Letter from the President by Kishore K
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WV BOARD OF MEDICINE DECEMBERDecember 2018 - PAGE 2018 1 Upcoming Board Meetings January 14, 2019 March 11, 2019 May 20, 2019 Letter from the President by Kishore K. Challa, MD during his time on the Board. as acting state health officer This column is my first Rev. O. Richard Bowyer’s term for BPH from 2002 to 2011. chance to greet all the 7,000 also expired at the end of Sep- More recently, she has worked physicians, 120 podiatric physi- tember, but he has agreed to as a public health consultant cians and nearly 1,000 physician stay on until the Governor can for governmental, academic, assistants licensed identify a successor. professional and community or- by the West Virginia Dr. Lilly, whose ap- ganizations since 2011, and Board of Medicine pointment officially was as a relief and development since my election confirmed by the state coordinator for the Episcopal six months ago. As I Senate on Dec. 10, is Diocese of West Virginia since said at the time, I am board certified in family (continued on page 2) honored to accept practice and is affiliated this opportunity to with Dunbar Medical lead this outstand- Associates. He is a Contents ing group of board 1989 graduate of Mar- Overdose Reporting .............. 2 members and staff. Dr. Challa shall University’s Joan Board Update ........................ 3 We all have a re- C. Edwards School of Medical Corps and PLLCs ..... 3 sponsibility that we take very Medicine. He is serving on our 2019 Legislative Preview ....... 4 seriously, and we are most for- Licensure and Physician Assis- Board Actions ........................ 5 tunate to have an organization tant committees. His term will Medical Experts Needed ....... 6 that is up to the challenge. expire on Sept. 30, 2023. Improving COD Reporting ..... 6 We have also had the op- Dr. Slemp was appointed Contact Information ............... 6 portunity in recent weeks to interim state health officer and Closing Practice..................... 7 welcome two new Board mem- commissioner of the Bureau for New Licensees ...................... 9 bers – Dr. Jonathan P. Lilly and Public Health (BPH) effective Outreach Efforts .................. 11 Dr. Catherine C. Slemp. Gov. Nov. 8, replacing Dr. Rahul Gup- Medical Records .................. 12 Jim Justice appointed Dr. Lilly ta, who accepted a national post West Virginia BOM Staff ...... 13 to our Board to replace Dr. Mat- with the March of Dimes. She is Conference Recognized ..... 14 thew Upton, who chose not to serving ex officio as secretary of IMLC Pathway .................... 14 seek reappointment because the Board, and also serves on 2019 Licensure .................... 15 of growing professional obliga- the Executive/Management and MD Map ............................... 17 tions. We certainly appreciated Legislative committees. DPM Map............................. 18 his commitment and expertise Dr. Slemp previously served PA Map ................................ 19 WV BOARD OF MEDICINE DECEMBER 2018 - PAGE 2 Letter From the President (continued from page 1) September 2016. She holds a been accepting applications for riod of July 1 through June 30 of bachelor’s degree in biochemis- several months. each year and cost $100. try from Princeton University, a As of mid-December, in The Board has adopted a master’s degree in public health fact, the Board has issued 105 Strategic Plan as the result of from Johns Hopkins School of permits. As you might recall, our Oct. 13 planning session at- Hygiene and Public Health, and the legislation requires all al- tended by senior staff and board a medical degree from Duke lopathic postgraduate training members. This second annual University School of Medicine. participants to hold an educa- session, gives us a roadmap for I would also like to update you tional permit or medical license the coming calendar year, and on the educational permits the by July 1, 2019. The permits prompts us to allocate our time Board now issues for allopathic issued to date have been for and resources most efficiently to physician interns, residents and those residents and fellows meet our goals, in keeping with fellows under a new law passed who wanted to opt in early. The our Mission, Vision and Core by the West Virginia Legislature permits issued prior to July 1, Values. in 2018. The Board’s emergen- 2019 will expire on June 30, Finally, you should also be cy rule regarding the permits is 2019. Permits may be renewed aware that our Board formed an now in effect and the Board has on an annual basis for the pe- ad hoc committee to address any common legislative issues with other affinity groups such as the Board of Pharmacy, the Board of Osteopathic Medicine, and oth- Quarterly Overdose ers. The committee will meet on an as-needed basis and report Reporting Required back to the full Board any identi- All health care providers, The Office of Drug Control fied challenges or opportunities. pharmacies, medical examin- Policy had developed a fillable This is an effort to formalize ers, law-enforcement agencies, form for this reporting require- communication with other boards prosecuting attorneys, police ment, and accepts reports via or health care groups, and to departments, emergency re- mail, fax and email. Please do act proactively as a resource to sponse providers and hospital not send your overdose reports lawmakers and others in state emergency rooms are required to the West Virginia Board of government. The committee will to report suspected, reported Medicine, as the Board does not focus on such issues as current or confirmed overdoses to the collect this data. trends in medical regulation, joint West Virginia Office of Drug All questions regarding re- responses to current issues, etc. Control Policy on a quarterly ba- porting requirements should be The committee is composed of sis. directed to: the Board president and vice The requirement is the result WV Office of Drug Control Policy president, and supported by staff. of legislation which became ef- One Davis Square, East The president may appoint other fective earlier this year. For the Suite 100 Board members as needed. current reporting period, the Charleston, WV 25301 I’m looking forward to the deadline to report cases which Phone: (304) 558-8886 coming year as we all work to occurred between Oct. 1 and Fax: (304) 558-7075 ensure the health and safety of Dec. 31 is Jan. 31, 2019. [email protected] our fellow West Virginians. WV BOARD OF MEDICINE DECEMBER 2018 - PAGE 3 Dr. Kishore Challa - President Board Update: Dr. Ashish Sheth - Vice President South Charleston cardiolo- and a member of the American medical education in India be- gist Dr. Kishore K. Challa has College of Chest Physicians fore completing his residency been elected to serve a two- and the Kanawha Medical As- in internal medicine at Jersey year term as president of the sociation. In February 2013, he Shore Medical Center. He is af- West Virginia Board of Medi- was presented with the Distin- filiated with Thomas Memorial cine, while Cross Lanes internal guished West Virginian award Hospital, where he has served medicine specialist Dr. Ashish by Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, and on the hospital’s Peer Review P. Sheth was elected to a two- in 2014 received the American Committee since 2005. Addi- year term as vice president. Heart Association’s Heart of tionally, in 2005 he served as The election took place dur- Gold award. chairman of the Department of ing the regular bimonthly meet- Challa now chairs the Medicine and Family Practice. ing of the WVBOM on July 9 in board’s Executive/Management He now serves on the Board’s Charleston. Challa and Sheth and Personnel committees, and Executive/Management, Legis- officially began their new duties serves on the Legislative Com- lative, Complaint and Personnel the following day. mittee. He was originally ap- Committees. Challa succeeded Dr. Ahmed pointed to the board in January Sheth and his wife, Falguni, D. Faheem as president of the 2013 and reappointed by Gov. who is a respiratory therapist, 16-member board. Faheem, a Jim Justice in October 2017. operate the medical practice Beckley psychiatrist, had served Like Challa, Sheth began his WV Primary Care. as president for the past four years. Challa had served as Faheem’s vice president for the Medical Corporations and PLLCs past two years. Did you know ... only needed to be registered Challa, president of South • It is unlawful for a medical cor- with the West Virginia Charleston Cardiology Associ- poration or professional lim- Secretary of State’s Office. ates, began his medical edu- ited liability company (PLLC) • Any officer, shareholder or cation in his native India, and to practice or offer to practice employee of a corporation then moved to the U.S. to com- medicine and surgery or po- who violates W. Va. Code plete a medical residency and diatry in West Virginia without §30-3-15(n) may be guilty of a cardiology fellowship at Coney a valid certificate of authori- misdemeanor and, upon con- Island Hospital in New York. zation issued by the Board of viction thereof, may be fined After completing his training in Medicine? not more $1,000 per violation? interventional cardiology at New • Effective May 1, 2012, Board Information regarding medical York Medical College, he and of Medicine Rule 11 CSR 7, corporations and PLLCs is avail- his family moved to Charleston Formation and Approval of able utilizing the links below. in 1989. Professional Limited Liabil- Certificate of Authorization Challa has served as the ity Companies, was amended Requirements