TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008 List of readings

Here are some of the readings I'm hoping to go through during the residency. This is going to be an evolving list.

How-To's / for Beginners

1. “Tactical Technology Collective,”

2. John Emerson, “Visualizing for Advocacy: An Introduction to ” (Tactical

Technology Collective, January 2008),

3. “The Work of and Graphics Press,”

4. “Flickr Photo Download: periodic of visualization methods,”


1. Edward R. Tufte, Beautiful Evidence (Graphics Press, 2006).

2. Edward R. Tufte, Envisioning Information (Graphics Press, 1990).

3. Franco Moretti, Graphs, , Trees, 2005.

4. “Graphs, Maps, Trees - Franco Moretti: an overview of the reviews and critical reactions,”

5. Stephen Few, Information Dashboard Design: The Effective of Data (O'Reilly

Media, Inc., 2006).

6. Robert L. Harris, Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference, 1st ed. (Oxford

University Press, USA, 2000).

7. Colin Ware, Information Visualization, Second Edition: Perception for Design, 2nd ed. (Morgan

Kaufmann, 2004).

8. Ira Greenberg, Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art, 1st ed. (friends of ED, 2007).

9. Edward R. Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd edition, 2nd ed. (Graphics Press,

2001). 10. Edward R. Tufte, Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative (Graphics

Press, 1997).

11. Paul Mijksenaar, Visual Function: an Introduction to Information Design (010 Publishers, 1997).

12. Charles D. Hansen and Chris R. Johnson, Visualization Handbook, 1st ed. (Academic Press, 2004).

13. Ben Fry, Visualizing Data (O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2008).


1. “131 - US States Renamed For Countries With Similar GDPs,” Strange Maps, June 10, 2007,


2. Greenpeace, “Exxon Secrets,”,

3. “Magnetosphere revisited (audio by Tosca) on Vimeo,”

4. “MAKE: Blog: Apple's new iTunes visualizer & the open source Processing language,”


5. Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma, “ of demonstrations August-September 2007 - ALTSEAN


6. Froz Gobo, “Much Better,” apostropher, June 27, 2007,

7. “ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform,”

8. “Tactical Technology Collective,”

9. Golan Levin, Kamal Nigam, and Jonathan Feinberg, “The Dumpster,” February 14, 2006,

10. Just Vision, “Timeline,” Just Vision,

11. Walter Rafelsberger, “Twitter Conversations Map,”, 2008,

12. UP Open University, “"What is Multimedia?" These results show how often these words came up in 19

of your responses in the discussion forum,” MMS100: Introduction to Multimedia Studies (1st

Semester, 2008),


13. Alisa Miller, Why we know less than ever about the world, TED2008 (Monterey, California, 2007), 14. “,”

Tools for Visualization

1. Adam Ostrow , “16 Awesome Tools,” Mashable: Social Networking News,

2. “Gapminder - Home,”

3. “Many Eyes,”

4. “Processing 1.0 (BETA),”

5. “ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform,”

6. “SocialAction,”

7. “The Visualization Toolkit,”

8. “Visual Understanding Environment,”

9. “vvvv: a multipurpose toolkit : vvvv : a multipurpose toolkit,”

Papers, Presentations, and other Research

1. “2000 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization. An International Conference on Computer

Visualization and Graphics,” in Information Visualization, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE International

Conference on, 2000, doi:10.1109/IV.2000.859728.

2. T.J. Jankun-Kelly, Kwan-Liu Ma, and M. Gertz, “A Model and Framework for Visualization

Exploration,” Visualization and , IEEE Transactions on 13, no. 2 (2007): 357-369,


3. R. Sisneros et al., “A Multi-Level Cache Model for Run-Time Optimization of Remote

Visualization,” Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 13, no. 5 (2007): 991-

1003, doi:10.1109/TVCG.2007.1046.

4. E.H.-H. Chi et al., “A spreadsheet approach to information visualization,” in Information Visualization,

1997. Proceedings., IEEE Symposium on, 1997, 17-24, doi:10.1109/INFVIS.1997.636761.

5. D.H. House, A.S. Bair, and C. Ware, “An approach to the perceptual optimization of complex

visualizations,” Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 12, no. 4 (2006): 509-521,


6. J.M. Favre and J. Hahn, “An object oriented design for the visualization of multi-variable data objects,”

in Visualization, 1994., Visualization '94, Proceedings., IEEE Conference on, 1994, 318-325, CP35,

doi:10.1109/VISUAL.1994.346303. 7. Ed Huai-Hsin Chi and J.T. Riedl, “An operator interaction framework for visualization systems,”

in Information Visualization, 1998. Proceedings. IEEE Symposium on, 1998, 63-70,


8. K. Nakakoji, A. Takashima, and Y. Yamamoto, “Cognitive effects of animated visualization in

exploratory visual ,” in Information Visualisation, 2001. Proceedings. Fifth International

Conference on, 2001, 77-84, doi:10.1109/IV.2001.942042.

9. D.P.J. Goodburn and R.J. Vernik, “Deploying systems visualisation environments: an agent-based

approach,” in Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, 1999. Third International

Conference, 1999, 26-29, doi:10.1109/KES.1999.820111.

10. S.-O. Tergan and T. Keller, “Digital concept mapping in learning contexts: integrating knowledge,

arguments and information resources,” in Information Visualisation, 2005. Proceedings. Ninth

International Conference on, 2005, 371-376.

11. W. Schnotz, “Enabling, Facilitating, and Inhibiting Effects in Learning from Animated

Pictures,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamic Visualizations and Learning (2002).

12. D. Weiskopf et al., “Explanatory and illustrative visualization of special and general

relativity,” Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 12, no. 4 (2006): 522-534.

13. M. Mukherjee and L. B. Holder, “Graph-based data mining on social networks,” Workshop on Link

Analysis and Group Detection (in conj. with KDD) (2004).

14. A. D'Amico and M. Kocka, “Information assurance visualizations for specific stages of situational

awareness and intended uses: lessons learned,” in Visualization for Computer Security, 2005.

(VizSEC 05). IEEE Workshop on, 2005, 107-112, doi:10.1109/VISUAL.2005.1532781.

15. Adam Perer and Ben Shneiderman, “Integrating Statistics and Visualization: Case Studies of

Gaining Clarity during Exploratory Data Analysis,” in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human

Factors in Computing Systems (presented at the CHI 2008, Florence, Italy, 2008),

16. R. Smeulders and A. Heijs, “Interactive visualization of high dimensional marketing data in the financial

industry,” in Information Visualisation, 2005. Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on, 2005,

814-817, doi:10.1109/IV.2005.66.

17. R.A. Burkhard, “Learning from architects: the difference between knowledge visualization and

information visualization,” in Information Visualisation, 2004. IV 2004. Proceedings. Eighth

International Conference on, 2004, 519-524, doi:10.1109/IV.2004.1320194.

18. C. Seifert et al., “On the Beauty and of Tag Clouds,” in Information Visualisation, 2008. IV '08.

12th International Conference, 2008, 17-25. 19. D. House, A. Bair, and C. Ware, “On the optimization of visualizations of complex phenomena,”

in Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, 2005, 87-94, doi:10.1109/VISUAL.2005.1532782.

20. M. Novotny and H. Hauser, “Outlier-Preserving Focus+Context Visualization in Parallel

Coordinates,” Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 12, no. 5 (2006): 893-900,


21. “Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (Cat. No.98TB100258),” in Information

Visualization, 1998. Proceedings. IEEE Symposium on, 1998, doi:10.1109/IV.2004.1320194.

22. “Proceedings of Seventh Annual IEEE Visualization '96,” in Visualization '96. Proceedings., 1996, 3,


23. “Proceedings Visualization '98 (Cat. No.98CB36276),” in Visualization '98. Proceedings, 1998, 3,


24. “Proceedings Visualization '99 (Cat. No.99CB37067),” in Visualization '99. Proceedings, 1999, 0_1.

25. “Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization. An International Conference on

Computer Visualization and Graphics (Cat. No.98TB100246),” in Information Visualization, 1998.

Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Conference on, 1998, doi:10.1109/IV.1998.694191.

26. “Proceedings. Visualization '92 (Cat. No.92CH3201-1),” in Visualization, 1992. Visualization '92,

Proceedings., IEEE Conference on, 1992, doi:10.1109/TVCG.2007.28.

27. M.E. Tudoreanu, D. Hart, and G.-C. Roman, “Reshapeable visualizations,” in Multimedia Software

Engineering, 2000. Proceedings. International Symposium on, 2000, 245-250.

28. J.A. Cottam and A. Lumsdaine, “Stencil: A Conceptual Model for Representation and Interaction,”

in Information Visualisation, 2008. IV '08. 12th International Conference, 2008, 51-56,


29. B. Shneiderman, “The eyes have it: a task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations,”

in Visual Languages, 1996. Proceedings., IEEE Symposium on, 1996, 336-343,


30. J.J. van Wijk, “The value of visualization,” in Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, 2005, 79-86,


31. S. Douglas, C. Hundhausen, and D. McKeown, “Toward empirically-based

languages,” in Visual Languages, Proceedings., 11th IEEE International Symposium on, 1995, 342-

349, doi:10.1109/VL.1995.520828.

32. C. North, “Toward measuring visualization insight,” Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 26, no.

3 (2006): 6-9, doi:10.1109/MCG.2006.70. 33. A. Lau and A.V. Moere, “Towards a Model of Information Aesthetics in Information Visualization,”

in Information Visualization, 2007. IV '07. 11th International Conference, 2007, 87-92.

34. C. Hundhausen and S. Douglas, “Using visualizations to learn algorithms: should students construct

their own, or view an expert's?,” in Visual Languages, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE International

Symposium on, 2000, 21-28, doi:10.1109/VL.2000.874346.

35. J.J. van Wijk, “Views on Visualization,” Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions

on 12, no. 4 (2006): 1000-433, doi:10.1109/TVCG.2006.80.

36. J. Sweller, “Visualisation and Instructional Design,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on

Dynamic Visualizations and Learning (2002): 1501-1510.

37. Hu Jiawei, A. Bailey, and A. Sutcliffe, “Visualisation design knowledge reuse,” in Information

Visualisation, 2004. IV 2004. Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on, 2004, 745-751,


38. R. Kosara, “Visualization Criticism - The Missing Link Between Information Visualization and Art,”

in Information Visualization, 2007. IV '07. 11th International Conference, 2007, 631-636,


39. D. Weiskopf et al., “Visualization in the Einstein Year 2005: a case study on explanatory and illustrative

visualization of relativity and astrophysics,” in Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, 2005, 583-590,


40. C. North, N. Conklin, and V. Saini, “Visualization schemas for flexible information visualization,”

in Information Visualization, 2002. INFOVIS 2002. IEEE Symposium on, 2002, 15-22,


41. K.-L. Ma, “Visualizing visualizations. User interfaces for managing and exploring

data,” Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 20, no. 5 (2000): 16-19, doi:10.1109/TVCG.2006.58.

Art as Research

1. Ronald J. Chenail, “"But is it research?":

A Review of Patricia Leavy’s Method Meets Art: Arts-Based

Research Practice,” The Weekly Qualitative Report 1, no. 2 (October 2, 2008),

2. Shaun McNiff, Art-Based Research: Shaun McNiff, 1st ed. (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998).

3. Patricia Leavy, Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice, 1st ed. (The Guilford Press, 2008).

4. Four Arrows (AKA Don Trent Jacobs), The Authentic Dissertation: Alternative Ways of Knowing,

Research and Representation, 1st ed. (Routledge, 2008). 5. Orit Simhoni, “The False Witness: Artistic Research on Stage,” The Qualitative Report 13, no. 3

(September 2008): 353-378.