Skyline October 16, 2020
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Willowbrook High School Lorem ipsum Volume 62 Issue 1 499 Skyline October 16, 2020 Opinion: 2 News: 3-6 Features: 7-10 Sports: 11-13 Club Info: 14-18 2 Skyline Skyline October January 16, 2012 2020 Opinion The cure for the virus is the ballet box O A January 30th. On that same day able testing available, create more tors said, ‘How do you know so N E Trump spoke at another press con- jobs, have wage subsidies until the much about this?’ Maybe I have ference saying, “The Coronavirus, next summer, and off er fi nancial a natural ability,” according to the As of October 6th, 2020, that’s a new thing that a lot of support to businesses aff ected by Washington Post. the United States has had over people are talking about. We have Covid-19. On August 14th, a phone 7,706,280 Coronavirus cases, with very little problem in this country On March 11th, WHO de- call with renowned journalist Bob over 215,500 deaths, according to at this moment. Five [cases], and clared the Coronavirus to be a pan- Woodward, Trump said, “Nothing National Geographic. Worldom- those people are all recuperating demic. On the same day, Trump more could have been done,” ac- eter reports that there have been successfully. But we’re working said in an Oval Offi ce address, cording to CNN. over 35,900,000 million recorded very closely with China and other “Testing and testing capabilities As of October 2nd, Trump cases worldwide, with more than countries, and we think it’s going are expanding rapidly, day by day, has been tested positive for 1,000,000 deaths. to have a very good ending for us.” we’re moving very quickly. The Covid-19. After mocking many Each day it seems that we Fast forward to now, vast majority of Americans, the people for wearing masks, social get further away from ever leav- Trump’s administration refused risk is very, very low.” distancing, after insulting doctors, ing quarantine. Videos are con- to join the WHO’s “global eff ort “This is a pandemic,” scientists, and politicians for urg- stantly being posted of arrogant to develop, manufacture and eq- Trump said six days later. “I felt it ing guidelines to be followed, and and mis-educated people refusing uitably distribute a coronavirus was a pandemic long before it was after he let over 200,000 Amer- to wear masks or social distance. vaccine,” according to The Wash- called a pandemic.” icans die, he has unsurprisingly Some seem convinced that the ington Post. Some believe that it Trump talks like a child caught Covid-19. pandemic is a hoax; others think it is because it would be harder to who just will not admit that he has 20 people who work closely is nothing serious and dismiss ev- profi t off a vaccine if everyone no idea what he is talking about. with Trump have tested positive eryone’s worries. everywhere could have it. Regard- For months he belittled scientists for Covid-19. President Donald Trump less, this makes it harder for U.S and doctors, saying this was no big Many U.S citizens are fac- himself acts oblivious to the pan- citizens to get a vaccine from other deal. It was under control in his ing unemployment, lost hours, and demic we are facing, dismissing countries if it is made. eyes, and it stayed that way regard- dangerous work situations. There it as nothing serious. He has more As the cases rapidly in- less of the rise in cases and deaths. are too many people who refuse pressing matters to worry about, creased, Trump continued to claim He continues to stroke his to acknowledge this pandemic is like destroying the U.S.A. that “the Coronavirus is very much own ego because no one else will. real; too many people who refuse On the 21st of January, the under control in the USA,” on his He somehow believes that since to follow safety guidelines; too fi rst Covid-19 case was confi rmed Twitter. his “great, super-genius uncle, many people who refuse to stop in Washington, according to CNN. Unlike Trump’s ridicu- Dr. John Trump,” an electrical partying and going out; there are Trump told CNBC, “We have it lous refusal to even acknowledge engineer, inventor, and physicist, too many people who refuse to totally under control. It’s one per- Covid-19 as a threat to human taught at the Massachusetts Insti- care about the pandemic and how son coming in from China, and we life, many other world leaders tute of Technology (MIT), that his it aff ects other people, and Presi- have it under control. It’s going to have had quick responses to this intelligence must miraculously run dent Donald Trump is one of the be just fi ne.” From the few cases pandemic. Canada’s Prime Min- in the family genes. head fi gures in creating this delu- that the U.S had at the time, to the ister, Justin Trudeau promised to On a tour of the Centers for sional bandwagon. It will continue nearly 8 million it has now, it is “[support Canadians] through this Disease Control and Prevention in to put lives at risk, and the only obvious to see that he was wrong. crisis as long as it lasts, whatever it Atlanta (CDC), Trump said, “I like thing we can do to prevent him The World Health Organi- takes,” according to the BBC. The this stuff . I really get it. ... People from killing more U.S citizens is zation (WHO) declared Covid-19 Liberal federal government said are really surprised I understand to vote him out of offi ce. a global health emergency on it was working to have more reli- this stuff . Every one of these doc- Skyline Staff Executive Board: Staff: Letter Policy: Enana Abdulhussain, Tristan Alibudbud, Skyline accepts letters to the Sports Editor: Erika Rich Maritza Elena, Logan Faulk, Natalia editor on a wide variety of Skyline reserves Features Editor: Mahira Shujathullah Garcia-Avila, Tessa Goodman, Alexander topics. Letters must not be the right to edit News Editor: Orlina Abdulhussain Hirsch, Kelsie Hurula, Neeraja Kumar, libelous or defamatory, and all copy and is Farwah Mirza, Lily Morgan, Thalia must be signed. They may be Sanchez, Nicea Scheeler, Shari Schroeder, brought to room A-136, given to under no obligation Advisor: Dan Fliegel Bradley Zoromski an editor, emailed to to print any letter [email protected], or Photographer: Kelsie Hurula at any time. mailed to Skyline c/o Willowbrook High School, 1250 S. Ardmore, Villa Park, IL 60181 News Skyline October 16, 2020 3 China continues oppression of Uyghur Muslims E A In 2019, regional government F M chairman Shohrat Zakir declared S W the Uyghurs had “graduated” and “They are forcing detainees to left the camps. The Congressional renounce their religion, renounce Research Service outlines other- their culture, renounce their iden- wise. The government transferred tity, force them to speak Mandarin. many detainees and other Uyghurs They are forcing them to say there into arduous labor industries. Al- is no God, there is only the Com- most 120 companies benefi t from munist Party,” says Kanat, chair- their exploitation. Among these man of the World Uyghur Con- companies are Amazon, Costco, gress’ Executive Committee, to an photo courtesy of Human Rights H&M, Puma, Skechers, and Nike. NBC news reporter. This isn’t an Adidas and Lacoste have now Uyghur men sit in a concentration camp in Xinjiang, China. historic event that took place de- cut off Uyghur labor. Many other cades ago. This is happening now, siders China to be its closest alley of dollars towards birth control brands are being pressured to fol- in 2020. and has its share of camps as well. have impacted Uyghurs. Devices, low suit. Xinjiang is an autonomous Kaechon Internment Camp No. 14 sterilization, and even abortion President Trump has shown region in Northwest China. contains political prisoners. Escap- are forced upon these women. The himself to place more value on For reference, this is one of the ee and activist Shin Dong-hyuk re- Associated Press reports that the commerce than human rights. He locations where Disney’s Mulan vealed that prisoners are incited to Chinese government presented has chosen not to press human was controversially fi lmed. It is obey and snitch on others or face Uyghurs with lofty fi nes and even rights with allies such as Saudi home to many ethnic minority torment. This reward-and-punish- sent some to prison camps for Arabia and even dropped criticism groups, including the Turkic Uy- ment system bears a resemblance having too many children. Parents of North Korea once a nuclear deal ghurs. to Xijiang. Muslims who renounce are left petrifi ed as police invade was discussed. The term “Uyghur Muslim” is their beliefs are rewarded while homes in search of extra children. In 2018, Trump had the ability something that the Chinese gov- those noncompliant are beaten, Han Chinese, the dominant ethnic to impose sanctions on Chinese ernment is trying its best to elimi- isolated, and starved. group in the country, do not endure offi cials once the abuse of Ughyurs nate. As of 2019, around 1 million The most notable signature this treatment. By law, Han can became apparent. The idea was Uyghurs have been put in concen- against China’s policies was from have two children, while people dropped the following year, so tration camps without having any Germany. The Holocaust, the ex- in rural areas of Xijiang are per- Trump could follow through with insight as to when they might be termination of 11 million Jews, mitted three.