
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1718~1726 www.springerlink.com/content/1738-494x DOI 10.1007/s12206-009-0420-6

Determination of rheological properties of whole blood with a scanning capillary-tube using constitutive models† Sangho Kim1, Bumseok Namgung1, Peng Kai Ong1, Young I. Cho2, Keyoung Jin Chun3 and Dohyung Lim3,* 1Division of Bioengineering and Department of Surgery, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117574, Singapore 2Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA 3Gerontechnology Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Chungnam, 330-825, Korea

(Manuscript Received December 9, 2008; Revised February 5, 2009; Accepted March 12, 2009) ------Abstract

We examine the applicability of three different non-Newtonian constitutive models (power-law, Casson, and Herschel-Bulkley models) to the determination of blood and yield stress with a scanning capillary-tube rheometer. For a Newtonian (distilled water), all three models produced excellent viscosity results, and the meas- ured values of the yield stress with each model were zero. For unadulterated human blood, the Casson and Herschel- Bulkley models produced much stronger shear-thinning viscosity results than the power-law model. The yield stress values for the human blood obtained with the Casson and Herschel-Bulkley models were 13.8 and 17.5 mPa, respec- tively. The two models showed a small discrepancy in the yield stress values, but with the current data analysis method for the scanning capillary-tube rheometer, the Casson model seemed to be more suitable in determining the yield stress of blood than the Herschel-Bulkley model.

Keywords: Blood viscosity; Yield stress; Power-law; Casson; Herschel-Bulkley ------

Recently, a new U-shaped scanning capillary-tube 1. Introduction rheometer (SCTR) has been developed from the con- The flow properties of the blood are affected by a cept of the conventional capillary-tube viscometer [1- number of factors, which include hematocrit (volume 4]. The rheometer is capable of measuring whole fraction of red blood cells in whole blood), plasma blood viscosity continuously over a wide range of viscosity, red blood cell aggregation, and deform- shear rates without adding any anticoagulants. How- ability. Furthermore, the viscosity of blood is non- ever, there are some limitations in using the SCTR for Newtonian, which increases as shear rate (velocity viscosity measurements of . Since the device gradient in a flowing material) decreases. Hematocrit utilizes charge-coupled devices and light-emitting is one of the major factors determining the blood diode arrays to determine liquid-height changes over viscosity at high shear rates while red blood cell ag- time, viscosity of transparent liquids cannot be meas- gregation plays a significant role at low shear rates. ured [1]. Another major limitation of using this new At normal hematocrit concentrations (35-45%), red device for liquid viscosity measurements lies in the blood cell deformability may affect blood viscosity selection of constitutive models. The SCTR was de- and becomes a major factor in the microcirculation. veloped specially for blood viscosity and yield stress †This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate measurements using the Casson model [2]. However,

Editor Gihun Son many earlier studies report that not only the Casson *Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 41 589 8428, Fax.: +82 41 589 8420 E-mail address: [email protected] model but also other non-Newtonian constitutive © KSME & Springer 2009 models effectively describe blood flows in biological S. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1718~1726 1719 systems. For instance, Bingham plastic, Casson, and Table 1. Various physiological studies with non-Newtonian constitutive models. Herschel-Bulkley (H-B) models were used to de- scribe the rheological behavior of yield-stress fluids Herschel- Researchers Power-law Casson [5]. Picart et al. [6] used the value of the shear stress Bulkley at a shear rate of 10-3 s-1 as a measure of the yield Chakravarty and x x stress in their report. In a study by Barnes [7], the H- Datta [8] B model described reasonably well the data reported Siauw et al. [9] x x by Picart and coworkers. Tu and Deville [10] x x Table 1 shows three non-Newtonian constitutive Liepsch and x models (power-law, Casson, and H-B models) that Moravec [11] have been used by a number of researchers for inves- Rohlf and Tenti [12] x tigating blood and flows. Siauw et al. [9] Misra et al. [13, 14] x performed a comparative study of the power-law and Das and Batra [15] x Casson models for prediction of unsteady stenosis Dash et al. [16] x flows, whereas Tu and Deville [10] used H-B, Bing- Misra and Kar [17] x ham, and power-law models for their study on steno- Chakravarty and sis flows. It has been pointed out that the selection of x Datta [18, 19] constitutive model may significantly affect the analy- sis of blood flows [9, 10]. The main purpose of the present study is to exam- ine whether the results of blood rheology and flow A obtained with the current data analysis method for the SCTR are significantly altered by the choice of con- stitutive model. Hence, the study investigated the effect of constitutive model selection on the blood viscosity and yield stress measurements and predic- tion of blood flow patterns using the SCTR. It is well known that human blood has both shear-thinning characteristics and yield stress, which make the blood viscosity increase with decreasing shear rate. We examined the capability of three constitutive models in handling data obtained with the SCTR for determi- nations of blood viscosity and yield stress. The B power-law model was chosen to address the shear- thinning behavior of blood. The Casson and H-B models were selected to address both the shear- thinning viscosity and yield stress of blood.

2. Materials and methods The experimental preparation and data acquisition methods have been described previously [2, 3], and the reader is referred to those studies for a complete description. Viscosity values of distilled water and Fig. 1. Liquid-solid interface condition for each vertical tube of a U-shaped scanning capillary tube rheometer. unadulterated human blood were determined with the scanning capillary-tube rheometer (SCTR) over a wide range of shear rates. Human blood was obtained viscosity and yield stress determinations. The length from a healthy male donor aged 29. Venous blood and inner diameter of the capillary tube used in this sample ~3 ml was withdrawn and directly transferred study were 100 and 0.797 mm, respectively. Fluid into a disposable capillary-tube set in the SCTR for height changes with time in the riser tubes shown in

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Fig. 1 were measured with an accuracy of 0.083 mm. the more pronounced the non-Newtonian properties Human blood was examined at a body temperature of of the fluid are. The mathematical details of curve- 37°C, while tests with distilled water were performed fitting procedure to determine the two unknowns, m at a room temperature of 25°C. and n , in the SCTR were reported in our previous study [3]. The velocity profile in the capillary tube

2.1 Surface tension and yield stress (Vc ) can be expressed by the following equation:

Fig. 1A shows that the fluid level in the right-side 1 n nn++11 ⎛⎞n ⎛⎞ρght12()−−∆ h () t ht ⎛⎞ vertical tube (riser tube 1) decreases while that in the []=∞ nn Vtrc (, )=⋅⎜⎟⎜⎟ ⋅−⎜⎟ Rc r left-side vertical tube (riser tube 2) increases. Even ⎝⎠nmL+12⎝⎠c ⎝⎠ when time goes to infinity (i.e., t ~ 3 minutes), the (3) two fluid levels do not become equal due to any dif- ferences in surface tension and yield stress at the two where Rc and Lc are the radius and length of the riser tubes (see ∆ht=∞ in Fig. 1B). As shown in Fig. capillary tube, respectively. Note that when the 1A, the riser tube 1 always has a fully wet surface power-law index, n , becomes 1, the above equation condition, whereas the riser tube 2 has an almost per- yields to the Newtonian velocity profile. fectly dry surface condition during the entire test. Therefore, the surface tension at the riser tube 1 is 2.3 Casson model consistently greater than that at the riser tube 2 [2]. The Casson model mathematically describes the The time-dependent flow in the SCTR is analyzed shear-thinning characteristics of blood viscosity with to determine the of distilled water and a yield stress term: whole blood. Assuming a quasi-steady flow, the gov- erning equation can be simplified as follows: ττ=+y k γ& when ττ≥ y (4a)

γ& = 0 when ττ≤ y (4b) Pt() ght () h () t h (1) ∆=cstρ [ 12 − −∆]

where τ y is a constant that is interpreted as the yield where ∆Ptc () is the drop across the capil- stress, and k is a Casson model constant. lary tube, ρ is the density of fluid, g is gravita- The velocity profile at the capillary tube can be ob- tional acceleration, ht1() and ht2 () are fluid levels tained by integration of shear rate using the Casson at the riser tubes 1 and 2, respectively, ∆hst is a con- model as follows: stant representing the additional height difference due to the surface tension, and t is the time from the 2 RPtcc∆ () start of experiment. The detailed mathematical deri- Vtrc (, )=× 4kL vation is shown in the Appendix. c ⎡ 13 ⎤ 2 8 22⎧⎫ ⎢1−−Cr () Ctyy ()1⎨⎬ − Cr () + 2 Ct ()1() − Cr ()⎥ 2.2 Power-law model ⎣ 3 ⎩⎭ ⎦

A typical flow curve obtained with the power-law for rtyc()≤≤ r R (5a) model indicates that the ratio of shear stress to shear rate, often called apparent viscosity, falls progres- RPt2∆ ()3 ⎛⎞ 1 Vt()cc 1 Ct () 1 Ct () cyy=−⋅+()⎜⎟ sively with increasing shear rate. The viscosity for a 43kLc ⎝⎠ power-law fluid can be expressed as follows: for rty ()≥ r (5b)

m n−1 (2) η = γ& r where Cr()= and Rc where η is the apparent viscosity, m and n are rt() τ ∆ h power-law model constants, and γ& is shear rate. The Ct()==yy = y y R ()ththth () () constant, m , is a measure of the consistency of the cwτ 12−−∆ st fluid: the higher the m is, the more viscous the fluid is. n is a measure of the degree of non-Newtonian Note that rty () is the radial position where shear behavior: the greater the departure from the unity is, stress becomes equal to the yield stress. Thus, where

S. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1718~1726 1721

1 rr≤ y , the velocity profile becomes blunted. n+1 n ⎛⎞nRPt⎛⎞cc∆ () The data reduction procedure to determine the un- Vtrc (, )=⋅⎜⎟⎜⎟ ⎝⎠nmL+12⎝⎠c knowns ( k , ∆hst , and ∆hy ) was reported in our nn++11 recent study [2]. Once the unknowns are determined, ⎧ nn⎫ ⎨() 1−−−Ctyy ( )() Cr ( ) Ct ( ) ⎬ the apparent viscosity can be expressed in terms of ⎩⎭ the wall shear rate as follows: for rtyc()≤≤ r R (10a) 1 ⎛⎞nRPt⎛⎞n+1∆ () n n+1 4k cc n τ y τ y Vtcy()=⋅⎜⎟ ⋅− 1 Ct () ()tk ⎜⎟ () ηw =+ + ⎝⎠nmL+12⎝⎠c γ&w ()t γ&w ()t for rt()≥ r (10b) (6) y ⎛⎞ρρgRhcy∆∆2 kgRh cy ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠2LLcc =+k + where Cr() and Cty () are identical to those de- ()t ()t γ&w γ&w scribed in Eq. (5). To determine the mean flow velocity at a riser tube, The yield stress for the Casson model can be calcu- one needs to analytically derive the expression of the lated by using the following equation, which is also flow rate at the capillary tube first. Volume flow rate applicable to Herschel-Bulkley model as well. can be obtained by integrating the velocity profile over the cross-sectional area of the capillary tube, and ρg∆⋅hR the mean flow velocity at the vertical tube, Vt(), can τ = yc (7) r y be derived using the flow rate as follows: 2Lc

31n+ 1 n n Rn⎛⎞⎛⎞ρght12()−−∆ h () t hst Vt() c [] 2.4 Herschel-Bulkley (H-B) model r =⋅2 ⎜⎟⎜⎟ Rnrc⎝⎠+12⎝⎠ kL n+1 2 The Herschel-Bulkley (H-B) model is described as n ⎛⎞⎛⎞∆∆hhyy ×⋅−[ ⎜⎟⎜⎟1 follows: ⎝⎠⎝⎠ht12()−−∆ ht () hst ht 12 () −−∆ ht () h st 21n+ n ⎛⎞⎛⎞∆∆hhyy τγτ=+m n when ττ≥ (8a) ++⎜⎟⎜⎟ 1 ⋅− 1 & y y ⎝⎠⎝⎠ht12()−−∆ ht () hst ht 12 () −−∆ ht () h st 21n+ γ = 0 when ττ≤ (8b) n & y ⎛⎞n ⎛⎞⎛⎞∆∆hhyy − 2⎜ ⎟ ⋅⋅−⎜⎟⎜⎟1 21n + ht()−−∆ ht () h ht () −−∆ ht () h ⎝ ⎠ ⎝⎠⎝⎠12st 12 st 31n+ n where τ y is the yield stress, and m and n are the ⎛⎞n ⎛⎞∆hy −⋅− 2⎜⎟⎜⎟ 1 ] H-B model constants. Since the H-B model reduces to ⎝⎠3nhthth+−−∆ 1⎝⎠12 () () st the power-law model when a fluid does not have a (11) yield stress, this model can be considered to be more general than the Casson model that reduces to a New- There are four unknown parameters to be deter- tonian model when τ y becomes zero. mined through the curve fitting in Eq. (11): ∆hst , m ,

The expression of the shear rate outside the plug- n , and ∆hy . The curve-fitting method [2] used for flow region at the capillary tube can be obtained from the Casson model was applied to determine the un- the H-B model as follows: known parameters from the experimental values of

ht1() and ht2 (). 1 The apparent viscosity can be expressed in terms of ⎛⎞n 1 dVcc∆ P n γ& =− =⎜⎟rr − y the wall shear rate as follows: dr2 mL () ⎝⎠c

for rtyc()≤≤ r R (9) τ ()tmt ()n−1 y ηγww=+& γ&w ()t where rty () is a radial location below which the ⎛⎞ρgRhcy∆ (12) velocity profile is uniform due to yield stress, i.e., ⎜⎟ 2L plug flow. Using Eq. (9), the velocity profile at the n−1 ⎝⎠c =+mtγ&w ( ) capillary tube is expressed as follows: γ&w ()t

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where m , n , and τ y are the properties of blood to be determined using the H-B model. Note that when n becomes 1, the mathematical form of the H-B model yields to Bingham plastic model.

3. Results and discussions Fig. 2A shows viscosity results for distilled water at 25°C obtained with the scanning capillary-tube rheometer (SCTR) using the three different non- Newtonian constitutive models for comparison. The values of ∆hst were approximately 3.3-3.4 mm for the three models, whereas the values of ∆hy were determined to be zero for all models, validating capa- bility of the data reduction method to deal with any fluids regardless of yield stress existence. The viscos- ity of distilled water was found to be between 0.884 and 0.905 cP at 25°C for all three models. The test results obtained with the SCTR gave less than 2% error compared with the reference data (0.892 cP). Fig. 2B shows test results of fresh, unadulterated hu- man blood at a body temperature of 37°C. The test was completed within 3 minutes to avoid blood clot- Fig. 2. Viscosity results obtained with a scanning capillary tube rheometer. (A) Distilled water at 25℃. (B) Unadulterated hu- ting, which might have affected the viscosity and man blood at 37℃. Note that viscosity data of human blood are yield stress determinations. The hematocrit of this shown in a log-log scale. donor’s blood was 42%. The power-law model showed relatively low viscosity data at low shear rates compared with the Casson and H-B models. However, the viscosity data determined with the all three constitutive models were in a good agreement at high shear rates. Figs. 3A and 3B show the results of shear stress versus shear rate for distilled water and human blood, respectively. In the case of distilled water, the shear stress obtained with the three non-Newtonian models was almost identical over the entire range of shear rates. The yield stress can be graphically described as the intersecting point where the shear stress curve meets with the y-axis (i.e., at zero shear rate). Table 2 shows values of the yield stress together with the model constants of the three constitutive models. As expected, the distilled water shows no yield stress, while human blood shows finite values of the yield stress for the cases of Casson and H-B models. The yield stress values of human blood with hematocrit of 42% were 13.8 and 17.5 mPa for the Casson and H-B models, respectively. Based on studies by Picart et al. [6], the yield stress values vary from 1 to 30 mPa for normal human blood with hematocrit of 40%, which Fig. 3. Wall shear stress vs. shear rate in a capillary tube. (A) supports the present method of yield stress determina- Distilled water at 25℃. (B) Unadulterated human blood at 37℃. tion using the SCTR. The surface roughness of the Note that all data shown here are in a log-log scale.

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Table 2. Comparison of model constants, ∆hy , and τ y . Table 3. Comparison of ∆ht=∞ and ∆+∆hhsty.

Power-law H-B Casson H-B Casson n = 1 n = 1 ∆h k = 0.886 cP t=∞ 9.13 mm 9.13 mm m = 0.905 m = 0.884 (experimental) Distilled Water Human (25℃) ∆hy = 0.00 ∆hy = 0.00 ∆hy = 0.00 Blood 9.25 mm 9.07 mm ∆+∆hhsty (37℃) ∆hst = 8.4 mm ∆hst = 8.4 mm τ y = 0.0 τ y = 0.0 τ y = 0.0 (analytical) h = 0.85 mm h = 0.67 mm n = 0.799 n = 0.860 ∆ y ∆ y k = 3.290 cP Human Blood m = 12.171 m = 8.972

(37℃) ∆hy = 0.00 ∆hy = 0.85 mm ∆hy = 0.67 mm

τ y = 0.0 τ y = 17.5 mPa τ y = 13.8 mPa Note that m ≡ [cP·sn-1] capillary tube might influence the yield stress meas- urement of blood. For a smooth geometry like a glass tube, slip effect at the wall becomes substantial below a shear rate of 0.5 s-1 [6]. However, since the shear rates used in the present study are equal or greater than 1 s-1, we assume that the slip effect on the blood Fig. 4. Variations of a plug-flow region in a capillary tube as a viscosity and yield stress measurements with the function of time for human blood at 37℃. Dotted and solid lines represent 4th-order polynomial regression curves for data ob- SCTR is negligibly small. tained with the Casson and Herschel-Bulkley models, respec- The yield stress of human blood obtained with the tively. For both regression results, R2 = 0.99. H-B model was consistently greater than that ob- tained with the Casson model as shown in Table 3. To obtained with the Casson and H-B models, the size evaluate which model produces more accurate yield difference in the plug-flow region estimated from the stress results with the current data reduction method two models became more pronounced as shear rate and system, the experimentally measured values of decreased. The yield stress of blood plays a signifi- cant role in determination of both viscosity and veloc- ∆ht=∞ were compared with those of ∆+∆hhsty de- termined analytically through the curve-fitting proce- ity profile in blood flow, in particular at low flow dure for human blood (see Table 3). The experimental rates. It is of note that the H-B model predicts a larger plug-flow region than the Casson model. The size of values ( ∆ht=∞ ) should physically be bigger than those

( ∆+∆hhsty) obtained analytically since we assumed the plug-flow region may significantly influence the that the value of the fluid level difference in the riser shape of velocity profile, resulting in alteration of the tubes 1 and 2 at t = 180 s would be slightly bigger wall shear rate. At a given mean velocity in the capil- lary tube, a plug-flow region would lead to an eleva- than but very close to the true value of ∆ht=∞ . As shown in Table 3, the values of ∆+∆hhsty analyti- tion of shear rate at the wall, which lowers apparent cally calculated with the Casson model were consis- viscosity. To understand effects of the plug-flow re- tently smaller than the experimentally measured val- gion at a given flow rate on the wall shear stress, we ues, whereas the values calculated with H-B model need to consider both shear rate and viscosity since were larger. Based on this comparison using the cur- the shear stress is calculated from the product of shear rent data analysis method for the SCTR, one may rate and viscosity. Thus, the plug-flow region effect conclude that the Casson model does a better job in on the wall shear stress is not very clear since its two determining the yield stress of blood than the H-B opposing effects on shear rate and viscosity may can- model. However, it is of note that both models pro- cel one another out, resulting in a small alteration in duced almost identical values of ∆hst ; thus the effect the wall shear stress. The wall shear stress in small of the surface tensions was properly handled in both arteries and arterioles is an important factor in clinical models for the human blood. as it is one of the principal stimuli for

As shown in Fig. 4, Cty () (plug-flow region) for release of the vasodilators including nitric oxide and human blood at the capillary tube increases with time. prostaglandins by endothelial cells [20, 21]. Therefore, Due to the discrepancy in the yield stress values model constants and the method of determining blood

1724 S. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1718~1726 viscosity and yield stress in this study, combined with cometer, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 71 (2000) 3188-3192. clinical use of the SCTR, would be useful in the diag- [5] Q. D. Nguyen and D. V. Boger, Measuring the flow nosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases [22]. properties of yield stress fluids, Annu. Rev. Fluid. Mech., 24 (1992) 47. [6] C. Picart, J. M. Piau and H. Galliard, Human blood 4. Conclusions shear yield stress and its hematocrit dependence, J. The present study investigated the applicability of Rheol., 1 (1998) 42. three non-Newtonian constitutive models (power-law, [7] H. A. Barnes, The yield stress-a review- everything Casson, and Herschel-Bulkley (H-B) models) on the flows?, J. Non- Mech., 81 (1999) measurements of fluid viscosity and yield stress using 133. a scanning capillary-tube rheometer (SCTR). For a [8] S. Chakravarty, A. Datta, Dynamic Response of Newtonian fluid (distilled water), all three models stenotic blood flow in vivo, Mathl. Comput. Model- produced excellent viscosity results. For unadulter- ling, 16 (1992) 3-20. ated human blood, both Casson and H-B models gave [9] W. L. Siauw, E. Y. K. Ng and J. Mazumdar, Un- viscosity results which are in good agreement with steady stenosis flow prediction: a comparative study each other, whereas the power-law model seemed to of non-Newtonian models with operator splitting produce inaccurate viscosity measurements at low scheme, Medical Engineering & Physics, 22 (2000) shear rates due to its inability to handle the yield 265-277. stress of blood. The yield stress values obtained from [10] C. Tu and M. Deville, Pulsatile flow of non- the Casson and H-B models for the human blood Newtonian fluids through arterial stenoses, J. Bio- were measured to be 13.8 and 17.5 mPa, respectively. mechanics, 29 (1996) 899-908. The two models showed a small discrepancy in the [11] D. Liepsch and S. Moravec, Pulsatile flow of non- yield-stress values. In the yield stress determination Newtonian fluids in distensible models of human ar- using the SCTR with the current data reduction pro- teries, Biorheology, 21 (1984) 571. cedure, the Casson model seemed to be more suitable [12] K. Rohlf and G. Tenti, The role of the Womersley than the H-B model. number in pulsatile blood flow a theoretical study of the Casson model, J. Biomechanics, 34 (2001) 141- 148. Acknowledgment [13] J. C. Misra and S. K. Ghosh, Flow of a Casson This work was supported by NUS Grant R-397- fluid in a narrow tube with a side branch, Interna- 000-048-133 and performed with funding from the tional Journal of Engineering Science, 38 (2000) Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH). 2045-2077. [14] J. C. Misra and S. K. Pandey, Peristaltic transport References of blood in small vessels: Study of a mathematical model, Computers and Mathematics with Applica- [1] S. Kim and Y. I. Cho, Effect of dye concentration on tions, 43 (2002) 1183-1193. the viscosity of water in a scanning capillary-tube [15] B. Das, R. L. Batra, Non-Newtonian flow of blood viscometer, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 111 in an arteriosclerotic blood vessel with rigid perme- (2003) 63-68. able walls, J. Theor. Biol., 175 (1995) 1-11. [2] S. Kim, Y. I. Cho, W. N. Hogenauer and K. R. Ken- [16] R. K. Dash, G. Jayaraman and K. N. Mehta, Esti- sey, A method of isolating surface tension and yield mation of increased flow resistance in a narrow stress effects in a U-shaped scanning capillary-tube catheterized artery-A theoretical model, J. Biome- viscometer using a Casson model, J. Non- chanics, 29 (1996) 917-930. Newtonian Fluid Mech., 103 (2002) 205-219. [17] J. C. Misra and B. K. Kar, A mathematical analysis [3] S. Kim, Y. I. Cho, A. H. Jeon, B. Hogenauer and K. of blood flow from a feeding artery into a branch R. Kensey, A new method for blood viscosity meas- capillary, Mathl. Comput. Modelling, 15 (1991) 9- urement, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 1939 18. (2000) 1-10. [18] S. Chakravarty and A. Datta, Effects of stenosis on [4] S. Kim, Y. I. Cho, K. R. Kensey, R. O. Pellizzari arterial rheology through a mathematical model, and P. R. Stark, A scanning dual-capillary-tube vis- Mathl. Comput. Modelling, 12 (1989) 1601-1612.

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[22] S. K. Samijo, J. M. Willigers, R. Barkhuysen, P. J. ssss2122∂VdVdVdV⎛⎞ ′′ ρρds=++rcr ds ds ds ∫∫∫∫ ssss⎜⎟ E. H. M. Kitslaar, R. S. Reneman and P. J. Brands, 1112∂tdtdtdt⎝⎠′′ Wall shear stress in the human common carotid ar- (A.2) tery as function of age and gender, Cardiovascular Research, 39 (1998) 515. where Vr and Vc are mean flow velocities at verti- cal and capillary tubes, respectively. Using the con- Appendix 22 servation of mass, ππRcc⋅=VRV rr ⋅, the pressure Quasi-steady flow drop due to the unsteady effect can be reduced as follows: The mathematical description starts with the equa- tion of the conservation of energy in the form of pres- ⎧⎫2 s2 VR⎛⎞ dV sure unit, where the surface-tension effect is consid- ∂ ⎪⎪rr ∆=PdsLllunsteadyρρ =⎨⎜ c ⎟ ++12 ⎬ ∫ s1 tR dt ered between the top two points of the fluid columns ∂ ⎩⎭⎪⎪⎝⎠c at the vertical tubes [2]. Assuming that the surface (A.3) tension for the liquid-solid interface at each vertical tube remains constant during the test, one may write where l 1 and l2 are lengths of the liquid columns the governing equation as follows: in the vertical right and left tubes, respectively, Lc is

the length of the capillary tube (see Fig. 1A), Rr and 1 2 Rc are the radii of the vertical and capillary tubes, Pt11()++ρρ Vt () ght 1 () 2 respectively. 1 2 In the present experimental set up, l , l , and L =+Pt()ρρ Vt () + ght () + (A.1) 1 2 c 222 2 were approximately 12, 4, and 10 cm, respectively.

s2 V ∂ Since ht1() and ht2 () are governed by the conser- ∆+∆+Ptcst () ρρ g h ds ∫ s1 ∂t vation of mass for incompressible fluids, Vr should

be equal to dh1()/ t dt and dh2 ()/ t dt . To calculate where P1 and P2 are static at the top two the term dVr / dt from experimental values, one points (see points 1 and 2 in Fig. 1), ρ is the density could use the following central differential method: of fluid, g is gravitational acceleration, Vt1() and Vt() are flow velocities at the two vertical tubes, 2 dVr [ht111()2()()+∆ t − ht + ht −∆ t] = 2 ht1() and ht2 () are fluid levels at the right and left dt∆ t vertical tubes, respectively, ∆Pt() is the pressure (A.4) c ht()2()()+∆ t − ht + ht −∆ t drop across the capillary tube, ∆h is a constant []222 st = 2 representing the additional height difference due to ∆t the surface tension, t is time, s is the distance measured along the streamline from some arbitrary ∆Punsteady was estimated through a curve-fitting initial point. process using a least-square method. To obtain a For the convenience of data-reduction procedure, smooth curve from raw data, the following exponen- the unsteady term in Eq. (A1), tial equation was used.

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viscous friction (B) over the entire shear-rate range. This confirms that the assumption of a quasi-steady state can be used for the present data reduction proce- dure. Assuming a quasi-steady flow behavior, Eq. (A1) can be simplified as follows [2-4]:

∆=Ptcst()ρ ght[ 12 () − h () t −∆ h] (A.6)

Sangho Kim received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kyung-Pook National Uni- versity in 1997. He then received his Ph.D. from Drexel University, USA, in 2002. Dr. Kim is cur- rently an Assistant Professor in the Division of Bioengineering and the Department of Surgery at the National University of Fig. A1. Pressure drop at a capillary tube during a test with Singapore in Singapore. human blood. (A) Pressure drop due to an unsteady flow. (B) Pressure drop across a capillary tube due to viscous friction. Dohyung Lim received B.S. and

2 M.S. degrees in Biomedical Engi- ⎛⎞dV bt Error=−⋅⎜⎟r a e− (A.5) neering from Inje University, ⎝⎠dt Kimhae, Korea, in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He then went on to where the sum of the error was minimized to deter- receive his Ph.D. from the School mine two constants, a and b ,for all 11,000 data of Biomedical Engineering, Sci- points obtained in each test. ence, & Health Systems, Drexel As shown in Fig. A1, the pressure drop due to the University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, in 2004. Dr. Lim unsteady effect was much smaller than that due to the completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of viscous friction at the capillary tube. Typically, the Physical Therapy and Human Movement Science, pressure drop attributable to the unsteady effect (A) Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, was less than 1.2 Pa, while the pressure drop due to Chicago, IL, USA and was a Research Professor of Bio- the friction (B) at the capillary tube was greater than medical Engineering, Yonsei University, Wonju, Gang- 700 Pa at the beginning of a test. Furthermore, the won, Korea. Dr. Lim is currently a Senior Researcher pressure drop caused by the unsteady flow (A) was at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology in always less than 1% of the pressure drop due to the Cheonan, Chungnam, Korea.