Ancuța Rotaru, Phd
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HABILITATION THESIS Eco-friendly Materials for Sustainable Rehabilitation of Substructure Works Affected by Hazards Associate Professor Ancuța Rotaru, PhD 2021 Eco-friendly Materials for Sustainable Rehabilitation of Substructure Works Affected by Hazards To those never distant Abstract This habilitation thesis gets the most out of the scientific achievements carried out after the doctoral thesis defence – November 27, 1997, until the end of 2020. Experiments have gone off in the laboratories of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services of the 'Gheorghe Asachi' Technical University of Iași, where I am carrying out my professional activity in research teams assigned to the Civil Engineering domain. The outcomes appeared in journals/volumes of scientific events with broad international visibility and books/book chapters recognized by CNCSIS or internationally. Also, part of the research activity presented in the thesis was carried out in laboratories abroad, in research partnerships with colleagues from Beira Interior University in Covilha (Portugal), the 'Todor Kableshkov' University of Transport in Sofia (Bulgaria), Jadavpur University in Kolkata (India), American University in Madaba (Jordan), Mohammed V University in Rabat (Morocco). To date, this collaboration has materialized in the publication of 15 scientific papers indexed in international databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Springer). The concept of eco-efficiency was coined first in the book Changing Course (Schmidheiny, 1992) in the 1992 Earth Summit context. This concept expresses 'the development of products and services at competitive prices that meet the needs of humankind with quality of life, while progressively reducing their environmental impact and consumption of raw materials throughout their life cycle, to a level compatible with the capacity of the planet'. Infrastructure materials encompassing bridges, piers, pipelines, dams, pavements or building foundations are crucial to modern civilization activities. Unfortunately, these materials deteriorate due to several causes like excessive loading/ impact (mechanical deterioration) or erosion/ freeze-thaw (physical reasons). Frequently, however, building materials deteriorate through natural disaster effects like earthquakes, landslides, floods, tornadoes, etc. Sustainable repair and rehabilitation mean to increase the service life of substructure works and use eco-efficient materials to design accounting for damaging effects due to hazard risks. The purpose of the habilitation thesis entitled Eco-friendly Materials for Sustainable Rehabilitation of Substructure Works Affected by Hazards is to contribute to this area of study, showing those factors which negatively influence the service life of structures. Chapter 1, Introduction: Unitary Methodology of Investigation, reviews the unitary methodology for investigating the process of degradation or collapse of structures, identifying the origins and causes, diagnosis and alternative approaches for the maintenance and sustainable rehabilitation of buildings at risk of damage or failure. Each experimental chapter of the thesis (chapters 2-4) analyzes a topic that, in addition to the results disseminated through published papers, highlights the experience gained in one project won through a national competition where the author was the manager. Thus, Chapter 2, Interaction of External Agents (Hazard Risks) Responsible for Building Decay or Failure, analyzes the risks produced to buildings by landslides and earthquakes, design methods, case studies in Romania (intervention proposals and results) as well as some considerations on repairs and 1 Ancuța Rotaru Habilitation Thesis corrections to prevent and reduce landslides. It also analyzes the factors contributing to building deterioration due to earthquakes, landslides and liquefaction conditions, and Romania's seismicity regarding structure risks to failure: geological structure and specific seismic circumstances, earthquakes and landslides in the Dobrogea region. The unitary methodology of approaching the chapter dedicated to building risks of deterioration and collapse due to natural hazards bases on the most representative scientific papers on the topic. Yet, it also bases on the experience acquired from the CNCSIS project Landslides Risk Mitigation – Challenge and Strategy (2009 – exploratory workshop, PNCDI II - manager) that brought together experts in the field from the European space. Chapter 3, Interaction of Soil / Rock Characteristics Responsible for Foundation Soil / Building Decay, analyzes the deformability of homogeneous and discontinuous rock masses in terms of foundation ground and soil mechanical behaviour, evaluates the slope stability using the finite element method and the role of water in the foundation soil resource management. Also, the chapter analyzes a series of specific characteristics of foundation soils in Romania, like geotechnical factors responsible for the deterioration of foundation soils, geotechnical risks in some regions with difficult foundation soils (Dobrogea and Moldova) to increase their safety and durability. The author’s coordination experience in the project Procedures and Techniques for Improving the Properties of Difficult Foundation Soils to Increase the Safety and Durability of Engineering Constructions (2005 - 2006 – manager, MEC grant A) complements the scientific papers selected to outline the foundation soil characterization. Chapter 4 analyzes the physical and mechanical characteristics of several residual materials used as a binder in infrastructure works for the sustainable built environment. The study performs in two directions: 1) analysis of the properties of different types of ash, residue used as a binder for infrastructure works (roads, improvement of difficult foundation soils, etc.), 2) analysis of physical and mechanical properties of concrete to which the binder is replaced with various residues to streamline production costs and release the environment of polluting waste. This chapter bases on laboratory experiments conducted in recent years and disseminated in a series of scientific papers published in impact factor journals. The experience gained in the strategic partnership project entitled Rehabilitation of the Built Environment in the Context of Smart City and Sustainable Development Concepts for Knowledge Transfer and Lifelong Learning between eight European universities (2018 - 2021, E+ KA203, strategic partnership – manager) completes the discussion. Chapter 5, Objectives of Scientific Research, Contributions to the Field of Civil Engineering and Future Research Directions, outlines three fields of study: 1) the substructure behaviour concerning landslides and earthquakes mitigating the risk effects on foundations and foundation soil; 2) the interaction of the foundation soil and the role of its characteristics on the stability and safety of buildings; 3) improving the performance of materials used in substructure works as well as the quality of the built environment using eco-friendly materials such as polluting wastes from various economic activities. I authored or co-authored 122 publications, of which: ISI = 11, BDI = 38 and others = 73. So far, I have been a key speaker in 39 scientific events, of which 35 international. I coordinated 5 projects as a manager, one of which with international participation. I participated with papers in 83 conferences and symposiums, of which 65 international. I coordinate 36 Erasmus+ KA103 programmes with the EU Member States and 33 Erasmus+ KA107 programmes with non-EU countries. 2 Eco-friendly Materials for Sustainable Rehabilitation of Substructure Works Affected by Hazards Rezumat Această teză de abilitare prezintă selectiv cele mai importante realizări științifice rezultate din activitatea de cercetare ulterioară datei de 27 noiembrie 1997, data susținerii publice a tezei de doctorat, până la finele anului 2020. Experimentele au fost realizate în laboratoarele de cercetare ale Facultății de Construcții și Instalații din cadrul Universității Tehnice „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași, unde îmi desfășor activitatea profesională, în colective de cercetare subordonate domeniului Ingineriei Civile. Rezultatele au fost diseminate sub forma unor lucrări științifice în reviste sau în volumele unor manifestări științifice cu largă vizibilitate internațională, precum și în cărți/capitole de cărți recunoscute CNCSIS sau pe plan internațional. De asemenea, o parte din activitatea de cercetare prezentată în teza de abilitare s-a desfășurat în laboratoare din străinătate, în cadrul unor parteneriate de cercetare cu colegii de la Universitatea Beira Interior din Covilha (Portugalia), Universitatea de Transport “Todor Kableshkov” din Sofia (Bulgaria), Universitatea Jadavpur din Kolkata (India), Universitatea Americană din Madaba (Iordania), Universitatea Mohammed V din Rabat (Maroc). Până în prezent, colaborarea aceasta s-a materializat în publicarea a 15 lucrări științifice, toate indexate în baze de date internaționale (Web of Science, Scopus, Springer). Conceptul de eco-eficiență a fost folosit pentru prima dată în cartea Schimbarea cursului (Schmidheiny, 1992) în contextul Summit-ului Pământului din 1992. Acest concept exprimă „dezvoltarea produselor și serviciilor la prețuri competitive care să îmbine armonios nevoile omenirii cu calitatea vieții, reducând, în același timp, impactul asupra mediului și consumul de materii prime pe tot parcursul ciclului lor de viață, la un nivel compatibil cu capacitatea