INDEX for VOLUME 57 (New Names in Boldface)
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 57(4),2003,306- 308 INDEX FOR VOLUME 57 (new names in boldface) Abaera, 168 Calhoun, J. V, 204, 308 distribution, 176, 253, 295 Abbot, John, 204 Callaghan, C. J., 193 DNA,17 abundance, 295 camouflage, 168 Donovan, J., 2.5 Accintapubes, 121 Canada, 249 Duarte, M., 239 acoustics, J Caribbean, 121 dwarf mistletoe, 47 activity patterns, 161 Casagrande, M. M., 239 adaptations, 274 Catalunia, 161 Eantis thraso, 43 Africa, 1,235 caterpillars, 239, 291 early stages, 54, 68 Agraulis vanillae, 279 Celastrina, 150 eastern seahoard, 270 Aiello, A., 168 cerrado, 291 ecology, 29,5 Alherta, 249 Chacin, M. E. , 86 Ecuador, 43, 54, 62, 68, 193 alien species, 270 checkerspot butterflies, 176 Edith's copper 249 Amarillo S. , A., 54 chemical communication, 220 Elachistidae, 36, 291 Amauris albimaculata, 235 Chionodes,47 elevation, 2,53 Anaea troglodyta .fioridalis, 243 Chlarnydastis platyspora, 291 Elymnias hypermnestra undularis, 147 Andes, 62 Chlosyne gorgone , 204 energetics, 284 androconia, 279 Chlosyne nycteis, 204 entomophagy, 1 angular appendices, 147 Chorelltidae, 168 enzyme activity, 284 Anoplolepis, 1 Chrysothamnus, 144 Epiblema gibsoni, 230, 233 ant -association, 1 Citrus, 43 Epiblema infelix, 230 Anweiler, G. c., 249 Claassens, A. J. M., 1 Epiblema tvalsinghami, 230 aphytophagy, 1 Clavijo, J. A., 86 Epipaschiinae, 121 Apiaceae 36, 153 cocoons, 168 escape holes, 168 aposematism, 168 Colias alexandra, 274 Euchlaena, 107 Arceuthobiurn, 47 Colias occidentalis 8ullivani, 275 Eucosmini,230 Arsenura armida, 220 Collins, M. M., 159 Euliini,113 Arsenurinae, 220 Colomhia, 54, 62 Euphydryas, 176 Aster, 144 common gem butterfly, 295 Euphydryas anicia, 176 Asteraceae, ] 53, 197 common palm butterfly, 147 Euphydryas colon, 176 Asterope markii, 68 conifers, 47 Euptychia peculiaris, 100 Austin, G.
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