Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15151-2 — Epigram, Art, and Devotion in Later Byzantium Ivan Drpić Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15151-2 — Epigram, Art, and Devotion in Later Byzantium Ivan Drpić Index More Information Index See name of town or city for specific icons, buildings, manuscripts, etc. absent voice/silence, epigram compensating animate/lifelike image, 64, 241 for, 238–42 Anna of Hungary, 34n48 adornment. See kosmos anonymity, 268n88 Adversus Constantinum Caballinum, 339–41 Anonymous Patrician, 241 aēr-epitaphios, introduction of, 273 anonymous Russian pilgrim, 115n117 agapē, non-use of, 300 Anthologia Marciana (Venice, Biblioteca Agapetos the Deacon, Ekthesis, 324 Nazionale Marciana, Ms. Marc. gr. 524), Akathistos Hymn, illustration of, Cozia, 6n18 Wallachia, 350n64 affection, vocabulary of, 300n5, 301, 311 Akindynos, Gregory, 318–19 collection of epigrams in, 6, 16 Akropolites, Constantine Dalassenos, John Rogerios, epigram Anastasis monastery, Constantinople, dedicating dead wife’s jewelry, 177–78 testamentary Logos for, 96, 266, 284, George the firefighter, Saint, epigram, 26, 31 290, 396 golden lamp sent by Manuel I Komnenos to icon of Virgin Hodēgētria with Constantine Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem, 259–61 and Maria Akropolites, 375 on icon restoration, 156 Kosmidion, textile donated to, on cure of John the Baptist, Saint, icon, epigram for, daughter Theodora, 396–97, 399, 402 270–71 Akropolites, George, 18, 266, 396 Kamateros, Andronikos Doukas, epigram History, 116 for revetment of Virgin and Child icon, Akropolites, Melchisedek, 18–21, 23–25, 29, 345–47 47, 66 Komnenos, John, poem commemorating Alexios I Komnenos
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