D'BD BAM. 4IJ5 four years. The Rev. Jacob Flint, ~he next minister, was settled here in 1798. A Trinitarian church was built here in 1826, and Rev. Aaron Picket was installed the first pastor. This town is noted for. its rocky coasts, and for the numerous shipwrecks which have taken place on its borders. Cohasset r~ck, which consists of several small islands and sunken rocks, lies about three miles north-east of the harbor j they have proved fatal to many vessels. This town has become quite a place of resort for citizens and strangers, in summer months, to enjoy the marine scenery and sea air. In 1837, there were 36 vessels em­ ployed in the cod and mackerel fishery, the tonnage of which was 2,284 i codfish caught, 750 quintals, valued' at $2,250; mackerel caught, 11,700 barrels, value, $73,286 i hands employed, 324. In five years preceding 1837, there were 17 vessels built, the ton­ nage of which was 2,765, valued at $110,600. Population, 1,331. Distance,6 miles from Hingham, and about 16 miles to Boston by water.

DEDHAM. THE settlement of this town was commenced in 1635. In that year, the general court, then sitting at Newtown, (now Cambridge,) granted a tract of land south of Charles river to 12 men. The next year 19 persons,including the first 12, petitioned the general court for an additional grant, lying on both sides of Charles river, which was made, agreeably to this petition. The last-mentioned grant included the territory of the present town of Dedham, and of a number of other towns in the vicinity. The first recorded public meeting was on the 15th of August, 1636, at which were present 18 persons. These adopted a covenant, by which each individual bound himself" to give infonnation concerning any per­ son who applied for admission, to submit to such fines as might be imposed for violation of rules, and to obey all such bye-laws' and regulations as the inhabitants shall judge necessary for the management of their temporal affairs, for religion, and for loving society."

The Ilovemment of the town was delegated by the freemen to '1 men, who were to be chosen annually. These 7 men met monthly, for many years, made mmy necessary bye-laws, which were recorded in the records of the town. Concerning tho appropriation of the land, each man was provided with a lot of 12 acres if married, and 8 acres if unmarried; this to begin with. The after grants seem to have been made according to the necessities of members, or as a reward for services pertbrmed. The nnmber of persons in a family was also made a rule by wlUch to divide the lands; quality, rank or desert and usefulness in the church or commonwealth was also & rule considerable in the apportionment. In a petition to the general court the inhabitants requested Ih&t tbe town might be called Contentment; which name is written over the record of the first several meet­ ings. It would seem that the word well expresses the leailing motives of the first 24 lIelt1ers in coming into this town. Tht,Y were soon, however, associated with men of lllIDewhat a different and higher character. The celebrated John Rogers, of Dedham, ill Eng1alld, had been tbrbidQen. to preach before the first settlers came to this country. Many of hia people emigrakJd, me{ nllmbel'l settled in this place. From that circum- DEDHAM.

IltaDce, it may reuoIlably be iDf'erred that the pneral court gan to the towD the 1WIle of Dedham. The first sett1era were more immediately from Watertown. They YeN U follows, viz. : EdW11rd Allyne, lohn KingsbUry, Lambert Genere, Francis Austin, Abraham Shaw, John DWite, Nicholas Phillips, John Rogers, Samuel Morse, John Cooledge, Ralph Shepard, Joseph Shaw, Phileman Dalton, Richard Ewed, lohn Gay, William Bearstowe Ezekiel Holliman, John Howard, Thomas Bartleet, In luly, 1637, John Allin and Eleazer Lusher, and ten other ~rsons, came to Ded· ham, bringing recommendations, and were at the same time admItted freemen. These 12 persons gave a more decided character to the whole company. The following is the liat of freemen who had been admitted into Dedham preVIOus to 1647. Mr. John Allin" Edward Kempe, Samuel Morse, George Barber, Mr. Timothy Dalton, John Leuson, Nicholll.S Phillips, Robert Onion, Mr. Thomas Carter, lohn Dwight, John Morse, Robert Feashe, Mr. Ralph Wheelock,Henry Smith, Jobn Page, John Gay, Mr. 10hn Hunting, John Rogers, Michael Powell, Lambert Gene1'Y. Mr. - Pruden, lohn Sllawe, Joseph Kingsbury, Samuel Gnile, Mr. Henry Phillips, Nathan Aldis, deac., Nathaniel Colbome, John Ellis, F. Chickerin~, deac., Daniel Fisher, Timothy Dwight, Daniel Morse, Abraham Shaw, Michael Metcalf, Peter Woodward, Thomas Alooke, Edward Allyne, John Bullard, John Baker, John Batchellor, 10hn Frayre, Joshua Fisher, Nathaniel Whiting. Joseph Morse. Eleazer Lusher, Ferdinando Ad.amII, Anthony Fisher, Robert Hinsdale, Thomas Wight, Andrew Dewing, The first settlers located themselves on the margin of the mead­ ows, near the modem center. Each house-lot consisted of a part upland and a part meadow. These lots were laid out in narrow parallel slips. It is stated in Worthington's History of Dedham,. that in 1664, ninety-five small houses, near each other, were situ­ ated within a short distance of the' place where the court-house stands; the greater part of them east of that place and around DWight's brook. A row of houses stood on the north side of High street, as that road was then called which extends from the bridge over Dwight's brook westwardly by the court-house. The greater number of these houses were built soon after the first settlement commenced. Four only of these were valued at £20; the greater number were worth from 3 to 10 pounds. At the time these houses were built, there were but very few carpenters, joiners, or masons in the colony. There was no saw-mill in the settlement for many years. The only boards which could be procured at first were those which were sawed by hand. The saw-pits yet to be seen denote that boards were sawed in the woods. The necessary ma­ terials of glass and nails were scarcely to be obtained. These houses, therefore, must have been principally constructed by farmers, not by mechanics, and have been very rude and incon­ venient. Most of them were probably covered with thatch roofs. By an ordinance of the town, a ladder was ordered to extend from

• II The History ofDedham from the beginning of its SeUlement, in September', 1635, to May, 18272 by Erutul Worthington." It is to this work the author is principally indebted for tile faet8 in the history ofthis toWJI. The II Historical A.dd.ress" of Sam­ ael F. Baven, EIIQ.., on the IIeCOIId centennial anniversary, in 1836, with DoteI, is also &DOCher valuable pllb,lieatilm respecting the history of this toWJI. SOUTijERN VIEW OF THE COURT·HOUSE IN DEDHAM. 1'bia Coart-BoaIe; dmmueted or granite, is considered to be one or the best models ror • public b~ in thia 00IIDt1'1. TIle tJDlIadaa aAl1 O~ chlUC!la are IeCIl ill &he dialaAce GIl &he 114. DBDS .....

the ground to the chimney, as a substitute for a more perfect fire engine. Around these houses nothing was seen but stump', clumsy fences of poles, and an uneven and unsubdued soiL Where the meeting-hcmse of the fim parish now stands, there stood for mOre thaD 301~ a law building, 36 feet long and 20 wide, 12 feet high, with a thatched roof, an a Ia.rge ladder resting upon it. This was the first meeting-house. Near by W8lI th~ BChool-house, standing on an area of 18 feet by 14, and rising to 3 stories; the third story, however, was a watch-house, of small dimensions, and which stood beside the ample slone chimney. The spectator there elevated might view the plain, the site of the present village, then a common plough-field, containinj\" about. 200 acres of cleared land, partially subdued, yet full of SlUmps and rools. Around him at a further dis­ tance were the herd-walks, as the common feeding lands were called, in the language of that time. One of these herd-walks was on Dedham Island, north of Charles river, and one was on East street, and more fully in view. The other hem·walk wu OIl Sou.th Plain. The meadows wers not yet cleared to any great eXleI1t. Beyond tbese herd-walks W8lI a continued wilderness, which was becoming more diAgreeable to the inhabitants, for the cattle, goats and sheep seem to have allured the wolves to ·their neighborhood. Tbe dense swamps about Wigwam were not yet cleared. Tbe numer­ oua d~ in the ,Plantation, which wers 60 troublesome to the worshipping assembly, were not a suffiCient ~rd against the wolves; and the killing of tbese animals was encouraged by a conSiderable bounty. A law of the colony, as well as the dange1'll of the people from Indian assanlts, compelled the first settlers to build their bouses near each other. 'fbe necessity of adhering to this law continued more than 50 Yearll. But as soon as the inhabitants could live with safety on their farms, houses were built in all parts of the present town. In about 70 years' time, the humble village o( the first settlers had disappeared, and the place was oocupied by a few farmers for about 100 years. When Dedham became the county town, in 1793, the second village was begun on tbe place of the former.· The lim school-house in Dedham was built in 1648. The master's salary until 1695 was £20; it was then rai$ed to £25. The early settlers at various times made grants of land for tbe support of scbools, and in 1680, Dr. William Avery gave £60 for. a Latin school, but from mimlanagement these funds were many years ago lost. The first settlers early procured a minister, built a meeting­ house, and performed every other act necessary for the immediate establishment of public worship among them. They erected the first meeting-house in 1637.' The pitts (as the pews are called in the records) were 5 feet deep and 4i wide. The elders' seat and the d~ns' seat were before the pulpit; the communion-table stood before these seats, and was so placed that the people could appreach it on three sides. This house was pulled down in 1672, and one mu,h larger erected on the site of the 014 one. This house had 3 pair of stairs in 3 comers of the interior. Men were seated in the galleries on one side, and women on the other; the boys in front. The duty of a tythingman in those days was arduous, and he received as much pay for his services, many years, as the deputy to the general court. He was obliged to go on errands for the elders, whip the dogs out of the meeting-house, and prevent disorder among the boys. The business of seating persons in these two houses came under the jurisdiction of the

• The first settlers brollght with them & number of small hand-mills, with which to DiJId their grain; the stones of which were about 2 feet in diameter. The stones of ~ oftbese hand-mills are stated to be yet remaillin,. in the toWn. The first ~r-miIl in Dedham was built in 1640. In 16~, & sa...·DUll. wlLs bailt on Neponset nnr, by l06hu Fisher. In 1681, & falling-mill 'IVIl.S built'OIl , by Draper and Fairbanks. 58 4.58 DEDHAM. elders. The greatest tax-payer had the highest seat. This was a subject of some difficulty.

Rev. 10hn Allin (1IO spelled by him) was the mt settled pastor in Dedham. Be eame into the settlement in luly. 1637, and immediately began to direct thole pr0­ ceedings which laid the fOWldation of the church, which Willi gathered in die fall or 1638, and over which he was ordained in 1639. He came here, IIlI his recorda e~ it, in expectation of employment in publie work. He bad received a liberal edueatioa in , but bad not been ordained. In forming the church, he required. a lIUiet IlCrutiny into the BCIlions and reli~ous affections of each candidate before admission, even in thO!lll eases where the candidate wa.~ a member of another cburch. This work he aecomplished in 11 peaceful manner, and governed his church with increased repu­ tation 32 years. Gov. Winthrop says in his Journal, that tbis church Willi gathered wilh good approbation. 11k Allin wa.~ greatly esteemed by his church and the inhabit­ anls, and his influence in the civil and religious atfairs of tbat day was very exleB­ llive. Cotton Mather SIIYs that" he was a man of sweet temper, of a genteel spirit, a diligent sludent. of competent learning, a humble man, and sincere ChrilltiaD. Mather propolleS his epitaph, Vir sincerus, amans pacis, patiensque laborum, Perspicuus, simplex, doctrilllll purus amator. Mr. Allin died in 1671. and was suc:eeeded by Rev. William Adami, who was ordained in 1673. He ministered to the people till his death in 1685. The nut pastor was Rev. Joseph Beidler, ordained 1693, died 1723. He was succeeded by Rev. , who was ordained in 1724 j he died in 1755. The next pastor of t1lis church was Rev.lason Haven, lL native of Framingham, ordained m 17~. After an active and usefnllife, he died in IB03, and the. lllUIIe ye:u- Bev. Joshua Bales was ordained. In IBIB, he was dismissed for the purpose of taking the presideDcy 0{ Midd1e~COllege,Vt. He was Sllc:c:eeded the Bame year by the Bev. Alvan Lam­ _. Mr. Allin's ministry or 32 years the records do not show any raIe .-lfor . support i he depended on voluntary contributions and on the Iibela1 IfaDtB of land from the propnetors. All the SUc:eeli8Ors of Mr. Allin bad salaries voted them by the town, although the salary was paid voluntarily by the people, wUh­ ont a tax collector, many years. Tbe following appears to have been the recorded rule or proceeding on this subject. In case any sl.al1 be at some time shortened m money, be sball put in Cor that lime a paperl wherein his name, and his day's payment, 118 shall be dne. is entered, which paper he Shall OOte within one month take out of the deacon's hands, and par the debt. And every man shall put ,his money in a paper each Lord's day, and hill name written therein, and so deliver it into the box. The second parish in Dedham was incorporated in Nov. 1730 j including at that time the inhabltanlll in the west part of the town. The first minister of this soc:iety 11'118 the Bev. Thomas Balch, ordained in 1736. He died in 1774, and in 1776 was IIIlcceeded by Rev. Jabez Chickering, who continued with the people till his death, in IBI2. Rev. Wm. Cc,gswell was Qrdained over this society in tBl.5.-Tbe third pa.riIh was formed from the !.'econd, being composed of the inhabilllDts of the west part of the town, who settled Bev. Josiah Dwight as their first pastor, in 1135. His pa.sunJ. relation proved unhappr. and he was dismissed in 1742, and was succeeded, the next JIlll1', by Bev. Andrew Tyler, who continued with the people till 1772, when he was dismissed. The next minister was Rev. Thomas Thatcher, ordained in 17BO, died in 1812. The fuurth pastor, Bev. John White, waa ordained in 1B14. A fourthCongre­ gational society originated from the mt society in 1B18. which is known by the Il&IIIIl of the New Meeting·House society, ovu whom Bev. Ebenezer Bnrgess was ordained JIBl'tor in IB21. - The Episcopal church In Dedham commenced in 1760. In the year 1768, it came •uder the direction of Rev. William Clark. A small church WIllI then. built by a few perscms in Dedham and the neighboring to\VllS. At the commencement of the BeVOo lUl1on, Mr. Clark was prosecuted, before the revolutionary tribunal at Boston, Cor directing two loyalists to a place of safety who were in danger from the popabu:e. Failing LD convIct him of any crime, he was about to be acqUitted, when he WIllI re­ quired. to swear ~egiance to the commonwealth. This he refused to do, and in con· sequence 11'811 condemned to be transported to foreign parts, and Willi immediately clODined in a prisonotlhip in Boston harbor. Throngh the infiuenc:e of Dr. Ames, a decided whig, ne procured his liberty and a license to go out of the country. After hebad obtained a small pension from the British government, he l'elIided some time in New Brunswick i but he aflenrardI came to Quincy) where he spent the remainder or DEDSj,JI. his dall!. From. Mr. Clark'I departure to 1791, there 1V1lS occasioDal PJ'IlIIChiDg in the society through the exenion of Bishop Parker. In 1791, the Rev. William Mon· tague came into this church, and became its rector, and continued in that office till 1818, wh8lll1e was dismissed. In 1821, Re~. Isuc Boyle was imItinated rector, at the UIIIIIlimous reqnest of the members. . In 1811, a Baptist socie!}.', partly in Dedham and partly in Medfield, was incol'JlO' rated, over which Rev. William Gamel was ordained pastor. At the time of the first lIlltt1ement of Dedham, the lDdians were not 118 n_1 there 118 in some other ~, IS those of that neighborhood had been, a year or two before, nearly all earned olf by the small.pox, and most of those remaining alive had probably joined themselves to the tribes whose habitations were at l'lODle distlulce toO the south or 'IFeat. Numbers of them, it is supposed, lInited with the Na\icks, a company of IndiaDB plaCed on Charles river, about 10 miles west of the present village of Dedham, (awl then within the limits of the town,) whom the Rev.lohn Eliot WII8 endeavoring to civilize and convert to Christianity. The settlers of Dedham obtained a title to the soil by fair and honorable contract. Very soon after the arrival of Gov. Winthrop aDd his lI8SOCiates, the chieftain, Chickatabot, made a conveyance to the English o( the country around Boston, including the tlmitory now occupied by Dedham, (which was called Tist by the Indians.) After the death of Chickntabot, in 1633, a committee was appointed to find ont such Indians as- remembered the bargain. This committee obtained a quit claim from Wampatuck, gnwdson. of Chickatabot, in which he slates that fOl'8llmuch 118 he is infOrmed by several ancient Indians, .... that his grandfather did for a good and saflicient coll8ideration convey to the English plant­ ers the tract of land now called Dedham j he, ~erefore, in consideration of that fact alI.d of a reasonable swn of money, quit claims co, &C. This deed, which is long IUld partic:ular) is dated 1681). In Sept. 1673, the selectmen received orders from the general court to put. the town in a posture for war. Upon this "the soldiers were frequently trained, the great gtm mounted, a barrel of powder and other ammunition was procured, the people built a garrison, and set a watch." The fear excited was great, and many fled to Boston. Dedham, however, was well situated for defence. The town had been built in a compact manner, that it might be prepared for Indian hostilities. Little river and Charles river on the north would make the savages unwilling to approach in that dir~tion. The plain aU around Dedham was to a eon­ siderable extent cleared and level, and overlooked by a person in· the belfry of the new meeting-house. To this circumstance. it may be owing that none of the parties of Philip made an assault on the town. It was doubtless reconnoitred by his spies, and had it been unprepared, might have shared the fate afMedfield and other places. That bloody contest, known as II King Philip's war," com­ menced in 1675. The first actual 6utrage was commit~ in Dedham. A white man shot through the body was found in the woods. The circumstance agitated the whole colony. An Indian was arrested on suspicion, but whether or not he was executed is unknown. As it was the fortune of Dedham to be particu­ larly connected with the events that immediately led to the break­ ing out of the war, so it had the honor of an exploit which contributed more than any single occurrence, perhaps, next to the death of King Philip, to bring it to a close. Pomham, sachem of Shaomet, (now Warwick, R. I.,) was probably the only chieftain, except Philip, possessing sufficient energy and talent to have united the scattered tribe and infused into them his own spirit and DEDHAM. courage. He was a double traitor. He had quarrelled with Mi­ antinimo, chief MChem of the Narraganseus, to whom he was tributary, and had placed himllelf under the colonial government for protection. When the war began, he joined Philip, and be­ came, next to him, the most dreaded of the Indian warriors. He was slain by a party of Dedham and Medfield people, July 25, 1676. Fifty of his band were made prisoners, but he, refusing to be taken alive, waa slain raging like a wild beast. The death of Philip, eighteen days after, soon brought this deJItructive war to a close. The last of the aborigines in Dedham were Alexander Quabish and Sarah his wife. &rah died in 1774, at the house of Mr. Joseph Wight. She WRS interred in the old Indian burial-place, about half a mile from Mr. Wight's house, at the foot of Wigwam hill-the last person there deposited. The funeral Was attended by Rev. Mr. Haven. Alexander died at Natick,. or Needham, in 1776.

NIWtJImI tIilIII Df I%lI tDU:ial Oak, DedIla•. A I~ oak tree now stands in East street, in front of Mr. Avery'. dwelling, which is 16 feet in circumference, near the bottom of the trunk, and is doubtless much older than the town. By j,L we are forcibly reminded how strong and stately stood his old c!>mpanions of the forest. This tree is carefully and deservedly cherished by its owner. It is stated that $70 was offered for it for timber, to have been used in the construction of the United States ship Constitution j but the proposals were rejected. It is of noble growth j and long may it stand the monarch-tree of Dedham! The drawing for the above engraving was taken in the month of April, and of course was seen without its foliage. The present village of Dedham is well built, and, including Connecticut Comer, contains upwards of 125 houses. Nearly all of them are two stories in height, and mostly painted white. Dedham is the shire town of Norfolk county. The court-house is situated on a beautiful green of more than two acrel, and IW'- DEDHAM. 461 rounded: with a railing. This edifice contains an area of 98 feet by 48, and has at each end a projection of 10 feet from the main body of the building, with a pediment resting on 4 doric pillars of granite, which are nearly 21 feet high, and 3 feet 10 inches in diameter at the base. The material of the building is hewn, white granite, from a quarry §.miles west of it. This is probably the best imitation of the models of antiquity in the country; ill which strength, durability, and just proportions are happily uni.. ted. The architect was Mr. Samuel Willard, of Boston. Near the court-house are two Congregational churches, (one of them Unitarian,) and 4 near the south-west part of the to\\-n, (2 of which are Congregational, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Baptist.) The Dedham Bank has a capital of $150,000. Here are 12 stores, 2 hotels, a fire insurance company, and 3 newspaper presses. There are in this town 2 cotton factories, 3 paper-mills, a woollen mill, with r sets of machinery, which in 1837 manufactured 91,102 yards ofcloth, valued at t204,OOO; males employed, 75; females, 75 ; and 1 establishment for making lead pipe and pumps. A num­ ber of these are Situated on "Mother's Brook," which is an arti­ ficial canal, of 31 miles in length, which conducts about one third of the waters of Charles river into the Nepon8et' river. This canal, as appears by the records of the town, was excavated in 1639, (only about four years from the commencement of the set­ tlement,) for the purpose of forming good mill-sites.' This is, undoubtedly, the .first canal ever ma~e in the country and is no inconsiderable proof of the energy and wisdom of the early planters. In 1837, there were manufactured 7,175 pairs of boots, and 18,722 pairs of shoes, valued at $32,483; the value of chairs and cabinet ware manufactured, $21,250; the value of silk goods manufactured, $10,000; value of straw bonnets, $20,000; value of marble paper and cards, $18,000. Population,' 3,532. Dis­ tance, 26 miles from Taunton, 35 from Worcester, 35 from Ply­ mouth, 30 from Providence, R. I., and 10 from Boston. On the north-west comer of the court-house square, on the Boston road from Dedham, is a granite pillar, about five feet in height, which was once the pedestal to a column erected in honor of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and surmounted with his bust. The column and bust are now gone, but on two sides of the pedestal is the following inscription:

011 THE 1l0RTH SIDS. TIle pillar or Liberty erected by the sons of Liberty in this vicinity. . LaUi »eo. Regii et Imm~1at mautoribusq. maxime PatronUi Pitt qui Rempab. nusum evuIsi' faIlcibus Om. 011 !BJI WIlST SIDE. The Pillar of LIURTY to the honor of William Pitt, Esqr. and other patriots' who saved AUIUCA from impending slavery, and conftrmlld our lDost loyal affection to ,Xing George III. by procuring a repeal of the St4lllp Aa, 18th March, 1766. Erected here July 22d, 1766, by Dr. , 2d, Col. Ebenezer Battle, Major Abijah Draper, and other patriots friendly to the Rights of the Colonies at tba& day. Replaced by Ihe CltizeDa JulY.J 1828. DBDB .....

In all the wars in which the countrybas been enaqed, Dedham h.. full4ilhed its full proportion of money and soldiers. In King Philip's war (u already mentioned) and the two French wars, the town lost a good number of men, who died of sickness in the camp or fell in battle. A Dumber from the town engaged in the expedition against Havana, nODe of whom returned, and a con­ merable number served at the long and memorable siege of Louisburg, Cape Breton. At the commencement of the Revolu­ tion the inhabitants were unanimously opposed to the oppressive measures of the British ministry. Town meetings were frequently held, and many patriotic resolutions are found on the records. In Jan. 1774, the town voted, " that they heard, with infinite pleasure the determination of other colonies to prevent tea from being used to enlarge the British revenue in the colonies j and as so many political evil6 are brought about by the unreasonable liking to tea, and it is also so baneful to the human constitution, that if any Ihall continue to use it, while the act creating a duty thereon is in force, we Mall consider it as a flagrant proof of their hostility to the liberties of the country and of their own stupidity." At the I8Ception of the news of the Lexington massacre, all the militia of the town forthwith repaired to the scene of action. In the war which succeeded, the town furnished upwards of 100 men, who El'Ved either in the regular continental anny, or who in the state I18rvice performed military duty in one or more distant campaigns. Of the many eminent men who have lived in DedPam, are the following: MajDr ElM:", I.IuMr, came into the town with Mr. Allin, and maintained an eminent rauk 8IDODr the iJrmders of the town, directing and taking the lead in all the most impor­ taRt at:airs of the plantation. He was a representative to the general coort, and a IllUDber of yealll, &om 1662, an assistant. The follOWing couplet was frequently repealed by the generation whieh immediately succeeded him. " When Lusher was in office, all things went well, But how they go since, it shames us to tell." Capt. Daniel Fisher, one of the 1irIlt settlel'll, was much employed in public business, in the several offices of deputy to the general court, speaker of that assembly, and assiIl· ant, in whteh of!ce he died: He was a hater of tyranny, and was one of the f01ll' JDllIIlben of tile ~ral COIIrt against whom Randolph, the agent of lames II. in the coloDf, exbibite4 articles of high misdemeanor to the lords in council. Capt. Daniel Fisher, 211, inherited the spirit of his father, and was also mnch employed in the various affairs of the town. When Sir Edmund Andross was seized by the Bostoui8.Dll GIl Fort Hill, lie Illlrrendered and weat unarmed to Mr. Usher's house, ...here he re­ mained under guard for lIOllle hours. When the news of this event reached Dedham, Capt. Fisher instantly set out for Boston, and came rushing in with the r.ountry people, who were in such a rage and heat as to make all tremble. Nothing would satisfy the country party but binding the governor with cords, rmd carrying him to a more safe place. Soon was Capt. Fisher seen among the crowd, leading the pale and treIahliDg Sir Edmund by the ool1ar of his coat back to Fort Hill. Histoty has in­ formed us of this incident in that revolntion, but never told who took the lead of the country people, and who had the honor of leading the proud representative of a Stuart prince, the oppressor of the colony, through the angry crowd, and placing him in safe Custody at the fort. The Hoo. , LL. D., was a native of this town. This civilian, eminent for his talents and oratory, graduated at Harvard college, in 1774. He not long afterwards studied law in DOaCRBl'lTEa. Boston. The a:ft'airs of the Revolution drew his attention to poli­ tics, and he became conspicuous by his speeches in the COD"fentiou of his native state, on the adoption of the federal constitution. He was chosen a member of the first congress, after the organization of the general government in 1789, and for eight successive years was one of the most distinguished members of that body. He held the first rank among his countrymen and contemporaries, in strength and splendor of endowments, lofty eloquence, a profound acquaintance with the science of government, and an enlightened and ardent patriotism. His health then failed, and he withdrew from public life. The lustre of his character, however, continued undiminished. His retirement was adorned by uncommon amia­ bility, modesty, and simplicity of manners, and the virtues of an enlightened and exemplary Christian. He died July 4th, 1808. His writings, prefaced by a memoir of his life, were published in one volume 8vo. 1809.-LorrR~ LemprierfTS Did.,

DORCHESTER. THIS town was one of the oldest in the old colo­ ny, it being settled and incorporated in 1630. Its original limit8 were very extensive, comprehending the present towns of Dorches­ ter, Milton, Stoughton, Sharon, Canton and Foxbo~ough. In the beginning of 1630, a Congregational church was gathered at Plymouth, England, of persons who intended to come to North America, in order to enjoy civil and religious privileges. After a day of fasting and prayer, they chose Rev. John Warham, a cele­ brated preacher at Exeter, and Rev. John Maverick, to accompany them as their ministers. They set sail on March 20th, and arrived in the Mary and John at Nantasket on May 30th, where Captain Squeb, the master of the vessel, put them on shore, notwithstand­ ing his engagement ,vas to bring them up Charles river. Here they were" left in a forlorn wilderness, destitute of any habi­ tation, and most other necessaries of life." Several of the com­ pany having procured a boat, they proceeded to Charlestown, where they found several wigwams, a few English people, and one house with an old planter, who could speak the Indian lan­ guage. Ascending Charles river, until it became narrow and shallow, they landed their goods" at a well watered place," with much labor, II the bank being' steep." This place, according to tradition, was in Watertown, near where the U. S. Arsenal now stands. At night they had notice that 300 Indians were encamped near them j being alarmed, they sent their interpreter to inform the Indians of their pacific intentions, and to request that they would not molf',st them. The whole nnmber of the English did not exceed ten. The next morning some of the natives appeared at a distance i and one of them holding out a bass, a man WI\8 sent with a biscuit, which the Indian received in exchange Cor it. After