Alaska Resources Library & Information Servu:Ies Anchorage
,_ SUI'H·1ARY OF BIRD OBSERVATIONS MADE IN THE ANDREANOF, RAT, AND NEAR ISLANDS 13 July - 22 July 1987 Compiled by: Daniel K. Niven, SCA Volunteer, Aleutian Islands Unit, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Adak, AK ~:,, Greg T. McClellan, Biological Technician, Aleutian I Islands Unit, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Adak, AK Date: August 1987 Aleutian Islands, Andreanof Islands, Rat Islands, Near Islands, Adak, Kanaga, Tanaga, Amchitka, Kiska, Buldir, Asattu, birds, seabirds ARLIS ' Alaska Resources 0 Library & Information SerVices 0 0 .AnchoraQ"f'. Alnsk~-1 1..0 1..0 I' M M ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Servu:ies Anchorage, Alaska ·;\ ,J ---·--------I 11 t ~'od uc: t: ion.. This ~'epot't SUfTlnlC:Wi zes fie J. d obse~'vat i ems of b i ~~ds made -b)L_:i~"!?J K. NivEm, Gt~eg t. l"lcClellan, Evan Klett, and othet~ membet~s.,.,o,f'f~!j,_!?ld crew in the Andreanof, Rat, and Near Islands of the Aleutian~ f~om 13 July·to 22 July 1987. Both pelagic and land based bird observations are included. The bulk of the pelagic cibservations compiled here were gathered while conducting a series of 32 9uantified pelagic censuses to doc0men~ the dist~ibution, abundance, and biomass of seabirds along the Aleutian Island chain. Land based observations were primarily made while conducting beach surveys along established t~outes on Kiske., and as incidental obset~vations m.::1de while L"<2_nc.iucting more intensive fieldwork aimed at determining the status of Aleutian Canada g~ese on Agatt~ and while searching for fox sign on Kiska.
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