go a b to u fo go g m lo si s W n ho do on her s d M Th I 44 East68thStreetNewYork,NY10065 The StudentNewspaperofDominicanAcademy ed e days ten pend he willsurelyrememberfortherestof deepbreathofItalianair,Iknewwas i e u s in s talia! IsabellaQ. e ste rl u r aneight-hourflighttoRomethatput Venic a gi xt d xt ing toloveitinthiscountry. a ourselves brace to time was it odbyes, ith or m ri Th Th i ny life. ng s andtheirfamilies.Aftersayingour rc s th rs n. As soon as I stepped outside of the I steppedoutside as n. Assoon ng Ea e

a gr o PoloAi of DA on the last school day to run to day school last the on DA of hu

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ri nti B n t n re our o re our t m it rp ng Break was finally here. finally was Break ng reak whichwassomething iain ws on to going was I cipation n Ho n o t o or in e Student t a tl wt m DA my with Italy a andwasabletotake k continued onpage2 rganized tour would rganized tourwould e I r I s ly a T nother plane ride plane nother trip to hurs u sh e day where day d u the out

It a ly in yourshoesbefore. some guidance fromthosewhohavebeen never beafraid toreachoutandaskfor will beDAgirlsfaraftergraduation, so be read.Wealwaysremindthem thatwe us proudandtellthestories thatneedto community. Weknowthatthey willmake are blessingsforthecluband theschool of theeditorialboard.Yourneweditors for thepaperandnewmembers so excitedtoseewhatthefutureholds and allofourfabulouswriters.Weare able todothiswithoutMr.McDermott never forget.Wewouldnothavebeen privilege. It has been an experience we will Student Printshasalsobeenanimmense communities. for newperspectivesandvoicesinour in thelastyearinspiredustolookout of theamazingarticlessubmittedtous cogent” asDr.Cagneywouldsay.All refine workinawaythatis“clearand the skill set and knowledge to write and Prints has remindedus that we have ready tofacethisnextchapter.Student offered to us, we know that we are leadership andflourishingthathasbeen DA sistersandtheopportunitiesfor While weareheartbrokentoleaveour us andisbothexcitingbittersweet. no longerhaveUSBports,ohjoy! we realizedthatthenewMacBookAir’s management. Nottomention,thetime the embodimentofteamworkandstress the nightbeforedeadlinewastruly an articleandgetthemallonaflashdrive Learning howtocoaxourclassmatesfor issue andhitsyoulikeat-bonecollision. the timecomesoutofnowhereforan for the actiontocomeand suddenly, of timechillingoutinthecar,waiting a bumpercar.Youspendsmallamounts Editorial Farewell The three of us agree that working on The threeofusagreethatworkingon Moving ontocollegeisahugestepfor Editing StudentPrintsislikedriving P May 2019/Volume77,Number4 Veronica L.,KaylaT., www.dominicanacademy.org rints Anna W. a t ge c co I h of dayslater, m ran tohugmy b c Eli Yale!”As their biasesw what makesyoua your essays.. i universities, students thatapply toprestigious we d fac m universities s p one thatIhadonlydreamedab screen that I a interviewed admiss t t a p The recentuniversityscandalshould p st 6 Or hadallthehard college accep s b studying, thedozensofprac My heartwas s yourperson his regard?A hose onlyge he ettled in,Ic t ’m hest…a couple sec opious amountsof dmissions off nd advocating f nd SATscores ut nowoutofpur lared throughmyc % ast fewyears.W oi a i ow Igotinto ared attheacce ud dn’t donatealibrary y classmatesth a ts youover l ren a e “Bulldog! Bul W Given the sheer amount of stellar leg d “holistic”admissionsprocess.But nt toth


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Page 1 StudentPrints/May 2019 Page 2 StudentPrints/May 2019 representatives, and learning about each representatives, and learning about each college pamphlets,talkingwith thecollege girls. I enjoyed looking at the colorful representatives wantedtotalk totheDA I wasamazedathowmany college Tour (JET)atDA,thisjuniorwasthrilled! opportunity toattendtheJesuitExcellence year. So,whenthejuniorsreceived for therightcollegeusuallybeginsinjunior time forhighschoolstudents.Thesearch saying goes:“AllroadsleadtoRome.” the BasilicadiSanDomenico. head andthumb,whicharepreservedin where wesawSaintCatherineofSiena’s Florence, wealsotookadaytriptoSiena, see itinreallife.Duringourtime history class,itwasbreathtakingtoactually hearing somuchaboutthemasterpiecein David byMichelangelostands.After the Academia,wherefamousmarble One ofmyfavoritepartsFlorencewas chance toattendEasterMassatIlDuomo. architecture andart.Weevenhadthe some ofthemostprestigiousRenaissance been to. It wasamazingtobestandingamid Florence wasunlikeanycityIhaveever Easter Sundaybutalsomy16thbirthday. on toFlorencewhatwasnotonly way totheCanalGrande. small channelsandeventuallymadeits a gondolaridethattravelled through the water. Weevengotthechancetoenjoy and taking too manypictures near the the piazzaeatingwaytoomuchgelato days, mygroupandIwouldwalkaround the deliciouspizza.Fornexttwo being spokenamongstnativesandeating the CanalGrande,hearinglanguage after seeingthebeautifulbluewateron Marco. I quickly fell in love with Venice was allittooktoarriveatPiazzadiSan to VenicewithourtourguideLinda driver Salvatoreandashorterboatride Jesuit ExcellenceTourMonica S. Italia! When I walked into the auditorium, When Iwalkedintotheauditorium, College applicationsareaverystressful It was sad to leave Florence but, as the It wassadtoleaveFlorencebut,asthe Sadly, weleftVeniceandmoved A shortridewithourfriendlybus continued frompage1 for locations to visit. If you think these for locationstovisit.Ifyouthinkthese Fountain were also on the top of my list what Isawisbreathtaking. the Pieta;onlywordIhavetodescribe magnificent St.Peter’sBasilicaincluding the paintingsinSistineChapelto the artworkinVaticanmuseumto just howbeautifuleverythingwas.From City. It is impossible to put into words was whenwegotaguidedtourofVatican in fact,startRome. Rome” referredtothefactthatallroads, learned thattheterm“Allroadsleadto once trottedintheRomanruins.Wealso and evenwalkwhereancientRomans astoundingly and architecturally beautiful oculus, visittheColosseum,whichwas to visitthePantheon,withitsfamous never forget.Wealsohadtheopportunity languages istrulyanexperienceIwill present andhearingtheprayersinsomany saw the real-life Papa Francesco. Being of attendingaPapalAudiencewhereI had theonceinalifetimeexperience setting. DuringourtimeinRome,we amazing toseeruinsamongtheurban quickly became my favoritecity.Itwas the churchforever. will remembertheheavenlyartworkinside Pictures werenotallowed.ButIknow tour oftheBasilicadiSanFrancesco. excursion toAssisi,wherewehadaguided of college they wanted to go to - whether of collegethey wantedtogo-whether It alsohelpedstudentsrealize whatkind made me excited to go to their college. college ambassadorsspoke because they College oftheHolyCross. University, Marquetteand Loyola UniversityMaryland,Scranton attendance wereFordhamUniversity, fair wereJesuit.Someoftheschoolsin idea thatsomeofthecollegesat university atthefair.Iactuallyhadno Piazza Navona and the restored Trevi Piazza NavonaandtherestoredTrevi My favoritedayinthestreetsofRome When wefinallyarrivedinRome,it On ourbustriptoRome,wetookan I was impressed with the way all the I was impressed with the wayall the “Non faipauraperdire‘Ciao’.” afraid tosay“Ciao”. it probablyisme.Imovedthere.Don’tbe future andseesomeonethatlookslikeme, to myheart.IfyouevervisitItalyinthe I willalwaysrememberandholdclose not ask)aboutit. to everyoneandanyonewhoasked(ordid come backhometotellofmyexperience say “Arrivederci”tomymotherlandand better thanancientRome. ways we actually know ancient Pompeii town hasbeenuncoveredsothatinsome embalmment. Today,mostoftheancient AD 79,preservingthemina volcanic until thenearbyVesuviuseruptedin men andwomentookholidaystrolls Pompeii. Wewalkedwhereancient Italy, thecountryofmyparents. these thatmademefallmoreinlovewith walking inadream.Itwasmomentslike in thestreetsatnightItalyislike perfectly, lightingthepathways.Walking food surroundedmeandthelightsshone air withsofttunes.Thesmellofdelicious music echoedoffthebuildingsfilling occasionally almostgettinghitbyacar, As Iwalkedthroughthenarrowstreets, is verydifferentfromhereinNewYork. visiting thematnight.NightlifeinItaly places arebeautifulduringtheday,try available for us. available forus. benefit ofknowingwhatprospects are we ultimatelyleaveDA, will havethe us afirst-handlookatourfutures. When establishing thisexquisitefair andgiving priceless opportunitytohave. and professionals directly, which is a truly learn howtotalkadmissionsdirectors ambassadors presentgaveusachanceto 3, urbanormorerural.Havingthese it be big or small, Division 1 or Division Or, as Italians are accustomed to say, Or, asItaliansareaccustomedtosay, Italy wasoneexperienceinmylifethat After tenincredibledays,itwastimeto On the last day in Italy, wevisited I amgratefultoDr. Petit for Yale University continued from page 1 public school kid who doesn’t have a lot was confident that if I was rejected, at a plane ride away (like Marquette). A of resources. Another admits that she has least it was the real me that had been couple of weeks ago, I attended Bulldog a soft spot for students who would be first rejected. In my opinion, that’s better than Days, Yale’s admitted students weekend, in their family to attend college. In my getting accepted for a fabricated version and to be honest, it already felt like essays, I wrote about my love for of yourself. home. It may be a little naive of me to research, playing the violin in my county So could I tell you how I got in? Not look at the admissions process this way orchestra, and doing volunteer work in really. If I had to say right now, I think it (albeit through rose-colored glasses), but my community. Perhaps one of these was a blend of grades, SAT scores, essays, I think it’s the best way to look at what struck a chord with my admissions officer recommendations, and yeah...a little bit others consider a scary and doomed and inspired her to advocate for me. But of luck. If I could give any piece of advice process. Even if it may not seem like it, at the end of the day, I didn’t write what I to underclassmen (especially juniors) who there is light at the end of the tunnel, thought the admissions committee wanted are beginning to embark on the long and and looking back, it was all worth it. to read (after thousands of applications, I difficult process of college applications, So stay strong, be inspired by your thought they would easily see through it would be to remain open-minded and own story and those around you, and that). Instead, I tried my best to capture true to yourself. look forward to the day when you can who I am in the limited number of words What I’ve noticed in my class is that proudly wear your college sweatshirt. that the Common App provides. It wasn’t everyone ends up where they belong, From one DA girl to another, you easy, but by the end of the process, I whether that be nearby (like NYU) or got this!

Georgetown University Lea F.

Hoya Saxa! The week of May 25th and it said………$0.64. I dropped to Ms. Adlow’s arms, and came into the was my most stressful time of the year. the floor, let go of all my stuff, and felt cafeteria to be welcomed by applause I was waiting to hear from Georgetown like I could not breathe. I ran into the from all the seniors. University, the college of my dreams, the bathroom and called my mom because I It was everything I could ever ask school I had been dying to go to since I simply could not wait until I got home to for, and it truly exemplifies the idea that was seven years old. I could not imagine find out. Some of my friends had come everything happens for a reason and it’s all what I would do if I got rejected. It seems into the bathroom with me, supporting truly meant to be. extreme, I know, but when you fall in me by holding my hand and hugging me love with a school with your whole heart, so I would stop jumping up and down you’re all in. hysterically. My hands were shaking and The Georgetown application process my heart was beating incredibly fast as I was hard, tedious, and included tons of heard my mom say she was about to open Credits: drafts of essays that helped me practice for the letter. my interview. Before I knew it, my mom started Editors- Veronica L. Georgetown mails their decisions. to read it out to me. “Dear Ms. Lea in-Chief: Kayla T. Previously, I read something online F., It is with great pleasure..” and Anna W. that said if your postage stamp was $0.50, before she even got to finish the Managing Anna H. it was a rejection, and if it was about sentence, I was sobbing, my friends were Editors: Rachel H. $0.68, it meant an acceptance. screaming, and all of the seniors had Kiara O. As I was walking to lunch I checked come into the bathroom to celebrate. Copy Chiefs: Grace M. my phone and I saw a notification of a I could not believe it, I got into my Isabella Q. text from my mom. She sent me a picture dream school. I then walked out of the Photo Credits: Ms. Jo Ann Fannon of the letter with the text “Look what bathroom and everything felt surreal: I Moderator: Mr. Charles McDermott came!!” I looked right at the postage, was hugging everyone, started crying in President: Sr. Margaret Ormond Page 3 StudentPrints/May 2019 Page 4 StudentPrints/May 2019 it. Everything happens for a reason. Only, it. Everything happens for a reason. Only, of theworld,eventhoughitmayfeellike did notgetmatched. I putdowntheschoolsowanted.But meant thatIwasapprovedtoapplyearly! accepted asaCollegeMatchFinalist.This school soIrefinedmyapplicationandwas schools. AtthetimeIwassetononeIvy early admissiontooneoftheir40partner the opportunityatafullscholarshipand Match Program that provide students college essay.Iusedtheessayfortheir application, specificallyeditingapotential QuestBridge CollegePrepScholar. Common App.ThenIofficiallybecamea out adetailedapplication,muchlikethe schools orofequalmerit.Ifilled low-income studentswithIvyLeague organization thatconnectshigh-achieving, Prep ScholarsprogramofQuestBridge,an nominated byMs.LouisfortheCollege that ofothers.Inmyjunioryear,Iwas admissions process. also hasbeenthetimeofcollege at DominicanAcademyeventhoughit Priyanka Koshy Beyonce KaylaKing Yasmine Khalil Kaitlyn Hagy Frances MarieGrochowski Kumari KhannaGonzalez Anna ClaraBandeiradeMelloGerlach Caroline MarieGerety Lea HelenFrawley Christina AlexiaDeodatis Jia Nan(Jennifer)Cai Teresa ElizabethBrown Francesca MariBernhardt Atiana RolissaBaptiste Megan ElizabethArmas Lucia Alleca Sosie MarieAkian New YorkUniversityTeresaB. College List Not getting into a school is not the end Not gettingintoaschoolisnottheend QuestBridge helped me with my college My experiencewasdifferentthan Senior yearhasbeenmybest

New YorkUniversity CUNY BaruchCollege St. John'sUniversity Clemson University New YorkBinghamton State Universityof San DiegoStateUniversity Pennsylvania StateUniversity University ofRhodeIsland Nazareth College Fordham University New YorkUniversity College On Valentine’s Day, I got an email. I got On Valentine’sDay,Igotanemail. decision toNYU.Icrossedmyfingers. my CommonAppandappliedearly right forme.Ispentdaysworkingon wasn’t seeingtheschoolthatwastruly the otherschoolanditslocationthatI tailored tome.Iwassohungupabout but Irealizedthatitssystemwasmore was differentfromtheIvyofmydreams community, andcultureatNYU.NYU out howmuchIlovedthecurriculum, University. Ididmoreresearchandfound and took another look at that Iwasmeanttogosomewhereelse. On theotherhand,maybethiswasasign “generous financialaid,”astheyputit. pool soIhadashotatgettinginwith hand, Iwasputintotheregulardecision time toreassessmyoptions.Ontheone slowly pulledmyselfoutofmyrut.Itook After alotofself-careandreflection,I for thosewhoreceivedearlyacceptances. classmates. Itwassodifficulttobehappy and comparedmyselfconstantlytomy myself. Iaskedwhywasn’tgoodenough I criedfordays.wasreallyhardon get acceptedearlywiththefreeeducation. I wasn’trejectednecessarily.justdidn’t I really started researching the schools I reallystartedresearchingtheschools

Anna SofiaWoods Sophie NicoleWong Elisa NoelleSharriTilley Kayla EllenaThomsen Miranda GabrielleStern Le Shen Kaylyne NicoleRodriguez Catherine BradyPrediger Sophia SheaPinter Sally VeronicaEneaPetit Kasey Park Megan F.O’Donnell Amanda MichelleNorris Kylie McEneaney Kristen MarieLivia Yiling Liu Veronica MimiLee

too much debt). too muchdebt). make youhappy(andwillnotleavein fits withwhoyouareasastudentandwill big nameschool.Gototheschoolthat there foryou.Youdon’thavetogoa are opportunitiesandscholarshipsout applying. Doyourresearchbecausethere is okaytogetworriedaboutthatwhen again. I know college is expensive and it with dignity and lookat your options that isokay.Acceptitforwhat jobs, volunteer,etc. students, oneswhodosports,clubs,have want to see well-rounded and adaptable are nottheonlyimportantfactor.They performance, not labels. Your grades at the end ofthe day colleges care about just forthesakeofbeinginanAPbecause back on track senior year. Don’t take APs a day.Ifyourjunioryearwasrough,get care evenifitisonlyforafewminutes well asajunior.Trytomaketimeforself- scores. Manageyourworkloadandtime or optforschoolsthatdon’twantthose SAT/ACT andgetthebestscoreyoucan, others. Figureoutifyouarebetteratthe in! And with a scholarship! I was so happy!

If you don’t get into your first choice, If youdon’tgetintoyourfirstchoice, I learnedto

Urbana-Champaign Loyola UniversityMaryland University ofPennsylvania University ofToronto College oftheHolyCross Miami University Marquette University Carnegie MellonUniversity University ofNotreDame Trinity CollegeDublin University ofCaliforniaSanDiego Sacred HeartUniversity University ofIllinoisat Yale University compare myself to not comparemyselfto

Anna SofiaWoods Sophie NicoleWong Elisa NoelleSharriTilley Kayla EllenaThomsen Miranda GabrielleStern Le Shen Kaylyne NicoleRodriguez Catherine BradyPrediger Sophia SheaPinter Sally VeronicaEneaPetit Kasey Park Megan F.O’Donnell Amanda MichelleNorris Kylie McEneaney Kristen MarieLivia Yiling Liu Veronica MimiLee Urbana-Champaign Manhattan College Marist College Spelman College Loyola UniversityMaryland University ofPennsylvania University ofToronto College oftheHolyCross Miami University Fairfield University Marquette University Carnegie MellonUniversity University ofNotreDame Trinity CollegeDublin University ofCaliforniaSanDiego Sacred HeartUniversity University ofIllinoisat Yale University I, too, would take part in the storyline. I, too,wouldtake partinthestoryline. sounded surreal, and I knew that one day, the magicalforestofCentral Park.Itall Island ferry)ontime,andher picnicsin carriage (unfortunatelyjust theStaten the rushtoleaveat6:20make ittoher me aboutherprincewhowent toRegis, Claudia joined in onthefairytale.Shetold Katrina wasasenior,myoldersister, night away.Acoupleofyearslater,when where shegotdressedupanddancedthe the trains starting fights, and the ball a Hollywoodevent,thebadguyson about thecastlewitharedcarpetlike Katrina wouldcomehomeandtellme city talelikeafairytale.Myeldestsister, ever since2008.Inthethirdgrade, Marist College Happy EverAfterFrancescaB. you a second chance. you asecondchance. application in late. Colleges will not give professional ifyoumissitorsendyour really importantanditisnotgoodor to frommyplanA.Now,deadlinesare accepted fromallthecollegesIapplied any ofmyplanBschoolsbecauseIwas apply to.LuckilyIneverhadto B wastherestofcollegesIplannedto colleges that had sooner deadlines. Plan to. ThecollegesinPlanAwerealsothe as thecollegesyouwillgivemorepriority colleges I wanted to attend. Think of it and aplanB.PlanAwasthefirstlistof with collegedeadlineswasmakeaplanA something youcandoatthelastminute. have tosendcollegesanditisnot health. Thereisalotofinformationyou stress and hopefully improve your mental in intervals each day. This will reduce college deadlinesandmakesureyouwork do everythingatonce.Planoutyour is totakeadeepbreathanddonot college. Ifthisisyourfearmybestadvice thing, it would affect my acceptance into thinking thatifImesseduptheslightest have alargeimpactonmyfuture.Ikept small aspectoftheapplicationthatwould of messing up or making a mistake on a wracking, yetrewarding.Iwasterrified This senior has heard “DA” uttered This seniorhasheard“DA”uttered What I did to help me stay on track What Ididtohelpmestayontrack The collegeprocessformewasnerve- Sophie W. me to experience. I’ve been truly blessed me toexperience. I’vebeentrulyblessed this storyhastaughtme and allowed this story,I’mamazedatall thethings and I’mfinallyreaching“The End”of my own. city andthefairytalewasfinally becoming to thefast-paced,maddashlifeof nervous aboutitall,Igrewaccustomed first fewmonthsoffreshmanyearIwas my veryfirstschoolball.Althoughthe on thetrains,andhelpedmegetreadyfor showed mehowtodealwiththebadguys the 6:40carriagetoManhattanwithher, introduced metoeveryoneelsewhogot Academy, Ijoinedherasafreshman.She was toenterherfinalyearatDominican portfolio more perfect. portfolio moreperfect. get feedbackandchangesthatmademy submitted themtoMarist.Iwasable in thefashionindustrytoviewbeforeI portfolio tofriendsandfamilythatworked your collection.IhadshownmyMarist think andifyouareputtingeffortinto person judgingyourportfoliohowyou drawings. to notesyoutookonthesideofyour in variousways,fromroughsketches Your thoughtprocesscanbereflected that fieldistoshowyourthoughtprocess. design and/oristhinkingofmajoringin can offertoanyoneinterestedinfashion them toreallyreflectyourskill.OnetipI put a lot of thought into them in order for second either.Youneedenoughtimeto something youcannotdoatthelast of thesecollegesandtotheirartprograms. Lesley University.Iwasacceptedtoboth portfolios for Texas Tech University and senior year.Ihadtocompletetwoother the whole summer and the beginning of complete thisportfoliowhichisbasically year. Ittookmetwoandhalfmonthsto College inthesummergoingintosenior had workedonmyportfolioforMarist and otherartprogramsatmycollege.I As my time at DA is coming to a close As mytimeatDAiscoming toaclose A fewyearspassed,andasClaudia These notes and images show the These notes and images show the Portfolios areabigprojectwhichis I appliedtothefashionprogram us andforgivingmemyhappy everafter. thank youforeverythingyou’ve donefor growth. So,frommyfamilyto thisschool, become anintegralpartof our lifeand girls wearetodaywithoutDA, andithas home. MysistersandIwould notbethe textbook, andaplacewecancallsecond us, thelessonsthatcan’tbetaughtby of DA, the opportunities it has provided ending, butwearegratefulfortheblessing been. WearesadthatourtimeatDAis I cannotthinkofabetterplacetohave ten yearsatDominicanAcademy,and the better.Myfamilyhasspentitspast meet peoplewhohavechangedmylifefor memories Iwilltreasureforalifetime,and to goschoolinthecityatDA,make you’re meanttobe! fall intoplaceandyouwillendupwhere their own college process! Everything will send thewrongportfolio! that youcheckitandmakesuredon’t different requirements.Itisimperative because everyprogramorcollegehas for that specific program in that college sure tochecktheportfoliorequirements of majoringinFashionDesign,make applying to any artprogramsor thinking very eye-opening. people that worked in the industrywas the CooperHewitt. Museum ofArt,theFrickMuseum,and various museumsliketheMetropolitan decided totakeclassesoutsideofDAat for fashionwasnotrelinquished.I strong visualartsdepartment,mypassion together. last changesandtiethewholecollection onto the Adobe program to make any hours helpingme. thousands ofsketchesandhowhespent make PDFcopiesofwhatseemedlike I wish everyone the best of luck in I wisheveryonethebestofluckin For thegirlsthatarelookingat Getting adviceandfeedbackfromthe Although DAdoesnothaveavery In theendIwasabletobringit I rememberaskingmystep-dadto

Page 5 StudentPrints/May 2019 Page 6 StudentPrints/May 2019 , , and my internship at softball, volleyball,andmyinternshipat Ambassadors, NationalHonorSociety, Ministry, StudentPrints, me, thatwasStudentCouncil,Campus what Icouldaddtomyresume.For activities Iwaspassionateaboutand out what classesI needed totake, what me tothisplace.Workmeantfiguring football games,andjoiningasorority. At nightIdreamedaboutstudyabroad, family and friends were headed and why. From thenon,Itooknotesonwheremy day myacademiclifewentintohighgear. but droppingheroffatschoolwasthe Maying orders.Ididn’talwaysrealizeit, I setmygoalshighandlaidoutown when Iwasonlyseven.Thattheday for UnionCollegeinSchenectady,NY inspiration was my older sister, who left process instages. senior willdescribehercollegeapplication ever wantedtoadmit.Forthatreason,this you feelliketheonlystudenttheyhave universities alloverthecountrymaking exam andstartreceivingemailsfrom take yourfirstCollegeBoardadministered how excitedtheyare.Itbeginswhenyou community heads to college and you see begins whensomeoneinyourfamilyor for thoseofyoutryingtoplanahead).It (that’s whentheCommonAppopens earlier than August of your junior year secretary, and a treasurer/event-coordinator. s S t th delight with have beencast,a s Board, whichs a M M a Student CouncilElections Loyola UniversityMarylandKaylaT. hat she and Kiara and she hat chool year. t seat on the nd change,andfo uet Council tudent udents andfa ay 2nd,eight ay wasexactl The election was for two co-presidents, a E Stage twowastheworkittooktoget Stage onewasinspiration.Myfirst The collegeprocessbeginssomuch aster is notably a season of Student Council Executive y that.FromA a cu students campai t this junior announces junior this t nd thevotesarei erves asabri o te 2019 the for r DA,thebeginningof l are co-pr are O. ty alike.The ballots pr e sidents il 29thto renewal gn d ge for n! Itis e - 2020 d for of and thorough by writing stories about my and thoroughbywritingstoriesaboutmy my best to make each response personal is bothhigh-stakesandrewarding.Idid more timetostudy.TheCommonApp application, Idowishhadgivenmyself while myscoresweresufficientfor US Historyweremypickofpoisonand Georgetown). Biology,Chemistry,and there weretheSATIIexams(thanks throughthattorturetwice.Butthen an ambiguousmeaning.Luckily,Ionly strange articles,andreceivingascorewith hours ofsittinginastrangeschool,reading is potentially the worstexam ever. It is rollercoaster ofatimethatwas.TheSAT results, andmademydecision.Oh,whata submitted myCommonApp,awaitedthe It is the part where I took the SAT, people sumupas“thecollegeprocess.” the hardestforme.Thisiswhatmost goal: workhardenough. worked hard enough. So, that was my wanted was just within my grasp if I only reminded me that everything I ever or balancingonemoreequation.They fall over after throwing one more pitch held meupwhenIthoughtmight family andfriends.Thesecommunities is notpossiblewithoutthebackboneof content withmychoices. of sleep, but it did leave me fulfilled and me withmuchtimetospareorfullnights an investmentfirm.Stagetwodidn’tleave d generate theoutc school, ananonym homeroom and pr c B cam f hl Emily while Kiara Unmatched, for aposition Lauren r opeiet An co-president. or odntr Foll oordinator. oes notgounnoticed, ascampa i anca Stage three, the final stage was certainly Stage three,thefinalstagewascertainly I willthrowinherethat this process E All ofthosewho p i ght studentsenteredthe r ai gn V e Sophie d . ad Cameron and M., id o tr for vied fo ontheExecuti r th r B ome oftheelection. S. .

Isabella , ran possesscour wn sece i speeches owing ous ballotwass omotion around th e s O e cr n I r I and . gel-Rose e easurer/even t a ry p ry v M., e Board. age that u ositi ig e nning nt to ning an L., on a S t n n d e - .

though Ihaveyettounderstandthesport. on myschoolateverylacrossegame,even future Greyhoundandcan’twaittocheer table forme.Iamproudtocallmyselfa program invitationultimatelyturnedthe generous scholarship offer and honors chose LoyolaUniversityMaryland.Their ,Ifollowedthemoneyand will likelycontinueontomedicalor me. Knowingthatmy academic journey cheers weretoomuchformyfamilyand brain knew that the expenses of those to cheer wahoowaor hoya saxa, butmy have everdone.Myheartandsoulwanted decision wasthemostdifficultthingI the forefrontofmymind. and honorsprogramsalwayslingeredin but thequestionofscholarshipmoney of beingrejectedordeferredever-present, in myinbox.Notonlywasthepotential incredibly stressfuluntiltheemaillanded do notapply!Trustmeonthatone. a fullrideandyoustillwouldn’tgothere: opportunities. Ifaschoolweretogiveyou academic reputation, or scholarship need andwant;whetherthatislocation, Refine yourchoicesbasedonwhatyou many! Pleasedonotthattoyourself! to 15schools.Letmesaythis:istoo continue tobecome. life thatconnectedtothepersonIamand for anyleadersh s the community. w respectively. B only holdsfourpos p c consideration andplanning.De ecretary andtrea nrtltos t ongratulations erspectives t i orking withtheminbringing inn anca At the end of stage three, making the At theendofstagethree,making Every admissionfromaschoolwas Now, Ihavetoadmitthatapplied It iswithgreatpleasurethatIexte Kiara Student Co wo ee sel were who V., O . n I ok owr to forward look I and o theDominicanAcademy i p

uncil Executive Board surer/event coord position requir Cameron o itions. ce as ected sp e s careful and S. ite this, ovative inator, nd years old when deportations began. Her years old when deportations began. Her taken overbythe Nazis.Shewasonlytwo She livedinHungary,thelast countrytobe Holocaust. HernameisGabriella Major. speaking aboutherexperience duringthe with a Holocaustsurvivor visiting DAand in Poland. one of the deadliest concentration camps on hisexperienceoflivinginAuschwitz, Holocaust. Thebookespeciallyfocuses of living and surviving through the which discussestheauthor’sexperience since theyhadreadNightbyElieWiesel, Holocaust, something they knew about 92nd Street and saw items related to the Museum onFifthAvenueandEast outlet forhi Beijing Summit. the firsteverleadambassadorsat students andmyselfwereinvitedtobe involved withtheseconferencessixother policy changetoG20leaders.Afterbeing and proposesuggestionsforinternational conference inArgentinathispastAugust break Argentina. DuringthepastFebruary Leadership eventsfromBostonand seasoned delegatesfromthesameYouth with sixotherindividualswhowerealso world, thisjuniorwassittinginaroom Jewish MuseumAlessiaC. deals tosustainsmartcities,thesmiles survive infreezingwintertonegotiating leaders now.Fromfiguringouthowto they wereequipped inspired tobeleadersinthefuture,but relations. Notonlywerethesestudents study ofglobalpoliticsandinternational enhance theirleadershipskillsthroughthe invited performance at themock summit, I was led myteamtovictory.Becauseof the minister of energy of Canada and of conferences wasatBostoninthewinter Beijing, China. lead aYouthLeadership conference in Beijing SummitKiaraO. The BeijingSummitprovidedan After 19hoursofflyingacross The ‘school in the city’ day started The ‘schoolinthecity’day started The freshmenvisitedtheJewish My firstexperienceatoneofthese my sophomoreyear.Irepresented I had the great privilege to help to participate in thereal Y20 ghly motivatedstudentsto with skillstobe the again during the Hungarian Revolution. again duringthe HungarianRevolution. Hungary because anti-semitism arose In 1956,Gabriellaandher familyleft and establishedacommunist government. 1946, the Russians took over Hungary family members,includingher father.In where theymetupwiththeir surviving and hermothertraveledtoBudapest Russians liberatedthecamp,Gabriella camp foralittleunderyear.Whenthe her trust in everyone. They stayed in the food andbelongings,ingeneral,lost Gabriella becameveryprotectiveofher Her motherworkedinconstruction,and and weretakentoStrachhofnearVienna. her grandmotherwereputincattlecars for theNazis.Gabriella,hermother,and father wassenttoworkinthelaborarmy across theglobeandjusthavingonetête- from interactingwithteenagers led byrenownedlawyers.Instead,itwas by Harvard professors or the workshops come fromthekeynotespeechesconducted my greatestsourceofknowledgewould political andeducational,Iassumedthat summit. able tochoosethenextwinnersof seemed like athousandspeeches,wewere workshops, teaching,andeditingwhat another. Afterlongdaysofmeetings, the students do not wage war with one To sumup,thatmeanstomakesure and persuasive bids. writing, negotiations, and assistwithspeech advisor tothedelegates my rolewastoactasan world today. much needed in our cultural lensesthatare to strengthenthecross- offered theopportunity The diversesetting experiencing Beijing. This wasmorethanjust about differentcultures. as a team andlearned students astheyworked never leftthefacesof Since the nature of the summit was Since the nature of the summit was As a lead ambassador, Jewish heritage in a very meaningful way. Jewish heritage inaverymeaningfulway. and learn about boththe Holocaust and freshmen classwasableto experience more timeexploringthemuseum. and wouldhavelikedto spenteven interested in learning about the Holocaust heritage. Somestudentswerevery their connectionstotherootsofJewish related totheHolocaust;anddiscussed to themuseumwheretheysawartifacts on theseemotionalmomentsinherlife. hear theprofoundsadnessoflookingback United States.Asshespoke,onecould until herfamilygotavisatogothe Gabriella thenwasarefugeeinAustria à-tête. One the futureholds remain withmea on different begin myindepen with the300 The stories and laughs that I shared age, individua y the nextsummitatCambridgeUnivers be a excited to I am l can changethewor this Augustand p enses. Thenew our worldview. O ut youcloser Overall, the day was successful. The Overall, thedaywassuccessful. The After thespeech,freshmenwent It isimperativethatat Kiara O.

t conversation can l students atthe opics istrulyeye-opening. s learntoref . t

o figuringout i cannot waitto nsights andpers d nd guidemeasIso l ent pathinthe d. ne conversatio l ead ambassador at ead i ne theirglobal t hi summit will

s dayand

how you influence se pectives e world. n c what on ity an

Page 7 StudentPrints/May 2019 Page 8 StudentPrints/May 2019 in her paintings. The doodles drawn on her casts just showed in herpaintings. Thedoodlesdrawnon her castsjustshowed she wastrulyphysically struggling.Herphysical ailmentsshowed body caststhat wereondisplayscreamedout totheviewerofhow intense medicationsandwear bodybracesatalltimes.Themany as ateenagerlefthernearly paralyzedandrequiredhertotake many bodycastsandmedicine bottles.Atragictrolleyaccident affected thechangesinherwardrobe andpaintingstyle. This knowledgeallowedustoanalyzehowherlifeexperiences screening of the film, we were well versed on the artist’s life. Since theMuseumClubhadseena lived wasfast-pacedandever-changing. our museumvisit.ThelifethatFrida watch thefilmaboutFridatoprepfor Ms. Salfeldwasrightinsuggestingwe saw alargecolorphotographofFrida. environment duringherlife. exhibit reflectedthelivelycolorsof City. The vibrantcolors throughout the female artistbornin1907Mexico and theworld.Fridaisaninspirational are attractingpeoplefromallboroughs, works attheBrooklynMuseumwhich ventured toseethefamousFridaKahlo’s M years of advertisements and therefore has documented the ebb years ofadvertisementsandthereforehasdocumentedtheebb a museum and archive of media, the Paley Center has preserved advertising foundanewplatforminbroadcastmedia.Asboth first experienceofradioandtelevision,sotheworld a pointdrivenattheforefrontofpresentationgiven. discern themessagesweknowinglyorunknowinglyfaceeachday, responsibility asconsumerstolookbeyondthesurfaceandtruly with butalearnedignoranceoftheseads.Thus,itisour With suchfrequentexposurecomesnotonlyanacquaintance American isexposedto4,00010,000advertisementsaday. representative notedthatarecentstudyfoundtheaverage symbols beliesthecommercialoversaturationinourlives.APaley displayed withease.Ourfamiliarityandevenaffinitytosuch logos tocompletethealphabet,studentsnamedbrands American Alphabet,whichusesthefirstlettersofpopularbrand habit ofmakinganimpression.WhenshownartistHeidiCody’s in betweensongs,ads,bothcommercialandpolitical,havea on thewallsoftrainstations,poppingupwebsitesorplaying just howaccustomedtheyhadgrowntoads.Whetherplastered explored justhowintricateandencompassingadscanbe. sophomore triptothePaleyCenterforMediainmid-Manhattan advertisements inalmosteveryaspectofourdailylives.The techniques andtheirdevelopmentover time. However,wesee Persuasion: Television& The most breathtaking moment in the exhibit was Frida’s The mostbreathtakingmoment intheexhibitwasFrida’s Entering theexhibit,weimmediately In mid-ApriltheMuseumClub The 1930s–1950s bore witness to the average American’s The 1930s–1950sborewitnesstotheaverageAmerican’s Seated in a theater room, the sophomores were shocked to see It’s not everyday that one attends a workshopon advertising useum ClubTripSallyP. Adv e Museum Club rtising GabriellaM. influential and powerfulwomen. especially inspired tofollowtheFrida’sfootsteps andbecome accomplished artist andpowerfulwoman. Asfemales,wefelt during herlifetime.Shewas renownedbeyondMexicoasan featured onthecoverofVogue. WesawtheinfluenceofFrida gained thefollowingandpopularity toreachthelevelofbeing often thatwehearofmany contemporarypaintersthathave on howthepublictreatsartists ashugecelebrities.Itisnot brought upaninterestingconversationbetweenstudents lead herto eventually beingon that coverofVogue. This and controloftheparttheyplayinconsumerism. bandwagoning encouragedbyads,onecantrulytakeownership discerning andunderstandingtheexaggeration,stereotypes, messages displayedinproductplacementsandpromotions.In ability enablesustounderstandtheunderlyingintentionsof the techniquesusedbybrandstomakemostprofit.This lives, weasconsumersmustbeequippedwiththeabilitytodetect relayed bytheconsumertofellowconsumers. whether emblazonedacrossT-shirtsorspokenaloud,arequickly association withthebranduponitsviewers.Theseassociations, jingles, catchphrases,orplotsofeachadmanagedtoimpressan From thebluelabelonaKedsshoetoNike’s“JustDoIt,” each waseffectiveinmakingambassadorsoutofitsviewers. diverse audiences,theadsshownsharedacommondenominator: vastly differedfromthatin1951theiraimtoappealmore and liveinthesuburbs.Thoughadsfrom19892015 of socioeconomicbackgroundsstableenoughtoaffordtelevision that theshoesweremadeformiddleschool-agedboys jingle andsuburbanactorsdepictedina1951Kedsadimplied target demographicfortheproduct.Forexample,repetitive and setting of the advertisements shown were indicative of the and 2015.Featuresassimplemusicchoice,actorspresent, series ofadsforthesameproduct,sneakers,from1951,1989, Some sophomoresobservedsuchdevelopmentsbywatchinga and flowofadvertisers’responsestotheconsumerovertime. Inundated with advertisements in almost every detail of our Inundated withadvertisementsinalmosteverydetailofour elevation as anartist and a celebrity up adjacenttothephotographs.Her on display,alongwithheroutfitset Kahlo’s VogueMagazinecoverwas paintings andhericonicoutfits.Frida She usedvibrantcolorsinbothher dress thepartofastrongwoman. quite thecollectionandwouldalways of Frida’swereondisplay.Shehad was freeofphysicalpain. evident thatthroughcreatingart,Frida conventional paintingsoncanvas.Itwas her entirelife,anditwasnotlimitedto her physicalhardships.Artwaspresent her copingmechanismsofdealingwith Intheexhibit,manyclothingpieces