ROTAR{ CLUB of Nonh Balwyn


DISTRICT 980 "Rotury Brings Hope" \



President Geoff Steinlcke President El_ect John Robson Vice President Geoff Cfark PP past president Immediate PauL t'itz PP Secretarg Ron CarneLL Treasurer Geoff Perdriau

DIRECTORS CLub Service John Tltwaites Communitq Service Gerrg Spencer Fellowship MarcE:1 Mutttwql_er fnternatianaL Roger Wj


Attendance Ron CarneLL Grapevine Editor Rc;n PhiJJips Rotarg fnformatjon Rob.Ilead PubLic Re-Zat:ons fan Lucas Sergeant At Arms fan Col_Lins Program David Dogle Fund Raising PauL f'itz pp Membe r s hi p / C I as s i f i c at i on John Robson On to Conference John Robson ALmoner l'red Pike Rotarg Foundation Jc;ltn Etki.ns pp Poet Laureate & Cfub Historg Jrs)tn iltkins PP Auditor Ron Phi171ps


District Governor,s Representative PP PauL ]?itz Presidents El_ect Seminar Committe:e PP Joltn Etkins PubLic Re-7.atrons Committee PP Stan l-libbert Presidents ELect Seminar Conmitte:e PP Kevin Maunder Assr.stant District Secretarq Ken Proposch Rotaract Committee PP David GoLdsmith '.. youth i Chairman R.f. Art Exchange Roger WiggilJ Youth Committee PP John Reddrsh ':; p]'srRrer GoyaRjvoR PP John King



Gerry S pencer (C ) Roger W iggill ( C) Don Hay c raft Roger B enna I I ac k Stan Hi bbert John Et kins, Fo undation Don P i I grim David G oldsmith Morry R ubenstein Ron L i n er David S toc kma n Greg. M athews Eric I^/i tts Ray Zuc cala Tom l.l i n g Young Tim For d John Mo I I i son Glen Wa lmsley John Ma gor CLUB SERVICE VOCAT I ONAL John T hwaites (C) David Wornell (c) Ron Ca rnell, Secretary Bern i e Smi th ( c) Ron Ph illips, Grapevine Ed. Geoff Clark John E tkins, History Peter Kagan Rob. H ead, Rotary Information Ra I ph Lee I an Lu cas, Public Relations David l^/illshire Bernie Smith, Asst Sergeant Graha m Foard Geoff Perdri au, Treasurer 0m Pa hu j a David Stockman, Asst Treas. Bruce Do re David Doyle, Program FUND RAISING YOUTH SERV I CE Paul Fitz (C) Peter Cook (C) David Cheney Tony McLean Ian Collins Murray Carr Russel I Fynmore C I i Hughes Rob. F letcher ve Max Hunter George K i ng Ken Proposch B i I I Knea I e John Reddish Graeme Sm i th Ron Roy Peter Cleary GRAPEVINE Imre Lele Ron Ph i I I l ps (ro I Don Pllgrim Ian Lucas FELLOI^,SH I P Rob . Head Marcel Muntwyler (C) A I an Anderson INTER CLUB / ON TO CONFERENCE Ron Arthur John Robson (c) Ron Coates Geoff Clark Lew Lustig Kevin Maunder Fred Pike AUD I TOR Geoff Ros s Ron Phillips Gregory Ross John McBride MEMBERSHIP John Robson (C) ALMONER Geoff Clark Fred Pike POET LAUREATE John Etkins PRESIDENT'S R EPORT

The first objective which I desired to achieve, above all others, was to see that members enjoyed their Rotary. From fellowship and through all the avenues of service, I believe we achieved that objbctive. There were, of course, many other objectives which developed into projects and these are listed in this Annual fteport of eicfr of the committees. propose I 9on'I to,highlight any projects, they were all important. So much has been achieved that you wohobr [ow we maniged to do so much. please read these reports.

I would now like to talk about people - people who have made this year important to me - important to us att. Firstly, every club has to have a Secretary, but when you have the best club Secretary how much better it is. My giui.irl thanks to Ron carnell. |{e,also.enjoyed the services of a Minute Secretary at our Board Meetings and I thank Ron Arthur for lris contribution- Side by side with the best Secretary is a diligent thanks perdriau, rreasurer. My special to Geoff who is stepping asio6 trris year after tnree years as Treasurer. Previously, I had found that the club service Director was the man in the organisation of a Rotary club, so r irroi",lor,n Thwaites quiet achiever - the - who had the oirricuit task oi-iorinisteiing-ir,e club at the grass roots level. He did not let us down.- Our attendance record has been of a high standard - a first, several seconds and thirds and never lower attributable thai tenth in the district, is direcly to the !arity of the speakers at ori'*.ar,iv',i,..iirgr. 0ur thanks go to program Chairman, David'Doyle.

I have always said that our weekly meetings Sergeant's don, ts tart to fire until the Session. Sergeant Ian- Col t ins"maOe u sl augh, he extracted fines without offence, f,6 joked and we 3oin"J-in- ,h e scattered barbs and bouquets - he deserves our generous appiause. To Grapevine Editol,,.Ron pht]tip:, and-his team, I reserve my speciar thanks- when you think of ilre b2'weekrv iorrilments, and arranging writing, composing our best instrument of communication, you appreciate the enormitv of the task. Also, to Ralph Lee ioi-orguniiing lhe-fiiinting and mailing. Thanks fellows for a job well done. As the year went by, Ian Lucas achieved more and more exposure in the newspapers and Rob Head instilled a little more Rotary ihfoimition. thank I John Etkins, our Foundation Chairman, through whose enthusiasm, primarily, we raised g4,600 polio for prri, *r.rilrr enaured us to name three Paul Harris Fellows. note from I the report that we raised over gj4,000, not including Redlrlg.Rai,sing the shierd Do6rknbcks and the EDAR Fete. This is more than any previous year. Our thanks to rund nuiiing Chairman piuf his committee- Fitz and Our Rotaract Club is nolv the biggest in t he District, with over 34 members. l4any members have given their sipport to the Rotaracters year, none more this but than John Reddish as Rotaract C ha i rman. This year, we had the pleasure and_privilege of hosting two exchange students, u,elcoming home Martin Mclnerney,"*r,o comptetdo r,is-year Brazil last January, in and sending Carolyn"gr..n to Canada. vanessa Lowe from Pietermaritzberg, made a gieat success of her stay very talented with us and the and humorous Ausiie-Finn Matti paljakka has been a pleasure to have in our Club.

are many i!9tt other members who made significant contributions to the life of our club - our Almonei, Fred pike, committee * them all. chairmen I thank

I leave, almost yllil ra_st, my congraturations guided peier"Cookl to the six Directors who our activities: Ceiiy ip.n..r, Roger Thwaites, Marcel.Muntwyler t/iggill, John and oavio worneii; i;, most of the year, and then Bernie Smith.

These are the men, who, were responsible for the achievements of our Club. 0n your behalf I thank each of them. No Club could take a significant step 0ur forward -aif it did not have a leader. District Governor, King,. is' a teaoei, reader vision and ^John among men. His enthusiasm for the p6tio plus, Life Education and peer support programs has received that the support of all Rotarians. My hope is these programs wiH eventuattv ilceiu. ilr. support Austra I i ans. of ail

Lastly, and in a very special way, thank have given I our ladies of Rotary. They us suppori aho encouiagement in many of our projects. not imagine our club without I could theii active invoirement. I thank them and especially my wife, Judy. To chresley and John, I wis! you as.much enjoyment as we have had, you John, success and satisraltiol,i! and to president ruriijiind yo* responsibirity as the next of this greai CtrO.

Geoff Steinicke Pres ident (11., i.I [i !. I]l]:iV 1 Cl:l

lirector : John Thwailes lJer:ret.ary : llorr (lar:rie11 Ireasurer perdriau : Geoff l.'rogranune Chairnian : i)avici froy,ier f,rapevine Ediror : Iton phii l ips fr,erlierant : (lo11ins Fublications I;rn : lan Lucas lloLary Inforrrr;rLion : ltob tiearl

- : : ;-. _ a nce

: ::':nks once again Lo llorr Cl;rrnell wiro ltelrt Lr s on our Lo€,s wirh reri)1nders - - :LLenciance and nrake up possibilit-ies. 'l'lre result -':: oi aLtend:rnces was r'u1'ar11' eood wiLli an overall aver;rgc ol l\b.l+"/" t-o i,iay. We also achieved , : -:-sL in the di.stricL f or aLtendance iu Decer;rber.

: - _ :at.::re

: ..roqrarflme under the capable dire,"cLion oi D.,rvicl i)o5, le provided a well -. - : rceci c[-ra 1 L enge f cr mer,rbers .

: cnLion buL a f ew of Lhe rner::oral.;1e ni1;uL:;, 1.,r. (li,; jlli;Li-i ;r, an ele sl)e ci;rl ist_ norr' a clui., rtrt:rntrt:r1 ii1Lrri,.icl1, troli() IJ!rr:.; i, ji:hard llowell t1e :--:. 1'l Ear; Vanessa Lorve (llxcir.urii( .,,rri , '-'.lent); ,ltr,:r,,rit r ,tiii1 iii i,r,:r[.rlerne) (lixcl,an61e lieaLher fi iLchet11, \,/ictt,.r.ilrri ii.ri.r,i rt., i.,,,..r,,1t ./.ttrt;,t ''-:e tcucatit'ln (l;:i:;rvart; ii)11 ; Dare, Snr, l.)er1.qeart. .lol,ri i'r,,iir r,,rlii, i)olice Air l.Jing; .rni.e l"lcNamara, Tor,.rn .l,i:.i,:,; flanner; (,.:l .lr. fli.r j,,rjit llr,sL, 3RI)ll Ilernie ::e, TacLiLian on ste;rk riicrrre), ; & I lrro{,. rr. vin(rs, c.:.,.; Dr. I}a.] r-rrnow, - LerolasL; consL. Itlronria Polnlun, [roliccr Force; .lolrn I.1arsha11, !'or<] -'-,:r 0o.; I_)r. peter Vulcan, lloaci Ij;r{-eLl,. .. .:rlr-litiorr to Lhis vle rurere Ll:e;lt.e(l Lo Llrc usrral lii1,,lr sLanr-lar11 o1 auLo- -. -.r.; prhies f rt>rri our ner,; lrcrnl.rers - ':i,g rhe yea.r, lnembers assi.sLe(i r,",iLlL orir r:lr.,.n ui) aL l,llrr.va1 Avenue for -.e t. 1cierly Citizens arrd we visi.t-erl .[nL€rrrr;:Ljon.]1 ilous<,r, its well as a Iun ,,.t in3, meeLing with rhe IioLarar;Lr;rs. Laiies nigh,rs were regular t-Lrouglrout tlre year;inrJ r.reir artendeci. !ra pev i ne

-:.. Fhillips ancl his alt1c co:rnriLLec are Lo be congraLulaLed ior hrin;iing :, us an irlteresLing anrl obvior-r s11. well read Crarpevine, which seL a;iood :'-Le]-n f or presenLaLlon anti f eaLures. "-. lic llelations

an " I-ucas accepLecl rhis d j f f ictrl t- L.rsi.., artd f ol lolvin;.i a l_)(rrs isLelrL approar:h is -eginning Lo reap lhe rewilrCs o: r,urLi as ir nurrrbcr ol .rrLiCIcr; re 1;r t- n1.; LO \ ruLll ^r.trk i exc.ltange anrl can re.:ycling ha\/c rcccrir 11, beerr pLrblisheci. Sergeant

Cur thanks to Ian Collins for a difficult- Lasl( and Citrrie,ci oLrL r.riLlr il reaL ent-husiasnl resulting in great fun and fellcwship aL our r:reetinlis.

Potary lnforma[i on

Pob Head presented a number of articles a very in the crapevine, Loget"her wit-h succe$sful discussicn meeting on a varier) of Rotary ropics. rinal ly-, Lhqlk you Lo aI I those rne*ibers who ass isted witir recomnierrclat of speakers Lhxolig,hour the year. ions

I -:idal iL es. -:::iLlRIR'S REP0RT 1gB6/87

Admi ni stration Account: The Administration account began the year with a balance of $t,866.00.

-: , - -_ _ _ r -t LJc P _E6W-Est i mate Actual to Compari son May '87 85TBil- Iteals & Functions prof 27 ,458 29,656 llarral Ave Barbeque it 200 Fines 550 644 Copper (Aust 620 Pot Rotary Health 232 276 Research Fund) Ent.rance Fees 14A 60 100 Strbscri pt i ons 5,768 5,629 CIonations 5 ,605 250 25 500 tsank & Tricontinental Interest 20a 334 Eadges/Banners 229 Sales 56 B1 lline Sales (Auction) 919 Safari Dinner profit 447 l-lorseracing 604 761 Night 368 256

6,908 36 ,528 38 ,53 1

with -'-:':.e Tricontinental cash Management rrust - $500.00 at 31-5- 1987.

-_,: LS

lleals & Functions printing 27 ,450 29 ,990 Erapevine 770 Crapevine postage 682 532 770 87B 740 RI Per Capita F6es 1,800 1,827 1,659 0istrict 980 Levy 660 638 594 Rotary Down Under 840 93? Rotary Publ 850 ications 110 239 Badges, Banners 284 lin:, & Caps 550 613 449 Stationery & Secretarial (inct p/Cash) 220 Insurance 312 222 (Pens) 275 351 265 6ifts for Guest Speakers 330 498 Oonations 220 Floxers 50 85 330 138 Federal Tax on Debits 122 Fresident-El JJ 42 35 ect Seminar 50 *otary House Donation 50 160 840 Charter Night Donations 350 50 Fresident,s Expenses llicrophone 502 100 ,tust Rotary 250 Health Research Fund 276 {85/86 Copper Pot) District Conference Dinners* 280* IShort Fall)

6 ,908 36,5 lB 36,767 *t re-imbursement of $138 for the Finnish GSE Team is expected from District. k have a bank balance in this account. at the end of May of gI,425.15. Service Account: Tricontinental cash Management Trust - 93,000.00 as at 31-5- 1987. le began the year with 91,404.00 in the bank, in addition to the $3,000.00 invested with Tricontinental.

Recei pts Actual to Compari son MaY rB-l 85/86 ::.-ron Parade Profit 965 1 ,420 r=-:r,odel lers Display prof -'r it 3,621 3, 128 - stmas Stocking Profit 1,B8B 1,679 ::-( & Tricontinental Interest 520 837 : -',3ndara Cake Stal I 326 : '' -'t t f rom Sa I e of Chri stmas pudd i ngs 100 : --'it :.-'it from Sale of Chocolate Bars 826 from Sale of Aluminium Cans* 620*

B,866 7 ,064 ---rs amount is the end of June estimate and will be matched dollar for dollar :,' Containers Packaging and then donated to the Life Erlucation Centre.

Exchange Students 2,425 822 Uern McConchie Memorial Awards 540 250 Blood Pressure & Diabetes Testing 814 560 llittagundi Youth Committee 141 95 0nernda Centre 250 1,000 Fainting Exchange Postage 94 286 Youth Art Exchange-Conference Display 92 151 District 980 RYLA Committee 600 300 Federal Tax on Debits ?4 14 Debating Night 210 Rotary Foundation - polio plus 925 (from sale of chocolates & puddings) International House Dinnen 72 Angela Iaylor Memoriai Trust Fund 250 Greythorn Primary School 125 Greythorn High School 75 Think Twice Video 100 65E Share of Advertising 107 6riests ' llea I s at Week Iy Meet i ngs 1,064 Rotary Foundation 943 Aust Rotary Health Research Fund 1 ,000 l*exican Rel ief Fund 200 Diabetes Foundation Donation 240 Rotary Swinburne Bursary 1,000 St. John Ambulance Radio 2 ,005 ttetal Signs 270 Rotaract Establishment Costs 425 &dyssey House 612 Surrey Hills Primary School '100

7,948 10,233 --= iervice Account bank balance at the end of May is $1,637.96

-=," Perdriau '": : : J rer ROTARY CLUB OF NORTH BAI-WYN

. ::::,qIP DEVtL0PMtNT REP0RT - 1986/87


,qt the beginning of the qear we had 59 nembers, and unfot:tunatelg we recei ved faur res-lgnat-rons. The following members resigned:-

- :. .'e! tn Maunder - Now residinq in N.S.ll : tn Fl-etchet - Busrness reasons. )uncan Ansell - Business reasons. ,loger Wigqill - Business .reasons.

"1-t i s expected that ceorge King, who is now residing in aueenslancl, and Ron Soates nho 1s residing on the Motnington Peninsula, wilJ resr qn fron the club !o the near future.

' -re p Jeased to induct the f ol lowinq nenbers int-o, cl ub: - 8ttrce Dore John llollison* 0r 0n Pahuja* P.P. Gregorg Ross - Paul Harris fellow Glen talnsiegr* Imte Lele fohn NcBride Graeme Snith John I'lagor

were nat ltotar'-rans trans f erring to our - : fron another Rotarq club.

- ',e i0 June, 1987 aur nemhersltip stands at (t4 nernbers

- :.r's f ron othet cJubs. Hctwever we cannot relq on maintairting our ' :e r'ship brl welcoming new members f ron interstat.e clubs; our own members -- tntroduce new members to Rotarq who can share the wondet'ful fellowship of


-,iimtttee members were Peter Cook, Tony Mclean, Murray Carr, r,:i Fletcher, George King, Ken Proposch, John Reddish, Ron Roy, r=ter CIeary and Imre Lele. ,l-e Youth Committee continues to administer a worthwhile service to --ne youth in the community. Ine Committee were involved in a number of major projects during the rear, and although no new initiatives were undertaken, traditional :ctivities of previous years were well organised by various members :f the Committee. reler CIeary, with the assistance of Tony McLean, arranged an excellent youth debate between Carey Grammar School and Marcellin Collr:ge at Argenti's on 18 September.

Congratulations to winners Carey who won narrowly, debating the subject 'The Younger Generation Knows Best' before an audience of 105 members and guests.

Students at Greythorn High School in years 7 to 12 competed for book prizes of $40, $30 and $20 in the Vern McConchie memorial competition to promote youth by the written word.

The subjectrThe Good Life'produced some fine essays and organiser George King arranged for President Geoff Steinicke to the awards at the school assembly on 1 December.

Ken Proposch selected two students, Lan Nguyen and Day, to attend the Mittagundi country camp for young boys and girls between 14 and 16 years. The camp, situated at the foot of the Bogong High Plains, has to be reached on foot and really develops the character of those participating. Both boys attended a Rotary meeting after returning from the camp in January.

The RYLA, Rotary Youth Leadership Award, is for young people between 18 and 24 who attend a youth leadership camp for a week during May. Murray Carr selected Ross Greenfield (Rotaracter), Tim Wood and Ian Charlesworth to attend. The Rotaract Club, chartered in 1985, continues to grow and with 35 members is rapidly becoming one of the strongest clubs in the district.

Congratulations to John Reddish for his enthusiasm and careful guidance during this year of consolidation for Rotaracters. With encouragement from Peter Cook, the Rotaracters won the raft race at Kyneton in February using a raft sponsored by Ford. During the first part of the year, the Club hosted two Rotary exchange students. Vanessa Lowe, South Africa, completed the last part of her year, and Mattr Pal3akka, Finland, arrived in August. Both students have contributed greatiy to the Youth Exchange program. Martin Mclnerney returned BraziI in January, and obviously gained greatly from his experience.

Caroline Green was farewelleC as the outgorng student in January 1987 and is enjoying herseif as our representative in Stoney Plains, Alberta, Canada. Three of our students nominated for Outwards Exchange in January 19BB have advanced to the final selection weekend ii June. The club has agreed to send out two students and has arranged for l'lelbourne North to take another.

The Committee has arranged for the purchase of an adolescent health video, 'Think Twice', and this will'be promoted to schools in the area.

Two new youth projects, peer support and Rypen, were investigated and have been recommended for consideration in lg|l/BB The committee was depleted during the year by the retirement of Duncan Ansell and the moving to Noosa Heads of George King. Imre r-ele joined the Committee in February.

The Youth committee thanks club members for their support during the year.

Feter Cook Cha i rman 1 -r


-:mmittee members were Gerry Spencer, Don Haycraft, Stan Hibbert, -lcn Pilgrim, Morry Rubenstein, David Stockman, Eric Witts, Tcm lJing Young and John MolIison.

Ihere were two Salvation Army Doorknocks in the period under review. The first was in July 1986, which was organised by the outgoing lommittee, and the second will be on 21 June 1987, and be organised cy the current Committee.

The EDAR Fete again took place in 0ctober, and raised funds as prevrously.

rje participated in the Boroondara Shopping Centre Festival, and used it as the focus of our sale of tickets for the Christmas Stocking Raffle, as well as the sale of peanut butter and dim sims.

One working bee has been held at the Marwail Avenue Senior Citizens Centre, involving external cleaning and ground rnanagement. Don Haycraft is now our permanent representative, and we are presently waiting for a contribution of plants frorn the City of Camberwell. tlhen these become available, we wiII ask for another session of assistance from the members of the CIub.

The annual Health Survey took place in February, but response was 0isappointing. This was partly due to the fact that the X-Ray i'4achine broke down on Friday night and was not able to be mended. We had about 400 perople pass through, at a cost to the Club of $650. The HBA sponsorship for which we hoped did not eventuate. Don Pilgrim has done an excellent summary, in which he lists recommendations made by the Committee to improve the Health Survey activity in 1988. This will be passed to Lhe incoming Committee Chairman, Peter Cook.

l{e have made several attempts to work more closely with 0dyssey House, lo very little avail. Rob Head and I attended their Annual Dinner, and I personally counselled one of their students. Apart from that, only Rob Head has had minimal contact, to the best of my knowledge. This year saw the opening of our Can Collection Centre at Camberwell. Though response from the public could be better, we will collect in excess of $1,200 this year, aided and abetted by Containers Packaging, who have offered to meet us dollar for dollar collected. In the last week, Ford Motor C ompany have erected 12 containers within their plant for the col lection of cans, and these will be sold direct to Comalco at76c ents per ki lo. if this initiative is successful, it could Ie adtoa considerable increase in funds from this project.

it was agreed that all contributions from can recyciing would be made available to the Life Education Centre in this year. The Committee initiated sales of chocolates during the Christmas period, and a profit of $825 was achleved, for reiatively little effort. -chn Mollison initiated research into the viability of a monthly -:rket, possible at 'The sentimental Bloke'. This investigation is :ngorng, and John Will continue to handle it for the time being in irs neh, committee.

Service club Liaison committee is a meeting co-ordinated by the city :f Camberwell, which meets three times per year. I have attended :hese meetings on behalf of the Club, and I believe that the new Committee should continue to do so.

During the year we have also looked at Neighbourhood Watch, "panic tsuttons" for the elderly, and the Christmas t.lish project. 0f these, :n]y the christmas l,Jish project is passed on to the new committee. ire also attempted to work with the Ashburton Rotary Club, buL as -"heir Fun Run has been postponed until next year, we were not able -ic do so.

-'j Spencer :-- : - I^man _ - - i riNAL

_ /,0RNELL (C) -:,:: CLARK : -.: (AGAN . --:- -EE .-:,.: SMITH .- ,TILLSHIRE - r-:r FOARD '_,'lA - _ utt ' - . -: D0RE

-:rng the months of 1986, the vocational guide,,Towards .:-lfilling Career" lvas subjecLed to critical review : --rlo independent groups of high school stucients. - -: t es of the revi sed manuscripi were forwarded to a fi rm --.led career I,,lise in Kew, and Myer Stores at Doncaster. : - -r 0rganisations were invited to comment and participate ihe production, and distribution of the guidb. ----Jrtunately, no follow up action has been taken. --:St speakers were organised as fol lows: _--:on. ---_-!t. Ra I ph Lee , Genera I Manager of the Melbourne Stock Exchange, spoke of the work i ngs of the Exchange and the formation of an Australian Stock Exchange.

. = UeI Judge Graham Crossley, spoke to the Club on Court procedures, and some of the peculiarities of our judicial system. -: ;'ccdtional -.'--le Service Committee or ganised the Christmas from which the Club raised $

- --=r^pri - -: se Austral ia: During May David Worne I I represented . - I ub at a Careers guidance seminar sponsored by -'.=r:rise Australia. INTERNATIONA], SERVIC]'

--::ittee members were Roger hriggi11, Roger Benallack, Jotrn Etkins, -r Ford, David Goldsmith, Ron Liner, Creg Matthews, Glen l{a1ms1ey, =:,; F.av Zuccala . - - ;reparing objectives for the tgg6/7 year, the rnternational : =:-.,'ices Committee sar^7 their role as one of promoting Rotary --:ernational projects by involving as mally club members as -:ssib1e, and by keeping the rnternational aspect of Rotary visibre a1l times =: by providing speakers, and in all possibre other er'ays. l:"e undoubted highllght of our year was the promotion polioplus ;-:ir of Rotary rnternational calring on a mitlion rnen in 160 lands to : a..e the leadership role to immunize the worlds children against :'ic over the next 5 years (as well as severar. other diseases). -"e immense cost of $rzo million required Australian r:-Si Rotarians to $5-mirlion over 4 yeirrs ($+'o l)er. R,irarian). uncrer the -:'ergetic and able gu of Past-prts idcnt :'s;onded Jolrn Iirkins, the Club magnif ic.nL ry, raising $a::r, rrr,iirry doubre the year, : rtet. This enabled s ' us ro recommend to Lrrc Il,.,ard the awarding of 3 --::l Harris Fellowships - the lrolioPlus (.()rlt ribubion ::r this purpose. being eligible rulost importantly, NorLIr Balwynr s ef f ort will i:cSu1t in the immuniz;ltion of 18,854,,i_rifaren,.. r:'e Fund raising conmittee asked the rnternati.onal :: organize service committee ttre Aerornodellerrs Display on llarch 15th, in con junction ;-[i-. the Doncaster Aeromodellers club. l:eo Unrler the able guidance of Ilatthews, and an c-.ruIslancl ing subcc.rurrnitree embracing -:-:slce of rnternationar, members and also blessecl by fine weather, and - _:.r club supporr a record $:a:+ was raise.. $zso of ;;;" r^/as : - -: ted to ONEMDA and the balar-rce put into ---.t::lll,,Io. the c1ub, s Service aPpropriate future use. Ir was a grear day of -=--;,t4'Sn1p. - committee = undertook the continuation of RryAE - Rotary -::erilational Youttr Art Exchange, started by r- r. under our ctrri */z years David Goldsmithr s abre leadership the scheme burgeoned -.':eiievably. Six schoors in District 9g0 participated, and our - arranged I - -: exchanges of srudenr s irrtworks with overse;is schools ::.:-ugh 5 Rotary clubs abroad. r, addition, several local ::- :cth 1oca1 schools and overseas Clubs are g*ttir,g underway, guided hy --r Club committee. Tha'ks to Ron carirerl, Tory ::.ers, North Mclean and many Balwyn put on both a static dispray ancl a stage ::-sentation at the District 980 conference in Adelaide :-: a static 1n March, display and presentation at the 980 Assembly at Latrobe -''r.'ersity on May 24th. we provided a chairman for a Distrrct 9g0 --:lltee of 4 clubs durlng the year, and to-date over 1000 arth,orks . 3'.'e been sent abroad, and a similar: ::-''s, number received. As interest clubs in other districts are becoming involved; this is truly :.' e>:ample of a project fu1fi1l1ng irs aim "to ::-ei:dship - build bridges of and understancling between students of dj fferent nat i ons,,. Rotary Foundation was particularry active tliis year. The norninee for an outgoing club, s Ladies croup srudy-l"a Exc.hange Team to connecticut Ji11 Earnshaw, {i,as the U's.A. ' ",r"."""f ,,r, i s, ar present in Ji11 is a Tow, planner with t'e Roacl rraffic Authority. The rnternational services c'mmittee arranged c1ub, of the hosting, by our an incoming mens GSE team from District t4r in Finland. This was highly successfu1, and would not rrtlve been so without the splendid organization of John Etkins, and ar magnificant from Club response families who hosted this fine groul) of men. The rnternational commit tee combined wittr its counterpart Balwyn Rotaract in in North - -organizing a highly successful rnternational \ight on September 9th wrth the Hon. in

The Club continued itts support of Rotary Foundation by a conrriburion of $US fO per member. Tire committere, tl-re abre guidancc: or- .r,irr I,,ord, :ne 7986 UNIClll-11!err partici pated in Children's Art Crrmplt ir ion, assisting with t ransportation and seIti Irp, up ol' llrt, ljr.,vtr.t1 :'arvellous correction exhibi tions. A of artw.r[

, aa.essa Lowe, an exchange student fronr Souttr Africa spoke of the - - : c 11 L need for classrooms in Zululand at a cost of $ZOOO each. - .. rough the generous action of an club member Venessa vr'as =: -e IO provide a classroonr on l.rer r:eturn. speakers on rnternational topics r.,c,re arranged _;ear.'arious These included Dr. cluring the (chairman Tony Bajurnoa (Interplast), Ray Alder of the District 9g0 FArM comnrittee), (President UNICEF Marjorie sprarr of in Vicroria), Bernie U.,lf.*l.. (GSE ian Johansen (CSE), to Finland), and ttre whole Finnish GSli team.

n.F.G. lriggil1 !f,ay 29 , L9BT . ::LLOWSHIP REPORT 1986 l_987

-:: behal-f of our Committee, I have pleasure in reporting the ::ilowing activities held during the past year.

- --\r Crazv Whist Niqht: fun night at the IoveIy new home of the Wj-llshires. Forty attended, more than we ever expected. Swiss Club Dinner: l.-"e Chairman (Swiss) loved the night, and so did everybody else .-"::efulIy). Forty five people joined US, and I nearly had a .':.iel" but the food was too good. i =: -*enber Fashion Parade: --:s of work for some, loads of fun for others. 118 attended and *= :aised over $900.00.

- :--:cer Rich River Weekend: l:ea-u long week end for the I'f11thy rich'r and sports fanatics. -:-.-:cus1y the envy of others who did not attend. October Horse Racing Night: - ---s eSlaughter, feverish betting and a marvellous evening in --"-= :lresence of Our ladies. li.orrember - t'Bush', BBQ -" . Iast minute change, Banksia Park was preferred (due to ::-i::r-,ity) to the Bush, but 35 turned out and had a great time. I =:=:.-cer Christmas I"leeting: I':=-lant night as usual, this time with a 'special' from .:----i and his T'rumpet. Traditional New Years Eve Party: ^aS OnCe again held at Reddishrs, and was a very pleasant ::'r 7 4 of us to ring in the New Year. PooI Party: l--: :reat evening was spent at Rubensteinrs and 68 people had : -:'.-:Iy eveni-ng eating, chatting and splashing. tr- - -- :*rr " - *- -*- t /March Weekend at Phillip Island: - - -.- - -ghts included: evening at the WooIshed, great BBQ lunch :-- ::.= Reddish's Island Retreat, visits to the Penguins and ---16 .vr u.

-/z : =--rwship Report 1986 1987 Page 2

Crieket Match with Rotoract: "-.=-: at the Marcellin Ground.s, a great win for both Rotary =:.: Fellowship. ari Dinner: :::::._alI reports an evening enjoyed by B0 of us as we toured --.-= local terrain in search of oui gosls. Anniversary Dinner: -'--:::tunatery r was stirl overseas for this function and :---in't join in what sounded like a great night. _ - =:. le Over Dinner: -:----- to come - more details 1ater.

=-.r' :hanks to all my committee Members for their assi-stance ':'--c all those who helped us make this year again a great : =--:;shlp year. i:=:-a1 thanks to our ladies for : --3 their assistance and support, : all those who generously offered their homes for the ::-:-s functions throughout the year. --: ---: ran Lucas, the in-coming Fellowship Director, w€ alr *-j. j'tu the best of luck for; great year. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE

_ _,-i; r ttee Paul Fitz (C) David Cheney Ian Col I ins Russel 1 Fynmore C'l i ve Hughes Max Hunter Bi 1 I Knea.le Graeme Smith

X. - 0b jecti ves : ,ljectives of the Fund Raising Conniittee were: * To develop a major on-going activity to raise the bulk of the Cl ub ' s funds for serv i ce programmes .

To coord j nate a number of sntal ler' 1'uttii rais jng projects.

T o invol ve Cl ub members i n the tc-r Ial i urtd rai si ng programme * To concen trate on ra i s i ng f unds f rorrt tlre conmtun i ty ra ther than ind.ividual menibers and to direct nternbers' involvement towards project development and hands-on support.

9.--r Proj ec t -':='- ertensive evaluation and d"iscussion, the Committee selected and the -..': :pproved a "Hole-in-One" golf competition as the major on-going project. .-,':=,'able time was expended in negotiating wjth the Camberwell Council, .': -:'rittee of Management of Freeway Golf, the course professional and ': I -:: Transport Authority tr: establ'ish the feasibility of the project. : :' 'r.iformal ) agreernents f ronr al l authori ties were obtai ned too l ate ' --':J.t the event prior to the discontinuation of daylight savlng in :: 1 -;37. Therefore, the Board agreed to i ts postponement unti l 0ctober, -,- -: the time of writing,a sponsorship propr;sal was being finalised - , :: approaches bejng nrade to business houses for financial support. 3- Slaller Fund Raisfng Projects , ,-:"e approvai of the Board, the Committee delegated the responsibillty :'- ' .,irber of successful events were completed. Fashion Parade - Fellourship Conrnrittee Fund Raising Committee (FRC) - Liaison - David Cheney Christmas Raffle -'rrocational Service Committee FRC Liajson - i,,ssell Fynnrore Aermodellers 0isplay - International Service Committee FRC Liaison - l{ax Hunter EDAR Fete - Cornunity Service Commjttee FRC Liaison - Ian Collins lhlbonrrrc Cup Racing tiight - Fel lowsh'ip Committee FRC Liaison - PauI Fitz : : --'e, 1987. 2

* I,Jine Auction - Cl ub Service Commi ttee FRC Liajson - Clive Hughes * Borondara charity Day - community service with committee with special serv' assistance irom our ladies (cakes), Tom Wing Young (Dim Sjms). {- lleil Projects :-r': from the "Hore-in-One" competitjon, four new projects were deveroped. * Aluminium can Re-cycling - an init"iative of the community service committee's chairman, Gerry Spencer, an aruminium can re-cycling centre was set up at the camberweil Centre. shopping The project received considerable support from Camalco Ltd'and the Club was very appreciatjve of the grant given dollar for dollar by containers packaging Limited for ail funds raised tn 1986/87. * sportsman's Dinner - at the time of writing, the Fund Raising Commjttee-was organising a_sportsman's dinner wh'ich is proposed to take place in August, lgBi.

* Bicentennial Forum 'in1988, - to celebrate Austral'ia's Bicentennial Biil Kneare, in conjunct.ion with Max Hunter and President-erect John Robsonl *orteJ on the holding feasib.ility of a Bicentenn"ial Forum. pranning is progressing favourably wi th the v'iew hor to di ng the Forum i n the i a tiei perr od of the 19Bl /BB Rotarjan year. * Browse and Buy Market - durjng the year, the community service commi ttee investigated the feisibi ri ty of running a monthiy browse and buy market. It is high'ry probable that it wiil commence in the new Rotarian year utifising the tacilities of the Sentjmental Bloke car park. rr ;_"": plus : - -'-"n Etkjns, on behalf of the Internatjonal Service Committee, organised : :', successful fund raising programme ,s _ _- :.,ject. for Rotary international pol io

-" : =: S.-iel d Appeal in two Red shierd # SJXS,of{J;cipated Door Knock Appears in Jury, ie86 J) f- 9,rapy of Fund Raisi ng Activities

Commi ttee Resul t Funds Raised Responsibility Service Admin $$

Communi ty Compl eted 2,900

: - , ,:e Fe1 1 owshi p Compl eted 965 Xml0ne Cunpetition Fund Raising PI anned Communi ty Compl eted 910 \ ;-: Fe1 I owshi p Comp.leted 368 Raffle Vocati ona'l Compl eted 1,924 Charity Day Communi ty Cornp) eted 500 :-: l,isplay Internati ona'l Compl eted 3,634 Cl ub Conrpl e ted 985 Internati onal Conrpl eted 4,525 Commun'ity Compl eted 1,300 . linner Fund Raising Pl anned 'l : Fo rum (Bi I Kneal e ) Pl anned Communi ty Pl anned "lP ea I Conmuni ty PI anned

') 1 B 00 0 W a s r a S e d $s 32 J for the Cl ub's Service Account; a j :'e C I u b Admi n S t ra ti on Accou nt; $2,900 for the Salvation Army n o 7 q. Ju e I e c t i o n $q t 5 2 for Polio Plus; and $910 for EDAR. 0 t h a t t he spo rt sman S D i nne r wiII net $2,000 and the "Hole-In-0ne" t I e a S t $zs 000

o t 0 th a n k the memb e r S o f t he 1 9 B6 (J 7 F u n d Ra i c ng LU mm i tte e f o r 0 er the ye a r a n d e x te nd LU n c orni ng F UN d R a S j n g Cha j rm a n D a V i d a c q o t l S Comm t tee o u r b e t t' he S f o r a h g h v p r0 f tab e 1 9 o 7 BB j n LE rms

::nd Rar'sing Commi ttee -t


toHil RBBS?N, P.P. GE7fF ]LARK

: /'=ie rep'resented bg twentq nenbets, and - : - i'al jakka, lg wives. 0ur: excha,ge '' a'/so attenrled. John and Johnnie ftkins - - n :taq at 14irdura, enloged the - and althouqh the41 jcturneged onto Adelaide, - = _ _:-- lc stay for the conference.

. -, - : ,: :n his usuaj competant, and humot.ous m;)nner, ' ' : -: = '1 as opened bq Presirlent ': Nominee, |lst.,trL1 l,ternatiortal, Rogce - -:'i)arq sess-lrJDs were c)f ;t hiqh sLantl.trd, .trrtl : - : -_- : -,ad been it, was evidenL that made to make: it ;t confere,cr: t.., t,t:rnt:nber- the con ference fot' OU r ntenb ers Wcl t- lt t' tl rq Conplex nnet r gan I se d th e 0u t p a_r t wa ct L-'C j U On {)a t t ed b tl the TO up tudg f ron Ff nl an d. A sp ec j aJ -re I a t .l i p cle 1 theg ve ope d wf th OU T -resp anded t o our fr j en ds p j hi b q s n gi ng s evera I o f th e r

k r'rxre iras rdea] for what rrnlanrng we lo best - enioginq each others conpang whirst *ith gaod foad, high cJass wines, |1uiring, d r ring a'rong with the tanii, and the usual canclusion and or our res-rde nt pianistt David cheney. con fe .rence e j gh t coup I e en j o9e d fou L da tJ s o Lhe f go I f tenn i s and Mi l dura Count rq C1 ub rWO a the I coup I es spen t the s'arre on a h OU se boa t no ot:ed on the MurI a g Ri vet a t l,l i I rJu ra if, i econnend that ttte menbe r who a re a b l e to ten the A l bur q Lo nake 988 week o t l t so ttt a t- th ea t]A --:-18 feII owshi p n enjog t-h bei ng o tgan j .9e' d b q Da vi d Cheney -,] I woul d I i ke to thank Geo f f Cl ar k fo i s s - _:;t.i j uppor t i n o rgan .1 s t n q OD n A deI a I de itn d h j s se I ec t 1 on o f the 5 t ontJfeI l Comp I ex _ ,_ te tha t Geo ff a n d Doro I th q WLJ re unab l e t o a t ten tl the t a con fe I ence a thei I compa na wt7 mi s se d b a al l o f th e membe: T who weI e

-- t- nuntun fi[Jro{f T-ELECT, c HAI RttAN YTAR SE VEN

ilear Ssrents behind us, one more gone, ue,lL be bloued! I year in rtrich feLlourifrip l|tflst qr certaiify ifoueO, neals improved, uith neul bfokes ,t th* Bloke, furgffiit Ian shone on, never mi"uinq-u-j;k"I-

Iltut became. fashionable, jkm Ere quite suddenly, nt seened half the club courd be founo .[ tne t"e; hre, or Rich River, or lylildura tltri-t,'tf,ItI "t made sil= even, ue heard, played through the"*ru", conference!

k ss& trent home - Lre LJere sorry to l-ose Tn[.s ].ass utrotd co.llected for schools fr:r Zulus. kr ictti From Finland his trumpet, h ni.s hosts quickly """ir"J-rith tearneA-that they'O like-it or lunrp it! lLur Sor-uice uork mostly uras more _ k'-rtbllers, .,.line ofl the sarne auction, ,h"n Christmas came lhrt stocking uas once again "nO lerce hauled n'r roca-r- fork r,ririi*gr; ;""ved"ounO-ou"*Jf,op" themserves tops. ilst exctrange betr.reen schools produced uorks Uocatianal, hy the r'arn, sadJ.y, ;uu[-ran out ofl steam! ui"th larsest.i"am. y;[,"it; lErreff ierhaps not amazins still seeking tnl uiy tor,rarOs major funJ_raisinq! rhn.,qh four thousand five hundred uas extract,ed from us l;d o.rr naighbours - great eflfort for polio plus tn ..nse chi-l_dren ,.,or.d',io" iri-e";";;;.;#-0, ,.oin Prr6 tJE nanring of paur Hr*ri"'i"rid;-*,Iiin"inr"no -

50 ts Stan, Ron and Kevin our congratulat,ions, In ttris uay uef ve excel-Led for the Rolary Foundation; lr.iLst Pres. Geoffr-il. great year, leaves Ey q.r singing " his mark uniquely the Anthe*] .nJ nl= ,thoughtr, given ueekly!