Middle Ordovician Phosphatic Inarticulate Brachiopods from Våstergotland and Dalarna, Sweden

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Middle Ordovician Phosphatic Inarticulate Brachiopods from Våstergotland and Dalarna, Sweden Middle Ordovician phosphatic inarticulate brachiopods from Våstergotland and Dalarna, Sweden Lars E. Hollller FOSSILS AND STRATA Editor files(t he editorwill provide the necessary information on request) . Stefan Bengtson, Institute of Palaeontology, Box 558, S-751 22 Manuscript processing is designed to ensure rapid and inexpensive Uppsala, Sweden. production without compromising quality. Proofs are produced from the edited text files using desk-top-publishing techniques. Editonal and administrativeboard Galley proofs are sent to the au thors to provide opportunity to Stefan Bengtson (Uppsala) , Fredrik Bockelie (Oslo), Valdemar check the editor's changes and to revise the text if needed. Page Poulsen (Copenhagen) . proofs let the authors check the page layout, cross-references, word-breaks, etc., and to correct any remaining errors in the text. Publisher The final type will be produced on a high-resolution phototypeset­ Universitetsforlaget, Postboks 2959, Tøyen, N-0608 Oslo 6, Norway. ter, and both text and illustrations are printed on high-quality coated paper. Fossils and Strata is an international series of monographs and Although articles in German and French may be accepted, the memoirs in palaeontology and stratigraphy, published in coopera­ use of English is strongly preferred. An English abstract should tion between the Scandinavian countries. It is issued in Numbers always be provided, and non-English articles should have English with individual pagination, listed cumulatively on the back of each versions of the figure captions. Abstracts or summaries in one or cover. more additional languages may be added. Fossils and Strataforms part of the same structured publishing Many regional or systematic descriptions and revisions contain programme as the journals Lethaia and Boreas. These two journals a nucleus of results which are of immediate and general interest in are fully international and accept papers within their respective international palaeontology and stratigraphy. It is expected that sectors of science without national limitations or preferences. Fos­ authors of such papers will to some exten t duplicate their publica­ sils and Strata,however, is an outlet for more comprehensive system­ tion in the form of an article for ajournal, in the firstplace Lethaia atic and regional monographs emanating primarily from the five or Boreas. countries of Norden. Contributions from other countries may also Individual numbers and standing subscriptions may be ordered be included if this series is deemed appropriate with regard to from Universitetsforlaget (address as above) . Prices (subject to distribution and availabili ty. Articles can normally only be accepted revision) are listed on the back side of each issue. IPA members if they are heavily subsidized by the national Research Council in generally have a 50% discoun t on older issues (ask for information their country of origin or by other fu nds. All income is re-invested from Universitetsforlaget) , and un til the end of 1989 standing in forthcoming numbers of the series. subscribers may purchase a set of back numbers 1-18 (except for Manuscripts should conform with the instructions on p. 30fthis Nos. 2, 4, Il, and 13, which are out ofstock) for a total price ofUSD cover. Normally the text should be submitted as word-processor 33.00. All prices exclude postage and handling. An Internationaljournal of Lethaia, like its sister journal Boreas, forms part of a publishing LETHAlA Palaeontology and Stratigraphy system with special ambitions to apply and develop modern tech­ niques, methodology and standards in scientificpublicat ion. These journals are semi-specialized, intending to cover and provide infor­ mation within the respective interest ranges of large groups of earth and life scientists. They do not duplicate the functions of � extant, strictly specialized journals in their field, national series, or Editor monograph and memoir series. Lars Ramskold, Department ofPalaeozoology, Swedish Museum of Subscription to UTHAlA 1989 NaturaI History, Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm 50, Sweden. Ordinary price (non-members of IPA, institutions, libraries, etc.): Le/haia publishes articles of international interest in the fields of Nordic countries NOK 630,00; all other countries USD 115.00 (1989) . palaeontology and stratigraphy. Articles on the morphology and anatomy of fossil plants and animals should be of general interest Discount subscription to and membership for 1989 in the to palaeontologists, and articles on systematic palaeontology LEmAlA InternationalPalaeontological Association should deal with the higher units in systematics or key forms on which our concepts of classification are based. New features, new Subscribing membership for individual palaeontologists in the forms and significant changes in the known distribution of fossils International Palaeontological Association (IPA, affiliated to the organisms also constitute important criteria for the acceptance of International Union of Geological Sciences, IUGS) may be ob­ articles. Palaeobiology - particularly palaeoecology - and ecostra­ tained by payment ofNOK330,00 (Nordic countries) or USD 60.00 tigraphy are the core topics of the journal. Articles on stratigraphy (all other countries) to Universitetsforlaget, Box 2959, Tøyen, should meet the same requirements for general interest as the N-0608 Oslo 6, Norway. The applicant must sign a statement that palaeontological articles and de al with stratigraphic principles, he undertakes to retain his discount copy of Lethaia as a personal correlation of at least continent-wide importance, stratotype areas copy and not deposit it in a public or institutional library. of key character, new occurrences or revisions which establish Back volurnes (1-21, 1968-1988) may be ordered on the same major features in palaeogeography, etc. ·conditions. Middle Ordovician phosphatic inarticulate brachiopods from Vastergotland and Dalarna, Sweden LARS E. HOLMER Holmer, L. E. 1989 11 30: Middle Ordovician phosphatic inarticulate brachiopods from Vastergotland and Dalarna, Sweden. Fossils and Strata, No. 26, pp. 1-172. Oslo. ISSN 0300-949l. ISBN 82-00-37425-4. [Revised and published version of doetoral thesis pre­ sented at the Faculty of Science, Uppsala University, 1988.] Phosphatic inarticulate brachiopods are described from Middle Ordovician (Viru Series) strata in Vastergotland and Dalarna, Sweden. The material originates from a series of closely spaced samples through the sequences of the Fj acka and Kårgarde sections, Dalarna, and at Gullhogen quarry, Vastergotland. Fifty-six speeies (34 named, ofwhich 22 are new) are described, assigned to 29 named genera (ofwhich three are new) . The new acrotretacean subfamily Biernatinae is proposed, together with the new acrotretacean genera Cy rtonotreta and Biernatia; the problematical genus Tegulella is erected. For the discinaceans and most of the lingulaceans open nomenclature is applied; the taxonomi­ cally complicated Family Paterulidae has been excludt;d from systematie treatment alto­ gether. The lingulaceans and discinaceans share a common type of shell structure which is clearly distinguishable from that of the acrotretaceans. The early on togeny of many speeies is described. In the examined members of the Lingulacea and Discinacea the larval shell is large and smooth, whereas the acrotretaceans have a comparatively small and pitted larval shell. Although the protegular stage as a rule is not observable in fossil material, the cementing ventrai valves of some eoconulids preserve the mould of an organic embryonic (or early larval) shell. The evolution of the phosphatic-shelled inarticulates is diseussed. Within the order Acrotretida (sensu lata) the acquisition ofa ventrai valve with holoperiph­ eral growth and a pedicle foramen could have taken place convergently severai times from alingulid stock, leading to the acrotretaceans, discinaceans, and siphonotretaceans, respectively; the latter two superfamilies are considered to belong to separate orders, the Discinida and the Siphonotretida. The usefulness of the inarticulates for biostratigraphical correlation is demonstrated. DBrachiopoda, phosphatic inarticulates, Lingulacea, Discinacea, Siphonotretacea, Acrotretacea, new subfamily Biernatinae, new genera Biernatia, Cyrtonotreta, Tegulella, shell structure, ontogeny, evolution, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, Middle Ordovician, Viistergotland, Dalarna, Sweden, N5815 N6050 E1520 E1337. LarsE. Holmer,Institu te ofPalaeontology, Box 558, S-751 22 Upp sala, Sweden; 1988 12 13, revised 1989 02 28. Contents Introduetion . .. 3 Uhakuan Stage ................................... 20 Historical review . .. 3 Dalby Limestone ..... .. 24 Material and methods .................................. 4 Discussion ....................................... 26 Middle Ordovician stratigraphy in Vastergotland and Life habits ......................................... 26 Dalarna ............................................ 5 Epifauna . .. 29 Localities . .. 6 Endofauna . .. 29 Gullhogen quarry . .. 6 Morphological terms .................................. 30 Kårgarde section . .. 9 Shell structure . .. 30 Fj acka section . .. 12 Lingulacea, Discinacea and Acrothelidae . .. 31 Biostratigraphy and palaeoecology . .. 12 Lingulacea . .. 31 Distribution, abundance and lithofacies ................ 12 Discinacea ....................................... 35 Kundan Stage ............ .. 13 Acrothelidae ..................................... 36 Aserian Stage ...................................
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