Prophecy and Christ's Coming NO. 1 SERIES MESSAGE
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MESSAGE Prophecy and Christ's Coming SERIES NO. 1 • • • • • • PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA. 2 (642 ) Vol. 31. Do you wish to study deeper into the subjects Would You of Prophecy and the Signs of our Times ? If so, you will find Read Further the following publica- tions helpful. ?)?????????????????????????)?????????))?'' "D' The Home of "The Signs of the Times." PUBLISHED WEEKLY DANIEL AND REVELATION (Entered September 13 too4, as second-class matter at the THE RESPONSE OF HISTORY TO THE VOICE OF PROPHECY. Mountain View, Cal., post-office, under act of Congress of It is generally admitted that certain prophecies of the Bible have been literally ful- March 3, 1879.) filled: but are these isolated instances, or are they links in the great Chain of Prophecy, H. H. HALL, - - - - BUSINESS MANAGER. reaching to our time and beyond? If it is found that all prophetic statements referring to events now past have been fulfilled, may we not expect that all those relating to the future will be, also? These are questions in which the world is interested to-day, and Terms •of Subscription. nowhere are they so intelligently and systematically treated as in Daniel nd the Revela- Per Year, post-paid $1 50 tion. A verse-by-verse study of these important books of the Bible. 757 pages, with Six Months, 75 ces. Three Months, 40 cts. illustrations; beautifully bound in cloth, $2.50. To Foreign Countries, per year. $1.75. Also published in Danish, Swedish, Dutch, and German. SPECIAL TERMS. THE GREAT CONTROVERSY t. One new yearly subscription and one renewal, 01 s two new yearly subscriptions, sent at one time, $2.50. "In the great final conflict, Satan will employ the same policy, manifest the same spirit, 2. Two new yearly subscriptions and one renewal, or and work for the same end, as in all preceding ages. That which has been, will be, • three new yearly subscriptions, sent at one lime, $3.25. except that the coming struggle will be marked with a terrible intensity such as the world has never witnessed."—Extract from the Author's Preface. 3. Three new yearly subscriptions and one renewal, or four new yearly subscriptions, sent at one time, $4.00. Therefore, the author has selected such events in the history of the struggle of the Sample copies sent on application. church as overshadow the conflict just before it, and grouped them so that their meaning can not be misunderstood. In addition to the history thus introduced, there are several chapters devoted entirely to the : future. From them we select the following: The Impending Con- flict, The Final Warning, The Time of Trouble, God's People Delivered, Desolation of • • "SIGNS OF THE TIMES, the Earth. These chapters picture the terrible intensity of the last conflict in a most vivid manner, and should be read by all interested in the final triumph of right principles. " Iftuntain View, Cal. Fully illustrated. Cloth with marbled edges, $2.50. " Dear Brethren,— Also published in Danish, Swedish, German, and French. "I want about goo sets of the four numbers of the special series. I will notify you when and where I want them. I would like to go HERALDS OF THE MORNING over where I canvassed this summer, and sell them, Would you know the meaning of the appalling loss of life and property by fire, flood, and storm? and take subscriptions for the paper if I can, with The outgrowth of the gigantic struggle between Capital and Labor? the help of God. I believe it will do good. I re- The significance of the Sodom-like condition of our cities? main in the love of Christ,• And above all else would von so learn the lessons which these conditions teach that "Christian L. Hornung, they may be to you a "door of hope""heralds of the morning"? " Stanford, Ky." If so, you will be delighted to carefully read this work. Seventy-five thousand copies have already been circulated, and the demand is steadily increasing. Dark-gray cloth binding with marbled edges, $1.50. " Send me 300 copies of each issue of the Specials. Address them to me at Poughkeepsie, unless later THINGS FORETOLD Order shall be given. A PROPHECY BOOK FOR THE CHILDREN. • " C. De Witt Sharp." Every one is interested in what may take place in the future. Even the children like to hear papa and mama tell about something- that is going to happen. Well, our heavenly Father knew that His children would be anxious to know about some of the things that were to take place in the future, and He knew that we ought " Please send me 450 sets of the SIGNS OF THE' to know about them, too, so He has told us a great many things beforehand in the Bib!e. TIMES. The 450 sets includes the 300 weekly But some are confused over these prophecies, so our good Brother Glenn has been kind papers. You will hear from me later if I receive enough to write it all out in plain, simple language that even the children can understand. more orders. The book tells about some things that have already taken place, and others that are taking place right now, and still others that must take place pretty soon. "Eleanor L. Barnes. You want to know- about these things don't you, and read the interesting stories about " Buffalo, N. Y." Daniel and his companions in the land of Babylon? You will enjoy the nice pictures in this book, too. Bound in board covers. Price, so cents. STORY OF DANIEL THE PROPHET OTHER NUMBERS TO FOLLOW. "The Story of Daniel the Prophet," by S. N. Haskell, is the book of Daniel told in a simple story form. It is the fruit of many years of diligent study. The scriptures nar- This is No. i of a series of four special rating the story are printed in the margin, together with 4.408 other Bible references. numbers of the SIGNS OF THE TIMES, each one There are also given over 2,200 questions, covering the contents of every chapter of the book. These are not intricate questions, but bring out many important and practical facts being a link in a definite line of truth. They which otherwise would have been overlooked. should, therefore, be ordered and read as a "The Story of Daniel" contains eighteen chapters, 369 pages, and is bound in cloth back and corners, with marbled paper sides, title printed in white ink, making a durable and series. artistic binding.. Price, $1.00. The titles will be: 'The Above Works Are Sold by Subscription. The Person from Whom You Receive No. I. (this number) " Prophecy, and Christ's This Paper Will Gladly Give Additional Information. Coming." No. 2. "The Sanctuary,—The Gospel in Type and Antitype." No. 3. "The Law, the Gospel, and the Sab- • bath." No. 4. " The Church Triumphant." PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Prices are as follows: Mountain View, Cal. I to 4 sets to one-or more addresses . $0.20 285 Salmon St., Portland, Ore. 44 Crocker Building, San 7rancisco, Cal. 5 or more sets Oa single addresses .15 25 to Soo sets to one address Io Review & Herald Publishing Ass'n. Southern Publishing Ass'n. Soo and upward 09 Battle Creek, bitch. ?22. N Capitol St., Washington, D. C. 7025 Jefferson St., Nashville, Tenn. Address, 204 W. 12th St., Fort Worth, Texas. SIGNS OF THE TIMES, • Mountain View, Cal. I OW " But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the Gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts." Volume 31. Number 41. Weekly, $1 50 per year. For Terms, See Page 2. MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA. Single Copy, Five Cents. • All Manuscript should be addressed to THE GREAT HOME-COMING giving in marriage. Merchants are the Editor. still buying and selling. Men are For further information see page 2. By C. M. Snow jostling ,against one another, contend- MILTON C. WILCOX, - - - - EDITOR. From the cares that grow and the griefs that flow ing for the highest place. Pleasure- C. M. SNOW, lovers are still crowding to theaters, W. N. GLENN, S ASSISTANT EDITORS. Like a turbulent, restless stream horse-races, gambling-h e 11 s. The Through the valley of life; from earth's bicker and strife; • highest excitement prevails, yet pro- NEARNESS OF THE END From the will-o'-the-wisps agleam; bation's hour is fast closing, and every From them all and each my arms upreach case is about to be eternally decided. By Mrs. E. G. White To the arm of that Infinite Love Satan sees that his time is short. He ROUBLOUS times are right That leads the way to the shadowless day has set all his agents at work, that T upon us. The fulfilling of the In the peace of God's home above. men may be deceived, deluded, oc- signs of the times gives evidence cupied, and entranced, until the day that the day of the Lord is near at There are hearts that yearn and hopes that burn of probation shall be ended, and the hand. The daily papers are full of • With a flame that constant glows, door of mercy be forever shut. The indications of a terrible conflict in the To see His face whose boundless grace time is right upon us when there will • future. Bold robberies are of fre- Such wealth of love bestows. be sorrow— quent occurrence. Strikes are com- • How hiaven will ring when they see their King, mon.