the UK • There was a decrease in share of total delegates from the association sector compared to a static share for the UK • The average event size in Greater Manchester was smaller at 67 delegates when compared to between 70-72 delegates for the UK

8 9 Focus 1: Attracting More Conferences to Greater Manchester

Key to attracting conferences to the The VisitBritain Events Research 77% of organisers say access is the 62% of organisers say suitability of 51% of organisers say value for 14% of organisers say the perceived region is an understanding of buyer Report also highlights the dominance most important factor venue is the second most important money is the third most important safety of a destination is becoming decision making when it comes to of London and the lack of awareness factor factor a much more influential factor in choosing a conference location. and therefore consideration of other If a destination is perceived as difficult destination choice British cities for conferences by to get to, then the location becomes For association business, overall venue Many organisers suggest that whilst The VisitBritain Events Research international organisers: a non-starter in the decision-making capacity can determine whether a London has easy access, it is perceived Attacks or unrest can lead to events Report published in June 2017 sets process. location is even considered by the as expensive. being moved or cancelled. The attack • London is by far Britain’s strongest out how buyers choose destinations. organiser before scoping the number in Manchester in May 2017 did not business event destination across Availability of subvention has • Manchester is one of the most • Manchester has a strong opportunity and capacity of breakout rooms. have as detrimental an impact on all organiser types and markets traditionally been seen as a key accessible cities in Europe to capture this business but needs Corporate companies may well also business tourism as it was feared it internationally – it is perceived to determining factor in the decision- to increase the volume of messaging • is Europe’s 19th factor in whether the venue fits their might. This is due to the way the region offer easy access and iconic points making process; however, the report around value for money and ease busiest airport. It currently offers brand image. galvanised its response, with extremely of interest clearly omits it from top priorities, and of access, capitalising on the new direct flights from more destinations positive messages coming out about suggests it is rather a ‘nice to have’. • Organisers who are familiar with routes coming into Manchester The research clearly shows that than any other UK airport the destination. This is testament to Manchester know that there is a Airport. Many organisers benchmark Manchester needs to raise awareness • The £1bn investment in the the collaborative approach that Greater Four other key points came out of diverse range of venues which eases value for money against Berlin and of its business tourism offer to Manchester Airport Transformation Manchester took to the situation. the research: the process of finding a suitable Barcelona for conferences. conference organisers across all Programme will increase passenger venue markets. Key messages to focus on: capacity from 26 million to 40 million and transform the passenger • As more venues and hotels come • Global connectivity experience. It will attract more of the into the market, this message needs • Ease of access nationally world’s leading airlines and open up to be amplified to organisers who are unfamiliar with Manchester. • Corporate businesses within the new markets for business tourism. destination • Home of ground-breaking research • Safety • Variety of venues • Value for money • Cultural and social programmes which enhance destination appeal

10 11 Focus 1

Marketing and Chinese Market Attracting the The Growth in New PRIORITIES FOR ACTION BY 2025 WE WILL HAVE: Sales Promotion Corporate Market Convention Centres This is an extremely lucrative market, • Increased understanding of buyer • Delivered sustained marketing and not only for corporate and association In our promotional messaging, we More focus needs to be placed on There are several new convention decision making – capitalising on communications activity to promote conferences, but also incentives. need to address the ‘why Manchester?’ the domestic corporate market, centres due to open across the UK Manchester’s existing strengths with awareness of Manchester as a A recent report by VisitBritain shows question. Our proposition to organisers as this is of higher value and has over the next few years, creating more a priority on ease of access, world major business tourism destination that Chinese buyers are becoming and delegates needs to make a shorter lead-in times than national competition in the market place. These leading sector strengths and venue more adventurous with their choice • Developed a consistent business compelling case to challenge our association business. Currently Greater new facilities will have large marketing capacity of destination. tourism message which will competitor destinations. We need to: Manchester attracts most of its campaigns around their openings. It is • Consistent business tourism provide a common narrative when corporate conferences from within the key that Manchester remains proactive • Highlight our sector strengths messages to existing and emerging the Convention Bureau and Greater Manchester already has region and the majority of these are within all markets and has sustained • Make full use of our intellectual many of the key attributes required markets partners are promoting Greater day delegates rather than residential. marketing activity in the face of Manchester capital - direct air access, a good variety To grow this sector and increase increasing competition. • Investigate opportunities in China • Unlock our local networks to of MICE product, accommodation stay length and economic impact, and India, as well as an increased • Worked closely with the region’s activate events capacity and shopping, as well as easy we need to attract more conferences Key UK convention centres opening: presence in North America bookable product and developed access to the wider North. However from further afield domestically as • ‘Piggy back’ on Group and Travel robust promotion detailing reasons • Blackpool Winter Garden We need to create great delegate we need to improve our international these will have a greater economic Trade activity already taking place in for delegates to extend their stay Conference Centre opening experiences which develop and incentive offering to be fully impact for the region. With so many these markets • Increased national association and competitive with other UK incentive 2019 – capacity 7,000 delegates encourage the promotion of corporate companies relocating their • Develop a robust incentive offer to corporate conference business destinations such as Manchester’s brand narrative. Based regional and UK headquarters to • ICC Wales, Newport – opening 2019 target part conference/part incentive coming into Greater Manchester London and Edinburgh. on the brand values of ‘original Greater Manchester, it is crucial that – capacity 5,000 delegates groups modern’, our narrative should provide a relationships are built with these as • TECA Aberdeen – opening 2020 – • Increase promotion to delegates of strong desire to meet in Manchester, Marketing Manchester continues work many conferences, events and training capacity 5,000 delegates opportunities to extend their stay ‘where great minds meet’. in the Chinese market with the group courses in the corporate sector are and travel trade, so these businesses normally run near to the regional and • Re-focus on attracting national are already aware of Manchester’s national headquarter locations. business particularly from the European Markets leisure offer. Many of these businesses corporate market as this is shorter have a MICE department within them, lead in time and quicker wins Manchester has been pro-active therefore it makes sense to ‘piggy back’ Encouraging Delegates • Increase on territory activity in the European market around on activity that is already being carried to Extend Their Stay particularly with VisitBritain and business tourism and approximately out in this market presenting the offer local partners 60% of conference business coming for the MICE market. As the Gateway to the North of • Gain sufficient resources required to through the convention bureau England, Manchester is well located to deliver the agreed marketing activity is from Europe. As with other UK capitalise on its position at the centre • Provide reassurance of Manchester destinations, Manchester is beginning Indian Market of the UK and easy direct access for as a ‘safe’ destination to feel the impact of Brexit, with international visitors. Recognising a small number of bids being lost India is another emerging conference that international visitors spend recently where the uncertainty around market for Greater Manchester, more during their stay, we have an the Brexit deal or lack of it is being particularly with the new direct route opportunity to encourage delegates to cited. Some organisers are either not from Mumbai and the work being done extend their visit before or after their considering Britain at all, or decisions already by VisitBritain and Marketing meeting, using Manchester as a base. on destination choice, particularly Manchester. The Indian MICE market for European conferences, are taking is very similar to the Chinese MICE longer. Therefore, Manchester market: it is lucrative and not only needs to investigate opportunities in pure conferencing but also incentive new markets. led. It works in the same way as the Chinese market with large group and travel trade companies having a MICE department within them.

12 13 Focus 2: Collaboration

Successful conference destinations delegates. More collaborative work rely heavily on collaboration between also needs to be done with transport PRIORITIES FOR ACTION the Convention Bureau, stakeholders, providers in Manchester to remain members and ambassadors. competitive with other, mainly • Increased partnerships with international destinations which offer stakeholders and strategic partners At a national level, business visits discounted delegate travel cards and to demonstrate to conference and events will play a key role in added value for conference delegates. organisers a ‘Team Manchester’ implementing the ‘productivity boost’ approach in the proposed tourism sector deal. Greater Manchester is currently • Engagement with Transport for We therefore need to ensure that undergoing significant redevelopment Greater Manchester to develop Manchester is positioned to maximise and investment. The boom in a strong local transport offer for the national opportunities afforded building, investment and business delegates by DCMS and VisitBritain. Within coming into the region is also • A clear recruitment and recognition Greater Manchester, we must identify attracting new hotels and venues. It programme for Conference opportunities for business events to is important that operators in these Ambassadors deliver against the Local Industrial new developments are encouraged Strategy. to support and participate in the • Early engagement with new venues activities of the Convention Bureau and hotels to gain their participation Manchester Convention Bureau and join the collaborative approach to with the offer of incentives and to operates a strong collaborative promoting Manchester as a conference ensure timely sign up in order to approach preparing conference and destination. include them in business tourism event bids for Greater Manchester. activity Collaboration with the conference Manchester has a robust Conference • Maximise opportunities afforded ambassador, hotels and venues is Ambassador Programme which offers by DCMS, other Government vital; but coordination with Transport the support and partnership necessary Departments and VisitBritain for Greater Manchester, Manchester to inspire and enable individuals to host • Seek greater Ministerial advocacy Airport, GMCA, The Mayor of prestigious national and international and support Greater Manchester, Local Authorities conferences. Ambassadors are experts • Develop airline partnerships and (when relevant) national in their field and are drawn from government, is also part of the key academic and industry sectors. established process. Such support is Ambassador led bids for conferences essential to make organisers feel that have a higher conversion rate and BY 2025 WE WILL HAVE: there is support from the city and a generate substantial economic impact desire to host the business. This is for the region: they also raise the profile • A clear recruitment and where Greater Manchester of Greater Manchester institutions recognition programme for currently excels. and research areas. However, more Greater Manchester’s Conference needs to be done to fully recognise the Ambassadors However, major improvement is value that Conference Ambassadors • Worked in partnership with needed in the process following a bring to the region and to ensure their Transport for Greater Manchester conference win, with a collaborative ongoing engagement. There should to create a delegate transport approach dedicated to the support be formal engagement throughout pass to encourage visitors to travel and service of conference organisers the year with Ambassadors, a clear further around the region and delegates. In a highly competitive plan for Ambassador recruitment market, the city needs to provide a and a programme to demonstrate • A robust “Team Manchester” robust business tourism package and a to Ambassadors that their work and approach from bid inception to more collaborative approach post-win contribution to business tourism is convention delivery to remain competitive against other valued. destinations. Conference organisers and their delegates need to feel that their presence is recognised and that their business is valued. Manchester needs to provide hotel welcome, city branding and added value offers for

14 15 Focus 3: Delivering a World Class Delegate Welcome

Manchester needs a world class • Access to a team of Event capacity. It is crucial that this arrival delegate welcome to remain Welcome Volunteers situated at gives delegates a sense of place and competitive both nationally and key arrival points key welcome messages. internationally. For a conference • A ‘Welcome to Manchester – have a organiser, significant weight is placed drink on us!’ promotion The Airport’s new PremiAir facility will on the delegate welcome offered strengthen our transportation offer for • Bespoke city walking tours themed by a destination. The majority of business visitors. to the conference for all delegates destinations offer a simple delegate welcome but the key to winning • Special delegate travel passes Manchester is perfectly situated for organisers is to ensure • A Welcome Pack for all delegates major rail networks access across the that Manchester has a ‘perceived’ with information on what there is country. Delegates can travel with strong (and differentiating) to see and do within the region, ease from north to south and east to delegate welcome. delegate offers for attractions, bars west making Manchester a desirable and restaurants. destination for national conferences via Working with key partners and Manchester Piccadilly and Manchester stakeholders – Manchester Hoteliers Marketing support is key for a Victoria stations. Association, Manchester Central, conference organiser, particularly TfGM - Marketing Manchester has to increase the profile of the chosen Once in Manchester, the Metrolink, drafted a Delegate Welcome which is destination to delegates and therefore Europe’s largest tram network, enables ready to be implemented. increase delegate attendance at the delegates to navigate easily around the conference. Manchester will offer: City Centre and beyond. Manchester’s Delegate Welcome will • Access to an online toolkit with start before the event is confirmed in Manchester promotional films and Investment is also being undertaken in the form of: assets a city region wide cycling and walking network. This will offer the delegate • Bespoke bid proposal • Social media support a greater choice of travel around the • Printed bid documents • Support with direct marketing region and will bring Manchester in • Bespoke destination video and campaigns to boost delegate line with other conference destinations attendance • Convention Bureau and local such as Amsterdam, Berlin and Ambassador attendance at the • Conference Bureau services, Copenhagen. formal presentation if required including accommodation booking, local knowledge, access to local The majority of international • Site inspection costs would also be thought leaders and experts. conference destinations offer a included, working with stakeholders delegate transport pass which enables and partners on an in-kind basis to Manchester’s Delegate Welcome will the delegate to travel around the PRIORITIES FOR ACTION BY 2025 WE WILL HAVE: cover accommodation, subsistence need the support and commitment region on one travel card. Manchester’s and national transport costs of key partners and stakeholders competitor cities (such as Frankfurt, • Develop a clear and compelling • Develop a delegate transport pass • Developed an International to make it a reality and offer a truly Delegate Welcome programme with Delegate Airport Arrivals VisitBritain research shows the Barcelona, Lyon and Glasgow) already • Consider transport issues, eg coach competitive and stand out welcome. adequate funding to promote and programme with clear messages importance to organisers of a sense offer such a facility and it is therefore parking and eaase of transport for Discussions have already begun, and deliver it on the region’s offer for business of arrival and a sense of place. A important that Manchester develops a out of hours events work is underway with the Manchester tourism host city needs to demonstrate to similar offer. • Consistent business tourism • Develop an International Delegate Hoteliers Association and Manchester the conference organiser that the messages in the market to increase Airport Arrivals programme and • Developed a delegate transport Central to develop an experiential city’s business community knows Destinations are more successful the profile of a delegate welcome Delegate Rail Arrivals Programme pass in partnership with TFGM Delegate Welcome for Manchester in the conference is taking place and at attracting business visits and within the region • Developed a clear and compelling the form of a city reception. events when they can demonstrate • Engage Boroughs in inspiring welcomes their delegates. This needs • Increased collaboration of key delegates Delegate Welcome programme to come across in the city and delegate to organisers and delegates that stakeholders with the collaboration and buy in • Develop opportunities for social welcome. Depending on the number their presence in the city is valued from stakeholders Arrival and Transportation and recognised. Marketing and • A memorable offer that creates a programmes of delegates, Manchester’s Delegate ‘buzz’ for organisers and delegates Welcome will offer: communication is key to creating • Consider basic hygiene factors i.e. The £1bn transformation of this welcome perception within • Engagement of the wider street cleaning, roadworks • A Conference Welcome in all Manchester Airport is set to offer a a destination and should be the business community around larger conference hotels with bespoke world class passenger experience: it cornerstone to its success. conferences conference branding will transform delegates’ arrival into Manchester and significantly increase

16 17 Focus 4: Developing our Product

Greater Manchester already has great Corporate Social Digital conference venues and capacity for PRIORITIES FOR ACTION conferences and associated social Responsibility (CSR) Manchester needs to understand what programmes. Focus now needs to • Connecting organisers with drives the organiser to be stimulated be placed on further developing our This topic has become a tangible Manchester’s world leading enough to choose a destination whilst product to adapt to changing market competitive advantage for destinations academics and businesses to assist having a synergy with its creative demands. We need to keep improving to attract conferences. Organisers with key note speaker opportunities and digital roots. There needs to be a and innovating in order to maintain actively seek to hold meetings within review of business tourism marketing • Strategic promotion of green and extend our appeal. Increasing venues that operate a strong CSR for the region which moves away credentials, CSR and sustainability value is being placed by organisers on policy. from print and looks to have digital messages about Manchester and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), marketing pieces specific to different its venues sustainability and technology. Manchester needs to be more vocal in promoting venues and businesses in sectors – i.e. corporate, association, • Developing a programme of ‘home incentive. grown’ events Organisations tend to gear their the region with a strong CSR policy to business activities around venues attract meetings and events from this • Exploration of digital marketing More use should be made of and destinations that have a positive growing market. piece for defined conference sectors technology: around marketing, digital image around these topics. Greater i.e. corporate, association, incentive delegate welcome and notifications Manchester is known as a place of • Exploration around conference of what’s on in the city. This could be innovation which is large enough to Developing Home destination message app for done through blue tooth beacons being experiment at scale but small enough Grown Events delegates or blue tooth beacon positioned at the main conference to collaborate at speed. messaging venues to send messages to delegates. Creativity and pioneering new ways A further option would be to create a • Set out a programme of intelligence Responsible of working is nothing new for this conference app as part of the tool kit gathering, monitoring and impact region. Manchester needs to be a for conference organisers. analysis Tourism Credentials pioneer in business tourism to drive meeting business into the region. One Greater Manchester is working hard opportunity is to create or nurture new Access BY 2025 WE WILL HAVE: to promote its green credentials and events, as well as attracting existing the recently held Green Summit saw ones in line with Greater Manchester’s Manchester is a knowledge hub • A robust process in place to the launch of “Plastic Free Greater priority sectors. Working with one across a variety of sectors. It is by connect organisers to Manchester” with high profile names of our key sectors, and potentially in nature innovative and pioneering and Manchester’s world leading from the hospitality and tourism partnership with another international is home to ground breaking research academics and business region pledging to eradicate single use destination (in the US or Far East), and several firsts. As a result it has community plastics by 2020. This fits with the we should seek to scope a suitable attracted a number of world class • Fully capitalised on the city’s wider context of Greater Manchester’s opportunity to pioneer this new academics and industry leaders to the aspirations to be a ‘Carbon ambitious carbon reduction targets approach. region which has helped to catapult Free City’ and “green agenda” which will place Manchester onto the world stage the region at the forefront of the UK’s for key industry sectors such as life • Developed two ‘home grown’ sustainability agenda. sciences, advanced manufacturing, events, initially scoping the creative, digital and tech. Manchester advanced manufacturing and Many conference venues across therefore provides a wealth of digital sectors the region are adopting more ‘green knowledge that appeals to conference meeting’ packages encompassing organisers, adding value and healthy eating, local produce and enhancing the conference programme. energy conservation programmes. Marketing Manchester will work with academics and thought leaders to There is no doubt that sustainable provide introductions to conference meetings are beginning to grow in organisers for programme content. the events market and an increasing number of organisers are looking at destinations with strong messages around this topic. Manchester needs to capitalise on this by highlighting its credentials in this field.

18 19 Strategy Engagement Process

To prepare the framework for a new Business Tourism Strategy, Marketing Manchester held two workshop sessions involving 75 business representatives. Through this process of engagement and consultation, the ambition and business priorities of the sector were identified and are reflected in this document.

VisitBritain’s Head of Business Visits & Events was also consulted to ensure that Manchester can take full advantage of national opportunities. Insights of best global practice were sought from the Editor in Chief of Conference News Magazine.

A further consultation workshop with industry partners was held in November 2018 to gain feedback on the draft Strategy before publication of this final version.

The following businesses and organisations have contributed to this strategy:

Bullocks Coaches Crowne Plaza & Staybridge Suites Manchester - Oxford Road DoubleTree by Hilton Manchester Piccadilly Emirates Etc. Venues Greatdays Travel Group and Manchester Sightseeing Tours Hilton Manchester Deansgate Hotel Football Imperial War Museum North INNSIDE By Melia Manchester Jurys Inn Manchester Art Gallery Manchester Central Manchester City Council Events and Sports Team Resources Summary Manchester Conference Centre and Pendulum Hotel Midland Hotel Manchester Hoteliers Association The success of this Business Tourism Strategy will require To realise the vision, ambition and targets of this Business Manchester Metropolitan University a realistic allocation of resources comparable to those of Tourism Strategy, we need to have the buy in of stakeholders Manchester United Football Club Limited Manchester’s key competitors. There needs to be even and partners to fully collaborate and work towards one goal: Marriott Worsley Park Hotel & Country Club stronger collaboration between partners and stakeholders to ensure that Manchester maintains and grows the volume Oldham Council to implement this strategy as well as increased support from and value of business tourism to the region. To enable us Principal Hotel Manchester the private sector. to achieve this, we will require strong collaboration and a Radisson Edwardian Manchester commitment to contribute additional resource. Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Discussions are underway, led by Manchester Hoteliers’ The Lowry Hotel Association, to investigate the potential to introduce an The Studio Accommodation Business Improvement District. Following The University of Manchester Conferences and Venues the cessation of subvention in March 2020, a BID might Transport for Greater Manchester provide a mechanism to fund activity which drives more Treetop Trek business tourism into the city. University of Salford

20 21 APPENDIX 1 – APPENDIX 2 – SWOT Analysis Business Tourism Strategy - Year One Action Plan

As part of the consultation with over 75 Marketing Manchester members, partners and stakeholders, the following Currently, Manchester Convention Bureau opperates a breakeven budget of £420,000. We estimate that an additional summarises the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Greater Manchester Business Tourism. £200,000 per annum would be required to deliver the priorities set out below:

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES ATTRACTING MORE CONFERENCES CREATING A WORLD-CLASS • Strong sector strengths • Capacity of Convention Centre TO GREATER MANCHESTER DELEGATE WELCOME • Recognised conference destination • Cost • Created a consistent business tourism campaign to • Developed a clear and compelling delegate welcome • Diverse accommodation offer • Delegate Welcome existing and emerging markets • Developed a delegate transport pass • Global Connectivity • Loss of subvention • Developed a national activity campaign to increase • Developed an inspiring list of ideas with the Boroughs of national association business and corporate business • Gateway to the north of England • Lack of funding Greater Manchester • Have an Increased presence in N. America market for • Convention Centre in the heart of the City • Lack of awareness of British Cities associations and corporate ----- • Greater Manchester Mayor as advocate • Lack of public realm • Have a clear message for the European market that KPI: • Metrolink and free shuttle buses • Homelessness/safety/police cuts Manchester is open for collaboration for European • Delegate Welcome trialled on 5 conferences • Variety and choice of venues • Regional transport and roadworks conferences • Delegate Transport Pass created • Recognised universities • Airport – building, welcome, price • Developed a campaign around extending delegate stays • Personality of Manchester Bids • Cleanliness dovetailing with bookable product • World renowned academic research • Green space • Increased bids for major association conventions • Relocation of companies to the North • Few historic venues ----- KPI: OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Uplift in national and international bids by 30 • Growth of new sectors – CD&T and advanced • Brexit • Uplift in VLS/ABS bookings of 10% manufacturing • Terrorism • Increase ICCA rankings • Development of hotels and transport • Developing conference locations • Airport Expansion • Air B&B • Manchester’s Business Tourism offer • Will infrastructure keep up with developments COLLABORATION DEVELOPING OUR PRODUCT • Academic conferences and Ambassadors • Skills shortage in sector • Have re-launched and re-engaged the Conference • Developed a programme of home grown events • Greater Manchester Mayor as advocate Ambassador programme • Began creation of conference destination messaging app/ • Brexit – focus on national associations and corporates • Developed Airline partnerships i.e. Virgin Atlantic for Bluetooth beacons • North Shoring conferences from N. America • Developed a campaign around promotion of green • New international markets • Created a formal Team Manchester approach credentials of conference venues • Large corporate conferences and events ----- • Sporting events KPI: • Transport links to EventCity • Ambassador event held by the end of the year and new • Partner packaging and bookable product collateral produced • Mixing work and play – make it obvious its Manchester

22 23