Greater Parramatta and the Olympic Peninsula Is the the Way We All Imagine Greater Sydney
Greater Our true centre: the connected, Parramatta and the unifying heart GPOP Olympic Peninsula About Us The Greater Sydney Commission (the Commission) was established by the NSW Government to lead metropolitan planning for Greater Sydney. This means the Commission plays a co-ordinating role in economic, social and environmental planning across the whole of Greater Sydney. The Commission has specific roles and responsibilities, such as producing District Plans, the Metropolitan Strategy and identifying infrastructure priorities. Collaboration and engagement are at the core of everything the Commission does. We work across government, with communities, interest groups, institutions, business and investors to ensure that planning for Greater Sydney results in a productive, liveable and sustainable future city. October 2016 FOREWORD CHIEF COMMISSIONER’S DISTRICT COMMISSIONER’S FOREWORD FOREWORD It’s time for a change of perspective and a change in Greater Parramatta and the Olympic Peninsula is the the way we all imagine Greater Sydney. geographic and demographic heart of Greater Sydney, Today, more than 2 million people live west of Sydney and a key part of the West Central District. Olympic Park, yet everyday around 300,000 people We have the opportunity to shape the transformation leave the region to travel for work. of the place we now call GPOP. Greater Sydney needs a true city at its centre, close Global best practice shows that a co-ordinated to its heart. We need a central ‘30-minute city’, that is approach to public and private investment is critical connected to the north, south, east and west. for successful transformation, involving innovation and GPOP is the name we have given to the Greater enterprise.
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