ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 RENEWAL Annual Report 2014-15 Environment Victoria is one of Australia’s leading environment groups, independent and not-for-profit. We advocate for big, important and permanent changes to safeguard our environment and the future wellbeing of all Victorians. Visit Level 2, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton VIC 3053 Telephone (03) 9341 8100,
[email protected] This report is printed on 100% recycled paper. Photo on cover copyright Doug Gimesy and generously provided to Environment Victoria. See 2 Environment Victoria Annual Report 2014-15 Contents BIG ACHIEVEMENTS THIS YEAR 5 ABOUT US 6 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT AND CEO 7 OUR CAMPAIGNS AND PROGRAMS 8 OUR CHALLENGES 16 OUR GOVERNANCE 17 DIRECTORS’ REPORT 18 OUR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 21 WALKING THE TALK 36 THANK YOU 38 About this report Environment Victoria produces an Annual Report describing our activities and performance over the reporting period, including our sustainability performance. In striving for a sustainable planet, we are conscious of the economic, social and environmental impacts of our activities and committed to measuring our performance and minimising our environmental impact. This report covers our activities for the 2014-15 financial year and discloses those activities of most interest to our key stakeholders, our financial performance and the direct sustainability impacts of our operations. We have used the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s G4 Sustainability Reporting Framework to assist us and this report contains Standard Disclosures from the GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. We have defined the content of this report to respond to the commitments set out in our 14-15 Annual Plan and our Charter.