Vol (2) Issue (1) July 2012 International Design Journal

The role of guerrilla strategy to enrich the aesthetic and functional values of in Egyptian market

Dr. Faten Farouk Assistant professor- dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypy


Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional and low cost that achieves significant and distinctive effects compared with traditional marketing strategies. Undoubtedly it is successful in practical applications, still new,fresh and not as explicitly explored academically as other marketing methods.

The research investigates the strategy as an important, creative, innovative technique and low cost in marketing process.

It presents an approach of Guerrilla marketing; definition, principals, advantages and its role to enrich the Aesthetic and functional values of brand. The paper believes that guerrilla marketing is one of the best marketing and advertising strategies that can be used to enrich the aesthetic and functional values of brand and create a distinctive competitive position in the current economic situation in Egypt. Also, the researcher believes that the benefit from Guerrilla marketing strategies will contribute to revitalize the advertising industry and commercial movement in the Egyptian market, which will activate the Egyptian economy. The paper presents some suggested ideas of ISIS company for organic food that depend on take advantage of Guerrilla marketing strategies.

Key Words: Guerrilla marketing – Aesthetic and functional values – brand image.

Introduction: Guerrilla marketing is an "unconventional After more than a year on the January 25 marketing which intended to get revolution, the Egyptian economic maximum results from minimal situation became in continues resources." Guerrilla marketing Deterioration, which impact negatively on campaigns are typically more inventive the advertising industry in Egypt. and in places that the customers became in continuously wouldn’t likely expect advertisements to challenged, Intensive competition for a be. privileged competitive position and These campaigns typically are lower customers are increasingly more budget, but highly effective because of demanding. Therefore, it is essential for the creative and sometimes interactive marketer and advertiser experts to aspects. constantly think of new platforms, new This type of marketing can use both media, test other paths and provide positive and negative images to make different ideas which fit the current people react and remember a company, economic situation. brand, a product, or even a simple message

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A guerrilla marketing takes the customer  The guerrilla marketing strategy by surprise and makes an indelible enriches the innovative and creative impression. (1) aspects of brand in Egyptian market Therefore, the research believes that  The use of guerrilla marketing Guerrilla marketing should have an strategy attracts customer's attention to brand better than traditional important and clearly place in Egyptian marketing. marketing, because it is one of the best  The guerrilla marketing strategy marketing strategies that can fit the creates a distinctive value and current situation of brand advertising in competitive position for brand amid Egypt its competitors in the Egyptian market. It is ideal for small businesses that need Guerrilla marketing definition: to reach a lot of people and also for large The term guerrilla marketing was inspired companies who are trying to have by guerrilla warfare which is a form of valuable brand and distinctive irregular warfare and relates to the small Competitive position. (2) tactic strategies used by armed civilians. Many of these tactics includes The problem of this study may be ambushes, sabotage, raids and elements formulated as follows : of surprise. Much like guerrilla warfare, guerrilla marketing uses the same sort of  Does the guerrilla marketing strategy tactics to achieve a competitive in the contribute to enrich the aesthetic and marketing industry. (1) functional values of Brand?  Does the use of guerrilla marketing The original term was defined by Jay strategy affect on brand image? And Conrad Levinson in his book "Guerrilla how? Marketing" back in 1984 as “the act of  Does the guerrilla marketing strategy executing an unusual or unexpected enrich the innovative and creative marketing activity in a common, everyday aspects of brand? place in order to generate a buzz for  How to take advantage of guerrilla (3) marketing strategy to create a products or services”. distinctive value and competitive The concept of guerrilla marketing was position for brand in Egyptian invented as an unexpected and market? unconventional system of promotions  that relies on time, energy and  The research aims to clarify: imagination rather than a big marketing  The role of guerrilla marketing budget. (4) strategy to enrich the aesthetic and It focuses on low cost, creative strategies functional values of Brand in of marketing. Basic requirements are Egyptian market. time, energy, imagination and not  The role of guerrilla marketing to money. Profits, not sales, are the primary attract the customer's attention to (5) brand by enriching creative and measure of success . Emphasis is on innovative aspects of it. retaining existing customers than  acquiring new ones.  Hypotheses Guerrilla marketing is a broad range of  The use of guerrilla marketing advertising method that identify closely strategy may enrich the aesthetic on the target customers, drives to strike and functional values of Brand in them by surprise when they least expect Egyptian market. it (6) and has a lasting impression in a fun  The use of a guerrilla marketing and positive way. (2) strategy may affect on brand image. Guerrilla marketing is a faster and more innovating way of marketing which create

22 Vol (2) Issue (1) July 2012 International Design Journal

attention with small budget and can often products, or any unconventional results in free in other media. (7) marketing intended to get maximum The objective of guerrilla marketing is to results from minimal resources. More create a unique, engaging and thought- innovative approaches to Guerrilla provoking concept to generate a buzz for marketing now utilize mobile digital products or services” technologies to engage the consumer Guerrilla marketing involves unusual and create a memorable brand approaches such as intercept encounters experience. (8) in public places, street giveaways of

Guerrilla Marketing Principles:

Form (1) Guerrilla Marketing Principles

Through the various definitions of The element drastic enables the guerrilla marketing, the researchers can marketer to reach large number of identify the most important main message receivers without necessarily principles of guerrilla marketing as large marketing budget. Also it may following form (1): significantly help the campaign to be Unexpected: Guerrilla marketing strategy cost-effective with high degree of depends on unexpected situation and Attention and Interest. surprise element. It catches customers' Humorous: Humorous effect in guerrilla attention and their interest by putting marketing strategy helps to diminish the unusual objects in unusual places or barriers between the customer and using unusual objects in unusual time. brand. Moreover, it can significantly Creativity and innovative: Guerrilla increase the efficiency of the campaign marketing strategy relies on imagination, by reaching larger number of receivers. creative idea and innovative design (9) rather than a big marketing budget. It is Simplicity Guerrilla marketing strategy unexpected, unconventional and catches customers' attention by simple targeted customers in unexpected imagination idea and creative and places. (9) innovative design. Drastic: A word "drastic" is defined by One shot game: One shot game, Oxford Dictionary as having a strong or meaning that the guerrilla marketing far-reaching effect. (10) Guerrilla campaign is performed only in strictly marketing strategy works with a form of limited period of time, indicates that the drastic in order to reach maximum customers of the guerrilla messages relevant target customers. understand that the campaign is only

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temporary the concept should not be  Guerrilla marketing makes a more used again on the same market. valuable impression with customer in Low cost: The guerrilla marketing comparison with traditional forms of strategy is low cost in comparative with advertising and marketing (12), which traditional marketing strategies. It works on strengthening the relationship depends on create innovation and with the customer and save his loyalty to creativity with low budget through the the brand. immediate impact on targeted customer.  Guerrilla marketing strategy aims to (9) strike the customer at a more personal Goodwill and customer benefit: Goodwill and memorable level, which affect on can be defined as a disposition to customer emotion toward brand. kindness and compassion or more  The goals of guerrilla marketing are specifically as an intangible asset which relatively simple: use unconventional provides a competitive advantage, such tactics to advertise on a small budget. as a strong brand, reputation, or high Think and create a trapezoid instead of a employee morale. box, (13) which suit the brand Guerrilla marketing strategy always gives advertising. the target customer something that will  Guerrilla marketing makes campaign so make him feel richer or satisfied. The shocking, funny, unique, clever, or literature review revealed that those creative that people can’t stop talking campaigns that use creativity and about it, which achieves brand innovation which build trust and self- reputation. satisfaction of the customers may  Guerrilla marketing creates an indelible significantly help to efficiency of the effect and a vital positive engagement to marketing campaign. The benefit can be specific brand in a crowded media delivered by giving something for free or . (9) environment, where customers are just giving them reason to smile multi-task and low attention. The advantage of guerrilla  Guerilla marketing can create brand marketing in brand: recognition without necessarily pushing products. Guerrilla marketing has many  Creative and innovative ideas of advantages in brand world; the Guerrilla marketing give brand the researcher can identify the role of opportunity to contribute in elevation Guerrilla marketing to enrich the public taste and culture of the recipient. aesthetic and functional values of Brand  Guerrilla marketing is ideal for all as following: brands, small businesses that need to  Guerrilla marketing relies heavily on reach a lot of customers and also large unconventional marketing strategy, high companies who are trying to have energy and imagination, which works to valuable brand and distinctive promote creative and innovative aspects Competitive position. of brand and creates a distinctive image.

Form (2) Coca-Cola Happiness Machine


One major brand that has been doing a Esteem, familiarity, relevance and wonderful job of guerrilla marketing differentiation. strategy is Coca-Cola. In January 2010, An excellent example of this new trend The Coca-Cola Company created the is" McDonald’s Pick n’ Play" campaign “Happiness Machine” video. The video form (3) ; an interactive billboard ping featured a Coca-Cola vending machine pong game that allowed customer to that dispensed a lot of more than just a control the billboard with his smart cold beverage. The video went viral and phones and play ping pong. Without now has over 4.5 million views on having to download any applications, he YouTube. In May 2010, it won a could just go to the website; select his prestigious CLIO( Gold Interactive desired if he won the game and Award). The film had the highest then, the billboard will check whether the penetration in Brazil, Mexico, Japan and signal was close enough to play and if it Russia. (1) was. (14) Guerrilla marketing is no longer static, With emotion, people are more likely to but sometimes interactive… this feature take irrational decisions and may buy increases the marketing tool’s products they do not need, but this effectiveness as it increases media powerful feelings can drive them inside a coverage and the customer’s emotions, store and subconsciously choose in a as people feel physically and emotionally favorable way for these brands maybe involved in the process, enhancing the just to relive the experience and increase brand’s relevance in its 4 dimensions: their self-esteem. (15)

Form (3) McDonald’s Pick n’ Play" guerrilla campaign

Analytical study: take the advantage of guerrilla marketing strategy. The analytical study include two parts: part (1) include descriptive analytically Part 2: include some suggested ideas of methodology of the most famous ISIS Company for organic food in Egypt international brand in the world in various that depends on take advantage of media of advertising, which adopted to Guerrilla marketing strategies.

Form (4) Coca-Cola Bus Stop Advertising Form (5) Mac Donald boardwalk

International Design Journal Vol (2) Issue (1) July 2012

Form (6) Lipton-Clear-Green-Guerrilla- Form (7) DHL- Guerrilla-Marketing-billboard Marketing-Shopping-Bag

Form (8) Kit-Kat-Guerrilla-Marketing-Park-Bench Form (9) AXE-Guerrilla-Marketing-SIGN Through practical observation  Most ideas of guerrilla campaign of Guerrilla campaigns, the solve the phenomenon of visual pollution of random advertising. analytical study shows the  Many ideas of guerrilla campaign following: achieve aesthetic pleasure, functional values and transcend  Guerrilla marketing creates new public taste. ideas characterized by creativity  Guerrilla campaign changes the and innovation negative perception of Advertising  Most ideas are simple and as to usable, useful, and fun inexpensive. media.  The Ideas depend on surprise Part 2: the researcher suggest some and target the customer in ideas of advertising campaign design for unconventional and unexpected Isis brand form (9), which based on places. some principles of guerrilla marketing as  Guerrillas marketing create follows: familiarity with brand and improve the effectiveness of customer Creativity & Innovative: presented in loyalty toward the brand and its design seats from company's products to products. reflect the feeling of comfort,  Guerrilla campaign present brand Containment, safety and confidence. in a shocking, funny, unique, Unexpected: Presented in the idea of clever, or creative image that design and the campaign places. make people can't stop talking Drastic: presented in reaching larger about it. number of receivers  Some ideas of guerrilla campaign Humorous: presented in the campaign have aesthetic values that enrich idea advertising place. Goodwill and customer benefit: Presented in reflect feeling of satisfaction, trust and comfort

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Form (10) suggested guerrilla-Marketing- campaign of Isis brand Results: the customer at a more personal and memorable level.  Guerrilla marketing is a creative  Guerrillas marketing enrich the and innovative strategy for brand aesthetic and functional values of marketing. the brand and make it looks more  Guerrilla marketing creates more innovative and distinguish. valuable impression with customer  Guerrilla marketing strategy in comparison with traditional contributes to achieve a distinctive forms of advertising and competitive position to the Brand marketing. in the markets.  Guerrilla marketing make an  Guerrilla marketing allows the indelible impression of brand advertisers and marketer to image, because it aims to affect

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motivate creative and innovative marketer and advertiser experts, ideas of brand. designers or technicians etc.  Guerrilla marketing may do a best It should be concluded that: fix for brand in Egyptian market  Designers should always search but it take time, effort and power for new and modern trends in to create an innovative and brand design and marketing creative campaign. process. Discussion:  Establish and promote a culture of Guerrilla marketing strategy and The researcher believes that guerrilla its features in Egyptian marketing. marketing is one of the best marketing and advertising strategies that can be  It should be take advantage of used to enrich the aesthetic and creative and innovative values of functional values of the brand and Guerrilla marketing strategy to create a distinctive competitive enrich the aesthetic and functional position in light of the current values of the brand in Egyptian economic situation in Egypt. marketing.  Must consider the ethics of the Also, the researcher believes that the profession and the customer benefit from Guerrilla marketing culture when using the Guerrilla strategies will contribute to revitalize marketing strategy in brand the advertising industry and marketing. commercial movement in the Egyptian  Must conduct specialized market, which will in turn activate the researches and studies in Egyptian economy in the current Guerrilla marketing strategy and period. other disciplines overlap it in different cultures and countries to But it should be noted that the benefit determine the impact of it on of Guerrilla marketing strategies in customer in brand marketing. Egyptian market may be based on  Change the negative perception of some factors such as: Advertising as simply a means to sell products to usable, useful,  Culture: refers to the ability of the and fun media. customer to interact with new cultures and ideas of the Guerrilla References marketing campaign. 1. Ives, N - Guerrilla campaign are going  : refers to the to extremes, but will message stick?- costumer ability to interact with new York times June 24,pg.c.6-2004- new technique and different p.23 media. 2. Levinson j. & M.mclaughtim-A guide to  Behavior: means the actions or guerrilla marketing for consultants reactions to Guerrilla marketing "tactics for winning profitable clients- campaign and new media, how copyrights reserved to outhers-2004- customers will interact with it, p4 good use or misuse etc., Usually 3. Nidhi jain-The concept of guerilla Behavior can be conscious or marketing: “A low cost and innovative unconscious, overt or covert, marketing strategy” and the associated voluntary or involuntary. marketing trends- k.j.somaiya institute  Specialized staff: refers to of management studies and specialized technical stuff in the researches-2008 - p8. Guerrilla marketing, whether

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4. Ralph poldervaart- A deep Dive into 3. http://www.gmarketing.com/articles/4- The mind "explore the subconscious what-is-guerrilla-marketing with guided relaxation-esomar-2009 4. http://www.guerrillacheesemarketing. 5. Sandberg, Per; Stierna, Henrik; com/types-of-guerrilla-marketing- Guerrilla Marketing: Reaching the defined/ customer in an untraditional way, 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerrilla_ Jönköping June 2006p.20 marketing 6. Sandberg, Per; Stierna, Henrik; 6. http://www.guerrillaonline.com/cs/Gu Guerrilla Marketing: Reaching the errilla-Marketing-Principles-54.htm customer in an untraditional way- 7. http://oxforddictionaries.com/definitio Jönköping university - June 2006p.i n/english/dramatic-2012 8. http://weburbanist.com/2008/06/03/th Internet Sites e-history-of-guerrilla-marketing/ 1. http://www.creativeguerrillamarketing. 9. http://mgcabral.com/2012/03/01/inter com/what-is-guerrilla-marketing/ active-guerrilla-marketing/ 2. Alison cressey -Why Guerrilla Marketing Is Still Relevant In 2012? - http://www.brandingmagazine.com.