Bernard Quaritch Ltd 50 items for the 2021 Virtual California Book Fair BERNARD QUARITCH LTD 36 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4JH tel.: +44 (0)20 7297 4888 fax: +44 (0)20 7297 4866 email:
[email protected] web: Front cover image from item 20. LALIEU, Paul and Nicolas Joseph BEAUTOUR. P[hiloso]phia particularis Inside cover background from item 8. [CANONS REGULAR OF THE LATERAN]. Regula et constitutiones Canonicorum Regularium Last page images from item 13. [CUSTOMARY LAW]. Rechten, ende costumen van Antwerpen. and item 29. MARKHAM, Cavalarice, or the English Horseman Bankers: Barclays Bank PLC 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP Sort code: 20-65-90 Account number: 10511722 Swift code: BUKBGB22 Sterling account: IBAN: GB71 BUKB 2065 9010 5117 22 Euro account: IBAN: GB03 BUKB 2065 9045 4470 11 U.S. Dollar account: IBAN: GB19 BUKB 2065 9063 9924 44 VAT number: GB 322 4543 31 ALDROVANDI'S QUADRUPEDS IN FIRST EDITION 1. ALDROVANDI, Ulisse. De quadrupedibus solidipedibus volume integrum … cum indice copiosissimo. Bologna, Vittoria Benacci for Girolamo Tamburini, 1616. [with:] Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia … ucm indice copiosissimo. Bologna, Sebastiano Bonomi for Girolamo Tamburini, 1621. [and:] De quadrupedibus digitatis viviparis libri tres, et de quadrupedibus digitatis oviparis libri duo … cum indice memorabiliumetvariarumlinguarumcopiosissimo. Bologna,NicolaoTebaldiniforMarcoAntonioBernia,1637. 3 vols, folio, pp. 1: [8], 495, [1 (blank)], [30], [2 (colophon, blank)], 2: [11], [1 (blank)], 1040, [12], 3: [8], 492, ‘495-718’ [i.e. 716], [16];eachtitlecopper-engravedbyGiovanniBattistaCoriolano,withwoodcutdevicestocolophons,over200largewoodcutillustrations (12, 77, and 130 respectively), woodcut initials and ornaments; a few leaves lightly foxed and occasional minor stains, a little worming to early leaves vol.