The Biological Universe Wallace Arthur Index More Information Www
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83694-4 — The Biological Universe Wallace Arthur Index More Information INDEX Page numbers in italic include illustrations. 55 Cancri e, 241, 251 artificial intelligence, 39, 318 astrobiology, xi, xiii, 49, 186, 220, acellularity, 51, 215–217, 310 225, 227, 236, 332 Across the Universe, 277 astronomical unit, 138, 143, 153, 231 adaptation, 73, 97 atmosphere adaptive radiation, 50 Earth, 58, 239–242 algae exoplanets, 250–254 brown, 9, 39, 68, 196, 311 Mars and Venus, 242–243 green, 68, 83, 196–197 spectroscopy, 246–250 proto-, 71 Titan, 243–246 red, 68 autonomy (from environment), 19, ALH 84-001, 162 310, 316 Alpha Centauri, 144, 155, 228, 280, Autospermia hypothesis, 135, 174, 298 208 amino acids, 19, 173–174, 212, 237, autotrophy, 71 246 ammonoids, 110, 121 bacteria, 9, 13, 38, 60, 68–69, 75–77, anaerobic metabolism, 76–77, 181, 80–81, 92–94, 105, 175 241 beardworms, 93–94 anatomy, 218 Bell Burnell, Jocelyn, 44, 281 Andromeda, 23–24, 148, 235, 290, Berkeley SETI Research Center, 280 302 Betelgeuse, 29–31, 30, 42, 296, 298 angiosperms, 48 Big Bang, 173, 288 animals Big Ear telescope, 272 on exoplanets, 200–201 bilateral symmetry, 313, 323, 324 origin, 195–199, 198 binary systems, 47, 143, 155, 192 apes, 8, 127, 218 Bio-Region hypothesis, 135, 147, appendages, 98, 322 183–184 archaea, 9, 68, 76, 79–80, 94, 105, biodiversity, 7, 9, 91, 153, 168 175 biogeography, 64 archipelago, 15 bioluminescence, 77, 258 Arecibo message, 262, 275, 276, biomarker, 236 278–279, 281, 298, 330 biomes, 65, 67, 101 arthropods,
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