Furman Humanities Review. Volume 30, April 2019

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Furman Humanities Review. Volume 30, April 2019 Furman Humanities Review Volume 30 April 2019 Article 1 2019 Furman Humanities Review. Volume 30, April 2019 Gretchen Braun Editor Furman University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarexchange.furman.edu/fhr Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation Braun, Gretchen Editor (2019) "Furman Humanities Review. Volume 30, April 2019," Furman Humanities Review: Vol. 30 , Article 1. Available at: https://scholarexchange.furman.edu/fhr/vol30/iss1/1 This Article is made available online by Journals, part of the Furman University Scholar Exchange (FUSE). It has been accepted for inclusion in Furman Humanities Review by an authorized FUSE administrator. For terms of use, please refer to the FUSE Institutional Repository Guidelines. For more information, please contact [email protected]. furman humanities review apri l 20 19 furman humanities review volume 30 april 2019 Moritz's Cure for lesesuchi: Literary Culture, Reading Addiction, and the Role of the Psychological Novel by Andrew Golla 2019 Meta E. Gi/parrick Prize Essay The Conscience of the Cold War: Gender, Fear, and Consequence in Margaret Chase Smith's "Declaration of Conscience" by Elizabeth Campbell 3 1 Reading Flannery O'Connor and the Restrictive Femininity of the 1950s by Natalie Curry 63 Mad Woman in The Bell Jar: Esther's Struggle for Literary Authenticity Within the Patriarchal Narrative by Counney Kratz 89 Breaching the Iron Cunain: Louis Annstrong, Cultural Victory, and Cold War Ambassadorship by Quincy Mix 111 Reconciliation With Finitude: Narrative Selfliood in Kierkegaard's Eithe,!Or by Eli Simmons 151 From Empire 10 Dynasty: The Imperial Career of Huang Fu in the Early Ming byYunhuiVang 171 Furman Humanities Revie w Gretchen Braun , Editor Editorial Boa rd Erik Ande rson Sarah Archin o Nathan Brown Erik Grell Lane Harr is Lynne Shackelford Furman Humanities Review (ISSN 1064-0037 ), funded in part by a grant from the Nati onal Endowment for the Humanities , annually publishes undergraduate papers in the humanities. According to criteria established by the Endowment, scho larly work from the following disciplines is considered for publication: history; philosophy; languages ; Iingui stics; literature; archaeology; religion ; the history, theory, and criticism of the arts; and those field s in the social sc iences that employ historical or philosophical approaches. Please direct all correspondence to: Gretchen Braun A~ Furman Hum anities Rev iew '.lo Furman University ,Y:.t6 3300 Poin sett H ighway t,'3cl Greenville , SC 29613 2.u( j C,;.... Furman Humanities Review © 2019 Furman University Contributors Elizabeth CamRbelJ (' l8)b a History and Politics and international Affai rs dou le major from Knoxville, Tennessee, lives in Nashville and works in government. S Natalie Curry (' 18), of Greensboro, North Carolina, majored in English and is currently a first -year student at Duke University School of Law. Andrew Golla ('20), of Greenville, South Carolina , is a Religion major and plans to pursue theology at divinity school after graduation. His essay was selected the Meta E. Gilpatrick Award. Courtn ey Kratz (' 19) is from Maryville, Tennessee. She is completing a triple major in Eng lish, Philosophy, and Asian Studies. Quincy Mix ('19), a History major from Palmyra, Virginia, plans to pursue a career in public relations and strategic communications. Eli Simmons ('20) is from Greenville, Sout h Carolina. He is majoring in Phi losophy and plans to pursue graduate work in the field. Yunhui Yang ('19) is a History and Japanese Studies double major from Beijing in China. He will pursue grad uate study in Regional Studies -- East Asia at Harvard University . Ill MORITZ LITERARY ULTURE, READING ADDI T ION , U TH R L OF HI P H OGIC L Andrew Golla Furman Hmmmiti e Rev iew ith Lese ucht thr ugh th char- f R i r, , ho em the h adache indige ti n, n- ervation, n , i olation, and m Ian holia t pi al of tho e reading addi t who could b fi uncl equally' in traw-hut and in pa lac ." In ne mem rabl e tion of Anton Reiser ec­ ond b ok, the reader en unt r a R i er so addict d t r ad­ ing that h tarve him If, I ting t sp nd what littl m ney h ha available to him n a andl and a p of Un olino , hi h h r ad , alone and fr zin . in his bcdr m, 'fi rget­ ting him If and th , orld.'~ A a c mmentary on r ading-addiction, Anton Reiser ffer a uniqu per pectiv on the phcnomen n of r ading-ad- dicli n at th nd of the ight nth-c ntury hen th t ef- fort of th nlightenment int Iiigent ia to tran fi nn th g nt middl - la int an id al i ii o i t in r a ingl confli ted , ith errnan ' e r-e panding p pular lit rary 3 Johann co LI ht findet 2 Andrew Golla market. 5 The novel explores reading -addiction as not ju t a sickne of the mind but a sickne s of selthood, a departure from th free autonomous individuality Kant would de cribe in his Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, published in the same year. 6 And thus , Anton Reiser can be read as contin­ uing in the footsteps of Enlightenment rationalist social re­ former who, like Goethe viewed the Enlightenment as "crit­ ical thinking with practical purpose' and who like famous pedagogues Lessing and J. H. Campe wrote and advocated for Gennan-language literature that would guide young r aders to construct a rational view of their own selthood and thereby reach individual and social maturity. 7 Empfahrungssee!enkunde, Moritz's brand of rigorous intro­ specti e self-ana!y i that would serve a the foundation for 5 G orge S. Wi lliam ·on "What Killed August von Kot z bue? The Temptations of Virtue and the Political Theo logy of Gem,an a­ tionalism, 1789-1818 , ' The Journal of Modern History 72 no. 4 (2000), 942. 6 Th expression "autono mou , fre iudi idual" deri from Im­ manuel Kant's Foundations of the Metaphysics of Moral ( 1785), which offered a framework for evaluating the moral nature of prac­ tical laws accordjng to so-called "categorical imperative s." Kant fonnulated categorical imperatives by considering the constraints a "pure will' , ould place on the natural human inclination. This con ­ cept of the pure ill- belonging to a particular (or indi idual) driven completely by reason and unfettered by arumal desire (a free individual), that dictated law unto itself as "sovereign in the realm of ends" (an autonomous, free individual)-became the characteris­ tic potential of the modem subject a postulated by the Gennan middle-class , allowing it to rustinguish itself, in dignity, authority, and moral character from the other estates . 7 Henning Wrage, ' Jene Fabrik der Bilcher. Ober Le esucht, ein Phantasma des media len Ursprungs und die Kinder - und Jugendli­ teratur der Autklarung," Monats chaft 102, no. I (2010), 2-3. Also Ruth -Ellen Boetcher Joeres , "The German Enlightenment ( 1720- 1790) " in The Cambridge Hi tory of German Literature ed. Helen Watanabe -O'Kelly (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni ersity Press, 1997), 151. 3 Furman Humanities Review Germany's earlie t form of psychology, represented a psycho­ logical extension of the Bildungsprozess, a process of"educa­ tion" and "cultivation" illu trated in novels like Wieland Agathon and Goethe Wilhelm Meister ·s Apprenticeship. 8 According to the Bildungsprozes , selfhood arises out of the tension between inner de ires and aspiration and external, so­ cial necessities. His or h r faculty of rational judgment medi­ ates between the forces of fi:eedom and socialization by creat­ ing a distinct, autonomous, reflexive category called the self and a the individual s self-conception matures acros a num­ ber of lifi experiences, he or h live into a bett r under tan d­ ing of how his or h r s Ifl1ood can erv a particular role in soci ty.9 Thus Moritz 's critiqu fr ading-addiction thr ugh the ye of a p ychologi t-narrator and his di approving por­ trayal of R i r' infatuation with theatre and popular nov I cannot b parat d from a ocial and id ological ont xt that condemn d r ading-for-reading' - ak and that oft nu d the thr at ofr ading-addiction a a valid excu for th intelle tual R J rnry amm n , in J ff cry amm n , The My t ry f the Mi ing Bildungsroman, or: What Happ n d t Wilhelm M i ter' Legacy?," Genre l 4, n .2 ( 19 1), argu that the genre-cat gory of Bildungsroman i es ntially nonexi t nt, a mythical de ignation attributed to a cattered a ortment of nin ce nth-century nov I that atiempt d l incorporate el 111 nt of Wilhelm Mei ter' Bild­ ung model in a ocial context that ould no long r imagine the ideal civil ociety th Bi/dung model exi ted to create. But d pit the ontested usefulne of the term Bildungsr oman for lat r centurie th Bildungsprozess r main a profitabl tool for und r tanding n­ light nment novels like Agathon r Wilhelm Mei t r that employ rati nal th cries of el tho d formation. 9 Anja Lemke, 'Bildung alsformatio vita - Zurn Verhaltnis von Leben und Fann in Judith chalansJ...-yD er Hals der Giraffe," ln­ ternationales Archiv fiir Sozialgeschichte der deut chen Literatur 41,no.2(2016), 395-396andSammon, 'The My teryoftheMis­ sing Bildungsroman, or: What Happened to Wilhelm Meisler' Le­ gacy?," 231.
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