Pitzer names Wischmeyer an all-student 7 newspaper 'Continuing Studies head By CLARK CHAMBERLAIN planned for the summer of 1968. Thresher Reporter The program will assist participants 52 years the Baker master Carl R. Wischmeyer in bridging the gap between their earlier will resign his college post at the end formal education and the rapidly chang- of the spring semester to become director ing scientific and technological discip- of a new Office of Continuing Studies, lines, according to Wischmeyer. said University President Kenneth Pit- Such fields as computer technology or zer in a surprise announcement last econometrics could be covered under such night at the annual Baker Night dinner. a program, he said. Actual subjects cho- No choice has been made on a re- sen will be those in which particular Rice placement as Baker master, Pitzer said. faculty members specialize, Wischmeyer The new office will organize inten- added, emprasizing that no final de- sive, short-term courses designed to cisions have been reached on what cour- thresnef counter the problem of professional ob- ses to offer. vol. 55 no. 12 honston, thuvsday, december 7, 1967 solescence. Initial course offerings are As director, Wischmeyer will be faced with organizing the entire struc- ture of the new program. He will primarily concern himself SCEP outlines plan to investigate with the industrial and acadc-mio groundwork necessary to es- academ science and math courses tablish the project rather than By LAI HA KAPLAN Cohen reported that there will problems of course content, he Thresher Reporter be an effort to eliminate the said. S

the rice thresher, december 7, 1967—page, 2 threshlng-if-out Canavan, Williams study linen cost the thresher To the editor: If these figures are correct, McLuhan says the good old linear print media we are going into the table- We read last week's article has had it. Didn't you read his last bool(? Print

the rice thresher, december 7, 1967—page 3 Players offer Schlisgal <5<<<<<<<<4<<<<<4<<<<4<4<<<4<4<4<<<<<<<<<4<<4< CAB STEREO | £ 'Fragments' proves only 'complete success' CHRISTMAS (an gc | By GORDON BRADEN produced One Act Plays. The them age in the course of one ter she tries to keep them at a ^ SPECIAL | Fine Arts Staff results are, roughly, one com- symbolic day. They in turn distance, but one by one they "Today's Word: Symbiosis" plete success, one partial, and trade jokes, fight, try to rape grab out terrifyingly at her, * Regular $49.95 unit £ reads the blackboard in what one flop. each other, and carry on other and things spill out into the | 1968 Model, | appears to be a basement or "The Tiger" is set in the iconographic activities ad in- open. ^ Fully Transistorized ± sub-basement apartment. It just finitum. | TAPE CARTRIDGE SALE* above-mentioned room, into The action has been beauti- sits there, staring at you if you which a dissident intellectual Actually, by my watch, it was fully and compellingly organized 1 STEREO TAPES | happen to notice it; it is even- named Ben carries a kidnapped only an hour; it just seemed by director Gil Dawson. Things 5 A tually erased without ever hav- suburban housewife named longer. There are good mo- not only move, they culminate, ^ See Our Bargain Table % ing been explained or even Gloi'ia for reasons which are ments—for example, a recur- and grab the attention solidly. 5 All Labels—Top 40 ±. pointed out, and the word itself none too clear, but are nothing rent piece of business about What can only be called the 5 All Labels—Top 40 £ may very well change with each so straightforward as sexual. some mistyped postcards—but orchestration of the voices — ^ Mood—Popular—Classical ± performance (possible succes- the whole is so slow-paced (or rhythms of silence and con- ~W t sors: catachresis, antinomical, He taunts what he conceives T Best Prices in Texas £ un-paced) and discontinuous trasting volumes — is relent- phylogenetic). to be her bourgeous compla- | TAPE CITY | that the result can only be de- lessly sure, and the whole pre- It specifies by its existence a cency by exhibition of what he ^ 180S Louisiana at Jefferson ± scribed as dull. sents what is easily the best job kind of humor for which as far conceives to be his own pri- $ 801 Fannin at Rusk ^ I mordial, life-force insanity (his John Christensen as Paul of student direction I have ever v i i as I can tell we have no word: seen. 2 21 more substantial than silly, own term); but he ends up tak- handles the feckless side of his more relevant than simply bi- ing French lessons from her to character rather well, but is lost The cast is uniformly good, zarre. It fits in without a jar enable him to get a belated col- beyond that point; Shirley and Bennett Falk in particular into the world envisioned by lege degree. Longacre as Sylvia just looks is excellent. His alternately Murray Schlisgal. The Tiger, it seems, to the out of place. maudlin and oratorical Baxter Air Cleaner contrary of his own self-dra- Quitters is a fine and at times genuinely Schlisgal, for those who may matizations, is accounted for by I notice a fair portion of the frightening portrait of a Mod- not recognize the name, is the the society, which offers him a audience got discouraged and ern Man, once brave in his ex- playwright who performed, in niche where he can function left at second intermission, the istentialism, now reduced to a "Luv" (and a remarkable TV normally while maintaining a which is a gross mistake, be- sodden mass of uncombed hair film shown once and once only, complacency about his own cause the last offering, "Frag- and untucked shirt tails. titled "The Love Song of Bar- lack of complacency. ments," is not only the best of Falk showed his rhetorical ney Kempinski"), the neat and Spell 'Seduction' the evening, but in an absolute skills in a somewhat self-in- lllwlll admirable trick of clearing the That is a tricky point, and sense very good, and contains dulgent form in Baker Col- existentialist air by having the the play is a rather perilously one of the finest, most apt lege's "Don Juan in Hell"; here mechanisms of Theater of the balanced two-person drama that single performances I have ever he has put them under an Absurd devour themselves and requires for its execution a con- seen at Rice. amazing control that can bring then keep on going. trol and preciseness that is, Briefly, the plot. Three Con- to perfect execution so seem- Three of his plays, obviously under Bob Sculley's direction, scientious Intellectuals share ingly impossible a bit as the earlier works, but comedies in apparent only about a third of an apartment, each with his story of the grasshopper-girl. this distinctive mode, have been the time. own distinctive method of ap- Creeping Bite chosen by the Rice Players for The impromptu spelling con- proach to the universe. Miss Reed has accent diffi- their annual batch of student- test, the episode of the raffle Jax (Mike Thorpe) lies on his culties (an affected Brooklyn- ticket, and the French lesson bed in a sort of death-wish nir- ese slipping periodically into ADVENTURE '68 j that metamorphoses into seduc- vana, dictating innumerable let- Standard American), and they A Unique Way to Tour = tion, if not perfect, come close ters ("To the Chairman of the are distracting; but otherwise Europe. Free Information ? enough to redeem themselves; Atomic Energy Commission: she does almost as fine, if less George Grace I but much of the remainder is Keep up the good work.") And conspicuous, a job. She has a 914 Dante Street | drawn out and unimaginative, repeating endlessly what ap- good grasp of both the trivial New Orleans, La. 70118 j and flirts with tedium. pears to be the start of a novel small talk Ann tries to main- Barry Kaplan, as Ben, makes about the boyhood of the three tain, and the incisive bite that , , " •• 4 v; fine use of his body, but tends of them. creeps into the voice when IBM professional typing, to shout all his lines, or almost He assures us he is occupied things get too close to home. spelling, grammar cor- all; and while he does so very in contemplation. His room- Thorpe doesn't have much to rection. Pick-up and de- well, he also does so incessant- mates assure us that on a phys- do, but he does it well enough, livery if desired. ly. More often than not, things ical level he stinks. though his voice has at times a are saved by Shirley Revis, who, Max (Donald Bayne), a disconcertingly immature ring 326 Gershwin when it comes to depicting the straight-backed, meticulous lib- Memorial West to it. Bayne relies too heavily FIRST CITY NAT'L BANK BLDG. libera 1-educated complacency eral who believes in the effi- on a hyperobvious snottiness in HOUSTON —HO 4-0453— about non-complacency, is thor- cacy of action and the possibil- his contempt-dispensing role Pleaso odd 2°o State sales tax oughly and surprisingly de- ity of communication and prog- (about half his performance), lightful. ress, holds down a $60-a-week but in the more polite scenes Symbolic Business job to finance the three of them. with Miss Reed he comes across "The Typists" (directed by He regards his passive room- the right way. Dean's Joe Caruthers, who probably mates with contempt. He as- All in all, "Fragments" is an Dean's does not deserve all the blame) sures us he is writing a novel. unexpected dividend. Awkward- Meal-In-One puts two mismatched human Lonely-hearts Club ness has always been the norm failures in a symbolic business Into this comes a lonely di- in the One Acts, both inevitably Next Door To Dean's office together (with an unseen vorcee named Ann (Roberta and rightly. Such a transcend- Grocerette Grocerette boss, alternately wrathful and Reed), a Guidance Counselor. ence of it here makes this Sandwiches compassionate), and watches With a trite little run of pat- batch one of the "better. Soufhgate and Travis Big Hamburgers Po' Boys College news BEER*—ICE Bar-B-Q chickens Ribs SOFT DRINKS Beef t I -JA 8-8780— ! Wiess- approves fun and games' tpm mimmmmamwmamwmwmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Wiess College endorsed a vulgar activities; and that Hanszen—The Hanszen Col- i continued "fun and games" pro- lege cabinet is working to in- * College Relations Director "the safety of the participants i gram for freshmen this week as be the first consideration of crease its off-campus mem- J c/o Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C, 20008 i "a justified and beneficial ac- every activity." bers' awareness of college ac- tivity." i Sophomore committee mem- tivities. «Please send me O1 An ad hoc committee on ber Lee Horstman dissented A taped phone system — i fresh m e n activities recom- from the majority report, Dial-a-Stud—which permits a i a Sheraton Student i mended the continuation along however, and argued that the student to call for taped infor- i with a three-point outline to college should discourage fun mation on menus and college ! I.D. so I can save up i guarantee the well-being of and games. events has been reactivated. i participants in the freshman He claimed that College The cabinet has also set up a activities program. J to 20% on i members are actually indiffer- phone committee to call all off-campus members to in- i Two members of the college ent to the activities, that in- were injured in the greased juries and indignation are in- form them of important col- • Sheraton rooms. i 1 pole climb earlier this year. evitable side-efffects, and that lege events. i I Name- The committee report do- fun and games actually, pro- Mailings of the "Hanszen 8 fined fun and games as an mote little college unity. Voice" are to be augmented jj Address I activity "intended to provide Horstman also said that by by mimeographed post cards I Reservations with the special low rate are confirmed in advance m fun and tension release, pro- condoning fun and games the advising off-campus students " (based on availability) for Fri., Sat., Sun. nights, plus Thanks- ! vide an opportunity for the student government m i g h t of special happenings. I giving (Nov. 22-26), Christmas (Dec. 15-Jan. 1) and July * new members of the college to weaken its "stance of respon- • • * | through Labor Day! Many Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns offer I a student rates during other periods subject to availability at time | get acquainted, and promote sibility in the eyes of . . . the Jones—Elections will be held ^ of check-in and may be requested. I the spirit and unity of Wiess administration and the faculty on December 12 for the social College." and perhaps even . . , the stu- vice president and Round Ta- i Sheraton Hotels & Motor Inns {§) i The committee recommended dent body." bi>» editor of Jones College, ^J155 Sheraton Hotels & Motor Inns in Major Cities that the College Fellows be The majority report was with petitions due Dec. 9. made directly responsible for submitted to the College Aims Current social vice presi- the program and that it be ab- Committee where it was en- dent Mary Mitchell is gradu- solutely non-compulsory; that dorsed in full and passed on to ating at semester and editor it not involve physical abuse, the Wiess cabinet for inclu- Suzy Saunders is resigning BBD&O P.O. 7-2505 intimidation, or humiliating or sion in the College by-laws. for academic reasons.

the rice thresher, december 7, 1967—page 4 Flaws not fatal Typewriters, Adding Molieres 'The Miser' revitalized by the Alley Machines, Calculators By GORDON BRADEN and we are being asked to ig- so, the line is at worst an comic Character in the genu- DROMGOOLE'S Fine Arts Staff nore the smell. And, to be hon- embarrassment to be glossed ine repertory sense b^ trans- Typewriter Shop, Inc. The plot of the Miser and est, more often than not we over, and at best an artifact muting his viciousness and SALES—SERVICE his crock of gold buried in can. chiefly interesting for its petulance from something re- RENTALS the back yard, with the obliga- I notice that from this the quaintness. pellent into something funny, Discount to Rice Students tory retinue of stock charac- reviewers of the two major Sloppy Dungeon in the classically healthy and Faculty ters and subplots, is at least Houston papers draw the more Similar difficulties surround terms in which human folly "In The Village" as old as Menander. 2482 Bolsover, same block as or less disjoint conclusions the often used epithet, "Ras- is the subject of a humor that Iiice Station Post Office It was already a well-estab- that (1) the play has aged cal!" Something like a quarter is not black, of wit that is not cynicism. —JA 6-4651— lished chestnut when Plautus badly and acts as a drogue on of the dialogue is thus encum- cribbed from the Greek to give the performance, and (2) the bered, and I am not entirely To paraphrase H. L. Menck- us our first extant instance company has essentially ig- convinced that the problem is en, we submit ourselves to the EARN EXTRA MONEY of it. The Commedia dell' Arte nored Moliere and tried, un- wholly one of translation. proximity of our fellow man Weekly or Semi Weekly troupes found it useful. Jonson successfully, to write their None of these flaws, how- for the same reason we go to Donations wrote a version of it. So did own play. Gelli. And Fielding. It is some- ever, are fatal, isolated as they zoos. And this vision of things, Donors Must Be 21 Years Successful Staging are by the show's numerous both in its extent and its lim- Of Age thing of a theatrical constant, I know French not at all, and not the least of its uses and apparent virtues. Design- its (is this really what Moli- Call MO 7-6142 and Moliere largely by repu- er Paul Owen has cut a fine, ere is all about?) fairly well is as a scratching post for pro- tation, and so probably have brown set out of wood that defines the natui'e of the whole fessionals to exercise their no place in such a discussion; BLOOD BANK claws upon. manages to convey the sur- production: a well-stocked, in- but it is fairly evident that prisingly pleasant aura of a Not too surprisingly, then, the most consistently success- teresting, and highly enter- sloppy dungeon. And his bag- taining zoo. of HOUSTON the Alley, perhaps the only ful aspect of the production is gy costumes are, with a few 2209 W. Holcombe complete professional theater the constant flow of physical lapses (such as the Police Of- in our geographical sector, is stage business which director ficer, who in his Robinson currently (through January Paul Criss has extrapolated Crusoe outfit just looks sort 21) offering their attempt at from the scanty stage direc- of strange) marvelous. the most famous version, Mo- tions of the original, and that Most of the cast perform liere's "The Miser." the dialogue itself, which the well without calling particular actors often seem in a consid- ONE'S A MEAL Professionalism attention to themselves, though erable hurry to get through, The Alley's professionalism I should mention Cheryl Scott, functions more frequently than BROOKS SYSTEM SANDWICH SHOPS is always more than a pleas- who is more than excellent as we might like as so much ure to watch in action; and in the giggling servant wench FINE FOOD FOR EVERYONE dead weight. 2520 Amherst 9307 Stella Link this case in particular, with an Toinette, and Bettye Fitzpat- In The Village Stella Link ("enter author to whom playwrighting To cite some examples, the rick, who, as the match-chew- was nothing if not a profes- best bit is probably the miser ing gnome Dame Claude, is 24 HOUR LOCATIONS AT sion, the carefully oiled ma- Harpagon's attempt to run his even better. 9017 South Main 4422 South Main chinery functions virtually daughter's lover through with Entertaining Zoo without a flaw. Not complete- a poleax. It is painfully funny ly, by any means. in conception and perfectly But, happily, tlj/e best thing executed, but as a first-rate about the show is its center: But by grace of something piece of business it is often enough to suggest that tury permits is a sort of somebody's artistic corpse has pleased self-mockery which is FREE BUDWEISER been stashed away somewhere, totally out of place. This being Saturday, December 9 I ONE HOUR MARTINIZING Our Clever Cleaners Clean Clothes Carefully 8:30 - 12:30 Discount for Rice Students 20% Off With ID Card We Clean All Daj^Saturday DIAMOND R RANCH Lawrence Morningside Cleaners $4.00 per couple BYOM JA 3-9112 2400 Bolsover Same Block as Village Post Office

the rice thresher, december 7, 1967—page 5 Surprised at jazz decline CLOSE TO | Hollander to present first Houston THE HEART i (continued from page one) Chanel, the dress designer and OF THE 5 piano recital this Saturday evening and encourages sophistication fashion arbiter. CAMPUS i Lorin Hollander will present debut in Carnegie Hall in 1955 of the latter. In conclusion, Previn promised his first Houston recital at 8:30 with the National Orchestra to hold open rehearsals for stu- pm Saturday, December 9 in Previn noted that, as the past Association. dents next year at Jones Hall. Jones Hall. has shown, even experts fail in He also invited student sug- The young pianist, who at 23 For his concert here he will predicting what there is in con- gestions about what his orches- ^ 2519 University Blvd. 5 already has a 12-year concert perform his own composition, temporary music that will be tra should tackle in future sea- | JA 8-1509 | record, received his first major "Toccata," as well as Bach's seen as german and valuable Partita in E Minor, Mozart's i Also Bellaire: MO 5-5557 5 recognition in San Antonio, af- Fantasy in C Minor, Revel's by future critics. •A. IT ter stepping in on short notice for Van Cliburn with the San "Jeux d'eau" from "Miroirs," He expressed surprise at the Flying to Phoenix and Sou. Antonio Symphony. Schubert's Sonata in A Major, recent decline of popular inter- California over Christinas, and Prokofiev's Sonata No. 7. est in jazz: "I don't know ! | The son of' an NBC Orchestra can take 2. $56 round trip where you do it anymore." He | Harold's Garage j violinist. Hollander made his for 11 days. See Bill Donald- Tickets to the concert, under only reluctantly gave up work- son, Geo. Dept. i HENRY J. ENGEL, Owner ! the sponsorship of the Society ing with jazz groups himself, for the Performing Arts, are ~ \ explaining that "I got tired of | Automatic Transmissions j rosrens, durr&us, *4-\ available at Jones Hall and playing drunks and salad I Paint & Body Shop j itW>£«S«0UAJj> fOSLlfAriOMSFoley's. plates." Someone in the audi- SAMPALS i • Air Conditioning • IkMAifh f SPectACL£S ence suggested that jazz has | -,'y Wrecker Service ^ C? MAP- j£WELRy %/ grown into a world of its own : ^g^£$Sf5 tUctMse too complex for the casual lis- Minit Man 2131 Dunstan JA 8-5323 * ^^JjVRNERS pi i V " (J? tener to fathom. Student Car Wash The National Engineering A German-born American, America's Finest Honor Society, Tau Beta Pi, Previn has formally studied Rock and Folk Texas Gamma Chapter at Rice music since the age of five, and Gar Washing recently initiated seven stu- "1 still am studying." He makes Headquarters mt _ •kOTSi dents and one faculty member, six recordings for RCA per 5001 S. MAIN Gibson—Ludwig Dr. Lional E, Davis of the year: one as a popular music VOX electrical engineering depart- pianist, the other five as guest 6900 HARRISBURG Sales - Rentals - Lessons TK E M E x DO U s I J A R G A I N ment. conductor of the London Sym- 2 Small Refrigerators phony Orchestra. Now This Month EVANS Excellent Condition The students are Robert Gil- $1.30 with Rice ID MUSIC CITY $17.50 Each ette, Robert H. Havemann, Currently, Previn and his 2435 University 1711 Bolsover No. 4 (Day) Ralph W. Neumann, Ronald G. wife are working wj£h Allan Olin, Neal Rachlin, Tom Rode- —JA 3-9839— HO 5-0364 (Nights) Jay Lerhner on a Hollywood heaver and Nick Teverbaugh. musical about the life of Coco

3f(YpU^KS£&lii) ]

Supine, ever7i mavvwvin beast in your familicivvmjy /ri p. Nigkh® from If ttafc fVtf f)oo r L ' Th<^ literally hunir&fa of ifte Jvfo , choose fm/i q\ j quQrwfecci1 •fo -faff If- efecrfl

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the rice thresher, december 7, 1967—page 6 owlookl New Year bowls: good for old Joe SOUTH TEXAS By JACK MURRAY The 1968 New Year's rundown: Thiesher Sports Editor Cotton Bowl: The Aggies bring the poorest VENDORS Bowl games are stronge phenomena. Everyone season record in recent Bowl history into the takes them for granted, but no one ever stops to Dallas clash with Alabama's Crimson Tide. Ken- 4529 Harrisburg question, even for a moment, the validity of their ny Stabler, probably the best bet among all col- presence on the American sports scene. They lege quarterbacks to make it big professionally, exist. . . they always have, it seems, and always will put A&M's rather weak pass defense to the "Serving the Rice Campus with will. . . and that's enough. crucial test. Alabama 24, Texas A&M 10. Automatic Vending Machines" Bowl games mean money. Money for the host Orange: Third-ranked Tennessee pits Dewey city, money for the teams selected as the na- Warren against the strong Oklahoma defense in tion's best, money for the players who excel the best match of the day. Should be rated a before the eyes of the pro scouts. We're not pick-'em-yourself game, but the presence of All- supposed to know this, though. Perhaps we American Granville Liggins on the Oklahoma IT WAS THEIR FINEST HOUR . . . should forget it before all faith in America's line will make the difference. Oklahoma 21, Ten- hallowed institutions is lost forever. nessee 13. IT COULD BE YOUR FINEST TIME! Joe Alumnus, '43, successful businessman, bat- Rose: Indiana, the surprise team of the year If you are between 18 and 30, Israel offers you a challenging tles countless Jim and Fred Alumni for the in the Big 10 and across the nation, will have experience in its new and vibrant society. tickets which will enable him to travel great tough going against number one USC. The Hoo- V.I.P. distances, spend extravagant amounts of money, sier defense must hold All-E very thing 0. J. Simp- SHERUT LA'AM Volunteers for Israel and see his faith in the old alma mater restored son to less than 150 yards if they are to come Volunteer Service Corps Program once again. within striking range of the Trojans. USC has a for Israel SIX MONTHS Though Joe has but hazy recollections of his history of losing when they're a cinch to win (re- ONE YEAR For this shorter period non-descript career at State U., a Bowl bid for member Vander Kelen in '63?) but it won't hap- If you are a professional, you accept any assignment His Team brings forth a happy nostalgia which pen this time. USC 31, Indiana 1-2. college graduate or under- graduate, you are needed as j upon arrival in Israel. takes him back to the good old days. Joe may Sugar: Undefeated Wyoming figures to be a teacher, instructor, tutor, j Assignment In Agriculture be a little older, a little rounder, a little bald- about two touchdowns better than LSU on paper, technician, nurse, social j & Development Projects In er; but deep inside he still remains unalterably but the Bengals are always up for the big ones, worker, etc. ; The New Israel convinced that he might have become one of especially when they're in their own territory. If you are interested in an j Six months experience liv- football's greatest, had he been given the chance. LSU 17, Wyoming 14. Because the Bowl games fall on New Year's experience in communal liv- j ing and working in a Kib- Day, Mr. Alumnus is never in any physical or Quickly scanning the other Bowls: ing, you may join the full \ butz or Moshav with the pos- mental condition to consider bow much time, vear Kibbutz program as a ! sibility of short-term assign Gator: Penn State 28, Florida tSate 16. 1 money, and effort he has wasted. He knows only merits in recovery and de- regular Kibbutznik. j that they are good, and since it is he and millions Bluebonnet: Miami of Florida 20, Colorado 14. velopment projects arising ORIENTATION ! like him who run the country, they must be Liberty: North Carolina State 23, Georgia 20. from new circumtances in AND I LPAN good. Sun: Mississippi 16, Texas Western 0. Israel. Knowledge of Hebrew not ! HEBREW CLASSES,. essential. Before departure > LEC TI RES, SEMIN ARS you will get week of orienta- 1 A variety of enriching, tion to be continued by three- j educational p r o g r a in s to Defeat mars Rice '67 court debut month Ulpan of intensive He- j bring you closer to the peo- brew study in Israel. < ple and land of Israel. By JEFF MYERS halftime deficit belied the sity competition. Greg Wil- COST | COST Thresher Sports Staff liams and Larry Miller played Owls' control of the game, as $670 round trip air fare, I $535 round-trip air fare. Coach Don Knodel's Owls their usual fine games, with they hit 15 of 25 shots from and orientation costs. NEXT DEPARTURE had their 1967-68 cage debut Miller's 19 points leading all the field. NEXT DEPARTURES February 5, 1968. marred Saturday night as Rice scorers. In the second half Georgia July and September 1968. j Georgia Tech downed Rice, Limited number of partial loans available. 84-70. Tech's superior speed and ex- Gary Reist and Dale Hallo- perience paid off for Coach ran led the Owlets to a 95-58 The Challenge of Establishing New Border Kibbutzim The loss, however, was not Hyder's Yellow Jackets. Tech victory over Victoria J.C. in The New Israel is an exciting place to be. Especially when quite as one-sided as the score had been harassing Rule and the preliminary as they hit for you participate in establishing settlements side by side with indicates. Both coaches had Williams as they brought the pioneering youth. This is a truly fulfilling experience. well-made plans laid for the ball up, and finally forced Wil- 21 and 16 points respectively. game, but as often happens, liams out early in the second Frosh Coach Bo Brickels' SHERUT LA'AM—V.I.P. 515 Park Avenue, the team with the most horses half on personal fouls by al- squad looked sharii for an op- New York, N.Y. 10022 won. (Gaorgia Tech returned ternating fresh men to guard ening game, leaving no doubt 3818 UNDERWOOD HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 all five starters from a 17-9 him. Greg's absence hurt the as to who was the better team. I want to join • SHERUT LA'AM • V.I.P. club). Owls as Georgia Tech forced please send me • More information • Application Forms "several crucial turnovers in the Reist's driving and Hallo- The first half definitely be- second half. ran's sure ball-handling com- NAME ...... longed to Rice, as the Owls plemented the rebounding of held leads of up to seven Tech held the hot hand in Terry Timmerman and Marty ADDRESS points. The game plan was to the final 20 minutes, pulling Tendler. Every freshman team utilize the height superiority ahead decisively near the end member played, with -six hit- CITY . STATE ZIP of Hand, Ilubenak, and Stock- of the game. ting for double figures. ton, who managed more than Look for Rice to improve half of Rice's points, and to when Hand, Hubenak, Stock- take only the good percentage ton, Coles, and Howard get a shots from outside. The 41-40 little more experience in var- Oh, oh. V, D spell Wiess win over Baker in Bet my date is the one with College gridiron championship tilt personality" By CHIP MATTHEWS turned the ball to the Baker Thresher Sports Staff one-yard strip e. VanCourt Wiess College's big V, Dud- threw to Joe Pratt for the sec- ley VanCourt, and big D, for ond touchdown, which was all defense, led the way through the Wiess*1'guys were to rieed the Tuesday afternoon drizzle for the afternoon. to an intramural football finals victory for the boys in gold, Insurance scores soon fol- 33-6 over Baker. lowed, however: a 22-yard VanCourt's five s c o r i n g strike to Pratt after a Cal strikes, three in the first half Courtney interception; a 15- and two after intermission, pro- yarder to Pratt; and a 41-yard vided just about the only of- bomb to Jim Levering. Alan fensive show of the afternoon, Raynor, filling jn for injured as the superb Wiess defense veteran Stu Long, made key held Baker while picking off catches on several Wiess drives. four Bill Palmer aerials, three Palmer, who tried unsuccess- of them on deflected passes. fully to hit the bomb all after- Middle-linebacker Steve Guthier noon, once overthrowing Lynn snared two errant passes, one Berry in the clear, finally hit on the last play of the game. Berry from about midfield to COCA-COLA" ANO "COKE" ARE REGISTLRLD TRADt MARKS WHICH l Dl N T.I Y CNCY IME. I'fiODUcl Of I ML COCACiHA COWAN* The Wiess offense cranked get Baker on the board. All in out a scoring drive on its first all, the Wiess defense and Van Blind dates are a chance. But you can always depend on possession, VanCourt tossing 10 Court's bombs proved simply refreshing Coca-Cola for the taste you never get tired of. yards to Jim Levering for the too much for Baker, just as one That's why things go better with Coke, after Coke, after Coke. score. Wiess got the ball right observer, who modesty pro- back when Billy Costa inter- hibits my naming, predicted last Bottled under the authority of the Coca-Cola Company by: Houston cepted a Palmer pass and re- week. Coca-Cola Bottling Company—Houston, Texas

the rice thresher, december 7, 1007—page 7 thursday, december 14 interviews notes and notices campus Garnet Canten establishes miniature 7-8 Union Carbide Corp.—Ph. D. Re- Films — Any persons who the second of its six game se- golf 1929 cruiting are making1, have made, or are ries for a cash award on Sun- Bluebonnet Classic BB U of H 7-8 General Electric Company—Ph. D. otherwise in possession of orig- calendar 7:30 pm "Phantom of the Opera" Recruiting day, December 10, at 2 pm in "Knockout" Univ Cen Hou Rm U 8 E. I. Du Pont—Ph. D. Researching inal underground films, and the Hanszen Commons. All thursday, december 7 of H 35c 8 Pan American Petroleum Co.—Re- desire to participate in a pub- bridge players in the Rice 7 pm Dr. Roy Talmage "Two Faces of friday, december (5 search lic exhibition, possibly the the Biologist" Wiess Comm 8 Unilever Limited community are eligible to com- Sitting Bull bites the dust 1890 Junior Class party, should 7:30 pm "Theology of Renewal and 11 American Sugar Company pete for the award regardless Radical Theology" cliapel 8 pm "L-Shaped Room" And Lib U 11-12 Los Alamos Scientific Labora- contact Allen Spencer, 152 of whether they played in the friday, december 8 of H 50c tory Baker, JA 9-5098. first game. Players not wish- Saturday, december 16 12 City of Fort Worth Deadline for self-scheduling exams 13 F. W. Wool worth Company * * * ing to compete for the award 1 am International Relations Tea Har- 2 pm Stereo Concert 222 Fond Lib 13 Northwestern U., Graduate School bor Club Boston 1773 Peace — Citizens for Disen- are nevertheless welcome to 8 pm Eulenspiegel 4046 Dumbarton of Business 12 noon Christmas recess begins play. Charge is 50(i per person. S pm Rice Players One-acts HH 14 Owen-Illinois gagement in Vietnam is selling Rice vs Dayton BB there seasonal cards supplied by An- % Sji Sji Saturday, december 9 8 pm Hou Sym Andre Previn soloist other Mother for Peace on Birth of John Bix-ch Soc 195S Sam Hou Col $1 The Thinkers—A loose-knit Monday and Tuesday in the Rice vs Trinity there current Terrific value for immediate undergraduate philosophy club 8 pm Rice Players one-acts HH men's colleges. For 50f the rental — Nicely furnished has been organized this fall 8:30 pm Lorin Hollander pianist Jones "Luv" Hou Thea Cen buyer receives four cards "The Miser" Alley Theater efficiency garage apartment under the general auspices of Hall which the sponsoring organiza- 8:30 pm "Little Bit of Soul" Han exhibits for single male student in the University philo depart- beer-mattress party Diamond R tions urge to be sent to Presi- Museum of Fine Arts The World of lovely exclusive quiet resi- ment. Topics covered in infor- Camaros and Collegiates dent Johnson and the buyer's Christmas Junior Gallery thru Dec. dental area — Near Rice- mal discussions thus far have II. S. Senators and Represent- Sunday, december 10 31 Accessions and Loans from the Shamrock Medical area — included "Language, Thought, Melville Dewey of library decimal sys- Museum Collection Cullinan Hall $55 monthly lease — Refer- atives. Dee 12-Jan 21 Rejective Art Jones and Reality" and "The Hippie tem fame born 1S51 ences — Phone MO 7-2340. Ethic." Anyone with a con- 2 pm Rice Dup Brid Club Hans Comm Galleries Dee 14-Jan 5 Concert—A recorded stereo templative bent may attend monday, december 11 concert will be held on Friday, the joint student-faculty meet- Edward VIII gives up throne for mar- December 8, at 2 pm in Room ings held in Anderson Hall riage 193G 222 in the Music and Fine Arts 7 :'i0 Rice vs Tulane here 106 from 2-3 pm Fridays. area of the Fondren Library. tuesday, december 12 TRAVEL UNLIMITED, INC. The program includes Carl Mae West "sexes up" story of Adam £ 2476 J3olsover JA 6-3164 | Nielsen's Symphony No. 5, ex- and Eve 1937 cerpts from Wagner's "Die Checks Cashed for Wednesday, december 13 Meistersinger von Nurnberg," | Don't Delay Make Christmas | Rice Students Pres Pitzer-SCB Christmas Party RMC Mozart's "Jupiter" Symphony, Bluebonnet Classic BB U of H | Reservations Now ^ ami a special Christmas work, Aaron Lee 7 pm Avant-garde moviets "Oh

KEIJABLE PARTY F()l£ ADDED INCOME FOR PART OR FULL TIME WORK. WE SECURE LOCATION'S FOR TESTERS M.-ilt or female, wanted for this area to service route for Sylvania R.C.A. television and radio tubes sold through our latest •REGISTERED TRADEMARK modern method free self-service tube testing and merchandising units. Will not interfere with your present employment. To quality you "BETTER LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING FOR LESS" must have 1,747.50 to $3,495.00 cash available immediately for inventory and equipment, investment secured. Car, 7 spare hours weekly, could net up to 86,000.00 per year; should he able to start at once. This company will extend financial as- COUPONS GOOD sistance to full time if desired. Do not answer unless fully qualified ft jjNlr time • and investment. Income should start immediately. Rusiness set up for you. Selling, soliciting, AT ANY and ALL or experience is not necessary. For personal interview in your city— please include your Telephone Num- ber and WRITE: TUBE-O-MATIC ELECTRONICS 126 PILGRIM CORP. f>267 Natural Bridge Ave. Pine Lawn, Mo. f>3121 LOCATIONS COUPONS VOID AFTER DECEMBER 13 1967

SKggvjj Men's SHIRTS Ladies' SKIRTS LAUNDERED DRY CLEANED Beautifully Finished on Hangers Plain (Pleats Extra) or Folded (Tux Extra) No No Limit 49c Limit 21c EACH WITH COUPON EACH WITH COUPON This COUPON must be presented This COUPON must be presented m when garments are left for clean- when garments are left for clean- m ing. ing.

»**:>£5• "Registered Texas trade mark" *"Rcgistered Texas trade mark" Good at All Pilgrim Locajjons Good at All Pilgrim Locations VOID AFTER DEC. 13, 1967 VOID AFTER DEC. 13, 1967 j BRING 1 OR A CARLOAD WITH EACH COUPON! w the rice thresher, december 7,1967—page 8