1933-08-06 [P

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1933-08-06 [P SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. BALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. RENT—GARAGE. FORD de luxe roadster, new Jumbo < Continued.) 1S)!8 8EDAN. completely overhauled, two Ifi.'U | A Soft tlrei. forced «ale; ca»h required. WEat 2."IH8. SEDAN: excellent appearance, new tires and battary. real bargain. Mash J028 aw. n.e. run* 3ne: only SI ft down, balance fft for 14 cash. l.'UW North Carolina %\T worth c»pitoi »v * 1931 CiRAHAM SEDAN. ~ vreeks. Phone DEeatur 4011-W. USED CARS—All makes and models, lowest liberal allowances on J.126: guaranteed ritht In every way. FORDS NASH 1928 7-PA8S. SEDAN—Dark blue fin- prices, best terraa. trade-Ins on new or used cars. Blanton wnOM^riRNISHED. ish, clean Interior finish In mohair, good HAMILTON MOTORS, T^Ti"COLUKfBIA RD ».l Motor Co., factory dealers. Pe8°t° »«d '31 Ford $213 awuU motor and tires. A real buv for S100. Lee DEcatur ftnnn. Open Until !> P.M. Sunday. Sport Coupe r wk; " Plymouth. 33 New York ave. NORTHEAST. rMj.1 D Butler. Inc 158 Champlain at. n.w. * Open Sunday. 1 *32 Ford V8 Tudor >415 MASH. 1032. MODEL OHO SEDAN—Fret AMAZING OFFER! ;A?. 1}??; wheeling, mechanically and appearance ex- '29 Ford Tudor $125 brViht ^ne with br.akfm.1. Mr. We will take old »* cellent: 5450; guaranteed. See Barnes, BUY NOW your Car ii Trade and nake this special after weekly: unlimited phone. _nt»t to P»tn- 1720 14th REPOSSESSED CARS '30 Ford Tudor $195 _ 17*27 P 8T N W.—Large front room, soutii- MASH 1P3D ADV "M" COACH-Beautiful Beloncinr to Finance Companies. Being Before Prices Rise '31 Ford Fordor Sedan.... $265 ern exposure; will furni.h as bed-li*n« (reen bodv. built-in trunk, all good tires, Sold for Balance Doe. Repossession. room, unlimited phone. '32 Chevrolet __—« _ ■ clean Interior, spotless upholstery, powerful Storage, ete. YOI'K CAR IN TRADE "Nash 1932 ChfV. Coach $385 and perfect motor. The outstanding Luxe fl'»5.00 NO CKryiler "iH Chrysler 72 Sedan Do I Coup* CASH in our entire stock. See It today. Sedan LIBERAL GENERAL MOTORS TERMS bargain "»!» Olds Coupe $105.00 1930 Buirk De Luxe 4?5 75 Terms, trade. Nash-Orr Motors. Coup* *4flR. '.HO Chrysler 77 Sedan $»»5.00 1932 Chev. Cabriolet 445 1720 14th n.w. '30 Marquette Coupe Dp Luxe. .#'*75.00 1929 Auburn Sedan 185 lawn,spacious lounges: NASH mill SPECIAL tt SPORT COUPE: '30 Chrysler 77 Sedan De Luxe $3«i5.00 $419 wmmMk, '«vf rt NW—$4.BO up: unlifhltea no* good inside and out. mohair up- 1932 Chev. Coupe 395 WEEK appearance "»8 Chrysler tl'i Coach $85.00 $3 silver. dishes Clean ni a pin. SW^eE. linen, .howf holstery and tan leather rumble seat, good '"*8 Ruick Redan $l*£.VOO Nash 175 $239 1929 Spt. Coupe On® owner. Per- bath, phone. garage. *1 mechanical condition: $175: attractive *31 Chevrolet Roadster $195.00 On 1 1932 Chev. Roadater 375 fect. Many Cart 1II(|7_I (EYKi ST. terms. Phone Mr. Bow)*s. ADams 6000. '"■iK Chevrolet Cabriolet $«.YOO Sport coo. with Researchmen'iClulJ— to 7:30 Sunday. '30 Oakland 8 Coupe De Luxe. $£?:">.00 1928 Olds Coupe 150 JJftZe. shower; *12 mocSWs XX 1929; new tires: excel- HH.VOO '3! Ford V-8 Victoria OAKLAND COUPE. "W Chevrolet Sedan 1931 Chev. Cabriolet 325 $169 '30 lent mechanical condition: $95. 607 Mass. '30 Ford Tor-dor Sedan *145.00 '32 Ford GORDON HOTEL. »1« * 1931 Ford Sport Coupe 255 Plymouth 'H? Ford V-8 Tudor 419 iv. n.w. '31 De Soto De Luxe Sedan.. I38A.00 Spt. Roadster iwV b»Sf« *05.OO 1929 Coach 165 BUY NOW Sedan OAKLAND 8 SEDAN. 1030—Low mileage, "i7 Studebaker Pres. Sedan. Plymouth Special *33 Ford V-8 D. L. Roadster.... 419 double beT$* '20 Essex Challenger Sedan $75.OO Ford Victoria 425 new tires, exceptionally clean car; price, 1932 WHILE PRICES ARE *31 $280. Metro Motors, Silver Spring, Md., '30 Hudson De Luxe Phaeton. .9375.00 Ford Town Sedan 219 double* SfeSWaftuk. «180 Sedan $185.00 board service. CHepherd 1044. 'W. Auburn 1360 Park Road N.W. •31 Ford Tudor *3» Ford Pick l'p $75.00 CO. $399 339 $159 CLEVELAND PARK. 2»4» —-s -j-r OAKLAND SEDAN. 1020—This Is absolutely BARRY-PATE BRANCH ! OWENS MOTOR i '30 Ford Fordor tractive iront room, twiri beds. In perfect condition; has to be seen to be LOW ft wlr« ulirrU. 229 Nfw ¥«c°S?mUP homti 6323 Ave. GE. 0104. fop—well reasonable. Single room. S*5 h w appreciated; $15 down, easy payments ar- KEYSTONE GARAGE ADams 10202 | Georgia Special Paint. (Kepalntfd) fender. What 1932 Chevrolet Sedan .... $445 '31 ranged. No property signers. Century Mo- 1615 O St. N.W. • Operatinc Washington's Finest Perfect. Ford Standard Coupe S1U a buy! tors 14th st. n.w. NO 0232. * _JL*05 Display 1932 Chevrolet Spt. Rd. .. 365 '31 Ford 1). L. Roadster 239 OLDSMOBILE 1930 6 wire ^sed-Car 2-DOOR SEDAN; 1932 Chevrolet Coach 395 (Special new paint and top) wheels black finish and mohair upholstery: '32 Ford '31 Ford Sport Cabriolet 269 appearance and running condition very 1931 Chevrolet Coupe.... 295 '29 Ford liiggpMM,** attractive price and terms. Phone De Luxe Rdi. (New paint; new top) food: 1931 Chevrolet Sedan .... 350 Roadster Mr. Bowles. ADams 0000, 1 to 7:30 p.m. '29 I'ontiac Coach 169 Sunday. Final Clearance 1930 Chevrolet Sedan..... 245 'New paint) cool. Single or double 1931 — OLDS CONVERTIBLE ROADSTER 1930 Chevrolet Coach ... 215 •29 Ford Tudor 119 tV~T~ST- N.W.—Hicelyroom«^M»r-1>^ furnished r eom. twin Six wire wheels, two-tone tan Duco paint, beds: convenient to cars 1932 Ford V-8 395 $369 '29 Chevrolet Coach radio; perfect mechanically and in appear- Car Must EVERY BUICK Spt. Cpe. 169 $99 family: men preferrad _POtomac 114 ance. USED CAR *28 $495. Wisconsin Motors. Inc.. 2901 Every 1930 Buick Sedan 450 Ford Sedan '9 ii)22 !ith"8T. N.W—Rooms u«h» st. n.w. DE 5540. VALUES *l«epln*. y housekeeping prices ran«lnt $3 up. — — 1930 Oakland Coupe .... 225 OLDSMOBILE COACH, late *20; in good 1 GO l"31 Small 8 Sedan. room apt.. SN:_»dulu. condition; $40. Call bet. 1 and H 15l-yiv-r>'PT'irk" 1930 Oldtmobile D. L. C.. 295 p.m. Price Cut! Dark blue Duco finish Bflbi~l«th ST. N W -—Room In Prtvate.-———-j— 242ft st. n e. PO. '■>0 Nash Adv. <1 Sedan, blur finish, Irving 0347-W. Tires and 275 tached corner home for good tn ps. clean upholstery In beautiful condition. 1931 Plymouth Coupe.... ladjg«mplo?«a de- OLD8MOBILE COACH. 1930—Excellent con- tfOQC motor perfect Upholstery clean and RT and a dandy motor. Only Naih 165 NW—Well furnished, eool dition. a real sacrifice: $275: accept small fresh. This economical car has a 1929 Coupe '30 Nasb Adv. "M Coupe, black body. front room, ^mi-private "hower conu car in trade and arrange terms. Call CO. large roomy body for five. 1928 150 h w Crown equipment; all good $575 Oldimobile Coupe... garage, breakfast opt. ha^h 5000. and Is easy to park GE5H3J;—n tires, motor In best cf con- VHuartMoIorS »1j20 "liuh N W —Large, bright rooms. »• PACKARD 1928 CLUB BROUGHAM—Fin- dition 1038 sport 65 Other*—$35 Up ished in brown with black fenders, excellent CUFYROT .L-FT 1 '.1!! Nash "S" Sedan. Brewster green, ^ 1II. \ rumble Interior, perfect motor. A real buy at $205. coupe: t! wire wheels, trunk rack. 5 wire Dark Lee D. Inc., 2155 seat; wheels. blue body. Ttrmt and Trad« Y. Ave. N. W. Butler, Champlain St.. driven very little and shows Eaty 6th & N. N^°o"' CO. 5050. ^CCC This car looks like It Just I Evening* best care t®"" came out the factory. room ot of ™ unlimited PACKARD <445 2525 Sherman Ave. N.W. .phone. —— SPORT CABRIOLET—Rumble '31 Naah Conv. Guaranteed "t seat, new tires: looks and runs like new; Coupe...$625 liT'If'k' in.'U Small 8 Sport 1360 Park Road N.W. ^ - $250; terms to responsible person. CO. '31 Willyi-Knight Sedan. 325 mater 4040. WE GUARANTEE Coup,. rumbie iett; f, private home gentleman. '29 8 Sedan 325 wire wheels. New black Duco finish i4*»s mass AVE PACKARD 30 STANDARD SEDAN—Mechan- Hupp Every Triangle BLUE RIBBON N.W—Room, kitchenette. with green stripe Motor lood as s:nk; lor icallv and appearance excellent; $050. '31 Nash Victoria 545 USED CAR to be in iood condi- }Jn£m1«ter furnished I.h.k.. new. Tires excellent. This Summer rates. $575 _ Barnes Motors. 1729 14th n.w. tion and ready tor miles of un- * —-——- '28 Studebaker Victoria. 165 car guaranteed throughout. interrupted service. Should any NOW'S the TIME TO BUY! NICELY FURNISHED ROOM In PEERLESS ROADSTER—Rumble seat, ex- ln:tl Blt "• B,5S- Br~ ldence Gentleman P't!*'* JEST cellent condition: bargain. 5521 Kansas '29 Chevrolet Coach.... 145 trouble develop during guarantee V.T'H'k' preferred. Homelike. period necestary will be dan; t; demountable wood Phone EM 40.T1. ave. n.w. GEorgia 0922. 6* '31 Naah Sedan 375 repairs made in our shop without cost to wheels and trunk rack: l.')2-ineh ONE or TWO PIERCE-ARROW 1931 7-Pass. New YOUNG MEN to share room Sedan—Re- '28 Oakland Sedan 115 you for labor or material. wheel base: 104-hp motor. In beautifully flnished in beautiful midnight blue; 0 wire tailored seat covers; black Duco AH OURISMAN OK USED CAR furnished 4-room apt.
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