Entomol.rom., 6: 127-132, 2001 ISSN1224 - 2s94

Nine new speciesin the Romanian fauna (: Formicidae): morphology,biology, and distribution

BdlintMem6. SrlndorCs6sz


Nine new ant speciesfor the Romanianfauna are presented including their morphologicalchar- acteristics,biology, and distribution. Some of the ,likeMyrmica specioides, Leptothorm ffinis, Leptothoraxtuberum, and ktramorium impurum,are commonin Centraland Eastern Europe, never- thelessthey werenot recordedfrom Romania,due to their overlappingcharacteristics with someother commonspecies. Harpagoxenus sublaevis, and nitidulus are socialparasites. Myrmica lonae,Leptothorax clypeatus, and Lasius distinguendus are relatively rare, poorly known species. On the basisof this study93 ant speciesare recorded from Romania,which numberis still con- sideredto be low.


Noud speciide furnici (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) noi in fauna Romffniei:morfologie, biologie 9i distribu{ie

Noud specii de fumici noi pentru mirmecofaunaRom6niei sunt prezentateimpreund cu caracterelemorfologice specifice, precum gi biologia9i distribulialor. Anumitespecii, ca Myrmica specioides,Leptothorax affinis, Leptothoru tuberumqi ktramorium impurum,care sunt comunein EuropaCentrald gi de Est, au fost omisedin faunaRomdniei datoritd confunddrii 1or cu alte specii comune.Harpagoxenus sublaevis qi Formicoxenusnitidulus nu au fost semnalatepdnd acum, probabil datoritd faptului cd sunt specii social-parazite.Myrmica lonae, Leptothorm clypeatusgi Lasius distinguendussunt ins[ speciirelativ rare, a cdrorbiologie gi distribu[ieeste pufin cunoscuti. Pe bazaacestei studii mirmecofaunaRomdniei con,tine 93 de speciiactualmente, acest numdr ins[ esteconsiderat a fi o subestimarea numdruluireal de specii.

keywords: Formicidae, Romania, fauna, new species Introduction succeedingin finishingit. At this momentmore tlan 80 ant speciesare Any basic ecological study which handles known to exist on the territory of Romania. When more speciessupposes the knowledge of the local comparingthis numberto the numberof ant species fauna. As such any study which clarifies the state of other Central Europeancountries, like Hungary of a fauna, should be welcome, and used in field (overlO0 species)(GnllE et al. 1998), or laboratoryexperiments, as a reliable source of (over120 species) (Snrrnnr 1996), etc., it seems information. In Romania there are still problems bbvious,that the number of existing ant speciesin with the lack of faunistical data on various Romaniais underestimated.We could say: it is not groups,and in this very case,on . There were in the leastknown, when taking accountof the high very few myrmecologistswho made considerable diversity of habitatsin Romania. efforts to clari$r the state of the Romanian In this paper a few new speciesare presented, myrmecofauna,like at the beginning of the XXth some of which are known to be common in other century MuLmR, MocsAnl and later on KNEcuteL, Central and EasternEuropean countries. We consid- '60s '90s or from the to the early Panascurvpscu. er that it is almostemergent to closeup to the other He was the one who put up the referencelist of the Europeancountries in faunisticalknowledge. This Romanian mrymecofauna (PnnascHIVEScu1978), emergencyis even more emphasizedby the great '90s summing up 76 species.In the middle of the number of new Europeanant speciesdescribed in PRRq.scmvescubegan to work on a complex faunis- the last decades, tical list and on a key to the Romanianant species, but unfortunatelyhe passedaway in 2001 before

127 Materials and Methods more with Myvmica hellenica FoR-er-,1913. From M. scabrinadis it can be easily seperated on the Allthe speciespresented here were identified basisof its weakerantennal carina - which is clearly by the authors. One part of the presentedmaterial is rounded,almost lobelike inthe M. scabrinodis.The depositedin the Natural History Museum of Sibiu, shapeof the petiolarnode also differs: whereas in M the other makespart of the authors'collection. scabrinodis its dorsal surfaceis flat, and it meetsthe The identificationof the specieswas carried anterior profile in a clear angle,in M. specioidesthe out on the basisof the keys of Cor-r-rNcwooo(1979), dorsal surfaceof the petiole is rounded,dome-like, KurrEn (1977), Rq.ocueNrcoet. al. (1997), and never meetsthe anteriorprofile in a sharpangle. SErpEnr(1988, 1996). M. hellenicais also easyto confusewith this All measurementsmade by the authorswere species.However in this case the antennalcarina taken on dry preparationsusing Olympus BX 40 of M. specioidesis more prominent than in M. hel- microscope at 100x magnification. All data are lenica. Besides tn M. hellenica the scape is curved given in prm,accuracy of the measurementsis 5 prm. angularly,and not clearly angled.The petiolar node Measuredcharacters were: has similar shapeas in M. specioides.However,the FR: maximum width of frontal carinae im- frons is relatively narrower in M. specioides (HWl mediatelyposterior to the scapeinsertions; FR = 2.836, SemuRr1988), than in M. hellenica HL: maximum head length in median line (HW/FR = 2.458, Srm'arr 1988), and the head is from the clypeusto posteriorborder of occiput.The 'rectangular'(HL/HW : 1.000resp. 1.023, Surenr head must be carefuly turned until the maximum I 988). length is visible; '" Biology. It is a typical xerothermousgrass- IfW: maximum headwidth acrossthe eyes; land speciesin Central Europe. It mainly inhabits Ml-spin: mesosoma length. Measured as openareas with low, herbaceousvegetation. Supsnr maximum distance from the anterior border of (1988)found top densitiesof 48 nests/100m2. Nev- promesonotumto the tip of the propodealspine; ertheless,in Romania there weren't recordedsuch Ml-lobus: mesosoma length. Measured high densities,but it seems,that where it occurs,it as maximum distance from the anterior border of is frequent,and not in the leastrare. Inhabitsurban promesonotumto the most posteriorlower margin areas,too (SemEnr1988). Colonies rar€ly exceeda oflateral propodeallobe. It hasto be taken in lateral thousandindividuals, several queens can be found view; per colony (RnocueNroet al. 1997).Nests in soil. SL: the maximum straight line of the scape Nuptial flight takesplace in August-September. lengthexcluding the articularcondylus; Distribution. It occurs all over in Europe, MH: maximum rnesosomaheight; such as: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, the CI: cephalic index, shows the ratio of the Netherlands, , , Luxembourg, head measures(HL/HW), which characterizesthe , Southem England, , , head'sprolongation; Ukraine, SouthernRussia (RancHrNro et aL.1997, MI: mesosomaindex, (ML-spin/MH) shows Srrrenr 1988), the territory of the former Yugosla- the mesosoma'sprolongation. via, Turkey (Europeanpart), and Bulgaria (Acosrl & Cou-rNcwooD1987). Survey of Species In Romania there are few data on its distribu- tion, though it is thought to be a frequent specieson Myrmica specioidesBononorr, 1918 dry grasslands,pastures. Up to now there are data from the surroundingsof Cluj-Napocacity (FAna,tele Diagnosis. Scapeangled at the basewith a Clujului, Cluj county)- pitfall-traps,during surnmer week carina at the bases,The frontal carina is not 1996,leg. Mnmo, from pastureand thickets -, and bent backward above the insertion of the scapes. from the surroundingsof Sibiu cify (Sibiu county) The petiole is high, dome-like, the dorsal surface - 1 ?, | 3,26.10.1945, leg. WoRrLL,collection of never meets the anterior profile in an angle. The the Natural History Museum of Sibiu. posteriorprofile shows no abrupt step in its caudal slopeto the postpetiolarjunction. Its colour is red- Myrmica lonae Fwzt, 1926 dishyellow. Diagnosis.Formerly it was consideredto be Note. This speciescan be confoundedwith a variety or a subspeciesof M. sabuleti MErNunr, Myrmica scabrinodis NvLnxnnn, 1846, or even 1860,but Sntnenr(1993) recognized it asbona spe- 128 cies.Since then it has beenhandled accordingly. Biolog.v.It is a xenobiontspecies living in the Scapeis shonglyangled at the base,and it bearsa moundsof redwood ants, especially in coloniesof horizontal,very large lobe at thebase, clearly raised F.pratensis, F rufa, E polyctena,E truncorum,and at scapelevel. The shape of this antennallobe is al- in thoseof Coptaformrcaspecies (e.g" E exsecta). mostquadrate, which is a cleardistinctive character Nests may containfrom 20 to 150 individuals, from its siblingspecies. The frontalcarinae doesn,t and sometimesmore nests are found in a single bendbackwards above the insertionof the scapes. host colony (Colr,wcwooo1979, SpmsRr 1996). Its bodyis coveredby strongrugosity. The petiole is Monogynous.It leavesthe hostnest rarely. It feeds high,dome-like, and striated throughout. Its colour on the broodof the hostspecies. Nuptial flight is in is brownish-reddish. July-August. Biology.It is little knownabout the biolory We collectedit by pirfall+rapon the territory of this species,due to the currentrecognition of of a fl pratensis supercolony.Presumably ,E its separatestatus. It seemsthat it mainly inhabits pratensiswas its host species.The other specimen forestmargins and open marshlands.Its colonies was alsofound in a E pratensr'snest. containseveral hundred workers, sometimes exceed Distribution. It is presentin Denmark,and one thousand.It nestsunder stones,or in soil, throughoutFennoscandia" locally in England,and sometimeseven in moss.RencHENKo et al. (1997) in Scotland(CollrNcwoon 1979), it can be found suggestthat it shouldbe a boreo-montanespecies. from Northern, and WesternEurope to Eastern In Romaniait wasrecorded from a hilly region,and Europe(Kurnn 1977),also in Greece,and on froma mountainriver valley. We have no otherdata the tenitory of the formerYugoslavia (Acosrr & on itshabitats in Romania. Cor.lrr.rcwooo1987). Distribution. Recorded from southern Thereare only three data on its presencein , southemScandinavia, the Netherlands, Romania.It was collectedfrom the surroundings Germany, , western Ukraine, , of Cluj-Napocacity (FdnafeleClujui, Clu.j-Napoca) northern , Croatia, Romania, the Sankt - I worker,24.06.1996,Ieg. Mnmo. Two additional Petersburgdistrict in Russia, the southernpart dataresulted from the revision ofthe ant collection of of Western Siberia and nofthern Kazakhstan theNatural History Museum of Sibiu,as such from (Reocnrr.rcoet al. 1997,SErrEnr 1996) Tilmaciu(DealulCet[lii, Sibiu County) - 9 worker, In Romaniathe only dataon its presenceis 1 ?, 11.04.192A,leg. Mulr-nn, 2 ?,27.03.1921, from $erbotaValley (Valea$erbotei, F[giraqului leg. MUr-r-En(with Formicapratensis) -; and from - Mts.) 1 ?,25.09.1920,\eg.A. MulleR,collection Sibiu city (Sibiu county)- I ?, 12.07.1944,leg. of the Natural History Museumof Sibiu -, and Woreu-. We expectit to be found in more places from Tdmpa(Braqov county) - 1 ?, leg. Deunal, by studyingthe colonies of redwood ants and those collectionof theNatural History Museum of Sibiu. of Coptoformicaspecies. It wasommitted probably AlthoughRaocsENro et al. (1997)mentions this dueto itsparasitic lifestyle. speciesfrom Romania,we do not haveany data on theprecise location of the samplingsite. Harpag oxe n us sab lsev is (Nvr,aNnnn,I 852)

Formicoxenusnitidulus (Nvurvorn, 1846) Diagnosis" Head is large, subrectangular, the frontal carinaeare [ong,run parallel,reach far Diagnosis. Scapes with l0 funiculus beyondthe antennalinsertion. The funiculusof the segments,the club is three-segmented,it is as long scapesconsists of 10segments with a4-5 segmented as the restof the funiculus.The postpetiolebears club.The mandiblesare broad, sharp, without any a sharp,slender denticle. The body is shining,its denticles.The petiole, and the postpetiole with well- colouris reddishyellow to darkbrown. developedventral denticles. Note. PnnnscHrvEscu(1975) mentioned this Biology.It Iivesin obligatedulotic association speciesfrom the collectionof the NaturalHistory with Leptothorax acervolum (Fenzucrus,1793), Museumof Sibiu,but then he didn't include it in his L. muscorurz(NvleNoeR, 1846), and L. gredleri listof theRomanian ant species (197S). As suchthe Mayn,1855. It canbe found from hiliy regionsup to authorsof this studydo not considertheirselves to mountainpastures, and marshlands. Serrenr (1996) bethe first identifiersof this specieson theterritory found6-10 nests/l00m2, when the frequency of the of Romania,however, this is the first paperwhich hostspecies was morethan 200 nests/100m2.The includesit in the Romanianmyrmecofauna, and colony from Lacul Dracului marshland(Harghita givesa briefcharacterization of thisspecies. Mts,, Romania)contained more than 14 workers. t29 The host wasLeptothorqx ecervorum, and its nest coll. WORELL I 12 workers, 12.04.1952,leg. containedalso more than 15 individuals, and at least WoRrLL,coll. WORELL | 5 workers,30.03.1952, 7 queens.The densityof the hostspecies was very leg. Wonnll, coll. WORELL.It was alsorecorded iow: out of 23 sampledant nestsin peat-bogs(23 fromStana Val ley (Stana, Silaj county)- 0 I .03.2001, colonies/cca.300 m2) only 3 colonieswere of Z. meadow,leg Csdsz et al. (Csoszet al. in print)-, and acervorum,including the parasitised one. from StAnceni(Mureg County, Gurghiu Mts.) - 1 ?, Workers forage outside the nest, they are spruce-forestclearcut, 17.08.2001, leg. Mnmo.It is capableof tending brood, howeverthe colony probablymore widespread in Romania,as it seems dependson thehost species. Monogynous, life-span on the basisof the scarcityof data. of the queencan be 12-14years (Surenr 1996). Nuptialflight takesplace in June-August. Leptothoraxaffinis MavR,1855 Distribution.It wasrecorded from Denmark, throughoutFennoscandia, but it is absentflom the Diagnosis.Funiculus has 1l segments, tsritishIsles (CollncwooD 1979),it is alsopresent Antennalclub is darker than the rest of thefuniculus. fromthe Pyrenees to Caucasus,from Northern Italy Propodealspines are very long and slender.The to NorthemNorway (Kurran 1977),and it alsocan head is nearly as broad as long (cephalicindex be found on the territory of the formerYugoslavia of workers: 1.046, n:24). Frontal carinaerun (Acosn & Cor-Lrlrcwooo1987). subparallel.Its colouris oftendark red or brown. Up to now it was identified only from Biology.Arboricol species, nests in twigs or two localitiesin Romania.Both datacome from underbarks. It formssmall colonies with 100-300 mountainmarshlands. One specimen was collected individuals.The nuptialflight is usuallyin July, in Fagul Rotund oligotrophemarshland (Apa, andAugust. It is worth to mention,that L. affinis Rogie,Nemira Mts., Covasnacounty) - I worker, Mevn is the secondaryhost species of the parasitic 2A-27.07.1998,leg. Memo, pitfall-trap-, where antEpimyrma rcrvouxi (ANnnr, 1896), besides the only Z. acervorumnests were present as potential L. wtifasciaras(Lernulr-e, 1798) which is themain host-species.The other datacome frorn Flarghita hostspecies in theCarpathian basin. Mts., from l-acul Draculuioligotrophe marshland Distribution.It is almostentirely a European (Harghitacounty) - 14workers, 06-13.08.2000, leg. species.It is fairly commonin theCarpathian basin. Manxo*, whereL. acervorumwas its host" It occursin forests,as well asin semiculturalareas, parksor gardens. Tbtramoriumimp ur um (F6nsrnRo1850) Wehave data on its presencein Romaniafrom the ant collectionof the NaturalHistory Museum Diagnosis.Head is coarselysculptured. It of Sibiu. Theseindividuals were collectedfrom is very similarto its sibling speciesT. caespitum Guqterila-Sibiu(Sibiu, Sibiu county) - 9 workers,2 (Lrr'wnEus,1758), as the surfaceof the first gaster ?,24,09.19?2,leg.Mullen / I workeq27.04.1924, tergite bearssparse microreticulate pattern. It can leg. Mur-r-en-, from CoziaMts.,Turnu Rogu Pas- be distinguishedby this speciesupon the coarsely sage- 5 workers,A4.06.1922,Ieg. Mur-len -, from sculptureddorsum of thepetiole and postpetiole. Cisnbdie(Sibiu county) - 6 workers,16.08.1925, Biology.This speciesis consideredto be a leg.Mur-r-en l2 ?, I d, 20.08.1925,1eg.MuLLen -, borealelement. but it alsooccfrs in lowlands,and andfrom TAmpa (Bragov county) - I f , leg.Deuarl. townsin NorthernEurope. T impurumwas found It was alsocollected in StanaValley (Stana, Sdlaj in the EasternCarpathians, as well as in townsin county)-, 01.03.2001,leg Cs6sz et al. (Cs6szet al. hilly regions.It seemsto be morexerophilous than in print) - from trees.It is suspectedto be frequent T caespitum,and it is probablymonogynous (Rnl- in oakforests, and everywhere in Romania,with the cHENKoet al. 1998). exceptionof highmountain regions. Distribution. It is knownfrom Switzerland. Germany,Poland (ReocueNro et al. 1998),and Leptothoraxclypeatus (MavR, 1853) from the coastof the AdriaticSea (Kurren 1977). Frobablyit occurseverywhere in theCarpathians. Diagnosis.Funiculus with 1l segments.An- Wehave few dataon itspresence in Romania. tennalclub is as pale as the rest of the funiculus. Somespecimens are present in thecollection of the Clypeusis bicarinatewith shallowconcavity inbe- NaturalHistory Museum of Sibiucollected from the tween.Propodeal spines are long and strong.The city of Sibiu(Sibiu county) - 5 workers,14.06.1946, head,and the alitrunkare dark red or brownishred, leg. Wonnr (Leptothoraxtuberum det. Wonall), thegaster is almostblack. 130 Biology.It is an arboricolspecies, nests in 628, HW: 567,FR: 216, SL: 449,ML-spin: 660, twigs,stems or underbarks. It formssmall colonies Ml-lobus:738, MH: 330,CI: 1.11,HW/FP.:2.63, with a few hundredmembers. It often canbe found MI: 2.00(Cs6sz 2001). in the frame of gardengates, in deadworm-eaten Metricaldata of 7 L. nigricepsworkers: HL: woods,and in treeson flood area.Nuptial flight is 615,HW: 558,FR: 220,SL:455, Ml-spin: 698, usuallyin lateJuly, and August. Ml-lobus:760, MH: 318,CI: 1.10,HWFP.:2.79, Distribution.The distributionof thisspecies MI:2.2A(Cs6sz 2001). is still poorly known.So far it hasbeen recorded There is also an identificationproblem with from Germany(Snrrnr pers.comm.,and one nest L. tuberum and Leptothoraxalbipenzrs (Cunrn seriesfrom Zeil, Kapellenberg, Bavaria, 22.07 .2001. 1854).This latterspecies is verysimilar in colour leg. Cs6sz),Bulgaria (Acosrr & Colr-wcwooo andother characters to L. tuberum,butthe sculpture 1987),South Moravia (CzechRepublic) (Sernanr of the headcould help in separatingthem. Dorsum 1996),Hungary (Gnr-r-e et al. 1998).It seemsto be of headin L. tuberurnis with heterogenous,mainly a rarespecies in the Carpathianbasin, but it canbe longitudinalrugae, while the headof Z. albipennis foundeverywhere. is alwayscovered with homogenous,mainly reticu- The only Romanianrecord of this species laterugae. is from Cisnddie (Sibiu county) - I worker, AlthoughPenRscmvescu (1975) mentioned 24.07.1922,leg. Mullsn - in the collectionof the this speciesfrom the collectionof the Natural NaturalHistory Museum of Sibiu. HistoryMuseum of Sibiu,but he didn't includeit in hislist of theRomanian ant species (1978). As such Leptoth ordx t ub e r um (Fnnnrcrus,I 775) the authorsofthis studydo not considertheirselves to be the first identifiersof this specieson the Diagnosis.The funiculusof the scapeswith territoryof Romania,however, this is the first paper 11segments. Antennal club is darker,than the rest which includesit in the Romanianmyrmecofauna, of the funiculus.Propodeal spines are short,and andgives a briefcharacterizationofthis species. triangularin profile. The head is clearly longer, Biology.This speciescharacteristically nests thanbroad (cephalic index of workers:I .1 I , n=21). in small, single-queenedcolonies under stones. Frontalcarinae run parallel.Alitrunk is oftenred or Accordingto Kurren {1917),and SErrenr(1996) mediumbrown. it is a facultativelypolygynous species. It occurs Note.Z. tuberum(Faenrcrus) is easyto con- in grasslands,as well as in semiculturalareas, Iike fuse with its sibling species,L. nigricepsMavn, parksor gardens.L. tuberumoften forms hybrids 1855. with Z. albipennis.The estimatedhybrid frequency Hereundersome distinctivecharacters are is 6,4%o (Sarrrnr 1999). addedfor distinctionbetween L. nigriceps andL. Distribution. It is an entirely European tuberum. species.It occursin Bulgaria,Turkey, Yugoslavia, Colour: L. nigriceps is commonly darker, Greece(Acosn & Cor-r-rxcwooo1987), Germany thanits siblingspecies. Head of Z. tuberumis light (SErrEar1996), Central Europe (Kurrrn 1977),it is to darkbrown, alitrunk is brownishyellow At least distributedfrom Spainto Caucasus(Cor-r-rr.rcwoon the middle part of femoraof the L. nigricepsis 1979).L. tuberumis not too commonin Hungary brown,while in L. tuberumit is entirelydark yel- but it canbe foundeverywhere (Cs6sz 2001). low.Gastral tergites of L nigricepsare brown except Sofar in Romaniait hasbeen recorded from for the first tergite,which is yellow at the base.In FdgdragMts. - 5 worker,18.06.1929, leg. MUlr.rn L. tuberumalmost the entirefirst gastertergit is yel- (Leptothoraxacervorum det. Mur-r-Bn),collection low,or brownishyellow. of the Natural History Museum of Sibiu -, as Sculpture:Head of L. nigricepsis strongly well as from StanaValley (Stana, Silaj counfy)- striatedlongitudinally, including the frons. Dorsum 01.03.2001,meadow, leg. Csosz et al. (Cs6szet al. of mesosomais stronglysculptured longitudinally. in print).It is suspectedto be widely distributedin Alitrunk of L. tuberumis gentlystriated longitudi- Romania. nally;at leastthe middlepart of thefrons is smooth andshinning. Dorsum of mesosomais gentlysculp- Lasiusdistinguendus (Eurnv, 1916) tured. Moreoverthe metricaldata of both species Diagnosis.The dorsalcrest of the petiolar couldhelp in distinguishingthe two species: scaleis emarginatedin frontalview. The scapeis Metricaldataof 21 L. tuberumworkers: HL: frequentlyless flattened. The extensorprofile of 131 hind tibia is coverednormally with a few standing REF'ERENCES hairs,nest means: 2-8 subdecumbentor suberect hairsper tibiae. The scapeis shorterthan the head Collrucwooo C. A. 1979. The Formicidae length(SL/HL: 0.869) (Srrnunr 1988). (Hymenoptera)of Fennoscandiaand Denmark. Biology.Its typical habitatsare xerothermous FaunaEntomologica Scandinavica, 8: 1-175. grasslandsor steppes.Its major host species Cs6sz S.2001. Taxonomicaland distributional is probablyLasius alienus (Fonsren,1850). It notes on two new and rare Leptothorm Mayr, constructshigh moundsin the grasslands.Flight 1885 species for the Hungarian ant fauna periodis from Julyto September. (Hymenopter4 Formicidae).Ann. Hist.-Nat' Distribution. It is a Europeanspecies, Mus. Nat. Hung.,93: 99-106. knorvn from Italy, Spain, France,Switzerland, Csdsz S., Mnnxo B., Ger-16 L. in print. Ants Austria, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Stana Valley Slovakia,Ukraine, Yugoslavia,Bulgaria, Greek, (Romania):Evaluation of the Effectivenessof Turkey (Acosrr & Cot-t-tNcwooo1987, SErenr a MyrmecologicalSurvey. Entomol' rom., vol. 1988),Hungary (Gnlr-e et al. 1998),and Armenia 6. (Serrenrl988). GArreL., CsdszS., TnRrnlLv A., KovAcsE. 1998.A The only Romaniandata is from Stana\hlley check-list of Hungarian ants (Hymenoptera: (Stana,Sllaj counlv)- 01.03.2001,Ieg.Cs6sz et al. Formicidae).Folia entomol.hung., 59: 213- (Cs6szet al. in print)-, whereit wascollected from 220. grasslands. Kurren H,19'77.Formicidae - Hymenoptera'- Insecta Helveticq6: l-297. Comments Mem6 B. .1998.Six new ant species(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)for the Romanianmyrmecofauna. Onthe basis of thisstudy some additional data Entomol.rom., 3: 119-123. areobtained on the myrmecofaunaof Romania.Up Menxo B. 1999.New ant taxa(Hymenoptera: Formi- to now 84 specieswere reportedfrom the tenitory cidae)in the Romanianfauna. Entomol' rom., of Romania(Mamo 1999).By presentingthe above 4:95-98. 9 species,the listof occuringant species sums 93 . It PeRascutvescuD. 1975.Cercetdri asupra formicidelor is obviousthat this number must be higher in reality, aparfinind colec{iilor Dr. A. Miiller 9i Dr. E. asthe rnajorityof the Romanianant speciesis com- Worell din patrimoniul Muzeului de Istorie monthroughout Europe, and, although the southem Naturald Sibiu. Studii 9i Comunicdri ale partof Romania,and especially the Black Sea Coast MuzeuluiBrukenthal, $t' nat.,t9:237'246. hasa clearsubmediterranean character, the nurhber PanascHtwscuD. 1978. Elemente balcanice in of Balkanicor submediterraneanspecies is low. mirmecofaunaR.S"Romania. Nymphaea, 6'. This stateof matteris expectedto changein the 463-474. futureby carryingout morefaunistical studies. ReocHarvroA.,CzecHowsrct W., CzecHowsrce W 1997' The Genus Myrmica Latr. (Hymenoptera' Acknowledgements Formicidae)in Poland.- A Surveyof Species Wewish to thankto dr. MarianaPescu, who and a Key for their ldentification. Annales kindly helpedus with our work at theNatural His- Zoologici,a7 Q -4):48 1 -500. tory Museumof Sibiu.We arealso indebted to dr. Snrsnr B. 1988. A Taxonomic Revision of the prof.L6szl6 GaLLe, for his help,and his adviceson Myrmica Speciesof Europe,Asia Minor, and themanuscript, Caucasia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Abh. A part ofthe datapreseneted (on Harpagox- Ber.Naturkundemus. Gorlitz, 62(3): l-75. enw sublaeurs,partly on Myrmica specioides,and SsreeRrB. 1993. Die freilebendenAmeisenarten alsoonFormicoxenus nitidulus) were obtained from Deutschlands(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) und field studiescarried out by the Eco StudiaSociety, Angabenzu derenTaxonomie und verbreitung. Cluj, Romania.Data referring to the Leptothorax Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus.Gdrlitz, 61(3): l- affinis, and Leptothoraxtuberum were partially 44. obtainedin the frameof the myrmecologicalfield- Serrnr B. 1996.Ameisen: beobachten, bestimmen' studiesof theDepartment of Ecology,University of NaturbuchVerlag, Augsburg. Szeged,Szeged, Hungary.

I Bdlint Mnmo r, S6ndorCs6sz 2 present address Dept. of Ecology,University of Szeged Dept. of Zoology, Babes-BolyaiUniversity P.O.Box51,6701 Szeged, Hungary Cluj-Napoca,Romania 2 str.Clinicilor 5-7,3400 [email protected] [email protected] Received:15.03.2002 Accepted:7.06.2002 Printed:24.06.2002 132