McCONNAN • CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • Your New Home Specialists BION Helping You Buy or Sell O’CONNOR & Volume 65 Number 7 | February 24, 2020 PETERSON ASK ABOUT Lawyers MILITARY DISCOUNTS We offer services in Real Estate, Wills and Family Law Suite 420 – 880 Douglas St., Victoria MARPAC NEWS CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. 250.385.1383 250-474-4800 LookoutNewspaperNavyNews @Lookout_news LookoutNavyNews Toll Free 1.888.385.1383 5HJLVWHUHGZLWK%URRNƓHOG*OREDO5HORFDWLRQ6HUYLFHV Capt(N) Hill takes charge ( for a day ) Lucas Hill peers at the harbour landscape from the vantage of the captain’s chair in HMCS Winnipeg. The boy won Base Commander For A Day, which included a tour of the base. Read the full story on page 2. Photo courtesy Lt(N) Tristan Robinson, HMCS Winnipeg HARBOUR Brookfi eld Relocation REALTOR® LANDING WALK TO BASE ! Sean Dyble CD Healthy Beautiful Smile! 32 Units from REAL ESTATE AGENT $379,900 Sooke Dr. Stephan Picard Sales center located at 2-6716 West Coast Rd. 250-382-1541 Mark Rice 3194 Douglas Street is Victoria En 250-588-2339 OCEANSIDE REAL ESTATE NOW OPEN! 150-805 Cloverdale Ave. Français
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[email protected] 250.880.7326 2 • LOOKOUT CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS February 24, 2020 Youngster takes command of base... for a day Peter Mallett ing him feel important. The brow of HMCS Winnipeg. from the deck into the frigid Esquimalt har- Staff Writer amount of coordination Acknowledging that bour, disappearing beneath the black water it must have taken to an important guest for a moment.