f LLANFIHANGEL-NANT-} • 428 J .MELLAN. SOUTH . [ KELLY'S Frankland Lewis bart. 18 lord of the manor and the Letters are received through vi§, KingtoD, principal landowner. The area is II,204 acres; rateable New Radnor is the nearest post, M. O. &; T. 0 value, £2,538; the population in 18g1 was 253. Wall Letter Box, cleared at 10.15 a.m St. Michael's Church, Rev. Edgar Arthur William Parish Clerk, Edward Gittoes, jun. Vaughan-Williams M.A. vica.r; II a.m. &; 3 p.m Vaughan-Williams Rev. Edgar Arthur Hughes- John, farmer Phillips William, Red Lion P.H William M.A. (vicar), The Grove Jones William, farmer, Folly Powell Thomas, farmer Campbell John, farmer, Gwernaglydd Lewis Samuel, farmer, Treweru Prise Henry, Forrest inn Davies 1Villiam, boot maker Morris John, farmer, Pentre Rogers John, farmer Gittoes Edward, farmer, The i'tool Owens John. farmer, Llanevan Taylor George, farmer

LLANFIHANGEL FENBEDW is 8 scattered esq. of Rhosy-GilweIli snd Mrs. Lewis, of Clynaw. The parish in the county of Pembroke, with a station at S

(Marked thus t receive letters tbro' Robinson Edward, timber merchant J ones David, Felinwen Blaenyffos R.S.O.) Sambrook Phrebe (Miss), dress maker Jones James, Rydhowell tMorgan William, Greenland FA.RMERS. COllllEROU.L. Morris Daniel, Plasydderwen tBowen James, Maencoch Owen Owen, Kilrhue Davies Arthur, grocer tDavies .Ann (Mrs.), Maengwyn Phillips Caleb, TymaWl' Davies Tom Carpenter, coal, lime, Davies William, Parkyteiliwr Rees John, Pantyrhaudd manure, feeding stuffs, timber, slate Edwards Daniel, Goytre tThomas David,. Blainffosucha &brick merchant,Mercantile stores; Evans David Gilgedfach Thomas David, Ffynoneglasion telegrams, "Mercantile, Boneath" Griffiths Esther (Miss), Yetwen tThomas Griffith,& assistant overseer, Harries Thomas, Boncath inn &; farmer tGriffiths John, Weingiach clerk to parish council &; cl)l1ector of John Evan, butcher Jameg Daniel, Penalltfach taxes, Blainffosucha tJohn John, mason, Llainddu J ames David, Dolellwadion Thomas William, FwnfaWl' Jones David, miller(water), FeJinw£:n t J ames John, Abertrinant Thomas William, Penbedw t J onesl Evan, blacksmith, Postgueyn t J ohn John, Ffynnonwen Thomas William, Wernddofon LLANFIHANGEL RHYDITHON is a parish in College, Oxford. There are Calvinistic Methodist and the county of Radnor, and on the road from Knighton to Baptist chapels. The only charity is one of £7 dis­ Pen-y-bont, and' li miles east from DoIau tltation, on tributed every half-year to the poor. Lord Ormathwaite, the London and North Western railway, and II sout.h-by- who is lord of the manor, and Thomas Moore esq. are the west from KnightoD, in the hundred and also the petty prmcipal landowners. The soil is loam and clay; the sessional division of , union Bnd county court chief crops are oalts and hay. The area is 5,948 acres; district of Knighton, and in the rural deanery of Melineth rateable value £2,548; the population in 1891 was 319. Sub Ithon, archdeaconry of , and diocese of St. rost Office, Dolau (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should David's. The church of St. Michael, erected in 1837, have R.S.O. added).-Evan Evans, sub- and restored: in 1891, is a building of stone, consisting of postmaster. L~ters arrive at 7 a.m. dispa.tched at chancel, nave, and an embattled western tower, conooin- 7.15 p.m. is the nearest money order &; tele- ing 5 bells. There are 144 sittings. The register dames graph office fI'lom the year 7732. The living is a vicarage, with Llan- A School Board of 5 members was formed 22 Dec. 1873; dewi-Ystradenny annexed, net yearly value £175, with James Watkins, clerk & attendance officer 120 acres of glebe and residence, and held since 1890 by Board School (mixed), built in 1842, and enlarged in the Rev. J ames HerbeI'lt Alexander Griffiths M.A. of Jesus 1872, for 50 children; average attendance, 52 GriffithSj Rev. James Herbert Alexan. Davies Matthew, shopkeeper Bore Richard, Lower farm der M.A. (vicar) Edwards Edward, grocer Brick John, New house Thomas-Moore Thos. jun.J.P.Old hall Edwards John, miller (water).L"p.mill Owens Owen, Kilmaenowyd Thomas-Moore William Williams J.P. Evans Evan, grocer, Post office Owens William, Craffryn Old hall Evans John, Old Hall inn Powell David, Tanhouse COMMERCIAL. Evans William, boot &; shoe maker Thomas John, Dolau Davies George, grocer & wheelwright FARMERS. Watkins Thomas, Dolau Davies Henry, carpenter&;assist.on:rsr Bore John is a parish in the Swinton, of Brynderwen (d. 1894). There are 150 sit­ county of Brecknock, at the head of Llangorse Mere, tings, all free. The register of baptisms and burials dat6 I mile north-west from Talyllyn Junction station, on the from 1700, marriages 1750. The living is a rectory, Brecon and Merthyr railway, 4 east from Brecon, 5 soutb­ with the vicarage of Llanwern anooxed. tithe r(~nt­ by-west from , and 4 north-by-west from Tal-y­ charge £172, average £128, joint net yearly value £240, bont, and in the hundred of Talgarth, petty sessional with glebe (£86), in the gift of the Bishop of St. David's division of Pencelly, county court district of Drecon, for one turn, and of the representatives of the Rev. Hugh union of Brecknock, Bnd in the rural deanery of Brecon Bold for two turns, and held .since 1894 by the Rev. (third part), archdeaconry of Brecon, and diocese of St. Thomas Charles Richards RA. of St. David's College, David's. The church of St. ~Iichael, an ancient edifice Lampeter. There is a Calvinistic Methodist chapel. The of stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, only charity is a sum of £1 yearly for bread for the poor. nave, south porch, and an embattled western tower, con­ Mrs. Bold, of Castle, who is lady of the manor, taining 6 hells; the windows are all stained, the east and William Perrott esq. are the principal landowners. window, erected in 1895, being a memorial to Col. The 8