ROTAR{ CLUB of Nonh Balwyn CLUB REPORT 1986-87 DISTRICT 980 "Rotury Brings Hope" \ ROTARr CLUB OF NORTT!- BALWYN t-e 86 / 87 s SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OFYICE BEARERS President Geoff Steinlcke President El_ect John Robson Vice President Geoff Cfark PP past president Immediate PauL t'itz PP Secretarg Ron CarneLL Treasurer Geoff Perdriau DIRECTORS CLub Service John Tltwaites Communitq Service Gerrg Spencer Fellowship MarcE:1 Mutttwql_er fnternatianaL Roger Wj <lqi11 VocationaL Davi.d Ltrornel_7 Youth Peter Cctok CHAIRMEN Attendance Ron CarneLL Grapevine Editor Rc;n PhiJJips Rotarg fnformatjon Rob.Ilead PubLic Re-Zat:ons fan Lucas Sergeant At Arms fan Col_Lins Program David Dogle Fund Raising PauL f'itz pp Membe r s hi p / C I as s i f i c at i on John Robson On to Conference John Robson ALmoner l'red Pike Rotarg Foundation Jc;ltn Etki.ns pp Poet Laureate & Cfub Historg Jrs)tn iltkins PP Auditor Ron Phi171ps pISrRreT 980 REPRESENTATr2N District Governor,s Representative PP PauL ]?itz Presidents El_ect Seminar Committe:e PP Joltn Etkins PubLic Re-7.atrons Committee PP Stan l-libbert Presidents ELect Seminar Conmitte:e PP Kevin Maunder Assr.stant District Secretarq Ken Proposch Rotaract Committee PP David GoLdsmith '.. youth i Chairman R.f. Art Exchange Roger WiggilJ Youth Committee PP John Reddrsh ':; p]'srRrer GoyaRjvoR PP John King GROUP REPRESENTA TIVE PP Peter parkin COMMITTEES COMMUNIIY SERViCE I NTERNAT I ONAL Gerry S pencer (C ) Roger W iggill ( C) Don Hay c raft Roger B enna I I ac k Stan Hi bbert John Et kins, Fo undation Don P i I grim David G oldsmith Morry R ubenstein Ron L i n er David S toc kma n Greg. M athews Eric I^/i tts Ray Zuc cala Tom l.l i n g Young Tim For d John Mo I I i son Glen Wa lmsley John Ma gor CLUB SERVICE VOCAT I ONAL John T hwaites (C) David Wornell (c) Ron Ca rnell, Secretary Bern i e Smi th ( c) Ron Ph illips, Grapevine Ed. Geoff Clark John E tkins, History Peter Kagan Rob. H ead, Rotary Information Ra I ph Lee I an Lu cas, Public Relations David l^/illshire Bernie Smith, Asst Sergeant Graha m Foard Geoff Perdri au, Treasurer 0m Pa hu j a David Stockman, Asst Treas. Bruce Do re David Doyle, Program FUND RAISING YOUTH SERV I CE Paul Fitz (C) Peter Cook (C) David Cheney Tony McLean Ian Collins Murray Carr Russel I Fynmore C I i Hughes Rob. F letcher ve Max Hunter George K i ng Ken Proposch B i I I Knea I e John Reddish Graeme Sm i th Ron Roy Peter Cleary GRAPEVINE Imre Lele Ron Ph i I I l ps (ro I Don Pllgrim Ian Lucas FELLOI^,SH I P Rob . Head Marcel Muntwyler (C) A I an Anderson INTER CLUB / ON TO CONFERENCE Ron Arthur John Robson (c) Ron Coates Geoff Clark Lew Lustig Kevin Maunder Fred Pike AUD I TOR Geoff Ros s Ron Phillips Gregory Ross John McBride MEMBERSHIP John Robson (C) ALMONER Geoff Clark Fred Pike POET LAUREATE John Etkins PRESIDENT'S R EPORT The first objective which I desired to achieve, above all others, was to see that members enjoyed their Rotary. From fellowship and through all the avenues of service, I believe we achieved that objbctive. There were, of course, many other objectives which developed into projects and these are listed in this Annual fteport of eicfr of the committees. propose I 9on'I to,highlight any projects, they were all important. So much has been achieved that you wohobr [ow we maniged to do so much. please read these reports. I would now like to talk about people - people who have made this year important to me - important to us att. Firstly, every club has to have a Secretary, but when you have the best club Secretary how much better it is. My giui.irl thanks to Ron carnell. |{e,also.enjoyed the services of a Minute Secretary at our Board Meetings and I thank Ron Arthur for lris contribution- Side by side with the best Secretary is a diligent thanks perdriau, rreasurer. My special to Geoff who is stepping asio6 trris year after tnree years as Treasurer. Previously, I had found that the club service Director was the key man in the organisation of a Rotary club, so r irroi",lor,n Thwaites quiet achiever - the - who had the oirricuit task oi-iorinisteiing-ir,e club at the grass roots level. He did not let us down.- Our attendance record has been of a high standard - a first, several seconds and thirds and never lower attributable thai tenth in the district, is direcly to the q!arity of the speakers at ori'*.ar,iv',i,..iirgr. 0ur thanks go to program Chairman, David'Doyle. I have always said that our weekly meetings Sergeant's don, ts tart to fire until the Session. Sergeant Ian- Col t ins"maOe u sl augh, he extracted fines without offence, f,6 joked and we 3oin"J-in- ,h e scattered barbs and bouquets - he deserves our generous appiause. To Grapevine Editol,,.Ron pht]tip:, and-his team, I reserve my speciar thanks- when you think of ilre b2'weekrv iorrilments, and arranging writing, composing our best instrument of communication, you appreciate the enormitv of the task. Also, to Ralph Lee ioi-orguniiing lhe-fiiinting and mailing. Thanks fellows for a job well done. As the year went by, Ian Lucas achieved more and more exposure in the newspapers and Rob Head instilled a little more Rotary ihfoimition. thank I John Etkins, our Foundation Chairman, through whose enthusiasm, primarily, we raised g4,600 polio for prri, *r.rilrr enaured us to name three Paul Harris Fellows. note from I the report that we raised over gj4,000, not including Redlrlg.Rai,sing the shierd Do6rknbcks and the EDAR Fete. This is more than any previous year. Our thanks to rund nuiiing Chairman piuf his committee- Fitz and Our Rotaract Club is nolv the biggest in t he District, with over 34 members. l4any members have given their sipport to the Rotaracters year, none more this but than John Reddish as Rotaract C ha i rman. This year, we had the pleasure and_privilege of hosting two exchange students, u,elcoming home Martin Mclnerney,"*r,o comptetdo r,is-year Brazil last January, in and sending Carolyn"gr..n to Canada. vanessa Lowe from Pietermaritzberg, made a gieat success of her stay very talented with us and the and humorous Ausiie-Finn Matti paljakka has been a pleasure to have in our Club. are many i!9tt other members who made significant contributions to the life of our club - our Almonei, Fred pike, committee * them all. chairmen I thank I leave, almost yllil ra_st, my congraturations guided peier"Cookl to the six Directors who our activities: Ceiiy ip.n..r, Roger Thwaites, Marcel.Muntwyler t/iggill, John and oavio worneii; i;, most of the year, and then Bernie Smith. These are the men, who, were responsible for the achievements of our Club. 0n your behalf I thank each of them. No Club could take a significant step 0ur forward -aif it did not have a leader. District Governor, King,. is' a teaoei, reader vision and ^John among men. His enthusiasm for the p6tio plus, Life Education and peer support programs has received that the support of all Rotarians. My hope is these programs wiH eventuattv ilceiu. ilr. support Austra I i ans. of ail Lastly, and in a very special way, thank have given I our ladies of Rotary. They us suppori aho encouiagement in many of our projects. not imagine our club without I could theii active invoirement. I thank them and especially my wife, Judy. To chresley and John, I wis! you as.much enjoyment as we have had, you John, success and satisraltiol,i! and to president ruriijiind yo* responsibirity as the next of this greai CtrO. Geoff Steinicke Pres ident (11., i.I [i !. I]l]:iV 1 Cl:l lirector : John Thwailes lJer:ret.ary : llorr (lar:rie11 Ireasurer perdriau : Geoff l.'rogranune Chairnian : i)avici froy,ier f,rapevine Ediror : Iton phii l ips fr,erlierant : (lo11ins Fublications I;rn : lan Lucas lloLary Inforrrr;rLion : ltob tiearl - : : ;-. _ a nce : ::':nks once again Lo llorr Cl;rrnell wiro ltelrt Lr s on our Lo€,s wirh reri)1nders - - :LLenciance and nrake up possibilit-ies. 'l'lre result -':: oi aLtend:rnces was r'u1'ar11' eood wiLli an overall aver;rgc ol l\b.l+"/" t-o i,iay. We also achieved , : -:-sL in the di.stricL f or aLtendance iu Decer;rber. : - _ :at.::re : ..roqrarflme under the capable dire,"cLion oi D.,rvicl i)o5, le provided a well -. - : rceci c[-ra 1 L enge f cr mer,rbers . : cnLion buL a f ew of Lhe rner::oral.;1e ni1;uL:;, 1.,r. (li,; jlli;Li-i ;r, an ele sl)e ci;rl ist_ norr' a clui., rtrt:rntrt:r1 Pet.er ii1Lrri,.icl1, troli() IJ!rr:.; i, ji:hard llowell t1e :--:. 1'l Ear; Vanessa Lorve (llxcir.urii( .,,rri , '-'.lent); ,ltr,:r,,rit r ,tiii1 iii i,r,:r[.rlerne) (lixcl,an61e lieaLher fi iLchet11, \,/ictt,.r.ilrri ii.ri.r,i rt., i.,,,..r,,1t ./.ttrt;,t ''-:e tcucatit'ln (l;:i:;rvart; ii)11 ; Dare, Snr, l.)er1.qeart. .lol,ri i'r,,iir r,,rlii, i)olice Air l.Jing; .rni.e l"lcNamara, Tor,.rn .l,i:.i,:,; flanner; (,.:l .lr.
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