(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-12-06

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-12-06 Cagey Con Cons Dentist LOERRACH, Germany IWI - A mill In a dantltt'. chaIr wckIenly jvmped up, hvrW hImself "'""'" Highs in 50s "" wl"dow and ran off • .,. landl", vntwn !We !loon below. It w ..,,·t the Hntllt'. drill that '""" PlfttyclMy .......................... .. him off. He was a prl_ f~ tM twn 'a" 1M owan Panty cllucly MIll ~ .....,. m'" hi ...Clpe whll. I Ivard Nt ovttMle In tM Serving the State UniverBit" IOtDG and tM Peopls Iowa waitllll ~ . of of CftrI es Iowa City. Iowa - Friday. December I, 1111 the men after e named. !urrier mixed te in campus. The Debate Continues- South Quad. informal gath­ II week berore gle's Chri t­ Tobacco: Does It Shorten Your Life Expectancy? uled for Wed. e past. T-bone Efforts to determIne the ef· creased with amount of smoking were contrldicted by those of the United States and other Also reported in the publica­ cer Society'l study that "it 'ved. fect of smoking on Iile expec­ and decreased wben smokers the National Institute of {ental eountries. tion was a new animal tat by wW receive careflll COIIIJdera. tancy yielded contrary results quit. Health and printed in a CWTent AN OFFICIAL 01 the AmerI­ two BrilWl pathologials. which tiM from acleJ1tista." lrom the issue of "Toblcco and Health American Cancer S0- can Heart Association reported lound that "cigaret tar and var· Dr. E. Cuyler Hammoad, Ita­ ciety and the National Institute The udy further indiclted Research." that th death ral@ frtlm heart lou fractions of it" gave nega· tlsUcal research director of the of Mental Health in recent stu­ that the death rate is lower The Institute's tud)' on 47 dJsea has declined 6 per cent dies. amoog form er smokers of I men aced 6$ to 92 found that since 1950. tive results lD. efforts to grow American CaDc:er Soclet)'. re­ Statistics baaed on a contino year or longer than amOllf per. the Iile-Iong ci&aret smokers Dr. Leslie S. Llhow. who b d­ cancerous tissue in transplanted ported that IheIrI WII "the uing study of 422,094 men by the sons still smoking. among them showed no more ed the Institute's study found lung rue. However. a dUferent wcett and broadut Itudy ,et American Clncer Society point THE STUDY matched 36.975 signs of heart disease or signifi· that amoog smollers. neither t t chemical. used to check the made on IIIIOk.iDg In relltion to up Lhat death rates from Inurn· pairs of smokers and non·smok­ cant dilCerences in lung func­ the number of eigarets consum­ retults. was found to be active. death rltea." ber oC diseases including cancer ers and during the study I,SIS Uoning than did the class of ed or the number of years the In Washington, George V. Al· An unbiased covernment re­ are faf higher 10 cleare! amok· of the smollers died as compar· non·smoker.. It alao found that subject smoked could be related len, pre ident of the Tobacco POrt on IIIIOkinC is expected to ers than In non·smokerll. It re­ ed witb 662 of the non-smokers. death rates from beart disease to the results of the lung func­ Institute, commented 00 the be made public ill _if JID' vealed that the death rate In- The s e taUstics. howev r, appears to be leveling ore in Uon teats. outcome of the American Can· tII17. • • Commission Asks Power ep. WIS er Iven To Subpoena Public Hearingl May Be Condudecl • • For More Evidence WASHINGTON (AP) - The 'IX- presJdential commission prob­ ont al erm ing th sassinatfon of Presi­ dent Jobn F. Kennedy decided Thursday to ask Congress for · t power to subpoena witnesses Neglects T0 File Lo d ge, VIe and records bearing on the trlJedY In DaIlII. Conll'811 is expected to l'Ote the power quickly. This ra1Jed IJJe peII. U.5. Income Tax Coup FIaye d .lbUity that the commlaalon bead· ed by Chid Justice Earl Warren DES MOINES (AP) - State Rep. Scott Swisher of Iowa B 'M Nh may bold bearings, public or ~ City was sentenced to senre six months in jail on each of four y rs. U cklsed, to make .ure It it lft'IIed counts of failing to file federal income tax returns Thursday. with evtl'1 ICrIP of lJIfom:udiocl available. U.S. District Judge Roy Stepben' CI aiml Th at Loci ge Bul Warren, ariDouoc:ln, the deel- son ordered the sentences to run Swisher sat quietly throughout JBe 'Id d N .,I aion after a 2%-bour Initial meet- concurrently, meaning Swisher the proceeding and declined to ad· WI ere ann, 10, behind JUll'ded doors, told re- would be released in six months. dress the court when liked If be In Assassins' Hands porters no conclusions were reach- He was given until Dec. 12 to sur- had anything to say. Afternoon Spectacle ed OIl wbether to bold bearlnp render and begin serving the pris- The years Involved and the PARIS (AP) - Mrs. Ngo or OIl other mitten. He called a on sentence. Where Swisher would amount of Swlsher's Income lpeel· Dinh Nhu, the widowed former I8CQOd teIIlcm I tod serve the term was oot annollnced. fled in the Iodictment were: lad 'of Sootb Vtet Nam. Blick smob 'ram flamln, tlr billowe fl'tl'll the .., .f lIN -'II ''TIle commlaal:' hll 917 1967 - ,14,890.$5; 1961 - $12,- .ddltIDII to the '!'= Swisher reaidea at Bowery Union Thul'ldl, ."-moon ., firwmen run """ and very IOIemn duty to , St. , Iowa City. 890.37; 1959 - $18,773.01: and 19110 luid Thursday U.S. Ambassador Ind • .,1.1 ladd.,. to tM .cent. -Photo IIy J .. L1~ but one that is of JreAt importiace SWISHER pleaded guilty Oct. 31 - 13,343.93. MRS. NGO DINH NHU Henry Cabot Lodge is "a be- d to the country," the cblef justice REP. SCOTT SWISHER I to a four-count federal indictment. U_S_ ATTY. Donald Wine sald wild red nanny" in the hand No One Inl·ute - sald_ De.lt With Firmly The charge against the prominent that Swisher owes f8.826 In taxea Johnton 80fftr Thin JFK1 _ The meetrng WII In one of Wub. ------'----I 44.year-Old Democrat is a misde· and that Interests and penalUes of "South Vietnamese assanlns." tngton'l most impelling and best- meanor - as contrasted to fraud could nearly double that amount J N G Mrs. Nhu charged the mllitary H t T C gulrded buildlnp - tbe Natkul AS k. J0 hnson charges - and deals only with to be paid the government. n ew ame coup that drove ber famlJ y from 0 a r a uses Arcblvea, wblcb hOUlea the Coaati· failure to file tax returns. Swisher sald when the indict- Now-Goldwater power made Lodge what he wanted tution. the Declaration of Independ. Judge Stephenson said the of- ment was returned that be had I" ence and other hlItoric documents. To 5pea k fense was "a serious maLter and "just neglected" to lile his reo to become. "the governor genera U. R f F. The sesaion merely Jauncbed IJJe not a technical violation." turns. WASHINGTON fA'! - Republican for South Viet Nam. Her husband, nlon 00 Ire task of settlng up procedures, of- The maximum penalty was a He said the basic problem which Sen. Barry Goldwater said Thurs- and her brother.ln-Iaw, Pte idenl flce and st.alf for the co!llII1iuioo. In Da II as . ', year in jail and a $10,000 fine on led to this failure was the illness day he is undertaking a "major Ngo Dinh Diem, were kllJed in the Warren said. each count. The court did not as- of bis father, Ingalls Swisher, with reassessment" of his presidential . Saigon coup of Nov. 1·2. By TOM ASS ENS "We are deUberating somewhat . sess a fine. whom he is in law practice in in the dark," be added, "becaUle WASHINGTON IA'I - PreSident JUDGE Stephens said the pre- Iowa City. Swisher said his father, prospects In the tangled political The charges against Lodge and St.ff Writer we have no reports as yet from Johnson Thursday received an in· sentencing report indicated that who acted as bookkeeper for the picture lert by the assassinatlon of the United States were made in A tar kelUe and a pitch pump on the roof of the Union caught fire any Igency of the governrneat." vitali on to speak in Dallas, Tex ., Swisher's failure to file was in his firm, had been in and out of tbe President John F. Kennedy. Rome in a statement handed out about 3 p.m_ Thursday. The blaze created dense clouds of smoke and -.JR_ where John F. Kennedy was as· dlf. f'Iculty 10. f10' dl ng th e money to hOSPI - t aI severa I tim es. "r don 't tbLD' k my suppo rt bas by Mrs. Nhu as she left {or Paris. fl a me, but was q..."'ck1 y ex Ungu' IS hed • were'lbe vilibleedgea orin newapaperthe InIIIiIa clil'Y"'P Ioldera sassinated Nov. 22 and where John. pay the taxes. The judge sald It Swisher, who served as Demo- changed from what it was." said Mrs. Nhu said she bopes Pres i- No one was Injured and no damage estlmale was available. brought Into the meeting by tome son took the presidential oath of is a difficulty noted by many tax· cratic floor leader of the House 10 the Arizona conservative who dent Johnson and A mer i can s Most of the occupants of the Union were not aware of the fire members of the eomrnlIIioa.
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