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_ FILE NUMBER: 65-11449 CROSSREFERENCES ! K -. ]9292 92 J ' .F NEWS-KEY - ¥. 'I ' '. '92 Investigation c onsiatsky ...... page 1 Q Smith Grows Bolder ...... -..___....-.-....-...._.. .n-.. -...... " 2 I 'Ae x 92 Pro-Axis FifthColumn Propaganda Candidate in for Senate " 3-4 2 _' Y is , ' NOTE: Tb: Hour is a condential bulletin, published each week by The Hour Publishing Co., Inc. The price of subscription is $5.00 per - 1' pr . 2 5-; »_.,,- z -.__ g mnum, $5.00 for Ii: months. i I c ""'Ill .' Y in" ii 77 7:777 V 8 100 E. 42nd Sn, New York MUrrly Hill 5-068$-9 I s ' 1/ , may 16, 1942 Board . was cass or ."co1m'r" minsnsi;-frsrnrsxr ' Editor .1 Albert E. Kuhn Disclosures of international significance are likely to eme out Editorial Consultant: of the Federal Grand Jury probe into the activities of Anastase A. V0nsi 1 Prof. F. L Bchuman atsky, which is new taking place in Hartford, , under the gui= Johannes Steel dance of Thomas J. Dodd, special assistant to the Attorney General. Leland Stowe Hendrik van Loon For years Anastase Vonsiatsky, head of the Russian National Wythe William: Revolutionary Party and until recently editor of The Fascist; has been weaving a net of international intrigue from his estate near the lit-


1 I-|-:---:!~ : i

.t1e town of Thompson, Connecticut. Himself an agent of the Genmen and 92 . Japanese High Commands and a ringleader of the fascist White Russian fifth column in America, Vonsiatsky has been conspiring not only to overthrow the Government of the but also to bring about a fascist coup 5 in the . Working closely with key representatives of Germany and Japan, he has helped smuggle spies, sabotours, and terrorists into Rue E sia, whose duties have included assassinating Soviet leaders. During the last ten years, he has frequently visited Berlin, Rome and Tokyo. He ran arms to -Spain to aid the Axis-inspired uprising in that country. He aided in the organization of a fascist'White Russian Army on Japanese sci] @ which is now awaiting orders from Tokyo to launch an attack against the Soviet Union. On his Connecticut estate, he maintained an elaborate arse:- al of rifles, machine guns, tear gas equipment, etc; and he trained score: of uniformed swastika-wearing young men in preparation for the day when would come to America.

For carrying on his multifarious plottings, the former Czarist fficer had at his disposal the immense fortune of his wife, nee Marion ; ,ifi!- I I kgeam, who inherited a one-seventh share of the $40,000,000 Ream estate in . The American heiress and the penniless Russian emigre met in -d#.§_,lI-,w in 1921, and were married shortly afterwards. At the time he was twenty~three and she was forty-five. Vonsiatsky Exposed in The hour in 1939 On July 30, 1939, The Hour carried an article, entitled "Fritz Kuhn's Week-End Host Participated in Murders," which exposed Vonsiatsky's - _~ _ . J A 1 _ I ' Q l92 r 92-. . _! I ! . r. " A Q Number 154 llay 1 , 1942 r Page 2

**/ DETROIT FIFTH COUMNIST REFRIL S ENDORSEMENT BY SENATOR REYNOLDS 92 . Current Issue of Smith'nJtf6§sfand Flag Also Announces Smith's Candidacy for U. S. Senate

The May issue of The Cross and The Flag, the seditious magazine being published in Detroit ex-Silver Shizer No. 3223, devotes its entire back page to a promotional article based on F an endorsement received from Senator Robert R. Reynolds of North Carolina see The Hour for April 18 and May 2!. At the top of the page are several i lines of bold type reading: "United States Senator Robert R. Reynolds, Chainman of the Military Affairs Committee, said, when interviewed by the concerning TH CROSS AND THE FLAG: ..." The item then proceeds to quote Senator Reynolds statement.endorsing Smith's subversive sheet which, in the Senator's words, stands for the things I have stood for for many years." The article also quotes from a personal letter re- ceived by Smith from Reynolds, congratulating the Detroit fifth colunist on the first edition of The Cross and The E155. Smith proudly remarks, This is merely one of the thousands ofntestimonials that have come in, favorable to this crusading, patriotic journal." 1 Emboldened by the support he is receiving from congressmen such as Senator Reynolds, Gerald L. K. Smith strikes out with increasing venom against the Administration in his current issue. In his characteristic demagogic style, he attacks the "bureaucrats and O politicians" inNashing- ton for their supposedly incompetent prosecution of the war. The tempo- rary setbacks suffered by the U. S. armed forces in the Pacific are pic- 3 tured by Smith as "bloody circumstances" brought about by boondoggling I bureaucrats and racketeers inWashington, who not only should be fired 92_._.l. _'L._._'l.92 L- 'l-_92___92 .!_i 1_:'92 .11 _ ;92._ ;_____a_-an I! 1L _ R,i__,_A_ni_ ___L l__ ___ij_j UUD 51-'lUUJ.Cl. U5 LOCKEQ 11']. Jall. 101' HO Cl'l.1I'B'U1UI1|'IP16 UOVBTDJTIBHU 1I1V5$Trl" gation of Father Cough1in's pro-Nazi activities is represented as a com- munist plot to persecute the Royal Oak priest. Two pages are given over to reprinting an attack by Congressman Martin Dies on Vice-President Henry Wallace. i Some individuals, however, come in for 1 latest issue of Smith's seditious journal. They hearty areCharles praise kTT%T§dbergh,i the S the Naziphile flyer who so energetically strove to prevent this country __-m Prom hninr _-__g prepare- ra n rl +n iv -ao- f nn +'|-no sh- axis l I n onslaugns;'1 a 1»-1+ D ,a.e. -H-. v- h snarles1 E. "'F'-"1-11-1oougull , 1 u il recently Goebbels foremost U. S. spokesman; Father_Rgward Lodge Curran, eastern Fuehrer of the Christian Front;92E1izabetH'Di1ling, no- torious snti-Semitio pro agandist: Dr. Gerald B."i?5d;hansas pro-Axis I agitatppc Col. Robertjhgormiok, publisher of thg Chicago Tribune; Col. E J. H¢ZPatterson, publisher of the New York Daily News; E1eanor;Patterson, 1 publisher gressmanMartinhigzn of the W hin a: on Senator Times-Herald; Robert R.jR5y£§lds. WiTli~_R3ndol T52 =Hearst- traitor Con-Smith, who once boasted to his jailbird boss Pelley of forming the first Silver Shirt stormtroop band in the United States, describes the ahovementioned individuals as "fearless Americans who have exposed the subterranean oper ations of the Red revolutionaries without mercy. Kore! u

'_92 WI in i Tin content: of4T$z Hour are not ropyrigktrd and may be freely reprinted 5 J I: ' ' / J J ! our Number 154 Hey 16,1942 Page 3

Smith's Political Plane I The feature article in the current issue of The Gross and The Flag is entitled "My Hat'sthe In Ring." In it Smith announceshe will F3_E candidate in this fall for eleotio to the U. S. Senate. The sort of backing he hopes to get is obvious. "I will be supported by the old-fashioned, Christian, American people," he says. He makes an open bid for the support of Christian Front, German-American Bund elements by including this plank in his progrmml "

I shall defend the right of free speech and free press for Father E. Coughlin. The treatment that this minister of Christ is receiving at the hands of the blood- thirsty Reds is unbelievable."

Iith the United States engaged in a life and death struggle against the , the seditious, disruptive propagandizing of this 20th Century Benedict Arnold constitutes an ever-increasing danger to the American people. The Hour therefore urges that the Departnent of Justice immediately suppress The Cross and The Flag and conduct a thorough inves- tigation of the treasona5l§ac¬lvitles of Gerald L. K. Smith, examining with particular care his ties with certain members of the Congress of the United States. '

O i I 1 I

osrsoxnzs ems FOR PRO-AXIS"PEACE" ' Hobert_§¢¥égpinwa1lorNQgt§oit,_nhohimself"Pres- as describes ident of The Lincoln Manufacturing Company -- Specialists in Flourescent Lighting," is currently distributing seditious literature through the- United States mails. This literature is in the form of a sma1l,_neatly printed pamphlet, entitled Our One Hope of Peace, which contains defeating pro-Axis propaganda. T énjifl 7" 92

Camouflaged as a pseudo-economic tract which presents the sol- ution" of the world'spresent Problms, Aspinwall's booklet contains such spurious comments as the_following|

r "In the first world war we used a number of slogans to give popular expression to the object for which we were fighting. we were told this was The war to end wars -- thst we were fighting for The preservation of freedom and democracy. , _ "But to those of us who carefully study and analyze the situation there are many questions, many puzzling facts that do not seem to be clearly nor adequately explained hp suchsimple andobvious reasons. I "Certainly we are called upon to defend ourselves against attack but on further reflection the people of the at- tacking nations are not a particularly warlike type. 92 1 More!

9181 Tl: contentssigh: Hour¥r are In!ropyrig/lied may andfrnly be rrrifld r 92 .4 --.4 _.,.,,. . . _. up v I ._ J 9292

~<=-Q "W Number 154 May 16. 1942 Page 4 ' Why then, asks Aepinwall. is the United States fighting the Germans and the Japanese? llainly, he answers, because this country's harsh economic measures against Berlin and Tokyo forced the war on these nations. The Detroit psmphleteor then reasons: V Thus it seems that the United States throuQ a lack of 92inderst£.r'l5.ing__and§OmlI1onse11s0 has been oc eye __i_r£_Zo_ a %§tri1uent_e.l "lei-tionof _to_ fightingilfor oijifigriatliolf... e cause ofsem-'e¬*eH5aJ5t1ensthat iafeee _un ust and in question Qwfth v:H:YchThe U. S. is at war-:1_ have adopted e. brutal and barbaric method of accomplishing their aims but there seemed to be no other way for them to achieve their desires, for the U. S. had made it definitely clear that every effort would be made to protect home industry. Further than that the United States in company with other nations made it clear that if any attempt was made by force to expend the sphere of influence of these fascist} na- tions that every help short of war would be given to any nation on whom force was used. ... this War might be 1 brought to a reasonable Bonclusion byiacigowled ing our error and bygthe BI1§nBl5_6! "yof"co'opera'§ion"when ;__eir [t';T-Te A,zis'] - goods are offered irljpaymen-lfforthings " e~%ar:=5e;.l.!"need?" ' ' ''_

Times Advertises Aspinwe.ll's Book 1 . I Interestingly enough, on April 26 and May 3 carried advertisements for A,spinwall's pro-Axis booklet. Both adve'Ft'J'.'§'§- ments. which were headed "Our One Hope of Peace," read as follows:

"This war is a struggle for the control of raw materials and the is sue can never be settled by fighting. A lasting peace can be achieved by free trade - free trade not only between nations but between ourselves as well. Send ten cents for booklet, Our One Hope of Peace, Robert S. Aspinwall, 2630 Erskine st., Detroit, Michigan."

It seems that the advertising department of the New York Times should exercise greater care in checking the sort of literature it F175:- . motes. A.Bpinwall's above characterization of this war as a "struggle i for the control of raw materials ... which can never be settled by fight- ing" should alone have been sufficient to arouse the suspicions of any ¥ copy reader familiar with President Roosevelt's definition of this con- fliot as "A War of Survival. »¢ "_,l ea 0 I

RT. r

_ | . I 51:1 The coamm ofh Hour are not coyyrigkted and may be freely reprinted _ '92 0| . . 92 3- x .»': rib '4 *3 70 3 {- - ,i I ; r I -Z. - x I ' I , 92 r"

'- u 1=LE1.:DLIl.£ my 29, 194.1 _ ?.,§°°" 100-we-u _ '1. -1:", - _o Q '___ , I ._ D vr 1 "" .-

9 -574: .1 '°'" ; E - I Irish to acknorlodgé receipt. of yam-

» nouzmunication dated lay 10, 191,1, gig}; Qng1g3q|. v92 "N and tolmqareaa lg appreciation tor your eourtaay and interest in corresponding with no. ! . 3 Ion my be ulm-ed that the contlnt. 01'

.;'you:- latter md oi the onclosuros has boon caro- § . , 92. h F fully noted and included Ln the official £1100 of - " "fig" 751+ , " " Sincere]; you:-0,

John Edgar Howl! ' 'u Director "' _ - I-.001 ~ 0 Ir.I.n.1 " -'n_ 'W '*4' -L _ ~_ _ _ _ 1:. nu J I .CONMl!~!AT:{wq §_Y";"};-NT - __- _ _1 . :1, ,.',. MA.29 *4: §=_ . ' I U '|~."£sn,.n or: A-* " . |{'_ -,¥_PAHll£Vfi. pi J._!:}__ J31 -" Iii II-pg i___ ? % p /"I-w Li -?Q¢@%92 " * w-.~.,q.,.,. /W0" '~'-'-"=- .- , ._., . - -- ' - m-~~-- --. I ---H. _-92P§l-4* . _ V - .. - - "" ~ .e_ . ' #4 .. -- 92.,._'....e-I- -hi v _ I J r}: 1 an P I-y10th,l .

= 5. lederal Bureau of Investigation, _ Inehington 3.0. . I. ?~ I em an Americantorn 0iti:en,_m;y lather was e member of the 9.1.3., I om not in tevor oi Oolonel Lindbergh interference with our Iedorl Government. - V P ? I lam to beon thepermnent nailinglist ofplmerioan First Gom:nittee"e.nd asyou will note I have underscored on the green sheet that those following out these instructions, their petition will be reproduced F, 600 times. ' _ - -i % "92 ;92 I

As e. loyal Amerioan Citizen I feel it my duty to bring time to your attention and am enclosing the last literature mailed

51 1. I

¢ r ¢ .21

F I 1/ w IP, IE8 I .' gé-92 &

,;_ -__ _ -92 H =< RECORDED » F & Q nunnxmn I ,. I- EDEBAL Buaalun.=1wEs'nsrms.92 . 5 MAY 141941 __._ T; ls...._~lA -7- _ ' * - 7* . ... '7 , ____ - r* _ __ 5 -._ __- ______V -- ---'-

. F El e ,- ,,, C, __.,-,_s: - _- 4 . I '.6 7.. Y 1 - - _-' l n i- ---- ,_. _ i _ " " 7". _....._ _

' Hahn-al Bureau of Imnestigaua lnitzh ltatzs Bsgerlmsnt at Jnsttss 92-w a Saint Louis, llissouri June I», 191,1 , '_ - _ -.-_ _._ _ __ __ __ ._ J ~. Q _- .. - ,-: .7» H- . _ -- »:'. .-...-,' / 1'} Director r - TALL INFOH-'l=Tl0N_C0?~!T!92|NEl7 2'1?- ?edera1 Bureau of Investi tic: . '- ' -.- :sag.~= ; e e Dear sir: a ' s -"'-,_ 1. ...-4A be- .9 . e s regarding beaadvised that speech the made following by 5e1it¢i@'NE'i"1 information was0. -1; _QLABK, on Hay , 1+1, at the Arena, in St. Louis, llissoin-'II' Cl-{ARIES LINDBERGI-I was on the same program. :»f._. ._ _ l e 1" 5,1 _,u. "Distortion in comm Weekly oi Senator Clark: .- - ' reference to investigations by the FBI in his speech on the occasion o For th ta meeting on Saturday Hay 3, 19b1, at _ ~_~' H -. -,7 3 92; the Arena, 5700 Oakland Avenue.

1- I GermanWeekly! Deutsche Wochenschrift, Hey 8, 19141, page 6.

Translation = g.._: b 92.-_,. _. ta CONGRESS IIAITS FOR TI-IE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE am-,'.-=1, Jar,-I*. {I . enator Bennett CI-|a:agxéla:'k 0! Hissouri, who, together g. with Charleslgindbergh on Saturday at the Americe. First maés meeting expressed himself against the participation of America in the war, appealed to the citizenry to write or wire new to their representatives -.1. in Congress that they should take a stand against the war, against v-----;.. nnnvnvl plea; and ¢5=...... -- enrlncf. o-.-..-. I11 ---=--.--I rnnnauvnnn lzhni-. may .---a Tnnrl inn wv Inn- FIZQD Tho any 5.--.--o aoat --..-_,-...-;|n.e-in-ra-H211 t| _ Eb.;- oi the people is against Ivar and Congress hasto follow this sentimen quoting Clark. o _

According to his experiences on his speaking trip the great majority of the people, who are against the war policies, would write to their Congressmen, it they were not in fear that the FBI in consequence would investigate them. Senator Clark called that a false Q1 0" opinion and told those people as well as theaudience that in such H cases they should address themselves to @, and he Iieglri then . _ ~ investigate the FBI. .' . /Xi t RIJOORDZI-D dz IND-E/Mzq/2;-;, _ l._.. e_ 5- . _ _ _ _ 92 M ' M5 - ~;"I=-:1 I ;;--_ a-1 92_ M.____ - - ._ 1.. V . .. _ . . _ -..| P_... -_. . ._._....______,,____,_ _'._-T, _T_._a_,_._ -. 7 . O 6-Q N %

92 W Ba Pt


:. 92 nireeter Page -rue __ e- C

0'7-. ~ . .1 -,_ "8 _ . 92 _;__-»__. l W "Senator Clarkwas quoted incorrectlyin the above -|.e;>-4. article of the Gemsn leek];- "yen-. "Nhst hesaid in the course ofhis addressconceming .-..'¥ investigations by the FBI i uoted s q ve tin in the Globe Democrat ,.,»..7 92 . ,_._ oi Hayh, l9Ll, page 8 A, under headlineLindbergh Warns Agai net '- -.r. * E War" as follows: '__'_""'_-'_"-'-'- -'1.a .> In urging his hearers to w_ t e President and . , Congressmennot to be led into permittin onvoying, this final step into war, he charged somepersons d been led to believe if they writethe Presidenttheir opinionthey will be investigated by the FBI. That's poppycock.If yo ':-3'2-'r u hear of any such thing, let me _Y __r know andI'll have the FBI investigated. " _ -I

a Vs? yours,truly

§;f}f-. o. 1§.nEon3us_ GH%I:DB Special Agent in Charge q'..'.,O! J" ". -5§:,>.5<

L 1 e,; - - __ J In-1" ""2 _ ' M_;- - ._...... _,- __ _ ' . ""< "- ' .. .' '-. __;' - ~ - .:~n_.=.___ _ ...__."""""""'*-_.. -1_;_1__* _. -3 -1-. _- .._.'5. -"=~ - . ' = '- 7 '__ __ - .r_._- ,__ ;_ _ ----.-.92 ______U" {F"._,_,__:'_ _ , __/ 4'~- :.:.'__..- -- '- O _" - - » - -- .....__*.1" . _._ _

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1 -- r-_.. A: RECORDED 1" 7 . Eng .35; IND <'L';;-J- 4 JUL 8194!

U.S.0=*~-ma I Q I Q F y _ RECORD 100-ma-as V _ --0 B.EL:vea ' - -

'1-92"-'_. -I_92e .92 92'-§.§1'1 '11 .-§. f l . :1 _i;.', F: Iuly28, 191.1. " E- Q -us"_ -. --- 92 _.. ' ;._ ' -1., - ' 3 15 _ . "_'_¢-' "1; ' : =a--*=*=-, ' *-J" -: n.;;'»fA_;;., M " A -" '1-1."S. Irv


"- 1 wish to eeknenledgereceipt of your letter dated July 3, 191.1,togetherylith it-e~ enelnnre. -Your courtesyand 1:101-cit. in uriting as youdid areindeed appreciated,end youmy be ensuredyour 1ett.e.'rI111 receive app:-apriate consideration.

Sincerely your-e',

Jehnld5ar30dI'er av - Directnr J

n.vo92n-______i1 * I In-.I.Lh& ¢ Inca; _ /Q H Ia-Ilene '- E .. . _ n -an "" CI V __,' K ._.._A92,_-._-'i-.>'.:'-4'J L IILI _ Aom mcmowssscm-N7 I¢.I|-an _*"3l.:-, . Ir. Ilene. - MAILED _ -|. e-a-11-' *1uL2s1 ' if L l I'ML 1. -Q} '-EOEP hf ' I.1-|_ ! L, S.418$ - |.n_.-1.1 an,e5 ,- Ilhiq ---- __.______.'-3|, '-,_ _. _ _ __ 1 Ilia?--1,.

-_--.-,¢.-_ :-r-"_v_.~. _- _,__ --- - '' ""- = #2-_=-.?.*:_-111-I! --_.,_.i.-I .. ..-lg. I I.

I c .! ;._. _. ' '.1 !"' . . F H _ E /I 1- VERITAS VINCIT 1' II I7: ore July 3rd 41 Hon. chief Ec1é.a': Hoover, criminal Departznent, I31@ n,asninatin, c.

Hon.& Dear Sir,

I am enclosing lierewitn an article L '--K. 9292 yon a spezch made in San Francisco by tha§iTneni;,'1~a;=:.:e 7 __92 Lin:=.'cer£;h I trknlcsuch spezogesare wooae than the ,- 92=-'92-, 92" goires. Oonsult sec. of the Ite ritcr;-'Icheits and F 0- I~Presicie;1t P.oose".'elt.

I:-1 my opinion this 1-Ii:-tler friend is doing much

._ nee.-'-:1to unthinking A;1:*tic-;1s.

I. I admire the we:-I-: you are doing =.;s a true American

-. 1'- .-;h~ "I S1110 BTBIY YOLIPS , Ix '3.»'

Exc*se J. "V_ 6;"?-OI'5 5-.:..st ""§ZZiI15' _ over a terible accident to 1:;-'S.->1-We J3

ii ¬ _ [N 7- 1: i COBIJED _ Q-- J7; * - 92 b~ e can _ _:;;.*.:;< --~~-~-=- W-" T -'12- -= -H__.;.J.=.;.... _ . . F IO rm --~ -7J1 ;==; 57¢ ! U, 92 92

.- 92<.¢ --1 0' "»- ~',>+-.-u--uu.._,.,,,-,,,-,,,,______-- 'q~w- 1 1

F L ,4-ml '! l . O 0 "' 1 is ' » .v 6 192 I l Trimibéi§hfBiitérly I !. thRusstq i ,1. 1:. W

Lee .n___, ;,?Q;;, , " 1:. 51¢-_ r" 4 -I ve;

|V| U S Alliance SAN FRANC , July 1?! - - AP!ChnrJeeA. 1'lld bitterly denounced ussis at an l Russia was ghting rinnnd. anti-war mass meeting Tusday the interventionist: demanded tive night and de-ehred I would n 11 hundred times rather see my thntwezuidlllpoeszoleaidto.Ii -.~ country ally herself with Eng- a land, or even with Germany. Finland. Now, when Russia is esswith all her hults, than -with ghting Finland again, they dc: out ed the cruelty, the godless, and mend that we send all possible, the barbarism that exist In. nato-l=umn.~ . .;; . soviet Russia." . _ - In-Enemies new tune; - » 1Witt |ll 4 1An alliance between the United States and Rush should ,, The murderers and plunder ers of yesterday ere accepted as lama be opposed by every .American,_;lthe valiant defenders of civili-J by every Christian, and by, every humanitarian in em eoun- Intion today; end the valiant o. try, Lindbergh ma in an an-T;defenders of yesterday have be- eome the wicked aggrmors oi . The viouslg dress prepared tor delivery at now our enemies; Russia om" a civic auditorium meeting j; axis pc sponsored by the America First , committee. " '- _ Japane Nenking I. Issue Becomes Confusing -, 'i _ Lindbergh: talk was broad-1 3. east over the National llldi Brill: Q I Mutual networks. _ - 1 B - The longer this war in Eu-- lOpe continues, the more eon- 1puy.r1n1-mmen-meeu-ehconti; eirfused its issum become, Lind-7 £riend.Wel1avebeena.ske ~ ' 'of Oldenburg ".__ l i 92 I 'l--- .._ - '7: " 1. --1 .e +1-dz_ . possible ¢» - .~<..-_r,. that 1,2» we would nd 1* .- ourselves $: alone fighting '5 the en- .1": l Germany's I .1-"";._"an tire world 4;- beforett was over.-Qbombed, ' and .1 . ., The only sensible thin! tor Y;in the attack: us to do is to build an in:|preg- j; The raiders 3 machine-gun. l nnble defense for America and ;, nearby _ can 2 keepthishemisphereutpeaee."- ¢ '- o = e | I 92 -' ""¢'-0. e | . K

. ' . l8"'f- F9 19 M l :.:~ l»1-92'il"~1G!3NTAiiiEQ 3-..92;.>;-;:;~@- ' fl noS , -I-L-A-I -' _ !r+.;. t .::I_-__!:_._ I? .:_,"_ ; u . ;'_' i_vn_'_ -;_ .' . H. ~' '¢c._§",=:- ,_ e_:":1__§s$,'{£. ~>- /. __ M__ _ _ . -- 1 -. - '. 1 . - '- ._. -... " ;- 1 v | - . ' *".' '.. . _ 4" . '. '- I 9-- ea v ' " _- -- *~e .; $1-1-: _~,~_ _,,_,e7it .- _ ,3 - .$ . _ _ '1 T - » A 1'? -- i gxggp-: "i5iE»z..=':5il :..-,-.-1_.._;_,.m.a "* 'J T I e w I , " . r - -5- , - ;_ -.. I I a _. -.*'_ .; - , IS-" :5 _'1;_t_.T*-" . " -. ;,f~ _.'- .- F-; V. :1 -4 . '1.-. -.I' '' ¬,i_¢..~ ~-' - Q :.'¢;"-- ' _. ,- 4-. o ,_.-H _, maxing _ o . . -_ L F ;_;§;!»f*j§;};__; a2/_A,.Tr --~*-".1 :. . TIE LIEKICL I135"! , Q * l Declllii-5! r ."- . .' =4»-. "' {I ~ - F H " -- . I ' ' . '1 I 5 1 o Ihe am;-Lea mu cunmu mi lncorporatbd under the ' ' Jet fur P1-etit I-are at the am.» of Illinois on Septednr 19, 19uo._ fhe purpoaee of the cemaitteeae outlined in its charter are te . o' ="enceu.rage and aaintain in the United Statee of naericaa ;;"_ -- _A . t _. . I - r,, ; --1 _ -V . ,f- . _ . . . _ . V Feece and the aineratie ideal. _ A program of adequate defeneea i - l " '5-. fa ,-I . A _f|u-the:-anee or peace in thie continent; a poey =. e1 non-intervention in the affair-e of other ccntincfe and to encourage the giving of help to refugees and an L I = I. the neeciy in other lands ineofar as such help &ce"e_ _ _ _ _ not endanger the pence in the United Statea. 1" r__ I . ..92. .___ ,__. H V _ :0 ..:_'1, j --1 -If i ,.. _ M..1- - -~ n:.=-p.:-tie....-- e:'g:...."*2.:lti% -.-i lcgg en-1". ,1:-..trietic ea I'M... '" ' ~Q92 |Hp _ @*L Ei 92 - leg] 2 Q, ='§§¢'e"* The lnerica First Goeanittee baa advertised itself ee -",-'- -- -1-'4

L . ' .- ' r ' _ I _ i The United Staten nut build an mbreakable national t defense; n I .___,} ' 2. in foreign p0IB!' nor group of powers can ever eucceee- ' - full; invade a prepared llerica. Y ' 3. Our Government eending men et ite can, ships, planes q-al and mate:-iala of ear to a belligerent oversees . ' 5 . ¢!e_ngeron_si;r weaken; e92_1_r defense at bone and threatens to involve America in ear abroad. ' aw e ' " 1 '" - '-nI» Our American Democratic libertiee can be preserved l ' E1:-?0PlE$ DESTROYE3-D_'t"-"'T_" by keeping out of/oreya1ax-a in Europe or in eiaal-_...._i - 43;; ._ _¢. o. >iNDEx-ED . . QENORDE5 J o 5 f fne national headquarter-e if tie ii-iriea Fir-at edit -_.-_- . *1 ll located at 1806 Board Of Trade Building, 51115189; Illinoie; LII in-. A 'local headquertera in aaintained_ in Ieahington, 9- 0-, ellol-0 Ymi Avenue, I. I. There in a tats}. of 566 local chapters and affiliated unite of the throughout the Unit-ed $1»a¢-BM 4 . , ' "" - The following in a list of the officere and Directors of the America first Cownittee with the background as to each indifidll

' I , ».-"7

_r' }92~. - 20//1-///e7 7 or Y e»'-.14»!;¢_;,;g;q - " 1 9/ lo A 9» '*"Wssu@r 92 ' . I . 1, " s P 92


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*_ - --T-, V <1: Q ;" " In ,B'?¬$%.. _ _ _.. _ -_ _ 4 .. _:_,__;.,_1_;- _=.I-' _ _-5.} '.__, , _.~ ,_-5_...;$i--,- - _ f»_._:._'.;*.f-__n-'-I. A - V- _._- ;5-_ V n --92 ~ ;.~.=...1»1.~M*ml auahry 5- a. animus mm, .-1.?! Y ,. . _ . ML: _: ::';I_ -.-. _an lat Jlduuu Qeuimrd, map __ 1-"HI I ;_ 92. ,! V&11:.1nn!.Il.%l92I!'ah yr hi: Uni _ -4* - .- '_ _ .,. 1- ,_ ' idml hfern kn-nix? been uooelato-3 alt! 92 4 - * *- w ' .- Oonalttug 1: u an I : -' '$ 1. ' - " ' 4 _ -= .- . than still mun cm vlnlqn '- - f1~tF: . n .- " "-= ;: '. _ ti J - " 92 _ 1.- »: _,, -r - -- A h-nan! - I |.. . . _,. 4'-'_ . '. ._. .. __ . 1 ¢q=emy; '- -F ummx.*nmAe.umrm- .w . . j" ; . ._:1.r._ at Retired nite! Staten An: Order; 1- . '.'l .7 _ _ -1 -L»-'5 *.-. F.:3..1:. ti .?.:i:.";..':";°°:.:..=";:.. .... H. '-_. .tr .."-""- _ "__ 2 _ 5.0:-fry, lmfala; :0:-val m'A ~ 'r ._,' 7" ... av-is &-117 as %-8 Par; u--u-aaa e. is-_ 7_h_-m ~ ;-_:~'.' 1 - . .._L...... _.._...... "- .'-- .0 pub1!MIl_P§l'92;lnI11!n0!-I@__: 92 - -. - _ ' D _~ .-__ .- ,' 'rP..'.i '41-=1 _}<,"'":Z_ ~_=.;~* '5 - ' 15- C r " "'= 1"" V;- d92- F ' ""' Mg.-1;-1». ' '.4 nu-q1= hchrl, &m - * *~-;~? '*'-"Q1; .. e *-.-1~<- CU-Y JUI"'iC~?~f - Atlenuy, 120 Hut Mm! tréut; 11110010; associated with thc in Hr: of , slleasa 9.-é. Eellvein-.-3 !-as-s.ez~ gmsidera =s Chitagn Council of Farotgr. .-acl-ut.l¢r:a..1;.~¢; mamber of Board of 1'rus92.ael of United Ctmdtlon, Chicago, an-:2 p-uzidmt. at I.-on-d ?"""°" fnncu F or Shoolp 5"1°5°n _.92- _ .-. J.- G-lr 1 §92 I I, can

' uéxlchhawall-imnouup-ivatoahonl. ', A;.n§ammumwme:mm,wa>u¢-mm~n- " I ;»- ._ 2__,. - -.92 _'_', ' .r- -.7--»'.-__ "I$Y| - ~_.-_ -._-- -';;.1-*="»*-.;-:'.: , I -._ . .92_ _ . < - II?-7..92:?-lé 1_. - - - -ls"~:#53-T='3§..5:?'3e?§?51 ;__ 1 ____ _ '2. '1 1'$?;*-..v."-.?;-~";-- _ _ ' , __-,-_ -. I ' '~= -2 . .5!»--' ~_i_"T>,'_= - - -- :1. . 'aumaunw V» .- . * ~ . ' - :- J ' -- " "" - - I I -1 ___ }_ 5. ,:_._ HM_¢_.92-.~__._;*.__i._-92-___'.,;?_.. {»__. .-H. **-~,.1 , _ V L -,¢ '_ Z ,_ rmhuar cl Iglvurslty at map] - _nL-. . 1:. '{c' 5". -7 ' 2! -'-"ix g4" 3, T ' --Hp133,1? I *3-:7 _J' *1;-4_J_. Q Q1 In-4c-an- Q-QA .l - I . - 3"! .. *' .' V f -* " i Irl1§Zlv F

ya --.-'j?:§:? - _";,.+f",';.'I_;';§;;-}j j »,- -- Bum, 0.8-$Al.| unoléuv "|'r'.-1 .92AI -:1 3*.-' y -- ' =».=+:,- ~ Q; . ;|;@,q,"; .4- e- _ . .- $5; *>92_;.- 4» V T;'J -PI A-1.. --_4 2:'.- ,2 _ .'.'. _i m W . ii-' v: 0 _ 92-. -59> ..-a{92:- ' u -' 1If ,. .!, . QC_ -4 I mum: a. cum, :a.- . ,:R".._' 3" :=-1- - '?e!1=:.e!!@l>!PQ1!!4.92!!!!e¢.1!"!!L&!';I'!.I!!!.-Q9.-Q; i. 1--~"3" 15- -.92,L.3 -. - J 1 _ :-' , _ _ Qatar .. Juan; .,. 1 .,- - . _= .. , .. _ A V - - . .. . ._ - - _ ., ,,_ 1.. __- 2 F ' ', 131188. ccm- ll?-10!92l111i_lI'IBI:.QLI!'§IC mthpr. 1*-i5 I 92 . _ . V. _ _ V .. *1.-' " _ -up 1¢ _.---u-Q.nnn-QQ _' ' _ .» ' I I ' T-'3?"*'$?--: La .'rr.1.*.m.i'!.:- ~ . ' '* '53" lctiniaunnctnuanlufniglmd -. *- polities; tn:-nor ante of the Exncutlvl J! Uonrzittao If lhl Ukzoérttlé htieml 00:- _ :51 nittoeg nu n avrbcr at tin rioanah Bl»- ~'--J-. , ._ Y A t Heal 2.12:1:-tgr Lou: Cumin-00 Guru; tho .|'u'-:7-:7!-H-_.T-' Y" T ~ ' " '? term tar; hu an-aten nun! hooks. -. !.-.<'"'-'- . :3. f9:%=".: ',. _ - iiwaanvunp Ul- I:-1'! T?

L 4 '1-IE5-IIzuted alarmist and writer; unto Donut:-1 1 F 'F "- 9 i, Q.nu92||-IHWY ll Q1 ll-ml i I!-Qln ll:-BIT Inna-I "g. T 7 " I ~ ~' 1 s.-~= = .- " . - - " f F . . r - ' '" _ . fr I , a:.a:.m1su~a:a.ac1mac:- _ _ 17-_ _']:7 __ - j j . A ili.iorni1,7moIlnr0i1ru1rq'ofnec- uJcsacossvs1:n:~m'x~n:n- '2 - , GQQ i a§

In-:07; dine!-or or Qua lhtionnl Bunk, III Icrk cm»; iaderul Quinn 1'1-wt. an? U k l purl: #1-e£:lunch, ¢!.1..-~.;;-.~'g; In [email protected];.-:-. Jcraeyybsaorieu 5e;~e.- P.-gr A -" l Cerpontlan and Unitod Ga Iapswnmat I 'V. r. ?_.I--_.-, _ - _-=1.-_.--».,|_-~ ' ,, ,....~ - >-.92- . W . 9 .. 54"? . :1; . . .. ;Z.>-_'3+.: . '~.---A r- , , - .'-.. . ._ - ~. -.. . ,-» .-- .- Q --. .. -1 1 "}1n*:i mm uqwm ~ % i .. 925é"::2_;1..: l _-g; _A ,2 -K, _ .:_.._._.; .4»? 92- .. -" _ '- .92' -- . - , V ' _- -1.-. . - ' '=-"-"-- .- -. I - ' " , '- _92. » ' M015 J. 1'A8'a- In!-lanai]; tmln for his Iurk in mm» ,1 . -_- I K t.ton§ltha.g:~_1§u_1§92ru1_¢gvo1opan:&u _ 1 " m. osomrit. mrrm-" - ' 4 _ i; ' * ~ I-. lo!-ionnllytaonn §lJ'.D10;1l92u I _ _ _' ' ' - '. , ' - ' .. . " ' '. . > _ . A _ .5 n . __ J ' j fh0fo11eI!n¢;nroou,ivo92r0nt1olnl.1,1l:nn=In,iroa1l92} . 4 i = 201.-bar: olthil Oneal"-0n_ - . . . _ -I _u » - -i=- -. _ '-. .. ., _ _ - _ ~ -<_ ,,> - _I . . _ ,.. - . 92 _ . __ v _ -. _ " _. I!-IhopI.l4IannAk' -,.'"_ ' I I I-Ilil -j~

.~ 92 ' @831 1| IIPIOQ; ch! " 'lo 'Hy In Ihlfo '

1'hnMnrioaHrl92.Gonr.lttI0llr0portcdtal:-otiauzcod 00101; by vn1un!.u7 contrlhiiom by than lrtu-estnd in tbu org-an!.ll _':%..*"i"-'3 la: ' Nun. The Goanittu ooarlnotod a radio broadcast on Octobw 21, raw, 1 utnhichtimthorsdlonnnoxmna-ru;unt0d!92h11:to:ura92-cloud " E anything has dim: to dons-0 9» I-In an-kg rst ¬ua=.&ttu, Boa-4 F-4-=~II; of Tad: iuiiciing, xinlgo, iiimoin, uni ihu ml Iiquni Ill nit V _ §:?~*é'. following aunnm at-bu bradcutn F -1 ~ - '»' '.- ' ¢1=Ii?§ -J. "' t 2. -'- * Ihn6ann1ttahna1aotoou4'nou


-5- that they arm America before aiding Britain and also requesting 1. '- 92 -e *'*'+-= P _ _ audience to send in anything from dines to. dollars to the anerica L. 92__. gr; , Cllittee, Board of Building, Chicago; 1-_ " '.l " 2- - iv t LT, _ __ *7? . A Confidential into:-sent stated that the ma-1»r1m e:- Gomnittee was started hg General Hood in oooperatioo Iiththe other 7-" '-A--a. members at the Committee end that although the Committee's viewpoints -1- in connection Iith the United States! present policy in foreign affairs - is different from that of theadministration, he is e1 the epiniea , . that the Comittes originally had e fee persons is it who were shat ""- 7 -.- _ he terned "left-singers end according to hi: are not to considered l Connunistis. 1 - .. ;_-' Q. tg~.__. 'l __.-_-: .- I ;_;,_ _ . -" . '- I . - . J 1 .,, '' -- M; *- . A11: . . "-".o- "' . », - - '1- -.-I -1 - '.~.92r - 4'0 92 _ 4 _ , I

15¢ T; 92 . ,3? Hr. e "¢

92. P

~r:=_»._' -'-.4 ' On December 18, 1.9119, the America first Conlittee sponsored. _ a rally in Orchestra Hall, iieago, Illinois, at which 1-all; 3500 _ e :5.-. oral thousand were turned a . ;__{_. . 91-.'- -1; 'ier:-suon Irene! v roa a eonti!eou! source, rug w .r".-1 1;, ._ , that on January 1.6 the ottice 0! the Imeriea First Oomnittee no i '* _-" _ __ opened on Iilshirs Boulevard, Les Lngeles, California, end it he » 'lf'L._ .. .11on ;- =1 observed that the automobile of Br. Georg Gyssling, German Consul 1'- was parked in front of the building during that day. The informant .. ..'- te- related that this ear had never been eeen there previously and has ' not been seen there since that tine. A e . - so p - '_ -fr!-"*2 1. "Q- .-_-mfg The America First Committee has published an enormous ._92.-. amount of propaganda literature eoncemieg the aim of the Gon- 4. aittee and has oi.rouJ.ated this literature throughout the United h, _ J States. the apparent object of the literature is to crystallize A -Y '"-'__ -"3.-7-' American opinion to prevent the entrance of the United States into 5; -..._..-' :1-- European ears mud to vi1J.iiy the foreign atfsire program of - '- -._.._ Preoident Roosevelt. The amorous pamphlets published by the, Committee state that B65 of the people of the United States are opposed to the United States intervening in foreign wars. These pamphlets fail to make any explanation as to how the figure of £365 was arrived at. This literature also makes an appeal to American mothers to aid the Committee for the purpose of preventing J I 5 I

2 t ;-_ g 92p


their eon! fro! being eeiaroiled in mother Iuropeaq _ ;i1§1_e- i9re W program of Preeident Roosevelt in termed the reed to In" by the C literature aeaneting from thie committee. .r I"_»92 4 5, -. -,,- 92-' ;r.- - -. pm G .» A, .1 _ _ . _ 1-B '7, r,. *- .l.-:- k . _3___.1. S. 2 r ._v ff-V, Hff _-- u " " :1-'1.'..-LA.-'-0 n... b Q.-3 -4.; L [email protected]'

.- 4'_ 92

.. * 3-:9 ID ' 1.. 1.

I ._, is-1" - ~¢.__¢w ~ x 3"-1,.

! _ 7 - ;I*!_."'- - : -;92~ 5*";..." _,,,, 7.. | _<-7 9.:-;'!; _, VI.71 "-1." 92 J- .,;.' K1"? received that the America lint - C Committee has censtiedly eriticised the Iilliee Allen Ihite Committee. C =2 1?. - The Ana:-ice lint Committee 1e reported ee attempting to secure the _ V . 1' ' _-hr support of en; and all organisations ieelnding the Coughlinite _ , '' social Jeetice Croup. -he nee: veadore of Coughlim Social Justice L In Ice Ior_k City agpeered epon the eta,-eete dieplqiq Leeriee First - - Committee button. 00;-§712-SK! 3?? A '> 4_-C; C .__. _ e ...... _ -_92- " - . * - J


caning-*. KITMPZ!9 ,/. t i 1 0


-7- 1 E-' 5-T1 r_" 1_ ___

- P . , .-1:. -":.".I-1', . "-. .-:".'%~_,-¥!_" _ .-.., _ fa -k.--.-.¥?-:~*.n_1 , . =,,_ ,,__ I _ § , - 3 --;.= ~--. , . J_; ' _ __ . 92._92...'_-__-_H;._._.__! I . .1 :4-if T._,___"_ . V V. . _".7§-." A .-.l- P .l '12.. w,-- ._|_-_»-_.

-' --r. 1. v .q_ 92 '.-»~' _.- ' -_ .-'1-.=_ .- ._- - -.; _¢ 1 , 1.;_ auingly A-~ Y" moamino nnnnuu luppunhmwings or wmrlhtiom the A:-as-in firstand Qomutn qonnntloaIn . ,- pith U20 aming at this U-II lttuntlon I-U directed in thl * '

___ . . _ .. ___ _ .,_._ ___., V. - '- ' .- , ,=- '1 '1.-' 92.,.a=.:_':"'f-~-I-';'-..5-. -,.'- = 7 ' '1-,'-,.' ' . ._- - -' -'._ . 1.-. -1< 3" " '.'5'-" . -'--'. + ff _l0 Dbllll If-Ilnri; I 1 i 92 :0 Blhrl all -1-. ' _ Q__.I-._.J" llqlt u..unA__Tl p » l ' _' ._-" =_" ,_ A _ ._ Gama-mlThoma lanai -Q ' V J0 0. M 4", '1. Chg Jhdaoa M. ll. hath Henry Mn! _ Alien iloonnlt lorgnlth 92 ; f; 7 ;Th°a...'$can "-3! '1. @ - _ _ '- __ r.__"" - '-- _ I ._ " ¢_' " - " " we "3

X _ . ..._ *:§_,_ V¢m> ;.{_ .. 1arornat1onrooo1vod!:onl:hu1al¢Iobc92-o1,0q:u-:1 ' j _.'. . 3,-_:_ Board-uy of Auction Plrd Gouuittuu 59 but $3 Sh-at, Ron Tori:City . ' . V.;.é. _' 4110010000 thata In Tori: Bbaptar 0! this nanlttu has bmmn 15,000 - -*.." and 305000lubcrn Rink! chin that mm Ml M Martina mu» . "-I ._ - eaqbooano4 number otthia Goauaittth 99.4,-n_2;21!1! .i, {_;_.. __ _ .1 -7 _. . - 1 1 A. .___~ I _ .. I -_ ._ §- ¢92______--.-- .;-. . ' r_,_¢ 1.. , I. . w -k _ 1. . _. I-3_ V-3 ..,' .__.._. _ ¢__: V-=.if ___q ;v 92_?'- __ V" '-.. F .. . 5 . '_ 0 _ 92_--- <_.'"_ - R '92._. '_ ._-_- - " " 4I Ll? _ £1 < '_'_ .é W.__- "1'? _ . _ .7'__._'.-Ir 1 I :- 1- -._ - - . -~;= .-_-.-...<= =A -. ' 1 ' . - .- 1 --0». -- .- r - .. § -. ..?.-. A ., "'_;.¢--~rr. ._ 92_ - r.-I _ .

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A -Iar- a';.,_= I LOQILIE U]-IYYIUIVK LII II!-Il.'92lI-I". 1.7!;-5' U wliw _v-_-- '. .":- .. ". in-erlcan latlonal Alliance urged the rocipiant 01 the lcnflct tn _»._ n-its to tn senators advocating tbs dotnt at the Lend Lean B111 -w-= 1.;-.-~_ and to lam! nancial. contributions to the Laurie: first Oom1ttn- . e1-xouae-uuo _ A - t -X . _ _ _ _ _ . 3'--~ : ~ '|, I .."' . - " A A On February 25, 19b1, tho Chicago tribune an-led an _A 1.. ."'. -3. 1- _ u"!-i.c1o rbhtirsg that the Laurie; first committee hm! uaignod . t - ~"."S'I;*_'...-»-» ;_~ speakers to cont don-stats coanunltlol ll Illimtl for tin t purpose of creating opposition to tho lhlnlntration 811.1; It 1' _' 'A . na stated that Ialtnr I. Boys rho, luring the nunnr of 1938, had toured the and who had rot-urned to the United - States with glowing accounts of Nazi accomplishments and praise of . _._ |;= 92 I I

.431. P. "T3 [1 ' A " jp='t1"'

.;.._..Iithr 1.6.0010; vu one of than tpoukoru It was lndleatod that 3070'! lino of uguont in Mo spuldng tour would take thy {urn at _-__ 5 92 "t $ placing not to:-rtna your in t_,kc__th-ou1_

V___ .. aw "' '3'.-9 ,,,_ ,3-:,'..-r;__'

"3-'.j;r..-.3. t " - V t "rm um I-mu tr m mm». dlftrnh hr April 0, V B-;L' * 1941, urrlol an article ooncornlng tho Marin rst Gomlttu -1 _ t. j=u;=:-3 .- ,VE"":;-ii -- . muting hall at I-an Lucia, Cdltoniu, which In aldroauod by hu- '-;~us Ira. Catharine Qu-its ul Sumter nun! I, I70 0! hr!! Debuts. ;_ t...i-I 2 ":- . Y mt arttclo related that Ira. Outta oxporhmo tn rabbis rennin; ..¢ - t, it so ooaprohunivc that aha light tally guilty an tho to! . notchcr of tho pottlcnt planet. It nu aha who Innlol tic Iona: Inttonal. Coaulttu for huh Oi! the agrant Gum-t-' in dun _ Ill nctlvo in organising the Iona Inventors ll Morten, Iaoorporatol, . ¢k ."1 .' _. upIF vhich ganllatilnisiakq that: hulqurtan at 838 nan Avon» '_ '$ --I -;_-' - In Tvrk. I" Y0-00-4712-as! . I - - t -. Z7?U /

I 4 .' . _ 71». If . | _ l

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,....!.. 1 __. -4,,, , " :1 ...& .. "1, ISI- .- :1 0 _ _92»__-5| _ . ,L 4'_.92..#-;_. .' .1-,. '»w;="'_1?7 ?? _~: -§ .-9'.*-I .. ~

lo: loroll for Inf 26, 1941, rlportol. I - A mi tho Moria Hui Qonnittoo Mgothott} the Gomnittoolgdnn . ' -u 92 >- Jar ea-i the Kai; iiifiii %1% if -Ia: f-aarriii kiwi is-ii alias for if . ~ tbroo-by roll: ooononcin; luv 30., 19-I1. Tho Iva lotto: groups f P - Q oil! rope:-God in nial! 0 lulbor if lwidllt-0 in their rake. 00-106B9-- ' _. _ »'' '- =. =" " " In .' ' I ~ . ' _ * _ Information toaotvod. on Kw I6, 19-I1, 1-otoalo tho! ' Y - - Imihl Go:-nan ooelatioo hold o outta; oi tho In York hm Ian ~ _ +_h_ at which ll tho muting In adiruloi. D7 Ii. olloiun, I o mambo: or tho Alortco In-as coanittoo. 1-asve-268!

Q12 =e&£v1!: e! en; Al.-aerle.-= 21:-=2Qeaittee =-=9.-am 92- its poo! iurlng tho poriul vhon ll oroaftod lto conploto otfozt la tho cal at blocking tho I-and I-oolo D111 lponloroiiy n - W - ahlaintrotloa. Ihounmlo of plocol 0! lltontnro voro llotributotl . _ - lnnbrouo nootlngl voro hold in tho nolrhlwlltu a-roan ml tho " ' 1 _A 2 pwpii :11 our iho iaiion nro ineiioi in poiiiion ihoir uiioui '1.. toprosontativoo Q0 block tho paungo of H11; 1I1l1l1OI.o 00-4712-16! ~- ' he of tho Iugut looting: iponoorod $7 this Oonlttoo - _ luring that got!-oi. voro N11 at In York Git; on ll! 23, 1941, ml. .. JV__ Philadelphia, Poanoylvania on low 39, 1941, mt which noting: 7


w-u- '-

Yr ..-I Y;

I n v u 92 92 92 .4»-1 92 " _ 2 r-__' ._ 929292"u. - 7 *:~;' :1 .1 ~ ~ 92 _ '1 Yr - A . "-.- - .-.-:;-'~?:;»'- 92 4.- _J1_ ',"~.'f8 _2"".:_;"" '1 92 *_a.92-.:-.31

'- Intonation reyertei on ialioetee DI the America Iiret Qoieeittee ie ¢Il>:P"l'92' 45 ; 92 for the publication 'Ueeeeeorei,' which ie petiidxei to . Keep iiooa t of in? a-iiji"iii,Ii1iii irgeoiiaiioi rejaoi-tii.|.i _ 7 eonteiu e enter et Soeieliete in its nu"oerehi.3.,92 _ _.t- = /1?

.i~._ .4 - K-92.; '3-,. _ - -_'.- - ' / .....-s '- - E -i'_.. receive! ee of lei; 3!, 1941, liecloeee th _ e-- ,...".3: Ievton liillewey of leading, Ieeeedmeette reeeivei anemone _G0§1-_ ' . eetione from the ierun i-itruy of information eldreuel to iris ee ." Ievton Siilevq. ed that otter thie organization nu eioeel he ~ tegen to receive literature tron the heriee lint toenittee e 1 eidreeeei tn hie in the llml neener, thet ie. the eele nieteke with the Ipelllng el Me meal, em! the gtencil Qrintig on the lite:-eture received. hoe the herioe rst Coamittii tee iientieei with that #- receive! gr» thejemen I-mu-y of zero:-notion. o__o-ma-109! i ._ 1 _' -:_ 4 - ;-;._'- .. _ H7 92. _ -." i..." . ' :1 _- V .|4__ . -, - . . . V 92 Information" reeeivei ee of mm v,1s41,'u.¢1oidm92 - $3-= ====*== ?~'==¥ P-=="-ittei hie i oiorii iiiei ieaiii %i * _ J. Iinlq liieee, Gheireen, enl Perry I. Ioverl. Betreteq. with eetienei leelquntere at I13 I Street, lea-ti Ieet, Ieehington, I. 0 Qhie organisation is reported to tune lietrituteqi literature in ' ' .4 colored ciroiee requesting the colored population to petition their netionai representative: to iieoour ege the United. Stetee from entering the European var. 09-4713-113!

Other nationally known figuree who have affiliated then- w IIYIQQw Q v w u all]! -wen I$92Q wee-Q oequapv I-Quin. ago flrnl qr an-nlliln Wwlee|.le.pIfwIpnil. ppw Rnnnnl nu-nuww- nail] -macaw. I 1-v vQ1ll_-1.---u-g Congreeemn Hamilton lien, Gongreaeman James I1-enoie O'Connor, Congressman Davey Short, former Governor Philip Lalollette, ad. Robert Hutohine, President of the Unitereity 0! Chicago.

4 _ _ a ,1 I _ ,[ __.. .-.,_.,__"

I "' Hrheral Bureau of lnuntigatiun . /_. K Hnitrh Sin has Brpartmsnt of ilustirs Q . Los Angeles, California October -'5, 1941 . 1.

is Direotor , 7 Federal Bureau of Investigation 1-~ i !' Washington, n.c. 0 E - RB: AMERICA FIR ' IEHTTEB - s_;. ; . - .1-.92 llIEETI_l§ AT OLYMPIC AUDITORIUH, 1-'1 14 ¢o:e11A92;-no ."§ ,_..-,5

_--,,__ --,5. lsilslnd?-.é§Z LLLL ma '-£11 -'5} October 2,_jL94=l. Dear Sir: _ e-_.1 4 igjezai he you were previously advised, Attorney General FRANCIS BIDDLE requested me, when on the West Coast, to have the: meeting of the AMERICA FIRST COMMITTEE at this h Senator BURTON I. was to speak in Los Angeles, attended for the purpose of furnishing him with a report. A

of This meeting was held at the Olympic Auditoriwn in Les lngeles at 8:00 p.m., October 2, 1941, and the auditorium was filled to capacity. There was an estimated at tendance of slightly over 8,000.

The hell was well-decorated with American flags, bunting, and various signs bearing slogans such as "NO .a.E.F.," and Keep Our Factories Humming for National Defense, But Keep ' ..-.. Qur Boys in the Hated §tates=" Enile the suditorim use being -- filled, community singing was engaged in, and at 8:10 p.n.., 4. Senator WHEELER and his party, including a Iomon dressed .:1n a costume as the Statue of Liberty and an Indian in full costume including a feathered head dress, mounted the 9», _fFrom the ovation extended the Senator at that time, speaker: it was platform.obvious 5;;-*' that the audience was very sympathetic and fri end 1y towards the MIERICA FIRST COMMITTEE and Senator WHEELER. At this time the .-2 crowd rose to its feet and afforded the senator a demonstrative -n, . rgggnting- Ihgrg 135: nnn1nnFH pa nrnlmi nsn ln mnnh 'I'l1r'92v92|u P _.~ , I-' ' ' ' _ "l'£""""""" DI """-'°"'l """' """"" """""6 5" handkez-chiefs then and at various other times 1.2 , during the meeting. } f There was a vocal number of the AMERICA FIRST the song of the Gold Star Nothers of America, lowing the playing of the national anthem. 22:03.;-r-1?COMMITTEE song and The first speaker was attorney theithese--fol- made an appeal for funds, and he based this ap £2S1l,oIiing story; I-Ia stated that when he was a ./.QQ:---3¢ 21"» :15 5 ,'..1*.DE}{ED 5W~t92 :1»-T "Q3 § 9292_192 -92""&" "'" r92='_:-_92ta- ii: éewzfcofr, iilid-"T ";5_TFl3-~ * II"= 92° M M __ H.-L"! corms m::>a";;-;o5;*E13._.._...-...--1* *0 1 n , e , Z I 1,: -1 »*-Wt. . ' *9/T' !*_=%T=T-E A s 1 .'

_-»q,.., Director - 2 - October 3, 1941 -9- .

RE: AMERICA FIRST COMMITTEE MEETIN} A1 -e OLYMPIC AUDITORIUH,Los Angeles, '3 Galifornia, Qcteber 2, l9el=

We -.*'-5: grandmother had presented him with a Liberty Bond, stating it to » be a token that the last World War was one waged for righteousness . ..-gs. and it was her invest.-sent in his future, made in the hope that he "-"1. could live in a peaceful, free, and democratic world. After the »se» Treaty of Versailles, his grandmother stated to him that she had .£; been deluded, and that the treaty was one which would only lead to more wars. He continued by statig the Government, in order to pay-the bond and its indebtedness, which is evidenced by the I bond, actually taxed him in order to pay the debt which was due him.

-.-92~- He stated, therefore, that the collection which would be taken up that evening was an investment, and that the cost of any future war would assume staggering proportions in so far as it would relate to any individual. He added that any money which was contributed might well be regarded as an investment to protect the people against future greater debts. It was his opinion that the minimum cost per citizen--should we enter this war--would -';_ _:9292 be $2,000, and approximately $7,000 per bread-winner. At this time :51; the ushers passed up and down the aisles taking a collection. It ..... lg is not knot-'11 thisat time how much was obtained. ' E EL- J Senatormmemn was introducedJOHN by srsvsu ,g-V. gcGROA.RTY, whoreferred to the senator as a lifelong friend. eta McGROARTY isreferred to as the poet laureate of California, and was at one time a member of the .

The theme of Senator WHEEI.ER'S speechwas conerning the fact that there are many people in America today who were £51 against this country's entryinto any ear, but were afraid to speak. He is too frequently met with the response, We Are in business," meaning that people were not in a position to express their views as they were in business and were actually against entry into war but were afraid to express their opinions. He stated he was unalterably opposed to America's entryinto any foreign war and was now trying to force the President to keep the promises made to the American people when he was seeking their votes to re-elect him to a third term. He quoted President ROOSE- V'EI,T'S.____ _, -I-______snaaohaa __ to Eng _-_ __-w-- nf"Fnn+. the-Q: -----.. ..'| hn P1-ms-l - ¢ v ~ . v rinn+v Qcu Dnnemmtm savvvueugn. 1-.- nnq 1 -.

Director - 5 - October 3, 1941

4 . {hi-IsDI! , l92l'E_92D II-lIl.K..|iI.l.92Jl'LT! A 1 OLYHPIC AU ORIUM, 1 California, October 2, 1

_ ..-g,.~..

Ii I-A-7* T??? e%$

g? '1. -' . .

against war, and he defined war as meaning 'shooting.'He also quoted President RO0$EVELT'S pledgethat American boys would never be sent outside of Hie Western Hemisphere. He then stated that President ROOSEVELT had broken these pledges inasmuch as he had ordered the American Easy to shoot and also that he had occupied Iceland after consulting the Parliament of Iceland without consult- _eI -11". .. ing the Congress of the United States, and that he had stationed 1»! ..~.»': -M American soldiers in Iceland under command of British officers. He added that Iceland is situated in the a ern EGnisph6r9 and that "Not even a magician like'WENDELL LILLKIE could bring it -i back into the WesternHemisphere.

Senator WHEELER launched an attack upon President m-we4 D statement that religious freedom in Russia is the .":.& FKVUD same as in America. He quoted figures as to the number of priests, bishops, and other clergyman who had bee killed by Comunist over- C " I-. lords, and than gave as his source for these figures the title of is a bookiizglde,andnumber, page book theone being writtenby ."=;1-'3 ' Q"~ . WINSTO HURCEILL. This statement was met with wild applause and _'J .4 P-. enthusi stic cheering. '

¥ He then stated that from this fact, it might roll be assumed that American soldiers would shortly be fighting side by gap; side with Communist soldiers for the protection and preservation nta< of Communist Russia. During the course of the speech, Senator WHEELER also stated he was against Nazi oppression and mentioned a tour he had made through Genmany and the persecution he had wit- _ nessed there.

He referred to the present cooperation between England and Russia, and stated it was an Unholy Alliance. The Senator launched an attack against the notion picture industry, and stated that the people in attendance at this meeting had not been attracted by glamorous movie stars, Bingo, bank night, and i 1- 2 , 1 . .92

Director - 4 - October 5, 1941


is being taken towards the Jewish race, adding that this is the mp- reason this industry is putting forth every effort by say of propa- .--- ganda pictures. He stated Jewish refugees have come to this country and are presently being feted and living in luxury and attempting to have the United States fight the war for them and for their cause. He criticised the regiment of British actors who are serv- ing the present war from Hollywood Boulevard, and stated he was aware that not all of the producers were engaged in war propaganda, adding that the Senate investigation is directed against those Iho are.

1 15; During his talk, the senator stated that he was not antiBritish, that he greatly admired the British people for being smart people, and he always admired smart people. He sarcastically outlined the role played by Great Britain during the last war, __? stating that that nation first requested America for money, which was furnished; then they requested a small token anny to boost the morale of the allies, and a token anhy was given, which was followed by the A.E.F. He stated we did this because the nnart people in England had told America it was fighting her war. He stated that when the tar was over and after many of the men sent over failed to return. "hen America tried to collect her war debt, the smart people of England characterised America as Uncle Shylock.'

He then drew a parallel in present day events in the Lend-Lease Bill and the transfer of bombers and ships, and _,_-= . stated that shortly the President was contemplating introducing a -I 192-- 4| bill authorizing the ending of American merchant ships. He stated "'>-;; '9 .i that prior to the last iar, a bill authorising the arming of mer- "§*'_ "l '5, -Q "1 chant ships was passed, and 21 days later America was in war. -e¢_ 4 The senator did not refer to Germany and Italy to any extent ~ , . onlv -- _ -V w atatinrY--rw that ---- - the - ----gnrld ----has -Q-. nnf --- Pl -'- Ii! Ai.t ----.-.-'--t 0 H lll Q. -'- and dictatorships, and that Americans will continue to live in a democracy by supplying England with materials to carry on her war against the Rome-Berlin Axis. - 3}: Fe also mentioned CHARLESXQINDBERGE as being a true and loyal American citizen who puts heritage above all, and he is being 5PP°P*¢d by I11 reel Americans. This statement was received Q. ;-3 '92

Director - 5 - October 8, 1941


3'," -,-1. with great enthusiasm by the audience. -=1. .--¬ e-; :.."'~-I The meeting was generally orderly, with only two incidents being noted by the observers. Upon launching his --;"f£ attack against the movie industry, one person in the audience - -_-: . .-92-'= rose and called Senator WHEELER e liar. It was a minor disturb- '.~'-v": -'-.35 ance, and this individual was ejected by the police. A,niddle- 7'-Jar aged woman stalked down the aisle on the main floor of the audi- torium to inspect the Indian at close range, stating she did not believe he was a real Indian. There was no violence with this incident, and the entire thing was greeted with laughter by the audience .

In general, the audience was very attentive and receptive, and the applauded the speaker most loudly Ihen he referred to statements about keeping America out of the present war and keeping American boys at home. Although his accusations s .._- against the President of not keeping his 1940 campaign promises, and his jests of WENDELL L. WILLKIE drew applause from the audience, .232 at no time was there hissing or booing at the mention of the name of the President or that of WENDELL L. WILLKIE. Before, during, and after the meeting, pamphlets and papers were passed out and copies of two of them are being attached to this communication. - _ Q. The Les Angeles press reports that 11,000 persons were in attendance * "é 2'_ ,1 at the meeting. ' Verytruly yours ,

.-.~.. ,': inno D. uuuunum.-92e92 _L "- ._,' . 1 Special Agent in Charge RBH;hlk Enclosures AIR MAIL SEE CIAL DELIVERY '3 511 ;~.; 523 J_J __ ' v- ' 7*.- I 1"

305-W4, 100-4712-1&4 061'-obI.r 1 ao, 1941 - » . EX-5



"- 1 desire to acknauludgc roocipt of YUM 101301 Of $120181 G, 1941, Iith Inclagm-Q, .P1a|.:e be advised tint tin oontant of your omzznmicutiun has been undo a nnttcr of prmnmt record in the ufficill £110: of this Bureau. '

Sincurnly yam-I,

John Edgar Hocrror Dire ctor

1.701 1- I. I. L

II-Git _ _'. Illrh --__-- Ir. Ii -_-i._.__ ll. Ildnh i.._. Ir. Ii- --.__ It. BI- -1-._....._ Inhuln -i_.__,, WI - an I-I COMMUNICATIONS SECTION 4* if . m. Q.- M A I L E D .I*;/ -|-. um.- ?'92 ln hi-| M -k oer 202941 * 1'. nu-., -i P. M. 1|. Q-* FEDERAL BURUU OF WVE WIGITIOII "i'i---_1 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSHCE X5?-K-li%I* ' 5.-E '1! 5'-IV 7 1 yr. " R! / i

- - ' _ H . _'; .:.=a-:1- I , .~ 1"--=-.£_;-i __.'.. 1,-Hf-E_ __~ __.l-.1. .

'0 5 . I ~"*'~ -

-Q L-_. . _'-'- M-P3. .'*- 92'§.92,; " -- -. - .;r-._' -..-Ml 4 ~ - "--'._ 3..-92 F1_~, ¢4*- '-. 1" . 1. ."*'i_ 57¢. P;J 1?? -, i. K1, ..;~@=: ~I-."--.. -_<.-~ 1. s .i *. - /C¢l_.._-;:;_;"' A M - I TH,,,. ,-FM _ [H M-,5-!_..._ " /.. E .a'_ E : §L-,1... at _,,'M_ in. ." .5 I 1-'-J-l»*f»»1¢4-Lfl 1:;-H ¢g_, /;% _ K

w3 ' '7Z.¢,/I - r Kg/A FY./¢a;~ cm B74 1' Jf3'__ hf yft '0/igj, §¢i{g@;%<;£ U ~fM~w% I 0/11% ti Fig//1.2-;-;_7i~?;§ !i, -'-~- 1»: _ C -.5 L. .1.-0 - , _/-/L; pp-.r Qp[?,,"~,a._4|r.7t.¢. 1 , __Ap~j~P_7fc¢__,,;-,4; {'1' -0 if ~ _ 4'6-if :_.§ 3 _/Z*______wkL. 0 " 7 " . 3'51 L 131-3fr3RDT~TDl'/6!-0 ~ ~- j _ __r i Q/W/+<.__~_¢. swam s;'2?:§'.u cF1;».'v:s?; C-."-"|F|| { 4?? 0;92*"92iw5 v *3; %%iiacr;.; 11- :-u.»5 eL-mri . 92g__'_pf.-i;§-?1T_§TZi'. J1-*~ 7?: . 1-.L:--92.v. '_.

_g 92.,|.~--.| =-.,.... .- ',- 'z+&3~%I¬'=*." - '-r 1, vi ». 92 T a. '*~==-=.~'-:§;.§4"-'~'<'.- - 7.;- Pf ,.?#',_ , !?.;<~*+_,"92- _*_ <1 -r", A 1 ' 1 , _, __ _ >_ _ _ d_' .m !. - Li, ___?_,_:-Tm I 2 _ l924~'1 , ve __ *2--*9292¢1.;. _:x...:_, I . - _ _1 e .- ;;¢::,'q__-t . .: H J _ ___ -,_ _,,._.$-5'6; _ _,92.. ,_ , .. . ___ ;__ ._ 92._ l, _,92;___ ._- __ 1-F.-2' I _ 1 n. -. . .1.---. ,=._, . - _ . f ,*;-.~;.__~ 4 -' __-;'_'__,' .9 _ I - K -~;_»¢*,-_@_-__.,<-..-=3-'1-', -. = y . V" . ~ '- --_ 0,. - .' 4' ' " . '" r- e aarleelnn Queue? ledge Seen Newest ;'J; Goal of Germans » .1 - - . !1I'92-ll-..-J l__..Q..._ -la . L ,,, gxnanlnaulual _uiQ Ii 1| 1 _ fllvrlrs Moscow anl nelwerl inwards Kharkov." _ ' I-ieree battle: raged Ill ay Friday before Bndennfe linen _ H . .,__. , _.. .. I pnteeng Kharkov and Kink. A Q2 L! eéé. *s!& v-.2 Innulsteclfs p-sneer: probing tor . J weak spots In thelled front. Simultaneously van Inn!- I1-edi launched I new attack against the Russians standing before loctnv-on-Don. north If Q: Ea =1 Ase-v-. , - -1 Int everywhere, the Hall add. the G-erlnana are meeting 92 » with erce resistance, with .1,1 92 heavy tank' hattlu involving * Ialny hundreds 0! tank: raging l k earl ofmdbergllfears Dnleprep_eh-uni. " " Loss of Libertigs _},__ _92 - .'- v I" - Tells Fort Wayne RallySage - T_'lL.i l'. "''4 ' '_'= This Address May I x-__:§ M 'Be My Last .1 FORT WAYNE, Ind., Oct. a'S!ne ndniinistraiion lhown by-many lilns thlt it Felunpdownontreeepoecheatnd mm-leatree . 1 dttlnred In America.in-§_ night In address which he laid? Tm: be my Inst - . in ihe in-st. -1%-'~l'-. he kg 5-ll sineetheoneinbulloineaiol which he has been under_f:re. the aviator hinted that he behaved lhe ind oi free Ql¢Cl.lD1'i-5 was in Illu- ".lhe time has came whenwemutt /aw 4/7/*e i -l nnnsider Li!-925b!'|!9p§Ae¢lhl§2dlh'e$l..be-even that. he iaii lore an America _!ir:t any with the words: "_--'*"-*" - ~._ "When Ispeak to you-here in Fort W that it may ii E --gh-..- E, i i V

_ -yuow will he polsible in United States, I do not know. But I do 1 know that an adminislnlion which can throw tbia country into unde- claregi naval war liainst the will at our people and without uking the conaeni of congresa can by eimi- lar method: prevent treedom oi speech amen] II-I. l - "There are many signs that such nction may be taken -In the near A!

.7-_.'¢ _.¢;;_, J I - - .-Y i '1 snmmu1»uq@.» um America new iaces. Lindbergh egg. __- _ 1" - lled: t '= 3 _ _ ' '. Q "The intelvatiopirie f.. have reached our present . ; "hill Item which -the meiori-_! '-=4 the monln'~e1>1>mvnd tandm . Q! the nee-¢ EI; In nrewm. "rue mt is iint ,. ilvw interventionist: an our , trationin Washington. Net one step i. the administrltion has taken in theselasttwoyeax-shasbeenplmetl honertly before our people 83' I l1B}!l0W8IIll_-e.- /92 instead ofeeizieg every oppot- r tunity ted:-aw u:1'urtber:Irom the» ~ < war. the president and his adminis- tration have not missed e $18111: ehaneetopushuaelosertoit. In- stead at avoiding ineideata :-.1 e::.:.t they have created them. .Inltcad_ oi following our mandate to Ital out, they have, by subterfuge And- dictltorial procedure. led us in. 'They have not only turned their . gibacks on their campaign oropuesw but they have been treating our -yoortfltl more and more as the "German reiehsteg has been treated; a.. under the Nazi regime. _' 'Conlreas. like the 1-eichihl. 18 " .192not con:u1ted."- -e _ . _¢ 92 Gloomy Picture Given . Fainting to the i.-onseqiien if enterinl the war, Lindbergh alert- an ed that it would be necessary to] <1 -" - turn America into an pnned camp. 0- .- - create a' military iorce strong _ _ tjenough to ernea the Atlantic and in- 92 -4- "- -wade the continent and survive Ii. 'euminIwaveoiprnet:rltion,£_nm11_:eJ. " '3 T.nd W . _ . _ ~_ _~-E ,0 c t _'I'he nviatnrcharged mt -am-T 19-: _. I ietration laden have not preemt-1* " ed'a hi: "picture at these eonee-I V queneee. -- -. -i t "1tiseuentia11orustorea1ize'. 4 ¢92 whit we used to 1:11 repres-..=t= 11 *2 0- -ative government. American e- 1- ipendence and the Ameri ay92-, _».- oi lite is rapidly becoming e ' t -'- of the past." he aid. - "Recently--no one will ever know net date-we began follow-= Ii-hex e road which involved the andonment at our most tunda-e : ' J ' '7 ~ *2 -" I, _ _ J. ' - _: 92 4 . A '' . _|i~a-an cosanHOOVER - i '- - P Ir - _ Dmzcroa- * " l V ! , _ _,,_.92Ir L1,. * r i " - . . - _ 92'92 ; ' '-_"* _§2i.'|cral Bureau lnuvstigatinnof _.__'_,______.._.;~_Ir - Ennirh étates Eicpartmmtof Zlushrzl ' ' I _ _ 2 /. _ u it

. Tbllul . I. I. hm-

_.- - 92' »,_.n. ' Ir. Ian-one . Illrln ETC sael October 6, 1941 WI, - uni 4 0 92 K 92 . Iil

- ' -'.-wkl .lelen_____ -»-5"} .Glnen__ . 1-?;;:'_ !§¥Q13&§2UI F03J43 Della o A e;sv:' .I Q1 J; -U|I_§ *5--' 9. Iv. Iellsu II. tall" '1.; A PH October 1941, "- -' called byong In Inrbe hli. Icon "Y! ,._ [er I00-

'5-1 3 1 E e e one inqre if e Bureaucould donot something '"m_ .___" ~,, about Oolonel Lindbergh.about the He Presidenthadparticular of refer-ece ited to a - _h_ ___"' made. ' .:~__ .. radio broadcasthestates had Justhe resented heardma these les..i.ndbergh92_ remark 8 and _'§.IE:':f-"'_' c_ than i fromWayne, Fort in Indiana, which,e stated, 'States- seve pal Iiere } Lo7 :-5»-f-? ._r,.-___i,- x L1 1 nis duties as night supervisor, had not been listening to he ,;{ radio and also ignorant of the text, circumstances or any tai s 1; , -i u .. or any radio Inasmuch broadcastas the whichundersigned, Charles Lindberghthe may regular have inpursuit made on 0}, 35' '-§"-:,'-- the nightof October 3, 1941,the undersigned assured?ti l -E->2 .7; --Q that along the course of events, this speech would proba _y cone r. iw- Q to the Bureau's attentionand that if it should involve any J _ violation oi Federal Law over which the Bureau had ti ative '. 2'7 J Qivf 719'n. jurisdictionap ro riate action wouldtaken be 92

- .- 92 .- _ 92Attached hereto a isnewspaper account a radioof brLad- -'.I cast made b Col nel Ch 1 1> .._?=T: -.,,;_., _92. 92'._ xrsury_ I9 ' Res P1 92 ctfully, - sf . 2 P P - statedU "he hoped to ;-f5*"ehear from the Bureaue /§@»-r'in this regard. 1 | 92vl t ._ _e_é f v 2=i3' r i I I E0 ToC3-Tlnun f y o ar es Lindbergh on the ni ht oi October 3, 1941,_.- Fort at Wayne,Indiana, whichidoubtless to hadb DI reference. ;" ._-.-+ n7.-

J I. n . F ll; ! e--_. ed 5. ',G ";, '7» ' J £4-y;_ THE WASHTN 0 '; 12: -H4 - < A .'' '33.." _ .. _,_.._.._.C l_+ - _ e ,1!-'_ ;. - PO? is ." H... e$*P*¥???r. ;§Den1al _ of ' ~-To 21"" VoteF*ii*'~-;. ""51". . '31 '1 Even19-$2 i:1=<=na|l7'-=...i_i"1LI l May suspended, f He Warns in IndiaIJl.,_ .5 i-? % ' II Ills United PHI . ¢_'i.__.. Tort Wayne. I-0310% J A, Lindberghcharged lfllihiIll 4 .! ;3Preeident noosaveltWu moving G! 1 IIIJ 'i wwward suapensiunO5 l-8&2 Ill-92 .-_ '.__4 tional election-t _' 'V --a A Hesaid 1n-_rpne man vern- lG '.ment already had plunged the coun- if -. fllry into undeclared warlere end deprived the people a1 their demo- mi|'92 .»-.---,,,. . .._ cratic her-it.p,ge.'' ' __92 . . 1 s_.§ 4 "1 shall speak to you tonight as ml 2.-.2-7.*§|,Lhough this were my last addreilf ' Lindberghtold sn America First BIZ .3;J __.Q;-.3 I rally and a national radio NBC - Blue Network! audience. How . ..1much longer free speech will be possible in the United States, I do I vine Lnnuv" - I-l92-II:,...,-._ - . , l - '-. ,'7=,-"1 !_ +3 - ' _1_- 4 He said he feared that an adminis- ll.I 1- . _ .__, -1 __ I ! l!§'. . itrationwhich had thrown theHa- L vi?"-i-I.;;.;.. 1-i 4 -_- -.4, tion into undeclared naval war .._1a -aigainsl the will 0! the people can A.- i gr-* 944". S den by eimilar means prevent freedom Q. .__r lo! speech among u.s'. l /'L -=1-1 5 . e*=- . .. -..~ --¢,z-,.'I4_-_ 80432492"_.§92_ -.1.J. >1~.-=~_ - '-.~..-- ~ i Charges Smelt Campaign -__.__ a____ ._, _ l: =_...-:'_*-_-- -_"-"C~.7,,§7_ 71- ~ ,92 -:':'_/.7 ."_ _-- 92-. -*. .-j"--J 's- - e 41;" ' :_;:_~_~"x_:-'_ >*_ ' "* -' !_ *1 H the time come; when we can II t aw;-4;? ' we;--;-* .-~* . e 1'71 -5.1"-re" 1:;"""-'= " m ' no longer meet face Lo face, as tree QJ '§'._-.92. cu_. -1 I ii: -92~92 . x.F1' ._...'_ ~1- . f l M1 men in s free country, we will meet - -2 '::'-*~.' .=.- ..'-"' -5---'. *3 ~'5* 7' ----'-E '-'»'"""'?3~'l?'-.>-" '1. ' together st the eieciionl next year JHI '---5.-. ,T' -- .~ ~ 15-3;¥.7,.:- - -.-7.-e"=86: 452.. .=..~v;' . - ii . - - 5; -. Q" -=. - ' end, by our vote, clasp hs_r_|d.s, _. -__. #131,; 5 ;?- , -_,., . 1: -_ ,;. '4;. I though we be I thousand iiee Eel - -. - apart. he declared. _"But that if *. there are no election} next yen? Z H "I - . ..j-If-I-. " -.'t %?%%q-15;: -_.--'.;- - K =1-~. 1- T"-77 '_f-,1-92-~,-_ ,~,-__-_ -Pr?! Q-.._ l_ _ -*4 "'2'. gr " ' . Abrozation 0! the right te vote. 41 -4* 92 ev _ _.-_.-' 'l ;-av _-_ -.5 .7- ;. 11 re! Q .--.-92,> I-_, :-. .1-' ' -I '* .,,_ . -Q, -_ wg_...a,|§1 "- -7 ---15> -3 9 ' ''-'4 -- -. ' - . »--2 *,1-.- 7 . - '--t¢.=;-==- - =. "" 7 92== Lindbergh asserted, njily not be Y:- 5-,!.7- f _.-,."tk3.4L _ 7"g_~7_ L ___r_= ~ -.-=:=-4 __~ ,-W-. _ -.¢' "'-*1 4-750 Rev.4-17-85! f- i ~ h XXXXXX FEDEIIIL BIIIIEIIJ BF lllVESl'll'ilTlOll


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Ii. é g ! ;

.6172. g _ !'~;.._' -_ -__; -we - wish Bswbi x Qt P os_s_ibIweU. S. x ____L P*1'¢!|=~r.¢¢¢ luilylh '~ I. . _1 I-le ls Ready to Fjjht _1 '. . For American Defenie 4 ii helaldetnlht. *1 ' - _ '5AH :-_ C1500. Jul! 2.- --:-. _ axle: . Lindbuth, denouncing I -.1 on European eaten; - 'nts, pleaded ler en independ t -. y for America" amid .- nged lpphtise at on overow Ill -I eetin: sponsored by the Amerim < t Committee here inst Nihi- 'lhe_erowd lled the 12,000 eat; the Civic Auditorhnn before the ~ e tin: begen spat overiiowed into - 3' street where they listened to tdoor loudspeiken. About Lilli i Vere tree. 92 § . me audience mu-ed its loudest pronl when Ir. Lindbergh de- 1- S I I would e hundred times rather myoounirynliyhereei! with lmioreven Iithermlny tn 111 her huiis, than with the 92- elcy, the Godiess'ne§ end the v '3. bansm that -exist in Soviet 1 Y '_eon _ - f ,?9292 But there ts one thing ii]: n 7. ehweeenegremuponvh I e ere not divided, and thatis tweuereagytnagntior Amerieethe needihouidever i 92 . _Li.ndber[h -quoted - Jel!erann'l -.._ ' 4 ent that the countries of En- _, 5 1 'ere nations of eternel wet Q d reiterated Washington: worn- '92 Q g egainst _Eu.rope|-n entenz1e- . ents." _.~ _ - . -. 3 Hr. Lindbergh responded with engaging grins to the ovation which o l;92Q.> tedhimlndhiawiiehe lor- El er Anne plans Morrow, on the pletionn as they withtook .,-a fther speekers: Auth Kathleen Jiorris. ?enntClark ctrmoi _ 1- -~ u i-5 mout wore grim I L en spoke oi 1i.nlerven

rArei'ugeewho:t-epsrrom 'pagnmda,"commenting: " e inn! and advocates war is ae- ed as Q defender oi freedom. native-born American who op- wu_ Ir -.-2 ,___,,, -,1. V mi-j._-d

A J III R I17uup;];1StSfl§» % -+@+=- § t " anibuwrg 1-. ; ~ Oommi repnrhad the. " _ l *-Q ;---»~- 1'ece.ived,I1l'l..5In 1' -.- 1:-an 15,014 person"; and .; .{.- -.. Nemhihuonsuttlwqmmwe. Ts ' - i6lnc1'udadOo1.Chn1-lea ".-3. T" _ . s K1 lmmdaltu-!a'mer8en. cIVermunt,chi.i.r- 92__ to Def l

2 .T,°'%-¢1%m%-?.¢.=.m»-5 :- 'tionandch1I1en3ed1e Pr- Iimtllnmittgetodokgiine. .-Inlddlunh_0u1.Lindber;h,the '_ l! _ _ _ - _ . W92'B_g_§b,1n::Hu1t,A!iis-®- ..._ 11.0-ct;mflng0o..lII1wa-ukee; -.¢:|l-.-*=.l'Jhi¢az0'I1-iblnm ...... __. -- . E:-neitT ___, _ . gm - ' unwa- Oo.;-- ngv"_ Bars, - .".__._-- &0u;93b¬?E 'Id. Mrm: .8 F81- Q.-u______'$§§£%;s. =~=- g _@ % -_ {_%%%L ce _ llqI_Yurk¢eul-V : ar.Iunnb______,__k if U g c


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Q-i FISULITIUNISTS_- - .1»" ~ 92 -r; . .-~ - ---- A4-$ur.. . <92 r. "_ -1 .- ._,- 1- >-.-.. - - .m._*,_.'-__.:"~- -~ - - - '1- ,,_,_,_,,_,,_,_,.' _-.=:,;.-5.... - ,3 " iov 1-mm: suo1i1_-gens.J, "lt.rin:ins B1! I _. 0- "l_ll -. mg ,1 -- '--- America Out ot War em. 1u-- m '1. ;i. .. .. been isued to the members oi Gegman-Ame1'§ecn.National Al-

1-nishesmi; eemnz4ow .- sem- article 0! no current "News nex- II ..- =__. e ' 1 ' ' -Signed_ d oi theby Paul organizationA.1*Varnho1tz, thearticle cs the manhers to demand of eir senators and eongnessmenthat steoppose P s lea . $11! us into or into dictatorship nndjhat detest the dictator -bill, H. R. 76, completely." .: -Plus lot Isoiciionists. I Warnholtz then plugs for America 1 ' andthe C. _K._A.,~0.W. oom- ttee as follows: . " There are organized cliques, ch beat the drums oi wear, eked by unlimited funds. But a_ .. ere are .a1so_several committees ' _ entlyeaidingyou in your tight- save the lives of the cons oat, will-. _:_ _ erica and to praerve American Mi. J ,. Estitutionsthe and Ameriwn any no-. K life. these committes in H-L G2: Iieir iht for you. Assist themti- = cislly and morally. They need Hr. his _92 oney to arouse the public. Assist In I =- committees atonoe! Here are -- name; and arlclressu of these _---- who are against _war, "¢--- "I'hB1l'lnC~biEi,1 14 as . "Citizens_Keep America Out -91. -- eolchoalculatinzmm, fre-{;K__ -- Committee, -n .West wanna;-E ---H nd oclmpuislon tortheir, n street, Chicago, 111. - ' youth in hatred and his am- " America First Committee, Board 'ons forglory and gold. ,_. -, Trade Buildin:,O1im¢o,I1L 1' In mother article Mr. Warnholtz 926u- 1-_ w. -Does Not Define ~'Bil:.4"? -=es equally-eloquent inchnrging fl n" "'1"he' championoi the Einhelts-" =-= the Allies otter thelastwnr ii; version oi theAmerican way eked and plundered .Ge1-many Tar-,4 ' e does -not denewhat fete-" = .-pletely and in lambasiing *~ V;-iv assertion thatthc r--:g1-eedy lloloch whiehhas or 92 -ii namedagainst are war, d its homein London, but which 54;. 92_f _ tc. As for Americanswho, he f Iw Ior mattersof saiety15 grad- ,.- ,/ . eges,shout loudesttor war," he - slzinlging-into _$merica.~;with i-r 92 '.-1 languagereminiscent theoi ~- gold, diamond! "Ind ill." _'__ ~_ i _ 92 ;-- otDr.Goebbe1s. »- -- 1.. Ole:-gymenBack Aid-Bill.Y "1' 92 /y ' usually . Immediate enactment the -. __ biologically "~ lendhiilindefenseotdemoc-. ,» .7- -e - and Christianity is demanded 1-~ anewagency of opinion, a pub- -;- tion entitled "Christianity and ".I>-isis, published in New York. I. Am g its sponsors are Dr. I. I F ,. "'_ '- Cotton. esb .'lhe0.1ogiealpresident Seminary, the ov! :, __ _H mgo; esiding Bishop Henry z V-1t. Georg Chm-ch_,TuckerMrs. Elizabeth the -Mor-,and ipiscm A 7 ¬¢ 8

,- __- ~.. 92 -_ :1';f§

"FQ n '- '~"f-.9-_"'__ . :__1I-c__'_.".|._'.._i - ;§:f R. .15mer1c0 r¢rsL_,.!pea|§er_§ A B

écmceooj é!,Pdv June ié 11': §?@.??Q"5;Y 1<':.'i'.r5.sT>}'dreestheFlirIt- Wenlnihre-Ge lo;-gin reI1:les'Thurudu night In Ben e America Pint c»mm.a=, emfugh ,-_ ~;;»_- u.i1:_|g"w1th_ 1-qae'wed,Yi8r n Unlberzh will speak Pride! ttle -to IeqI"the*United Btetes night tn L05 Angeles. Ind will t peace, announced fegterday its return 92_o California Jilly? I01. ... 1.1"; ost, extensive speaking eempaiin an mdrees in Ban Fnnclsm. t. undertaken. e - g Senator Wheeler has six ad- PO! -'-:1 H-" .'-.- , i dxessm lisheduled during -the 0 terventin ~ . ~ . three-week pain. He [Fill arles _11dbemh, Senator open his next Sahxrdli in = 1-tan 1 -.1 eele ID.! Mon- mm cone: stadium at 92Pu- e.; -=1-= r Gemidl .!, buque. , en he will be,.in- - N DBKOI-l;,§¢DB 1- ett_ terviewed were tion-wide radio '1'-=.».--. = DJ, Hissou1'l.1;ogk1p,' ; _ u . d Sena w!,D - :iD_!_}, .14: .&J Ida.howi1l stump ens? - the United Still-BS. !'921L7iIilI_P921b-1 ' opinionagainst war. -n - A __Between Monday and Ju_Jy_4 the - eirea 11-antiwar First. speakexfwili-ralliee in 1.0 if T '- - - J2; 92 Bel, tomorrowm iht at - ti D1110. - - - 5 " §¬n.§§9' .-Q-.T'?§.l3.,¢P.'.kFm 55*

l J 1

" £01 Fcormzn

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~ "'!'B!1!Elum uni: T ' l11=I1I-weumnleué- mist lCrou]1s.lUvWwith the Ind medals makes no _ t d their lllnut-e',einl:1 92 world dominated by lq-_ - 1 ehirtdlindbergh " p U_ _30l18h1i-I1! lqdalIlsee aid ill its June'30 issue:Hitler: 49°31-Txlbh DI war -dl Btnlln 1.. hwil- *1 Ls the my ml-.Amerlee." ; urvey Shows Coughlinites, Antl-Semlne Outts 0 P061011 CALLED " ' . Throughout Country Support Pro-Hitler .= William Dudley Feller; weekly Program ofAime:-iea First Committee - llCn.l3i'orJlmelI'l-otens!ol- ! lows tn the tilili orid style J: v U I 'p 'By John ltmola " f the goeieed anti-Bemlte Greet ll! I-re lreund the comer of the Americacries-cl-osse¢ is heneyeerhbed and with-ariru-1. A Iwld with the Julien- 1 lent little home-grown circlesof .fl11'i0l.lSiyproducing and Dommunistic menace I116 will be -diesemigtizg anti-Semitismanfl the Nazi creedof violence}? -Id in which universal mis- rm flood the mailswith mail-horrors andthe poisonou . =1 mlkere lre esteelysmieay . ped. Hummity shall have the :_ stream of theirinuence djreinto__rlla_:l_y__hi£h P13933-nee to breathe the pure air I'ormin! 7681! efcrts have . _ Mrln Integrity me sincerity repeatedly mule to unify Gain. Hitler with Rush: inex- oenu1l.1i.se these imumlernble sustillle resources at his hulk ds. but without moo»:-s. It is will be 1 Hitler strong enough to Q ngmn of Q1611 lit!-it fascist challenge combinations -at 1.11 to be his own tuehrer until such other nlltionelities on the hoe oi time as a man of Btlll-lent PW- the globe. H" portion appears who cul unm- Another -ltmel-lea Pi-Bl yup- nlanddominate andall. x "-them Q l ! porter, the Rev. Luke Rs-der, Ins- Tnat mm has now ippeire. p e clst evanselist oi Il1B1i8l92p ii, nuqe is Lindbergh. A_ unify- mlde this forecast recently; |Il1lu0!liiEbeen has found.It is ; After this colmtry mtg: -1,1-lg the America rst Committee. war. we will have the illoodiest ' n r um -F. e.ivliwareverexperiencedbyln.y' group to block an American mti- . . - mtlon. IN.-erg international Jew Hitler front his won the support ' .11 59 #1-lml-Billed. forthe people and the allegiance 0! every antl- of this 'emnlh'3_wm gmm m eemlle ma every fascist in the l-IL We Americans Ire very kil-. oountry, tram Charles E Cough- md down M the -whiskued Wlllinn Dud1!Y Illlutv-bu: we'vehad cllgb-qt? .1125 and He! Yel'!:'eaw.- --'* § ., rewler Joe llcwliams. ii Mcwlilinms his slid: "Lind- l berghisonoursidewemusthotl hinder him . . . . ' ' FrancisMann. I. Bosto leader _ r/M ii ofhas the told terroristhis tcliowersz Christian"Wait Front. until 1 I . Oolonel Lindbersh is ready to 92;_ over.'_' ' l _ Father O092.Igh11Il'Spersonal om'- ? _ ;._ .___ gen. Snell!lnsllve. haspro- F I; "_}_. This is '= clippingfrom claimed thrt Senator Wheeler p 4:;-»._ r v 3 page -P, of the me ex- ColonelIlndbergh ; _ ___J ". " Daily Worker for "..-IIl'|.i5ilbQ5UpDOi10d-.-f0'l'ilI92 t. them. followingthe nr, w!i1_we r - look l'ol-leedeznhlp. 92 -'AUG1919M _ .5 1nlreeentim;eSocln1JIstiee=£92'~nqDEEE,_F:"__ {ipped at the seilf f 4:-oualy alepluedtwo letters1 ->~» 1-5»; ;:"£.=-;- of Government. '

..._ _ ...... _.._. .. ..-_ - .._ . . . _.4 _.., _. -. . . . . ,. .._...---»»----- I" anJ "I '92 -J 5

t K * < - -. *{.'1 s=-1I*1~*- B I ¢_ _= _-I l ,7 i - nwnmgngunun-eemmedted" 1g. rrunkiurtul. the.-.8.=:.ii.. I '1--l§oNewYurkIty.he n k. _ -*-- -"- '- -- m etill mother cl Plt oonierring with Anti-dernoci-ne beaker, the so-cllle Netimel -politician: It the capitol. Workers Leonie Of DB "According to Jew-halter Paga- £E!!1E"'t!ie-drezg of e no- neili, congressmen Rankin ed- torious slack l-esi=n- "W "1" vmced the following formula Ior in 1 recent isue oi its con- -keeping America out ed the our iientlel bulletin: Fellow citizens! -And preventing further lid to the Dont you often !eel 1 primitive 'A1lies: Blame the we: on the urge to get your hmds around the Jews. Lobe! this e Jewish on-.1 throat oi one of these democrats var ha-ought about by interne- yho believe in Union Now with tionei Jewish bonkers. Spread zglsnd? It seems murder doq _this around the oolmtry Ind In have some patriotic values. ' t|l.ttleis_Von.' n - - ' Lest it he believed that thew s"l:-Oungresumn John O. are but the expressions of crock- Kehnte-r." The Hour Iurzier Ie-' pots of oi I lunatic frlnlh it reels. undeunted by his recent should be known that these - defeat in the Wisconsin elections groups now hocking America first -is building 1 secret orgnniation are in turn hacked. wzpomd and which he hopes will be the loo!!! encouraged by ~men Ilil-ii the point fcr nnti-democratic, enti- hells ed Oonereet Bemitic feeling in the United '£he Hour. anti-fescist news- .Btates. He told Pegnnelli that he letter published here. rev ed in hopes to mlist the support oi its Aug. 2 isue thgt Geor - large numbers oi World War vet- nelll. editor oi o n s" I1- -ierens end that he will econ etert psper coiled Chrihn tor the Middle West on aspen!- i-.Deiender, has recently been in Jng tour. He intends to' make erenee with members o1 the Wlhibn the headquarters of essionnl appeasement blocs his Fifth Dohimn orienixation. . Peganelirs paper recently Dilb- 5 . Pl-0-HITLE]_l nosmn ' = l lishedthisz 'Justebitodwe.rn- lug to Jews: Once sales of $0- The Hour also reports int Justicei are 'e1iective.ly um Qsgenelli hes been maintaining - -- content with Senator Rob- finally etieii. then will also have the time to resort to means -ert Reynolds 0! North Caroline. now ehsirmm of the powerful er than the soapbox. the court _4.nd peaceful assembly. . and strategic Benete Committee 0Ii§J1I.iilT!AII§|l'&.":,' . I Q = REP. ILANKIN IN IT - Other Ulnifesim either iden- The Hour reports as follows: tified with the America First 1_ -George Pazimeui . . . held con- ' Uollltee directly or applauded- I erences last Week in Washington. in the fascist press of this oouni .1!, c., with Gong:-esman John I. try ere Martin Dies. Senator Nye. ignn 0! Missislppl Ind Bl- Hlmilion Fish em! Btephen A. ; ngressman John C. Bcheler ot DI! Wisconsin. Under dlsqissions were i - Hitlerin must only he plans for promoting end consoli- mush: on the battleelds of Eu- ung mu.s,m1u¢ sentiment in , .!0D=- It must he combatted It the United States and the useful _home. Ihi local point; in the- this Nazi c1Ie"il9 e politics! 92 -United Btdtes today is the Amer-" ice 1"L1-st-Oommit-toe. ':_*Q-92 " '3f_°§_=_'E_."E1§J'§."§.?1t.~:w-QJ92 'M "= ' -~ -~.-':;._'. 3 4 ..

1"" iv II? f ?WW _ _,.___ U Fr ., _____,_ ~ --- ___ ._. _i_. ._-_..___ H- ,__ii ...i --1----i.-i_-._..--F-. -i - ~ ~---.-1-it----..- -- - I" - Q

Jo:-Q4-DGAR HOOVER * it '- Q. Pelee If* I lQECTOR O . f! .I-A.Tl|||I shers! Bureau nf Inueegatin Q. Gllll _..i__... Ir. Inlerh Bneh Staten Brzpartmznt Bf Justine ._...._._- 2'= Q!-4!:i-.-.-- Hashingtun, B. C. If-Ll i Q. Ilih I imbue KRH:bc September 12, 191:1 I-n- -mi.-.1 - III! -i_._._ D. l- Tenn I -... /" Inl-lee ?_._- Ir. Galley i-_|n- -. le-e-4 Pg 1/ --" ---w --@-__ le. lee: we 1- Ieeu monmnwS * mi. foe- In In-n g?! ' """'_"' __ 2 AHEFICA FIRST INC. linen-en L-5" ' "m'a£id:i&1 °£riE'¬"-'ml w. Jackson c JI - i Illll-DO! _. _ ' ' Blvd., Chicago, Illinois "1 I ii Ne: Y<=n<_<>;111_e_-i2;2_e;¢11=>e_»e_= // 4_ . -- The 1ollovd.nginformationtheabove org concerning wasI obtained from an outside unknown source dated at New York, New Iork on _. Augut ls, J-9&1. I "41' This J1-., 21, " year organization laxold school seniorwasoriginally 19l+0 in plannedat Yale University by R. Dugl Stu F 92' thefirst son person of the first vicecontactedwhen presidentcommittee tip of the Quakerformed Oats was Gompan0O1'Lindberg was ., The § Aon andGeneral anotherRoberlwood,was '£,a.r1,92*B§1der.of These Sears-Roebucktompezay,head met peopleStunT withEdward L.son 92 g; a director or Inland Steel; Hrs. Jeanette Aye 1':-:.irbanks,a. wealthy " -9--roman;and Chester><5owles/chairman o1Bent<7nand Bowlea, an advertising S S 1 agency, madeup the picture. SoonWilliemxcastle,/Under-Secretary 92 of = State in the Hoover Cabinet and e original maeter mind behind Lindbergh Q was added, thenSenétor_YWh_e_eler Senator andTait.Bob Atthe verystart »i 4 I 92 this organization bed/4tremendous amountof money on hand,despite the'! 0 R . clan that they aver accept morethan $1,000from anyone prsone Q92$ ,1924."L929292 _ In theEas-'1"homas former N*oCarter,/ cafnnanof the Public?" e--' Service Companyof NewJersey, oneis ofthe leaders,and heis ma to 92n iv be thecontact manfor Jogl, the millionaireRep1g:_l_i:ca;-1_]P.ea<_1g:_'j___c;I $- l _ - Pennsylvania.Fr:-an ?.I="' 111132.59* ' " __ *"" . . Hen:-_y§"or§,.XKathr_y1XLev|is{the anddaughterJay CKorm1 of JohnLewis, §ers--of one is oyhe theactive ' tee.;.' members, §JJ_ and for the Catholi; elementye find John 1! T?1y-nn,;Reve:-and Fathgg-_131 c! , and Jo 'Gonn0rs/Other membersare General nugh S i. -f<;h¢QicePIio§relAmosLouie l%1.IlGhO1../BJK1. onM1 T:Q_Qeh_e'r} COP DCS"ROYED______ES g 4/ 1% 1»-;;;@;~ We _>/135 -. - _ _ __ _ I ' . , -. _ -'-'_ '_"_,' ,7 1- ~ " _ 1;"-_ ,_ "1 I " L ._-'.- '-r . - , "' " -'="' "" .-- _ "'*"- 5' - .5-'1-J -- '.; "' ".-. , ' _ __ -_{:. .l ' _ .- '' j_,,__ __ .' > . _ ,_ H-_ r_ .. _.._- . -. _ _~'.--_-:;;." .~ -;-_.-.1; ,

Q 3,.! J, - . e Q Q 5

- 2 _

Secretly there was a tremendous Jewish group backing the America First until Just recently. This Jewish group had as its front thefuggenheim Foundation, and the committee was quietly subsidized for tremendous sums of money. The Guggenheim interest has always fronted for Lindberg, but a few weeks ago the Jewish group withdrew aJ.l financial support. A nunber of the members of the committee quietly vrithdrew or became inactive. This was due to three reasons.

1. America First was set up because of the hatred for President Roosevelt and the purpose was to do everything possible to ember/rasssin in every way possible. //a. "-*7. 2. W SEof is fea stock-holder oi the the Chicago Senator, Tribune, is bitterly and %an mick,itic. the Tribune's owner, has as his man Harryung, head of the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation, who is also strongly pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic. It is alleged that Hrs. Hheeler, - Harry Jung and 601. McCormick are using America First as a sounding board for anti-Jewish propaganda. In connection with this, Father Charles E. Coughlin of Detroit and the Christian Fmnt Organization have Just recently been officially welcomed into America First by Col. Wood, another stock-holder of the Chicago Tribune. 3. ThisAmerica lobby First is has compriseda lobby of strictly W:i.llia:»!KCe.stlo,,/Alic&I:or1,gworth,"'anti-Rooseve at Wastxington. John Liewirl and General Hugh S. Johnson/Each and every one of the are bitterenemies of the President.

This group had to figure a way to reach at the President through probably the most bitter attacks in the history of the world. The Hatch Act would not permit large political contributions to the campaign funds, so this organization, America First, has as its base enemy President Roosevelt, azd consequently anything he attempts, no matter what it concerns in regard to war and Britain, will be attacked by America First.

In other words, this organization which is cooperating with every branch of anti-war groups, such as the I.R.A., Christian Front, anti--British, Catholic groups, and every pacifist group in the country, make it an organization that will always have to be watched.

d- Iilli is Fromfhe er a former Communist Conmmnist angle, Stalin Willian School Castle graduate. has on his Sanger payrollnot receiv s $250 a month and is located at fiashington.

e 5 . 92 -,_ 92r92, .~ e 1- , _92 | 92 1

92- W"92 r - ..-' 1 - HQ y .92...... ,.. V ' ' / ..ii_i_ _q._-_i..m i__.-._..___..._.____.i_ 41 4 Q- . - -- '. ._ ? - 0 ~

..3.. when the present Pope rho then was Papal Secretary, was in the ; United States on a visit", he confided to certain members of the church that yiiii1 in thought lot. thatSince the Americana peculiar then priests,thing outside ofhappened thatthe_Ir-ieh, onemakes were af consider. Cardinal Dougherty of Boston sev rely criticized Father Goughlin and tried to have him removed. Cardinal Dougherty went to Home on the matter. In the meantime, Coughlin started an attack on the Jere and the British, and he was only mildly chastised for his actions, and ever since he has been on the war-path now that the Irish groups in the Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus have become V617 bitter and active against Britain and Roosevelt, andno one in saying a thing to them. They are mnning wild, md ex-Congressman John O'Connor, one of the most staunch £rien.d.a oi the I=R=A= has been acting ae attorney for Coughlime organization, the National Union for Social Justice.

Tm America First has a great fortune back of it. Among the -%4'Iden,%l?1omaemonied pleare Hccarter, GeneralHood, Hrs. Lrvwerso JemettlwerEdwardand H. whoFairbanks,,Pew Frank control the 0. Sun Oil Company.


K. H. Mclnt


1-_ '# l ! .1

_ if

U , - -- "92 _ _f_._,_.-.n_..._ __ , 7 ~_ __._ ___i _ ____ .___. _.._- .__,,___,_._._ __.._ _..-_ .. _ __ _ __ i__ > rid 92. > _, O - O 3., n.__ . O _ /,4/2/¢..~Zs¢....§"_- / Q I 92

QMII / /f40/ ._ Y:-1111! cull-Q £9993 Innnnh nan IIFIC GIIUAAIJ-tug, n'l-1-enurh-II--11011.!-quell QQQUGAAWQ in Ii! |e.Il- -n viawaunbannwhf-111 *1 2*

4. -rub . *1 by tn. undersigned. I likewile heard 1.1n<1b.=-%'. 198.. we 1: prompted xi no to become eo bold an 2 to our goo ea ent of the 11.5.1. Q thebeet country on ear my opinion! that he permit one of hie officials to ask the 'Oo10ne1' Just a few simple queetione, an followe, that all may know Juet whet hie true wishful, but unfortunately not Z practical at this tine, platter: may really be. e 92 ~92_, 1. Do you truthfully think that the preeent administra- tion wants ear, n eheetig yer!

2. Do you think the American people an a whole want war?

3. Do you think or know that if the U. SJ». eite idly by and nrme itself and renders no aid to oppressed people: fighting for their very liven unt E110 dlth. that Heir Hitler will not attack un after he has 92 92 conquered then? ll. It you were in an unfair fight with an opponent when you knew could easily beet the etufng out of you and a man who owed you money hopped into the fray on your eide, would you any - no, 1'11 take n good beet- I-- L---..-Q -e-n... ill -.l. Q - _ _-.-_ l92-L L ' nag uucemuu you cum nob pqy your uuuu no nun

5. If you were sunk by an Lzie submarine without warning and had an opportunity to later retaliate, would you still turn the other cheek that that ea-me murderer might murder more innocent and peace loving people? I 5. Do you feel certain or know that if Hitler conquered -- e.11 the peoples you mentioned in your speech of clean bigotry end. hatred! in mdition to these 9.1-ee.dy sub- I jected, that we would be able to avoid n much woree I shooting war without cepituleting to that type oi eaten worehipex-T ' I T. .70 you think hgiand, Trance, Eoiiand, Foinniy-et . or wanted a wart R A t A! .-6/712... / on 92 92 .-.F 8. I'The do you think eterted thie m '16' DEB "It -» £1/itETJEBAL i ~EJJREW 'F. ,- i.'I3.921 '0 0 O O P2

10. Do you think or lmov that by germinating dieunity in this country though yourintention: areprobably 100$ tell founded in your on opinionin the beet interests of the good old U.8.L.! you are in reality causing a_ alight divieion of the Union! Do you not still belino that in unity there in etrangthf It not ask Hitler.

Q 1 I nq n..In Q --1. . in my opinion. too use:-ion nret uomuttee ugnt II more truthfully be clllei lhe Hitler Glubl of Anoricl. In that in Iy travel: I have observed that nearly all 'i.npo1-ted Germansare men- borl oi the America Firot Committee. and I wonder if there vo-:11 bo any America iett to be ti:-at, it your moss were carried. out?


if .1

Q .-.-

J V92-r _/?_,92 I Q! 1-,!!! .!="T92.. 4, ' - » t,__|-_ i.1 . ;;.{.-.=.v.-...:-- "t " ' ' - WU U_ . -'. ' . * '_ s II _' 'l-_ -. . ' 1r-. . ' . - . ' , -92 . ' I 1- Y _ J - . --r -, 1 -- 92-3 I *' " _92 I V '*__ 1-f in-nxw '1 -5» Q jzrj. "1? ;_ _ - ."1L"*---» ___ w 's _.._" 4 ' '' ' " Q ' 3 N '1 -' 2 ' =5 ""- "-6 Y fr 3'" '"' > ~§',,,- 5" _ -.._§ __1:}'.' 5, - I 1 A K , 1 5,, _.._~r..._. ; 4 ,- ;, _ -} . ,,. 92 ;'*_:7"".* *" * >1-'16,--' ?. -. :. J.' . . §@§E@U .~vEss;+.*GA¢:@1¢T1 i"r' -"-' ?} -=*= §;~.,L ;_=* >;~-~.@ ;%~m"¥,&§?fiJ§%éL ' i ..9s§O1l.'l W A 'V 7' ,,-1._, -_ru.zuo. #°°_92z Ilruarusnszst 'onmom our '_ . . " "1 1 nu-twumuuug _9-10-41 i%,f,!£§1a,a- |-cnlnonr-on lI'0Rl'lIIAliIV;Y: mms:rfauneass:_;-.,.'| - . - V s '_ 25,3. _Q ___H_ _ 4 1"-I ' "WW _ - _3B,29,§D;8_-1,2 uunmgggsg ,3 ;_ = _,,s,;1_é-;_.-4-Z-é__-_ J -__ 0 e I Jnmnzu rmsr comnm: mmm gwmn 92 -:_. . __ I Q __._. " _ 92 f_:%.- ---pl * . J ,..*v .-...- ' s '__ - _ '-, _ _ I :5 "L, L __, ',sYuor§|soFrA<:1's= " .- .é -~ ._ 1 .;. __ s, ,. . ..|' -- - ' r 4 3- i - - The hnsrlus First Oomitt organized. in u . - »92 " - tats , Ghsirmn of Oklshcns or by tbsDO _1;n0:'_9s11 BECK, -L_rs'l-I HERBERT 6%-sittee I. s ,,_-; --'3 _ 1_ _ § ,9 1; Oklshcms. City, Oklshons and m<;¬mo as, : i '~ , . Chairman 'lu1n., Oklshoms, I111, ggmrg, 1. - : - _ lll I. O FRET, Rational Oomittssmm, lads Q T.-'f"' 5 1 H 1 , " "*5 " _- . '95-'**°ml u-rsngmaon cit!» s for Oklahoma; CHARLES %llDBERE INDBERGH denied assto speak in .',92 , . ...,..--1 '_ of the Iamiaipsl Auditorium by tho City Council -- > - - s._ of Oklahcns City; spqlcs st Ssndlot Pu-k, 0k192ho- .. . - ; . < Y ., . . "E ggth M Ms.-t =9. 1941 nth Senator mu-on _ - . _ I . llsmbsrshig drivs new in grogrssg -H V sis and pm-potss of mtioml as I-011 ss 10011 . - E organizations sxplsi-noel. _ . _" _ E IL In .' -- - - ,- C I-. _. . _ s.;--==-:4 4 7 . ._ F ,. __ | .. Confidential Infornsnt Lsdrlssdss or alga: s,"t194:i 'O11O'I1I15g -I -.1 1 . - § "if-":.~-i-. *1; 34-'s-'11"3e--1E?.'¥i144?~»¥>=-5% *"'=-?"-4?'5"-1-i'**=§@~=E}_-#i*f--:*"";=4£' '§*;'§";>=;?'.-: r ~ .~ ~ .- n organisation Ill tbs bx-sin ahtld. of R. 'haug1ss_x¬92zs§-£,L:l*"<'!"" 5,. ." Jr-Lt 34 your 61¢ 3,1: student senior of Ysls Units:-sity 1.51940. Ho iLi'1-he __.-- son of the First Vice-Pruidsnt at Quaker Orbs Gcmpsny. Tho rst person sonf-*1 :~ " hotodrhan the Oomnittes Ill for-mod nu 64-.-lone]. Lindbor - " Brl,4§B_;owdsr. ~ '.l'hesl poopls not with Stusrt <1 later on gh d '11 the Robsrt°%o::.:'-soc I r head Steel,01 Hrs. Soars Joanotts 8: Roebuck, yer <'%,:*tgo, irbtnks, ldnrd s woglthy Lmrsm, s. yum, mg :11:-0;'kjuff 3:? - 1"-;_ ';.- A.

! ' ' # F=,-n¢,,.-iTz s " I I * XiTIIIlI . "um _- : .;- Lu>+. §»_tJ;~J1w~ i'°"'"I'5'5oP1::s L251"; dYnn 004.; l 7 H 1" Ilrslu "- 3-,1_;.a_- *-"---w = '1- 92 , er-_. .._. 1 » :"* L s%lLT:~22%£sf7 H316: ~ s - E .., . .4. '45

_ _ _ _ _ _ , "-1 . '" .7 -;-" -;_ .. --~-5' -sq, :.:'.- .212 "-,1---"'rijj 1 ___,,_....- - J ,,, V ._,- ,-~->¢-- 1- ' .-_ ;= ,__._ ' __ _ . . - ~. -»-e-P. _ Ea. "_ ~»'= . *. H- "- , .» ._- -I-»=-1:-_": ' . '* ' -"'_ '-' - 2' -""*'.'! - J"~- , '. * '" - _ =1-'-5-$5" .:,',lL .f-_ I-"7"" L r ; .1}-2'; 1" J =":.: - .-."n1_- 1: l -.; " _ _ -_,__ 92. . . . - -;92'__ ._-», ' r __;,, '",,;,~L,."_='-4".',':,'-#1 _,,.,_.'§; ..,,._. .._..__!__ I ~";_v.-3-." -. '. '. his I -' '" it 92 "5"? ' T " _ s. . _e._"';!, 9-" -l Y ~'-J . - .' J - i _ '."»~ -" . - __1_. _ __ ~ . » .'__.. _d_r_;__-. ___ $_'_- -e--¢;7./ - . -92 , .. .H__. 4, . _' _ __ _ 92 #1 * . . . . - 4 ;-.l"_- - '- I ._ 0 0 -"'92,'.- H _ ,A ,_;.-_',~__-,-_1;§_. 4-_ .-__ '_ 1 ' 3- -=.= - e .. ! , E: Q 92. ~ 'A l I, -v 1-. r - --" -...- If J.-1»- .." .. . ... """J.: L;_'E-:...J.'- _- .11-. " I - -fa -- --9; " "~"3"_I'n"1.5"-*'-'»l!_-.._»_--'. ' . - .- s _ _ . . -- . -» .- . . _- - . -= F 1» I 5 " -, - 1 - .. I -' .. = -Y -l _: -I -_ ti ~.;,_:-,-92_-- ..|»-<9 - -,Y _ -92 __ _.-__ - '>- ; " , _ {F 1' -L i " .1.! 1..- s :1-'92'-V.-; 5- _~§!' gt-,"'¢ -*:_1"*.¢=".*:~ .. _..';-'- -.- Li -V" - -l "__- . . v. .-'H .- .-. =-_.f__~_"1"._r~~ . e -u. _,- i__. ., v - ,.. , _ - 1-. .1,"-fl .R._: =__; ' . . .. ._ _!.,'., . . .. -,_.c , ....92_ - it-_, ..-.. 1.: -I. _..,92't-,.:---.--"» 1;. -. "._, _= . » '-.n -rte-.; = - -5. ' ~. '. '-w .-F -< -25-* ~*vr.-§=.£923~_:'.»'--" ' e J =-4 , '--.:~ .~ ~ - ' -;_==. :-*5? " 7'7=-h.v;'.-;;;',..i- ,. ':"_ 'M w AMERICA FIRST GOMMI TTEE .-t=. ¢-_ ' '#100-922 I {."-- if I;_'<"*~~__-;=»_§»_.;92_ _»9-10-41_.i"j-'_;;g=.j1--if, l _|' ,_ i-.."_'f _-,_, f -Q" 1,1 -_ ; ~ 1 '-_ '.'. 1 - "'._;__, ._ _ _;;'-'_!f:-_"_-__;"-'I.'_r.,,_ , ,. ~ - . W., 1- __-L.-._'_92¢-1 -_.- - v _- }.;1Y.__'."-_'a- zkH .-. "".-"J;.._": ' ' '-' ' ':- ","_'" 1 ' - 1- .'.'._.92;_Q,.: ,_s ;.s.'...| _ ,_ , _ __ .f"_e'_' _ _ :. ''_ ,,__-- - . _-. Iilliam aetle, under ecretary of State inthe n.....s'c.1s.¢p,.rr;;,;.:-e, ~. inet,and alleged mast; rnind behind Lindbergh was added. e" Then Senator?-". E? -1 Wheeler and Senator Bo aft. st ue start this organization had a e-.i£2.=.}1'¢i.'."g._t M. _ amount cf money despite the claim that they never accepted more than Q1,000.f'ii¥; 33% ._'.. ,"..- 92 .V -,_., from any one person. In the east, Thomas H,Xl6cGartor, former chsirman,c_r,.ithe:;I1;';_§* ,. - Public theco tact Service man Company tor Jo%e1r, o /New millionaire Jersey, is Republican oneof the-leading boss of Penn lights.lrania.He 1I;i-$:.~_'~__92*.."_g_-'i;,-;f'_IE_: 92 am-,!§.ra is one of the biggest of this jgmittee, as is J. Czmell, '- ".-_.4.;-"-5%:-'§;' ;.z -' =.....o-naire :11: 0 liinneeota neat packer; Kacl.r;y;noe1rle, the daughter of John 1.6-1."1 i E Tlynn, s, is Fatherone C of the ughlin, active John,926'Ccnnors. members-. For the Another nCatholic elcmentithere 1e'11me11g,h't is '.Ioh._11,,_;.-;,i_='-,';is; -f"}: . ' General Hugh S!Y£°hnson. Others are Alice Rooscvelagwcrth, Amos R. *":_"T_Y:i'*:;.*.-f,-15", ff 7 '-Aéinchot, former Governor of Pennsylvania and Lewis Jber. Secretly there e is has a an tremendous its front Jeri the5£g;enhei£_§'_g_u_ndation, h cup backing the America and the First Committee Committee. was quietly"This group - e » haresubsidized always for fronted tremendcuslflsrge for Lindbergh. am6%s of _ - _' non The Guggenheim ._ interests ._>--_i;;::'i%- I _ ,{'_ ., _ 92 _ --_ _ __';_¢-*7 --._ 2 t . T T u ' 'America First was set ugwbecause of the hatred for President - . Roosevelt the Army in and the its United PurPosc States. is to Irsdo BY . ler,hins wife possibleof the to Senator, embarrassis him bitterlysnd....-.i.l7' i anti-Semetic. she is a stockholder o the rib.-Ifcago Tribune, and Colonel Ilccornicl the Tribune owner, has as his atoege Hi.FF'${92u92i.|."1§, head or the American iigilente; 5 Intelligence Federation, and strongly pro-Nazi and anti-Semetic. Ire. Iheeler,_E Harry for anti-Jewish Jung and Colonel propaganda. Iccornick In this are using connection America Father §ir_st Charles as a soun E_,£§ugh1in ing boardof *3; lletroit and_ the {Jhristian front organizations have Just recently been of- v ' noisily welcomed into America First by General Ilood, another stoolcholdsreei - the Chicago Tribune. ~ " e '' V ' i1 _ __ __ i , -_._'_ _ K ._ .. .,,"_"_ ;;_ __ ,_ _~.__L

'92 ."»'5;~'.-'*-I='-'...-..m-r.*. '2 ?irst hal ptrictli-'é1£i;R~6B;é+;i£ - ~ . am. nu. lobbgr 1. composed or 1.1111- .eée1e and Alice L-cn1,g!.'er*.-h,-Jo192.n z..'-"-;=l*"?"* n ! fewisand General Hugh S. Johnson. are bitter enemies of the President. '" , This group has figured out s. way to reach the President with the nest bitter s attache in the history of the world. The Hatch Act would not permit large f political contributions to campaign funds, so this organization, America First}; hie its for-it enemy in President Roosevelt and consequently aznrthing he 3 _ tempts, no matter that it concerns in respect to war, will be attacked by ~ .- 1 _ America of anti-mar First. groups In such otheras words thcla. 'thikrrwp istian is front, cooperatingAnti-British, with every.branch"3 CatholicmhiiI. group, German group and every pasi ist group in the country. phi, - ~, _ ..'- , . -- . T -- ~. , ".'.' ~' 92.-" - ' ' - r This is one organization that will always be "' - .- 1.; From the Communist angle, Iillism Castle has on his payroll Iillilnxanger former Communist, Stalin school graduate. Sanger new receives $250 a Inn1'* end is located at Eeshington, ll. 2. . - :_ __ _ .. ,."-.5 ,-hi-'-#1 _ _ _ __ ._ .. .- 92 . » ,_e..-92_ _ back -' - 'oi i it - inGeneral It must Iced, be remembered 5! Jeanette that Lyer America Fairbanks, First has Frank plen 031Iden,j_"¢~_'>.-;,f'71, of acne; l ;'-Y?" ______,_i_ 1,1. !,,..r,,§,__,é t-_-;+=- ',.ee?: £1 .1 . _ . ;. .._ , ,_ ____,:,,.w . V _ . . __ _= L, W_5_;b: ~_._.,1_ , -1--.1. ,- -. 1.1 -- _';_e_; 5___ _,e__ _!. _.[__ I J, _, _ of .'_-1", '.' -' 7.: '. *-_- TELL5. . 92 11- .- .'8-,.»..1 - a."--fi --...... ,, YL -V -7";v.:".'_"- .. _.- .-1'.. ~* _ 1'--"1-92"'-_"' .. J .-.""_""-' 3; ':'."'Vs-T1!.-.. l *1 _, V. . . P _ _ < . A -I -- _ ' ,- , g ~ s» . - :1,/J; .-£h92L_..l__;__,_92_'-;_ -,- -- Bf-_-_.,;;_--__ .- , ~r,,.;~.* ._-'.-..~ ..--Ml;-'-»,.;:: : ,.-.*§;.'.*I*.*'-;-~._-r, -.1 er...-use_¢ F 4,_____ .;,',_ . , N, . I _ '_, -_ -, _.92 :_;_ _' e . _ I "' Y - -,,->_ L, ;,_*'_,-,1._.;;.~,- .....;#§ p _-_-.--_ -i='~"a=f , . .__.= a- >- - , _. _ 1 "JV--_' ~ "* -'a .. '= -' J J -o '1.-V ' " _ ..». -'" .. Il>.'..' -_ '-.1 Z'='- "1/.. up __ 4 _ ,,._- . l. s J_. r___,._, t.'_ ._k.-ii. __;;;.-RE I"P;-F?--7-af.,_,l|{:! . A _ ' '_ I ' _ _ , H ,. _ -__ - '.- a» 4 p -4, '.;.'.">' ;--.-'-~r=-:4 '1-'??*:».-. 1».-t,=_.a-:1; "=-"'_-'.- 7-_; ?:.=§'-!'<"h'_-4'1.-_J-;-~-- -.3 st-; 13;. p. ' '' - l-,=- 92-V- L 4 -4-r "

. *-;-'. , ___ '.:'-I- ,. 92 l ._ ",1"-_I_""'{'_"_! - 1__. " Q _'l,l92' =.. ""Ii~u."___us- |. V . -_-H I /In r - -_ . JH_: -,1 -,._"-..--;_~:-_~+ _. .. _;92.__'-,{~92_,.'o,; ;._;92-Q.-;92 _. _ l92._ L21?-*w?_é:.:;'iTF:_L'92?b» a : ; ,_ _ ___. _ . _A . . st - . -a - ,» e. _ -. -aw 7 *- A ' " '3 - " ":*"l5{=§5-T"357§'¥~'.l%?:-3?}?$5 . - ' Pew, Colonel McCormick, Senator Wheeler and others * . against Roosevelt is such that they would not deviate one inchgin fighting _ __ . story-thing that the President wants or attempts, and oonsequentl3_'___the _ - _ _-"_; British suffer to a great extent, '_n_"-5" " ' '1 _ -."..l.f--1_..!,.L .i7- :- - 3 _ K. -f 'L _- 92f'.*,3.} '7r-.- -.-.-. _- _- "5"-._"-"'.-*. ~¢*?'-'7-"J"-' . '~'-~- .3"* _ . i "~_ Ju-1% 7, 1941 Assistant Manager . BLACK orV _ - the ms1_'--_.- Perrin,e4§.|ild-;;»;»;$1--."/.*.1 ,_' "- - '{b;:_"' ' 'in; advised that a _eaee _, _ been eigned by a person by the @e o4 .,0BB¢=;-*--I.;_-_§'"1,§! r _ for the use of a room in the Perrine Building by the America rm-std 1 _ mnm toee!s'f..' , Hr. BLACK asked the pa /to the lease the nature of the business to be ~1:.":-;_¢';-;>_;;'_ 7 carried on and lire. DOH%HBECK rep 1 ied that " our principal businessF111;;-1§;;_;;:.:i' ' A =- =- be keeping America out op war. 1;, g_'r'_Q-:~L_;_.<;_:_1'-T'gf;'_l-i92;s}i_f ,l':~_,t;"?.-15*,-"i:'"I1=;*" s g _ _ _ _ _.s_,-= . _, p __ ~ s ;;~=.._'_¢-_;c;_;_._:,;-__i-._ ; 1 L -A - The Daily Oklahoman published an article on August 26," 2 A l9il to the effect that the American Legion, Post #65 adopted a resolution '»_-,1-.1; _; requesting the City Council to deny the use of the llunicipal Auditorium ior"- T g =' I _ anaenh -,--_-_ lav __, Phns-lea .--.__ ..-- ...= A .._n....erg;h, Ll Ah ep-.~..=92'er of the America First Gen-mittee 13%-It» 1 r ln a simila ac ti on the Nights or Pythias Lodge and the Oklahoma State :.~f§_,§:7-. g Women's Ambulance and Transport Corps lod g ed 1 orma 1_ against granting '1 » Lindbergh the use or the hall. The Daily Oklahoman cm August 27, 1941 stated , ' that the City Council voted to deny clmrlee A. Lindberg the use _o1' thedlluni-_"";_~.;l' ;_ cipal Auditorium. This article further states that the City Oounoilh action .-1 ';p came after several city organizations protested Lindbea-gh's s-PPeeranceA 1;; :"- _ 1 . _ Oklahoma. City and rescinding order oi 1' e I! . JOYNSOH, Auditorium Manager, per-F '3- >I - nitting the meeting in the Audit 0 ri um» This article further reveals that *_ Lindbgrr}; '7 ,, - ggtifiad _-.. Hun .-..- ....-.-.-a l1-nnr-in P .+ire. 1' header:A that he would ipeak on Qair poirer"." !. _ pp anywhere the a ear ance can be arranged. On August 28 , ly1941 the Dai OklahomanA published an article stating that the Ssndlot Baseball Park 3200 H. I; I-Oth ~'- '--A ~ ' Street had been rented for the America First Co 'nmittee s rally to be ad- '1 Q1-i-'1; J _ dressed _ by CHARLES g A . LIHDBERE and Bonron x. mum on August 29. 1-: ~ later, August29, _194l CARL J. STEHART, llanaging Editor ct the Daily Olclahcnnan ;_% s ' and cum ' ome. Qity Times published the following letter which was delivered '_-_-":1 .{ to Charles A. Lindbergh upon his arrival - in Okllhcsna City August as, 19415:!--;j'-_;_-;-'§_ {Q > The let1}er reads as follows; -. 1» A '~ " - '" " " -' - rt has been announced that Friday you win spasm; in hue oinlf Iunity for the cause of ieolationiam. Of all the persons advocating this you are perhaps its most persuasive sponsor. I think I have read olfolllj ;L_},._' every press report or your recent utterances, .l.l_moet rithont exception; 1 Fl" i find them negative. ihey abound in shall note Iitheut, as I see it, offer-:-'_'Y§_ ._-:4?

..; _=§..'-./. - r . - 4 - . ' ' __ ,H __._...._-_H-- __ . __ .e_. ;-'.." ~- ___~,, 4-. _' .. r , r - l--. -e=-. -- - , ,.=~ - - A ,...= _ .. "''_»--__; - _>A+-r _ .- ; __ - * ,1? . J ~' -' e- ;_»._-_~_1.': we-,. :..-_=_§,":;_;_.~¢...-;.;*_.=.-;1;-Pu-;, ;-+2 r.~92~:;_e -_~_*92'¢-1a In. . " n . ~' :.' P". Y '3'. ..-->3 ' ' ' -2 '~* 92._. . ,_ i-I . -.' -. - e_. -. . " e -.; - . '1 -. -"~ -- 1- o tr -1""i'¢':*:'-£42-:"_1;:'-:1;¢%. _' . 2.-_» - 2- -'.-- ~33:-to5 . - '»_ ' . - - " * '7-1 V t 92 ~"" -~ ,' . - '" .,_- 1_-~. "1-*'~ .1. --.- eff".-.,lP.->'...'_-1.. _-""':.i927?'_"':l-3}" 7- l F.-"'1; ,__ ,§.._ -"»-.-'r."1- . -__L-. - '"a-._-_- .¢ /1! -In 92 I e -.3-, -t _ '_.h -- _ "-.13, 1"»; _ _11 __=. 5-_ . _.,-to I, in---" - -¢..:.~. 1 ' _,3:-_:._ = in __._-,--;,- ,&_,-~.,- . '4 -9* 10 4 r v.__s . -_~ .. _ _. , _A _ , Iv . , ._ . -- -1 5_;__- 1;-. |92 Q? 1"-1.» "-' 1;.-"'»'q§;§'|.",... .- _._ _;92___;,, . .- ='- -_ ..._.','R:,"i,. ..3Tr- "Y , J17":-.-5e-'= . . -*"-§i.."_'-."-f"92:f.'~_2'--.2 _ v";-"r':'§§'' 59-, -':~E"' .. -"-'-"--' r 1";§_ F _,-;-"§.{-..,';'""I;; 1"?-EL "5" "I ' V»-.- _,'r'3 K! .» -'=-' *'=;-", "-_-_ -_-- I ~_':'- L--.,,_;. .11, ' I-r ,,-11."-Q ! 1"--'2-J-w_}""7£.:i'.';f"5 ,_-i',,, 92"'.'-Z". - L,92P|__.: _;_._I:_ '-£2.-1*.-.*:'5¢-*""-3'3" .-._ __,:..f.. "-Z-P ' ,-- $3 C1-. .--V-.< ...- - . _ _ ' 1- .' J-we ,x92__ J F l 1 - , - _- ;__ _ J ~ _e_.~1.,..»,92,.. . v - Q V =+-"-;*---- 711:»-" -92- :.'.92-a§--e}"¢73?5"b3'5"L;?~?A-I13-'E'!§3!5'-1553-'-1"--;.'%' .~ -.- »_ -V:-,-...~---I _-- *5. --_. - *_--- _ 7 '1 as: , ":1 :*.'v:-'2 1, hf. -,'-;;~,__.'=-'1 eq->1:-.;w .,;,,..._--Q, ,,.-"9-:1 ":*¢5-75*,-.".'-' 1.35 -' -- .__,-_¬~ t "-" a .-.-,-:'~=. ~--,-»,- ..";,=.-~- --_-=~-*~--"-*1 ~'=. -.7-4 ..,-. _.-. . _._..,a___,:c._-H ___. .. no-R-_92_A_____.__,_,; ,_ - nmxci mas: comment K» " - - #100-922 - o -' =- 11-.~ -- K.-T, "'r> LA-;_92.?'L- -"6-'~*-"-'_4"-."' 9-10-41 '7 ." .-'-K -;'~-.- ' .,_ n -. - , - , 2- -~ _ .~ " _ ; ', _ " - ._ " , - l - .---__- . -_.* _- Li. , 1- . _ .- ._ .;.~- . 1,-»,'92.i~_-§'~§;';_"_-;92_ 4-: 4-. _"- ' éxrfg; ;q,.'g7..,g;._. -' ;;_.~. "~E*";,i 4.:-,.».,.,;92"'_- ;-;;-' ".-..=_»'-7!.2 ' _|~-»--..- _ '", .-92. , 2' _'. - ._' -- 1 '- e-= - -. ;_ '4" ;92.1-:$';';.~§:,~'1,";'-;?.'_;g_'£. -gr-q,-7;-,--- -*.:':_--. »;:;:, ,-A- 1=.- 1* Y1 I: F ; '- " "v a very ueeful purpose at thie time: '~ e:e-;-_~:.~.;».';§~_-»¢=e;,-.= --I'!'*_*"-if'~Z.-i"1~'-- :-<--*;,;»,;;~=.;;+3_-~-"1 w"-.:» -."-. " ---:=" ' '" - - - 92 ....- .4 -"1-.'"~.P.- 151'" L T 3,.-7-~l'---"-*""?Y'I'f?;'L*.-f'1'-'»=*=1.-"1 -=5 1,?~-"-*3 ' l _ 75- ,. - Did you . not; prior to lend-leaeeer. . _ _ I A. - _ I u-- ¢~ _ -V . . ''_.. v _.___-_ __;n-:_."4j expreae ' the .A .. oonviotion . _ - -, ¢. . 1» -If, that 1'-_" ,,<-',.,;_.-1;,-,.".*~'k."r'§_lritain?f_;&;¢!:~;,7 v_-_ ff __'a1one never can defeat Germany? fr Q -"'1".-ii -'*~".-e.=".i<=~*-"'=-Pro -"2.-° "r-"'3--e W "e" ,- n J" M . 0 _, ¢,. ,3 _.r§'_. _- _: .'___-,_-,,__i. .»__-__- :3 ;:;:,1-at , .__ _ 2 -.-_- Did you not also publicly oppoee the lend-lease ' billet-3,§;i;i;;;3__,q§g;;_;*;§_2,j:.§e.-1,¢.s:_ .-| 3 .- -"- >1 .- '_'_-,.-_ - , - . f..A-_ ' 92:- - ." A-- Ii your mower to theee . question: e ie "yea" . '%o- -_ not _;_-3_--~'.r1,-"-ij-$3,?neoeiiirily 'follow that you wouldrather eee a peace on Germany terme, than to __T_"_T§v i - eee the United Staten take any action to prevent euoh a dev_elopmentj_.'.-r;' --w - - e - t-51**"e,#-"T*??3?7T§-:2§E:§3 4 -- Do you think "Germe.ny'e terns would be anything leae than ednpleta ...1" - political and eoonomio domination of the entire European continent!r-'i.-a:,-;e- l 5 web-- Do you euoh a peace. Do you think a denocratie .. western -. - -t honiephere "' - " 1,--' .J-- oould .A_ . ",---_ do onsineei" "_1-"."7-' N -e I,-E.-" 2.1,. __ _ e. totalitarian eastern hemisphere on any other haeie than slave-labor _,f._ _.. - l 1 -" eompetition and an armed truce! _f_g-lazy -_92-;;.y_-__;y; _;___.;f; it-_;#_-L-I;-4.'L_%;-'l:_"_-::7

| i IQ Iould you, aa an American; dratherieoe' thenlproapteoltd oi. g, ' maintaining the United State: an an armed camp for Hie next 50 ='= § than to take any etepe to help insure the defeat of _GeI1n-any?-49.} Zr r 5C You aaid recently that ae between Gennazq and Rueeia, you iould rather 4% e " eeethe United Statee allied with Gem._1ny= I ae.eun=.e this stataent was ;__@ _, 44- ... .".v made with due regard to the realitiee of the eituation, and that it=_=j; _ 1;-'».!~ ' ' I neane that you would rather ally the United Statee Ifith Gennany against "if"; :1-. Britain, than with Rueeia against Germany. Ie that your_po_ei_.tion! - ,:Z;.-A, 1* 2 10- -are you prepared _a.;» ,_ _ , to 1- ->1 $47.1 -' -".?="14.».¥_T,l--r' . '_'zz;§~;' kth .4 - ., ~4 - ='-f*RT-'?*'Tf-?'.*;-3'_T'=T"'- n. . =-1 ~-.~92'r'.'--?>" 9 -- _ Does y our vi e-I of the eouree the United Btatee lhould take in'1ie:¬-",*T. w »- » -Y-. " 1 world revolution ariae out of a pereonal beliei that democratic frame-_'A 1 work of government have been outmoded and that the only natione that: ' I111 BO a ebl to oompete in the eorld of the future nuet he nae a totalitarian pattern! e ' . " '' - t" -I .-~ " " " -_, v ' '"=1 l.' a . .- , , _ _ -V _ _;.= --lJ ; y _' _ .__" k. .|_ "_ ?'_~-h'.i-92_'§--T; ' _ ' ~__ |_;- #5? ._:__.n; ._.- _ y e pine:-ican_ people}! - of e a eel. Former Governor, -e -V IURRLY I eaid gaithe your nae reply preeent than at you the are meeting hecauae Friday: he believed - - that in the Capitol ~ _ city of his _ &.te th _ i - , _- _ '!;92 __ _ '_ .~ _1!'__~ _'. :_-;}I;"v{" "~':.I'""-.-I , -. - _- '_, ClarkIa I-_.':*.f 3*:-._'_: }- P = I. H. "'LI.FaLF.l." BI , Fox-ner Lioternor of the Qtate Oklahoma introduced Lindbergh in I. 15 ninut dd: ' P L . "r e r ght of free epeeoh he in danger and that -Y he felt it hie duty to attend. the eriter attended the rally or the hIel'1_°l _ _ . .. ._ _ ._ 1 . -_- 5- -_= .--.r_'-Q-M-_,"'!,-'*_. *~ _.,.._. _~._.-_~--»-- . . -- , "1-' ._.' -.-,. I ~-."':.- - ... .- ;- _ -1.,. .~ ed=-_» :- " _, .-IR." ~>¢ 1"" .. . :35"4.5 '-J'- K - - 1 r ' " 5-"I - -- -_'%£T." 7'1 .=92 e--9 :7. -" ;~ -.- "1" a'- --a" 3%~ -' Fat- 3 ,..;; , ~v.._ ..;.=.__;_. _-2 . ~ . " ' ..i-"15 '§ "'-- ~'-»*.>':;"'j?§->13 :'-'1' . . . ~:r_,92._. --1..-." - »-.--n..-» .: 1- 1- .1 :@_:-:'--;--7~:;¢ 1 ' . .- IT». .3 . " ~"*,-924<_':.'.:l.-. _',-!,~- : "0 ;.*. , }.:~.' 3-<~ Q-',_ .'-P?'1-ii-,'. - f .-.*--*-- . '-~~_f"!r''- '=-" ".:a'.a, ' ,- 11.T.';*."-E 7 f_'.,._ -'--=- .'5 " mi--. ,q~,}~»_.-,.";< J p. _, _...._,.H,,._.__ H ..--.,.--.._," "e-'-'=-n- p _>r.. . ,,-_ _--- _92_ .4-fr ; i _,I x _-__ UH F92 _, ._. 5v.,,.;_?_._:_-E, -A_:-.¢_-_;_- :.»_l . Y1-v ..I H4 -.-.-Q __ e 92.. -. r - . ._ ...,,_,.,' if '-_" .-~- --- 3?;'."'=<§{g-H-zf,-92e"f~. . - ' - ,|- - ,-92 . Q Y ... - .. . -.~J r .v - ;-- L . . ~ =- -I .-J - _.- 3-_~"r='1 -r"'.";z -1 11' Y" :1.- .. ; "-.» v7- ' Iea17:2 - '-'15J 1:1 7"M, ., tr I-3'/ -.1' 1-:1 F _.L]rwe-pf.» ¬a":*F-1.ir'¬; "'.::92'-"1>-F','<-'~P't:92":.:' r*~'i""I'-192¬5.i{-.?."'°' lg-,:.;-1" .--. ' ; i'?"+-r~-'2 "1'-'l7" =T; '92-. ~'- '.m-- '-17"' F?-1*'"' T "" *';<"- - <]'l"L.:;'-'92 J '-+.~ "-."-1'..-"-- "'3 -It *5 1'-' '4 - "P é";-'12 =2. " ». -$5 -'LbF":.-5"--1-.-_-.:'. .323;---." 'i.'-§ "' I ._ . , 1'....11. .-';-,.,; ".-..'~_-i§;F",=!--'~;'1' -,,_.;."; r".-".2;Y '#".¢i-*--- 4-'.1'.-"i"".' -= ''~'*'L--:"~=-'9? -"~ 7'1 zp, ~14- ~~ T-'~..:.Z" -. 4"-*~'3-' ~=.""-' '-- .e I * - - L.-1-"T? "1'?--."-'." *.-..92*.-=' I --'-5.. _,§i' *-~ .:-J5, ' *1-4:i."i"I92;'--.'.v5<--".*~1:'§"2'a-"55 -""-.»- ~'.- ..<.....».',-~= '9?-~%*§92""*',y;,§.":" l» '- #1,. -_ ,- ' '*- ""~-- ~.- 4:.-"oi-1.. -1,-H»- .. -;"-vi . . -=1;,-,2 ---_ _.".--1-:1. . _ £5_ __ . -. ~-..:._ _._-.¢-.- _,_ 92-ti-'----""" .. T _ _ " I -"'-*4,1 ,. ' - e_ - '*:_ X.,,j=:-* .'- R"..L- -'-J-,.,!:-1" _? :- - i 1;-.;= .. . .c-~"-.~=':¢*~r--*'=.»e:-e " 1-2-~1~.;a.. , . _ .»mnuca ems»: conrms _-.. 1_ "- _ ._ #1°°-9?? '. Iyhs , ,'_.__i5__:, 19-10-41 -__ _,_1,_f,»-- ,1:-|n_ - -. K - = - - =='. .. . . '. -4 ~ --~-J"-1-L "* . ,:~.'. =-.1": -'~.-P-".---?'~'~ --. - : i,'':'-'=».-K--e... ..,,_-7:; :-if,1»: .»:.¢' ~- '~92~--:'..."'' e .-.- -i-1.2?" '..~"'.'=2-"- +--92-'-.1-w ~ § . -'__,: H _; :1 .. g 4,.-'._ .__:l;_._; ;,- _-_._:__.-_> 'j__._.;_'_ ,_.._ _-_*:.5___,_';-1, .5,,_ . _ _t_ ._.5{*,_.__j,$-._.___; 5.0 .~~ ',.-~'-_is thespeech'oi"CH.ARl.ES Following 1 92. vererd in OklahomaCity, Oklahoma on August 29 1941 'L-'-- " ' = -'4' " V '* p . I _, _ ._ . . . I "31. er,-..-,.~. _.__-_ -.-a, ';,_"-; , ..r.»_"_'§7;".'4_.f,'.'_' _. _,, . -01; |-_=,A-J-rd-~; ,._--_a-_--.,;..,. - r". _ '_'_. _ ,__'- ,i'.=__-..". .:_ .- .-_' ..'.- .. . 1. _92_-_ _,. ...r.-"_- '..--2.-----H-.<-. ='~-"* *"":,"'*.; P ""9 »--1 -r I Ls youall Imam, I stand with the men andIcmen in Americe,.._;j J 4 .. o Yh oppose' our entering this war in Europe.i There are many reasons why -{"'¬~'*~2j';"H ,-.:; k believe sreshould notenter thewar. .1 have discussedthese reasons1'ree1,y_-"§;'.¬i'TT_;* and openly in articles and radio addresses during the last two years have said that I did not believe it pas within our power to control 1=n.'wa=@i,'*'§.i~,E I 01' $0so 1 Ure the prchlmns ' _ that haveexisted inEurope sinceEuropean history'5 -ifs 1 B ly at this tine,and thatwe wouldnot beprepared to do so formonths _ii Ta notegan. for I earshave to comesaid that . we ~-e;were hot ._:-»,1 prepared =1"to -ii; a-age war abroad -'successful-1" ¬;i';'_'; L;._ w _ . _.Y -_ _ _:L ._:_i N ;__"._./ _ 1 1.;f_ Q 3-;'.*1;1-_'-V-é-I-ft ._V ,1 _,.- , .. __, _. "2: .'_-.3. _' {"F}"$7;.'V£ -3 ._",1":;f_..._-';"r__;-fl-_:-rt EH5: " '"*3 ~5 I have said thatour Pl-!'tic1Pstionin this war wouldslmPTI-Y '- t ;. addto bloodshedand prostretionin an-ope, and bringconfusion _ Mto our ' .*.""_'_:_,'.E country. I have said that the United States is st rong enough and able enough F V to protect itself, and that wein hnerice.do nothave to depend upon any-'---'*"-'7' F ac:-sign countrytor our security anderclifare. ._ 1 . -~ v - A " i r '- ; é -1. .: ."1..==- 1-.-='-Y1 ~r E - I To these statementsand beliefs. I hold i I I have at any time in the pest. Developments sincethe warstarted have i' if s ready1 partially provedthen correct;and Ithink thatby the time th uh#5: ' ends, youwill find I have in no way misled you.! ~ , 3-3 .-__ ;_ - ~.

1,. both on land and on the sea, -nngi-ma1. using aviation to strike back at? E usina continent aviation sheto Justify is unable the to invade. occupation thect American Iceland, "to interventionists prop "lay are the arc f or':~iT*'t.-rt??? v '.1;I;"_'"p .5. an occupation oi Africa, and to add to the general hysteria or the nr. Ike an 3. capitalists are using aviation to make money,and the taxpayer is finding aviation .-. nere and no:-e egeneite iten on hie till. -,._;;;.Lf1-;_1;j,, 3 _ . _A . . .--- - I spent many years oi my life surveying and laying out ai:,{-"Y I. I routes in North and South America, and across the Atlantic and Pacitic oceans. -_ One oithe greatest problems I encountered inthose years lay in the diff," culty of persuading people that aviation no actually a practice]. from _O_f_1-? '7 transportation; that, some day, this country would be spanned in a I1ng1l;.;'__.__-T_§';'j_-if night by passenger carrying air-liners - and that, eventually, even the oceans themselves would be tlcen on reS92l'1-B schedule., k_J ».= _.. . J .-, .._ ""*'=¢'..-,_ ._,_"92_.. _.r__-_. . _ . _ A - . I - _ W F. , . » 6- ., ._ ! - i - _. thatwas only a little over10 years ago. Ice in the novel position of arguing that aviation has certain limitations I. 1 have allct the other inventionsoi nan. Ten years ago,I Ins trying to -;-_.A*-if55" 1 donvince thegovernment andthe peopleoi this country thattransoceanic _'-_¢4. é-5????-§;,;l*i1 tr-. . -- . 3 ' - ' :- . .1 1- -2 . .~ . -- '- '._.. .----'-r.~r-'J';<..-- 92-92.' 1 .l . .- r . - -1- -., . ea». _,=. »".1.-it-~-_.='w 1;-.-4.--¢*-:"~"»:-1,'=.,:;;-...~73w.-~r7'?5x¢¥.n.F 92 .. .. =- - . . -~ . -. ._ » ...... | -- .i~- v.1. . -- ~».' 1; . ... .0. - 5 ". .. .:-. ~--.. -- -1~='1-'1' _.,...___,,..,_p.,..» *---A ,§ :4»- 924 - -_-r<.'*-eh.-1-. '*--9 "J 1 a__ .,a . ..-< -______...... ,~,~:-. --*'-"-_ -=V a 19" 1' I1 * - - _. " . .l_'___, ...- go _ _ I .,_..'_.;.-:»<_,.r ,,,___.' '1. .'.._.., .. . _ _ - ' , .. , J 4 ' _92 "*,¢._., 5-531:3:J.- L92 1 V >.___. --_ " I -"92_v Ii ":.4_ _,.f_ .- _ 'I_';f:, ' '_~? ~91:-k__-e~' - .. y 6 ._-f.. _",'|v_ - .. -_--A-|:..:.¢;_: _.1-I,_,.~ '1--=1;--___. _ _ "if , _ V._ J _:.r.J_ U ;___ -_»_.__ _L ~ .1A" _,, _ _ H ' ." ¬ I .. _ W 5134':-,_ ..______I _,, 7,-_ .r_.-.-"'-';-__ __,._., ._._ _ ' ,.92 1___.1-1 ._ _ -, __C, H as I'_ d 7'_"..:-i '11,-V '___I _ J k. __|_ . .. ' J 5! VJLJ .In ' ? - --.;"92 _' "_V 0;__. _:-._ V___H.»,;_ .1.-- :,'_:_e"-~-92§»-92-V . ;__£- _.'0' @.;ii1~§i~;F. l A Q;_ *1 '_ .0,--_,,_-- .92, -_.. K _ --; as -a --- .>~L . . a -. ' -. . r ~ -e < a . ,.-o. .._. -_- ,~ W -~ -4 . 92 ,-_ . - - ;: . ~*_ - " II .r .:F..¢.1'. 'f.. a-- .1'1. -..- < ':_:i . r-. f:, 3'. '--.1-'". -.'- 1..i-. * - ..= -. ».-.2* '. .1.~ ."' 7-W J ._s_ _._L ~_ -' .. ..---.. _~1 1",,F silt .-'-'.-r~;- .92 ,. _. '~_'- . '- _____-__,IT. ' .92.' c H_,_A_92_e;,-_- --3.-.... _.r,_ ;1_ ,__ .J- -~_, .. -;|'-r_ ,, . r Xt k j:' _ _ ._ . 3 5 .; .»'._._ 1.. 92-5.-_-q-,"1l§.- I = $5 ".' " .1"-'92""' :'.*=.'---"P'. 3 ' I ' ' ' ~.'- " '-_ -- ' -,--.1 J»-_____,._ .. ' 1-! -_..__-I-r ~".-as _,.;.- -- . .- '. ..;."'~.. ..- .' . 1 q-;~" e. *1-e-;f_'g__---_- ' . - _.' 92 _ »* P-'1I ' .-" I go:' _."a" J.-vi -V" 5.31.! u,-__392_,:A; 1-L7.-..,' -_::._- :1; = - _a¢3»r.92¢.*.'/.4'~.-,__-E-?1Q ,'pf Y 5 _ * x } ,_ -,_ -f.~;:' -.,_ 5. 1 '-"4 '*1.192.~1 '11-.1.-"' '15"-P{-1i"-" I-1{";!" .' """'-P »~§_}-*1- _ ._ it;-_-:_ :'._,,- ..p-.{,*;.-§»»..;~- ._,_,,. .>;..-I _ y;.,= -__~ g___ 92.._ __. ._< .L r '~ --_ " -ls 7 . __:_.- _ , .. ___ - 92~1_--..- ~ ..- '-> ..;_ *~" _;4_,,,' ' _-.1.-v __-,.,,..-¢_._|,_I .1-..._. .249, ;. A ., .1 -' _,,_.-_ ~ _--.v- - , . .. U ,- - . _H=»- '. .-1&4;-.-r-,_ la C. K '. _nm1ca__r_I_.as'r M , _cornnrrenL #100-922' -. e;1o-4,1.--;%.¢[email protected]=l*i?.i_l'.h y :22 4" » .-so*:..92-__;.;-"..,".":. . -":-",4; .-=?-. .-. - , :. ; . i.. Ia. .-. ~---1'--~?=. .- .-r>.».-_ -~.._.s-.--.r;-..:-$1--1-1:1?1-I?-a.;~~.;. -}.';...3T";,' -..- -- -ea. '- -. . "Q.":.Z?-.'.ii51+_*¢"E '... :'?..-..I"'--". » "=.' 7...} ' 4 . ~7~~-- -r.+'_,_e 1- - -'-'{"~.?-..:.-'.'a£:-.:.-§'-'2-- ;:-"9>*-:1.¢ <"".:.'. --_";T"'V=',;:'5* L':.:_-E - '7-5-3-_f_-;.-.._' ,.,;;,'-'.~" ' ",.._ ."/ ; '_'92."Ev~,.2',d-la e ~-5. _ _._~ -H " ;_-_ - _,,_.~92.- I . ;.."___,.. " __ g-.-1+-. ' 4';n...-:' '""7 n _~t-1-__-'_:_;:_-'/""1,- Q!-'; I--_,~"3. __;_._.P.-I .j,_'-_.':.- -_'. ".""' $_.--_- 92._.,_.,_..:,_.. 4---4.. ' _----"--- _._,_;.. _ -1:. _. _ - p - _ ..-_- R -T ;-2. -..- .. passenger carrying was not only possible, but also praotical?.'.1~.- '- -_.:.;_,. I in trying toassure ourgovernment our and people that whilet.-..ns.:-,_.j-1?el.-;@- .1; 7-___>__"_.e__'is possible, oceanic.}>o92mbing'it is not practical,and that the gdamage; f£*,.§-;Z;i£'i§couIdon wartime do standards would be slight." " '""" T-'' "- Ji " -e**' .;.-=';92~.-:._:~--"-*r"-.',".=5 v,.. 6. __ .. . '. -. - -"1 . _,_ '21; ._92__""-5'-.-'"-Y -.i--.-"3-."' _ _ =4 _ :.- ' -1.,-3 A xi 4;". -1:" s -.;.;"""!92';.r..:"*".. _'.- ..".e.~-..'--a-..'.1":-'-. - -. -': 1- - ' i . , ,- -'_ -, ---- . -- . er" .--JI -~ --- . s' '1A . 92_._ -_-~:._-;.-.~_;§.3f:~f.,_-:;._*'.»;;";. *. , u s - I ind in the somepeople who J-_;-'.=;; scoffed attransatlantic _ .~ 1 ,_ airroutes .. 1-5, ",.»"""-1 '_ ..-;.» _ ' ,» . 10 years ago, not telling me that if the British empiredoes not win this ."".§= ~.= 92.- ._'__.; ear, the Tinited States of America will be conquered byair invaders from n-ope. They saythat the world'sgreatest two oceansare nobarrier to bombing, _-'fp-_-_;',:__-_,_1,>:;_ planes, andthat at any momentwe mayfind trans-oceanic paraeimse troopl raining downon thestreets ofour majorcities. .__._ .6-.f_.,_-'1;;-_"-;_:;.-_i_;§i .-:. ___ ,. 4 0 .s tg. . e-._ l92- s"- --, _ .- -' - -1.-.'_"§ '="_"" of ' _ '.'- ..~,"- .='.'r-:.'-;éi~a'*-"-£3-";""5*f§.i.rY?l.f.<"' T3"-;5I"§.*."L .4 -L. -a'.'}_s.T@~i__>»;?-»-.'-- = ' Our own president V has talked about air inrasions -o1'j"-'.".7-'13: icecspped ,and aboutothers basedon thejungles ofCentral and M-_"T-";* South America-- incidentally, at cruisingsppedsthat are tar higher t1nn_"-51-, _ any racingplane hasyet attained.Iell, 10 years ago,those ofus whobe-5-ejj __ -listed in aviation setout to make thiscountry airminded. Io seen tohave-T .. _ _ succeeded,and now I suppose it is our job to get its rest safely back onto '{j " Has ground.How thatwe have become air minded,our nextproblem _to_is ;?'»';;i- learn how to operate aircraft to our best advanta e ' '" ' ' I _ s - _ .."§' -- .. _. .. .=_ -_,~",.. v. 4 g. - - v 5 . . ' ._;1 1, i p But from that I say hers, do not gain the impression that '_ aviation hasreached itsultimate development.It has still tar to go both, - 1- -- in commerceand in mar. The bombing planewill become more destructive, the " pursuit planemore effective,-and theeclnmeroial planemore efficient than they'. % '57_ are today. It is even possible that the discovery ofnew sourcesof energ";__',-.' will permit us to build rocket planes in the future which will outperform the'f'{'_ -. - _:- mythical bombersof our present daypoliticians andinterventionists. Iith . --'-I" unlimited energyavailable, onecan conceiveof speed limited onlyby theaoq-_,.;; .1-a_: In-92_ ,:>_ oelerationthehuman bddy can Iithstand.In that case, ourdescendants _-..e..___ . some day accelerate halfwayacross theocean, and"decals:-ate" therest oithe" 1 H: way across.If new sources ofens:-gr arediscovered, thepower oferplosives'f_'.',_ Iill also increase. Andthen, in some futuregeneration, fifty,or s hundred,I-i" -r 92.-. . or a thousand yearsfrom now, the United Statesmay beaspvulnerable attach,to f__ .- S rm Iharopeas Englandis to-dai. " _ 'm , ij _:-{T1 '- ,~ _ _. ,a _ . _ ., , -_I _ . ._;-- . . -- ._;-_1:U_-' - ,.'-'j.1_;. ~ . .. <,.'."..-_ ' ~.-"1-*r_'?'-_ - -4 '' "If. '' " .-_1--.__~.=..s - . 41 - . . - - .~ - - . ~ I. . - ' : .- -. V - _ 1.5.D . U: . . '_ -5? ' Ion, 7 Iam surethat manyinterventionists will-feel ,_,er -- ,.. '1" 're my some day harnessthe atomand travel in rockets,vs shouldgo tosrari;"" - . J 'immediatelymake to theworld safefor whateversystem ofgovernment exists .'.-~ in that unlmoen anddistant tine. But I an among thosenon-interventionists who ' ,. .0.' L. ;~ 4. feel that ee have enough problemsto solve in our can generation;and that if-I~'§ _. .»r _ our grandchildreninsist on splitting atomsand buildingrockets, it must beupon- .'__=<._ their,._ ownresponsibility. I believe thatour generationwill haveaccomplished . ._92' ;'»its @t,yit as pee m to our ohileni. freeand independentimerican heri- tags thatis nottoo greatlyburdened withthe debtsct war.And so,for thePf; _~~;f present atleast, I am willing to passthe atomand therocket planover totil! 1n°°1"°P"=1°111ll=I.hold intrust to for gemrations orthe future. **- » ..- 51"." '. :-=; '- . , - . _ - ~- -' 1:~ -1 .- _ . . -" ii _-7 l In discussingair power, as shouldstart with the realisatiell 1: : ' -' that nanseonquest theof air will bring revolutionary changesto the enfl _;,..., -. . -- _ .__ ,2." - ' . . _ . . *.- _ -- .,~.1 . - . '. '-" ;__~---'5--"ii 1-1"92..' a9- '.,, ,.~.v. - - --1 - ; -- _; ;-- . - . - . , 1 _ _ ¢ _ _ - _ . 1 I ,..,. .- - _. ~ " - - 1. --V. F~ -- 7 _.. -_-.-1__.A - 1. I .. - ,,,_?_:!a :%V -.__ ear

' ii*P.':" -92. E ,._P12 -#5;

- _ _ _ 2 _ _ __ -5:-I A,_ , I , .,92._ - 1,_. -,_- . . ._.._ W _ _. -.4.--. -'_;,:~_-~_.__;.1-,f.,;v¢-,-¢v..I?.'a.»;.rE' _ .1 I -,.-.-.V,_ _,. '_ _ - H.:_ - - * 7 -' T'-.11-_;»~ -- ::.=' 3*-_>;.~ u-. . * I _ -_» ""_ 1 W an ,_ :-' "..':.I"'92. .'f_§_"t -.4 il T:'1="& :j_?.."".7': ' '-_|.v-" 1' '. - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 5» N _ _ ¢_ __ ea -;, -__._-.__ -'92}*__ -. _|_!N-'--- ms-¢aa:.__,;,_-o -_ 7. . 1 -. 92, .' ' -'1'. ., --~-'.-' "" L'_;. ?;- '---u -_-,-7; _92 ._»>;,2,-._~.,-f-_ ...- --- '. uv .1 _.:.'}1.;.>-Fr-g " -- .-_ s 4 -. " II . _ 5 I _.' , '' 4' '- J... .. -r ad"; --Q.-1 ._ .,..f,.-I. -'.--...r~ .'t.¢~_""!': L _¢'iI.{.-».. '..'.- '4.¢§.':.--'_.-_.»-""'-'-I .- -A. "-s c . - . " 3.1- if," .,.."'92 -_»V_; _ .-,7 1. r ~ _ ;-.,:.,_- _. tit; t I Q I _._b-:._.92;_: 4-M ;i._._. #.__.r;; ?:_:__:__-_r;.:;'_ e ' _ j_ _' ;' _-i .2 .~-. .-_-*;.=;-1-.5 * 5| E F P:-. '. '.,-.'.. A. _~; I a' -;_r,_;i';_,'7 I .,,,__~..~_92;_;;.-_ : ' or ;;-w,-_-'1, . 92- .-I s";*>.-§,:'.~¢Z,92,r.T_. - " I--.' . I s'92 7 'Il'--1, .- , v 'v ,. 1' *_. ~;__.a'-fl ~ I ., Q-_ _ » -if __/_ . --- ';¢92, , _¥ -_92 ,r._.f - > ;_v ".-"H ".»..+ r .*- -. .- --.'---4»-¢v*-*. 9;!---,.|¢. 92 _ _ . _. _ . V . ._.._ g {set ,---__ -_." " .. -;- .1 -.1 F » _ .- - 1* ,'§. '92- -*' s. . . . ";*:'?*-' - _ 5 - - . . _ _ _...- -- .-_--- .-- '-~~..f»'-""1--?-Q-.;"-'-.,-":"@'t# " " '~'-'4-"92-"'*:.-*5-5 -x 1~r .. anmxca rmsr ._ .. -A #100-922 ..?11°-4-1 "=5. - '--15;---a"-'7-."-T-';-.3-t_1-§; *,=:;,*r?-"'5-7~'5::""?=i". !.§-és"-Q A T.- ' 1|.4 '-F 'd '~ we:-ld,_and that changes .'a- cf the world are bound to affect in some degree _all other portions. Ihateverjf-..1 1* -- affects merica affect Europe and Asia; _ and, conversely, whateyer affects;_j_1§=§_

.v.¥- - -1; Europe and Leia is bound to have more or less effect on V i _ "_...-:_H;-L:.V -. _ 'l _ _: ii ,' _ _ if I LI. .4 I .=_ __".__92 _ I; -1-_:_-_:Ii_ 92....<'..'s .-,_-1-.115 -I f . "Possibly appreciate the sipifioanc: of air ':l-- better And one by must considering remember that theeffect aviation has that sea developed power has as had mach on inf!-' the ¥'.1.t1On.h1P__;';:5:f_igeneration an -.v_-__ 11-1.; " and shipping fortunes developed of nations. over s The period comparison of centuriese 1 is not exact," ;._ but 1.-.-.--;-1?.-__.-"ff-;;;_it is enlightening'q"i'§:;f;_r-§_F92*_.___-4. -g-4.--4|... '" 'g<,-fmn great changes methods earfareVtelceplaee,**_"_.-J _n ;._.,. - history shows that empires and nations fall, and other rise instead. _The in-¢_;g-_-if -J"-_p- portant problem for us in this country to solve, is new to turn the _changes__:-§'.'1531.. :- ,.> ' : of this modern era to our advantage and how to avoid having then used againstM le if we use air power intelligently, vre can increase curnational safety,~ 2 - add to our standard of living, and improve the quality of our cilisatim.¬"-

But if we do not use air power intelligently, "if we expose ourselves nnneces:-3_-*7: is. 'l92 eerily, if we fail to understand its limitations as well as its advantages if .'-,. we allow some foreign nation to ham the d6T91Opmcni:I'Of_1IlndQi'n warfare against "ll Q us we may find our national safety in jeopardy, and "cur standard of living -.-l__ '+_- 1 far lower than it is today. In fact, air power if unintelligent-ly he.ndled',{ . . - I.» could bring the doenfall of the very civilisation which created it J .- __l,.-a - . .- _ - . '- s ~ '1-1*. :;_., _-_.. l . __ , - 1 . _ . ~_. __ - _...-.?§,,-">-, -H 5'.-. e l ' l 'Afte' ad careful of this prcbleun, 7. I Europe, over a period of years, I was forced to the conclusion that France and Ezgland were not in a position to vrin a war against Germany, and that the domi-_ ,n-- 4 -s nant position in Europe had shifted frcn England, as a sea power, to Ge:-mam as_ E a land and air power. The some study brought no to the conclusion that _. I; - .' Z -In E while aviation greatly strengthened our position in America from the stendpoint~'. I of defense, it greatly eeakened our position has the standpoint of attack.ng_--51; 1 . - _ _- .. ., . -3--~~_--..; - * | - E1-U"9P.e - - -. '". ~ -- .<:.-.--".- " L1-.i., --3'-_..--'+'-;.~-':-1-7-we?-*'r92-"'~'e'Iz -.-.1-yr-_;:..'":'.A '51 '3-"*'?"4f-if-1-":¢.""'§."lci. '71 - ~""+.:T_-,.'.q .,, .., - - -e -'5-1 rfr ;"',~I--,~""§,."A?-".3?- ,¢ .'I-- -= ; ....'~--.'|- , r,v;_' "" _ . 5.. . - v _ A-'1-_ _ . _;-._--. . -2#",?1' -cg; 5 ea '4 if -'= *- P1.-92F"'!' . .,#,,_' __- ''.- ,,_' . ""f a92: r p "_ - _"'? K L. '_-' ;.T,; ..,»..1.-T .. .., 'r-,|- _=-y -as "5 4 ¢"- Q -. 4:» ff",-:.: 3- as .31..-é -1% "" '1-l§"I"""C{'.-.-. _."-- V; --.s--r=- .; i _: _,_i " _ _.r- '_ '_-_---_,.__-.:_-_ -~.-92,_. -_- I based ___-I; -- »_ .-- these - conclusions _- j. _ .-,. ._ ;-*_1¢:92';l.-!,,;' - upon many - .-_ observations _. :- :J -- ..,-._. - »"-.-~ and <__- facts,''. _. there 1| not timcgto outline all of than tonight, but x would like o»s»r1n;aE5"~__='5_'~-. some of the most outstanding to your attention; '51}. '. p. " ' '_ ' It was obvious, even before this war started, -that air pa-is-':' '._: node it costly, if not impossible, for navel forces to operate within effective » bombing range cf an enemy coast adequately protected by aircraft. This meant that troops could not be landed and maintained on any coast ehere an encny had _ :7- _ strong supremacyOf th-C lire AF -as-'92 -._.l -s__ 92 ls! -A These facts have been confirmed by the results-;--'-"- ' vs naval lllll 5.1! Ditties 0!! the coast of iicrway, in the Bkagerrak, ll the . Ho:-tn Sea, off the coast _ of Greece, and in the vicinity of Sicily and Crete, _ . llhez-ever sea power and air power have clashed during 1-his war, there is not 7! e. cigle instance ehcre sea power has ton, - A _ _ _ -j .4 _ , _..-'-_._-1 3-,5 -1;-"'§:i-"" -1 ._ P . s _ 9-. .', l, .. _7 . ._ _ -» -QT. 92,- _-V.--- ;-.1 '- ' - ____, It us obvious, before tbs -ear started, an the strongest air force in Europe, and that air poser could strike across ne.--"~ . $1 "" ¢i- '5" _.

P 1 '1 i -.-92.'.I< W2}. _

92 _,.,,_ _ . _ ,,,.,.___m__...._.._...... =..=~=.=..~- " w_'l. -1»u-I A, _n . '4 V_ .- v 1- ..4_ -;.:', .--, J j "- A I - - 1E T'» :_- -~ -;' . _,-'- 1 i I 1r1--~--H; I; L _ -- . } p . _o i i _ _ ~ w, . _ 3,1. 1=- -3-; '*-.-w_»- _ -e .r -~ - it # _ " ' ' 1 .,,' . -. _. _:,_ I ._ . r 92. l - ~ = A -- ' _ _ V 5 ,- L I I - -. -e n _.._A{.______u__._ . 1 1 .! ;. . , r _ . __ _, . . I '_ 4 _ _= . _ . - ._ ._ _ , ;. _92 1 _k._-, *1. '-F ;'_=. I -.__ _- C.f 11_ I . _ --- ' - _ -.. 1 _. - - it 1, : __ 1 - ~ v .- sr , ~ v-92" '11 1 H I " mznlcl rmsr ccmnrrns ; #100-922 _e}__]9¢lo-41 _.j", .- _ A ;<_ , . _ . _ , 92 . _ . _ _ _:_ _ A _--» :95, .. C _ ; 1'; _ 1.'L_ _. .- _. __ -a i-..T 2. British naty or the French these. i'acts,"-utco',i u.+."'t.'5n > confirmed by the developments or the war. - 'p _ ___,§=}.._;_'-Q; .. , .~ we -. ;_' l.,M- l - ;-'--.. ._.Q-.-".1 ' - " - 7 - ' .. ' '.,-a - ' - _ '~ -_ 3'-~* "' ~ '92- - ' -92, '- " .- ~-H --. ~-I ---. 1-» 92 - -; .'-. - -' It was obvious that aviation, and the mechanization of ground - .-as-1 K. ' V forces, among other elements, placed Germany among others in a strongenposl-_;_'"r. tion under Hitler than France was in under Napoleon. - _~ 1' "'»_,-{E-b E 1'4 .5.-'7 f '- It was obvious that England lay within idea bombing range oi_" -_ aircraft based on the continent of Europe, and that her sea lanes could be - -. -_ harassed both by submarines and bombing planes. German objectives, on the other hand, were farther removed from bases in the British Isles; so that gr if England and Germany had equal numbers of fighting planes the advantage vrou'ld still lie with sex-many - . ' ' ' . . "r ------'- s *92 **' 1.' '"' 1. _ I . - - _92 <-- -'. 1' ' I' §'.,.. . .. -> _ '. A _ _ _, _ _ .-. ., - - ' _ '__ _.s I _- ' - 92 , ~ yr I - K-. .''f ' -_ -_,_, _ "- _ ', --_? ,. - .1 - - 1 . It was just as obvious that the great distance across the ocean in.» placed America outside the effective bombing range of European aircraft, and " - that even if it were possible to establish European air bases in South America e' %'¢*- which I believe we can prevent, the United States would still be outside or 7 3_-=.I their effective bombing range. 4 .- .- -.,,_ - " r i l._ ;_ ~--. 1' 1";' 11¢ T . _ __ - After I had traveled through the various nations of Harope, J. and Asia, I came to the conclusion that there were two, and only tsrc, great and . natural air powers in the vrorld at this tine -the United States, in the 1 ;. s western hemisphere, and Germany, in the eastern hemisphere. I was convinced that neither was in a position to attack the other successinlly across the __ ' ; .5 ocean unless an internal collapse preceded an invasion. It seams clear to ne | 5 that the quickest way tor Germany to lose the war would be to attack America ' and that the quickest say for America to lose a war would be to attack Genae.ny.* -_ . _ _ r_.-_ ' _ . ,-. ,. ~ .4,» - _s-,1---~.-t» 11 . -j _-. - .1 an-* _ 1: 92 1 .,Tl,»'.I:-~l'e=~¢»~e'*e -J-"7"" " 3.7 W-Y or illustration i'eu1>150e'e'sre should tollcvirithe lead .'<.-- -.'-7* 1 1. the interventicnists and enter a war against Gemany. In that case, we met . _ s send the great bulk or our armies, and supplies, and incl, aorcse the Atlantic ocean on ships - ships that would have to be built, tor there are not enough in existence today. The vulnerability or the shipping to bombing planes, . _ '- raiders and submaries, has already been shown by British losses. Our con- ' a x '°Yl tould. be harassed in le Atlantic by Germany, and possibly in the Pacific. Q1 by Japan at the same time. And under this harassment by bombing plane, raider ;. and submarine we Iould have to find some lay of forcing a landing, On I. . ' hostile coast. Ie would have to force a landing against the prepared position of the same army and air force that broke the llaginot line and overcame Hie if British, French and Belgian amiss combined. We might easily find ourselves 2 fighting, at one and the same tine, Hie military forces or Germany, Italy, it - ~¬ Fl!-11°. Bpain, Japan and other nations, with the natural resources ct Russia 4| available to them. and it is not at all inconceivable that before this war is over, England herself nay turn against us, as she has turned against France and Finland. Reasons are always found to justify whatever action a nation takes in time ct war. It was no acre i.nprobable in 1959 that England would turn 'J Fdainst Finland and F:-ance, than it itoday that she will turn against es i9._ "__ 92 -

92- ' :1!»- _ - L2 ._. .. ~- ";--, "' " ..-M - -'- " 1" - -~ r ._-=~@»=e,+, ~ -, ~. 77 P->: ' ' ' " " ' ' ' '--Ln " -. '- 7- "I5" HE'5"1'._ . =? '-..E.92"-'-".-.-92.' - '1-H -; -'1-.-i-'.""' F Z E.W _ Q Q _ 's K H - i"92-*',"".._.-'-.'..--J.-: -4';-. ~$j-,aiJ. , -.. H ~ zl , 4 " - * y. -Y -1,. ,-1-.:;'=> .._.- *-..-.1';,_-- -T--v 1' '.- -'.-'.'*'' -4'.._._._ ,_ .. - _ .- .._ .-1 1/...» 92-.ée+-92-.?& - ,_ _ _, " _....._, ..-q = _a_ ,' ~ ~~.'-"-~'-""-_;92-,- --._ Ls 1 ' | " " _ , .-.--I-_.----11;. J "' '-'.'."..:§-.as _ _ ; _ _;'_1 _ " f Fun, ' ,1.,-.-'-.r§J_-_l"-51.1 -1 -'_-,_' -I-=_,~*,-§.fr%»1_-5",.':- ' _'_'-._e_ _, ,{---- JV. . A , ~ _ ._A:__ '-'_ s =~; N. _ z<- ',__ .f4_.' 1--_-, .J-,_ j-?_.1-,__~_,~*__:;i-;-;,;-_-,-,"'_-._-;,f .,-3, ,'_ ~ _» -:1,-. if-1?-_, ¢_-*_;;,. : : r : 's ~ 1 1' , ~_ . " 1 .. 0* »1" - - . -. ~ :-**»--"4- :_ '. _.. -».i_~ at _.~'*-., °"L~i..'- 1-_y;_..1i' ;'.?...~'_- .,.':|_-___- ', -,»-I?.--~,»';-~'- _._ , -,~ '.-,- _,-_. 1&5 »;.:=;--._' -:1--e.1*" '§__»-- _' - " '- 1' ' _ :' ,_ 1. "_-:f _, ..-. T . -5 -_ r=»= __ -4 .4 r - -- '. .__ -_--~ 1-_ .. - I -: 1'-'-~'-W - ~ _- -'-.-->-Y.- V .__, -'>.§"="1',-.f""" ._,_ - __ _ -,¢' '.¢'.7"-"f-'5'. __ .5<-- :_ .- U-tn '._- _ . - _ v<-. '. _' ._ . '._ I - ; 8 _ _ . _ ,_ .-,.:_ .» ~ .§.»,__:7._...___,q,,_ -r "=,'-- .;:'»l 1,-_ -.. ."-s;?'-e--»"S-155?"."*5¢____'i_.<.¥¢~|__. .:, -. - nrnucs rmsr commune e- - #100-922 .1 n.;.~-15 _ I-.1 -92 . .. .-.. 9-1<>-'=1.,.-:-"=2;-"ts-f:-uhe-.. q L, 41- ,f_. -, ,_ I ..-~, I <,, _, ,_ ,-- __ __ _92 4. D , -. '-H , A H . M ~ ___F - 92 ,>,,_ -- -,=,_;_~,_~;.,.,n;1.-.f,_.-_,_no-3:1,"Tr - .» W.-§I...___ I -fie-' 3.1. 1 . _;,;~e_,_,=*~92-" --- _ - -. .- " 1_<=--I . . ~~ , H _ --we -92>- -"*.~-5"."l92' -3. Q T-1 .-4 . _ _: - _-. ,_ .-:3-:1 _ - '1~ " 1 2 n -' » " '1*-;--="?--=-~'*!'+*¢-»;»"*¥"*'§*'**I"$" . ~__;»- '; H _ ,_ _ p __ . _ , -5 ;. -;. 1-,.~-,'f.i. =1;,-.14-1§z%==.;f;;>ie¬§._=§';*r- 1! .f_ - -,..-11; »';,*'5?15; "4-i - it boomed expedient to her welfare in the future. If 1* question my words now, I ask only that you read a history of the relationshi s " ..'-f'. ., , o _ -.4 between the United States and England during the last hundred and . fifty 1 ?-".#-:~.J~,»--__-'~-"-" '~r~ . years, and that you combine with this a re-reading of the p ledg se o f everlasting |,- 4 = - Qloyalty that took place between England and France less than two years ago. If l. - ou will d th ,» y o is, I believe you will agree with me that wemet depend .. uP,p._,., ¥_T:._'--' E _ _ ourselves and ourselves only, for our security in the mm:-e. f;.'-.;:.-,-f, -*e_o;7.-.-:_'-':_.;i-._1§J_'f;-.-"1, I- . ; '. I _ l i . Bow instead of following the lead of 'inze14§é=i£1ei11i£'i,'-$5 _ suppose we concentrate on our own e d f enses, as I have advocated, since long'_§§,?3' iii. i ' _. bef ore th is war began. I have maintained that if we attend properly t~o"o92=1'_§§'-F-j,]¬1""-fl 1 own defense, no European or -lsiatic power will dam to attack us; and that_'if_.';, r92 p we attend properly to our om affairs, none will desire to.l, But suppose"j{§'5li§T§'_Ij.{- _, . that the fears of the interventionists oome true, and we .1-. attached. In h-'."-+1.;-.~; E;-i'- that ease it would be our encuny, and not we, uho would have to force a landing -,1-;:* L. on a histile coast. It would be our enany, and not ue, who would have to.,A.v'__'.~5~"'_-»'~* I maintain supply lines across the ocean against the harassment of our bunting plane our submarines, and our battleships. In that case, re could use our own avia- K e tion to the utmost advantage, concentrating it within a few hours at anypoint on our shores, and basing it on established and well-equippedair fields '-7_1".rl~ § 4! I f the British navy with its bases strung out from Alexandria to Soapa Flow. 1- .¬.*|_> '~-..~ 'if that navy with Gibraltar and Malta to assist it, cannot rennin within .*j'~;. _ in; range of the European coast , the h n ow can any new. or any combination of "-if nsvies , cros s the ocean, and without a single base in this hemisphere, land expeditionary force on American shores! . M. ;;--___- -;..j- 3;,-_§i__ b ' i... 1 . _ 'Instead of reducing the valueuof the aglantio Y . '- from-the standpoint of our security, aviation makes than more important 'ever before Li H ' ' -4-W- K . r Power Practically _ removes the denser of .2 attaok 57 sea" _ .__I_ and _. F.-5? r . ooeansthemselves prevent effective attadks , by air. -. _'f_;'_,'._ -- , "'A .:¢__._. 1.-;.- ~ -- I; "'-- p.A."- 5 _ _ w_ _ . , ,_ .. .. p : » -Let us take advantage of this facts!-et us take .¢me.5.er the changes that aircraft and this modern era bring to nations and to men.-Let _;-';;' us use these ohangel to our advantage, and not permit then to be used against . us. They can either strengthen our American independence, and add to the *' . quality of our western civilisation, or they can take us backinto the endle's's_' __.,| _~; - wars and quarrels of the old world. The nation that mkes use ofthese ad1ran-_- -;_-e; - tages will survive, and the nation uhioh fails to understand them is certain ;'_f_--I1 to fall. The choice is the test of America, and the usy of lire we have l.--,-H-92;.';.- = built up in this new world. - _ _ _ . . 92 . . I. P. -_ _,?':n¢ _ 7 - . ~-. '. _ = Iehave the mad per 'r 'set defensive position 'of 'nation. u. r have hi ghly developed industries, and an entire hemisphere full of natural _ resources. Here in America we have developed new standards of life and a -'1' ' " new civilisation; and our forefathers f t f _ national tradition 1 be ouph or the right to do so. Our' l " I s sed on independence. Shall we new give up the inde-__.-'?7l_'.;;'?%-§;e<. r _ pendenee we have won, and crusade abroad in a utepian attempt to fer_00_¢_3'_.._; | 1 . ' »-.92- _ , '- '. ' 92 r * _ '. 7'-"" . .'='- ; -L» "' P '-*5-~:""" I 1. ~ if -' _ ~ e-_- '1 .1 - ->.=F15l<:5~%§*¥.-£§?-@¢5fi"'1'*1*§-9'1" ,. - A . -. --v-"-'_';"~t,f"*lF'_I _ - - -. ': _ . -. A '-+r - 92= w -,--I-"e-s_~.-~ . ' ' "x 92' .::'";-_,_e . " '_ .*,E3e=-hr.-£1! _ _. -.- , .:;.-1.}.. _|_A11f.'A"'T_T7; Y _ -1 -._3".._ .--.-, _ -._1v...92.~~. 7.- - ,_ Q _ - --,92 I _ P 1 .. -'- :. , -r- .-1.. .2-1~ "1-,._ J ._'._r_- - _-J.;- -"--~92;1_ '1- - . . l -- ' k a '1 1 92 _ . - ______.V_ _ L-__._,_-,_'_,-puny. - -,~~_ . . _._ ». al__ =,n7__.=.,-ff II - Mtg/4r" -,_"= at . l . __ . _ , :_ J _-- 1:, -_'.__'_92__ ."i__ 1 v ., __ - 1 - 4- :3- - e , i _ 92 ax 4 1» M J ,1

Inn- r :- iq

- - V , .7 ' . ,_ r, -._. -. r» ~ . V. ._,_ _ --.~~"" ,'-"- ..:. . =- ""-." __ _i_ _ ~' a.»-.-,<_m.1 I ' - ~ . _._v _, ".. __i .1».-_'-1' ,._- ..f-!,,~.._,-,;.. -- ,,,-,:.1...¢e . --. ~,--3:. --- 2 --- '.:- = ' ""' '-e:_-J4 -"'-I " :- ., . A4_.._. -0. -Ir» -_"r92.,-.7.'__'92".-' ._92-re-,'?§!-"_:' ' __ L V ,.. in -_,;..- L __ 4.? -1- _ H: , ___., _ Q ,, . -.-1- . . . ,v~_-~ J7_92 ..'_.__. , . . ,-._'II|92_.1.n- - " .. - age. . 1-- Z .» Q5 111.----1*; *.s'--si. I -,-no ._ ' ._ -_-_=- a_..'-".4.'4;9:>_'r-~-;e'.- ;' _; =- _ '__92 . , _. _r I. .__; ,_ . y.-Ii 1., '. " .4 - - _ :_A 1 _: 3" __1."___k 1:1; V;;"$ "J," :_E..-F4; . . '.-'31-..:1:-'=*_-1"-"'k:7Y.---'>" E? c- »-* -" -'H. _ , _ . . H _--__ _ __ [email protected] 1.-- ~r..__"__,, ._-_ 5, p .,,,.-__ 1 -_,' r 92»'- .. __ ~ _-»_--. » - _V_, P . .,_. ., _- .-- _- . -._-.' . . '. 1 ammca rmsr conmmm -" 1 .,' #100-922 _--~ ""-' _ 9'1_f'|1-.;"'T?.f;;,'?; _ _ _< I _ - ._ . ,. - e- e e -~. s 1» '*- ' , . -3!; .2 1 '| __ _ -'__' T . I p 1-a ___v . -Z _ ,_ . :- _ . . . _ V 1 1 77*--*.l3"=:'.,"'!"-.-'.' 1 ideas on the rest of the world; or shall we useair power}, :4.._,¢ 92 ' and other advances or modern warfare, to guard and strengthens the indepen-_ {,3};-£_| ; 1', e. j. pottage danceof that our nation; isuttered-ens Shall in we Europe sell our and American Asia today; birthright or shalltor weppres_ervei_tfc*:-,-_,:e;:-the mess'.e'£_;3:,j;J-..~; t -_ our children the free and independent heritage that our ptoreifapthers_pe§§9d;_;.:;;1.;_= i [on 1=92='92m_ F, Z. J -.'-it .'- _ -H ' ' - - I L - 3 7 ' M ' '2"-7:1:-'--"=5 ..:,,, Hr". T Ihe Lmerica rst !_!~..-_.-cittee is an crgeniiation of men and E i men who stand firmly opposed to merging our mture with that of any foreign 1-;,",'1f land. We stand for a united nation behind ' independent destiny for America. We stand an forimpregnable American traditions defense and -- an tor; '{1_~';'; right oi free citizens to meet, and to discuss the issues that confront t1:92eir""_»*»ff_I,; nation; for the right to know about, and to vote upon, the fundamental policies; cf theour dying government. to also have We stand I. voice tor in the the right deciding. of those _ who still do the paying "T:-1,;'_l':-f-J"-'1':__":1 . l _ 1! you stand with us, we ask you to join our c0nnnittee._Our _]f-.jf~. strength is growing in every section of the country. But we needyour assist- anee here in Oklahoma. Ie need your assistance that treedom and independence y,'-r~"' and representative government, my continue to live in this nation. ",1-..-., , I _, I -_,.J LI J _ . ' .- -_-_-;_e;..'='.,~-'. ¢. - .1-1._ ~ '. - _ - .- _ i-92-.7."-_.-"z 4.. ' 4" =3 1 '.-92 4*-!' »~ v _ _ _ - - _ - . _ _ . L - . -_ _ . _92 _ ill-_Il-ea-;_-ii - ' - A" --- 1% ---7-'-- ._ . '- '-'=- Ly A _.. ~._-92-*'7'J-"--'- v ,_-.-~_' , ,_- . 1 -.2, ',"' -w... 4 "-"v--.-" -¢-r - I§ r -. V _ _ p . _ . _ _._ . ,_. -- _.92 - 1 ._ . . Senator mmron 1:. InmEL1m reiterated his opposition: '-92 to ;"_ muna'.:;d'&.¢92 l_-" '2 ; participating in the present war d that used in the laet -.-ear. Senator an inIis1..ER scorned attacked allegedpropaganda, the action or Julthe like6117 zj-e ,.- Ocunoil and stated, "1 am glad the people of this state don't feel about if CHARLES LI.'DBERlE as your city council does. There isn't e. more honest,""~ -_ § decent, patriotic man in America." Turning to haticnal affairs the Bel-'|s.'l.1cI'___QI£;..;1__,-__1gr-., g, ._ ,. declared himself, opposed to every kind of 'ism' except Americaniem, 1- 92 if you must call it New Decline. . IHZEELER further declared "cur toys would '_- '.. I have to be sent to all parts or the world, to police India, China and other cg; _| places and I am not in favor oi sending American boys to die on the bltt1I-.;.,;"§;:,,:3_- a fields of Europe or Asia. It we go to Europe to save democracy again, ere ; :~' are likely to lose it in this country. ii Membership cards were dist:-ibuted-§j}.;'--l §_.. in this rally by the America First Committee, 408 Per:-ins Building, Oklahon 4* City, Oklahoma. On the back of this mambo hi i. the local organization 9 _; .1 - - rs" p ,card _ are j . the principles -._' 'Y_=xLT92p-.,?,]'0; A 4 . ..'.~ -- " ""7 1. d e 1- Our first duty is to keep America - IN? path to Weld onlyfreedom. - destroy e dmccracy, e - not save it. "i'he path to ear is a tales-. . ,. s 7 2. ict by acts of ear abroad but by preserving and eztendin.g'f- . democracy at heme can we aid democracy and treedcsn in other lands. " _-ff 1',-;-5'-.l_ R 1 8. In 1917 we sent our Juaerioan lhiPl in-he the sonelenl this led us to ear. In 19-11 we must kelp our naval convoys and merchant ""5" --"4" I - -. .. _. .~ ., at-,1» - ;~-.~..~-".'1._ 1 1 , .- _ _ _, ._1_'., V_ _p J1!-:_ V __ V 'a'... _. £4. . - _ - _ - _ - ;_ :2 - .. _. by ._ _ -_?_- -_, ; .. em ,;,., l .eee_,. . , _ _ is _. .. '__ ,5. -.1 . _ I H " 1- -. ' ._ :, '*2 I _ .. .. _ _ ., _ .::_.; __.-t ,. ;,_~;._~_- ,-;;_._,:_._,;., -.3; :1-_. =i';E:-..¢;1=.'v=.'1§*~""@'**I"-""¢¢-" =- *-r" ' ",1! - . . -- I IV, _ , 1-PF fa-' ___,__ 1 ., - _--.. =..'~..-¢-A-..-o-..-,.. '-_ - ;~ j-- . ._,,. - .- -. <'_,._-..iI!"_. -i ~».-.-;---.;»~@=*=w=-~»"..»{_.r;=_.-92'*~. ,,, - 1 ..-11.-?».,~'&;.-it. 1- -.-.-4 _ _ _ _ ,_ . . .-.___¢. .-- ,_ . _ _u_ . ,_:..- = =_-3;=_ -=_. _..¢__;- _ -,.. 1»;-_ 5, . -_: -,--r.-- 1. -._-. . , q_ ;:__;j_ -',, . ~.-- ji A._-1-5,": § .-. ;_ "" ---_;;592_t.-x_..-; , 1 .-.- ~-1; -~51"-._'..;' -,,*1{_ , ,_-t_.",.. ._ § . ... ,__. r _ ____ . =-_. .. -_, » -.'_- , . __-_Q. >4 , ,, - tr... _',l,|¢g,. _, .. I~ 92".". .-_- _,.i$;. _ 'f".'4.;-,, '_ '-,¢-.|-._-, d._92_,_ '1, -4-- 3"" . , i _' ...~e-. ->-<.- _. .»- ___dv " $5!, 2 _,_y.__' ".-_._._%_1-re-4,-V _ -..:._ _ _ "_7___F.__. *2! _- A-f ._- __o,_.... -. '__1 ~-1-'v*-"'-,0 r _- Ir_ . . - "fY--' u_. ... .~_., . _. _._,. 92., _ __ _. ,,___..' _,. .,..___W _=,_. i,-_.. .>. Q-",';*.u--i - Q-.,_¢_-.T~.: ._., » -»_.-_,~.__,,A._ .5. _.--Q-_ --{L-_-__"_»__': ,§__;.'r__,§». ._,. . |.:_,q_,.-92 7*!I-_-__-.4 92 1;, ---'1 -L. »-- ->- *'.;_:-"'. .- 73' ~ _,., .-.l_§"-*-"92 I .' :. .- .3; - *1';;~;-I=.--~.'. '§_"-"_"'-e,."-'3'5".-. >1.--1.-.~ _".1f_:'l;:-:%?- -'A .--="=.:=~a.~-; .:-;-. "_".§";-1-29:;-1'5. ."--.4"->1-2'-"';¢=.$.a£--_fin 1;}?§_."A.}?-.' '92~.':, 1*, _' .*-6* E. . .. -. P-.''*"~»~'»r92"ri;.:~;if~';-"?r1-*i¥=~1-§"§&»!3*-1f;Fi¥§?=1r.5-'.&Ti E._._-1;»~": ."- 92 1 3.--._;_g .. t:;;. i-.. . -. M. . ~ 5"' ..-- -_.;1_- -- ".' -' .4: » --.-: 57..., -'~;--I,Sh.-': "'.3';--5'.-""1...*f-3.-B4;--~.~.,: ,- ._-.:'.i'¢,_Q 1"";--. l.|'{~Q:~; 1:-'»~.'}'!'-I";--'.qF-i '01 -=<---..-- 3;.-§.;..e_-a 45,3§'- - ., _,. ._W.... _ . _,¢_.~-... ,:__» _ __ -'- ..,_-_--_ 1".-1. ; ' .~__ _ ._. .. -I . !;-1' fr ,7w.- - y .__ d _92-fey- ~_- ,-1:_ .. _- l-I;~*§- _.,'_;__fl; ~_z -, -1...Fla-_.:;.__.',;_-;_-_ ._d4_ ._.._._.- ff..- ~_ _~,;3»1_~._._..fi:}._&.:ii§~'fI H,-; ._':. 1-=-1» -Q 92 ~--- ..-.. -1' 1'1.-'.~:---.'4;"=»;_.._ ---r,~';',.'_4 .§'.».i».--v.-mi ',~ ,5vr-+.__-_"_'§-92_.__._:;-,.,4,.3 1 e ::=*.__.. =-.-'*._ _ "' __ " ,9 ' "' . _ ' ' . '-_ .-.__. J "" -7-~--'>- ' . '" ~.-I-.u __*'=-.,, 1 "Hf '_ Y -Q --..--'3' . ..-_-.-:1-.-3H '1l'g"E3>-55'-'ui'--F .=__-._. -'. ""-'h'-'3p ,, _I --" "i'?;T"'.i'L"§'-7? "_*:£-.-old _-» ~. ' e i -_.._;;__*..q ALERICL FIRST COLNITTEE ''-' :--; '¢_ - " 100-922 - .~_" ~.~ J -1/;-1» - ' Z 41;- _ .. - - - .~--1 . 7- . _ 1=n'":'.--"----:- = .-P-;'.'.,-49-1041-;;é§r:-,F§3;-i?;-.. .. --.- -- /. -- -, Hi..: s ' T Ce ,, " ~>. . ''~" -- " ~ -~-= C"1' - " --v - 1-.1@ -Q - ~. er'.-~ '.<_-.'>*;-;¢ " "°t*-e*'51X§<*-;"-:~.-.-*~+'A-":i*.§f<'f-l1+-*=*~"§923'92»-'::=~"~'e3T__ ':1',?i§"*"*--4'!-" P 1..~?'--2-"6 »-»: ;-. _ " ' » 1'i ' - -'"_»' * ' - ~ .- - - '. " --.~-; :6 »..:~ "'*-2'-"- _- .",.'92_-t:_"'r.92'l.'. -~ Z--~.- '-'1t..:f==&n.<~*..~ ~.--.'-r;, ~.~..-'-ii--:'rvreumf ._-_-- <~~ "* ' .'_"92 '~-<*~' ."'1 '1": -- r" e = I" - kon ' th the 1. id. ' -. kn ant. ~- ' ,-i- "I.?~¥~£.>'?;'- P '-L.,_-r --v' -'1_",'~L.'-""'J.r'2§'" ..' - ":"'-" -.""'~:>s4,3 ~<- 7%-53'? '11";-5'7? "?'?<15;§'{3':*;Z=@'7"'3°5§*Z1L::i_ "i,-.-1_ V '.~ . ,,'- .,,,_A1 -,:- -_, -__ :2 1,, _"_. ._.. . ._ _ _,-7,. gJ ., .__ iv - . '.--. _ 1"-*_.I'_e'_d:_'f;,'4_$;_»,, .,_tq;.,,,.}_-1'-Q;-"§¥92<3-~'--'adj-ag-5* ji ;».e-____,, . _ __, .1 L . _. .---- _~;»-1 "' - '»_ 4. We muetbuild a defense, ior_ our shoree,"ee"etrongiff§,fg§1_§§§; T3_ {B L-* thatnoforeign poweror combination or powers can invade__our countryj¢byL;_-T;_§_§f;s;j§f_§ . s o-=--"ur or 1-ma ~" -o_f=. ;.~. ,'.-;;.__s *-." -3* I '4 :;f.:-':}_=.i~:T'i._~~3T-5--*;=_1~"vi-P-?:[§=§f_*?-Ifa;§f;y3:;L';;}T ff 7 j".'-.'"" * - 5. Humanitarian aid isthe duiqfo£__e strong,{res " pat peaoe.ith properiafeguard forthe distributionof suppli'es,i'I-e5#lI~-..-A-1'5"-"-'-".. should feedand clothethe sufferingand needypeople orEngland, the"ether";-.;$-5§:Li_-"". .. ' democracies and the ooou ied e t i _ 1 P oun . r ee ' ; ';-_e . ., ?,; 4, -a_'_-?_ :._ -1_..~.:~é-1f.<'-;_;.¢z.3* 13,-r -._._-5.-=..'C-1'!*l"»'*-T="-,;';:.'_,=;i, . .. ;»T g5_ ._ . .3.»; i V - I On- K , $0, _ .4'--92-7_~"--_:~~u- 31.7E?_§$_1"!eET_-RQ!e.¢¥l9§.l_e_l.el.':_i.!'ee!~.;';;§-Yup,-f-:---_-.<'~.»;mrr"£1§g .1-_+} I " §1lldi1;g,Oklahoma Cityadvised thathe hadbeen one oithe membersei the 5- -1'. AmericanT g Le ion to b appear etorethe CityCouncil protestingthe useor Q C . ilunioipel Auditorium foruse by CHARLESL LINDBERE on behalf oi theAmerica ,_. First Committee. lleELROYhzrther advisedthat theCity Councilis qOmpOl0__._-_§~f~,--;_;- j - er thefolio-wi_ng members: __ _ _ 1; . ;.._~s-L-.__;_._."_§_.__-v,._'-._-.£5".?.: -._-T.-_2;;.~'~,5§;.;1é=;-_.;s-§--_;:1§?.;;{.= go 1.-_ . g _ - . ~. * -_ .- :-_. ..._i-'-'-.=.=..._¢..-.-";.- ~'*-;,'~'*' * oi-'»' . o a. r. nu mm, JOEc. cmPam.1., 8Al.'1'Y Fiimroini mm»: ems, Lsormm n. nzcmson, L. 1. BAKER. .= ;;>->34 '. it V v -' G9Ag '-.3I_.;__"';' =5 lid.i _ _ ___ rV__.h_ "L ,,_'.".'. _ . e g t-_ -._!n ,_ ._ _. , ':.._] . . "-, ; .¢_;'H n, -10,..-1;;-' _ 2'-1'," F:..:-_92r1 1' - ' v,-V. AF -.'_.. I _. - a - . I- ' o .. "» _'. Ir.- - IoELROY _ . stat-ed -i-.~..==Ire. that .».».s I.I.xt{EEFBR no theeniyw 92' ';5;¥92.""-' per-},..,_;*-§s;', 1' ._ . '. son to appear beforethe City Council whospoke in favor oi granting the ' L use of the mznieipal auditorium to the America Fir t Caumitt I" H 'Q = ther stated ea-it Counoilnan JGE uiuwan" ' s "ee. "' IoELROY ' 1.1., I-Ilq92ll.I'0llor ail. those persons the _ _;_:1 i _ were protesting theuse of this auditoriumto LIFDBERGHif they had eon-__§_.I_C-i~f,i;-.-f_'_'¥ 'j - ' sideredthe possibility of gettingthe situationreversed andoigiving to - _ o LIKDBERCFHadditional favorablepublicity by denying him therightgto usejtheg ,'-';{ .. g. auditorium. pnenuzox saidthat a. B. nu HEIIAE,Counoilmen eee eppeeed " ' LIFDBEREHusing the auditorium beoauseoi the tenor of LIHDBERCH sprevious '" - ' 5 -o ~ ~ ~ remarks which indicated a tendency toward subversive activities. A notion-l 1 Ia: mede that th e Mayor be instructed to deny the use of this llunicipa1*_*-=,-_t"§'T:.'*'=~: _ u" A d itorium to LINDBERGHthe for purposeof makinga speech Ihioh light be oonaidered subversivein nature. jiayor it.1. HE-FNEB,inquired as to 1rhether]-_,- ' the notionshould be voted upon in eeorstor openlyglineethere wasno] reply'1; ' to this inquiry MayorHEFNER statedall those Ibo Iould vote in the negativeg _ . '_ would sitnity their intention andsince theretree noindication orany 3 - 'o ti-re votes being cast, Mayor EEFKER stated that all the votes Inuld be Qet - - in the affi ti ' " A I _. ma ve to deny LINDBERGHthe use of . 1'°l°=.Ythe municipal auditei C >4 fl _ . the occasion ofiugust 29,1941. .- - --- I - 2;" - ..*5..:; e- '-"F *1"-..<;'-' W-5,."~ o . " _ .- ,.. _, -- '-._ r. .'., P".,v ."-- . ._; _' 1. :_ IICI. _ V °l ...the .V . had. rentedthe__ _- 3' -.-auditeriul I.-',,III lnstruetsd '92' e -~--¢-- - ~ » - statement- to tu that the rental IeBLRO!fee mas. tothe Rmerica;IIe;BLRor relatedFirst Co|:mittee,aeeor mesa:me n night, to d:o_'is.__ the 1.-l;_Y_.__ -.-"'_l~~'_-- _ chairman of the America FirstCommittee in Oklahoma City, Oklahomais a T5-__'-f"='T-_~ _ C republican seeking much publicity. $15? urther related that he had 72:" ; i . 119911 eeeretery to forner senator != Ye - tat: at 'Jh'1aha* ? .T,:-.;' 1

-nw _ - 11...: -- ' -. I - - 3 . . . . . - ~- . - ' .,. ,-. , .-:§.4...I92..-J ' ."'.. s "~- } ' ' _'' .-_ .. . . ' _ ~ . , , . _ , _ .- ...... >1-=. _ _.. ;." """'~' -_._";__. '"" Q,- K. .r ""' -use-, -"""' ....- , _.. .i _ ,. - 'e' "3' 7 ' '__. ._ -H . - . ' . » 1L_ - _-'1'?--41_. -.- o ;-4",, I ~_ ¢,.1.-f.-.-.-1. . _'.-1..-'._¢ --;';. -.-_- ~.e-. -51!--'2--2.1,1.. _= ._ _~ -._ -e _.-e.-_ -1.. --92¢"'J92 .- -_ ._- - ~. y: -.--:.-:12-". -1-'-*..-1".'-'T.Ki-;--1 -e - , - -.1???-" '1'-1;5i",I: ;"3:'-l»~'.-::- 7Z<~ " .' .-,' 3*<:-.:fl-.""'. . '-Y._,-_.:T'-'"#.§;;Y..r -.~-._w ;- , f."_;! L...--.;, '.'-:'5,.-;'-. _ ..' .--'; :1 - .» -_ _'.~'='.' .. . _____.1~_ .-vw ~r._<--____-,- , ~ ' ~.-.j. _'."'._;_,___.92; __ -- ._~_gr, -.-.;_ 2; -.|,.e.._. ,_-_-.,», 7;-_.-r ~-_ iv}..- ii.'- =- '- ' 92-"1"""H/-;_-'. "T-9"*1-1* ?_.§*l".rl%.'l's"?"?"-'.'"'-".4-.?."?"" F-13* -'. ~ . '5.-.. '* "7 = -7 - Q1-.5; - -'* - ' "FE5' -'T"'i"92':-~;'~1"-. ' " TR;--T»"'*;-_;f".-*-.*"'»".*-'-'*,,""1 M""'-""""aiif-Mia-:=-I-"§;' I-'5? . -.-, "~- .._._._ _. u'___q:_ .. _-,:_..4:! _.._.__g _. _ 92 _ _ _|.. _ .1-7._,_;__. -; s __ ..-_,.92_,1 ..._ V. . , _.,;,__ r-,.'___ _ . __ . i._ a. ,. t r-~_._@.1', ._»@..;.. _. * -. .'.~"3-_.».._ .-... ._. ">r-92 . -- - .-'¢"=_q» -- = . ¬ --. .~' ..-1 -.--:. <-' . ' _' - . . _. 111;":-.11; - =-1-"F £1 - - -- J -;:92;-i~';"§'*"_*P r .- - l;:~.,_p_.-._=.l:_1~_ 14'".,,_v ~11.." r. ,,- I._3. , _._- 32- I -f. ~92q- ---" 111-.-<_ 92 1,. . . - 1 _ -*. _ ~- ___.'._. -; _"--.. a __7_--_ss ?'-»_- ...:__-.__92_-..,_ 92-_'- ,1-..__. ...1! <3. -.1.; _.,"~-.,- _-- ~._ri_- --.-§.. '_:-2,6"!Le.-,-,, 7- ._. HJ_;!_';-- Q ,~ Jr_ ;H_H_._1}92_-.,7... ' _, ,_ ;-.-- 4., :- ._. 4" -+ I: ._5_:,,__-_ s -=-,-_5 _~_ .; .___: -- _"?-K._92___ -- .._' *:. .-1.-"--:-- '- U ~ ' ~ ¢_-_ . -~_-"1-;-"'11-_.-~-'_ ;- -._5-we-i~__:,1;..--._.-. -_-*' - 1--_ __j.~i__:»,,,_.-- P -~ - fa. ';_§ _f-,¢:.-.- -¢'.a.-2, -., as -.'.»""- .-_-.r -F. t 11-- . .-. 1- Tl_. -:r--"i-'§£~" _ >1-;..._-._<..-.-~..- _{-f92_-J" .7..." "1 ' _- ~ , _; -, ",.. 3. . - --- ~¥_-__--_..,-. _= -. _;-em", . _- . g -."'.;.-,_=_- ...---. -__,-»--=1-P1 i¥.,'.._1-~;';;;,._';1-*- . 1 *1 -~'~=6= 5.3- .'s.'s.---.:._-_.__----- '-L:" _-92_ 3:, I A-I . '~:-'--"4-"'i"'-5-;-_=!l'5: ¢,''1. ?f:"'.§>'¥-"- _.' {,1 !."r-- 1,-_?f: '. s 5-" -7'" *'_*- J,1. "" .'Z-» 1- J,--.1?--:2 -,_--- Q if '_'1-. . v',';~.--__1' '- -ls, _'_-__-._ ~ .- .~. x-V ,*...n.*-..-:».-:--2.,-..-L.-_ g~ =-.-- . _;_ ;-92 _a»_- * ' 7-._ -.4 - _. .. *o . , ___-t 7 M i_ _ ',_ -.. - .-.. --92*___ -; e ...; 1* ah.~--+-£~_._,,,-1' .-'_.j-_=> -:-.""d;'.,~-_I!,-;-I -.'==.~.-s- '. '--_-, -~.*='=--"1. =1-.: fr-_.;--i'¥_ r,~i:.-5:?1-» -. , 5. ,3,-. - r H 0 >2 -l?,'~::%.f;"nmn1carmsr coma1r1:es'-»f..--w-.:-.r-{A-;_ #100-922 _>%-*2-5 9'-10441, _.'»- "-T-",. - -,;-,-_ -=F=..:;.-'~ _ , ._ _ q'_':-;-_'-'-'..,*~_ T" t _ . ' .. _. ;,.;-. ,1-. a . -_- - -. {=1--,-5+. -._¢. I" ;¢,.-.**§=r-f;%§*-3i21".-1'"-~:'.'»h-n;3:;= ..- -{_ ..92_ .4 ,,-_.V_-,;_-.._-$3. ye. "1""-'-'_~- -'..- ., --,,.|__.,_ :~..;i_E:__. - - .- ---'-. ;,:.,___:.;j, .. ..._.5-1-Q - Q. -~'-H __..,_~,...-- -.,_ .- ~ .. - . .-_.». »V --w :._ _ . .. ----=_ ~-... , ___~ ..-s ."- _f.. -*7» V_ _ -._ . -..... -_.-.'-* 5- - ___,,- . . __ -A_ -Q.» . :.;j1_;*_.'._.gl-_.;L_._ .. -1'_ . _b_____ ...- 'i.'_ h.VA,§-. - . 51 1 throughthe influenceof PINE was made",USl.-'I_:c'3I.£'l0i -'1 .. ;j_ _-_?,-.~.~j'I;f.':5;jfffrecalled thatHYDE asUnited StatesAttorney hadprosecuted the I- ~, .,-.-;'i;>;._f;'_-;¬Icase,._,___,.. -1| Ilr. _.s.' 1loE1nO! q-J,-_-.,-_,believed that HYDE wasradical inhis ideasand had ; {"' " -;-,1,-=a':f.-fnotedthathe had been constantlyopposed the to administrationpclicié|'s,1'i-1~.;;;..;;;.§?: 1 ''--I - i I; ~ 1 .-' .- 11-..-:-1 -_.;:-Y-.-Pea;--=§<.=§- '.- -.__'--._-. ..<¢;.;.;;.g-f;-.';;.;v:'?'-iii91-?:*'j_-_ -. ' ':- .,._ ._~._-" By letter _ - . of ,August . 25, . 1941, confidential _ . .. _ .. Infornantj;,_ . - .. ~ _; -_- " _- _ .-

*"Y".:- ,, ,.. - led.. ,_-- _5 ..#121 . ., U..- follows *"2- .- .. -I-1.". . r' -- _ . _ '-*, -- - 92 =-_92-=._ V._ ; :.~ A-.;i._'_.-' _ ' ~@=- ..~'-<> - ; ..,_ -_,;.'f'-.-.-.-.;:.-2;»-,;':,..f..~.--. .»:..r H»: --.4.-~ 1-*.'*-t<=t _ .~. , - .4_.a-.-*-4;;»1*-t:"--*-3.='?*-'-1*-s....': -1'?-" --1 Y 5 : --1--».~~1__'.-E.s,_ .,_C 92.._ _ 1--hr_-__- _, .._ 3 _v*_.____I r -...- .. .1?:l92 r ; --.--.. ..» - _ ,.. - ..-. _ _- - , _ , ;» 4- "" I . _ __V__4_r a1 "-; . ---..'. __ __» I s- . ~----' V _ . :""**.:'$ ..~__ _.;_-_ .___ -_-J . "W'- . s M, _. 5?" -_ --e_ _.' --*'-5 _.-.»-,_s92.._._-_ "1"-'.r._L,,* ~ . .'-'-v, . _-q_ _ --_.f:j'=??§.~L'1.f--?*_ .. » 1-. .. -. » 3 7*=.* - . ¢ ,. 7 , "A reliable source has reprted. . that Gernangroups . . t 1 around, . . '-"York New have received instructions to advise parentsoi men serving under {~34-~-1"'_' .;;_,_. -. -.;:=_,;,-r__the cl - Selective ServiceDraft to tell their sons toprepare petitionsto =2" '1IHEEL1§R,protesting againsttheir retentionin the armed forcesnore'than- s.year period. The suggestionis to have the mentorn groups or clubs'tor'jI1;;i_'§:;1fj;-.p_ L, i_§-}'_-¢5.-'-d'-};'_*"-this purpose. Such petitions are te be sent to the PRESIDENT and$enabOl7,'- 'f'<;,,__ T;.I .~ fsneenea. -=;Itis to be pointedout thatthe soldiersneed notfear punishmeiit "E '=.~.-_ -- tor this, after whathappened Fortat Dixwhere theGeneral announoeda---_=*f..1.":?3:!,,"-' J.->_--Apardon. :.__.w,-T __ Presumably refersto newspaperstatements byHLJOR GENERALCLIFFORD,.-"if 1 " -7 _PUI'lELL,command in ofthe 44th Division, Fort Dix, I. J.! -The groups meet -:35 ..: .P L _ -.-,-. '1 in " taverns in the prosperoussuburbs aroundHer York,in Iestchester County f.-'..*_;gj; j_ _. . and Connecticut. Active support for the AMERICAFIRST COMMITTEEis also advo- § - estec. 1tis knownthat themmuca FIRSTcomunns leadersare nervous eve.-'_;;"-j; g . "-v_~.;-1;-,-_'._ ,_ shortage the or operating mnds, which hasrecently resulted in paid srorksrs"§-_.- -,;.er, Y"? --- ' ~ e being laid oft. The support of the German organisations and the hands they-_-._}_;ij' E _f;'-. _ provide is therefore if vital importance to the AMERICA FIRSTGOLMITTEE and 1- - 1 gives them prestigeand pcrer in this york. -_*~ l_:_'., _.__..___.___ , V_ _ -._. . . ,, ,_____, _. , _ ._I r _ . - _ :- _ _..,3 _: ,,_.'__ _;A '.~ '_'_ ...;-_._._.92, -',- Q. ._- ..r -__._; yd,__._ r ';_ g-.-. _ _ _ ., _. ,1,_ ._ ..._ __. I ..,, »,.-_ - ,,, . , . Q - - - ..,.. ~.- . . .. s s'__i.-.-._. _ . _-.-- we-_._ -_.-pt-.g_.-._~g__-.__;;_.;¬ "-. '~That -;.=~;. the ALEERICL FIRST 001i!dI1l'TBE_is being used, consciously F, --or otherwise,to dothe workoi Germaninterests inobstructingthe national.5 1' '-_'f-_- 'Y_I_?'»§--ff;defense effortis indicated by theabove andother items_ci'__i_nformation._ ;;:;;e;._ One _,er these itses is test the cnmm-1LIBRIRY orIBFORMATION nailinglist has teen*f»;,;::. -Tnsde available te the LIERIGL nae:commrns andused for their purposes...e . .l.. _. .- _, _ I -'' _- _ V. ' '__-;-l, _.j_{t--:&.-'-"--=-""-if"-" "¢'-- On July 2, 1941 "the Tulsa Tribune published an article I" ~21--"-_- stated -- that DONLOHBECK scheduleda meeting for the Tulsa Chapter of the}. sf;-=J°'=i,-l-1-F1 ,-;... -.5.- lmerica First 5 at moo pm July11, 1941 inrocn 211 er the ntsesfa-'§*~?>?-;?Yl1l v .;,:l£f'-'-_I.=§"- H0te1s"In- this article it 18 further stated that LOHBECK had said that ¢:f.-:.'-_..~'- ..--3~;;-;;--.-lenator-GERLLD . P.m er North Dakotawho hadspss?-5?.1?H tn.Committee's P1-e=-17:1 . gran of non-interventionist in the BsroPean war prohabl-7 1Ii.ll'ccsncte hiss. '7'- - to address a mass meeting to be planned by the local committee. - On Lllgust >"'21, Q1"-."'f;. 1941Rev. OJ. PANICS! actingchairman ofthe lmerica First Committee,'. " -_,'-'=~-:-"-"Tulsa, attempted,iith the assistance ofI. 8. POULIS, nuketo arrangements 1-.- _;_33i-'i;_-_r-'_-_;;- with the Iqyoeotel tor operations to contend ameeting -of this committee; -;_'-§_f3t¥L"r"1:;l'=1Jt:92:arrangements wereunsucoessil. such hi August 25, 1941 the Iulsa Tribune * ' _; published an article that GHARLE LIFDBERGHnight be booked tora peace lee-.< :3-¢1;'."*--<-."'b92arsin the state while for his Oklahoma City address. This article further; _",_-.-_-.3?-: f-;';'_*;+"#'-5--.1-'"that ieverendPARRY, Ianporary statedchairman, advised: I! The committee "had abandonedefforts to secure a roan in the llayo Hotel for the nesting I-Ill! icbtained permissionto useone oithe districtcourt rouseinstead. !-91!; '15.",-'92=-. - 5; __c1ainsd '-{$7 aw intention of serving as promised chairman permanently for-*3! *5'*~"é. 5 _ I :1 -= 1*-',.- *--"-: ..-America--= -4- -. . first - ceeentts. Iith the statement- . "1don't - - . - - tans, have . ".* In = _*_-11.9,- '.s"'4-.-" -Y .9'*4i_.,3

, _ _ _ r . ...._ . _ |- ., ~.-.. - . - . 1*-r 2-" ..-_.-, -._ -..__ 1 ~ _ . ~- '.-; M _/ > _.__,._,.___._ .,-,... ,,,.-. ._¢_p = __=.'_-'-_-I5-.t»~_§I-'~.a~T-4'§_a=.1.~::=r*.-.1'~"if' ».<.=+=:~:"..;_!:Fii.,;.we@;=?<£5;" ,._. , Q . _ _ .. .I I _. _, _- . V . . l -T _. I _- . I p _ _ _ H. _ ;.__ .--_ _. - .- - ,~<_- 1' ,.-, o -_ ~ . . . , .-,,-... - ,,... » '.-.92-£_w 1,_._ - , _ ~ - __,... . ' I-1 +1 -, -1.. -___-_- _-,.'-J-J; .. "V -- &~-~ ...._".-._ -- . . -I - .. » "'-.. .. _ - r..,_ 5, .- _- ;_-_-_-- K .- .. _ ._; - , ';. ... ; p -; <___.. - _-7 _. . J I. 1 _.__=_;__,; ;_.n_.*:L ,. J ;_. ;,_ _ _ -__ ,______.._ -- .;~ 1;U-1- .-mm _ _ ; _..,. '-. .... yew. ._ ._-I-.4 " .1 -5%, I-r ..;g.-,7 ,,__;~ -e t-. 1'1,:'r' --IP01. _ A-92 i92_ =1,Y; ..- :92.- A ;.4;-o 92 -~ ' 92»--..-.15-; . §:;~::w»-. '1 =. __ 1* f--.=:~-.~.-we.» 1. < ,1. me =' v3',_z. 1.. » ~» ..> __ -.-r-.¥--.-~*_.._ . --. ,-rr. ~. x .~-1 e-FL ..*-1;-' =- -Y»: _ ... '- . .-;-~ Z. 3"-"-: '.._*; ~ & 5. 1,1}-.'5--T7 ?" .,l -1 1"-.*:';..»'*!?*;==_-"*& -'if.=: |.;>- 92~;.;,_-_'.~ '73:"Q-.%'5-~*--71-*1". 14"-'; '-rile; ,-51 - ' ,.'._-_-; -,~~.:¢*'~'-E _ -,;_- ,1 " --e -. .. _- '__ .1; I" '- _' ; *-l.1.-:- . , --_ ' ..,E--..1;'.r?!... 92H;_,,,. -@92- an -x;"-1"--' ,|~ 1,1 1 SH-'9--, :1» =;'~='-T*~:.=f"'=..*--;'i!..ii < ~ . .~ . 3.--.-_=_ . wo ,._w- - -+ ."~;.--:92._rv.~._.~,»=~. .- .» -.- e-e.,.-.-_-»_._. .- .. .5--= .. . <.=..F-,- .- ,.._~=s J".."",-a__L,-'5'7J'?_'" --+,,_~ r. -»_ K - e_=-_.. * .. . .;'.=,:., ;,;a~;<. -;;_;;_-..-..;;3~_-fl-_-hf--, _.;»~--%-- -,,:.,.£'_-:4..r*.',- rib.- R. _ . .. . . V ' ei;-.n»~--'»-.~.*=¢;;:;v.¢.-7:».¢.¢-»=*-- "-92' :¢- cf. ~r_- __.N-. ---' - . .- .7. _ .*=.-92~ -4'-- R . ' - ;- .-- _-.= '.-.. ~A -- -. "U-1 i- -..-- : --...~-.1-='»1"..>:-1.--a ~- A-.-: * '-u-.;u92.~ -"J" ;l"92*:' -""M ».'" '"-':- ; -J." i"'-K ..-"L.-53'»-1"" l '-I' .--54»-~ FJ,""§,/1*;' ¬'.~ e 5»-.1;' ' 1-1v=u'-é;-_"; E -$,._;,:,.;;_1g:U{,;'.:'_"§:;. ,__ 1:--ow , ~I . :_"L, _ -;_._u;,;_-g'_;;,;_- ;_";_.'_ . .;_,;._;§i~,92, . r- .. -rt -.1. , ¢ .-.-F -. | .|>, - -.... - .v.-X-92I#. __ __ P ,1 ~01. »' G, ,=._ --_., . . -. . . . . ; -.92§-1.--.--I-~;" "---- ; ~ ~-. .1 *' -- lg ,1. '" .-g-. -. _,. .*--.' -;--- ._' . ~--'l~"92_' -, l] --3--92 .- 92 1' |_ .1l'lh'J:l11¢.»'1-iii;-.92>.71.¢.-.=i~--..'3 s-;'sc;=r--*=A>5. 2'"-l-"5; =9-1-~.-"o *=4*~*.T:-tier-<"' e/...'l~f1.'..:"~.c;S~.c5"-.-.;."5 "*..'*-i"=T:-"*l.:--?.'$§¢!Z.iZ55:'-5% -i-""-*1 o=-f?.--""-14*. __, _ _-a'-,_;.,- ._, _ ;_,_1.;._.§92..~.'!>'.;'_.,-1,4--,,,.._-..; ' ~.' ~»' . ..-92_ ' - -- _ -."' ,V 1 '- 1:-1 _:_,- - 4 "|-."Y _. ->5-H-~ ~.. J, it , -_.-=. 1;-'1_."..,_J.?,-;{'_ v"'1-.1-92~_-.*' A... -1';-92. =* .' "-*:- *1 '1 .*- -E; . -*=.- $4 -1-. ,.. 1 - '--¢ ; .._. .- *-_._- _ ,..,,f._..-.4 ..__ .-'-.92.¥'-. 1" ¢:-- - - -§.>I¬,-2" "':_ ,1 .;- .#.r33.'*". hi,-I-.'._. :;~'.?.,:-.:~;>;?.1.a~f£.';;'-cw.i-""';'.¥»*»,r.'/.; L: = >q;".=7-"=-_it .. - =.;- . i.:_».~ - "-. , . i- , .~ -1. - -.- _».v _ _. '--.. 1. e- ,._' - V - . -"'-~~» . -~=. - 1-'*-: : '. -e 1 . ,_.. - -~ --'.-.>.;§.I'---§,o-~,|92r¢.19292..»1I._r #4» - ~=- --»»e»£- . ".1--"~--1' 1*.-1-'-1*; » ~'"92 -;- ;~- . ~-.-- v.'<_:;»-Tar-'-*1; I--'~ gain? V_:_=l:;_::£§. .___:;__»-1,, ....92 .1 y, .1:/. _* V . -§_ I:-.P=.»;_ _:. ._.; LL UM ~_ __ i... ,,,.*,. , . 'l'§. _b._... .I .- =-1 - msnxci rmsr coma-rrsn , -- "-='@".*;' . . ,- . ''11- ; . _- #100-922 . - - "5.?i92'-EH-'. 7. ---" C!?» . . ":*=¢ .. "9-1'0-41». - .. - -.- "$.51"-'*' ='r_:~~"rJ"r. _%'.':;-_~"°¬._'_§;:=;92f;__sl. 1 2.-9*» - -. Far. . ".¥,".'I .- *1".-If ~ _ . -' »: -7» 3," . ~ -"' . -. . MW .4 " -."~_'...._ '.4 i ;' >.'~ I ''3' "' "5 wt -_ -. ;__.- ; '2:-*-=::-:5-,=,_ 4:; " .3 ': -"'q?".,¢=?" -. '¢ '43-9' +3-.----P 1-W 1 ~¢ =.=:'g<. '1," ' ""':_,_} .1. -! ,1. .. _ . .. e .. .~ . _. n . --,-e-~. I-L1 :;f- 1-.-=1" <~'o"-i:e;;_-"-=-=~'+.~.-.'""Y ' < J .. kg. in ._ M 92. '. ." ~ -- T '-1 1.» » '=. -~_*. - "~..:-~:=".=F-.;-.s- e-",+.:3 far? r/7 .J-=;".».=-- ;§_1::.-i.#:.~.f.>;;;3. -. _=_-;.t?..;_.,_1;i'~_?;V.-92/'.;::,;"_; .. . . . Reverend PAHIEY is quoted as stating thetsome'_'1'orty . .1u1senej»L_f§-5 __. '-#5: - -1:,. H, . .. ,__.__I T,-fa 2-v;:§~ "5. - .; .5 -,..,,.;, ilk.5 =2-3; ?2.¢.f '31} , la. ahad teen invited by telephone to attend the meeting which will he_purpoeel_y;j§§i;"'J; Po_1ice_"endFire ~-_-s ~- . Commissioner was elected chairman ct thelnerioe First 'r_|. -1~"..-"- ' "-2 "_'nittee, Iorrthe 'Iu1sa_0hapter, busines of electing at e. meeting permanent at officers. the court house The tl-Ilsa Monday World. night. on .l.1ag'usl;"=,T.*?-3-.1this Jp} v-92.-71' l __»§-»- -... 3. _;_ ;.2e, 1941 published in article which stated that ncx snonnsi former =-.pu92>11e.3-'r*- as, - 1-. "'92.;l._"." - ,_ -.-_.-article relates that only about $0 persons turned cutter the nesting *.r.==." rt 1', ¢ DB1 ' ,"'£.'_'- ..''. out of "these thirty, fourteen signed up for nenbership' in the America Fir t *Z~_'¬i.f ~=' .5,-_;~.5' . . '. -:"._*. J - roup, In an article appearing in the Tulsa Tribune august 50,1941 ll.iC%ODBS,l. ..»; Al. __ M »r;.s . p_fChairma.n,_Tu1ea - America First Co ttee is quoted as saying he could like; -';'.»>;f

j=j._{.i..to i."'~» -e secure -$.u.'m nznmrrr ;m for a nesting in nu» on eptember '*_ _-F1."-_'. '""".--SHRODES :._-'*_.'.- -is mrther quoted as ng in this article that GHARLE-8_ LINDBERGE ;;il"I_;;-.': »'- .*,.-,;¢*-; .' '5;;_..;_ ..,_;,._ and Senator BUBTOH K. IQHEELER Iere. invited to speak there but were forced tc'=:§>;-.f.;_':-, L; ,',_*,__, '§"'.":.< r 3;,-.i;¢. I. _j-V_-___=_-';?'_deoline due to the other many engagements which they had. In the Tulsa Tribune rot-"3? §-.;- -. J -1§';._=I-ll? : ,_ 2?. , . ._*__ ,, .92_, . ,.,. ~ _ ~._- 522' -.5? -. .1 eg- w .._4-»,{ .1 " - on_§eptq:nber_2, 1941 is an article erhioh statesthat the Lmerica First 0on-.;§.;§1,--..'_:$ -1.1 nittee may stage a membership campaign in Tulsa on renewing up the card; 1 ;_> feigned at Tulsa nesting and by Tulsans at the CHARLES A LINDBERGH speech in ":"I7-'*"- e Oklahmna Citjr on August 29, 1941. This articlaalso stated that mcz snnons§,"?;.; ;'.'.:Ll;.%,'_-1:?-J. .1 ~3_j'.l; . e Chairman will over new organisation records tonight with Hrs. -. .» '- I--..='- _ mjzbc . p ";- _.1="i .-yr. "';:_"{;','.'] .. -_ -,_.'T: ELLA ESSEL anti WEN , Secretary and lreasurer.' SHRODES is quoted __1urther as stating that I. 3. YOULIS. Chicago Secretary and Organizer would M be _ _ here _ econ to help outline the _ committee's . program."-5' -. . 1 .- -. _. -' _ -- '-;*- ,_,.92_-_ ''-"T;-."' . , . _._.~,.._|.-92- -'48.-:".-o.-I-if ..-' _:.-.-3 :'_p,-It . 92 . VT, _ , . _-_ -. L.-. - . _ _. _~. V__ 1 . I _ - . J __, l 1 V n ... 2,1; .|r._¢__. .4 r __a .__ K _;|_|-_§ .,__:J._, - 1; , 4-0" .__;;:_-.;.;92J -5., _.{F 1 i-5-.5; +-1*- -'.--Z-e 1 '2=' 1...... ;m, 1;;.'...;o,;;.;;;.;.1;*2.;n.1;.2i 11>. a 1+1&1 T11"-§"" ' , ., .. .' H, bureau supplied the following information concerning the activities of the -H I. r,-J-u .. _. I V._A.lnericaplirst . Committee in Tulsa, Oklahclnaz '.;.'._ F L; '-";':;_ _j_-A; _- ,4 5.1%o~=- "_.;:'.~':-:1--'1. . . . . - . . e . 1*,-_--.1 -'.*:-.-'.-.- =.'.Y-':"..-.- ._-'- ~ 4 J1 ri!.l_:¥=','. i :92.*- ':.-;__ -£2--,.~'.: .-v,~'-'_;' - r r - .1 -v-- 1-""v ' '»'"-*1-'=' -"~ 7* 2'" ** 3" " ~ high. I1- I I .92. ,3: 3....-,1-T-.J Ii . July 14, 1941 meeting of the lmerica?irst cmnmittee 5 ".,>, -V .a:--- _< 'I ,. _ . . ,1 ,. _~:. -~ . tonight_at_ a.oo pa in um Baldwin Methodist qhm-eh, zzoo Block on 1:.>t.-<.-:;'e.+;*..-'.f~.~t-¢-t=~>.5,§*»_:-_.».r. r¢,4-. -_*'._~:-;~-*-- :--r..j_|'.Franlcfor-t, with about 43 women seven men attending. lnong thii group tea.-s"~'_-'2 > {=2 ft-...5. 92 iere four nen with the Reverendaslx group and three en from the 1.P.I. Q i I;-g..Vu;._.!___.A and later ff.-I.-*,.:f 1»; porgani ser. two married couples joined the group. D01,'!¬UBBO0I St. I.cuis_.- ,"'_.';-._.¥=.-__.__:l]¬J.ffoi-Tning s chapter openedthe in nesting Tulsa and stating raising that funds his to canmittee get the Hon. group Senator had intended ll :|-» ' 'there for an op.» .1: nesting. unseen: then introduced attorney mm at " L i'.;~. - ff?"-pen. omnm City Branch. mm asked for me. several times and althou -r'- .. 5" < .. -, -. eh. -. . :192- "~.n'< ~.',BO! T1. :'rr-_r~ oney was offered he reiterated his former statement that, the _"beet in- E 92L92;'_;.| . '_ FI I ',-a p suranee against further ear 1 nance this o tee. Ire. C0013 of thef{,f";" 2 .- 5:4.-'.92 5 .5 -I" < . Tulsa Peace Council, Reverend and lliss OISTOOI from the pro-' '..-'1.-;"=.-_--ii . g.§'j'_f.T,:-1- < ._ DH: .1 I In__.lnerican group not present. all instances they are out oi ten, }'§'_z_ -;. I " " I 'excuses. '- the literature distributed in these neetinge was the usual type -5?.-'-~"92.' Y2. 1....-yiee in the general stock of the America First Committee. ».;-"J-i*;_,T_§¢.~.a|-i~ "L Q. .. ."_'_ __._ 1 __ __-."," a is 7 I; - . -. I -- - '»-r . _'-,__ r 92 '_ _ . -' '_"'_..d.'_ ¢- _'_.92. .1 ." i .-I :.;_ -. -." - $3 1". that he had attended several of the =- e 4: ,. L-PJ. neet 1115 o s Her Y rk and had be a delegate to the Hlergency Peaee°'?'h"'_._.'T".A> " * -"'1 _-_p0on.fe1-enee in Chicago lest tall when the A.P.l. Ins organised and the reason '"*.'*-/- e ~ ,1-l<_'_".. f _ 1'01, his not remaining I1-th the .l.P.I. uas not the fast that -they are toe -1-ndicanlr i-'_L':fr»_-'7']?!-Ii that ihe had been offered a position Ii: the America First Committee and ,_ t. , . _ , 1. __ 9. as . there . _ ._ is _ a direct _ livelihood _- _ while _ e the 92. 1 1.P.I. _ -. ____ was _.__ financially V ~ _- _r'.'-P'A92!I9;;_;..=.-a r~.-§_ 1~- -,"xr'»Z..-.- '...'5~'.~-~-~":£- ':--"e -I-.... 1*»- --2; '>: .=»-*=-;.'- _. -*- -_'._ * ¢=*- - - " ' r ' '-. * :; " , " ,~ '- L"- --. 1% -. '" 7 -... . . '-. . " "I- T---.-;i-.-»- _ _ _-- _. -_, " _. _. .... e -. - * '=¢."--- ~- . - -. -- ' ' - e. "- re»-:1-.4--.,.~-4"" " ":"..<: .'~ "E5 "-" 92._. -..-H.-.-.1 ,_ _ -3, , -j, mi ,%,,ig§ -Mr-~./"7' ~ Y .- 1-'..".~92- , .h,~,.§-. .:.."I 1 Iv ._- 1 ...... '§'r-~¢ 5i..*-9*"? . - . _. .-_ .-~ _ s=-- "~."!."? '4. 92.:.~»- ~J;,¢*.".-.' . '- oh -'¥,"'=- _-..-#'-_,#:f- »,,_ -'...-a -. .. -4? -_.,.I . -rm. .~;-e -- . -. ~ . .-.e ~ . 1. - '=.»-*- ..-. 1. . , . = .. . 53. -.1--1=.=~;¢-=:~s*»-.~w'.w=,a.<'="'#1""*. . I-if-Y», s ., -- -- '-=~--i " -1-1.-.2-1??--....~_:-.~ _, --*-»~-V.-,»,-~.-W-,.;._=l',.*:-. an ,.;;.-1;--~:" '~ -~= '- ' ;:-=1:.-3 1='_r'>.-3-.~ ~»-41;.-' --T2.-3;-='-"II-"* ""7;' '- "l,:' _~ ---..=-151- 1-. we , ._'-_- gr __ _ 1; - + ~* .' ;,,'],.-P ..-5-~ .. _-.;.=',v=*»e:;-71 1 l . . .. "*-. 4.4_ J, e Ir,»-.-F:-'.~.'_> ==', 5:1.-~~.<;:..';--<*-*1.t',*3__-'3'" 1.!--e-;"~5="-..*»c,;§f;.=4-§**.1?-.i$..,-.=':@.: g--..pe' . .~ _§_, . '1- ._.e--_ -~ .' 4-,3 ;--1 ,I..-"' _..-','.. *;_- 1 1; -,,~j"f_, *-'.'- '.-7* -, . , -, 7 --".r:_-_ _,. .:'"".."""'.,-,-"-. Q-. "_ - £1; .-'.{.,--,:..;,lI|=--.1» la.'.="" ; ',.- '~ ,'?"~:'.i§:'~1="' -3'! "',L{';:.":"'A'-£;_':92_' -,-',L .".' ::- "1"" ._1"';-:..-' 92..§-. -<~ . . --e-..-.='--'~' -; - v ¢ 1» -'§"'=.*~'7*.--":»~? Y. 4-'...»..-;.-'1» "2. S--:1-' --?>=-"-- -'--.f.;.'.-"=,~;I; .- "7""'»-..1..-' 5' +4 "~*--as .-"-':"--':'=-'~».---*.'§""'- ;=;=-'""'+:'.'¢~"%?~1:.é»;i'.?"*&kP§§1-*¢=¥$§:.*-;=5'=¢'54ie? ""*"~,""'5¢".'.5-1-_#$-'.'-1 3i;'£_ .- .-, -. -I _, : ~- . ~- ---If 5-. - -. - .' ~ '. --_ -- . ',.* . --- , -..; .- -1---. _P-" I-¢"a.--11; "92'~->1: RF '-Li -~-=1 .-_'- " -l 4 » _ -;! -.~ - .- " - . . 1' *-"- -1-... - L-.~ 3,. =~»-.~..'---*-- _-$4; 1. ~», w :4»: .- * 35 , *- ,.*. .'.~-._*_ 3- %.--..--.@-"=1"-'.,"-"~ -'-.- r:1:c*_:1~§»'¢:§;~.'=;-1-I-.v§Ev=e.:;==._.=5_ *-- ¢i'.?~?=--..l»""'JI-?i'?1l=92- 2:.-.'-we1»!- .*a --- -92 " ' " " ' '~ ' " " * ..---=92.l_.-.~-~=-'.'~i;'~' ' '" i ;§.-"Z-i-*-".1.'.'i -f-3?§:'z=->-r =;?" H. fa- T-.1".z'2f i one AMERICA rmsr comnrrss '.,-:'..'1'-'____*..-4 -, - 92 . -. f100-922 -.'.92 ,. ,- - __,.' _C!."'. :-._-_';-.-_;..»-. .- e'.'1' 8910-41 ._ '. '- ~.~ ~92_.~, . t. . . . . ' _ _ -''-"c 5-.1.-1-=_~, "< "-- ,- ' . 7 .. --I -'.,.- - ,;,_-92'-'=.,- 1 z M ,~f-<1-V-.-1v92'.. .-.. " J '-'2 --.p t . ~ - :__,: ___ , ..__-.1 H I: I-.. _ _,_A .' 1, ._'_ -I, ._ ._. J _ ILA -_ . "_ 4,_'Vs I .1-~ Q _' .'_:'f_!-;_- "1:-l

, 1.-.. -I . 3 substantial at that time and it could not otter '_his!';even :.';f;_§ - . »- I most essential expenses while the Ah-_eriea First Gmittee had the neoeasa.-_,'-.'=1';{.% .~. .1 zffinances to carry on. He rurther stated that there may he was oomnunists 1 "even. eznong the America First Committee and said that Oklahcsna City has ite_",,T;T§~'1;.¥;_3;§<. ~_ ._._,.1 .. I share of this class of people and as long as they are not taking'advantage_.y§.:;;fi_;;{ E. Q "ct the general membership there is no cause to he complaining against theus; '%'.;_fi}§§;?;T;=;p: c -" and they will retainthen as honafide nembers as the America First Committee"-é;'_;§@-' e . is not taking any responsibility tor the many other activities or its members = but only the peace angle. In further conversation LUBBOGK made specific mention oi the GIO oil workers union, stating I have had several minor 92 I e conferences with Ir. Bars on the ll'ashin.gl:-en Side he:-= ==-.e =-.-.=' '1-m7.-..:.=ea _~.:~.ie*fF.§~;;_g. . active cooperation directly from ie union was impossible as they are dividedfji: on this peace conference hut they are doing everything in theirppower n > . p encourage and have memberships for Joining our committee and _I look for 1-Q 1..n _ satisfactory response among the oil workers.". The meeting concluded at 10.01; .,,-_;",._._ I pm with PERRIHE remaining in conference with MEAD who had been invited by ¢"*._'.;3."§._'t_-1 L 'i -. < him to his hone on their return from Bartlesville in order to Ifurther the in-3'33"-§;' _ terest of the Peace Tendency llovment. Ehren DON LUBBOCK seemed to_te.ke__£ '*5.,*,; ;,_':;'j 1° . great interest in this movement. _o A-_:_. Q. __ _-Q _b_-.I .j.;'-";. '.@=;,};;,_,§'.;.2_ Lg 1»-15,? -if _.'}.-7.'_.-?~.{._i;:.- fa ,._... -. . _ ._ _ .. , . ._ .. . -. V _ 92 - . - , _ 1 . ., ___, I . - -_ . ._ .. .. - _ v 92_ r;92z __ _; ._ .._f_ : __ _.___ _-_h_- _ 9..-_§,:_ S, . q:?,aIi ._ M. 140155 Q, L; __'_ A, f a,'_/_. -|~ J _ _-H, J _L , . . . 4 --_ _~ I - -. , - ,-.. _ "'F.' .--J1", f -.' ' " _.'.-_ "- "'_ T4. .13 " _- * - ' ._ - 92_ - .,, - Jul . 18 I . 1e41.-- - - . __ .¢ -- _ ,.- '< - .- ~ - - = :11:-'-.=.' -_?--.~.-._: -r 3f-;.»;.-1-,';.;. * -* '.¢'~' ¢. r~?-_ .._ ,, _ '- . ' _ _ ' . . . -' . . . . - e_-_:,".-"..'._.-. '.'~.--*'--."...- -"-~- - 1 _ - A close search for DON LITBBOCK, Urganizer forthe americaiI-trstiq 1 Committee was of no avail because neither he nor HEAD were in town." Iliss-_ i,{_'5§;"'_ HOWARD sai he Ian not contacted at all by them as promised and a oe11'.*<-__t h Monday but she had a. previous engagement and was not interested in the n " ,. First amittee. Ira. FERGUSON the columnist tor the 1'1.-.l= Irit-.:n=' 1. papersaid through e. telephone conversation that she will be willing to act 5 "'_-"_=?*5~-'-. . as C-'hairme.n it Senator IHEELER I111 cone and speak but she doesn't want to Z, line herself in the open with any specific group. lire. FERGUSOII !nr1erTstated ~ 7 that Ihile she is filling to work for peace she likes to do it through her ¢T__'*-.--371": e f can efforts and her column and not through the dictates o£'_ aw organisatien..¬1!r}1I_.>~ 1 ! - -i lies OHSTOCK 'of the "IcsnensinEerice.nL.Grcup . the is very busy in her can y and expressed herself as well gratified ct the'_ _.;'=. results or the Tulsa n-mm. r .. 2.11 Illiéh sh..":"ed that ea oi the -o-lotion? _. is against any . --open warfare Iith anyone. -- ~ "She said This will give a P littleP _'__ .. L "_ . » acre lees-ay in coming out in the open and while I don't like the America First , -Group coming here and trying to steal the limelight I itill maintain that -*2» .. can well handle the situation as far as peace is concerned; Io are lure?" _ . th e working people are essential in any group or drive and we have prepared. . 7 appeal to the various labor groeps for cooperation. fir ~t" -... -:;*-.- :- .' 1 .. ~ » .. - . ., .. _ ;92 =-;2.;.1i'Zfr....*?.!','~£=?1.-he--1}?!" '. . "'-' _ . ~ .,'_{ '.'. _'.v_ -v_. -_ e-'.-'-1-_-'_f_ p '_'_ 92-..~_- _- - w . . ''." -- _ I _ . Suit we _ 19-° _ ' _, .1 ~. "' 1_ ; '1-.i.A. , "~17. _ - -c -;_- 7 1.-5': .1- ,_ "$4-._;=+¢.,::» _ _<-;'-:.'- ~ --2% p- '*»-"_.-".- fr 4'.- j :,-i-- -,'. .- . - "-:- :v- - -7* ~ -xi. - '.'.-=. " e=:.?--'1 " ' . I . litter the announcement in the issue .:-~'ir*: _f;. 1_;_B¢te1_-and _1_':c£ the second rum effort tor an to explanation organise the as Anerioa to Ihgy he Firsteae Gasnittee-ea11e4rfI;_l_._7.'eeietec their -*1.-*'.'.- -. .,h_'. .--',~-_3 ->- ' '..'.»__f;r r .,_ _->..= ...- .--.-.i.s

-.--*. ;;=; - .__A___.,______.___ _ _rt_' -_,.._ - ._ . " -'.. ..~ ~.492_. -I5 ._"I.1 _ '1' '9-''-' .1 -.5; -.»_,;..J.-,1--__-_ =- -* 7' "V " -5- '-"f."""'.'.»~ -F;-.' ;-r'c'.-;.i9"*-' 'i_='¢I?.¢-'f'.-' 5; *'_._mu I.-7-;'.__ .'92,,,_92,l-'_'_ 92 1: -'_ u: 92|".' = ;__ .*11'. ~.'..* . .92 - - :'J 4-.:-1:"-_:: -:. L -J- §**:92g:.';§..-r ., - --4*._. .arr?' 1- . --,.-,..-,.". .-.._e;w+-*'--.-, '-e-r._"'-3-er-_ .-- _-- ,.*y-. 3: -- - : M_ e -. _; 1- 14,1» f3_bf§_-3r_.'§._~_ -92'¢"@§if ' - .' .. - " 1. l:~v; .1: - ¢ - --. . --;_ :.-1,»-e.-'-.---re g_- __-.1-gaf.-_-L, 3-,1 1.--1.:__-1__'__:_,_- -*1:-¢: -W... -' ;. ; 1 '-."':7 .1; 9;._ - ______-_:i,_¬.E__-_;s._L..gag,-a92I,_;?F.__:_i.;-___ "11"-.i-'92~'?-2--'~ "--.-1+l:'~3.»¥~-*-.5-E;-25':J";?'?*-' - » J ...'»' ~ "2-3; C --.i_.;-;- H. ,-_. -"_- '-'x_ ...»_..:~ -.. 92 ~-¢_'_'_ -.v¢~-._92.e;,..,, _1__,_ $- . -="»°*~' .;-;-. ..~. -- . - 3 - -, - -. ~-.. /--,,.'.- 92-.¢~~=»~_,- ;.;- - _- I , He .. --~31-.'~.o_§.-. ;=-~-=_-~-~=~.r-- 1- -' "; .- 1 .'-". - '_.- .-J1 .,.-»-_~~.-r;»-#==_.- _. ._. --- -1: 5" rm-.» _'-fa-._;= '-ia.--,.,?;-5:-§*.;;~*-=..;?;*:; _'.',92 _ -_. ,r.- _,_-_§;-._-_/ I.--;,j , _ ._.l''3"a **i-'_:¬~§§'~'.>.'7§.-*~.'.-ti.: 5-"~Kf~".;':j'_-' , "- . - _. ' 4 ,-. A - K; --l -»__._ ,;'---. V .' " . -; Y. , _- .-., . - -ev --1 2 - - 1- a ~ - '_--.__.-1 __---.4 =~'-.--.-t-" * E1-'-:~-;'** *3 =5?-=.2-- 1. *'-u.,.}.,»i_;._i._ H z.,__-.._.,:E,...; -92§§:v.;~.'-..,_,~i*;__._ _-L,_ __; _~. .1-I F.,4 :_._V __ . ,1 - _ -,'_,"..'-~ :7:-1.-_f 4"'92:! == --a-;-= -.'<. 1='.'.+¢.~-1-N-7" ~'--'-*5" -'*.: =~;' ._.. ., "7"" ? .,* *:~£- .<. 1-__ o"5L'-""-"-*.-=f~,{i-- "'3 g-5--_-'C1¢/1-_:'=1.r£§-""'-1*:;=-.-.~-.' ,;_ . ,__;J .. .__ 1?- in r."§;_:_'§.-;-..~"~§*.'..f~r:~-e;{Ei_-:.-..., -;!Z.1_--.92- .._. . -r .. -P-_ - --1 .'1',a 5-. ' -Y. i='I,i-no.-:§.;. 9'-., .-.1 --*1"-'9"-"-1 ."5_--".-=.-_ ,.'II. "if-_.:_.:;_§.;.,_'i;;;""§3_f;-._-.gpt_.92_.,_e_;1.}_.,:;-;;.-7-~ .._ '-_ l - -_--.~"' . ' 1-"' -__-;;-@;T";_ 1' 1: 5*-;_,9§'1;§§-,.~;;.-an; -f,-.--e .-Y-. » -. l ' 1* =" :--.- - =-~"- -*1-1"f:'r--~.".» -:~ = -if - = W'-*.=v.-- ..;e. mnuca rmsrcommrrss _- -. . ~ - ..=J=10o-922.. ..,. ,.. -..;-1:-.-~,..,1¢,-;.-_--r-9-lyeiil.1. Ii" ~"-_'-a*:=-.. cg-. an-_ ; - - . _ _'-, -. . _= _ _ " ' ."_ix _'__;.~_ ,_;-;:.;.=1-._,-:=5, -.'.;", _"1j.!.- '_--'-_-"'.>' -92 -I"'~s, one/1 '1§..F'~§-"Pa.t£-L-'92'f92' j_L__,;._92;y#-Z . };;_.-x 1.,-.51. 3 -. . _ .4 L _;...._;_.: _,,-_;;_¢F'_ r $._ é_}:_73~r; .#'1v_~., _.v_f¬,-:-$.;_.:;.i-2f,f.;: ~' 7- 5:-adzit-':"t".*i'.-~"-5'.-. 1;-1"-,~',-'.15-.'.' Elf .¥-rf " -- ="-' . -" *-- -2;-E-92';.;-M. - ''-'4'";" ' *- - '". . . . .~ '- I---"'. 1 x '-'~- -1-~ " ' -.i- 3'.'-"»s'.=u"%a.;!§:-?-a':.<.-"-._, 2-Te-»''-=.-~' =.--*»-Ir-mrtn".i er?-r ;.;~-'1,P'-=~'-'.'1"- -j=-<;;-"-_.~_-- -=5 *-'...... ;;.r;;5_,;,?.,';:,-1,Q. -._...a-V.;§_f%,-l"c;.-' $-,. _ .,ferenoes as LUBBOOKhad requested that th'e"A.P.!.'"nenbers l*";~.~;.;i'.' 1; -.:i.;,'_':-_;.,»_, ., o =~ present ~ ~ ' when selectingan executivecommittees TheRev. _ ~--92-- PLHKEY eai§i_.,_-;1<,';_ ':r..»'~.r-. e34-Er;-jflhere wereno real conferences heldeo far except thathe =2:oe.l1ed'-.>,i:--.4-.-* ~.g..h-_1.';._i,:. *" " to rm z in th mi tin " nd en R nd"*~**"'@"~ 3;;" -~=".'".0. '5'-1:1'*1- : if -- = , . __,..5I_-- - . /. .

-~.=f. T:."-4 g,-~.*.__;;*;_'_-}-jiig--,._;._-n_1pon-._" _': as o roan pro en _'_aote co ng nee g a _ e were -_.-j.~i,-'-'"_J;h, ,_,92k_ I.-o'..|~fa_L. Q" 4 1 PLNKEI-__that"Re1rex'end*§TR1CK paid Reverend SMITHhad and accepted _theQhbnor_'§'§-;;;='-._ '-','92' ._~n ,__._- to 'eitonthe stage with me so that I will not look like the 8p0n8Ol'_-O_f this_j_;'_'.*.,:;-'f-.= l:*E._;;.-1. ;..noven:ente' -'--.D F _:=,;!',;__=*__-ej1f.;:':'Q._T_q'._=j.u ~-wry HJt.__i PARKEY said _.-..__,V"-d,-1A*-"7-,1--._,,- -' - .». ,,..,... -- thatlies -_- -'----_._.r-_7; - _ ,-_. .1..'V-XHOWARD- 1'.L ...._é_¥.,f-w;-,_t_'§_I~-e -- Q -.agreed to _- - 92.£_.1.., _v act_"-. ";..*1' as-.¢,'-,_-.- secretary = f--.,A:;¬.-,.. J.-,. proQ aL:-.g. 5 Q-{eggF55, - :=-. _~ - '¬_;1"_T'-."._.- 3-;__;,__;_ that notes will be made andthere shall he no hitch in stating the meet-'f_iT1-55-f'1_;-"- -. ifing and we certainly hope to get a larger crowd thanIo got in ohuroh on ;'§_--4;"-_,"*,_';j.;-_:_*-..*. 1-. - 5-that Hon-daynight and hope to have youthere with the rest of the ¢lePele -_L " bUl'IQ..;,-H-;92".;.-;'--' __ 1 . .-{;"..'.' - . -' . .,.I .'. . ~_. 'n_='. .. _-' - -.. ,-.- --1'--_ J, -' 1;;---=- . '..51. --9!;->591 . .-" --'-*1"-?'=f.;'.l-§:.. ' '."~e-~_?_ , ;*'A-:,"'*.,;-1'53 '.~.-.j_: if 4 ,.-4." 3 VP I-s*'92-;* " 1- -.- .-" 1!92_2%-h92 I _ -. . _.,. r. I tater in the day- was aboutget to intouch "'. 3 "L1":-'1".1 '_e 'get 'a 'st'atementfrom him concerning theAmerica First Committee and-_-.+:'_~.';".T§§';'-'+e-'l'.'.f-".'.~. er"- _'PERRIh'Etint he admitted had been contacted last Ice]: by the group hut'no;t'*']-';fF?*T.§§}- 5 _f_or thepurpose of offering him some position in the executive oomittee 1; . only for the purpose of getting a good speaker in Eula. PERI-ZINE wasasked <.- "'1- I4. R ' --e'- | to try and get one oithe nozaxncsnsfrom Oklahoma.City to attend thisymeet-5 4 .' 1 a mg. PERRINEstated that he had first written his father and asked his _ ? _/ advice regardingthe AmericaFirst Movementand got a very favorable reply- 1, In fact, his father had urgedhin to on-e all his power and am;-eeeeeto oer;-._-;;i;,'"... ther this organisation whichis backing their Pure Democracy Issue,"_ - --at-g_'-; _.=.=?§_'~"-'.p I 92....--, 1-. 4.!!-92 - PERRIEE furtherstated that he went to OklahomaCity and found that OSCAR ".>"'.'_§_-?'_f<»""l:'

*.1 4 ." .lHERI1iGER isstill too ill to appear in any program while young A!£ERI1iIGE':. -T'l,;:j;"F s-4' ~ . --1. .'=--_."' .1 ' - the son_!.is _Pm1RIHE awayfrom the advisedcity andthat he is had not notified expectedthe Reverendhacknntil theIETRIOK lasthof with the''.._-j .=-V_-_l'_ _ g. 92 - ; - -.|.~ __-.- -__-,.- - V__ V.H ._-I. .J-.-i_§__§:.- ."T".'__|. _»,1,s¢'.-h -

>ejnv=essarg,toall the get people to the neeeneghe h'eeev'er;-'eeee=~f--9-5* Lb. 92'.- *- ,.'@-'.v.- '1.1:!;.: I;-;_ .- . ronrr.--5 to make"a showingand heprunised eventhe B.I..l.'to attend and haspersonally vl10¢ - ._~,,.__ tith F:R0_SS_ urge the_ largestattendance possibleat this important _meeting.,.lf.§.1.'.' . i. -." 5, ;';;:'..'-_-1'1}H _ I _ - ______I v 4V-_--la __.-_ J, .q:?1:"-J-_:__;_-."..:.. v.. 1--J m-e. DORI5A4S'1'camethe into picture any with an ... - "neat thatshe will attend the OklahomaCity YouthLegislature meetingon ~'»"T.'j._'-ry; =-¬-"-7-J _ Zi$="7- Labor nayand incidentally mentioned thelmerica First Committee, theRe1'.___ ,5. x PAIR! as being holy paoifiets, Rev. IETRIGKas one who hasno stand at -.a:--.-_. ,. _.»-- ,~_-2 --. " ,','!4'.}.-4* Rev. SMITHas anti-semetic who hasno oeaoe at all and int ilaai" '_92__-"5'. '.=- I-':¬"8:".{'I3'mPlthieswithout are hearingon the 'sene1-e1sitiatione peace lire. s2s":'.'--:-.:'-'19?-' . ':3i;--...__ turther announced,If the American FirstCommittee, includingGeneral I003} 1.. -._' : ___?:__-ll - he so many differentaims amongthe leadersthere is certainly nofuture .1 and the namesof thosehonest leaderswhose sacrificesare holdingup 3'»-'-1'¢"',~_--" W the ocmitteeare boundto fall when the crucialncsnent arrives."-She also~§'-;".T""":'¢'=;1 ..._IP°¥ethe of .l.P.l!.nentioning thelast rel ease shehad receivedfron the - national office arsed one immediate materialbe sent to Russia to 1-e1s.eve""1=h-.'-.'-f~.-1. ' E1.-e--'.'r». I~=='l1=of the ihmim Production of Iar materials. Thisinmriated Ire.-sssr_*¬iE': ' .111,--,'.;.'§ _:u- ._=&:-'61_.-é*792'->'*v_,-_f':==_-.','aZ.;-____ r ~q"-.-~ -¢ A, ' 7r-1-to. W-If - 7;.--_;., A A ''7 7 J . - 7 -- s -1 '7 1 =1 _7 ;r._?,,.' -.J- .,_, "-L-7:92 "-1:-5'-3Z1"-1--Z4-.-2"; . 7 __ - _'-:.~-.~-_ :6" .-'92 _' it my my 39 »,-- .- .--- 4 - --~ - - , " _ _- 7 .. . _, ._ . ;= -.--7.= §':-- ', H -.92-_ » '- - .71, 1'-mg =-1-1: --* -1-;1?----Q7-1,_~"".;4..92?;!;, -- - .";7..---_~ . __=-¢1_1_-!_;..__'§:;?A1_92-,5":-__'§9?¥-' Q"-e >:n_ R ,-=- . - --.; L » . -- - . . . ,-r " 92. - " * ' " : _ : _-£2- |.--.'.!,.',_-..:t_- -.;_92:.1U I; =-,,,_i:_r_ "'__ =_' _- F I .-- ___:_ .-_,., - .3-,_, -k,.92;,.,,-7_.£!. .e,.~_La-V_!_._._ ,'._. -4 -,, ___ - ._r_____ ._ ___ J, .. _; _- ._.__. _--~.f 5,.-_;_.__:_,_!__,h_..92._;92, _'1h,.'f_v.1__h 92-,'.1__ ..__.,_., A,.- .--<--i'~-;~'--**H:.'-7.?»-7 I :'- ' -. »' .~<--=2:-.-.-.- H-"e:"92 4:7? if-:.;~t-:;1-'1.a- 7-.'-.14-! a. 4% s*_.I.;.7. '7-"..7- W-'5;-:~7:5 R Q-"-'7 --' ff . -U/~1 w - "--;~7 " 7' - '-*- k "----"7 -'-- -- .7 1+-.="--e?-~=-7"*'Q,s;-292:E~+=; ,-2;. ..l__?.,;_$_- _;1:_1_ ,;,,__-=.L,3,4_'A!_.£4_92,._": >._._-_1» _.._-.~__;_|»___, Q. F_ ! ,-pi. I. W ., ., _ -_. J, 14 .. ., r ,,... .-_ _ .1.- ._, .1;;._-.-1, ;--7_:x.-;'-71.-.;*.-=;,.*Z¢;?; _.;-; ;{,,_.>;;,=;;1g.;_" -.-;;'~,»%_E{;+f41;:;';77*7'§.i_i-§,~- ,§.;e-;;_-'~'. ' ~'-- .92;__J;§?"'_n.____ --:=_.::,92 -7. '_'..'.'.= _;':,¬r-1 --r'- -1 _»'-.1,_;_ --. . ..___, _ ; *1; 92. -- 7 --,-I - --r-'. _- ' '92--7". ;- -' - ,_ -. <7~'__. .___|_r- p--;e~_ 3%.--. .4-I. :1. __?:__92.:,r:?,', .1.--- :5"-"--.;.- -1" _¢,_;..- 7' Q35 *-' ,_1s,,:|: '- - "'.<-* - -' 0.- -. -'_ _92 ._ . er_. ._ . ~.'. _e". go. _. ' .~~_.;,._-r -2;-=--1.77?-1? -~ :3 2-1-I'ir.~Z'.'7 '-=1':§!l!I§i- . .-._-re "":'ii-'1-"I.-'"....7- .-._-__: _ ., " 'lc,"'s ..-s'§'~.¢<..: __--.__-1; .. , ., - - . r.-,.. -~. --.,'_n,____A :-~7- 1' ='--~ -- '_A ..= : .=-= r~1-- -= .- -_ -' ~.~r:7»<¢=-We-' --'5---1r.;-r=-r'-e ,--"--»=7 7* .. 7;_ - ~ - 11'._~ " --,?_-.--"I-"'i1'5_,,¢.=¢xT-"_-{T _+;_'f-*5~»;, ___. _- -e-~ _, .1,--4--|-_ f,-j*¬'-5;"!-3?§',§.:I"'-='= ___h__.,:ih.:_._.".__.. - .. 11- ,_7_9,,__.__-_-_E,-5;?-on - ._; -7 i ....__ .~.---_ _..'.__ 1~.~.L _ .. .92.. , _ r _ - _ _ , V_.._ . H _.- :. ._,_ '_~--' 1 jg; -'"'- -13%-¢_e. '»cf_'~ _,>:92-5 -I'-92---_ we _. --$11"-~ * --4 in--:>111Le. .;';-r.-=",-:"~11.=*.";;if:***?¬c£'>2'1T';=.=~=-*_;*?*. ;..77__,.-___» w~.. 7. . - 7 " --w , 1- ~ - = - .i 7------.7=7.- =7; --1 f-L"-J? -- J .~= 1.; L .., . -L-U-:_"";_ ,. ._.'¬'1;~._";.:f_1_2q. V-. '-- J ' ..._ ,92, £1];-.-!_?' .1.__,i_,¢. ._}_.-;¬&'i§,r;'_ . . .- MEEIRICL FIRSTGUIMITTEE " _7~ _ _ j" #100-922 i :aaT "2,-.1 Q, ;- ,";;<-*1- l 5 5;--'i.. '_*P- -A I ' i.-3v_-fr"!4 '4. :3-._j2_-"a....»,_I, -1_ _ ., _- _,._.'- {*7 '_. _.'_A , ,; -- "_ " » . Y _.}..:7*».=_ -._'»f_._. .§I;:_.§:._-_¢-.=~--, ;-9-7*' _'"'.1..; .i--iii;-1:§;?;3"?$5?§§i?f§;:+;;¥7'9?ii;rmake ~ _ ~ - ,-»-" --~. 7 week movementetronger in Oklahoma deepite a leprotests » w -_,-_:_-_- I-¢-'5.-3* ~j:'*¢;-=;1-=~r?£=3z:lf-1'>=@-f~»7.92.i+;2.~.A-of her husband -> 77who-.. = had resolved-; - 7. .- a :7-.»7."giveto up- all activities ?'i~:}along "-¥%£'§'=§.¥f§»5'--%-;;%"'3;-giuif-*':v=P§3' theselines,-__~.-.:F=fw§-,' ._ ff,1-,¢,.;.~_.-,-.~7 ,.*;f=.-,~-e_-.-Q _ 5"August ._' 28,1941. * "'?7_;r:_'?;-.'-"°"-;; -.--r-1"_*_:-:f'-7-. r y51¢-,1:-_1-._ 1?'_ _ I} I--4: 3..f,_'92__7 77§,~;[email protected];2-f!$_=;*>-.e§ 1. it-e 1- 2 w :.~.-5- e!-.,:1.._92___~._..ti-»*"%=~=»=.~:*t*----- 1.7.; v-:-'fa .'-7- .<--'-*~,15 .»:._,1:.j;q§-$,-sf-"£_-. 7, ~, - - -', _ _ ~.'* .- 92 - - Y---' *=.=?1-7, 1.1.---7,-E"-' -' -, -"-"- '.~7'11*~;-=A '17": ';;~;-,;'-Ii-.;~ .1;If} 1-I1----*x.~'-w-5-é :"»!9-11?-'.-e,l'7?:r-'5_;*?92£ '-_';..=%.";TE77'-E -$5.51.-'__-§L ._;,__. __*k . ..q:<,__ ,¢=£-*-1.,I -," .1_- , ., _ - . . . 4 ~ --- J 1|- 4'1!- -u .

_ .-1.»._92- - .1 __.,;7'.u5-':?.:.-7.7» P_,___.¢ ,. A The schedulesmeeting ofthe licorice l*iretl't'_7o1m1'iitteekwa'i'dl;e-lud E'?;:;;__.¬. -»-,- tL, '_-.15-1|--"c-'_~'Jun the secondrt. floorof the county Court,Corner of6th _& Boulder withyonly =_ .-"-H-'-1-"'- P the guests present whichin ded 34 peopleofwhcm only nine were woolen.- +=-'e>:~.-»e- "i.'§S-e.-.;'-3§";=i'hePAIKEY, Reverend 0EORG§%ULIS, Special representativeorg __Chicegc",,_the ;- "71 _-;.'s7-.",""cnitteeChapter 7 is of exactlythe America Fir-ct the word Committee etende tor;and @ely Ref» SMITHto defend wereon .l.m:-iaj,iir="-=i'=¥.".;£-'- the platforl 1;-1,"?-" - -.~. 7 v - .nr-.....f,,-- -A then PARKE! opened the meeting explaining briefly that the America First ¢Ol;"¬;:5; ego.-|.* 92.-L i-we1- Q:-,;;= _ A -'-P PARKE! went into a lengthy history orhis tanily, as wellas his om personal A Q 93*-history, pokingit lock like an alibi for his presenceat the meeting. ¥ then introduced1-om.1s wentwho intoa lengthy explanation toac mt 1;he<;-g_E-;1..?,=;g§?ti. _.__,__ *-0'Q Q 1":1'__ 1 . -ecu.cu, Q'5;-Jhnerioa First Committee standsfor andthat they have accomplishedand stated .. ff-@.;_f ?v;L> z t "that they earneetly hopeto keep thie country out or_s,py92toreignentangle:cents7,j].=f;, "92e;--+". r. I - --7 - i.neludi.n,g'Be 11». eulogized unnez-non andem-mom anthose whoare sacrificing1 -.1.»-s" -.-,-1 1: {H their careerand theirfutures in order toacconplieh thesine or this eon-;;_;-gs :i,_%_-5:we rjt - . 2 -. II-1-tteeoHe then went intolengthy pleafor supportor this committeein ..,~;,"f -'-, - rt ,_."F.r_-L-.53. Tulsa andfinally asked for the nomination ore pernnnent=.-_1=e1r=-.e_.~n- he-;;-317: Both .7;-§f.~i. 1.".-' _'- sn- PANKEY andRev. SMITHwho werenominated declinedin favor of IIM.-KSHROUES andpi;-in _._1~,_,,_u_. I - :;92;l..-_. _.,_4. .-_'.,-promieed supportfrom thenit he would acceptthe naninationwhich _hedid aiteI'__f.'. as I, -_ f::'1_'_-; a brief _ discussion withFOULIS. SERODESmade anacceptance 'speechexpressing .- .-1*;- - = ; +_.,._ y confidence in the movementand elk: or__ cooperationfor all those preeent¢"'_'g-_§'%"-,l§ . .J;.t_; . .. '1':*'.=-a.» 1- Included '- the audienceinwee who intobutted speechthe J7i5'-f;.';;~_'_._ .,-55.2; 7-1::that FOULISmade askinghow the"11n'ecTa'F1rst stands committee onsupporting }-*f_-'.f-TI: r 16 4,-_ 'f_-7_- - - _the_Rueeie.n Peacein defense oi their country. _POULISexplained that "A -Exame.923"-1--92?!"$ -.jv 1". 7i~?r - are tor aiding all democracies inEurope andthey wouldhave no_lo1re{or 41.W - if!+ Iesi, Fascist or any other didactic or dictatorial"pcIer,"hireeierfhe"eidei{??=§§** ._; -''2' ; 7.!-e _5-jisteppedreel the questionof Anderson's.Very conspicuously the [email protected]."snd '+'92'_-; '¢_._.92. T the A/PAL menhers havebeen absentfrom themeeting althoughIlse B01[LRD_{I_ Jig51 - »--1£--{L - said thatall of them havebeen calledon thetelephone askingthan to 615.. . 1-~.1L'-1-"1_ "'-5" .§>"".;~"'present "--" at the meetingtonight and that she expected about50 peopleto be ":rf}f{;;'f-;*'_";7 I? lg' - 'J 1,. gwr_-.-"?~:.Z?-1, - 7:. present allc_!'__whom - she hadcelled. fhe following permanentcommittee II.8_elected: ,=,-_.";-_.-:_'1-.,~_*r-:~ ~_ _._ - -,- . 37 -I"?--* - , re-.;~.- ' A7 : -.-: I.- > - ¬_ -~'_-,7_ 7,.1 _~<.-~ _ .15: I _;__.'»,-'-- _..~J1:-k:;_;,u ',5?» .-+L»l7."l;'7--.r ,_¢.~ ~7. 92 ..92 .- -- 1-~ "»7.'.._, -- ---.='--1+ "4 - '** _, ¢_-,. ,1-, ¢.f~-,-9.1 9292 -_, ILCK ERODEB, Chairmen" - -- i ." .:-- . . :';". . .3-wv F;- -.p*- -.'-;'-u4er§3--1'1?-"~ .'- .-'_ - - -:7- ' -' ._"1~:--+: _;,--2-"- '2-'- . 1 ,7 ___ -, _ -»~" ,.. --.;- . 1,-.1---§~ ; 1__'--;_- 1,... .- :- . .4- _.<7. 1 _e /'_ .-I . .- . --..-_ ~" A! ~I.. ;-.1.--_ -.- - u I, 77--»92--er?-A,_ -_- -Q _._92-.¢;-- ,-.~L"- §"-3,: 3"; 5," IR SEL, Secretary It _. - .. I . - _ ._.-- ~ _ I y,_~,- I-,_,rg1 -. . »~ 7 -- - .; .'--."r U! . i - I - - . 7 ' "' '--_ -Af "L I' A "~-'-, e'-_-._- ":-" -'~.|-- V ._,-_- . _-+. --. ,1 _~ "".~,§'-..,___.5 -__ :---- L: "_, .,-:51, .v- r _. . .-.-. - - OIIARD, Treasurer :7 ."I/i " "*5" H. '-'--"1:.7 I? :*.'- "~~-"i-.--"5~-..-- ---. 1 1"-.I .._!''¬.' -0 2:"~ .- 1 = -' -7 ' 1 .> ; -- .- -1-.- _ - - ' ~ 71 -?~P":.*-'i.'.".;."'<¢ ,_1. . I -',.--A_,- - eg:¬'i92,"s- --!_-q>-,'_ __._."md- 1- - *7 ~ I1 '- -' -'_ .' ' 7' . - _- F-.~_ _-,5-"-'5-_':.»<=.-""¢-1-pi, ;_,_,"';'fH,~':..a-.y.'..-- 7 =1 ?~__z "-,;_~:,~r.-5,-~*-.; 7 -__"j $7.-:2 WT ,' » 1 :1 ".!='7'I _-. -. 7 -- :-7. - g_ . 7» 'f ___ Executive. . 7 Committee " 7-I '-_7~>i='.=1".-.-' '1 -'7ri7?-1-=7i.=-7-'-;,-Q-_-11'--J;-.. re' *7 hf--we I. *7.--' :'"'. -T.» 7'-'-, 7'; " k, ' ' .. - -- - ' - - "'1.-' .5--Z-'e:e.=72 - 88%REV. EEIIH 1'1!-, - ' .*-- 7 -'_ .1.' ' - -- 51% *3-T-.;-37--7* 7?;-7-i.=-9-.-"-,'r~:*7 _ _ _ -_92-_ 1. . . ¬ _.,.._.f_H_._T___?__,,p,gf_if .:-'<-.;_ _'_ -2- - -. __'~ -7 - ~ 1 __ 1 I V; 4-___.-e-~ »92_=.~|, T1.»--_-:~,_- ;~_.y lp u ~»'...79--,4 -...,92.- -,_'P. 21'--,g_e1f=". ~_-._.-. f - 1* A . . . .1-;!1z"--:¬-f.7;.-7-#--'1~'- ~ ':"*-9'77 -.-5:;'"""' xi7 J Ir .-. _ .. _.,....._.._._.~--_- ---*-111:. .1. "f";""--' . ..92- V-.. ~. ---.. , I-. _ Ff '1 .. -1-" .m .. . ,. _ _'~=,92'- H -J 1-.--J--A #"+-"~='~s-iv»;-'-:=-c"l' " -.»:. - - -;r- r ""!.= "v; 1 ' '--- 24" -5.-,;; "J" "'7" -"}:92_e.+-_92_'~_-I ~» "' Y .».-_- _- _<_-.9» ~- _ _. 9-,- ,-=_~_'.~ an '-_ ,- . . 'Z '* J - -A __ ' .. _'i;2-_;_;J . -. -_._.m =-_,', 15,1 --- 2,:-,,:__,& _'; ,,_ '-.,,_;,.;-£1 - ' .- _-1,.-.-251513; ",7"--F 7 - he M PP _,.;.¢~=:-.le-5'; -j=;'§~'w_A-._~ ,e 3-P"~*{'$'.__. -, _ V M -__._ E ;,:-:~;,:-__!: .¢_ _-;_; _-n-.-__-_ znzp-n_:__~_ ._.% _l_ i ':L?'_ _- this-a."-_,,h1_3;4Vv._|.._?;_."L-§|-é; Ji-51212;; _ s _- ._ __ __._u __. '-"- .. J,_-',-- .92 . -;§¥5__._;.»:. - ..».... {Z3 -1- 11 e . iv»: .-re -- ,5?-', . . ,. 1-4." ...!-._92.._;92 1-Z5-Ls-. r"¬:- 0-nF'.~_ -._?,T"'- -, _;,*3. ' . - ~- * _. v --.!_ |, }. ,-=-t , -,_,_.-j-»._='-§ ~_;' . -.-;=,-. , 92_,;:_"-_ -'1-*.--_-:3-.¢-_ ,,. 1 92 _~,-;.,-.51;-_-;:_ ~__ ,_ . '.-.»_.'.:~:,'i,¢,§¬.,3_3 :_=92§92:,I~A92{/ ..*,_§_?"_'!:,_fis:._"v.._;E_?V:923____:?.-Q_._. M _ - ' ~ -. 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'_e,g:~.':_ ,_ .f.- t $1.. .="_.;- .,_._-,. ;'-;,;-_-_- '21:"! -f, P"-;._:- _ If--92_. _r Ir i""e-n !-5*" --' - 92_ Ex 7'Q »"f'- '..- ~_ e -- ---~ , _- - -" - .- 92 ,;:1;-"mt - - "-t_ '*;-,;,__-_-"- +r~'--=---=w5:»=~@'E,»~="==.~-!',<.t. ?'. ;--_---='_= '1-.:-1~=--.',>"=f5'-'v_,'- =34! _>.:" -xv h".;.?'!.-A 4? Ii .~.<, -4'1:'-f'~f92'G=':.-'§.£-.- - _.- ; - $"-_.'é."-'-£1.-i --L ______. .n. .=;;i_»-;?~ '=¢,~_ :. . = -. _Q.92192 .. I -I*:r+~»@--£2:-¢io!!e;@-gr.Q ». ~--H». -- ej-J!-4"'~1"_'§'_§-2'-;*.l"in .L=~¥*,..- H5-.*1~.-* 'menxca ' 4;-',-:1,-» - FIRST : .".",- comurrzxs 4?-1., .;!:: - c;:;::'.;;»ri'-'§:""%;-';- f-lw-Q-=1-1-.:; '"-.':*;'*'_¬-"ii %=-?--**=i-#"i"*!?¥a"-j4?"*-"'§ ""1 '"?=%'~i~" '1 1 *1» _,-_. -To ;;_;'_.~;} '1' '- -E ¢;'.: 1-F '- '* .~'-' i"="r-=""-"7._;"i57:li?-mi g---L. '1» , K. , _ jfmovement in Tulsa. There is some dlssention ensue; already 1 those who have favored the America First Committee as the rcilowlns !§=tqmgnt_»-geegé a will shown A teller named JACKSON who has an insurance cfi'ioe__in the _.Ihompson:;;;f§g "H Building, Bald, '1 would have opposed the presence of Reverend SHlTH,Jat__thi_s_eri*»§,~§;= any other meeting of the America First C-onmittee because he has been identified-f;_§ | -92-. use the m and the Silver Shirts and every other radical movement i.no1921ding'_}92:5=;_'_???1i_-T_ a Anti-Semitism. ;L1though' I have no real love for the jaws I d_cn't try to'psr_-_-1;';{§;:§;5s=i- '" secute them and I don't go around preaching against them.'_ 1n__ this case I__ don't think that Reverend Slllm at this or any other time should be lncltded-_='fi-;_§l="'_] in any official capacity because that is going toy hurt more pahgmgeod '- - . Another fellow named PARKS expresses helm-' sentiments regarding" Reverend SMIH and PARKS added that he, SI-E1131, has heen__very anti-p1.a'bor ' F that it therefore, will he hard to interest the laboring classes in thi_s_nove§ ment. PARKS further stated that the working men in the Tulsa District a_':-e_de-ag._;?.f-;1 tea-mined to tollow the lead of the City Administration Which is far from pacific or far from having any peace tendencies, for the population according to put PARKSthe is America strongly First pro-British, Committee ierefore, on the market it is there. going ,_~_:_";u>1=iEp"j:=*w;to be _a real pfO_'b1Qn-_':.-j-;'_" - 1 |92 - On august 30, 1941 at 7:80 pm there were 4'! persons in the hall at'e"_§§rj;g- _- meeting rivalof of 1u.c§§sH12onss ate klahoma Youth H50 Legislature pmthe meeting includingtour vas called to neg:-oes; order by_'B0aijtlhggeuhar-if? En the introduction of four participants in the symposium. lliss 192au"F.DGC" representative of the fellowship of reconciliation, Ias ¬&O_._*,:-1%?-_;':.-fe >_ GEORGEx¬=IURCHILL, leader of the Bundlesrcr British group was seconds I10! I .92- ODES, Tulsa Chairman of the America First Committee Ias the third, and ,. . , plained Executive that he'a'as Secretary not prepared of the to OIL nslce Ias an the address last speakers but asked MCI pbrnissicn "ex"-""#5in'to"re_ad GEORGE 1i192.SHlNGl0N's address and asked those present to get a copy or it and read and study it and they I'ou1d_1i.nd that this country has no moral right to tervene in Europe's affairs. At this Oklahoma Youth I-egislahxre nesting was found that there occurred a heated argument regarding LINDBEMH and hisij §_=,;.-'_{-;i"_ =-eeeee erase.-=-..=. City speech in which he failed to nention anything about the Nazis. HACK SERODES new head or America First Group in Tulsa defended LIHDBEBE, - IHEELER and others claiming that their stand is the stand oi the naJorityo1."-,>1;.*_-__: 1 American public, and reiterated the Inch publicized statementpthat 80% of p lmeriee-n public does not want any mropean intervention. He than left the L;-".';§;f;-. meeting stating he had another °ns8m°nt't° Qt! an ~_£._; - , - . - " , - - - .__ - _,: ;__;.;'.: - .;,.,l_'=-Y r 'The writer ascertained fraa KLTEIRYII IIABTOI, fecretary o£'_ t.'he'8tc.te"i'$i;'r Otfice, Oklahoma State Capitol, Oklahoma City that the America First Committee "~51- is hot regietered, inooworated, or licensed in the State of &"iahonaLe_;'.,_ ,1 _' _' __"ue : __' '| .. --he . _, ~ ,.- -- _: ., - _ '_ " . '_ -Al i ___' '{;,.- s - e - 1 rem-11-1-1-6..»-r 1-. - - A. .. 1 '"__. ;_ _. » . , =1~ _ __ ~ 1'-. -_,_-1-__---;_ - _T--_,- -:F....|.;'_,; -.~'¬.-' _z~ 1' -, '_?! -~ ._'j. ,,_ '_'L_}- -_-_}_92-. *"?"_,ir':, eh 3 '__ ,~ » ~ . 5 -'.o_;. _-;.-':- _~';.'--~-.-.f_:"~-..f"§f §_:ff?'.-ti _~'.*_'; .-e;- 5-1- ." . . '_' . - . , _ -. .__ I - ¢._ . . -_- ~-'3-,-I -_-'¢ ~ .,--,1;-, -'-_. A'.:,--.-.1-. - - . - -1?"; . - 2..--v -'-'~-=-." -. _ 1-"ts _ '1! .,-:92mg "'-51' -I ;l~, R"uh-. <<-oi. . - .'.' ie"¢~*:92* ". , 1:§""i""~."""'3- '5:, '-'-'- r 'll-1 "'- 5 , V e -J .'._ 92- fk" ..~.__ _ .-51,16 _ 1 _~ ,~ l_ . , '__¢,__,,-P _ --. _-, 7 e __ F1 ._ * ., __. V _ s_'_-_~ .-_,,;n 5; _ _# '1 ;v- -_ - _____ -_ _;, -= - .4 .- .-_ ' -| r . " - ' T-t 1' ":-*- r ., - --"- ft; .'?- - - 1" ''*. Jew H -W - -" __-92, ,3 .. ,__ ,, -_ V. _.~ -.- . _-- - ,- -.";_.§92.»:"»;§1.'-'- - _ __1f" .-_ .;=:~."='-e §:."v-=- . "~" " '' ~'? 1-1 ' ,5 T R 'f*1-1-Ki ;r;..".! -.~I."--.*-'1@=- . :-'1. 3- +"2- ff," '- -- e -- - -~"-tr --:»-- - - '9?-'1'Pr;-3,""-'92L?%1'.7f""'-2Q-Y3-ctr __- ,_' _ :_". _ ..,,.,_., 92 D fa.-

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Q...-._ _._.__- '.'*$'.-Q--i".1921 ' 1I-r ::I P-.1-,;i".?%1.? _1.V_,_.1.. ._; V:Q1-.3 __-_._&~-*.§'1;?§-"~1~'.-.5. .§.L-i1;~£-._'5% -1 ._._..-.______-.______._ . 1 V 1. .. 1.. 1- ,92: _-__-1 'muucg- 1 ' 1-ms:I A. 1 _ _;-comurrxz . _ j_._.;,I '_, #100433 :- 1.L._ 9-;¢_",1e:.-1.-. _, . I . . .I '1 1..? . 1--_'-921:'.' 1,-v.r,..__ -_'r'- 1_ _ ' .~ _- _:; ;., .4-.;,».92-,n .. ?._"_;-..F-.- ,_..»_1,< ..<..:a 1- ~. -1 ~ ""-- ,.-*~ -5 - -1. 92 -' .4 -:;f-1:, '. _, _':_'. -'3'.._' __,_"ii?-_w7'--_-' 1 . 9 "J1; 1 !::--'--.;Eé'1$-"'2'1.: 5: _F':7"§:$Ti1J'-{x:"}:J';<.;f:§&,$}? 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"~;-n 1:-_;-_3e.1-_;.~g~~21q~tq.~- 1. -92-3*».-... K", ,1 -1 -$ . 1-. " 1." _ .-:11. - . .--r - o. 1-" . -_,_.--1.1». .- 1-. 1.3-!-- I 1_:I_1..,_.;'a::_-._-i-:7"; ~y ---.r-_-11 1-"|£._.~ =3- .. . .L W4 ., .. - ..; ;3_ _ . :e;11~11;1?_.1.1_11-_1_1_111.p111:..;113111.11.1111-111111; 1;111%"-111;-;11i1=1111""-11:; 1} _1 1__11111I - -r America [,5-It _q;_-11.;-';'._1 |92lf!"'.~: FITBE Comnitiee_ V jihad: Gm,_ _r -_*- - 1'--»_-___," '--E-t. vi. ._ ., .v....__.,1 ..-.. .1 . 92'--- '>-1" ,_'1 he ~ ; ,-. _ _ _ 1- _* ~. _ . _. _ .-1- -_-,-_-1--. , _;.- '- r- -1 ._-- -_.'~".b-1" .. . ._ .._92,-if'13192'fj_H';,;,f1~f*.;:_". -- - - _ gt Norman, Oklahoma, #111 determine the i. America rs?UoE§It'f1=ee1i.n c1w. -. Q-mt ._ A - ¢. J1 ' "Av mu. vmhbm. mi 1"11-1.1"-11111.'"111;.111111;,1;111;";;1111111i;1-;.'1- ii.- Amerioa rst Eanmittoe 11113also the background ofHACK SERODES .'-"4F°'R1>- 1'-".' - I n=_.1=1====-1..@1=11h.<>=-Q11-111 011;111111111111. &i11111;1iA;1l"1;'1 -:71}'Z111§- the America;F11-1*1£*c1>111.~1111-;z'1111' that 91-by,- -.-._ =_-.-_ - ; -. ... _.'J._--1-1-1,.'1-_: :_--.:~3?'.?-V JG. . {K ectivitiea 1. '1:my ~_.,_}c__; or the j - .111 g1<.1111m11C;1l={1 0151111111111, 11111 1m11-111:.11'11+.1-111_ ..__. ;-a-.- ,1_ ._ 1111b111q111111'1='11<=t1v11=1'5i*l*?_... ,.-.:-.1, -,.' _..-_' .- - _,_,1.-1. -.:.--,1- .-.~-. ~1 . -.. _. _._ 2 _ , . ._ . ___ _ .. . .1.--'1 . 11.. .;_~<._;.-..,.-1.11;" 1 .. w . .1-._.1 1--I/I . -,§_}5.3;" "Ila GESSEL P3 ;-,, -"_"_1-L."-"*%.*,; -. 1- -.-~1 ;-__.1..; : 3' '1'-;- -'1-I-3.--I*1 . _---1,-,_-e§_

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cmumzs NAZIsen _ ' 1 Speaking before cm A ' Rally- Wh h ks . 5 _' i him Greatwith Britziln,praise. 5.; ,.'., '1'; ' - 1 +W~~194%~e»% l?lL_.ei,..+=".-~E .41§..N .11., , Colonel Charles A. Lind -_ "i§=£it@mng with General Milch of i i - ermcm AirCorps in MIAMI 4- 1937 - ln MUNICH, Germmiy, at c1 banquet oi the Lillenlhczl Society as HONOR GUEST Lindbergh was feted by high NAZI


"' _'_§§_ .'T L! - .- 1 if ..r PAGE 2 ' r i i V at-roan OI"l"lCI.lL OIGIII DON'T our . i "ta-0o1.mnr'.. '1] Symbol of Freedom__ rut PRESIDENT, - IN Till]/92Y'S NEW 5 . B3 H. BOND BLISS mu-irzasroenzenou 'WHEELER HINTS ' 1!-lrnid Surf Writer! mtt.Laodsuoo:_ ' a|1.92n:|.rt.oam-A i Danie tinutttg would gel aii your '8u.boct'lptionllhl namra antl lint your aprrilillrn y Sue-in a> shooting, fillliiilh fNaz1>--I-la|.1 am-.115---~--81-ll Pervmnaliy Ir 11%|. note Herald, Lindlrrralt, Laval, Lafolirtir I ln.| lximllliuaa --~-:5-3 F 1-ball vOllIl'IlH'r to operatr a imllrr! of ty|n~92v-rill-n - The Iypewrim. you kltmar, anr mill? Iitlfrfitli titan the TUNE I7. llll lnomln-r, although one would prrlvr to In Iii: nith a typewriter. ll rim-~ not raplmia in print. .1-P; ;' anmlm ma; JQIL . Ship. arr in-in| aunlt on imlh midr- aml lull» are going dawn tutu the HI»- it-ope-ALL OF THE SHUOTINL IS ,,-.». Kt" HUT ZEHM.-92HY. *_.'.'.:n|t. GIUEI IlTl'liIiIT rmaly. UILIGITIBI In lbl! ll North oi lite Rat. Rev§Maiernity Home Henry W. Hobaon, national rhgiriln * , of the Fight for Freedom c0||'||nillQr, Doctor: Dtiivery. including '5-he Ulliltd Stale: of America ia in One Week Hospitalization tone: to tut ruauclMiami Awning ii danger. _092lr people will diarrprtf ail '1 ONLY $65.00 I I have obtained my Mnatar Phtnabat Py titerenc!-I in the lace al' the Cortilirli In do buainaaa in ha i romm_ol1 enemy. That may mun Q - 5 Fret X-Ray and Ambulance Venetian Blind Bu. Inc. ii rllpaltmt for the war: dug-a|in|| gl the City oi Miami. s Aurel. the Cape Verde Ialamla. th- $¢rviceLicensed Physicians; L L GAY 1 Canariea and Madeira lliIIlds-Of it 3 -Train¢d Nurses I-3| N. W. Iilh Street 1 Z211 S. I. Iii $1. Phllnc I-2581 Phone 1-tau ma! mean anmething entirely llilleri Pb QUE - 4 6952 B. H. KRAFT, Mar. i

i-'-b" ~ ~ -- --..._.__._ _,__..__ _.______._ __ _k _. -.._._ ..____ _ 77 . .-.,-_ :".'-~ r" _ an PAGE

$ :..a~ F,H'ITLERSlIEN _,l. . 8 | IHhtENIN'AllERlC.A' 2 X-Marks the Spnl--u F "They" Tell Me Thai: Sam Quapllrorehi. a New Yer Blaehahirl ia in MiamiOrganizing uh Q loeal Muuo-Men - his addresi T11 N. IF. lTth Sc. i--*-''-i'_Q i Rumor haa it lhal he in allemprin to pnrehaae aoe properly, Inr Faerie meeting! - will jive you more dtlpi on Quaptlroechi in the nexl iutle. ei Dr. Fold Hanna prominent Miam pliyairion. an Eygptian by birth ll V 3*. 1 a reaidenl al the U. S. for the pan __. .- .- -Hi" 22 yearn apoie before a White From Rally some time back where llr praiaed Hitler and rontlemncd [hr .. .;,.;l -- Jrws. lome of lhoae that mended the aaeeting were Blanchard ll of Coral Cables. Hr. and Hra. J. M1.-Gran of £35 Bill-I!'IIe lalands, llcCord of Coral Gablee, a partner of W. C. B.. 512-1 Holllrooh Dr. Fllad l Hanna Prim-e attended Cantl Mural] the P111 ¢-.:¢_ __. . '1" . lireaaed in a white aail~he apolu - t 2|! minlltei. Q - 1- Tllia pi:-lure war tahen in Germany . earri llr°I..iHr?:;Ir a ingeae; Luv!everyzime CottonThai1 vm.a -1! in 1033-during the Partei Kongrell. elurd and Dr. Hanna opened I of llw National Soc-ialietGerman lnontlu the peltingeae would bnl .-,,.:. Worlaen Party Na:iJlhe Gallo- The Voice of the People92 Dr. Fnad Hanna haa an gffi man" to the left is Dr. Sehnuch llte DuPont Building. , formerly " lander fueher lluder! of 100 Per can . oven |.r.-rrrzn 1'0 "run PUBLICThey tell me tlaal; l _- 51$-A: it the lllnenda of the NewGermany Dear hlr. I Mn. Miarnl: Gardon Ono, proprietor af I , now nnwn as the An1erihaDeut- For President ln answer to .la1-hon Lytell'a letter Grill, 3529 N. E. 36th Street, Iv _.'.a-.~ -- __ arher Volkeliundea Dr. Sclinurh in to lhe Pro-Appeaseru ofliciai journal,ahoula_ hie praile of Hitler Q _ . ' "i is new a member of the Boardof lei me point our that Mn. Frankalso ltllorla Be that hia lmaine ' _____H______------one- D lrerloru e Irh e B un d 'Ill New Yorh Ser'or|d Irom the left ll 'Friutliar Fisher, a chamber maid in the Colu- droplving off. l . llile fugitive from ]IlRll¢ Bllor"lh|.- Herald; In regard to hus Hold it a lll fledged National lI¢rIe.vthatIheBu:nanen- . Farmer l|.r. C. Ii. Strange ataiement that Sorialial Nazi!a-he ia a member of ll Richard: Departmeni Store " Milllr-'ea'lerr|" leader Chicagul cl Ihr Executive Committee of the Cer- lilo Kalolirka and "liken." ' the Efendr i. e. Friends nowthe Bund the Ame:-Lea Fire: organization has loo: Herr Ortlieb nu remely : -ln reality Fritz. Ciaaihlrwith Dr nally arranged {or a hall in which aunia Corp. and her loan Frenh is _.,,._..,,_,.,__,.aii_-.._._. IIl'lIl'!' T. Griehlr uraa the they an hold their maetlng: the PRESIDENT ll the German thal he loot out ai the Ln Lake _ National 5ocie.lylle ia the preaidenl becaltlehis Anni-Nani aurroundioga. -. '1- --.7 Leader of Ihe dreaded CeltapoFntt La tor the l92I-lL Ill, it belonged .--re, with hi»- In-ozlu-r Peter partie to the Germanla tbrp. lne.. tn fur- an one elee would tale. the joh. One qlleation we like to at - - 1-lilli-r'> Beer Cellar Pulachipaled an i naer yearabetter known aa the Ger- In the tan Eaewtive meeting of "friend" Wm. Zorn if he won .92 - The Enemy ll 'Wlllllll' 'the . It man Society, and then Village Bell the Cermanil Corp... a motion was like to |o an the fin! boat to xi la- Ian-r llaall you think! Gllcal Boom. r made to change the name of ther land to he with his beloved Ila '2 4'." Take Ip 1 myaelf was a member d the anden AdolI'~whal would he do e ln-lore il la I00 l-ate! Germania Corp.0BJECTlON.5 were his wile horn in the lewiah Fir German Society and Germanlamade by hhra. .l. Fiiher thamher ~!'92 '-ii-i-.i______Corp. for 11 year-a. aerved them aa maid lllaaillr. Carl Freilaerger of alon andhi: ? daughter, aranld he take aecretary and as a member of the 1545 Collins Ave" H. B.-Cealapu y I _!l_ lllllEl.'$ l'lllll.'l'llY I FISIIIARIET l Bthrd of Dlroctnra. I want to atate Mr. Von Tangeln and Herr Erna: W. B. ia eunneered with Co 3; never at any time waa Naailam Rat, propriunr of a Nari priming= gzeule of le Florida 5anland :- Frau Neighborhood Dalivoriaa brought up in our organlutlon So rhopaIlBN.E.l'lh5t. I753 Wail Flagllr S Hr. Strong 1a wrong when he calla A The name Gernaania will rem-ip an wouldn't the ole wh e U: the former Vlllage Ball Room I hot- enliglllen-" tho owners of the Ger-1 ....* ...... -, .-5?.'1»e, -.?.,."' Phone 2-532$ bed of Bundm-ien. even if he has man Hall Bldg. at -620 S. W. Bah Ave. when it was here in 1938. inw llved just around the corner. -Formerly property of the Knighti oliicers and crew lo parties Mg, _ Although I am no longer a mem- of the K. K. K. - The Order 0| the eoduail Saufereiei-1" be very [lid if - ber of the Oermanla Corp. Inc, I Mo e-r ia trying to tahc over the l1ld8-. they could find out the name of the Compliments sincerely pralae that organization Oberral on board who made notice; for what lt stands for today. And all ar. Lyleil we know Freiherger,of all the name: of the visitors and membera or the Corp. will stand by Fillwr, Dierlle, Herman, Selamarlwf.who voted for the Ana-l1luu" on ""9 our Prealdent 100 per oenl. lo thla and we alan know that they are the board? ,. ,9-,.A.,,-' A B.I.C.' em hind of cllltellb that spell with two. They tell rne that Mn. "l'|ltmlIt I 3' ucxson x.Y're:u.longueu in the hollow of their mouths. of Hotel Whitman has lppoiled Mm -~ i_-.-ii 92Lytell--wake tip. Organizer Leo Helbarh an her per- - 1. - , _...;-1.3 __T!1. 4. -» --.9-->~. ,. I? , _ :I--...-:-e_|4.- | 92 . .,,_, ,-t _ __- -¢_ . _ . |--i _ . ._ l _ The 32nd Ant. Editor. annal manager. ...._.._..._ i _ f I [_ _|;' I Q, | r '$ i l D IIF WI1IIl.I BPIN HIV l -III 441.8, Inn Ava. All IIJILQ l _JEWEl._RY a Plol biauoubi 5 1._92-!GGAG§_ '17-H-4% . I-IIII HIPPODROME . na|'i "nae" M|A|v|rs M051 POPULAR - BAR AND GRILL Rulwinh |,AN. . Cevnbfete =§bo~|.l dme - x - UIAHI 2-B533 we usuvea 2-Oil! rut. I45 N. Miaall AVIS - CIII. III! 5"!" - "~v~~l"'a-5_'92I-laaa|&a-e* "h* ..J*"... "1-Illat ' hf! ' + _a ~1nl|a- 1| '-II

~... . __.. ._ .e....-_a..-..».._._ _ - J __ __.7._7- -.__.-. _ -_. _,.,....: ;t3.r_--- _ . -.7 __,,,,._ .-._.";'___ _ .. p~a;*g'_;,,,i,-_. -,,_'~,,g!>_'.*_'[_--.-_._-= . , -*»92 -r.;1- -_._--aw-, I if - r -dl 1 I PAGE I '

This aarae rare-trark tout. mom-hrr lllillllll HIST CITIZENS CUI- unh and CONVICTED armililen .._.HI . - 77. " wi ~ ' IITTEE ISDCIETY BF IIIHIDIISI rhrrh panwr are the type tlripel that WILLARD CAMPBELL __.__ Iditnr rallu upon Ameriram to abandon the l.EllEll. 1'. I. IBCOIII IIIESTH. Prraident of the United §talea, all sub;-13,50; nu - $1.00 per yen-"tn the State of Florida. GIIIREEB IITII DHIJIIKEII lllllllllli did romrade Charles Nazi Ethel $1.50 per year elaewhere. - ltlll MISSING IOBTIILESS CIIEBIS Lindlier. 4 A few weeks ago a full page ad- I'UBI.JCA'l!0N OFFICE werti-ellienl was placed in lhe Miami 1 ISIS N. W. Ital Street Herald by Page Bully, Statr Chair- I Miami, Filfllla HIP! Tlula. B. Hrlloun. lrnlrulrr man nt llae Ainerira Firat Committee, Phone T-C525 I ol the Almrrirl l-Viral lllitiau-nil loin- the thing that inlerenecl Ilflll about miltrr nuw Htown ai the orir-ly nil the ad was the wording on llae laotllanl Amrriu-an>." hilt:-r lue Ql_llI 'l'rr-ll the page: 'i K in idenfa Foreign Pnliry Win arrnli-1| #7. - $ an the Zliril day oi Na»:-Itllret I935. Paid for hy Patriotir Iliami Citi- rhargrd with pl.-mill], a vvurthlrr-aen». when in reality the rho:-L wan ."---. Convirled criminal, aliul and [am 92 - drawn hy Page l-lully of 330 laland annular, a man who an many Campbell has had ample opporrlaei-L, llla rr-cord l'ulluwi2- R|l.lalm Bearh on the Union Truul oeraaiona bruaally alugged his em- ianily I0 study Karl Mara, Hitlcr'aN0 Z61 2QeaMLolur 92'Cu. 0| Cltirlll!. Ill.l-lnfty. M:-Conn» ;5, E fl ' 1hlein Kampl and the Lilo 0| Hue! Han1eTlm-92. B hlc-Ianan. friend, drew $330.00 out oi a Fund of ..:1.~3* ployers aritl: I ale-ed Off liaarliall lull IlZ5.0M.0lJ Qulablialied lry Central re|-rntly released from the Hiel Lnngdurnig hi; varalion in Atlanta llltlt'A'llI1l'tll*nrCllrrh llolre wood, rhairman of Sear», llou.-in-' FederalPenitentiary. penmn-iat lltr rapenne of the Taxpayer-Go92tlrrenlc-cl lay llardi Rnrlmrl and Cal. hlc-Corrnark of lltr -.Ql -ii-rnd and ea-advianr to " it-neral"ffment. . I. ''Imu~~I0 :41 A , hl-ll!-5-35 Chiragn Tribune. the World'a Great- " i rat Nuisam-e." ,;w=,. Blam-hard ll of rt» alum; am. ~a "Bplig,i1iua'.'.R5!'ii'ilIWarrant b3'l'lina-d foil-int while Front Ill cfll Gables, Apprui. l|yTl|er|.l We urge you to join lhr ith . ' 92l'?UOI1ell Ill. In lure the aauusperting Column-Fighters hr Freedom and 7 illard Campbell is non attempt-working man into llanipln-el]'a_ Fascia!- IIUURT UF :Rl.92ll':SIiiilat in in atamping oat llaia Rarit- HQ» nrganize a new racket-a rarhet Nazi Band-l'le' is definitely a nu-navelIharg:92_orll1lru 1-her-E eleering Nari Appeaiers dirertrd hy on racial and religion: bigotrieato anriety and if alluued IO ronlinuc Arreated liy ;roaaman prnfessinnal puiiliriana, would be big '--Hia I-lnnoreratir" New; official nlmln. ronfidcnre mm, drtlnh and Ti|'lt¢lU:5§ .92. hl.-ll}-13-35 what laavr ynu . . ,--.._. r of the Dado Honoftrllir Clubuhe will III direellf fPlP0llll!lf._Il'Warrant by.92llen J4. J:-=»:*1 = 6 _i . the l|l00 lllll l Iul ilnw -for his IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK! I. open Ila Jewish merchants BUT hia-nlflhd and goal are the same -ea Tried l|yAllenl0-2365 arganizuinn will not arrept an Amer-Unnerer Furhrer Adult Hitler. RE5ULTSl5.00 and l0al.|~ or I5 clay» aralt of the lewiah Faith. -2 .. Slop him now, lnelore he llopa Ila. lll5P05lTlOlli~Paid I23.39l0-23-35 4:-2...... 1 . - :"I very Friday It his weekly ver- M1-Conn, T. B. nmlnngs he nan he aeen aporting a Addre»---1814 S. W. 22nd Ave. '5 Ii rmllunc ESTlltLtStlltElH' A. heuwh shirt. lmnrn lrouaera and a COURT HOUSE ' Hai four in hand tie atrilingly" lt.92ll|lll|E'S SEI FOIIII SIILL - 'lIliIl§el!ri92'ing Drllnh w. '- ilitihr to Hiller'l hand If murder-lNVE5'i'l ...... ;ATOR...... Arr-eat.-d by-Peteraon L. aoa I. A. hlen. Tinu-!:SS P. hl.l-6-36 .____.~» -. -lI"* wr ~ _ One day last aroeh the German Sorirty "Kllleohlal.lcl'|" met, aa llaual. Keleanedby Pelerannin therun» .~=~.; at Manninfa lar their weekly 4-hitInd; al attorney Ill. Pruitt. DP. Flillltill Rll. din. Frau Prinre. the Wife ol the Para- Order ol'Coun13 Solir-ilnrllamel 3 m no I .9292 - .._ LERETTESmount theatre film operator, lihes to .92n -r" hear herself sing in her ldolher TRANSFER 1 lon[|iereany ol Manning: patron» pretealed Frau P1-i|92re'a Cerman allur- IGEITS lltcti to the Ianager,lhe rnanager then turned on the radio loudspeaker National Delivery and drowned oat the Frau: German 9&6- ;Volh-song:---lira. Henrietta Herman. rm. Nazi Frau No. I ll G-eater Miami liq----Iv prle-ac! burl: II"Qrr*I'l'|IlI RAPID age-Ir and lo Hr. Manning, pi-up. of |]|._ :Gr1ll Hr. llanning informed ll1|: DEPENDABLE Naai Frau Henrietta Herman that aha had a lo: 0| nerve telephoning him n. .. and llllt he agreed with the manure; - 5.4 SERVICE lahrn by lain ma|gage|-- Hr. Manning alaa laid "Ia. Her- fig nae rnnr uusrtunlnimann I-llli lira. Prince; gang; may ._'.F_, 3 ..§??%§ 3,, Illlltlltll not have been Naai songa, BUT HOW W.9292S HE TO KNOW! » -- -..*___.._.._.1_ ll" you want a nevvapaper uithont FEAR or FAVOR, a paper that -.-__...... _..:.-_.a C LOCAL a um will give you ALL the intnrnialinn. a paper that is FIGHTING to hrrp Aimerira Free, a paper that X1ioaea the ltlmer of llillrr-Llfla lllal an an-rt-lly "E mama: ms and 0 I.n|y aiding and ahetling thr enemy, then aulm-rihe In tlar X-pm-1- CHATING - SHIPPING . official orgain of HAULING - PACICING "ll-POSE the BTH COLUMN H Fighlera Ior Freedom. l6? N. E. Seranllstreet, liami, Florida 3325 I. I. St! lI'E., Please and me the neat I2 iaauea of X-pose lor arhirh l rnrloar one dollar.

che .._.___.'..._. K cirr. ram UIEDEHANN i lddroaa _..._...._...... Calm! Glaeral in Saa Francine Oln .._ ..;_ 21.5. 7?a.t. 71.0.: '92 * . Ituta .. ___. J______.._ 7 ~ , .

~;__:_¢_---____ 7 - . _'_;. _ . . V .. i__i_____ ._ _ _ . _. . ___.._._,.. ._...... n. -

Q .I I B151.-:J1-K ' Q 92

:"§z:§55'§DR5.w-amq1° ~=»==- M 92 I I1an1,I'Jm-ids Q B-.'192,.? . M , . r-, '-.~ r , fhiawilloainolrlodgo nooipt otyqurlcthrof .»- 1 .~ 1*V _ $.13, 199-; Iith lnaloluro, for Ihiah I n mat appro- a._ .1 =- O

4: 4. anooh-ubeenllotidlith J'on,uac1v111I92, o!th1aB:u~eanu:¢1n- _ '?*a?.¢{a-» _ - mingtholatornnl .;-»¢<__ ~. -..:_-r.-.- =,.-< 'if,,-- .1 ;-Q.V possession cl any Inch data, *- .1 M. W. in 0- t - ;I§,:~I_ _ Charge . , hdaral Bureau of Invuti- fr

_':=E: -1mg"; V Sign hm 1300§:maymfa_gnan1;,n==u, 3 rug... . 92 - _ 1 , --' - -*-92_;.- :|n~w-V Q -- .','f.-5':92.. --.. ,_-1.--§. .= r_v==_- 7 Siacaraly your-ll, -

2 92_' > ' ;

1 "I :. 5~ _ - Director #2, * II. bl-n ' - __ H . : ' Ir.|.a.nn- - - l uncles. -- *5 F ' ' .92 . __ *"T - co Iimi, Florida _ Ir.luvu______', V_ ; ! _' , __ _ . I _ _ 3 _

-. .-<1 _L- . -_ : '. - - Y; ------_.....L - ?_% - - ._~.?-,. A1. . - = 92r=./ -'----___.__' j < 7,-3 * ;'3;@z;=,1u§,.=:¢3:r'" "Em unanu '- -' _ 4* "N - " In--In-- ' 1 .

a|:.au|-r--f%____ Xi 1-it ' L k Y: ,* , n I _~ -'" 4 92 .__-I-II? 9- ' i . lCOTTIS'I'I-IEMORAL sunsnn um

992£u~eJzcta/2£a44, T0 CHAMPION HUMAN nlsurs,/m.zafug 20 WEST 4-fl! STREET} NEW VURK 'MEdeI!ion-3-2720 I Fighting Since I933

Ow Purpose; _, :/ . I II, -U1 , To champion lawman rinhh; is 92 ,.,_ :9 Jan Q 29, 1941 - To ciplel falter of the jqutics, Americanliberty prin- O " "m- To and combat democracy; the inltration " 1,.» _-'1; ofUnited Nazi Stator; doctrines into the _? " -' - To combat religion: and 'racial diacrimination and __ , opp:-onion.

nor. NELSON P. mam President, Nat! Advisory Council New York, N. I. Vic¢~Prc|identI nnm Lam: rm92_u _ ,,.,_, __.qetro|t, Much. IL I. mitxou x.u.u 1 work, N. J. Iv. ir11.|.n92m c. lgnxne Bayonne, N. J. JOIN rlmzlncx LEVPIB, JIL Philadelphia, Pa. IIIHOP rnncn J. ICCONN31.1. New York, N. Y. I Trctuurer - A. ll-LII

Clairrnan, Executive Committee . on I. lwnovixv . Ckairnmn, Board of Directors nor. JAMES 1!. :1-nzmon Boston, Hon. Director: lnclum. o. AIJNICK 1. n. csun Aliu|=l.92M cunn- .n-Jzoun mum" nor. mm. 5. mucus on. n. nunovsxr nouns n. runnoscn . mum Luna run I P. cmuom . -e 4. GALLIN run: r. numrr . non. 1. |. nnluvr Anrwn J. zunvrr nomnr nn.:.mm 1 nun: r.ow.92|m L. unuzl. uv. 811?]-IEN n. nun nu. I. wn.:.uu nu IZV. WILLIAM c. nanny - um:-zl. s. |.smowrrz . JOHN n.£m:n:c|r. LEWIB, JI- nsv. msnoruonuw FuNc|| c. Lorunur :. nccosunl. 5 ' nm:~:o muezsl . INTHONY iusalunuo ' ARTHUR L. MALKINSDN PROP. mason P- nub nor. noszo r. urzu nus. L0lIi Inna: gr..92'.rr:4.92s1u: 2.-.92rn.n.' 1-:zr.|m;1. r.92mow11-z _ - -un-v an MRS. KATHERINE unrnrn 541.1121 » - Plilll. 9292'ILLIAM P. if.-HIE, JR. GICEHART 1-I. 550:1! HIPS TONY SENDEI rnor. nmzs 1-1. summon B. HERBERT IYBI nznx w1|.|.1m 1:. 1'.92'n.o1 ammo: TOMAEICK AI~IDlLE92V Justri-IW1-nrz v41.uszx. ....-~:~. = poor. MAXZARITEKY sux 'wzsnu - ' ;i Q mvm znnrr 92 {M . . I F -@'~-=- ' 92 'Refuse economic or moral aid lo . the enemy of civizcrtioii " 92 _ i ', '11 rcorr IS "rim MO-HAL sussnwn /1 wan v 1

.M¢~ TU CHAMPION HUMAN ah/zz~992éZzz R:sr|Ts,]m.wm; 'I'Q"i 29 M/£5? 4-;»'.1l-' $T£.E£'!} NEW? - - O

Fighting Nazism Since I933

:6? Our Purpolu 2 To champion human rights; 0 T -"J To foster the American prim 1 and cipiendc-.-nocracy;of jmtice, liberty - comb.-:5 the £::;;ii:-at-Jim I of Nazi doctrine: into the United Stain; 3' To combat religion: and racial dilcminatian and appranion.

nor. NELSON P. mnnn Preaient, Nat! AdviaoryC'092m.ciI New York, It. Y. 1 Vice-Presidents 3 nmu man '92_.A...:J rum ...-.1 *1 UBITDIL, BIC-I'l- 1 lm. l. WILLIAM nu Newark, N. J. IEV. w1:.u.u| c. IEINAN . Bayonne, N. J. JOHN rasonmcx LEWII, Jn. Z Phiiadeiphia, Pa. IIIHOP nancls J. uccomwnu. 1?»- New York, N. Y. .,,- Treasurer ¢. mnum Cisairman, Executive Committee pa 5; DLYEQPEEY Cimirnuan, Board of Director! nor. JAMES :1. sm-zmon Boston, llau. Director; §"SL3. yak 7" .* i MICHAEL G. ALENICI. 1. n. c.921:s.92l mzt:_ AIHIAHAM CAHAN "'|l!DF. .l'lilO192l£. !92'El.SON COUNTP, MEAD Pam. PA]-:1 H. DOUG!-AI bl. I. IJITBOVSKY Molmls D. mnkoica IABBI LEON FIJI! P. GINGOLB A. GALLEN 92 FIANK P. GKANAT HON. A. 1- HAIR-IVY I .AI.1uL'I. J. 1-nnvl-:1 IIDKEY HILLMAN I.ABh] Eb92V-HID L. IIIAEL KEV. ITLPHZN ll. JAHBI DB. I. WILLIAM KALI IEV. WILLIAM C. KERNAN SAMIIEL I. l.£!1l0W1'I'3 mi!: FREDERICK LEWII :3, EV. DONALD G. LOTHIOP |suo:- FRANCIS J. MCCONNLLL I ;'~ I . ..-.-- .'_ I T1, . __ .._-w * .-_, , - - _ _ ,,. __ .-1;. _ .,-. _ --2'dD'-I. .; __92_.;,? _ : _, 7- ., -92 I-§_ - . --'.':"S. T.:r.*.'t'»-.13 -"':.»" .+ '" _ r ___ E n__._I"--f.;n.,-'-~ - .~.'.~ -' '*__ ..._ .--v - . _ -- .- .,.-92 ,V_ __ ' ..' -"* _ . 4- -; _. ,_--." H-Hh, . --0|: ___=,_TU_ "- ~-1» "'7 _'.V" ' '' . ¢,~ . ,2 _ ..- _»_~~;_ ____-.- . i _. wr» F; '.- _.-=-_ -. 7 " .._ ..-. IIIQI - D. P111083: - . -.1.-._,_. £1 l-ll PI-LI r. anmou: 4. GALLIN, P4! III.-I: 1-. hunt ION. A. L lug" . :0 U"ln!1'HE.-I. IAIVIY nnnzr Iu.|.lun You might-:1: wish Ill]! DWAID L I-Ill. Serv-ice, connecte In. Iru-ans I. Juan wit? he - ani n 1- Ill. I. 92n1..L.tu| nu II1. IILLIAI C. I-I-IIIAI l4:||L't.|. I. L-I;1:|o9292'r|-z anus rluznzucl uwn, IL I.|:i'. DONALD 1:. I-orator lnuor ruzncn J. ICWNIILL IIYING Illilll .nc'rno:92'! lunnluuuo Q-k-%*~ AITHUI 1.. xnlnrnox _h=-= an b Flor. Nll-ION r. ll.» nor. 11.02.-an r. Inn Ill. l.or.'ll llI'll| llrrnnunl. Duran: Iztllm. nnznowht nut. Lrranuxz IJYDIN IAIJII 1-mr. w'u.un| P. R411, n. ~:!.lnAl1' B. Inn; HISI TONY EH92! nor. Jnlu B. llllnoll ». I. I111-Ill: "I1 EAN wu.1..n| I. any DIG: roll-MIC: - "new u.1.lJlll .-Pu warn . IL! Wnllhll ' '- ll-IJlIIlznlzr

5 nu ' 1 ._.. .417. _ __,_ _;g:_. .'_-r d. . -... -=-=-:-'---1*:-;'*§'--v'~.:.?»7-5?' _ _ . Jg .. L _ _ " _ "' 1* .. Rgiuao economic or moral dd io N ',EZ§:E:'£?-,f_=-'.*:_=_? 3: ._; _._|a 1 -92_ ;___~__ . ozi Garment the mom? of civilization.13 . ¥_-.;5;,-"I.".I- - ""' In-J.-"'v92.-lg -» 1:-"-'?=;3' ..F'--.. - ----= > -. -1- -..;_-'3--_3 ";_, - .-:. .._ .. . g -..=L.- |j:.¢92-'-.,-_-,- - .._'__ __ '= -' _ .- ".1. -- -. ;._1;_,_=-w-+'- :93-'-"4'__ __ .~:A--~ - _ . . , _. _ .4..-- .._ 3-. - 1, _=.._¢_ 4. . --__-__;;;,,.,.,"';§5 :-.~---.---- ,|r'g:;;., .. :-2.;-.._ _., .;$92;"-LE--'_--- ' ..-. *5 ."" . . I - . J---~".-..T. _ _ M ___ . . - 'E'.7' - J4,..- * ~ - -- . 3 I-I-"Ili?+ -=-="""".":.1;.*= 1'3. ~»al17s'§..=.=:§§~-- -. , :3. -:-9 . "'*'-1-'--'.1"*;,;'I-1'-. 1. 7. - '-|9'1-57.. : .-' .z-.' -"1-I... _~?- NM z-LA! ._ .. .--»r.-- ._1 .~»-:= - . .*= .-.- ,-...- '-.-*-M~---1*-- - _ ,_-.-- - F ~ - -.---..- -s ;. .-an---» _.--. - - . .. -' _"='..=-ZF-¬'-5!-----:-3-- ._ ~- ..-. -* ~.",;..."J;3""""-~~- v "--' "''"~-"-"' "- _ to_- ._.__;_-A 1 - .futio~ ~ the en <-?.>_- ---,3. ibrainsular -o §*§92'rs - ., A ,=...-y, s.- --_---- " PI°- Information, in P8151188 - r - P1"°PBgBnd&1 in-Yew - - V0:-*1;- - , a ' heFhe United center" of States.I7- pro-Pram". .. -- ~ - -..-.. - . '-~3§.'é*-5'--'2-'~"-..' .. _f' ."':_-,1-_;g£Fu£'=" . -.....¢es<¢.;-.;,%- . _. .. ¢.v»*1@_z=.2;>==~""5""3-. - -T? "JtE»~;.L1.*¥?*%;@»*.:.1-iwi-?.@I-i~i*:1?-*'-P92" - - . _.!-"'-=_"'.i- -:4 ~- 4 --1=.Z.*-.'?*"=--- = " - . 92.%";§§;3"":";"_-F--:_".- .45 M2-. am. _ngt given ye he ef0ré"a-5 -_, .0,--_'.-erarmy Board to-ice. Decision -~-u--I-" _ -+-_; .._. ¢ a


--*.. '.¢.._ _.T.;_,A..k 4-;';..* = in ""- _ _ _ V; _. ...._ .__..,_ -;;;:._5_! /g'f§,=-"7§£3¢:.-,3. ._ -=1f§:,-Jv-H--..-.-ak-.'_92 - - - , =.-- ,. , -w 1 __ ~ . .. . ~~-* - _ .W .-- - _ _, ._ . ...._- __.. ;. . -_ .- -. ..-!||.__ 7- .. _._ -_' 1 - ::> -1' 7* A - '9, * 1* " '~'-2-"A -'? L '- " '--=;_';-'- - 1: -.-,>.' .. '# " -.5 _ " -33$_2._ 5. . - - .-;1-.- '*,'.Y%'_':, ,,_,,.,..~,;,-'.'=.--.--.--""F§$-v~ ' YV~»"~5@@¢W'@*¢"ArTT1-NAz"i1,EA<;U . I ' I TO CHAMPION HUMAN RIGHT vii 'w..l..m.165 wast 4e:n STREET- new YORK.N. rwimuruu It lISaI|:I|.UI"l'hl'II Mr. Z. L. Mr. Cieti Mr. Glav-In Plot. Hum! P. Inn bu, Hat? Advisory O0I92 December 26, 19 H;. dd Pmr..h1rnH.Sn:n.Ior . ""57" Zr. NE Olahhalulmrdofbb-nine Mr. Tn-c"!' 4" ',0 G id/'-J4 _ tr. Walterqinchell 3 ." _ _- Hr. Rn-an

92~r Qr It pl lit. HI:-min slab " Mr. ]Ieo| " 7 Mr. Quins Dee; Walter: , M-I.Hens: Jfl The enclosed release, which I sent Pm pot used, as I expected. Possibly you might want w.1 something 11KB the following, Sunday night "Why are mailing lists of the recently ' _ l dissolved igneggca Firsti Committee still being used to - IF f circularize formerlyactiveeig former meE55rE1nH6WT6rk? theGeorgeCommittee, who now calls 51*§2rro:himself I 1 President of th _Ho3alq§oppern9ads of America, has been 5 sending out Christmas cards'Trom"the'@opperheads toez- members. The Anti-Nazi League has protested to Attorne J General Francis Biddle on the grounds thatthese lists are-being guerrilla used conflict possibly to on the propaganda frontlay a groundwork for future in America.! "On the West Coast -the§é&tional Uoppel " and composedheaded of by followers Ellis OQLQgpes, of Charles a writer aséindbergh, for was founi organ of the Nazi Bund. Jones was recently the official . F.B.I. after investigation. Even after the freed by the speeches attacking the President along his war, he made 1111950" usual Nazi i . 1 Here; something else you might want to ~ use if the news from the fhillipines should be bad: 92 Didn i: the dmerica First -ommittee say it was impossibl 1 for Our territory to be invaded?..... '1. Rose Bigman told me that she was gettin 1 _ H 1 that letter __,___,;,._ fit##ib1'A_m__ I i asked - You for. I VT- want-to _'-I_. AH*i_ thank ,_ i lyou nost=¢ m -2 Kggéjiw Iotigq-gng you is honestly hope vdwnédlige because Rfeelfso atE§§Zasoh"for?9sure . -,/ able t do a real job in Army or K ?Y Inteldigenoezir FQ, , 1 r' §FP7field Public for Relations. more than l!ve three concentratedBn years an¢_dt1s this'ati¬N a1mostA' §. 1J; 1H92 l é g 'I'd deliberately trained for propaganda activity, "=, ._ ~~ war broke - e 1 ' ' ' ~'. c _ an .. . we 2% W1 e "~ _ . g L

8* = ,.~F , -ask; I t '1 W §92v@,-,, ~§1.u-@;;;,.$_,,~v,..92:_,, -grk El W" _H H E 1 - . "2 - - v M+.$WW_a1fT1-NAZ1 LEAGUE T' ! }I.A.}A PI Ii Ii [J L4 IX Ii P11 Ii'TIS 165 WEST 46th STREET- NEW YORK,N.Y. c¢m.mm»- mums Tdq$mn:H&hmaaHWW Ian":-an II 1088 It Snmn. Unamn

Pint. Nun: P. Iilu 2 Pram. Nut! Jdvioory Oouna Inns H. Gannon Clair-Ian. Board of Dindcru I want terribly to;%et a chance to do what I know best. I -

I'm trying one more angle, having written today to Lt. Comm. Tuthill, explaining my background. I don't even know if he'll see the letter, of course, but I'm hoping. if there is anything you een do end this is the last time I'll bring it up! I would be eternally grateful.

Onee again, my thanks for your past help.


J eep Uleinfeld I

P.S. I ma? bejust phoned able to Tuthill's see Liet. office Deal this and was afternoon. told that E-vb!I_ Do you know him? _

J 0 1..

- . . .-.:~

"iih . , V - 1.-=. .4=.=:.;:»:.'.-;.1',T. 1'-;"'--. . _ , ______, I _______ i - ., ,,,_-.,--1.;-.'<$~-..--¢',:,92ez:_.»__:@¢-_= ¢:~,»»I--::-.-- -, q§92l* .. ...,_,,. . . . _,,.. ...., ... ._.. . _ _ ... __. _,, . ..__...... _...._...... _ . . . ,.... ._._.._....._. ..._.. . . E W S ¬%,,,,:_SZ,,-5,,,;a",, TO CHAMPION HUMAN 74.1,;BIGQT5. Ill! ¢e from ,5, 165 V:-Jsr ma srnsar, NEW roux - uramm :.mo

.TEr-Bela!-ie_P|'1dly, December 26, 1941


Le;-gigthat aai1i¥ liete 91 me recatly éieecltec gala Ii:-st Committee an still being used by some iniividmls amt groups,

poesibly to lay a groundwork for futuregnerrllla conflict on the propaganb the Ion-Soctarian Lnti-Iazi League yaetez-day - front in America,/tired Attorney General Irlnois Fiddle I-lldbg it I16 lb-

11-tire into the disposll Of J-merit! First Illlling lllll Ill! institute In investigation of the I-oyei Copperheeds of llerioas

r ¢ pi-iieiiio of copies of i Uni-istiai Erecting folier printe with the signatnu-e the Loyal I-opperheeh of America, headed by a former active America First worker» ibis folder was sent out during the r I rst fee days of this reek as a Ghrietnee greeting to former active members of the America First Com-|ittee_in gag 105;, Persons receiving this Ghristnae card, the League revealed... hed been previously active in "

of followers ct Charles 1- Linribergu On the Ieet Coast it is horn as the National cOppet'1lOl-ill heaaed and roumied by I111; O. Jones. a writer tor

1 the lleutecper Tech-u1_' gadi B;eobn-cgter, now defunct. organ of the GQIIIQDI - American Bu.nd.,cbo res recently under inveetigetion by the Deparuent of Justice arter he had nde a .lpOBCh| tailoring the declaration of nr, violently

lecailing President lOQICIO1te he Deutscher Ieckru! on several occasions urgef. its embers to Join the |5°pperhead.s¢ Goppe:-head literature was widely distributed at Ian; Ina-ica First leetinger earlier in the fear- Photostats of the card and qwelope have been sent to attorney _ ___ General mans. lxqrpts tron the wire to Biddle follow: We respectfully urge that you inetitute an investigtilm of 5.3" ho: the railing lists of the now llieeolvod lmerica Ii:-st Cclmittee were a disposed of am in whoie possession they new are. In have reason to believe _ ' . I . _I, that these Iiets are still hoing II-set! by some individuals I-mi Lgrorups.-possibly

. to lay 5- groundwork f for tutu-e guerrilla conict on __ the - propaganda front in I; t ' - - .-._.- --_ ,.-..__, ,___ __ -r - . '1 . r- -' » _ . llifle _ - ... _ _-_. , . " ._ __ . ,._, - _ o " --' .------. - . J I I . -_ . - 1 ' - ," t-- -'. . '.. - -a . _ - '_ 3 ' '_-' _ lnasauch -as 92_lle Gennittee la eupposei to have been completely '. - X -.


V: 9'2" ,- I

. di-=1-ended and dissolved by its leaders, we feel that an investigation at this t. JI.'l.t.Ct92l18 is called for; The loyal C-opperheads, headed by a former 'J.me1-iea rst official, is composed of followers of Charles 1- T-iII5bBI'¬h' on the BB1? 0 y Cc-est, under the name of the llaticnal Gopperheads, the group has consistently cooperated with open mm» and is m_11 active. In founder is 1:111: 0. z Jones, recently arrested and released. by your Departmenti Jones, as you know; was a writer for the Peutschor [cola-_u:[ und §'_e_o'b_e:hter, the organ of I "E the Nazi Bund, which, incidentally, on several occasions urged its meurers v to Join the Gopperheads." '


92 w

Note to Editor} 1 photostatic copy of the folder is avail-B'l.1e upon request:



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1 . .

u-.4 w "*1._:>'' <- . F ,v 92 ".10;iifjf -"'-,'*< W .92 ._ tf-. ______V V - ' 1_5*PPi°V9d 75-=1-F0I"92"?3A§f7@F%Y@%_ W _' * Do not w1:|'I'¬éin ¬h<_sc5}5<Z1'CE'5 /_/5 [HQ MN L érlowgi; Cdpies of thié "ra;¢r+. Cg; Bureau1- O1-II Seattle - Philadelphia 2- G-2 Seattle 2OAUG221942/ I~>:;§32.___ - New York 4- Seattle ~ Butte I r.-Pr-==4- 5. W, f { H P ~ Portleind EM-1ttfl;L .,t E!.1 .¢ 3 A7 'fPQm-my-9» .6! TL p ~i,;.;92..=~;: . ,_/3 _=r 1,2,

_____-.t -J9." -,. E . ?r¢m= Sn December 1940 at a testimonial dinner of the Communist Party I . ..-4',*

.. i 5,_,_ _ the Scviet Union and its officials, cf,. »..f?,;. . __ denouncing HITLTJR as a dictatorand calling President ROOSTTEILT, Governor '§"¬- Jz'92!.1ES,KNUDS-ON Mr. ofthe O. P. M., CPh3RI[.ES~L]1~lDBERGH, CHURCHIIL,the Pope, "'9_;__'- and BICIi;'@I392&11@':l92!1*L1I192ISTE.;EII311 "mwmnsgoées". declared He Governor um JAMES and President ROOS%'I were ac tocges when they sent troops . H.-".." §':1_, to intimidate the strikers. He is further reported to have declared that the ".fr_1_e_._-c.:,_ Commmist Party would change its policy at any time it sees fit to defend the M worker and that prior to the entrance of Russia into the war, it was an J---~.i.,.-"- -_.~ . imperialist one incited by capitalists, but that the capitalists made a mis- it-"=I;i= take in inciting HITIER to attack the Soviet Union. He indicated that the ';._.=. ; Communist Party would change its policy every day, if necessary, in order to - J fr; provide a policy that was consistently for the worker.


.=-1, L-,'



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..*t . 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION a f»,Iurmlml I'I~lIlCASI£ORlGINAI'ID - A1 L031NGEL§ J '_ - IILI In. 1!-]_6'f§J _ Kr:V . '...-...... ;;.;-._ 1/ ...... ;. m.3.;-..*;* ..=.....§;}}" . ,1 Y. ms mss1.m_1" - 10/19/h2 g駬2g§.30-31IIILLIAMDETTIEIIER,;TéIL§75?_;-éj 1:. .1, ' 1 - 7? ...-.. Y *91 ..;;...... 1 :5- ."'w' g. "ml with aliases. ' a mimmsmurm -n,;,-.1- -= " ; OS acvsroom. DE'I'ENTIGi - r 7 _ _ " ; *7 ___ 7 _ __ ' _ 7 43'...-, . .- __ _ - '. .!92'6 - 92 . ; nmoPs|sorrAc1's=. i . .. '_ ___ ~ '47: _- . 9;., H", * 92 .' . _ . 92 . ~ ¢ » -' 1 -- a - - - -» aSubject: homeaBB3.1"Ch6d'8.fb8I written obtaining pemission.-~--,~ _ _IJ4Y ~.--5 Search revealsSub'ect J a interest took in LmericaF'irs'h .-" 92 activities andother iso1ationists'activities prior to war; a 1 i"; i A likewise possessed anti-Jewishpropaganda; follower is of: " f- _r.;-; Io:-ks of late German General I.UDE~lDOR.F'F,whose books were ' -~ J 92__, 1. A - A : .$1 :1 1 Fr, § fa ._ _ -. . 92- . .05 "

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XXXXXX XXXXXX *~ -. .,~..-..-Q.-.-.---.a-s-..~.-:5; -.i._.»Js.--._.- '._92..._ ,._.d¢.__,. . . _ _. _ _ _ _ 3 E ~ Q.

I . » it 5'_ ?Z"".'isau2I...m. T!j~*1J.1...... T FEDERAL.1 omnom m..=...-.>. cm, ammo /OF-JNVESTIGATIONBUREAU _v. r-L-=-=»E 100-1179 E- /E. -" i Wommo:-m crrz} 1o-9-41 -5§?§5l,8,15[. hr 1 2 {K 3: b r, " o '- ob"j es.-o-sot 93 4. £t0$COE7'DUNJEE, Editor, .mTERNAL SECUHIH;6» 1 1 2 rsmcx DISPATCH. - _-_,- $ 92 92 i. 92 |'92 ir t The Black Dispatch,published by noscm 1., 5 . svnorsns or z be mmass in Oklahoma City, while not sub- V »/p 3 versive in content, strongly parallels . __.- the olicie p______5 ...._ and +.anaf.= --..--.. -- n-I the ...... Gn-1-mn-I -_...... :.._.,s., + _ = ts Party. t av /Ky 3: 1. P- . 1, - g 7 .. isY V1 R ! , Details : - ...w The L nit Dismat 1-. -1- 'n'|'.|1'92'|'|l'|nnRIm-I .-1. h ' an-v ' -- _ -1-I" -- -_-r--w-- -. xv-11--0-Ivnawvu. .17 ew; nan wvu-Ll§'Du|B qu- at 32A East SecondStreet, OklahomaCity, Oklahoma, by '1!-neisck Q _Qi_§;_>_tach PublishingCompany, Oklahomaity, Oklahoma, and lists -V ;' Q -. as ad92FFE1'éI?1grep:'ese?1E§t1've, B.f.Z:Lff Com§y, Chicago,I. Hey_ . t _ -' 1 York, Iosnlngeles,Rochester, KansasCity and Ifajos, GoldCoast, 1! ifcs. me Black Dispatchis a memberof w ' 3 -i _ljx_'c;§§_,this Ihile publication cannot besaid to be definitely i subversive, since it would be obviously detrimental to itséfutnre ' -Q 1 9 to have such documentaryevidence published- It is quite "gr@'i- Y ,;__¢- cantthat its editorials andother articles strongly nl!92]§:1_£he' 1 ... - - 3 -___,_._. r-'. . u 9292°§@_,18Connmmisticand tenets. policies " A- - ,3 - K | 1 .._. "1 92 ¥ 5 92

9292 I;.?.1EE.;£,?§92 i*U92s_i;.Z192.§'.i"*';."""¢...... _l92u - E Em we;-3»;-¥?*=-'**1~-=_-_=_-*==-it/w4$%E'.'l-.1 E._;.:.__ , /M 4-9_o0']_l-=1 sw>%"@c ? ¢ YE G THII P; A, _ E"?,l'92 " 19M 33";£¢ki;t;m'E .°§ -- /'s u i L L F 92 , -H ,______l %j'' am . """""' -"""*-II--*-----'-..--....92. _-.....-...... =..._A»_,.._-_,. 92_....._._.. W .. ._. . .. §i_92~7~»...l .., . ,.92... _,..-,.A_.92_,______. >r ¬::. PI. G ~ '5 , 75' Q . 1' ./~ < HQ. I. - 1 I92 i 1 » » B. aoscoz nnrms. Oklahoma City 100-1.179 10-9-41 A =~ J 6.; F R


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fe". grU -if!. my '_.'¢92; I I .92;u. 1 i .',I 1.!- .-It. -.v Q;-. |_,,- >. - J 92 :- 1 92 92 3 1 issue la £

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7 .

2 jaoscoz nunmz. clahoma City 100-1179 io-9-1.1'~ _'I f I¢ In this issue is also contained an article which states V that the N.A.A.C.P. takes up the fight for the United Brotherhoodof Carpenters who were refused work in the Tulsa Bomber Plant. This issue also carries advertisemnt of free speech in 0 homaby Colonel t . CHARLES A:921.nrnasRcnand s.U. Senator BURTON on§J;WT-IEEI-ER August29, L 1941 on behalf oi the American First Committee.


i J a

4. 2 ---_,. _+_.__,,_ _ '-on A. r ~-.._ _ ,A.T"L---I ' ' ' ' cm ~_ TI; In 1 Ieheral Bureau of inursftgatlun M nite?! tatrs Brpartment of Justin: _ H" "" ll Jr"-s 92 Ne N; In 1-__ _

i _ _.'1r.-Ifr '~ ii-L-. .3 3: - -121": 1/ :3 1- PERSCNAL com-. - -~ rm.mm I.: - F-la-I-DB1 ,_,_ f _ L 3- " i I .. _ _ * e , ERIARLA October 21»,19451: L.....i__,..._.__._ -1 ._..__ 2/ -5 1.I I .-92V E 10o-9692

4.- Director 4..-_-_ 7 592O, Federal Washington, Bureau ofc. Investigation n. _ ;,._-,-W . O . Be: THE mom FOR mzrzoou wlmxrrzs; '" mrzmuu, ssctnurr

M, _w Dear Sir:

Enclosed herewith is a press release of THE FIGHP FOR FEM OOIAMITTEE relative to the activities of H58 GERTRUDE -~"LAW'RENCE, Wel1knownactress, in refusing to accept a medal from the-FINNISH ,REL3l=..Fmm!, mo.

Very truly yours , t P. E. Form-mi,4" K. n. -'~l Assistant Director 5 --- ' J!

, _.¥ Enclosure A ' _ fut ; co- NewYork file65-313'? A ll, "

{pix Tian Pf.-, '~- I2IDf, ;;m:,_!92_ _r f 92 e "l;~;P*" Q:Q 4*/ow;-; 1 _ scam-|:;;m.=;0ri.i:vl$1;3AI@b§ I --=- ~ 1,"--1 * vw 27 rm r < U. e B Y->~ -. *=e*"*"*"s";§;1g/Y-**@'»@Y1-"-_ $92 g,__g:M.L U , / / aQ --is ,i r I s 4/ /g-"aw From_£i5ht forvfreedom 1270 Sixth Avenue, Room309 F. H. Peter testes: Exec. Secy. Circle 6-4250

IfQH_,»'iEDNESD§l_1?_._M.__RE_Li,EA5§.. . .

Miss Gertrude Lawrence, star of "Lady in the Dark" has

refused to accept a medal proffered by the Finnish government thro

the Finnish Relief Fund headed by ex-President beer that.governmont is now the vessel of Nazi Germany", Fight for

~;% put >k '_ ~ ,.,-_ Freedom learnedtoday. £4- -,,-.l-~ ls. ~¢r@:ngin¢.:-:'é2sa M. , " -- " '-"ff." '. wr'..-. F Miss Lawrence sent e copy of her letter to the Finnish :'?1"§1-.1. T?-ii-if!-2"- "raj-"_:'.-.,_- '. I-- Relief Fund, Inc. to Bishop Henry W¢?Hobson. Her letter of refuse ' 3-;__ ' ' -"" ..'. _ ,."-'.-."'" _ ~;Y31ss.s»s3;;eae<@_ dire follows: _ i -§._- -:,,__-,2,. ,_! _; .[_:..,__:, ..:§=~§ -;- 3 . - -. - ....h-ca-Tr'.*.1~"' . . ..»=. ¢{-351:. October 14, 1941 . _- _i§""." f I-;,§i-§§5_=',_ '14-»; ';-I;-*9 -1». as--. _.- L; 2* ~@-*3"-;.~'-ole-s--»-sex»-~':mQ;.

The Finnish Government, through your organization, hes offered me a medal because I helped to raise money for the relief of the Finnish people in 1939--1940.

There are few things that I would rather have than a medal from those brave, simple folk. It makes me sad that I must refuse this offer made in their name, but in reality -In-_' * ' _. .1: made by a Government which is now the vassal of Nazi Germany. »'- »- 1;_ ..... -~4 S - ,. lg . .3,Y -- e ._.E__._¢ . . . For I cannot help being convinced that it is one more case in 1.-_ ;: - t'=_"_:.... .= which the Government of a small country is being used by the deans ' 4, r'x<1;".-92>' .. i ;__ -_ :- :.:._- 1 Nazis in an attempt to make people of good will and humanity , ._ -- - I ?m~ ._ appear to endorse the notions of the Nazi regime. My creed .. I .. ~.-13" . - '»-1=vv__ 1' - has always been that expressed by my Prime Minister, Winston 3:"--'*:"::=*9i.'.*l"_~M =_.-- _ -s. 71'". I.?~>'..r 1"" Churchill when he said, "Any mun or state that fights against -W,._ v .4:@~_,»:1 "- 1 ¢;::F§_.1::-E,_;,,.- 1 "In. _._-f..;I:;_L:."',_';::_~__ ~r4_ Naziism A-M7 will have cur aid. Any man or state that marches "'1 '3 - 1 4" _ with Hitler is our foe." I-*--', ____ -_ _ is -_"Q r__-_: sane : L:¢ w-I9 _ . _~-| §"_ $2 _._._E J?'__.~_vf_;_;;£§2_;_;_H_I_;.':J.~_i;;:. G .,.., ea: .,_,_,. Very truly yours '_-_;__'-,,;'j -o~-'5'- '..-f_J ,___»1.-,3 .5 j.k,, ,"', 1» >4_ __ -Yr_. signed! GERTRUDE LAWRENCE ~.;§ete5tetee¥sss;F:;l,___. .,.-.__-,..___{_;-rjgii-_ ins _ J: s- e _;_",,.. 7... ,.3_._.;92__, .1__, ___ cf. - = e~_ %g - r " gefi Li E H G it G G - =u?J ,-»< aw; , ;" s _-4 L i . e.=r . ,__[_ _ Bishop obson commented: T knDI how deeply concerned _:w;@.QgT'=f=.>5_ sLé '1 T k '-J; -*~¢rMMMg15T¬~r@F¬ Miss Lawrence was with the ethical problems involved in making her in ennwr **""* ngqgyt _.. ~ *-4-1-0» §. L.:h* .3 -"~ l'*:@I'..=D; F: -decision. Her action is in decided contrast to that of Charles 92_l "*Iindbergh who has no scruples about keeping his Nazi cocorsticn."

The-offer of the Finnish medal came to Miss Lawrence §hT°ush PerrinC-Aéalpin, Secretoryof the Finnish Relief Fund, 9 _ -| .1 . _ . . _._ 1X1 '3.J....EDeIG IBDZ on QCtOD6I 51111»

1014 ##z1#####e#

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-0-oi:-I-I! Order" renewed-

REFERENCEReport of Special lgen! L n c., dated July 23, 1 ' DETAILS AT WA.SH11[%TCN , B C» 1 '1 -.. ;

.*.-3-3'" 1-92924'"j"'L' Lj- .;_'.',_.;.._;- » .- BY? ,:.- , . ,5 3 '£ ~;fE-Q? ".-.-1 . . 1 ..;*/1

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_;;;_z;__ 92 W r_';.92_-4-w-E '~;e-;-= .-é In fact, so faras identifyingGerman propaganda 9*--->~1.,§':'4Fe- .';V". is concerned,the onlyprecise effortis foundin the issue_oi',8, August l9£+0,where certainpassages from -¬A.I- -¢._ _ .. , Col. LIIJDBJRGH!-eare speech comparedwith selected ex- r~ cerpts fromGerman short-wavebroadcasts. Referenceto 1,. a few at thesecomparisons indicatesthat there is nec- " ~ -'92-ll _! essarily somecommon groundon which conscientious stud- - 3 >-fl - . .*='.1 - ents ofcurrent historyare likelyto meet.For example --"-'*;1*-"*_=-"FY-'11,. 'find -we the concept that the presentconflict ,1 - V " r _ - ..» . 3"" o I . -P7!44¢». '~- ,. | _ .n»,~~ _ 3, -¢- -:'i,___w - . {concernedthe divisionofterritory andwealth F. -92 s ._ ;~_-'---:_ . ah», :__..r- between rations * _ 5-§"7%,, 1.7-,; ,._ -;, :L';'-_92;k4 - / ._ _ . ' A

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I.!;.'a'-Inr- -, -.1 -- --5'-n-4:.-.--Ir -wi uvslv vw u -,r;j__1'."'.r if, *-_'"~"":'-:#'_-1."'.:<'z,a_.-~ - -'.~ ;-_--- -_,- .r~..,- .. _, _. , ¢.: A-.~."' ,. -r -,~., . . . ,_ , .. 1__-,_,s' _..._. ;!. ,_ - . id! In -0 :___1* . - .2?3 es 4.? s *3 5-.--~.. In ' contrasting with the.concept that the war is a con-.1 ;_92:-:;___ __ A - '-.-:--'...-.-:~»,-_-, £lict~oI ideologies, to protect s way of lire - --of . 92. p :",__ _ v z "5._ me common toEngland and the United States.i Both oI_ 11' ..,.-._..-._-.__...r . r-1 1- - IT . .-'_' a I .>_. 1 'I.'|-ieenIsl an-I vvgan--1.1-wv-nae, nnnf"l-?n+.'irm- cg-wwna92f':Q* upqw nan um..r-Jr? f"r'§Anr§n.'_ u.¢t@,v-an-H, --5+. 1QH.d'.+J92 4-w--w vw '1_,_ _.. - - anyone who remembers the period from l9lh to 1917, - the slogan to _. Iy=' ' ,_ ~,_ =_:, ... .$~"."¢-"+. eneasav .msn+'*-"=- .1;---,._. i,__-make theworld safe for Democracy ._ |j_ cw :4 'l'92I* .7-*4-_-.1-..-. - and thepitiful materialismor thePeace ofVersailles. 1-§--'.£.-*.E'$:*"5~9292. , Q At all events, the present fortunes of the war are being -:01 4 '- availed of, at least, to adjust to the successful bel- _ _ . o 1-inn-vu:-92n+.le ihne . .' ' ' - I '92. - J A...|.5vA- 92-unu_u A-uvl-nu, 5_ _ _ __- » I, -r 2 _, . <:, __T, _ -'_ ' ' n 92 "v92h£21.;-:.-s-*1 .-...... , | it S: .I . r. Q 1,? the division ofterritory and_nealth.'1,, ,* Again, there is no way to prevent gernmn propaganda agencies quoting Washington's adviceto beware of '. foreign entanglements',or reminding us that that is a --Iqlo-nIn-0-1 traditional American policy. we may resent their saying . it at this juncture, but we should be fair to our own c it ensis - who still believe it - is sound advice. --- and a o __.__'."_f;,, . . . .. ,1. it, irrespectiveof its implications. , - _ 6; 1_,i,, r' - cg Again, that America should put forward a peace pro- gram, as Col. LINDEERGHput it - _{ E - 1 ; } v . _r 92 * ' s?F¥~*4}, A_. ___ ._ __? -92 ._ LR I . a plan for the progress and protection of ' 'ssss - the Western civilization of which they and ._,_,.;.r:. ¥.;.."*c.92s_.--I we each iorm a part '_ .._,a 792*- . has been a sentiment entertained by many of the most v intelligent and active public men of our time, particu- 2 Y? larly those closely associated with international commerce. 3*$%é- fl ._k . . _ , .92_ 5 _ . _..<--,.. _ . - -~ '*-" Eachof these concepts has, in fact, been woveninto V, 0}v, . _ . the fabric of Nazi propaganda fromtime to time. None of a...... _i.- them has any permanent part in it, but may serve the pur- pose of introducing some argument, or combatting someAllied rrvrub-.@u92-5h nnnannn 92= ----- Ihnn. *l'hPV.;..--I --.--- have '---'--§P'r'VBd D'l.1I"'DQ5E. Will t»hEY presumablydiscarded be withoutapology'by Nazi thephilo- sophers, } I