Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae CURRICULUM VITAE STEPHEN LOUIS KLINEBERG Professor of Sociology and Founding-Director of the Kinder Institute for Urban Research Department of Sociology, MS-28 Rice University 1401 Calumet, Unit #511 6100 Main Street Houston, Texas 77004 Houston, Texas 77005 713-665-2010 Office: 307 Sewall Hall Tel: 713-348-3484 Cell: 713-397-8521 Fax: 713-348-5296 Email: [email protected] Web: Date and Place of Birth: 12 March 1940 New York City, New York Education: Haverford College 1957–1961 B.A. in Psychology The University of Paris 1962–1963 “Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Psychopathologie” Harvard University 1961–1966 Ph.D. in Social Psychology (Dissertation: “The Structure of the Psychological Future: A Developmental Study”) Positions: Teaching Fellow, then Instructor; Department of Social Relations, Harvard University (1963–1966) Assistant Professor of Social Psychology; Department of Sociology, Princeton University (1966–1972) Associate Professor (tenured, 1974); Department of Sociology, Rice University (1972–1985) Professor; Department of Sociology, Rice University (1985–Present) Founding–Director, the Kinder Institute for Urban Research, Rice University (2010–Present) Courses Taught: Conceptions of Human Nature Environmental Sociology Social Change Sociological Research Methods Houston: The Sociology of a City Advanced Research Seminar: Annual Intellectual Foundations of the Social Sciences “Kinder Houston Area Survey” Honors and Awards: Elected to Phi Beta Kappa at Haverford College (1961). B.A. awarded with “High Honors in Psychology,” Haverford College (1961). Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (1961–1962). Stephen L. Klineberg—Vita (December 2017) Page 2 Alliance Française Scholarship (1962–1963). “Diplôme d’Études Supérieures” awarded with “Mention: Bien,” University of Paris (1963). “Bicentennial Preceptorship,” Princeton University (1966–1969). Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar (1970–1971). Visiting Scientist, American Sociological Association (1971–1972). Mellon Fellowship, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies (1974–1975). Three times selected by student leaders to deliver the faculty address to incoming students at Rice University (1975, 1987, 1994). Named as a “Lovett College Distinguished Associate” in almost every year that this has been awarded (1980-2014). Eight-time recipient of the “George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching” (1981, 1982, 1984, 1991, 1996, 1997, 2005, 2008). Two-time recipient of the “Amoco Teaching Award” (1992, 1993). Fellow, Class X, American Leadership Forum, Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter (1992–1993). The “Student Association Mentor Recognition Award,” Rice University (1994-1995). The “Rufus Jones Associates Visitor,” Haverford College, Haverford PA (1994–1995). The “George R. Brown Prize for Excellence in Teaching” (1996). The “Unity Award” from the Houston NAACP: “For his research, studies and reports which foster greater knowledge and greater understanding of the myriad cultural communities of Houston” (1996). The 1999 “Wiener Fellow,” the Kinkaid School, Houston TX (1998–1999). Selected as “the Outstanding Associate at Lovett College” for the academic year 2000–2001. The “President’s Synergy Award” from the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition, “to honor leadership in the environmental community” (2001). Special reception sponsored by the Upper Kirby District Foundation, “honoring Stephen Klineberg for his contributions to civic betterment,” October 2001. The “Julie and Ben Rogers Ecumenism Award” from the Southwest Region of the Anti- Defamation League, “for work in furthering greater harmony and cooperation in our community,” presented at the Torch of Liberty Dinner, November 2001. Invited participant in the Winter 2002 Business–Civic Leadership Forum, sponsored by the Center for Houston’s Future and the Greater Houston Partnership. The “Special Award” from the Asian Chamber of Commerce, March 2003. Appointed as the first “Benjamin Banneker Lecture Series Distinguished Visiting Professor,” Barbara Jordan–Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University, Houston TX (2003–2004). The “Community Commitment Award” from the Mexican Institute of Greater Houston, “for his outstanding contributions to the Hispanic community,” September 2003. The “Golden Lantern Award” from Asian American Family Services, “for lighting the way for social change,” October 2005. Proclamation by Bill White, Mayor of Houston, naming October 6, 2005 as: “Dr. Stephen Klineberg Day.” The 2006 “Arnold J. Rudolph Grand Rounds Visiting Professor,” Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas. The 2007 “Underwood Library Speaker in the Humanities and Sciences,” Episcopal High School, Houston Texas. The “Phi Beta Kappa Couper Scholar” for 2007-2008, presenting the PBK Couper Lectures at Xavier University and at Dillard University, New Orleans LA, October 2007. The “President’s Award” from the NAACP Houston Branch, presented at the 2007 Freedom Fund Awards Banquet, November 2007. “Tribute to Dr. Stephen Klineberg.” Presented by Blueprint Houston, February 2008. AVANCE-Houston’s 20th Anniversary Gala: “Honoring the Family of Stephen and Margaret Klineberg,” March 2008. The “George R. Brown Certificate of Highest Merit Award for Superior Teaching in Undergraduate Education,” Rice University, May 2008. Stephen L. Klineberg—Vita (December 2017) Page 3 Selected as “the Outstanding Associate at Lovett College” for the academic year 2008–2009. Featured as one of “The Faces of Houston,” in Southwest Airlines’ Spirit Magazine, September 2009 (p. 125). Named “Man of the Year” Special Honoree, League of United Latino American Citizens (LULAC) Council 402, Scholarship Fundraising Banquet, February 2010. The “Charles M. Bonjean Individual Spirit of Collaboration Award,” at the Annual Luncheon of the Collaborative for Children, September 2010. The Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation Award: “Piper Professor of 2011.” The “Bridging the Gap” award from the Center for Research on Minority Health, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, during National Minority Cancer Awareness Week, April 2011. The “Distinguished Partner Award,” National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), Houston Chapter; May 2011. The “Pioneer Award” from the Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum, January 2012. The 2012 LH “Distinguished Leader Award,” Leadership Houston, March 2012. The “Victor and Bobbie Samuels 2012 Spirit of Social Work Award,” Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston, April 2012. The “RDA Award for Design Excellence,” Rice Design Alliance, October 2012. The “NHPO Foundation 2013 Guardian Award for Exemplary Advocacy,” presented “for outstanding leadership in the community,” from the National Hispanic Professional Organization, September 2013. The “Humanitarian Award for Outstanding Community Service,” from the Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum, February 2014. The “2014 Leadership Award” from Young Audiences of Houston, April 2014. Selected as “the Outstanding Associate at Lovett College” for the academic year 2013–2014. The “2014 Meritorious Service Award” from the Association of Rice Alumni, May 2014. The “2014 Catalyst Excellence Award” from Houston Tomorrow, October 2014. The “Chairman’s Award” from the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, November 2014. The “2015 Ally Award,” from the Center for the Healing of Racism, 20 June 2015. The “Lifetime Achievement Award in the Area of Community Empowerment,” TRÉ NATION, Fifth Anniversary Celebration, 25 July 2015. Named the “2016 Honorary Gee,” at the Gee Family Association Chinese New Year Scholarship Banquet, 6 March 2016. The “2016 Public Service Award,” from American Leadership Forum–Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter, April 2016 More than 1200 attended the Kinder Institute Luncheon on Monday, May 2, 2016, “honoring Dr. Stephen Klineberg and celebrating 35 years of the Kinder Houston Area Survey,” at which he presented the findings from the 2016 Houston survey. The Kinder Institute Luncheon, “honoring Dr. Stephen Klineberg and celebrating 35 years of the Kinder Houston Area Survey,” May 2016. Inaugural recipient of “The Kinder Urban Visionary Award 2016,” in recognition of “individuals who have positively impacted the urban stage at the international, national, regional, or local level.” The “Stephen L. Klineberg Award,” to be awarded annually beginning in 2017 to “recognize individuals who have made or are making a lasting impact on Greater Houston.” “Distinguished Public Service Award,” American Jewish Committee Houston, December 2016. “The 2017 Humanitarian Award,” Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum, January 2017. External Research Support: Research on the “modernization of attitudes” among adolescents in Tunisia: Social Science Research Council, American Philosophical Society (1969–1970), National Science Foundation: Grant #SOC74-22876 (1975–1977). Research on the “Social Acceptability of Satellite Power Systems”: Stephen L. Klineberg—Vita (December 2017) Page 4 U.S. Department of Energy–Oak Ridge (1979): Agency #DE-ASO5-79ER 10072. Support for the 34 years of the annual “Kinder Institute Houston Area Survey” (1982–2015): Houston Post Company, American Leadership Forum–Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter, Fiesta Mart, Telemundo 48 KTMD-TV, SBC (Southwestern Bell) Foundation, Gallery Furniture, Houston Chronicle, Jain & Jain CPAs, Vinson & Elkins, United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast, KHOU-TV Channel 11, Amegy Bank, JPMorgan Chase–Houston, Bank of America, CenterPoint Energy, Sterling Bank, Center for Houston’s Future, H-E-B Houston, State Farm Insurance
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