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[email protected] | www.mediaed.org Wrestling With Manhood Boys, Bullying & Battering (Abridged Version) Transcript FANS: Welcome! Finally the Rock has come back to Springfield. You know, it’s good clean fun. Honestly, I wouldn’t let my son watch it. This is Austin’s middle finger. Too much violence. That and a lot of kids want to be like Stone Cold so they’ll drink beer. The female wrestlers, I think, are tremendous athletes. Big boobs and ripping each other’s clothes off. She’s a whore. Sometimes they get naked. The women are just their little playthings. The things they make them do, get on the ground and bark (barking sounds). That was pretty cool what they did to Trish. It’s promoting men beating on women. They want to come into the man’s world, they deserve to be treated just like a man. If a man is hitting a woman what is that showing the little kid? It’s not the WWF’s responsibility to raise them kids. It’s no worse than watching a movie or watching a soap opera or watching television. It’s entertainment. It’s entertainment. It’s just entertainment. I think it’s only entertainment, yeah. SUT JHALLY: You know it’s really difficult to get people to take professional wrestling seriously. Whenever I say that I’m working on this project on wrestling, people start smiling and laughing, almost as if to say “ how can you take this stuff so seriously.