Marina Power Distribution Hub Final Report
Marina Power Distribution Hub - Final report 1. Project details Project title Marina Power Distribution Hub Project identification project no.: 10662 Name of the programme ForskEL which has funded the pro- ject (ForskVE, ForskNG or ForskEL) Name and address of the Danish Technological Institute enterprises/institution responsible for the project CVR (central business register) 56976116 Date for submission 31’th of August 2012 1 Index - Final Report Marina Power Distribution Hub - Final report 1 1. Project details 1 2. Executive summary 3 3. Project results 7 3.1 Project back-ground and challenge 7 3.2 The project process 8 3.2.1 General description of work packages 8 3.3 Analysis - Potential of transition to smart grid for electric boats 9 3.3.1 Possible link to existing initiatives such as Edison and ECO Grid 9 3.3.2 Analysis of boat usage patterns 9 3.3.3 Analysis of energy / power balance and potential (WP1.3) 24 3.3.4 Availability and technical stage of commercial PV products (WP 1.4) 26 3.3.5 Identification of potential PV locations near the marina (WP 1.5) 30 3.3.6 Billing and taxation schemes (WP 1.6) 38 3.3.7 Identification of potential for Danish boat owners and further business possibilities (WP 1.7) 42 3.4 Establishment of a prototype Marina Power Distribution Hub at the harbour of Ry (WP 2) 52 4. Utilization of project results 54 4.1 Compilation and dissemination of experience gathered (WP 3) 54 5. Project conclusion and perspective 55 2 2.