RECONSTRUCTING THE ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND KAYAK: FROM FORGOTTEN WATERCRAFT TO A BERING SEA MARITIME NETWORK Evguenia Anichtchenko Center for Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton, 7009 Madelynne Way, Anchorage, AK 99504;
[email protected] ABSTRACT St. Lawrence Island kayaks are absent in both museum collections and written historical sources. At the same time, the pictorial record, indigenous oral lore, and archaeological data point to uninter- rupted use of kayaks well into the beginning of the twentieth century. Drawing on the analysis of kayak data from four archaeological sites, this article reconstructs structural details and discusses the history of the St. Lawrence kayak over the last millennium; it also analyzes the values of these data for understanding prehistoric maritime networks of the Bering Sea. The Bering Sea has one of the richest and most varied tradi- al Alaska, kayaks were still in use in 1910–1920s, when tions of indigenous kayaks in the entire circumpolar north. their significance for subsistence hunting was challenged Together with the Aleutian chain, the region features eight by easy access to different technologies (Golden 2015:11; ethnographic kayak variants, representing all indigenous Nelson 1969:308). By that time, however, examples of eth- coastal and insular nations with two noticeable excep- nographic kayaks had been acquired by museums around tions: the St. Lawrence and Diomede islanders (Adney the world, and the interest generated sent researchers to and Chapelle 2007:190–202; Zimmerly 2000a:39–62). distant communities to record the extant knowledge of This absence is particularly intriguing in the case of St. boat builders and surviving boat frames.