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A Bennett, Andrew, 20n10 Abergavenny , 131n13 Bewell, Alan, 190n11 Abrams, M. H., xii, 63, 220 Blunden, Edmund, 14 Alfoxden, 96, 148 Bolton, Betsy, 159 Amiens, Peace of, 112, 182, 195, 209, Bonaparte, Napoleon, 34, 56, 91, 215n6 198, 199 Anderson, Peter, 240n8 Borrowdale . See Anderson, Robert, 146 Bristol, 35, 36, 44n13, 48, 170 Annual Anthology. See Southey, Brown, Eric, 107, 130n5 Robert Brun, Friederike, 205 Ashton, Rosemary, 13, 18n4, 43n1 Butler, James A., xi, 124, 125, Asra . See Hutchinson, Sara 132n24, 141, 145 Azores, 124, 125 Buttermere . See Lake District Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 104, 173 Don Juan , 104 B Barthes, Roland, 20n11 Bate, Walter Jackson, 18n4 C Baudouin, Mme . See Wordsworth, Calais . See France Anne-Caroline Calvert, Raisley, 116 Bayle, Pierre, 154, 156 Camden, William, 58, 61–2 Beer, John, 20n10, 132n17 Britannia , 58, 61

Note: Page number followed by ‘n’ refers to endnotes.

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 263 H. Thomson, Coleridge and the Romantic Newspaper, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31978-0 264 INDEX

Campbell, James Dykes, 26–7 and motherhood, 10, 25–7, 29, 56, Cassiani, Giuliano, 153–4 60, 79–87, 100, 101, 122–3, Cassianus, Johannes, 153–4 185, 228, 233 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 154, 190n12 and newspaper writing, 3–12, 16, Cheshire, Paul, 78, 102, 121, 132n22, 19n8, 21, 31–4, 41, 48–9, 54, 236–7 56–8, 73–4, 80–1, 88–91, Clayton, Alan, 132n26 95–7, 101, 114, 118–9, 126, Clevedon, 61–3, 70 141, 149, 183–4, 203–4, 210, Coburn, Kathleen, 28, 44n14, 99, 212–4, 219–20, 224, 226, 118, 132n22, 157, 179, 189n3, 231–2, 233–4, 236, 239 190n12, 193, 208 ‘Nicias Erythraeus’, 73 Cocytus, 107–10 and poetic genius, 10, 14–5, 26, 34, Coffman, Ralph J., 99, 146, 156 55–6, 70–1, 79–87, 90–7, 101, Coleman, Deirdre, 19n9, 32 114, 115, 119, 142, 144, 158, Coleorton, 69–70 168, 170–1, 173–4, 192, 202, Coleridge, Berkeley, 25–31, 101 219, 224–5, 227–30, 236–7, Coleridge, Derwent, 106, 107, 123, 239 166–71, 173, 174, 210 and ‘radical difference’, 16, 114, Coleridge, Hartley, 29, 31, 44n9, 115, 193, 197, 202, 203, 213, 44n13, 48, 61, 78n9, 82, 87, 89, 224, 230, 234 169, 185, 186, 210 and reciprocity, 8, 10, 13, 36, 49, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 68, 72. 75, 82, 95, 96, 153, ‘cassiani, jun.’, 153–8 156, 238–9 and children, 17, 25–30, 60–1, 77, relationship with Charles Lamb, 48, 81–7, 92–5, 101, 107, 184–5, 85, 89, 120–1, 144, 173, 192, 210, 238–9 220–1, 228 and divorce, 177, 179–83 relationship with Daniel Stuart, 5–7, and emigration, 105, 122, 186, 18, 31–3, 48, 89, 95, 129n1, 194, 210 140, 180, 189n9, 213 and friendship, 2, 4–25, 31, 39, relationship with Dorothy 43n3, 87, 117, 124, 129, 135, Wordsworth, 2, 22–3, 37–8, 138–9, 141, 144–53, 156–7, 43n4, 70, 122, 176, 184, 193, 163–4, 171–3, 177–9, 188, 195, 196, 211–2, 222 197–8, 201–2, 211–3, 220–4, relationship with Mary Evans, 227, 230, 235–6 59–61, 78n7, 109, 178–9 ‘Laberius’, 41, 45n16, 45n17 relationship with Mary Robinson, 5, and marriage, 4–5, 9–11, 16, 25–30, 7, 10, 12, 16, 32, 34, 48, 55, 34, 37–8, 43n6, 47, 59–61, 56, 80, 90, 116–7, 129, 63–5, 79, 81, 87, 110–5, 117, 131n11, 135–43, 158–60, 122, 125, 136, 138–9, 163–4, 160n2, 163–79, 189n1, 230 177–86, 192–8, 206, 210, 213, relationship with Robert Southey, 219, 222–6, 236 10, 16, 31, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, ‘Modestus’, 134n28 43n6, 48, 59–60, 87, 105, 109, INDEX 265

125, 126, 149, 178, 181, 184, ‘Alcaeus to Sappho’, 140, 160, 185, 187, 193, 219–20, 221 164–7, 189n2 relationship with Sara Coleridge, 3, ‘A Letter to—’, 191, 223 ( see also 11, 24–30, 35–9, 41, 42, 43n6, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 44n13, 47–9, 59–65, 77, 78n8, Works, ‘Dejection. An Ode’ ; 79, 81–2, 87–9, 99–101, 106, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 109–110, 122–3, 128, 153, Works, ‘Verse Letter’) 181, 183–6, 195, 197, 210, ‘An Ode to the Rain’, 211–13, 226 214n5 ( see also Coleridge, Samuel relationship with Sara Hutchinson, Taylor, Works, ‘Lines written in 2, 3, 5, 7–9, 11–13, 15, 34, 36, Bed in Grasmere’ ) 37, 39–42, 47, 49, 55, 61, 62, ‘A Philosophical Apology for the 67, 76–7, 80, 101, 108–10, Ladies’, 177, 180–3, 190n9, 120, 121, 125–8, 136, 151, 226 164–7, 172, 176, 179–84, ‘A Soliloquy of the Full Moon’, 1–3, 186–8, 192–4, 196–7, 201, 18, 18n2, 235, 239 204–10, 214n4, 214n5, ‘A Stranger Minstrel’, 65, 116, 117, 215n12, 219, 221–3, 227, 174–7 230–2, 236, 239 ‘Ballad of the Dark Ladie’, 67, 69, relationship with William Sotheby, 78n11, 91 16, 114, 197, 202–3, 207, Biographia Literaria , xi, 32, 56, 223–5, 229, 230, 234 71, 82, 83, 85, 89, 92, 98, relationship with William 99, 104, 119, 144, 158, 197, Wordsworth, 2–18, 22–5, 202 34–6, 36–42, 55–7, 58, 61, ‘Chamouni ; The Hour Before 69–77, 79, 89–94, 96–8, 101, Sun-Rise’, 204–5, 215n10 103–6, 107–8, 110–5, 115–20, ‘Christabel’, 16, 17, 67, 75, 77n4, 122–5, 135–40, 141–60, 104, 106, 116–18, 121, 129n1, 164–7, 170–1, 176–7, 182, 131n7, 136, 140, 141, 143–52, 186, 188, 192–214, 218–9, 157, 168, 172, 179, 232, 233 222–39 ‘Constancy to an Ideal Object’, 76, and the sea, 125–9, 132n26, 187 176 ‘EΣTHΣE’, 4, 126, 167, 184, 185, ‘Dejection. An Ode’, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 187, 202–6 9–11, 18n4, 19n5, 19n7, 21, and sex , 3, 16, 25, 37, 40, 55–7, 59, 60, 108, 110, 145–8, 153, 59, 61, 62, 67, 71, 74, 75, 156, 175, 178, 191–3, 195, 81–2, 102n4, 117, 118, 121–2, 199, 201, 203, 205, 208, 211, 125, 132n22, 172, 180–2, 184, 213, 217, 219, 224, 226, 233, 194, 199, 200, 210, 214n5, 235, 238–44 ( see also 222, 233 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, ‘ventifrons’, 116 Works, ‘A Letter to—’ ; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, works Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, ‘A Christmas Carol’, 85 Works, ‘Verse Letter’) 266 INDEX

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, works (cont.) ‘Love’ , 49, 54, 61, 63, 73, 75, ‘Dormi, Jesu! The Virgin’s Cradle- 77n1, 78n13, 104, 117, Hymn’, 86 129n1, 147, 152 ( see also ‘Drinking versus Thinking’, 184 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, ‘Epigram On a Maiden, More Works, ‘Introduction to the Sentimental than Chaste’, 42, Tale of the Dark Ladie’) 45n17 Lyrical Ballads (see Lyrical ‘ Epigrams. From the German of G. E. Ballads ) Lessing ’ , 38 ‘Monody on Chatterton’, 170, ‘Epitaph on a Bad Man’, 185 189n5 ‘Fears in Solitude’, 199, 200 ‘Ode, After Bathing in the Sea’, 11, ‘France. An Ode’, 199, 226 125–8, 187, 226 ‘Friends should be weigh’d, not ‘Ode to Addington’, 190n9 told ’ , 188 ‘Ode to Georgiana’, 10, 55, 79–87, ‘From An Old German Poet (After 168, 171, 226 Wernike)’, 200 ‘On an Infant, who died before it’s ‘Frost at Midnight’, 168, 169, 187, Christening’, 29, 30 222 ‘On a Supposed Son’, viii, 98–100, ‘Inscription for a Fountain’, 11, 186 102n6, 102n7 ‘Inscription for a Seat by a Road ‘Original Epigrams’, 200 Side’, 65, 115–21, 141 Osorio , 80, 102n2 ‘Inscription on a Jutting Stone’, ‘Portrait of Pitt’, 10, 80, 87–95, 97, 185, 186 100, 220 ‘Introduction to the Tale of the ‘Recollections of Love’, 176 Dark Ladie’, 6, 9, 36, 47–78, ‘Romantic Marriage’, 111–4, 202 80, 91, 116, 117, 165, 171, Sarah Hutchinson’s Poets (see 178, 181, 224, 233 ( see also Hutchinson, Sara) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Sibylline Leaves , 54, 145, 205 Works, ‘Love’) ‘Song. To be Sung by the Lovers of ‘Job’s Luck’, 184 ( see also All the Noble Liquors’, 184 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, ‘Sonnet to Asra’, 176 Works, ‘The Devil ‘Spots in the Sun’, 201–2 Outwitted’) ‘The Apotheosis ; or, The Snow- ‘Kubla Khan’, 40, 57, 67, 70, 116, drop’, 160n2 172–4, 189n7, 212 ‘The Day Dream’, 11, 176, 196, ‘Letters to Mr Fox’, 198–9 209–11, 238 ‘Letter to the Editor’, 54, 57–62 ‘The Devil Outwitted’, 183–4 ( see ‘Lewti’, 55, 72–7, 78n14, 78n15 also Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, ‘Lines written in Bed in Grasmere’, Works, ‘Job’s Luck’) 211 ( see also Coleridge, Samuel ‘The Devil’s Thoughts’, 31, 34, 35, Taylor, Works, ‘An Ode to the 54 Rain’ ) ‘The Dungeon’, 142, 147 INDEX 267

‘The Eolian Harp’, 55, 61, 63–5, ‘To William Wordsworth’, 41, 55, 70, 78n9, 116, 117, 175, 230 56, 69–71, 93, 147, 158, 170, ‘The Foster-mother’s Tale’, 147 171, 189n5, 196, 226–8, 230 ‘The Fraudulent Marriage’, 113 ‘Tranquillity, an Ode’, 11, 183, 185, ‘The Keepsake’, 11, 101–2, 176, 188, 226 208–9 ‘Verse Letter’, 1, 2, 7, 16, 61, 145, ‘The Language of Birds’, 11, 146, 153, 178, 192, 194–6, 238–9 203, 209, 210, 214n5, ‘The Mad Monk’, 135, 136, 140–6, 215n14, 218, 219, 221–4, 150, 153–6, 158, 161n10, 227–9, 231–3, 239 (see 161n16, 225 (see Coleridge, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Works, ‘The Works, ‘A Letter to — ’ ; Voice from the Side of Etna ; or, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, The Mad Monk’) Works, ‘Dejection. An Ode’) ‘The Nightingale’, 73, 75, 147, The Watchman , 149 168–70 ‘You hesitate if you should take a ‘The Pains of Sleep’, 72, 175 wife’, 21, 30, 38 ‘The Pang More Sharp Than All’, Coleridge, Sara (b. Fricker), 15, 60 24–31, 35–6, 38, 39, 41, 42, ‘The Picture ; or, The Lover’s 43n6, 44n11, 47, 49, 59–60, Resolution’, 11, 167, 176, 196, 62–6, 87, 89, 101, 109, 122–3, 206–9 145, 179, 181, 184, 210, 219 . ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’, (see also Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 34, 54, 55, 97–9, 104, 107, and marriage; Coleridge, Samuel 108, 129n1, 143, 147, 154, Taylor, and divorce) 155 and motherhood, 10, 25–31, ‘The Three Graves’, 194 44n13, 56, 79, 81–2, 83, 87, ‘The Two Round Spaces’, 141 153, 185 ‘The Voice from the Side of Etna ; and pregnancy, 42, 48, 49, 88, 100, or, The Mad Monk’, 140, 145, 195, 197, 210 226 ( see also Coleridge, Samuel Cottle, Joseph, 35, 36, 38, 58, 75, 97, Taylor, Works, ‘The Mad 137, 144–6, 151, 153, 161n13 Monk’ ) Alfred: An Epic Poem , 144, 145, ‘The Wills of the Wisp. A Sapphic’, 161n13 187 Courier , xi, 21, 30, 33, 38, 42, 49, 80, ‘Timorous Love’, 42 91, 95, 109, 126, 142, 163 ‘To an Old Man’, 106, 109–10, 126 Cowper, William, 119, 132n20 ‘To a Young lady, On her First The Task , 119 Appearance after a Dangerous Crabbe, George, 6 Illness’, 41 Cross, Ashley, 77n3, 161n6, 189n2, ‘To Matilda Betham’, 204 189n4 ‘To Mr. Pye’, 98–9 Cumberland . See Lake District 268 INDEX

D Fraser, William August, 161n4 Dante, 130n5, 131n8, 240n8 Fricker, Edith . See Southey, Edith Inferno , 107, 109, 110 Fricker, Sara . See Coleridge, Sara Danvers, Charles, 10, 17 Fruman, Norman, 18n4, 161n11 Darwin, Erasmus, 181, 183, 190n10, Fulford, Tim, 19n10, 190n10 190n11 The Loves of the Plants , 180 Davy, Humphry, 48, 87, 105, 107, G 124, 146 Gallow Hill, 77, 112, 125–9, 186, Dawe, George, viii, 55, 77n2 194, 210 Dekker, George, 18n4, 240n2 Genette, Gérard, 5, 19n6 Demata, Massimiliano, 19n9, 32 Genevieve . See Coleridge, Samuel De Quincey, Thomas, 131n10 Taylor, Works, ‘Introduction to the Derrida, Jacques, 20n11 Tale of the Dark Ladie’; Coleridge, Derwent Lake . See Lake District Samuel Taylor, Works, ‘Love’ Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, Gentleman’s Magazine , 33 56, 77n3, 80, 83, 85, 90, 226 Germany, 4, 6, 9, 15, 21–5, 27, 69, . See Lake District 185, 200 Goslar , 22 Göttingen , 23, 25, 82 E Hamburg, 22 Easedale . See Lake District Ratzeburg , 22, 44n9 Eilenberg, Susan, 13, 18n4, 19n10 Gessner, Salomon, 224 Ekwall, Eilert, 130n4 Gill, Stephen, xii, 13, 18n4, 19n10, Erdman, David V., xi, 8, 9, 19n9, 32, 43n1, 123, 130n3, 132n23, 144, 34, 80, 91, 99, 102n2, 102n5, 148, 201 114, 131n10, 135, 141, 145, Godwin, William, 17, 48, 87, 89, 153, 161n10, 180, 215n6 105, 122, 146, 147, 155, Evans, Mary, 59–61, 78n7, 109, 178, 171, 178, 183, 188, 192, 179 235, 237 Goff, Moira, 161n4 Goslar . See Germany F Göttingen . See Germany Fairer, David, 19n10 Grasmere . See Lake District Favret, Mary, 240n7 Gravil, Richard, 19n10, 20n13, Foreman, Amanda, 77n3, 81, 102n3 161n10 Fox, Charles, 80, 89, 198, 199 Grayling, A. C., 14, 20n11, 43n3 France, 6, 8, 16, 32, 37, 47, 56, 59, Green, Karen, xi, 145 91, 111, 112, 123, 155, 167, Greta Hall . See Lake District 182, 186, 188, 190n12, 198–203, Grieta Hall . See Lake District 210, 212, 213, 215n6, 226 Griggs, Earl Leslie, xi, 17, 20n14, 35, Calais, 16, 182, 197, 215n11 109, 129n1, 146, 201 INDEX 269

H Jones, Kathleen, 13, 20n10 Hall, Joseph, 187 Jones, Robert, 17 Hamburg . See Germany Harding, Anthony, 18n4 Heath, William, 18n4 K Hessell, Nikki, 19n9, 32, 33, 57 Keats, John, 65, 67, 78n12 Holmes, Richard, xi, 11, 13, 18n4, ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’, 68, 19n10, 43n1, 48, 78n7, 132n21, 78n13 166, 218, 236 ‘Ode to a Nightingale’, 119 Hope, Alexander Augustus, 111 ‘The Eve of St Agnes’, 68 House, Humphry, 18n4 Keswick . See Lake District Hunt, Leigh , 173 Krawczyk, Scott, 43 Hutchinson, George, 109, 125 Hutchinson, Mary, 2, 4, 16, 23, 37–8, 40, 76–7, 81, 103, L 111–14, 122, 123, 131n11, ‘Laberius.’ . See Coleridge, Samuel 138–40, 158–60, 167, 182, 191, Taylor 194–6, 201, 206, 207, 209–11, Lake District, 5, 10, 12, 23, 24, 37–9, 212, 214n5, 222–4 45n15, 49, 79, 95, 98, 103–15, Hutchinson, Sara, 1–3, 5, 7–9, 11–13, 120–5, 151, 168, 176, 179, 183, 15, 34, 36, 37, 39–42, 43n6, 191, 193, 200, 213, 232 44n14, 47, 49, 55, 60–1, 62, 64, Borrowdale, 106, 121, 148, 149, 67, 70, 71, 76, 77, 79–81, 89, 151, 168 100, 101, 108–10, 117, 120, Buttermere, 111, 113, 114, 121, 123, 125–9, 132n22, 136, 132n16, 215n8 151, 164–7, 172, 175, 176, Cumberland, 103, 105, 109, 114, 179–81, 183, 184, 186–8, 167, 168 189n3, 192–4, 196, 197, 201, Derwent Lake, 107, 110 203–10, 214n4, 215n12, 218, Dove Cottage, 37, 45n15, 49, 112, 219, 221–3, 230–2, 235, 239 179, 185, 195, 201 Sarah Hutchinson’s Poets , 2, 183, Easedale, 122 186–8, 206, 236, 239 Grasmere, 12, 15, 37, 43n5, 80, 86, 97, 100–2, 103–8, 110, 111, 114–6, 119, 123–5, J 130n2, 148, 155, 159, 166, James, Felicity, 19n10 189n3, 194–5, 202, 205–6, James, Henry, 44n10 211, 213 Jeffrey, Francis, 104 Greta Hall ( see also Grieta Hall), Johnston, Kenneth R., 8, 13, 18n4, 48, 103, 105–10, 114, 115, 19n10, 20n10, 20n11, 43n1, 120–4, 130n4, 132n21, 140, 123, 132nn23, 138, 140, 201, 168, 183–5, 189n3, 194, 195, 215n7 206, 210, 218, 230 270 INDEX

Lake District (cont.) Lyrical Ballads , xi, 5, 8, 16–18, 22, Grieta Hall ( see also Greta Hall), 23, 34, 39, 54–8, 63, 73–6, 94, 103, 106–9, 122, 222 95, 98, 99, 103, 104, 107, Keswick, 17, 24, 37, 48, 103–6, 115–17, 129n1, 130n2, 132n18, 109–2, 116, 119, 122, 126, 135–61, 163–6, 168, 170, 171, 149, 166–8, 186, 187, 194, 174, 176, 179, 186, 189n2, 229, 202, 211 233, 234, 237. see also Coleridge, Latrigg, 116 Samuel Taylor, Works; Penrith , 186, 187, 190n12 Wordsworth, William, Works Rydal, 37, 43n5 Scafell Pike, 47, 204, 205, 215n8 Skiddaw , 110, 117, 121, 148, 149, M 168, 175, 177 Mackintosh, James, 141 Town End, 123 Magnuson, Paul, 5, 13, 18n4, 20n10, ‘Windy Brow’, 116, 117, 132n18 240n5 Lamb, Charles, xi, 19n10, 22, 48, 85, Malta , 42, 236 89, 97, 120, 131n10, 144, 173, Mary, Virgin, 55–6, 60, 82, 83, 85, 86 220, 221, 228 Matlak, Richard E., 19n10 Landon, Carol, 154, 159 Mays, J. C. C., xii, 9, 18n1, 18n2, 29, Latrigg . See Lake District 41, 43n2, 45n17, 49, 57, 60, 62, Leadbetter, Gregory, 20n10, 78n15 63, 73, 78n4, 78n9, 78n11, Leader, Zachary, 32, 33, 240n2 78n13, 99, 100, 116, 132n18, Lefebure, Molly, 13, 18n4, 31, 43n6, 142–5, 152, 153, 156, 157, 173, 101 174, 178, 180, 200, 201, 205, Legouis, Émile, 131n12, 132n15, 207, 210 215n13, 216n15 McFarland, Thomas, 13, 19n4, 141, Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 29, 30, 161n10, 161n11 38, 41, 44n8, 90, 99 Middleham, 8, 109, 125, 183 Sinngedichte , 99 Mileur, Jean-Pierre, 19n4 Levy, Martin, 172, 189n4, 189n6 Milton, John, 70, 96, 97, 101, 109, Lloyd, Charles, 152 164, 196, 198 Lockhart, John Gibson, 54 Miltonic , 96, 203, 218, 226 Logau, Friedrich von, viii, 25, 28, 99, Montagu, Basil, 152 188 Moore, Thomas, 75 London , 21, 36, 38, 41–2, 47, 87, Moorman, Mary, 13, 19n4, 38, 43n1, 95, 97, 181, 186–8, 192, 98, 131n10, 140 232 Morning Post , 1, 2, 4–11, 15, 16, Pentonville, 89 19n7, 19n8, 21, 25, 29, 31–6, Strand, 48 38–41, 47–105, 110, 111, Longman, 48, 137, 144, 146, 151 115–18, 126, 128, 129, 130n2, Losh, James, 131n13 131n11, 132n18, 135–41, Luther, Susan, 189n4 143–5, 150, 155, 158–160, INDEX 271

161n16, 163–5, 167, 168, 174, Poole, Thomas, 22–7, 44n7, 44n9, 177, 179, 180, 183, 184, 186–8, 44n11, 80, 88, 93, 95–7, 125, 190n9, 191, 192, 196, 198, 146–149, 152, 177, 197, 219 200–6, 208, 209, 211–13, Portugal, 105, 135 214n1, 217–40 Potter, Stephen, 43n6 Pratt, Lynda, 10–11 Prickett, Stephen, 19n4 N Purkiss, Samuel, 189n1 Napoleon . See Bonaparte, Napoleon Pye, Henry, 98 Nether Stowey, 35 Newlyn, Lucy, 13, 19n10, 20n10, 43n4, 240n3 R Radcliffe, Anne The Italian , 143 O The Mysteries of Udolpho , 143 O’Neill, Michael, 219, 234 Ramler, Karl Wilhelm, 99, 200 Otfrid , 82, 85 Ramsgate, 126, 128, 133n28 Evangelienbuch , 82 Ratzeburg . See Germany Otway, Thomas, 145–6, 149–51, 153, Raysor, Thomas M., 77n1 156, 170 Reed, Mark, 17, 23, 43n1, 45n15 ‘The Poet’s Complaint of his Muse’, Robinson, Daniel, 77n3, 81, 102n3, 145–51 135, 160n1, 161n3, 163, 165, 166, 189n2, 189n4 Robinson, Henry Crabb, 113 P Robinson, Maria Elizabeth, 143 Page, Judith W., 20n10 Robinson, Mary Darby, 5, 7, 10, 12, Paley, Morton, 77n2 16, 32, 34, 48, 55, 56, 80, 90, Parker, Reeve, 19n4, 205 102n1, 116, 117, 129, 131n11, Parrish, Stephen M., 4, 18n4, 19n5, 135–43, 158–61, 163–79, 189, 141, 161n10, 195, 209, 223, 230 225, 227, 231, 239n1 ‘Perdita’, 77n3, 80 Penrith . See Lake District ‘Sappho’, 159–60, 164–8 Perry, Seamus, 1, 19n10 ‘Tabitha Bramble’, 138–9 Pessao, Fernando, 161n3 Robinson, Mary Darby, works Pite, Ralph, 130n5 ‘Anselmo, the Hermit of the Alps’, Pitt, William, 10, 56, 79–80, 88–97, 143 100–1, 215n7, 220 ‘Jasper’, 135, 174 Plutarch, 91 Lyrical Tales , 135–9, 160, 161n5, Pollard, Jane, 136 166, 189n2 Poole, Lavinia, 41 Memoirs , 168, 174 Poole, Margaret . See Sandford, Mrs ‘Mrs Robinson to the Poet Henry Coleridge’, 172–4 272 INDEX

Robinson, Mary Darby, works (cont.) Annual Anthology , 48, 76, 85, 136, ‘Ode Inscribed to the Infant Son of 159, 160 S. T. Coleridge’, 116, 167–72 ‘Peruvian’s Dirge over the Body of ‘Ode to the Snow-drop’, 160n2 His Father’, 41 Poetical Works , 174, 201 ‘The Devil’s Thoughts’, 31, 34, 35, ‘The Granny Grey’, 136, 138–40 54 ‘The Haunted Beach’, 136, 144, St Clair, William, 19n8 159–60, 174 Stelzig, Eugene, 189n4 ‘The Murdered Maid’, 143 Stillinger, Jack, 5, 18n4, 20n10, 218, ‘The Poor Singing Dame’, 136 227, 229, 232, 233, 239n1 Robinson, Mary ‘The Beauty of Storey, Mark, 44n11 Buttermere’, 111, 113–4, 132n6 Strickland, Edward, 141, 161n10 Roe, Nicholas, 13, 19n10 Stuart, Daniel, 5–7, 18, 21, 31–3, 38, Rowlandson, Thomas, 81 48, 49, 87, 89, 90, 95, 97, 104, Ruoff, Gene W., 13, 19n4, 19n10, 116, 129n1, 131n10, 135, 140, 233, 240n2 141, 160n2, 165, 180, 183, 184, Rydal . See Lake District 189n9, 196, 213 Rzepka, Charles, 19n4

T S Taussig, Gurion, 13 Sandford, Mrs Henry, 26–7 Taylor, Anya, 20n10, 55, 57, 62, Scafell Pike . See Lake District 102n3, 132n22, 177, 180, 219 Schiller, Friedrich von, 48, 88, 90 Taylor, Charles, 18n3 Schneider, Elisabeth, 102n1 Thomas, Keith G., 215n9 Schulz, Max F., 19n4 Thomson, Heidi, 78n13, 189n5, Scott, Walter, 54 189n7 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 80, 102n2 Timar, Andrea, 78n9 Sisman, Adam, 13, 14, 19n4, 19n10, Tobin, James Webbe, 106, 114 43n1 Tomkins, P. W. , 224 Skiddaw . See Lake District Town End . See Lake District Sockburn-on-Tees, 23, 35, 36, 40, 62, Trott, Nicola, 180 64, 77, 86 Sotheby, William, 16, 114, 193, 197, 202–4, 207, 215n8, 223–30, U 234 Ulmer, William, 19n4 Southey, Edith (b. Fricker), 10–11, 39 Southey, Robert, 10, 31–6, 38–9, 43n6, 44n11, 48, 55, 59–60, 63, V 101, 106, 109, 125, 126, 128, Vallon, Annette, 16, 37, 112, 113, 135, 149, 178, 181, 184, 187, 131n12, 138, 140, 167, 182, 193, 202, 221, 230 198, 201, 206, 211, 213 INDEX 273

Vardy, Alan, 20n10 ‘Edmund’, 145, 218, 219, 225–8, Vickers, Neil, 10, 132n25 234, 238 independence from Coleridge, 2, 39, 191, 236 W and marriage, 4, 16, 37, 103, Walton, John, 133n27 110–5, 123–4, 131n13, 140, Washington, George, 56, 90, 91 186, 191, 195, 201, 222, Watson, George, 19n4 223 Wedgwood, Josiah, 22, 88, relationship with Annette Vallon, 105–107, 125, 144, 146–8, 16, 111–3, 131n12, 138–40, 151, 181 182, 198, 200–1, 213 Wedgwood, Thomas, 191, 196, 212, relationship with Coleridge (see 226, 236 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Wernike, Christian, 25, 28, 200, 201 relationship with William Whalley, George, 2, 19n4, 77n1, Wordsworth) 186–8 relationship with Mary Hutchinson, Whelan, Timothy, 189n1 16, 23, 40, 76, 112–4, 123, ‘Windy Brow.’ . See Lake District 160, 167, 182, 186, 195, 206, Withering, William, 179, 208 224, 229 An Arrangement of British Plants , Wordsworth, William, works 179, 208 ‘A Character, In the Antithetical Woodring, Carl R., 44n12, 80, 81, 85, Manner’, 17 102n3, 109 ‘Alcaeus to Sappho’, 160, 164, 165, Woof, Robert S., 73, 78n14, 131n10, 167 141, 161n10 ‘Beauty and Moonlight’, 73, 76, Wordsworth, Anne-Caroline 78n15 (Caroline) , 16, 112–3, 131n14, ‘Home at Grasmere’, 37, 104 138, 140, 155, 182, 197, 200, ‘Inscription for a Seat by the 201, 209, 210 Pathway Side’, 116 Wordsworth, Dorothy, 2, 19n10, ‘Intimations Ode’, 4, 143, 145, 37–8, 43n4, 70, 86–7, 112, 116, 146, 153, 225, 230, 235, 118, 122, 131n10, 136, 138, 240n5 145, 176, 184, 186, 195, 196, ‘Lucy Gray’, 148, 178, 229 211–2, 218, 222 Lyrical Ballads (See Lyrical Ballads ) Wordsworth, Gordon G., 131n14 ‘Michael’, 104 Wordsworth, John, 112, 131n13 Poems in Two Volumes , 193 Wordsworth, Richard, 137, 140 Poems on the Naming of Places , 37, Wordsworth, William 39, 76, 103, 104, 107, 115, ‘Alcaeus’, 158, 159, 164–7 116, 123, 124, 160, 186 domestic happiness, 5, 15, 16, 24, ‘Preface to Lyrical Ballads ’ , 8, 39, 49, 56, 71, 79, 96, 115, 148, 58, 74, 94, 95, 141, 142, 157, 192, 218, 225, 228 158 274 INDEX

Wordsworth, William, works (cont.) ‘The Thorn’, 155 The Prelude , 23, 56, 69, 70, 80–7, ‘The Three Graves’, 194 90, 92, 93, 104, 107, 132n16, ‘Tintern Abbey’, 59, 78n6, 154 199, 228 ‘To M. H.’, 23, 76, 160 The Recluse , 13, 15, 22, 23, 35, 69, Worthen, John, 3, 4, 12–14, 19n4, 97, 115, 144, 197, 237 20n10, 25, 201, 240n4 ‘Resolution and Independence’, 4, Wrangham, Francis, 108, 158, 171 191 Wu, Duncan, 19n9, 32, 201 ‘The Convict’, 54, 129n1 ‘The Mad Mother’, 130n2, 155 ‘The Solitude of Binnorie’, 136, Y 141, 144, 158, 165–7 Yarlott, Geoffrey, 102n4