perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id36 CHAPTER IV Data Analysis A. Introduction This chapter contains and describes the result of data analysis which is believed to drive this research into the final result and overall conclusion. The data are divided into some numbers. In this chapter, the researcher got 123 data. It is significant to draw the data analysis into this chapter to get a clear comprehension of what is being analyzed, which is basically to answer the research problems as follows: 1. Techniques of translating song from the original soundtrack movie 2. The impacts of techniques to the quality of translation of song in the movie, Anastasia. In this chapter, the analysis is started with an introduction, followed by the main analysis and ended with a discussion. There are several tables included in this chapter to make a more explicit result. B. Analysis 1. Technique of translating song In translating song, there are some techniques applied. The techniques applied to determine the accuracy and the acceptability level in translating song. By this way, the researcher will find the trend of translating song in the movie, Anastasia. commit to user 36 perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id37 There are 106 data found in this research. Most of them are accurate translation although some of them could be less accurate. Almost all techniques which are used in this research are found. 1.1 Literal translation Usually this technique is the most dominant technique which is applied in some researches. Literal translation is a technique which is converted the SL grammatical construction to their nearest TL equivalents. However, it does not mean that a word from the source text is always translated exactly to a word in the target text. Word from the source text is translated into the target text based on its meaning and its function on the overall meaning. There are 41 data found using literal translation technique in this research. Example 1: Datum no. 18 ST: who else could pull it off but you and me? TT: siapa lagi yang bisa meraih selain kau dan aku Datum number 18 shows a complete sentence from a lyric of the song. This song was sang when Dimitri and Vladimir find Anastasia and bring her to Paris to meet her grandmother. They ( Dimitri and Vladimir ) was aimed to get the royal sum from Anastasia’s grandmother. They happy to find Anastasia, for they will get some money if they can bring back the princess to the royal grandmother. commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id38 This text is translated almost in the same construction as the source text. No changes for this text. Every word from the source text is translated exactly to the target text. That is why this belongs to literal translation. Example 2: Datum no.40 ST: who knows where this road may go TT: siapa yang mengetahui kemana jalan ini akan menuju. Example 3: Datum no. 34 ST: Well, starting now I’m learning fast TT: Mulai sekarang aku akan belajar dengan baik. In the example 2 there is one word that is translated rather bit different from the source text. In example 2, the word may is translated into akan,while the meaning of the word may in target text should be bisa/boleh. In example 3, the word fast is translated into erat, while in fact, the meaning of fast in target text should be cepat. However, these examples do not impact too much to the accuracy of the translation,because both the meaning in the target text still has corelation. As stated before, literal translation does not mean that a word from the source text is always translated exactly to a word in the target text. The example no 1,2,3 is simple example of literal translation. For addition, the commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id39 example 2 and 3 show that the text which translated using literal translation does not always translated exactly word for word in the target text. 1.2. Adaptation Adaptation technique is used when there is a lack of the target language to interpret some cultural items of the source language. Basically, this technique works to replace an unfamiliar cultural item in the source language to a more familiar cultural item in the target language. This is to make the translation more easier to be understood. Sometimes in the source text often found a text or more which difficult to find the nearest equivalent in the target text. Adaptation is the ‘freest’ form of translation. Mainly, this is used for plays, such as comedies and poetry. The themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, from the ST culture converted to the TL. Overall, there are 19 data which are categorized as adaptation technique in this research. It can be said that adaptation technique also becomes the most dominant in translating song. Example 1: Datum no.58 ST: In the dark of the night, I was tossing and turning TT: di malam kelam aku memiliki kesempatan From the example datum no. 58 the adaptation technique occurs in the way the translator converted the line I was tossing and turning. The translator transfered the meaning into ‘aku memiliki kesempatan’. If this line is translated commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id40 word for word or literally as the same structure in the ST, the translation will be meaningless. As the reason, the translator considered to the target persons who read the text. Here, the movie Anastasia is targeted to the children mainly, however the viewers were not only children but also teenagers, and parents. For that reason, the text I was tossing and turning is translated into ‘aku memiliki kesempatan’ for the text translation is more suitable to read, and also understandable well rather than using another technique. Example 2: Datum no.69 ST: The revenge will be sweet TT: balas dendam akan berhasil The example from datum no. 69 also shows the adaptation technique in translating song. This is considered as adaptation, because in the source text the line: the revenge will be sweet is translated into ‘balas dendam akan berhasil’. This points to ‘will be sweet’ which converted into ‘akan berhasil’. Literally, sweet means ‘manis’ and this refers to the taste especially. So the translator prefered to use ‘akan berhasil’ for this translation based on the situation and the context of the text. The situation when this line stated is Rasputin as the witch sang a song, and he stated that he will revenge to Anastasia, and he definitely sure that he will be successful in doing his action to revans to Anastasia. commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id41 Example 3 Datum no. 74 ST: I’ll see her crawl into place TT: Kulihat dia memohon di depanku The example from datum no. 74 also said as adaptation technique in this translation to make the reader more easily to understand the text. Based on the situation in the movie, this song also sang by Rasputin that imagines Anastasia will crawl in front of him, to send her appologize to Rasputin and beg for his kindness not to hurt her. Based on the situation, Anastasia walks forward to Rasputin. For that situation, the translation is more suitable if this line were translated into ‘memohon di depanku’ rather than ‘merangkak di tempat’. If the text translated into ‘merangkak di tempat’, the context of the situation in the movie will not delivered as well. It also tends to the aesthetic values, which the words used are beautiful and support the context of the situation in the song and the movie itself. 1.3. Word-for-Word This is a technique that the translation is bounded by word order and the word form of the source. This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TT immediately below the ST words. In this songs translation, there are 16 data found using this technique. commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id42 Example 1 Datum no. 29 ST: I know someone’s waiting TT: Aku tahu seseorang menunggu The example above shows the word-for-word technique, for every word order in ST is preserved and the word translated is one word from ST is translated into one word in TT. The line, I know someone’s waiting,which translated into ‘Aku tahu seseorang menunggu’ the word order in TT is the same construction as in ST. The construction is I is translated into ‘aku’, the word know is translated into ‘tahu’, someone’s is translated into ‘seseorang’, and waiting is translated into ‘menunggu’. This is word-for-word translation. Example 2 Datum no.41 ST: Back to who I was TT: Kembali pada siapa diriku sebelumnya The example above also definitely shows the word-for-woord technique. The word back is translated into ‘kembali’, the word to is translated into ‘pada’, then the word who, I, was, orderly translated into ‘siapa, diriku, sebelumnya. commit to user perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id43 This is an example that the translator tried to make the text translation is more efficient and effectively in word, and be more simpler in the translation text. Example 3 Datum no. 65 ST: But one little girl got away TT: Tapi seorang gadis kecil melarikan diri This is also stated as word-for-word translation technique, for the text translation in TT is immediately below the ST words. 1.4. Free Translation Free translation technique reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original.
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