Liz Lake AssociAtes Chartered Landscape Architects Urban Designers Landscape Planners Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal LAND AT FEN DITTON, CAMBRIDGE Carter Jonas September 2013 Western House t +44 (0)1279 647044 Chapel Hill e
[email protected] Stansted Mountfitchet Essex CM24 8AG Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal LAND AT FEN DITTON, CAMBRIDGE Carter Jonas September 2013 Prepared by: Chris Jackson Position: Landscape Architect Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Ma (Hons) Revision: FINAL File name: 1548 LVIA 13.09.25 Date issued: 25th September 20013 Checked by: MF Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal: Land at Fen Ditton, Cambridge CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 METHODOLOGY 2 3 EXISTING SITUATION 3 3.1 Context 3 3.2 Published Landscape Character Assessments 4 3.3 Landscape Resource – West Parcel 8 3.4 Landscape Resource – East Parcel 10 3.5 Visual Resource 12 3.6 Views from the Site 12 3.7 Views of the Site 13 4 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL APPRASIAL 16 4.1 Proposal 16 4.2 Landscape Effect 16 4.3 Visual Effect 18 4.4 Visual Considerations 22 5 POTENTIAL LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL STRATEGY 23 5.1 General Principles 23 5.2 Opportunities 23 APPENDIX A FIGURES 1- 5 APPENDIX B PHOTOSHEETS 1 - 4 1548 LVIA 13.09.25 2 Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal: Land at Fen Ditton, Cambridge APPENDX C PUBLISHED LANDSCAPE CHARACTER ASSESSMENTS APPENDIX D PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHITECTURAL EXAMPLES 1548 LVIA 13.09.255 Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal: Land at Fen Ditton, Cambridge 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 This Landscape Report has been prepared by Liz Lake Associates on behalf of Carter Jonas to provide information and guidance with regards to the landscape and visual issues relevant to the land at Fen Ditton, Cambridge, (the Site).