Applied Research Institute ‐ Jerusalem (ARIJ) P.O Box 860, Caritas Street – Bethlehem, Phone: (+972) 2 2741889, Fax: (+972) 2 2776966.
[email protected] | Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem Report on the Israeli Colonization Activities in the West Bank & the Gaza Strip Volume 139, February 2010 Issue Bethlehem • Israeli armed forces closed the Bethlehem‐area container road checkpoint for the second time in 24 hours. Hundreds of cars were stuck at the checkpoint. Maannews (February 1, 2010). • Israeli settlers from El David settlement accompanied by the Israeli Occupation forces attacked Palestinian residents of Jub Altheib village and other international activities while they were planting olive trees on their lands that are threatened of confiscation. These settler attacks came as an attempt to take over about 70 dunums of land owned by Ahmad Zawahra, which is located very close to the settlement. Wafa & Al Quds (February 2, 2010). • The Israeli occupation forces hindered residents of Nahhalin village west of Bethlehem city from constructing a 2 kilometers agricultural road in Banyas area under the pretext that the land falls under the Israeli control. The road was designated for access to agricultural fields in the village. Wafa (February 8, 2010). • Several Israeli army vehicles closed off entrances to Beit Fajjar, shutting down roads to the area from Bethlehem and Hebron. The army vehicles and soldiers closed the Beit Fajjar junction near the Gush Etzion settlement, as well as roads leading to the Hebron‐area Al‐Aroub refugee camp and the nearby Beit Ummer village. Travelers reported heavy traffic, 1 Applied Research Institute ‐ Jerusalem (ARIJ) P.O Box 860, Caritas Street – Bethlehem, Phone: (+972) 2 2741889, Fax: (+972) 2 2776966.