www.pwc.kz Doing Business Guide Kazakhstan June 2016 PWC IN KAZAKHSTAN www.pwc.kz Almaty Office: Astana Office: PwC PwC 34 Al-Farabi Ave. Kabanbay Batyr Avenue 15/1 Building A, Business Centre “Q2”, 4th floor 4th Floor 4th floor Almaty, 050059, Astana 010000 Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan Main office number Main office number Tel: +7 (727) 330 3200 Tel: +7 (717) 255 0707 APPENDICES Please see Appendices A through C for key facts and tax and legal information. OUR LEADERS Mark Hannye Dana Inkarbekova Michael Ahern Managing Partner, Country Managing Partner, Partner, Leader of Tax & PwC Eurasia PwC Kazakhstan Legal Services, Eurasia Tel: +7 (727) 330 32 00 Tel: +7 (727) 330 32 00 Tel: +7 (727) 330 32 00 Email:
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[email protected] Doing Business Guide June 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 KAZAKHSTAN – A PROFILE ............................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Government Structure ....................................................................................................... 6 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 6 The President ........................................................................................................................ 6 National Government ......................................................................................................... 6 Local Government