Week 16 Wetherbuzz Monday 23rd – Sunday 29th January 2017 Monday 23rd January Monday Clubs  Staff Meeting – 8am  Lower Debating – 4-5pm  Games for Years 3 and 4 – 9-11:30am  Upper Debating – 4-5pm  Games for Years 5 and 6 – 1:30-4pm  Tour Choir – 4-5pm in the Music Room  History Club – 4-5pm  U11 A-C vs. North Bridge House (A) – 2:30pm  Indoor Rock Climbing – 4-5pm  Indoor Sports – 4-5pm  Creative Writing (Years 3&4) – 4-5pm  Creative Writing (Years 5&6) – 5-6pm  Elite Fencing – 4-6pm Tuesday 24th January Tuesday Clubs  6T Drama Workshop at WSS – 9-11am  Running – 7:45-8:20am  Wetherby Choir – 8-9am  Fitness – 8-9am  Games for Year 7 and 8 – 9-11:00am  Fencing (Years 3&4) – 4-5pm  Table Tennis – 5-6pm  Swimming for Year 5 – 9-11am  Chess – 4-5pm  Games for Year 3 and 4 – 1:30-4pm  Latin Level 3 Preparation – 4-5pm  U8 A&B vs. Orchard House (A) – 2:30pm  Dolphins Development Squad – 4:15-5pm  U9 A,C & E vs. The Hall (H) – CANCELLED  Musicianship and Theory – 4-5pm (Chelsea  U9 B, D&F vs. The Hall (A) – CANCELLED Quavers) Wednesday 25th January Wednesday Clubs  Year 7 Rowing at Putney – 8am  Elite Chess – 8-9am  PTA Meeting – 9am  Classical Greek Civilisation – 4-5pm  Physical Education for Year 7 – 9-10:30am  Cardboard Engineering – 4-5pm  Lower Code Club – 4-5pm  Games for Year 7 and 8 – 1:30-4pm  Development Fencing – 4-6pm  Swimming for Year 3 – 9-11am  Travel and Culture – 4-5pm  Swimming for Year 4 – 10-12pm  Maths Games/Puzzles – 4-5pm  1st & 2nd XIII vs. St John’s Beaumont (H) – 2:30pm  Lower Swim Squad Year 5 – 4:10-5:00pm  3rd XIII vs. St John’s Beaumont (A) – 2:30pm  Lower Swim Squad Year 4 – 5:00-5:45pm  U12 A-C vs. St John’s Beaumont (A) – 2:30pm Thursday 26th January Thursday Clubs  Year 8 Rowing at Putney – 8am  School Play – 4-5pm (see rehearsal  Physical Education for Year 8 – 9-10:30am schedule)  Games for Years 5 and 6 – 1:30-4pm  Upper Code Club – 4-5pm  Maths Revision for Year 8 – 4-5pm  U10 B&C vs St James (H) – 2:30pm  Upper Swim Squad – 4:30-5:30pm  U10 A, D & E vs North Bridge House (A) – 2:30pm  Fencing (Year 5) – 5-6pm  Wetherby Voices – 4-5pm  Management Meeting – 4:30pm Friday 27th January Friday Clubs  Staff Meeting – 8am  Whole School Clubs – 2:30-4pm  Whole School Assembly at Church of the Annunciation –  No Homework Club – school closes at 8:30am 4:30pm  Year 8 RS & Science Debate Day – am  Year 3-8 Swimming Gala vs. WCCS and NHP at the Queen Mother Pool (H) – 2pm Saturday 28th January  U10 Football Tournament, Merchant Taylor’s – 9:30am Sunday 29th January  1st XIII South East Rugby Tournament at King’s House – CANCELLED

Dear Parents,

It was great to see so many mums at the Senior School’s ‘Mums’ Night Out’ last night. These Mums and Dads events are now firm fixtures in both Schools' calendars and do so much to promote our sense of fellowship, as one community. Lots of you were asking me about our new Senior School Head, joining us in September, Mr Seth Bolderow. Seth will be coming into School on the 1st and 2nd February and is looking forward to meeting the staff and the boys. I am sure that all will report back most effusively and I reiterate what I wrote at the start of this term: Mr Bolderow’s appointment is such a positive one. As much as I have enjoyed having had a hand in establishing a solid legacy for our Senior School, I now look forward to working alongside Seth and seeing for myself the ongoing developments that I know will be appreciated by all.

I write this having just interviewed prospective 11+ candidates for the Senior School. The boys in front of me were all delightful and gave such good account of themselves. I was reminded, with every single one, that they are the same age and year group as my older son, Patrick. He has grown in confidence a lot in recent years but I could not help wondering how he would have fared in front of a strange person in a strange school; possibly not quite so instantly at ease, if I’m honest. A stressful time then for many boys (and girls) at this time of year, with examinations and interviews ongoing, but I can reassure myself that all the staff at the Senior and Prep Schools have assessed candidates fairly, fully and sympathetically, having taken into account all information offered by their current schools. It is humbling to be over-subscribed and that brings additional responsibility to invest generously in terms of time, effort and, most of all, thought in our admissions process – something that we have always taken great pride in.

Have a good weekend…

Nick Baker

Citizen of the Week Sportsman of the Week

This week’s Citizen of the Week is Sami Kymisis in This week’s Sportsman of the Week is Ethan Ruimy 4K. Sami’s optimistic outlook and excellent manners in 4K. In his first Under 9s fixture against St John's are always appreciated. It is interesting to note how Beaumont, Ethan really put into practice the content these qualities have informed his progress at school of his coaching sessions, being both strong in the as Sami’s work is always completed to a high tackle and maintaining a fantastic work rate standard and he recently earned a substantial team throughout. He was an example to all other players promotion in rugby. Well done, Sami! on the field. Well done, Ethan!

From the Senior Mistress

Eating for Exams

Miss Olney writes…

Well done to all the boys in the Upper School for finishing their exams this week. I was impressed with how well they applied themselves and maintained their focus for the week. No doubt many of them will be rewarded with excellent results next week and their hard work will have paid off.

Last weekend, I was struck by an article on ‘Eating for Exams’ and nutrition being such an important factor in this day and age. Mr McClinton often advocates the importance of health and fitness in his ‘Performance Corner’ articles in the Wetherbuzz and provides excellent advice for the boys. As such, Form Tutors have been discussing with their forms how starting the day with a good breakfast can really help support their learning at school. There is an excellent article on the BBC which asks the question ‘Can food improve your exam performance?’. This shares some good tips on how eating the right foods can really help to keep energy levels high and improve concentration. I would also encourage boys to look at the BBC Good Food article on ‘Eating for Exams’ which shares some great breakfast and snack recipes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3xdq6f#zxvhsbk – Can Food Improve your Exam Performance? http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/eating-exams - Eating for Exams

Which foods will help you focus?

From the Senior Master

Mr Blundell writes…

What a first week of fixtures. The Year Five and Six boys battled the weather at Allianz Park, the home of Saracen’s last Friday and performed really well despite it being so early in the season. We also travelled to a new opponent in St John’s Beaumont, a beautiful Prep School in Windsor during the week. My 1st XIII play against St John’s on Wednesday and I can’t wait for the match; I expect it to be a tough but enjoyable encounter. I received some unfortunate news today that the 1st XIII tournament next Sunday has been cancelled. The boys were due to play in a regional qualifier to see if they could progress to the National Finals at Epsom College. On a positive note however, we have received confirmation that we will progress directly to the finals on the 19th March. The Under 9,10 and 11 boys have a chance to get to the ‘Nationals’ when they play their respective competitions on Sunday 5th February.

Many parents have asked about the boy’s kit and I am in the process of buying a set of long coats for tournaments for the boys to wear in between matches, which will definitely help to keep them warm. As well as this, please could you ensure you wrap the boys up nice and warm for both training and fixtures. I would recommend buying a Wetherby hat as well and skins for top and bottom. Although we are on our new pitch, it is cold and the boys would benefit from wearing multiple layers.

It was great to see so many boys bringing in a spare pair of shoes for Hyde Park this week and please can we continue to do this, the building is looking much cleaner. Have a great weekend

From the Assistant Head Pastoral

Miss Clifford writes…

With senior school visits on the horizon for many of our boys, we would like to give them the best opportunity to make a good first impression. At WPS, a boy’s haircut should be no longer than collar length and look professional. Hairstyles can be very much up to interpretation in terms of how smart or appropriate they may be in a school setting. Here are a few Wetherby rules for haircuts during term time:

 Long hair should be off the collar  Lines and/or tracks should not be shaved into the side or top of the head  Hair should not be shorter than a number 3  Hair should maintain a natural look and not be dyed or bleached

I will be speaking to boys and parents, from next week, if we feel their haircut is not suitable for term time at school. If you or your son are concerned that their hair does not fall in line with our school policy, please ask them to come and see me.

From the English Department

Mrs Trevitt writes… Readathon

Many thanks to all those wonderful boys who read lots of fantastic books over the holidays and raised money for our school charities in the process! Special mention to Arthur Hamill and the Russell family, who raised over £100 each! We’ve raised nearly £700 and those who contributed to our charities can feel very proud indeed. http://www.rwanda-aid.org/

After sending out six teachers for the past two years to help support the teachers at Mwegera School we would like to contribute further by furnishing more classrooms and giving them further educational and training opportunities.

Founded in 2007 by descendants of the original Nimrod expedition, our mission is to support social entrepreneurs who exemplify the spirit of Shackleton: inspirational leaders with innovative and scalable ideas striving to make a difference to the lives of disadvantaged young people. They provide seed funding capital and support to aspiring leaders and social entrepreneurs who have the potential to help disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people. http://shackletonfoundation.org/

The Bursary Fund is an independent charity that was set up in 2015. The Fund seeks to provide financial assistance to families whose circumstances may have changed while their son is at Wetherby. In the future, it plans to provide bursaries that will enable talented children from the state sector who would otherwise not be able to access independent education.

‘Sentence types’ – YouTube Video Mr Thorne writes….

Check out my latest video on ‘Sentence types’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JyBk2lf3P0

From the History Department – Year 4 History

Miss Olney writes…

I always love hearing from the boys about their visits to historical sites, especially ones that are pertinent to what we are studying. Last term we looked at the Romans in Year 4 and I was astounded at the wealth of knowledge that the boys shared about this civilization from their visits and experiences. From Innes Adam (4K) taking part in gladiator training just outside of Rome to Leonardo Bertolo (4K) discovering how the Romans lived by visiting Pompeii; History is brought alive at Wetherby through their stories and adventures of the boys.

This term we are studying the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings which is another great topic to teach. Edward Hudson (4B) was fortunate enough to visit Wareham’s Saxon walls and the Saxon church of St Martin’s last Saturday. He brought back leaflets to share with the class and the boys loved hearing about his experience of Saxon Britain.

There are some great museums and sites across Britain that the boys can explore at Half Term. You can look at the below website which offers some ideas on places to visit such as Sutton Hoo which we are studying this term: http://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/AngloSaxonSites/

Edward Hudson running up the Saxon walls!

From Charities - Match Attax Drive!

Miss Martin writes…

Do you have any spare Match Attax cards that are no longer in use at home? Saif Melti (4K) came up with a brilliant idea this week; of a Match Attax drive where the cards and collected in school to be sent out to Rwanda. The children in Rwanda share a mutual love for all things football and would absolutely love to be able to play with these. It will be a wonderful way for the boys at Wetherby to share things that they have, with others that do not. Please hand all Match Attax cards into 4M next week.

An Invitation to…Come Dine with Us

The Annual Wetherby Prep School - "Come Dine With Us" - 9th February 2017 @ 7.30pm

All parents are invited to come and sample both the culinary and hosting skills of our staff members. Staff will cook and serve for free, but parents will tip for charity, depending on how much they think the evening is worth! Places will be available on a first come first served basis. All guests are encouraged to bring a bottle! Food, fun and entertainment for all. It promises to be a great evening, see you there!

Please email [email protected] as soon as possible to secure your place!

Deadline for applications is Wednesday 1st February.

From the Catering Manager

Chef Peter writes…

This year the Chinese New Year starts on Saturday 28th January and it will be the year of the Rooster. We will be celebrating this with a Chinese themed menu on Wednesday 25th January. For anyone wishing to brush up on their origami skills I have attached instructions on how to make a paper rooster.

Rooster Years;






From Institutum Studiis Latinis Schola Wetherbiana

Magister Vogiatzis scribit…

Classical Civilisation Club

I would like to welcome our new member of our Classical Civilization Club; Alexander Lewisohn, who contributed so well this evening in our discussion about the Romans. This evening, the boys were introduced to Science in Ancient Rome. The Ancient Romans made much advancement in the field of science. Below are several examples;

 Concrete  Arch Structures  Aqueducts  Plumbing  Machines  Sundials  Tools  Glassblowing  Military Technology

The boys were additionally introduced to the works and contributions of important ancient Roman scientists such as: Galen, Vitruvius and Claudius Ptolemy. We were very fortunate to have Miss Sharp, from the Science Department, with us today, who very happily accepted our invitation and was our guest of honour. Miss Sharp worked with the boys and further challenged them with questions on Science in Ancient Rome. She contributed so nicely in the presentation and we would like to thank her very much for the house points she so generously offered to our members of the club.

We would like to invite more teachers from all departments to join us on Wednesdays while presenting and discussing topics related to Roman everyday life, the arts in Ancient Rome, the wars, the history of the empire and therefore accompany us in our journeys.

Run Club

Miss Kroiter writes…

Come rain, cold or shine and the Wetherby boys continue to enjoy being put through their paces on Tuesday mornings. It is great to welcome some new faces to kick off Run Club in 2017. Last week we did some sprint training and this week we went for a gentle jog around the park.

From the Games Department

Mr Dean writes…

U10 Rugby Team Triangular Tournament at Allianz Park – Match Report Last Friday the Under 10 rugby team followed in the footsteps of current Internationals such as , and George Kruis (to name a few) by playing at the Allianz Park stadium, home of reigning Premiership and European Champions, Saracens. Also taking part in the three team tournament were The Falcons Boys’ School and Chesham Prep School. Wetherby started against The Falcons and put in a dominant display to win the game 40 points to 5. Captain Charles Gouilliard enhanced his reputation for being a fierce competitor at the breakdown, winning a number of turn overs, and also scoring three tries with some strong ball carrying. Chesham were the next opponents, and following a convincing victory against the Falcons, it appeared they would provide a stern test for the Wetherby boys.

Chesham were the next opponents, and following a convincing victory against the Falcons, it appeared they would provide a stern test for the Wetherby boys. This proved to be the case, and early in the second half the score was tied at 10 points each.

Chesham played an attractive style of rugby and moved the ball extremely well. Wetherby defence was equal to the task however and despite long spells of possession Chesham rarely found a way through.

In contrast, Wetherby looked dangerous every time they had the ball. Chesham struggled to cope with the pace of man of the match, Chinonso Ogbonude, who scored three tries as Wetherby ran out victorious by 25 points to 10.

It was a great experience for the boys to play at a professional venue (despite the snow), and having already recorded a number of excellent victories this year, you wouldn’t bet against some of them returning to play at a higher level in the future. Well done, boys!

A special thanks to Mr Scott (Oliver Scott’s Dad) for some amazing photography from the night!

Week 9 Fixtures

Last Friday the Under 10A’s and Under 11A’s took part in a triangular tournament against Chesham Prep and the Falcon’s at Allianz Park, which for those who don’t know is home to Premiership Side Saracens. All boys had a great afternoon and played some brilliant free flowing rugby. A special mention to the Under 10 A’s who won their tournament.

Man of the Tournament Under 10 A’s- Chinonso Ogbunude Under 11 A’s- Nicholas Finch

On Monday the Under 10’s took on Arnold House at Cannons Park. Both teams played extremely well and it was fantastic to score 130 points across the 2 games! What a start the Under 10’s have had!

MoM Under 10A’s- Lucas Simich Under 10B’s- Kameron Khlat

On Tuesday the Under 8’s and Under 9’s took on St John’s Beaumont. All boys worked hard and it was great to see them putting in some of the skills they have been learning in Games. A special to the Under 9D’s who won 35-25.

MoM Under 8A’s- Bennett Higgins Under 8B’s- Willoughby Hassell Under 8C’s-Felix Von Saher Under 9A’s- Sebastian Bell Under 9B’s- Ethan Ruimy Under 9C’s- Brooks Stevens Under 9D’s-Joshua Linanne

Top Try Scorers

Chinonso Ogbunude 10 Harry Coombs 8 Joshua Ashley 7

From the Performance Corner – Antioxidants

Mr McClinton writes…

We have all heard about the importance of anti-oxidants and their significance in the diet however, what are anti-oxidants and why are they are so vital to human health and performance.

Antioxidants are molecules that circulate in the body supporting optimum function and recovery. They also help repair cell damage as a result of normal metabolism and energy production. Although we produce our own antioxidants, they decline as we age and as a consequence of illness. Given that we are regularly exposed to environmental pollutants such as smoke/smog, excessive sun exposure, chemicals and cosmetic goods, we must compensate by getting antioxidant nutrients in via our diet. Free radicals are also produced when we exercise excessively therefore, given all that we are trying to achieve in the rugby term, this is a topical look at tackling health and performance from all sides.

There are two distinct types of antioxidants; those that thrive in a water-based environment, and those that thrive in a fat-based one. Both are in fact required by the body in equal measure in order to protect the cell – the cell interior being composed of water whilst the cell membranes, (the exterior), is mostly made of fat.

The Important Ones

- Glutathione – cell protective and performance enhancer of other nutrients, abundant in: eggs, grass-fed beef and quality sources of dairy. - Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) – DNA protective and toxin eliminator, abundant in: organ meat, broccoli, spinach. - CoQ10 – used in every cell in the body and crucial for energy metabolism. Found in fatty fish, nuts, seeds and healthy oils. - Resveratrol – supports healthy heart function and regulates blood pressure. Good sources include; dark coloured fruits and vegetables such as red grapes, blueberries, yellow, green and red peppers. - Carotenoids – naturally occurring pigmentation of fruit/vegetables that supports healing and cellular regeneration notably after injury or illness. Squash, oranges, carrots and kiwis are but a few examples. - Astaxanthanin – more powerful than vitamin C & E, this super nutrient supports optimum brain and nerve function, aids digestion and stabilizes blood sugar. Good examples include salmon, lobster, crab & trout. - Vitamin C – cell protective and structurally vital in the collagen making process. Citrus fruits are commonly high in vitamin C however many people are unaware that in fact green leafy vegetables are also abundant in this nutrient. - Vitamin E – DNA protective and fundamental in cellular repair, healthy sources include: avocados, shellfish and olive oil.

A diet that encompasses fresh organic meats, nuts & seeds (for those that do not have an allergic response to them), vegetables, certain fruits plus herbs & spices, will help promote personal performance outcomes and speedy recovery from the challenging environment we now live in.

From the Maths Department – Weekly Challenges

Mr Gascoine writes… Top Eight! Speed Kings 2016-17

Top Eight I hear you say, has Mr Gascoine gone mad? With little movement in the top ten speedsters in the beginning of the Spring Term, Nadhmi Auchi has caused chaos by posting a PB of 2 minutes and 39 seconds, thus deposing the three speed kings of Felix Welter, Zain Amjad and Boris Bogolyubov, all with times of 2 minutes and 45 seconds! Meanwhile cool Killian has move away from the mayhem with a PB of 2 minutes and 23 seconds. So I haven’t gone mad (thanks for your concern), with two places up for grabs next week. Game on.

1 Adam Khan Year 5 1 min 52 sec 2 Zayn Shabeen Year 5 1 min 56 sec 3 Chinonso Ogbunude Year 5 2 min 09 sec 4 Killian Seidel Year 5 2 min 23 sec 5 George Sakellariou Year 5 2 min 33 sec 6 Nadhmi Auchi Year 5 2 min 39 sec 7 Fergus Farrell Year 4 2 min 40 sec 8 Hector Bodker Year 5 2 min 44 sec

Maths Challenge

House point for each. Congratulations to the above pupils. Please make sure that all answer sheets include workings out, full names and forms please.

Correct Entries for Lower Challenge: Correct Entries for Upper Challenge: 1 Housepoint 1 Housepoint Tristan Anderson Laith Auchi Nadhmi Auchi Maxime Chailley Taymour Auchi Nadhmi Auchi Christopher Radcliffe Francesco Magel Milo Langdon Arthur Kooman Barnaby Russell

Lower School Maths Challenge Upper School Maths Challenge

Out of School Achievements and Photos

Oscar Raber (5B) Lego – nardo da Vinci

Oscar finished his Lego project this weekend. A Christmas present from his grandparents. Oscar spent a large chunk of time completing the project, and as you can see, it is a magnificent feat of engineering!

Wetherby boys triumph at the National Chess Finals!

Nadhmi and Taymour Auchi took part in the National Chess finals over the Christmas holidays.

They both qualified last term for the Under 12 Major and Under 8 finals respectively, and over the holidays they competed in the finals which brings in many of the strongest chess competitors from all over the country. Taymour did brilliantly and got 5 out of 7 coming a very impressive 9th place out of over 85 finalists. Nadhmi played so incredibly well in the under 12 major, which is one of, if not the toughest national competition there is, that he was given a form inviting him to try out for the British national chess team!

Both boys were very proud to represent Wetherby Prep and thrilled to have done so well.

We very much hope there will be many more Wetherby chess (& other!) achievements as well. Well done, Nadhmi and Taymour!

In a Galaxy far, far away, the Wetherby Lego boys…

The Wetherby Lego boys have many adventures…here are James and Jasper Hunter's photos of them in the new Star Wars Death Star the boys recently finished building! May the force be with you, boys.

Wetherboys adventures on the Death Star Wetherboys in the trash compactor!

Duelling with Darth Vader! Escaping from the prison cell…

Highest Housepoint Earners by Form Class

Lower School Upper School

3P Krishna Agarwal 6B

4B Aditya Dubey 6J

4K William Gorton 6T

4M Lachlan Donley 7M

5B Nadhmi Auchi 7T Upper School Exam Week 5K Benjamin Courbage 7V

5T Zac Shuaib 8B




Weekly Housepoint Totals

First Place Second Place Third Place Fourth Place

Pembridge Westbourne Dawson Chepstow

434 354 337 284

Yearly Housepoint Totals

First Place Second Place Third Place Fourth Place

Dawson Westbourne Chepstow Pembridge Captain M. Gwynne Captain J. Ward Captain A. Grigg Captain D. Shirazi

6,781 6,560 6,485 6,438

Form Class Winners

First Place Second Place Third Place

Form 4B Form 4M Form 5K 286 261 227

Week Form Class Form Tutor 1 4B Miss Baillieu 2 6J Miss Balgobin 3 7T Mr Metherell 4 6B Mrs Bassett 5 8I Mr Goodman 6 6T Miss Taylor 7 5T Mr Thorne

8 6J Miss Balgobin 9 4B Miss Baillieu 10 8F Mr Froggatt 11 5K Miss Kroiter 12 3P Miss Phoenix 14 4M Miss Martin 15 4B Miss Bailieu

Form Class Winners – 4B

Class Achievement – Mr Brawn’s Music Class (4B)

Headmaster’s Good Shows

Gold Silver Bronze 10 Housepoints 5 Housepoints 3 Housepoints Zain Ahmed – English Michele Aliboni – English

Alexander Avaliani – English Zain Amjad – English

Sebastian Bell – English Joshua Ashley – Maths

William Carver – English Nadhmi Auchi – English

Jonathan Cullinane – English Roberson Brown – English

Sebastien Dautigny - English Louis Byrne – Maths

Sebastien Dautigny – English William Carver – English

Kyu Dionisio - English Benjamin Courbage – English

Sebastian Drax – English Benjamin Courbage – Maths

Sebastian Jones – African Project Jonny Cullinane - Maths

Lucas Jorgensen – English Andre Davis - English

George Sakellariou - Maths Jack Dupuy – English

Aidan Zilkha – English Ivan Galanternik – English

William Gorton – English

Charles Gouilliard – Maths

Gregory Granovski – Maths

Gregory Granovski – Maths

Arthur Hamill – English

Jasper Hunter - Maths

Samuel Kupsin – Maths Santiago Mendes Esteves –

English Santiago Mendes Esteves –

English Gianluca Milner – English

Oscar Rotman – English

Edward Seppala – English

Zac Shuaib – Maths

Zac Shuaib – Geography Rap!

Emmanuel Tomazos – English

Emmanuel Tomazos – English

Gabriel Wells – English

Photos from the Week

The hip bones connected to the … what bone? 3P have it covered

Year 5 taking in a traffic survey in Miss Martin’s Maths class

4K conquer Jenga! Lucas Mousavizadeh needs a new crown

George Sakelleriou’s epic (and self-designed) Friday Riding Club Lego house!
