Data Analysis

A. Introduction

This chapter contains and describes the result of data analysis which is

believed to drive this research into the final result and overall conclusion. The

data are divided into some numbers. In this chapter, the researcher got 123

data. It is significant to draw the data analysis into this chapter to get a clear

comprehension of what is being analyzed, which is basically to answer the

research problems as follows:

1. Techniques of translating song from the original soundtrack movie

2. The impacts of techniques to the quality of translation of song in the

movie, .

In this chapter, the analysis is started with an introduction, followed by

the main analysis and ended with a discussion. There are several tables

included in this chapter to make a more explicit result.

B. Analysis

1. Technique of translating song

In translating song, there are some techniques applied. The techniques

applied to determine the accuracy and the acceptability level in translating

song. By this way, the researcher will find the trend of translating song in the

movie, Anastasia. commit to user


There are 106 data found in this research. Most of them are accurate

translation although some of them could be less accurate. Almost all

techniques which are used in this research are found.

1.1 Literal translation

Usually this technique is the most dominant technique which is applied

in some researches. Literal translation is a technique which is converted the

SL grammatical construction to their nearest TL equivalents. However, it does

not mean that a word from the source text is always translated exactly to a

word in the target text. Word from the source text is translated into the target

text based on its meaning and its function on the overall meaning. There are

41 data found using literal translation technique in this research.

Example 1:

Datum no. 18

ST: who else could pull it off but you and me?

TT: siapa lagi yang bisa meraih selain kau dan aku

Datum number 18 shows a complete sentence from a lyric of the song.

This song was sang when Dimitri and Vladimir find Anastasia and bring her

to Paris to meet her grandmother. They ( Dimitri and Vladimir ) was aimed to

get the royal sum from Anastasia’s grandmother. They happy to find

Anastasia, for they will get some money if they can bring back the princess to

the royal grandmother.

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This text is translated almost in the same construction as the source text.

No changes for this text. Every word from the source text is translated exactly

to the target text. That is why this belongs to literal translation.

Example 2:

Datum no.40

ST: who knows where this road may go

TT: siapa yang mengetahui kemana jalan ini akan menuju.

Example 3:

Datum no. 34

ST: Well, starting now I’m learning fast

TT: Mulai sekarang aku akan belajar dengan baik.

In the example 2 there is one word that is translated rather bit different

from the source text. In example 2, the word may is translated into akan,while

the meaning of the word may in target text should be bisa/boleh.

In example 3, the word fast is translated into erat, while in fact, the

meaning of fast in target text should be cepat. However, these examples do

not impact too much to the accuracy of the translation,because both the

meaning in the target text still has corelation.

As stated before, literal translation does not mean that a word from the

source text is always translated exactly to a word in the target text. The

example no 1,2,3 is simple example of literal translation. For addition, the

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example 2 and 3 show that the text which translated using literal translation

does not always translated exactly word for word in the target text.

1.2. Adaptation

Adaptation technique is used when there is a lack of the target language

to interpret some cultural items of the source language. Basically, this

technique works to replace an unfamiliar cultural item in the source language

to a more familiar cultural item in the target language. This is to make the

translation more easier to be understood. Sometimes in the source text often

found a text or more which difficult to find the nearest equivalent in the target


Adaptation is the ‘freest’ form of translation. Mainly, this is used for

plays, such as comedies and poetry. The themes, characters, plots are usually

preserved, from the ST culture converted to the TL.

Overall, there are 19 data which are categorized as adaptation technique

in this research. It can be said that adaptation technique also becomes the most

dominant in translating song.

Example 1:

Datum no.58

ST: In the dark of the night, I was tossing and turning

TT: di malam kelam aku memiliki kesempatan

From the example datum no. 58 the adaptation technique occurs in the

way the translator converted the line I was tossing and turning. The translator

transfered the meaning into ‘aku memiliki kesempatan’. If this line is translated commit to user

word for word or literally as the same structure in the ST, the translation will

be meaningless. As the reason, the translator considered to the target persons

who read the text. Here, the movie Anastasia is targeted to the children mainly,

however the viewers were not only children but also teenagers, and parents.

For that reason, the text I was tossing and turning is translated into ‘aku

memiliki kesempatan’ for the text translation is more suitable to read, and also

understandable well rather than using another technique.

Example 2:

Datum no.69

ST: The revenge will be sweet

TT: balas dendam akan berhasil

The example from datum no. 69 also shows the adaptation technique in

translating song. This is considered as adaptation, because in the source text the

line: the revenge will be sweet is translated into ‘balas dendam akan berhasil’.

This points to ‘will be sweet’ which converted into ‘akan berhasil’. Literally,

sweet means ‘manis’ and this refers to the taste especially.

So the translator prefered to use ‘akan berhasil’ for this translation based

on the situation and the context of the text. The situation when this line stated is

Rasputin as the witch sang a song, and he stated that he will revenge to

Anastasia, and he definitely sure that he will be successful in doing his action to

revans to Anastasia.

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Example 3

Datum no. 74

ST: I’ll see her crawl into place

TT: Kulihat dia memohon di depanku

The example from datum no. 74 also said as adaptation technique in this

translation to make the reader more easily to understand the text. Based on the

situation in the movie, this song also sang by Rasputin that imagines Anastasia

will crawl in front of him, to send her appologize to Rasputin and beg for his

kindness not to hurt her. Based on the situation, Anastasia walks forward to

Rasputin. For that situation, the translation is more suitable if this line were

translated into ‘memohon di depanku’ rather than ‘merangkak di tempat’.

If the text translated into ‘merangkak di tempat’, the context of the situation

in the movie will not delivered as well. It also tends to the aesthetic values,

which the words used are beautiful and support the context of the situation in the

song and the movie itself.

1.3. Word-for-Word

This is a technique that the translation is bounded by word order and the

word form of the source. This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation,

with the TT immediately below the ST words. In this songs translation, there are

16 data found using this technique.

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Example 1

Datum no. 29

ST: I know someone’s waiting

TT: Aku tahu seseorang menunggu

The example above shows the word-for-word technique, for every word

order in ST is preserved and the word translated is one word from ST is

translated into one word in TT. The line, I know someone’s waiting,which

translated into ‘Aku tahu seseorang menunggu’ the word order in TT is the same

construction as in ST.

The construction is I is translated into ‘aku’, the word know is translated

into ‘tahu’, someone’s is translated into ‘seseorang’, and waiting is translated

into ‘menunggu’. This is word-for-word translation.

Example 2

Datum no.41

ST: Back to who I was

TT: Kembali pada siapa diriku sebelumnya

The example above also definitely shows the word-for-woord technique.

The word back is translated into ‘kembali’, the word to is translated into

‘pada’, then the word who, I, was, orderly translated into ‘siapa, diriku,


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This is an example that the translator tried to make the text translation is

more efficient and effectively in word, and be more simpler in the translation


Example 3

Datum no. 65

ST: But one little girl got away

TT: Tapi seorang gadis kecil melarikan diri

This is also stated as word-for-word translation technique, for the text

translation in TT is immediately below the ST words.

1.4. Free Translation

Free translation technique reproduces the matter without the manner, or

the content without the form of the original. This is a technique of translation

that makes the text in target language becomes different from the original text

of the source language. It means that the text translation in this technique is

more unpredictably different in term of the source text will be translated

different into target language. However, the reader still can catch the meaning

by knowing the situation or the context of the text.

Translator has consideration in using this technique. Some aspects that

make some translators use this technique are to make the translation text simpler,

and easier to understand. Besides, the translation in target text probably will be

strange and weird if the text is translated using another technique, for the word

has no exact equivalent meaning in TT.

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In this research, this technique also becomes the one that dominate the

technique used in translating song. There are 23 data using this technique.

Example 1

Datum no.4

ST: Thank Goodness for the gossip that gets us through

TT: Masuk ke industri mesin dan membawa kita ke era baru

Datum no.4 shows the discursive creation technique in translating song.

This is the way that the translator transfers the meaning from the source

language into target language by using their own words. It seems totally

different from the source language into target language. See the sample from

datum no. 4, this is very different translation in the way of choosing the words.

Using this technique, the translator tries to make more simple translation

text. The sentence from the source text probably hard to translate and

meaningless if the text translated word per word or using another technique. It is

going to be a properless sentence. See this line: Thank Goodness for the gossip

that gets us through. It will be difficult to understand if the readers read it one

word to another. Then if it is translated word per word, it won’t be a good and

proper word in sentence. Basically, if the line: Thank Goodness for the gossip

that gets us through were translated literally as: Terima kasih Tuhan untuk

gossip yang membawa kita melewati..

This translation will be orderless word, and it seems like an endless

sentence. To handle this problem, the translator uses discursive creation

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technique, so it has a new translation however, the message still can be delivered

well, represents the condition in the movie.

Example 2

Datum no. 21

ST: Heart don’t fail me now

TT: Kesulitan tidak membuatku gagal

The example above also used free translation technique, in term the

translation in target language is totally different from the source text. The source

text: Heart don’t fail me now is translated into kesulitan tidak membuatku gagal.

This line was not translated into: Hati jangan gagalkanku sekarang, because this

translation seems weird and less natural to hear. That is why this line was

translated with discursive creation, so the translator has it own way to create new

translation for the sentence.

Example 3

Datum no. 36

ST: Home, Love, family

TT: Sekeluarga hangat dan penuh kasih

The example above also used free translation technique. It is said as free

translation, because the translator made the translation from the source text:

Home, Love, Family into Sekeluarga hangat dan penuh kasih. Based on the

dictionary, home means ‘rumah’, love means ‘cinta’, and family means

‘keluarga’. In fact, the translator prefered to translate the meaning into:

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‘Sekeluarga hangat dan penuh kasih’. This became new line or sentence and

more suitable for the translation.

In this case, free translation occurs when source text only includes 3

words, then the translator made the translation became phrase or sentence. This

is commonly happens in this technique.

1.5. Idiomatic Translation

Idiomatic translation usually occurs to reproduce the ‘message’ of the

original. Idiomatic was not so dominant in this research, which only 4 data found


Example 1

Datum no. 88

ST: Wrote the book!

TT: Tentu!

The example above definitely using idiomatic translation, for the ST:

Wrote the book! Were only translated into TT: ‘Tentu!’. This considers to that

the ST can not be reflected as similar as in TT. If the line ‘Wrote the book!’

were translated into TT: ’Tulis bukunya’, it will be so damn far away from the

real meaning from the ST based on the context of the movie.

Here the idiomatic ‘Tentu!’ is the closest meaning that reflects to the ST.

As in the scene in the movie, Anastasia was asking about her, and Dimitri and

Vladimir were only saying ‘Wrote the book’, which this words reflect that

Dimitri and Vladimir say yes as the answer of Anastasia’s question. This is the

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way to make the translation more comfortable the translator prefered to use the

word ‘Tentu’ for the text translation in the TT.

Datum no. 88 as an idiomatic, which the word from ST: Wrote the book!

Was translated only by one word ‘Tentu!’. Idiomatic is preferring

colloquialisms and idioms where these not exist in ST. The TT ‘Tentu!’ is not

exist in ST. This is the way of the translator to make the translation text is more

understandable for the readers. If the text Wrote the book! Is translated word-

for-word or literally, the readers probably can be confused since the translation

text and the context of the situation in the movie is not corelation.

Example 2

Datum no. 94

ST: Like a little boat, you give a bow

TT: Sesuai sekali,kau beri hormat

The example from datum no. 94 shows the idiomatic, which the text in TT

‘Sesuai sekali, kau beri hormat’ actually was not exist in ST. Idiomatic occurs

in the line ‘Like a little boat’ which translated into ‘Sesuai sekali’. Just like the

line ‘Wrote the book’, this is the way of the translator to reflect the meaning

from the ST into TT, which actually the element in ST can not be perfectly

reflected into TT. The element here tends to the line ‘Like a little boat’. If this

text is translated into ‘ Seperti perahu kecil’ the translation is not accurate.

The line ‘Like a little boat’ is a term that shows the true fact, so the text

translation in ST was chosen ‘Sesuai sekali’. Once again, this translation also

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according to the scene when this song was sang by Anastasia, Dimitri and

Vladimir. This is like a dialogue song that sang by more than one person.

1.6. Literal and Free Translation Technique

Literal and free translation technique are used in one data in a sentence.

For the example:

Example 1

Datum no. 01

ST: St. Petersburg is gloomy, St. Petersburg is bleak

TT: St. Petersburg bersemi, St. Petersburg bersalju

The example above using two techniques in one sentence. First is literal

and second is free translation. This is called as literal for the ST construction is

converted to the nearest TT construction. Besides, this is called as free

translation, for the words gloomy and bleak are translated into TT in very

different meaning based on the dictionary. The word gloomy and bleak actually

have the same meaning as ‘buram’ or ‘suram’, but here in this translation text,

the translator used the word ‘bersemi’ and ‘bersalju’ for the translation. Those

word in ST and TT are contrast different.

Example 2

Datum no. 03

ST: Oh, since the revolution our lives have been so gray

TT: Sejak revolusi hidup kami sungguh indah

This sentence using duplet technique, literal and free translation.

Literally, since from the first word until almost the last one was translated commit to user

literally with the same construction from ST to the nearest TT equivalent..

Then at the last one, from the word ‘gray’ is translated into ‘indah’. Both word

gray and ‘indah’ are different in meaning, but the translator used ‘indah’ for

the translation of the word gray. This is for the consideration as free translation

technique. Well, if the sentence were translated only using one technique, it

still can be accepted as translation, in fact, the translator prefered to use two


1.7. Literal and Adaptation

There is also one datum that used two technique in one sentence. In this

case, the techniques used are literal and adaptation.

Example 1

Datum no. 104

ST: She said that like a Romanoff

TT: Dia bicara seperti bangsawan

Example above is literal for the text she said that like a Romanoff is

translated literally for almost the whole sentence. The literal part occured in the

line ‘She said that like’ which was translated into ‘Dia bicara seperti’, and the

adaptation occured in the part ‘Romanoff’ which was translated into

‘bangsawan’. The word Romanoff is rather bit weird and strange for people in

the target language. To avoid the missunderstanding in this word, the translator

prefered to adapt the meaning of Romanoff into ‘bangsawan’ which more

familiar for people in target language.

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Table 4.1

Table of translation technique data

Technique Datum Source text Target text Literal 05 Although the Tsar did not Meski pangeran tidak selamat, survive, one daughter seorang anaknya masih hidup

maybe still alive 6 But please do not repeat Tolong jangan disebut-sebut 11 To someone who can bring Yang dapat membawa the princess back cucunya 14 You and I friend, will go Kau dan aku, temankukita down in history akan ukir sejarah 16 Dress her up and take her to Beri gaun seorang putri dan Paree bawa dia ke Paris 17 Imagine the reward her Bayangkan hadiah yang akan dear old grandmama will diberikan neneknya pay 18 Who else could pull it off Siapa lagi yang bisa meraih but you and me? selain kau dan aku 19 We’ll be rich, we’ll be out Kita kaya, kita pergi

20 Have you heard? What Sudahkah kau dengar yang they’re saying on the street dibicarakan masyarakat 23 Don’t turn back now that Jangan kembali, karena kita we’re here sudah disini 24 People always say life is Orang selalu bicarakan full of choices bahwa hidup adalah penuh

sukacita 25 No one ever mentions fear! Tapi orang tak pernah ucapkan rasa takut!

27 On a journey Aku dalam perjalanan.. kemasa laluku..

30 Years of dreams just can’t Impianku di setiap tahun tidak be wrong mungkin salah 31 Arms will open wide Tangannya pasti akan terbuka

lebar 32 I’ll be safe and warm Aku akan aman dan diterima 34 Well starting now, I’m Mulai sekarang aku akan

learning fast belajar dengan baik 35 On this Aku dalam perjalanan,

pencarian ke masa lalukju di 37 I will never be complete, aku takkan berhenti hingga until I find you kutemukan

38 One step at a time Dari waktu ke waktu commit to user

39 One hope, then another Dari harapan demi harapan 40 Who knows where this road Siapakah yang mengetahui

may go kemana jalan ini akan menuju 42 On to find my future Aku akan temukan masa

depanku 43 Things my heart still needs Dimana hatiku masih ingin to know tahu And a song someone sings 48 Dan lagu yang dinyanyikan 49 Once upon in December Pada suatu waktu di bulan Desember 64 My curse made each of Seperti tujuan semula, them pay kutukanku membuat tiap mereka membayar 66 Little ’, beware, Anya kecil waspadalah, Rasputin’s awake Rasputin menanti 79 In the dark of night, she’ll Dalam kegelapan malam kita be through akan temukan dia 89 But you’d behave when Tapi kau diam ketika ditatap your father gave that look ayahmu 90 Imagine how it was, your Bayangkan itu bagaimana long forgotten past masa lalumu yang terlupa 92 Now, shoulders back and Sekarang coba berdiri stand up tall and do not tegakdan coba jangan wlak but try to float menunduk 95 Your hand receives a kiss Tanganmu akan mendapat 107 Tell yourself it’s easy, and ciuman.. it’s true Katakan bahwa itu mudah, itu 108 Next, you must memorize memang mudah the names of the royalty Berikut, ingat semua nama 113 Here, have a flower on me bangsawan

114 Forget where you’re from, Disini ada bunga bersamaku you’re in France. Lupakan asalmu, kau berada 115 Children, come.. I’ll show di Prancis you that French Anak-anak, mari aku 116 And soon all Paris will be tunjukkan Paris singing to you Dan Paris akan bernyanyi Paris holds the key to your 117 untukmu heart Paris akan datang di hatimu

119 Paris holds the key to her past Paris menyimpan rahasia

masa lalumu

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Adaptation 02 My underwear got frozen Tulangku seluruhnya standing here all week membeku

12 A rubel for this painting! Rubel ( uang ) untuk lukisan It’s Romanov, I swear ini pasti menguntungkan, aku

janji 26 Or how the world can seem Atau bagaimana dunia dapat so vast bernyanyi sangat cepat.

52 Across my memory Tertoreh di ingatanku. 54 Things my heart used to Masa dimana hati know mengenalinya 58 In the dark of the night, I di malam kelam aku memiliki was tossing and turning kesempatan

69 The revenge will be sweet balas dendam akan berhasil 70 When the curse is complete dan kutuk akan sempurna 72 Tie my sash and a dash of waktunya bagiku untuk cologne meninggalakan bau busuk ini 74 I’ll see her crawl into place kulihat dia memohon di depanku 75 Dasvidanya, Anya, your ketika kita selesai, Anya, yang grace, farewell mulia akan mati 76 In the dark of night, terror dalam kegelapan malam kita will strike her. akan temukan dia 81 Come, my minions, rise for datanglah pasukanku, kembali your master pada majikanmu 82 Let your evil shine lepaskan segala kejahatanmu 91 We’ve lots and lots to teach kami siap mengingatkannya

you and the time is going padamu dan harus dengan fast cepat 93 aku merasa sedikit bodoh..apa I feel a little I floating aku telah benar? 100 Follow my footsteps, shoe Ikuti langkahku, langkah demi langkah by shoe 118 When you’re feeling blue, Bila hatimu jatuh cinta, come to Le Moulin datang ke Bermula

123 Paris holds the key to your Paris menyimpan rahasia heart hatiku

Word-for-word 15 We’ll find a girl to play the Kita akan cari gadis untuk translation part and teach her what to perankan putri dan ajarkan say dia berkata

29 I know saomeone’s waiting Aku tahu seseorrang commit to user menunggu

41 Back to who I was Kembali pada siapa diriku sebelumnya

50 Someone holds me safe and Seseorang memelukku hangat warm dan erat

63 When the Royals betrayed Ketika kerajaan me, they made a mistake mengkhianatiku, mereka membuat kesalahan

65 But one little girl got away Tapi seorang gadis kecil melarikan diri 71 I can feel that my powers Aku dapat merasa kekuatanku are slowly returning perlahan semakin pulih, 85 Yes that’s right! You rode Benar! Kau telah menunggang horseback when you were kuda ketika kau berusia 3 only three tahun 87 Was I wild? Apakah aku nakal?

97 If I can learn to do it, you Jika aku dapat belajar can learn to do it melakukannya, kau dapat 105 Not, until you get this right Tidak, hingga kau telah and the nightmare I had lakukan dengan benar 109 and I recall his yellow cat Dan aku katakan ia kucing kuning 112 welcome my friends to Selamat datang kawanku di Paris Paris 121 Yes, princess I found you at Ya Putri, aku temukan dirimu last pada akhirnya 122 No more pretend, you’ll be Tak perlu meniru lagi, kau gone at the end akan pergi dan berakhir

110 I don’t believe we told her Aku tak percaya kami ajarkan that itu 67 In the dark of night, evil Di dalam kegelapan malam,

will find her kami akan menemukan dia

Free translation 04 Thank Goodness for the Masuk dalam industri mesin technique gossip that gets us through dan membawa kita ke era

baru 07 It’s a rumor, a legend a Gosipnya adalah magic dan mystery! misteri!

08 Something whispered in an Tuan penyihir membuktikan alleyway ancamannya

09 Or through a crack! It’s a Gosipnya berkembang dan rumor, that’s part of our menjadi sejarah history

33 Finally home where i Akhirnya akan berada di belong commit to user rumah, dimana harusnya aku

berada 36 Home, love, family Sekeluarga hangat dan penuh

dengan kasih 46 Dancing bears, painted Tarian peri, dengan sayapnya

wings 47 Things I almost Yang selalu kuingat 51 Figures dancing gracefully Mendampingiku menari

dengan indahnya 53 Far away long ago, glowing Jauh di masa lalu, terkenang dim as an ember terus di lubuk hatiku 59 And the nightmare I had Dan mimpi buruk yang was as bed as can be kumiliki akan segera sirna 60 It’s scared me out of my Ini membuatku bebas dari wits a corpse is falling into kehancuran berkeping-keping bits 61 Then I open my eyes and Dan aku kembali membuka the nightmare was me mataku, akan kukutuk yang bersamaku 68 In the dark of the night, just Di dalam kegelapan malam, before dawn..ah kami akan menang..ah 72 Tie my sash and a dash of Waktunya bagiku untuk cologne meninggalkan bau busuk ini 73 For that smell as the pieces Kerapuhanku kini sirna fall into place 78 Soon she will feel that her Sebentar lagi dia akan nightmare are real rasakan kesedihan pada kegelapan malam 83 You were born in a palace Kamu dilahirkan di istana

by the sea fantasi 84 A palace by the sea, could Istana fantasi benarkah? it be?

98 Something in you knows it Ada sesuatu di hidungmu 99 There’s nothing to it Dan tak ada yang bodoh 106 Pull yourself together, and Perhatikan dengan seksama

you’ll pull through it dan kau takkan gagal 111 I simply knew it suddenly I Aku tahu begitu saja, seketika

feel like someone new aku merasa seperti seseorang yang kukenal 120 When you think you can’t, Semua akan menari dan kau

you’ll find you can can juga dapat menari juga

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Idiomatic 88 Wrote the book Tentu! translation 94 Like a little boat, you give Sesuai sekali, kau beri hormat

a bow 102 And never slurp the Serta jangan lahap

stroganoff 103 I never cared for stroganoff aku tak pernah lahap

Literal + free 01 St. Petersburg is gloomy, St. Petersburg bersemi, St. translation St.Petersburg is bleak Petersburg bersalju 03 Oh, since the revolution our Sejak revolusi hidup kami lives have been so gray sungguh indah

Literal + 104 She said that like a Dia bicara seperti bangsawan adaptation Romanoff

2. Accuracy

In analyzing the data, the researcher needs to distributes questioner to

three raters. The quetioner contains the data for the research which the raters

should score on it. The raters have been selectively invited to support the

researcher’s analysis. This is a way to measure the level of accuracy of the

song translation in the movie Anastasia. There is a table of scale of accuracy

below. The table guides the raters to give score in the quetioner given.

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Table 4.2

Table of scoring the accuracy

Score Description 3 The message of English song is correctly transferred into the

Indonesian expression. The subject of the message is

correctly referred and the context of situation is properly

maintained in the Indonesian expression

Part of the message, subject or context of situation of English 2 song is not correctly conveyed into Indonesian expression. It contains ambigious meaning, or some of them are not


1 All of the message, subject and context of situation of English song are NOT correctly conveyed into the Indonesian expression. OR the English song is not translated

at all in the target language


After all data have been scored, then they all are categorized into 3


A : accurate translation, means score range from 3 to 2.6

B : less accurate translation, means score range from 2.3 to 1.6

C : inaccurate translation, means score range from 1.3 to 1

The classification of the accuracy analysis can be seen as follows:

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2.1. Classification A

Classification A is accurate translation. In this research, based on the data

gained through the questionnaire from the raters, there are found 34 data

categorized as accurate translation. It is approximate one-quarter percent of all

data which are analyzed included in this research. These data are accurate since

the message from the source language including the context of the situation all

are delivered accurately into the target language, the reader can understand

well the meaning from the text. Some of the examples are describes as follows:

Example 1:

Datum 06

ST: But please do not repeat

TT: Tolong jangan disebut-sebut

In the example 1, although there is reduction in this technique, the text

already accurately translated. It does not give effect to the translation text at all.

The text can still be read as a good text. All the raters agree to score 3 in this

datum as accurate translation. Based on the analysis, the word ‘but’ in ST is

eliminated in TT translation and it is replaced by the word ‘tolong’.

This is a simple sentence to translate, however, the meaning and the

context of situation are correctly delivered into target language. In other word,

the meaning is understood well by the readers, and the context of the situation is

maintained. commit to user

Example 2:

Datum no. 17

ST: Imagine the reward her dear old grandmama will pay!

TT: Bayangkan hadiah yang akan diberikan oleh neneknya!

In the example 2, the text from ST is directly transferred into TT and it is

accurate since the message is understood well. All the raters agree to give score 3,

for the translation is accurate from the message and the context. The accuration is

measured from the word from ST is transferred as well in TT. The meaning and

the context are understandable.

2.2. Classification B

Classification B is less accurate translation. There are 83 data categorized

as less accurate translation. The characteristic of less accurate translation is

measured when the message from source text is not transferred as well in the

message and the context of the situation. In other words, There are some

friction in meaning and sometimes, it causes the ambigious meaning. There are

some examples described as follows:

Example 1:

Datum no. 2 commit to user

ST: My underwear got frozen standing here all week

TT: Tulangku seluruhnya membeku.

It is an example of less accurate translation since there is a lack in

transferring the message. Actually the text from ST is translated totally different

into TT. The lines ‘My underwear got frozen standing here all week’ is only

translated into ‘tulangku seluruhnya membeku’, actually it has no corelation

between the meaning from ST with TT. Probably the translator wants to make

the translation calmer and saver especially for the kids as the readers. The part

that makes this translation is less accurate is the text of ‘tulangku seluruhnya

membeku’. This part is less accurate, that the readers do not really understand

what is meant by this text translation. Since there is no corelation between ST

and the meaning in TT. All raters give score 2 for this translation.

Example 2

Datum no. 4

ST: Thank Goodness for the gossip that gets us through

TT: Masuk dalam industri mesin dan membawa kita ke era baru

In this example, the translation is considered as less accurate since the

translation does not represents the meaning in the ST. It means that the meaning

is not transferred well from ST into TT. There are some words eliminated then

replaced by another words. Although the translation is categorized as less

accurate, in some point of view, the readers probably still can understand the

meaning, however, the accuracy of the translation is not proper as well. commit to user

Both the example above are less accurate in the way the translator totally

different translate the text from source text into target text. Although those are

less accurate in word or meaning, the readers or the viewers still can understand

by considering the context in the movie.

2.3. Classification C

Classification C is inaccurate translation. There are 6 data that categorized

as inaccurate translation. Inaccurate translation means that the entire message

from ST is not delivered at all into TT, and the message is not proper with the

context of the situation. There are examples of inaccurate translation as follow:

Example 1:

Datum no. 8

ST: Something whispered in an alleyway

TT: Tuan penyihir membuktikan ancamannya,

In the translation of example above, the translation categorized as

inaccurate translation. It is definitely seen from the text in ST which is so much

different translated into TT. Word per word in ST which translated into TT is

not the equivalent words. It seems that the translator is so free in translating the

meaning from ST into TT. The ST: ‘Something whispered in an alleyway’,

were translated into TT become: ‘Tuan penyihir membuktikan ancamannya’.

The meaning is not transferred at all, that all the raters give score 1.

commit to user

Example 2

Datum no. 60

ST : It’s scared me out of my wits a corpse is falling into bits

TT : Ini membuatku bebas dari kehancuran berkeping-keping,

From the example above, it is definitely shown that the translation is

categorized as inaccurate one. It is considered as inaccurate, because the

meaning from source text is not delivered well into target text, and also the

context of the situation. That’s why the raters give score 1 for the translation.

Table 4.3

Table of the classification of accuracy

Categories Data number Total Accurate 06 17 27 29 33 39 40 41 49 50 52 28

63 65 71 79 81 95 97 100 104 105

106 107 108 112 114 115 116 121

Less 01 02 03 04 05 07 09 11 12 14 15 72 accurate 16 18 19 2022 23 24 25 26 30 31 32

34 35 36 37 38 42 43 46 47 48 51 53

54 58 61 64 66 67 68 69 70 75 76 78 82 83 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

98 99 102 103 109 110 111 113 117 118 119 120 122

Inaccurate 08 60 72 73 74 77 6

commit to user

3. Acceptability

Beside measuring the scale of the accuracy of the translation, the

questionnaire also involves the assessment of acceptability. Still the

questionnaire is fulfilled by the same three raters. They also give the score for

the assessment of the acceptability. To make the scoring of the assessment is in

the control, that the raters can give score based on the rules, the researcher

provides the description scale of scoring the assessment. The description is in

the table below.

Table 4.4

Table of scoring acceptability

Score Description 3 The translation of English song seems natural as an Indonesian expression. It means that the grammatical

structure, diction and culture of the English song are

appropriately adjusted into Indonesian expressions.

Part of the grammatical structure, diction, or culture of 2 English song is not appropriately adjusted into Indonesian

expression, so that the expression sounds like a translation

product in some parts, or less natural.

The translation of English song does NOT sound natural as

1 an Indonesian expression. All of the grammatical structure,

diction and culture of the English song are not properly

adjusted into Indonesian expression

commit to user


After all data have been scored, they are all categorized into 3


A : acceptable translation, mean score range from 3 to 2.6

B : less acceptable translation, mean range from 2.3 to 1.6

C : unacceptable translation, mean score range from 1.3 to 1

The analysis of classification of the acceptable can be seen as follows:

3.1. Classification A

Most of the translations of the song in this research are included as

acceptable translation. There are 105 data found as acceptable translation text.

The characteristics of acceptable translation are correct in grammaticall and

naturally expressed in the target language. There are some examples of

acceptable translation described as follows:

Example 1:

Datum no. 10

ST: They say her royal grandmama will pay a royal sum

TT: Neneknya yang seorang bangsawan akan memberi hadiah,

In the example of translation above, They say her royal grandmama will

pay royal sum, in the target language,commit to the user translation is Neneknya yang seorang

bangsawan akan memberi hadiah. It sounds natural at the translation text. For

that reason, the text is categorized as acceptable text for the readers in all ages.

It is no doubt that the raters consider this as acceptable translation, that they

give score 3

Example 2

Datum no. 30

ST: Years of dreams just can’t be wrong

TT: Impianku di setiap tahun tidak mungkin salah.

The technique of the translation from datum no. 30 is literal translation.

Literally the text Years of dreams can be translated into Tahun-tahun impian,

but here, the translator prefers to change the point of view for the translation,

and the text translation is Impianku di setiap tahun. For this translation, the

raters agree to give score 3, it means, the translation is quite acceptable. It is

acceptable although there is the changing in point of view, yet this changing

shows an aesthetic words in this translation.

3.2. Classification B

Classification B is less accceptable. There are 18 data that categorized as

less acceptable. The characteristic of less acceptable translation is the

translation feels less natural and it sounds weird in target language. However,

this translation still can be accepted. Other characteristic is that the structure of

the sentence feels less natural in target language, and the aesthetic point can not commit to user

be felt as well. There are some examples of less acceptable translation which

are described as follows:

Example 1:

Datum no. 14

ST: You and I friend, will go down in history!

TT: Kau dan aku, temanku kita akan ukir sejarah!

The translation of song lyric above sounds less natural in some parts. It

occurs in the part ‘temanku kita’. While in the source text the part which occurs

in target text ‘temanku kita’ was not exist. This is the way that the translator

prefers to use compensation technique, which the part ‘temanku kita’ replaces

an element in source text. However, this way seems too force in target text. For

the impact, the translation sounds odd and less natural. For that, the raters agree

to give score 2 in this point as if less acceptable translation. For suggestion, the

part ‘temanku kita’ should not be appeared in the target text.

Example 2:

Datum no. 24

ST: People always say life is full of choices,

TT: Orang selalu bicarakan bahwa hidup adalah penuh sukacita

Almost the same as with the example 1, example 2 is rather bit odd

translation. The translation makes the lyric sounds weird and less natural from

the source text. The part ‘full of choices’ in ST is translated into TT ‘penuh commit to user sukacita’. Both these parts are different in meaning. ‘Choices’ in target text

should be ‘pilihan’ is less acceptable, but in this text, the translator prefers to

use ‘penuh sukacita’. Which, this translation is less acceptable.

Also in the part ‘people always say’ which translated into ‘orang selalu

bicarakan’. Actually, this translation still can be accepted in target language,

but the diction which using ‘bicarakan’ is less proper. It will be more

acceptable and suitable to hear or read if the translation using ‘orang – orang

selalu mengatakan’. The choice of words is more suitable for people in target


3.2 Classification C

Classification C is unacceptable translation. In this research, there is no

data which is categorized as unacceptable translation. In simple, most of the

translation texts in this research are categorized as acceptable and less

acceptable translation.

Table 4.5

Table of classification of acceptability

Categories Data number Total Acceptable 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 90

17 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 60 61

63 65 66 68 69 72 73 74 75 79 81 82 83 84 87 89 91 92 93 94 95 97 98

99 100 101 102 103 104 106 107

108 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120commit 122 123 to user

Less 14 15 16 18 24 40 54 64 67 70 71 76 18 acceptable 78 90 105 109 110 121

C. Discussion

As been stated before in the beginning of this chapter, the result of the

research will also be discussed in this chapter. Some aspect to discuss here can

be the analysis of the technique used in translating the song, and the impact of

the technique to the accuracy and the acceptability in the translation of song, in

the movie Anastasia. Based on the analysis above, there are found severals

technique in translating song in the movie ‘Anastasia’. For specific, there are 7

techniques in the reseacrh..

1. Technique of the translation

Based on the analysis, there are 5 single technique and 2 duplet

techniquesused in this research. Single technique means, the technique used in a

sentence (datum) is only one, for example: adaptation. Here is the single

technique in this research: literal, adaptation, word-for-word, free translation,

and idiomatic translation.

Literal technique, in this research is very dominant, there are 41 data in

this researchused literal technique. followed by another technique, free

translation technique which in this research there are 23 data found, which

becomes the second dominant technique in this research. The next technique is commit to user adaptation translation which in this technique there are 19 data found in this

research. Another technique is word-for-word translation, which is in this

research there are 16 data found. Another technique is idiomatic translation,

which only 4 data found in this research. While for duplet techniques, there are

literal + free translation technique ( 2 data), and literal + adaptation technique (

1 data).

From details view, it is shown in the table below.

Table 4.6

Table of the total techniques used

Technique Data number Total Literal translation 05 06 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 41 23 24 25 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 43 48 49 64 66 79 8990 92 95 107 108 113 114 115 116 117 119 02 12 26 52 54 58 69 70 72 19 Adaptation translation 74 75 76 81 82 91 93 100

Dedes 118 123

Word-for-word translation 15 41 50 63 71 85 87 97 105 16 109 112 121 122 110 67 29

Free translation 4 7 8 9 33 36 46 47 5153 60 23 61 68 72 73 78 83 84 98 99

106 111 120 Idiomatic translation 88 94 102 103 6

Literal + free translation 01 03 2

Literal + adaptation 104 1

As seen from the table above, it can be detected that the translator used 2

main kind of techniques. They are single and duplet technique. However, single commit to user technique is dominant to applied in the research. It is dominant that every single

technique has one or more data which applied it. Even, a single technique is the

most dominant in this research, which literal is the first most dominant, and

then followed by free translation which has 23 data.

Another technique, adaptation is the third dominant which has 19 data.

Then the next technique is word-for-word translation which has 16 data in this

research,and idiomatic translation is the least single technique used in this

research, which only 4 data found here. For duplet techniques, only in two ways

the translator used the technique, they are literal + free translation and literal +

adaptation translation.

Simple to say, the translator in this song translation intended to use single

technique, which is more simply to use in every single data. Even, the

translator’s trend is using one or two main single technique to translate the song

in the movie. It is literal, and free translation. The second trends is duplet

technique applied for the song translation. Duplet technique used since, some

data in this research contain complicated sentence, which the data only can be

translated by more than one technique.

2. Impact of Technique to Accuracy and Acceptability of Song


In this research, there are two contrast impacts from the technique used.

Mostly, the result of the translation texts in this research are less accurate. It is

called as contrast, since, the impact for the accuracy is proven the more as less

commit to user

accurate than as accurate translation. There are 72 data as less accurate, 28 data

as accurate translation, and only 6 data as inaccurate translation.

For the technique used literal translation, there are 26 data included as less

accurate translation, and 15 data included as accurate translation. For adaptation

translation, there are 14 data categorized as less accurate translation, 4 data as

accurate translation, and 1 data as inaccurate translation. For the technique used

word-for-word translation, there are 6 data categorized as accurate translation,

and the rest is less accurate translation. Free translation is the most technique

which contributed most inaccurate translation, which has 4 data included, and

the rest is less accurate. Idiomatic translation has the result as less accurate


For the acceptable impact, the translation is mostly acceptable, for there

are 90 data as acceptable translation, and 16 data as less acceptable translation.

Literal translation contributed the most data as less acceptable with 8 data, and

then word-for-word translation with 4 data, and adaptation translation with 3

data, and free translation with 1 data

Table 4.7

Table of the total translation accuracy and acceptability

Number Quality assessment of data

Accurate 28 Accuracy

Less accurate 72 commit to user

Inaccurate 6

Acceptable 90

Less Acceptability 16 acceptable

Unacceptable -

From the table above, it can be seen that there are 28 data which is

accurate translation. But the result of less accurate translation is more than the

accurate, that there are 72 data and only 6 data which is categorized as

inaccurate translation. On the assessment of acceptability, there is no data

which is classified as unacceptable. There are only 16 data which is categorized

as less acceptable translation. Most of them or 90 data is categorized as

acceptable translation.

By these result, it can be said that the translation although most of them

are less accurate, the reader still can accept it as acceptable translation. For the

translation is less accurate for the most, but acceptable mostly.

commit to user

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