E138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 3, 2017 PERSONAL EXPLANATION neers, heroes, and leaders like the 44th Presi- based on the experience of the Tuskegee Air- dent of the United States, Barack Obama; men, whose record included 261 aircraft de- HON. LOIS FRANKEL Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Supreme stroyed, 148 aircraft damaged, 15,553 combat Court Justice Thurgood Marshall; U.S. Senator sorties and 1,578 missions over Italy and OF Blanche Kelso Bruce; U.S. Congresswoman North Africa. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Barbara Jordan; U.S. Congressman Mickey They also destroyed or damaged over 950 Friday, February 3, 2017 Leland; Astronauts Dr. Guion Stewart Bluford, units of ground transportation and escorted Jr. and Mae C. Jemison; activists, intellec- more than 200 bombing missions. They Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on tuals, authors, and artists like Frederick Doug- proved that ‘‘the antidote to racism is excel- vote 77, I was not present because I lass, Booker T. Washington, James Baldwin, lence in performance,’’ as retired Lt. Col. Her- was unavoidably detained. Had I been Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, bert Carter once remarked. present, I would have voted ‘‘NAY.’’ Toni Morrison, and Gwendolyn Brooks just to Mr. Speaker, Black History Month is also a f name a few of the countless number of well- time to remember many pioneering women known and unsung heroes whose contribu- like U.S. Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm; RECOGNIZING MS. NAOMI tions have helped our nation become a more activists Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks; as- BASHKANSKY FOR HER PER- perfect union. tronaut Mae C. Jemison; mathematicians like FORMANCE AT THE 2016 WORLD The history of the United States has been Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and SCHOOL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP marked by the great contributions of African Mary Jackson; authors Maya Angelou, Toni American activists, leaders, writers, and art- Morrison, and Gwendolyn Brooks; all of whom HON. ists. have each in their own way, whether through OF WASHINGTON As a member of Congress, I know that I courageous activism, cultural or intellectual stand on the shoulders of giants whose strug- contributions, or artistic creativity, forged social IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gles and triumphs made it possible for me to and political change, and forever changed our Friday, February 3, 2017 stand here today and continue the fight for great Nation for the better. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I equality, justice, and progress for all, regard- It is also fitting, Mr. Speaker, that in addition rise to honor Ms. Naomi Bashkansky of Belle- less of race, religion, gender or sexual orienta- to those national leaders whose contributions vue, Washington for her victory at the 2016 tion. have made our nation better, we honor also World School Chess Championship. Like The greatest of these giants to me are Mrs. those who have and are making a difference many other students of Olde Middle School, Ivalita ‘‘Ivy’’ Jackson, a vocational nurse, and in their local communities. Naomi works every day to balance extra- Mr. Ezra A. Jackson, one of the first African In my home city of Houston, there are nu- curricular activities, family commitments, and Americans to succeed in the comic book pub- merous great men and women. They are great school life. With the help of coaches, teachers, lishing business. because they have heeded the counsel of Dr. and family, she strives to mold her own unique They were my beloved parents and they King who said: identity as a student, a friend, a daughter, and taught me the value of education, hard work, ‘‘Everybody can be great because anybody a citizen. Although many aspects of Naomi’s discipline, perseverance, and caring for others. can serve. You only need a heart full of grace. life may be familiar to us all, there was nothing And I am continually inspired by Dr. Elwyn A soul generated by love.’’ ordinary about her performance at the chess Lee, my husband and the first tenured African By that measure, I wish to pay tribute to championship. American law professor at the University of some of the great men and women of Hous- Naomi’s accomplishment and strength of Houston. ton: character are deserving of the highest level of Mr. Speaker, I particularly wish to acknowl- 1. Rev. F.N. Williams, Sr. praise. Naomi not only out-performed 400 edge the contributions of African American 2. Rev. Dr. S.J. Gilbert, Sr. young chess players representing 3o different veterans in defending from foreign aggressors 3. Rev. Crawford W. Kimble countries, but she graciously represented the and who by their courageous examples helped 4. Rev. Eldridge Stanley Branch people of the 9th Congressional District and transform our nation from a segregated soci- 5. Rev. William A. Lawson the United States of America. ety to a nation committed to the never ending 6. Rev. Johnnie Jeffery ‘‘J.J.’’ Robeson challenge of perfecting our union. During the competition, Naomi’s path to vic- 7. Mr. John Brand A few years ago about this time, I was hon- tory was not always clear; she suffered some 8. Ms. Ruby Moseley ored to join my colleagues, Congressman early losses and could have easily admitted 9. Ms. Dorothy Hubbard defeat, but she did no such thing. As she JOHN LEWIS and Congressman CHARLES RAN- GEL, a Korean War veteran, in paying tribute 10. Ms. Doris Hubbard competed in the championship round, she 11. Ms. Willie Bell Boone bore not only the weight of her own expecta- to surviving members of the Tuskegee Airmen 12. Ms. Holly HogoBrooks tions, but also the burden of representing the and the 555th Parachute Infantry, the famed 13. Mr. Deloyd Parker nation. At such a young age, Naomi’s courage ‘‘Triple Nickels’’ at a moving ceremony spon- and determination is certainly extraordinary. I sored by the U.S. Army commemorating the 14. Ms. Lenora ‘‘Doll’’ Carter know I will continue to hear about her achieve- 50th Anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As we celebrate Black History Month, let us ments for years to come. The success of the Tuskegee Airmen in es- pay tribute to those who have come before us, Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I corting bombers during World War II—achiev- and pay forward to future generations by ad- congratulate Ms. Naomi Bashkansky on a ing one of the lowest loss records of all the dressing what is the number one issue for Af- hard-earned victory and wish her the best of escort fighter groups, and being in constant rican American families, and all American fam- luck in the future. demand for their services by the allied bomber ilies today: preserving the American promise units—is a record unmatched by any other of economic opportunity for all. f fighter group. Our immediate focus must be job creation, COMMEMORATING BLACK HISTORY So impressive and astounding were the and enacting legislation that will foster and lay MONTH feats of the Tuskegee Airmen that in 1948, it the foundation for today’s and tomorrow’s gen- helped persuade President Harry Truman to eration of groundbreaking activists, leaders, issue his famous Executive Order No. 9981, scientists, writers and artists to continue con- HON. which directed equality of treatment and op- tributing to the greatness of America. OF TEXAS portunity in all of the United States Armed We must continue to preserve the American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Forces and led to the end of racial segrega- Dream for all. tion in the U.S. military forces. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to stand here in Friday, February 3, 2017 It is a source of enormous and enduring celebration of the heroic and historic acts of Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, this Feb- pride that my father-in-law, Phillip Ferguson African Americans and their indispensable ruary we recognize and celebrate the 40th Lee, was one of the Tuskegee Airmen. contributions to this great Nation. commemoration of Black History Month. Clearly, what began as an experiment to de- It is through our work in creating possibilities This month we celebrate the contributions of termine whether ‘‘colored’’ soldiers were capa- for today and future generations that we best African Americans to the history of our great ble of operating expensive and complex com- honor the accomplishments and legacy of our nation, and pay tribute to trailblazers, pio- bat aircraft ended as an unqualified success predecessors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Feb 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03FE8.001 E03FEPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with REMARKS February 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E139 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. Speaker, these banks have to be became a citizen in 1954. He returned to the defanged. Restoring Glass Steagall is a first Los Angeles area where he produced the bi- HON. NYDIA M. VELA´ ZQUEZ step among other items, like a campaign fi- lingual ‘‘Armenian Radio Hour’’ and put his en- OF NEW YORK nance reform, better trade deals, and better trepreneurial spirit to work, first through own- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES deals for American workers. ing the International Music Center in East Los f Angeles, and later by building a successful in- Friday, February 3, 2017 surance agency. More recently, Mr. Minasian Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I missed TRIBUTE TO JUDY HOOPES reinvented himself as a land developer, build- roll call no. 77 on February 2, 2017 due to an ing tracts of single family homes. Through his unscheduled constituent meeting off the HON. businesses, Mr. Minasian helped develop the House Floor that unexpectedly ran long. Had OF DELAWARE City of Montebello and much of Eastern Los I been present for the roll call, I would have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Angeles County bears his mark. voted ‘‘NO’’. Friday, February 3, 2017 Mr. Minasian’s contributions to the economy f of our community were rivaled only by his civic Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Mr. Speaker, I leadership. A champion of the Armenian- INTRODUCTION OF THE RETURN rise today to honor the life of Judith H. American community, he spearheaded efforts TO PRUDENT BANKING ACT Hoopes, of Greenville, Delaware, a lifelong to build the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Delawarean and an invaluable member of our Monument, which towers over Montebello’s HON. community. Bicknell Park. As founder of the Armenian As- A 1960 graduate of Duke University, her sembly, he paid his success forward to young OF OHIO college major in history led to her long-time in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Armenians by creating a Washington, DC in- volvement with the Delaware Historical Soci- ternship placement program. Mr. Minasian has Friday, February 3, 2017 ety. She was involved in many state arts orga- even made a difference right here in the Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, this year marks nizations, including her appointment as Chair , where he success- the nine-year anniversary of the greatest fi- of the Delaware State Arts Council by then- fully led the fight for passage of Armenian- nancial crisis in a generation. This economic Governor Pete duPont. Dedicated to her com- genocide resolutions in 1975, 1984, and 1985. disaster nearly caused the destruction of our munity, Judy was a valuable asset to the nu- Countless organizations in Montebello have country’s entire financial infrastructure and led merous non-profits in Delaware she lent her benefitted from Mr. Minasian’s leadership. He to what we call now the Great Recession. support. She was a founding board member served as President of the Montebello Junior However, during the last nine years Wall and past Chair of the Delaware Community Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Street Banks have succeeded and in the proc- Foundation, was the first woman to Chair the Montebello Citizens Advisory Committee on ess have caused the financial failure of mil- YMCA board, a founder of the Fund for Park Planning and Design. He has also lions of Americans. JPMorgan Chase, Bank of Women, and a longtime Woodlawn Trustee. served on the boards of directors of the America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman For these and many other contributions Judy Montebello Chamber of Commerce and the Sachs and Morgan Stanley have all reported received the Lifetime Achievement in Philan- Armenian Educational Foundation. His con- record profits during the recession. Wall Street thropy Award from the Association of Fund- tributions to the Armenian Revolutionary Fed- in the last nine years has regained ALL of its raising Professionals. eration, the Montebello American Legion, and pre-crisis wealth with interest, while Main Judy and her late husband Robert were as Human Services Commissioner for the City Street has yet to see a real recovery. married for 53 years. Their family was the of Montebello will not be forgotten. During the 1990’s, Wall Street’s biggest focus of their lives, and their wonderful chil- Mr. Minasian’s life embodies the spirit of our banks and speculation houses concocted a dren and grandchildren are a testament to hardworking immigrant community. His legacy fraudulent and greedy scheme to create false their good work. I am honored to call their will serve as a shining example, not only to money. Then, in 2008, their crime exploded, daughter, Stephanie, and son, Robert Jr., the Armenian-American community but for all nearly destroying capitalism. Their reckless- friends. Their commitment to community and future generations, of the difference that one ness was so extreme it wiped out the net love of Delaware will surely carry on their man or woman can make in his or her com- worth of 44 percent of Hispanic American mother’s spirit. My sympathy goes out to munity. I hope my colleagues will join me in households, 33 percent of African American Stephanie, Robert and his wife Hilary, Judy’s sending my condolences to his widow, Lydia, households, and 11 percent of Caucasian five grandchildren James, Elizabeth, Penel- and their four children and six grandchildren. households, respectively. ope, Riter, and Charlotte, as well as their ex- f tended family and Judy’s many friends. This was a taking of historic dimension IN RECOGNITION OF RON RUBIN never reimbursed to this day. It sucked out the We are deeply saddened by the loss of wealth from millions of American families. It’s Judy, and I want to express my deep gratitude time for Congress to ensure that these failures for her dedication and service to her commu- HON. ROBERT A. BRADY OF PENNSYLVANIA in our banking system are never repeated. nity, and the state of Delaware. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES That is why I have reintroduced the Return f to Prudent Banking Act. To build on the mo- HONORING MICHAEL MINASIAN Friday, February 3, 2017 mentum and the movement to reinstate Glass- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I Steagall. HON. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ rise today to congratulate Ron Rubin on being Since last summer, fifteen state legislatures OF CALIFORNIA an honoree at the National Museum of Amer- introduced resolutions calling for Congress to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ican Jewish History’s Only in America Gala. reinstate Glass Steagall. Democrats and Re- This honor seeks to recognize those individ- publicans have memorialized support for Friday, February 3, 2017 uals who have greatly helped in the develop- Glass-Steagall in their respective political plat- Ms. SA´ NCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ment of the Museum and for service to the forms. Even President Trump has declared his with a heavy heart to honor the life and the business, cultural, and philanthropic commu- support for a new Glass-Steagall law and we passing of a special person from Montebello, nities. His contributions to our community have are obligated to work with him to do just that. California. Mr. Michael Minasian was an irre- been recognized by many, and I am grateful I was proud to join with 57 members of the placeable member of the Armenian-American for his work for the people of Philadelphia. House who several years ago voted against community, who was born to survivors of the Ron’s career began in the 1950s when he the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the bill that over- Armenian genocide in 1931. Mr. Minasian’s joined his father’s small real estate firm. turned Glass Steagall. As the anti-regulation success wasn’t handed to him; for five years Throughout his career, Ron has worked to movement won the day, that law was a clear he and his family lived in a camp for displaced guide growth for major development in office signal that Wall Street was in charge. Banks persons after World War II. When Mr. buildings, retail centers, and malls up and grew larger and riskier, and American tax- Minasian and his family immigrated to the down the East Coast. Ron’s work helped payers were given the bill when the deregu- United States, he attended night school to make the Rubin Organization one of the larg- lated financial sector fell apart. learn English while helping his parents support est real estate companies in the United This is a reality that has sunk its teeth deep the family. States. After the Rubin Organization was ac- into the flesh of our Republic, influencing more From 1953 to 1955, Mr. Minasian served in quired by the Pennsylvania Real Estate In- and more who is elevated to office. the U.S. Armed Forces in West Germany, and vestment Trust (PREIT), Ron served as CEO

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Feb 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03FE8.004 E03FEPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with REMARKS