Industry Execs Lead New Push To Legalize Online Gaming Top industry executives launched a new lobbying push in early May to persuade Congress to legalize online poker. Lobbyists argued that it is the only realistic response to the boom in online play that has defi ed crackdown efforts. “Millions of Americans bet billions of dollars a Frank Catania, Esq. President, Former Assistant Attorney General, year at foreign websites, and they will continue Director NJ Division of Gaming Enforcement, to do so even if their government tells them it is VP Compliance Players International. illegal,” said Frank Fahrenkopf, chief executive of
[email protected] the American Gaming Association. Gary Ehrlich, Esq. VP, Former Assistant Attorney General, Executives, including Keith Smith, president of Deputy Director NJ Division of Gaming Enforcement. Boyd Gaming; Gordon Kanofsky, CEO of Ameri-
[email protected] star Casinos; and Virginia McDowell, president of Isle of Capri Casinos, said at a news conference Keith Furlong, VP, that regulation at the federal level would provide Former public information offi cer & legislative liaison, NJ Division of Gaming Enforcement. certainty to the industry and stronger safeguards.
[email protected] Despite the “Black Friday” indictments of April Joseph Kelly, Esq. Associate, 15, the volume of US online poker players is Professor of Business Law, SUNY College, Buffalo. expected to continue to rise. Meanwhile, several
[email protected] brick-and-mortar casinos saw revenues drop again Toni Cowan, Esq. Associate, for the fi rst quarter of 2011. Lobbyists will em- Former Senior Attorney NJ Casino Control Commission, phasize that for many casinos, expanding into the Nevada Attorney General’s offi ce Division of Gaming, online market represents the growth opportunity and NIGC staff attorney.