Charles Lindbergh Part 15 of 16
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" 2 I 'Ae x 92 Pro-Axis FifthColumn Propaganda Candidate in Detroit for Senate " 3-4 2 _' Y is , ' NOTE: Tb: Hour is a condential bulletin, published each week by The Hour Publishing Co., Inc. The price of subscription is $5.00 per - 1' pr . 2 5-; »_.,,- z -.__ g mnum, $5.00 for Ii: months. i I c ""'Ill .' Y in" ii 77 7:777 V 8 100 E. 42nd Sn, New York MUrrly Hill 5-068$-9 I s ' 1/ , may 16, 1942 Board . was cass or ."co1m'r" minsnsi;-frsrnrsxr ' Editor .1 Albert E. Kuhn Disclosures of international significance are likely to eme out Editorial Consultant: of the Federal Grand Jury probe into the activities of Anastase A. V0nsi 1 Prof. F. L Bchuman atsky, which is new taking place in Hartford, Connecticut, under the gui= Johannes Steel dance of Thomas J. Dodd, special assistant to the Attorney General. Leland Stowe Hendrik van Loon For years Anastase Vonsiatsky, head of the Russian National Wythe William: Fascist Revolutionary Party and until recently editor of The Fascist; has been weaving a net of international intrigue from his estate near the lit- I 1 I-|-:---:!~ : i .t1e town of Thompson, Connecticut. Himself an agent of the Genmen and 92 . Japanese High Commands and a ringleader of the fascist White Russian fifth column in America, Vonsiatsky has been conspiring not only to overthrow the Government of the Soviet Union but also to bring about a fascist coup 5 in the United States. Working closely with key representatives of Germany and Japan, he has helped smuggle spies, sabotours, and terrorists into Rue E sia, whose duties have included assassinating Soviet leaders. During the last ten years, he has frequently visited Berlin, Rome and Tokyo. He ran arms to France-Spain to aid the Axis-inspired uprising in that country. He aided in the organization of a fascist'White Russian Army on Japanese sci] @ which is now awaiting orders from Tokyo to launch an attack against the Soviet Union. On his Connecticut estate, he maintained an elaborate arse:- al of rifles, machine guns, tear gas equipment, etc; and he trained score: of uniformed swastika-wearing young men in preparation for the day when Fascism would come to America. For carrying on his multifarious plottings, the former Czarist fficer had at his disposal the immense fortune of his wife, nee Marion ; ,ifi!- I I kgeam, who inherited a one-seventh share of the $40,000,000 Ream estate in Chicago. The American heiress and the penniless Russian emigre met in -d#.§_,lI-,w Paris in 1921, and were married shortly afterwards. At the time he was twenty~three and she was forty-five. Vonsiatsky Exposed in The hour in 1939 On July 30, 1939, The Hour carried an article, entitled "Fritz Kuhn's Week-End Host Participated in Murders," which exposed Vonsiatsky's - _~ _ . J A 1 _ I ' Q l92 r 92-. _! I ! . r. " A Q Number 154 llay 1 , 1942 r Page 2 **/ DETROIT FIFTH COUMNIST REFRIL S ENDORSEMENT BY SENATOR REYNOLDS 92 . Current Issue of Smith'nJtf6§sfand Flag Also Announces Smith's Candidacy for U. S. Senate The May issue of The Cross and The Flag, the seditious magazine being published in Detroit ex-Silver Shizer No. 3223, devotes its entire back page to a promotional article based on F an endorsement received from Senator Robert R. Reynolds of North Carolina see The Hour for April 18 and May 2!. At the top of the page are several i lines of bold type reading: "United States Senator Robert R. Reynolds, Chainman of the Military Affairs Committee, said, when interviewed by the Associated Press concerning TH CROSS AND THE FLAG: ..." The item then proceeds to quote Senator Reynolds statement.endorsing Smith's subversive sheet which, in the Senator's words, stands for the things I have stood for for many years." The article also quotes from a personal letter re- ceived by Smith from Reynolds, congratulating the Detroit fifth colunist on the first edition of The Cross and The E155. Smith proudly remarks, This is merely one of the thousands ofntestimonials that have come in, favorable to this crusading, patriotic journal." 1 Emboldened by the support he is receiving from congressmen such as Senator Reynolds, Gerald L. K. Smith strikes out with increasing venom against the Administration in his current issue. In his characteristic demagogic style, he attacks the "bureaucrats and O politicians" inNashing- ton for their supposedly incompetent prosecution of the war. The tempo- rary setbacks suffered by the U. S. armed forces in the Pacific are pic- 3 tured by Smith as "bloody circumstances" brought about by boondoggling I bureaucrats and racketeers inWashington, who not only should be fired 92_._.l. _'L._._'l.92 L- 'l-_92___92 .!_i 1_:'92 .11 _ ;92._ ;_____a_-an I! 1L _ R,i__,_A_ni_ ___L l__ ___ij_j UUD 51-'lUUJ.Cl. U5 LOCKEQ 11']. Jall. 101' HO Cl'l.1I'B'U1UI1|'IP16 UOVBTDJTIBHU 1I1V5$Trl" gation of Father Cough1in's pro-Nazi activities is represented as a com- munist plot to persecute the Royal Oak priest. Two pages are given over to reprinting an attack by Congressman Martin Dies on Vice-President Henry Wallace. i Some individuals, however, come in for 1 latest issue of Smith's seditious journal. They hearty areCharles praise kTT%T§dbergh,i the S the Naziphile flyer who so energetically strove to prevent this country __-m Prom hninr _-__g prepare- ra n rl +n iv -ao- f nn +'|-no sh- axis l I n onslaugns;'1 a 1»-1+ D ,a.e. -H-. v- h snarles1 E. "'F'-"1-11-1oougull , 1 u il recently Goebbels foremost U. S. spokesman; Father_Rgward Lodge Curran, eastern Fuehrer of the Christian Front;92E1izabetH'Di1ling, no- torious snti-Semitio pro agandist: Dr. Gerald B."i?5d;hansas pro-Axis I agitatppc Col. Robertjhgormiok, publisher of thg Chicago Tribune; Col. E J. H¢ZPatterson, publisher of the New York Daily News; E1eanor;Patterson, 1 publisher gressmanMartinhigzn of the W hin a: on Senator Times-Herald; Robert R.jR5y£§lds. WiTli~_R3ndol T52 =Hearst- traitor Con-Smith, who once boasted to his jailbird boss Pelley of forming the first Silver Shirt stormtroop band in the United States, describes the ahovementioned individuals as "fearless Americans who have exposed the subterranean oper ations of the Red revolutionaries without mercy. Kore! u '_92 WI in i Tin content: of4T$z Hour are not ropyrigktrd and may be freely reprinted 5 J I: ' ' / J J ! our Number 154 Hey 16,1942 Page 3 Smith's Political Plane I The feature article in the current issue of The Gross and The Flag is entitled "My Hat'sthe In Ring." In it Smith announceshe will F3_E candidate in Michigan this fall for eleotio to the U. S. Senate. The sort of backing he hopes to get is obvious. "I will be supported by the old-fashioned, Christian, American people," he says. He makes an open bid for the support of Christian Front, German-American Bund elements by including this plank in his progrmml " I shall defend the right of free speech and free press for Father Charles E. Coughlin. The treatment that this minister of Christ is receiving at the hands of the blood- thirsty Reds is unbelievable." Iith the United States engaged in a life and death struggle against the Axis powers, the seditious, disruptive propagandizing of this 20th Century Benedict Arnold constitutes an ever-increasing danger to the American people. The Hour therefore urges that the Departnent of Justice immediately suppress The Cross and The Flag and conduct a thorough inves- tigation of the treasona5l§ac¬lvitles of Gerald L. K. Smith, examining with particular care his ties with certain members of the Congress of the United States. ' O i I 1 I osrsoxnzs ems FOR PRO-AXIS"PEACE" ' Hobert_§¢¥égpinwa1lorNQgt§oit,_nhohimself"Pres- as describes ident of The Lincoln Manufacturing Company -- Specialists in Flourescent Lighting," is currently distributing seditious literature through the- United States mails.