HELLENIC: lNSrmm FOR ME PRESEM/ATDN TROPIS II OF NAUTICAL mrnm TABLE OF CONTENIS The Organizing Committee The Executive Committee Welcoming address by Mrs Melina Mercuri read by Dr. Olga Tzahou-Alexandri Welcoming address by Mr. Harry E. Tzalas Papers presented (in alphabetical order) Arenson, Sarah, "Ship Construction in Cyprus, 13256" Artzy, Michal, "Sea peoples ship rituals in the Eastem Mediterranean". Ascani, Maurizio, "The order of rowers in the ancient shipsn. Basch, Lucien, "Relief Lenorrnant ou relief Pervanoglu? En tout cas, un relief non date". Blackman, David, "Triremes and Shipsheds". Bonino, Marco, "Notes on the Steering Devices of Ancient Ships". Boulotis, Christos, "Le sceau CMS V 1, No. 184: Commandant du navire ou dieu de navigation?". Calligas, Peter, "Early Euboean Ship Building". Casson, Lionel, "Hulls and Barrels: Underwater Archaeology's Vital Contributions to the History of Naval Technology". Christides, Vassilios, "Some remarks on the Mediterranean and the Red Sea ships in Ancient and Medieval times". Christopoulos, Menelaos, "Kl$w~d$:Une Appr6chen. Coates, John, "Pentekontors and Triereis compared". Dakorania, Fanouria, "War-Ships on Sherds of LH Ill C Kraters from Kynos". Deilaki, Evangelia, "Ship representations from Prehistoric Argolis (MH PERIOD)". Delaporta, CatherinelSpondylis, Elias, "Un Habitat Helladique Ancien II a Platiyali Astakos". Despini, Ekaterini, "napdcrrauq rlhoiou UE xpuu6 6Aaupa and q 1iv6on. Empereur, Jean-Yves, "La fwille sousmarine du port antique d'Amathonte de Chypre". Filgueiras, Octavio, "The Barco do Mar and the Thera Boats Breed". Foerstrer Laures, Federico, "The Cylindrical Nails of the "KYRENIA" One too early techical sprout". Frost, Honor, "Where did they build Ancient Warships?". Gassend, Jean-Marie, "Le graffito de Cucuron:m navire marchand a propulsion mixte".
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