Medjugorje Weekend Offertory Collection: Readers: th Retreat, hosted by the rd Sunday 16 : €895. Medjugorje Council of Shraheens: James Mullaney, October 23 . Bohola/Shraheens Newsletter th Thanks for all contributions. Ireland, takes place at Caoimhe Horan, October 30 . Bohola: 11.30am: James Grady, October 23rd. Stephen O’Mahony PP - 094 9384115/086-8226405 –
[email protected] (email for newsletter) Knock Shrine from Friday th th Mary Mulroy, October 30 . th rd evening, 28 October to 30 Sunday in Ordinary Time– 23 October 2016 th Offertory Gifts: Sunday afternoon, 30 rd Mission Sunday October. Details on notice 11.30: Hannah Gaughan & Rebecca Flaherty, Oct. 23 . th in church porch. Do This in Memory, October 30 . Masses for the Week Servers: Western Alzheimers are currently recruiting Care Assistants in Shraheens: Ava & Eilish McGahon. Saturday, October 22nd. 8.00pm Vigil Jimmy Burke, his parents, James & Eileen. the community. DSP Criteria applies. Please contact Maureen at Bohola: Kate McNicholas, Evee King, Western Alzheimers Head Office, Ballindine on 094-9364900. Precious John Omoru & Scarlett O’Brien. Patrick Conroy & Frances Hussey & deceased of Conroy family. Sunday, October 23rd. 10.00am Shraheens Private Intention. The Irish Society for Autism wish to thank all who contributed to their church gate coll ection at Bohola and Shraheens Masses last weekend. The total collected was €348.80. 11.30am Bohola For all the People. Bohola Post: The deadline for submissions is today, October 23rd so it’s last chance saloon for No weekday Masses this week – Fr. O’Mahony away. those of you who wish to contribute to this long running publication.