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'In thy light do we see light' (Psalm 36:9)

The FourthSunday in Lent{Year A), March2, 2008 BCP:1 Sam. 16:1-13; Psalm 23; Eph. 5: (1-7) 8-14; John 9:1-13 (14-27) 28-38 RCL:1 Sam. 16:1-13 ; Psalm 23; Eph. 5: 8-14; John 9:1-41

The image from Psalm 36 sets the praise for the mercy of God. imagination in motion. The light in Take moral behavior. What stan­ which we see all around us is sud­ dards do we hear describing a holy denly none but that of Jesus Christ. life? Behavior that doesn't harm oth­ All that we see is only that which he ers, fits new discoveries and wisdom, shines upon. A daunting vision. makes us feel good about ourselves, with FIBRE RUSH SEAT If we only see in his light, then that finds broad acceptance in society, Since 1877 light ought to do the following to us: and generally fits progressive values. R.Geissler-2 Inc. challenge, embarrass, lead, supplant, The light Paul sheds on the holy life surprise, puzzle, scorch, inspire, comes from heaven and condemns - 2641 E. Greystone Ct. expose, clarify, disappoint, correct, yes, condemns! - immorality. His list Eagle, ID 83616 comfort - and much more. begins with sexual immorality and Phone: (800) 862-3159 If we put the lessons for this Sun­ keeps getting more and more meddle­ day under his light, we would find a some . No foul talk, no coveting, no striking exposure of motives and greed. We should expose fruitless models that just don't fit. activities of darkness. Church Take leadership discernment . That's Lastly, the encounter of Jesus with what Samuel was endeavoring to do. the man born blind turns the spot­ Development What do we look for in our leaders? light on faith. Jesu s makes it clear We know the answers, whether it be that our problem is not being misled, Institute for , vestry member, or usher. disoriented, or ignorant . We do not Someone who is glib with trendy find faith through better psychology. Seattle idioms, adept at management skills, The kingdom is not within us, only 2008 June 16 - 27 and at the same time is very affirming. needing to be drawn out. No, we are 2009 June 15 - 26 Why look anywhere else? blind, we cannot see , are lost and That was Samuel's idea, the early broken, unable to know God, and version of the corporate mod el. The dead in our sin. Lord instructed Samuel in his crite­ He only is light and only in his light For more information: ria. The man God wanted was to do we see. When our eyes of faith Robert A. Gallagher hav e a heart for God, humility have gotten used to his light, we find 206-300-3700 toward God, lament his sin, boldness ourselves in green pastures and [email protected] toward others on God's behalf, and beside still waters.

- For lay & clergy leaders - Developinga healthierparish LookIt Up - Developingcompetence and use of "self" Put together a spiritual profile of David as author of Psalm 23. as leaders - Anglicanapproach to congregational ThinkAbout It development What in Christ's light is glaring in contrast to what we usually see? - Membershipgrowth rooted in an organic and appreciativeapproach - Experientialeducation grounded NextSunday in soundtheory TheFifth Sunday in Lent{Year A), March9, 2008 - Projects& readingin-between summers BCP: Ezek. 37:1-3 (4-10), 11-14; Psalm 130; Rom. 6:16-23; John 11: (1-16) 17-44 RCL: Ezek. 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Rom. 8:6-11; John 11 :1-45

4 THE LIVING CHURC H · MARCH 2. 2008 Inspiring ':":_.··;· .. ··:\__ . . -•.J, ga~:'#e ~~, · qµlc~f~iican Generosity oh sfuallfanris produce milk, cb:e· Parishesencourage and manure. stewardship Good news from This is just one with creativity a far country-Proverbs 23:6-,7 of many gifts you can purchase This year, our presence in more than to help us make 40 countries will reach over 2 million people • a major impact. Editor's Note: In response to an invi­ with sustainable solutions for lasting change. tation from THE LNING CHURCH, two To order this gift , parishes shared these stewardship Call 1.800.334.7626, ext. 5129 ono receive our ·•. or visit make Gifts for Life catalog ,: . · success stories on ways to increase your donation today. parishioner participation and giv­ calr l;S00.334,762tk ' ing level,s. (a EPISCOPAL Make 'em Laugh - RelefandDevelopment For the past two years at St. Paul's Church, Port Townsend , Wash., we have centered our stewardship cam­ paign on an evening of desserts , skits , and short talks about religion and money. We call the evening "Sweet and Hot at Chez Paul's." On a Wednesday evening in early October, parishioners arrive at 7 p.m. at the parish hall, which is nicely dec- orated and has a bountiful array of desserts spread out on tables. We 200N \Vintcr give folks 20 min­ utes to choose a ~md Spring CALL dessert, find a Center for Anglican Learning & Leader ship chair, and chat. Then we go into the ONLINE program , which consists of three short skits, interspersed with equally c:otJ RSES short talks from members about their own approach to giving. Register on line The program provides both enter­ at /ca ll tainment and inspiration about sup­ or call 510-204-0703 port of our parish family and outreach to the larger community. After the Parish Revitalization third skit, our rector wraps things up. Introduction to Pastoral Care We're finished by 8:30 p.m., on the Responding Faithfully principle that , if your friends are nice enough to show up for an event to Domestic Violence designed to help them part with their Church DivinitySchool Introduction to the New Testament money, at least keep things moving. of the* Pacific Planning liturgies The first year's skits followed the n1eHp iscopal Seminary uf tbe \F~ t stewardship adventures of Edythe , a liturgy and the Emerging Church A Foundin g Member new member who receives canvass of the The Millennium Development Goals visits from fellow parishioners along Graduat e Theological Union and the Local Church with help from her guardian angel. In 245 1 Ridg e Road Ethnic Youth Ministry Berkel ey. CA 94709-1217 (Continued on next page)

MARCH 2. 2008 · THE LIVING CHURCH 5 InspiringGenerosity

(Continuedfrom previouspage) 2005 pledge campaign brought in 81 parish. That's as true at St. Paul's as pledges , with a 5 percent increase in anywhere else. the second year's skits, Edythe is a total giving over the previous year. We'd like to spread the word that full-fledged member of the parish "Sweet and Hot at Chez Paul's" had its you can have a successful steward­ who has agreed to be the chair of the inaugural run in 2006, and here are ship campaign and make folks laugh budget committee. The skits are the results: at the same time. short, funny, and frank, expressing Fall 2006: 83 pledges and a 21-per­ many of the concerns, doubts, and cent increase in total giving. Essayist Margaret D. McGee is a conflicts that surround the issue of Fall 2007: 89 pledges and a 14-per­ member of the stewardship commit­ money and the church. At the end of cent increase in total giving. tee at St. Paul's, Port Toumsend. Her the evening, parishioners receive These great results come from a skits, "Edythe's Gift," are available pledge cards at the door. We promise variety of factors . In 2006, St. Paul's free for use in parishes by emailing that anyone who attends "Sweet and called the Rev. Elizabeth A Bloch as mar [email protected]. Hot at Chez Paul's" won't be con­ our rector , and parish membership tacted again about pledging. and programs have taken on new life. St. Paul's has an average Sunday The road to a good stewardship cam­ attendance of about 110 and total paign runs through every worship Be Engaging membership of about 200. Our fall experience and every program in the and Inspirational The annual stewardship campaign at the historic African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas has been a big A PLACE OF HEALING IN GAZA success. During October, there are The Episcopal Dio cese of Jeru salem 's Ahli Arab Hosp ital Sunday skits and demonstrations , in the embattled Gaza Strip is ministering to Palestinians Sunday testimonies from parish­ toda y under the most desperate of cond iti ons. ioners, and engaging and inspira­ tional sermons on stewardship . ST.JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHUP-.CH, We recently conducted a survey of AUSTIN, TEXAS the congregation, asking it to which has produced a film on the ho spital 's heroic work. areas of church life it wanted to see For a FREE copy of the DVD and a viewer's guide , contac t: our resources applied. A brochure also was recently published identify­ The Rev. Edward Hartwell [email protected] .com ing what areas of ministry are funded. A percentage was given to each area. The bro chure also identi­ fied where income comes from. This explanation was eye-opening to members of the congregation, allow­ ing them to see where their dollars are being spent. Are you charged, now or in Most importantly, we continue to LET YOUR the future, with the success of teach and encourage tithing . We con­ tinue to strive to be a 100-percent financial ministry goals in your tithing parish. Each member is asked congregation and/or diocese? to gradually increas e his/her pledge Lig() htSHINE by percentages each year, until they Matt. 5:16 RSV THEN YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS EVENT! reach the 10-percent tithe level. ~1i;:! Everyone should be working toward •.- ·.{Witness the tithe. As a result, almost 90 per­ ~~"?~ § ·Generosity For details visit :~7 cent of our annual budget is sup ­ ported by parishioner pledges. The With Special Opportunities: parish does not use any monies from ► Pre-Conference for interest investments toward the Diocesan Staff Persons annual budget. ► Facilitator Training for The Rev. Martin i Shaw is rector of Living Wi$ely with Terry Parsons the African Ep'iscopal Church of St. Thomas, Philad elphia .


ArchbishopApologizes for 'Unclarity' in ShariaLaw Remarks Members of the Church of Eng­ bishop Williams provoked a storm of remarks were made first land's General Synod greeted Arch­ criticism when he suggested that in in a BBC radio inter­ bishop of Canterbury the interest of social cohesion the view. He later elabo­ with a standing ovation Feb. 11, British government might want to con­ rated on them in a applauding for an extended period of sider permitting Islamic courts to speech before the Royal time again when he completed his assume some responsibility for set­ Courts of Justice. presidential address at the start of the tling some disputes between British In his speech to Gen­ church's highest legislative body citizens if both parties are Muslim and eral Synod, Archbishop which meets three times per year. consent to the case being tried accord­ Williams apologized "for During the previous week, Arch- ing to sharia law. The archbishop's any unclarity" and for any "misleading choice of words" that caused Archbishop Williams: "there may be ways distress. H is remarks, he of engaging with the RevisedDraft of AnglicanCovenant Issued said, had been intended world of Islamic law." The Covenant Design Group (CDG) 's 38 provinces. to stimulate a wider dis- has released a second draft of the The CDG encouraged the com­ cussion about the connection between Anglican Covenant originally pro­ ments in response to the first draft of faith and the law. posed in the Windsor Report in 2004. a covenant produced at a meeting in "I have had a fair amount of recent The CDG met under the chairmanship January 2007. The first draft was dis­ first-hand contact with Christian of Archbishop Drexel Gomez of the cussed the following month at the pri­ minorities in Muslim majority coun­ West Indies from Jan . 28 to Feb. 2 at mates' meeting in Dar es Salaam , tries which has left me with no illu­ the administrative office of the Angli­ Tanzania. The new draft "will now be sions about the sufferings they can can Consultative Council in London. offered for reflection in the Commun­ and do face , even when there is a The second draft incorporates con­ ion at large, and in particular by the national legal framework that fully tributions submitted by 13 of the Lambeth Conference ," the group said. recognizes their liberties," Archbishop Williams said. "But I noted that many Muslim majority countries do distin­ guish clearly between the rights of cit­ 'WindsorContinuation Group' Members Named izens overall and the duties accepted The Rt. Rev. Gary Lillibridge, of Canterbury's new Windsor Continu­ by some citizens of obedience to Bishop of West Texas, is one of six ation Group (WCG). Islamic law. It is this that encourages persons appointed to the Archbishop The WCG is meant to address out­ me to think that there may be ways of standing questions arising from the engaging with the world oflslamic law Windsor Report and the various formal on something other than an all-or­ responses from provinces and instru­ nothing basis." ments of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Williams said he origi­ according to a release from Anglican nally meant to devote the majority of Communion News Service (ACNS) his address to updating synod mem­ dated Feb. 12. Archbishop Williams bers about the Lambeth Conference proposed formation of the WCG in his and recent developments in Zimbabwe. Advent letter to the primates . "I respect the consciences of those In addition to Bishop Lillibridge, who have said they do not feel able to the members of the group are: the attend because there will be those Most Rev. Clive Handford, former Pri­ present who have in their view acted mate of Jerusalem and the Middle against the disciplinary and doctrinal East (chair); the Most Rev. John consensus of the Communion ," he Chew, Archbishop of South East Asia; said. "Needless to say, I regret such a the Most Rev. Donald Mtetemela, decision, since I believe we should be

ACNS/Rosentl1al photo Archbishop of Tanzania; the Rt. Rev. seeking God's mind for the Commun­ Bishop Clive Handford (right), former Primate Victoria Matthews, former Bishop of ion in prayer and study together; but it of The Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Edmonton in the Anglican Church of simply reminds us that even the most Middle East, visits with English Bishop Michael Canada , and the Very Rev. John 'successful' Lambeth Conference Jackson of Clogher at St. Andrew's House. Bishop Handford has been appointed chair­ Moses , former of St Paul's leaves us with work still to be done in man of the Windsor Continuation Group. Cathedral, London. rebuilding relationships. "

MARC H 2. 2008 · T H E LIV ING CHURCH 7 Around the DIOCESES

AnotherPastoral Appoinbnent in SanJoaquin The Rev. Canon Brian Cox, rector Canon Cox confumed that neither of Christ the King Church, Santa Bar­ he nor Canon Moore has been bara, Calif., has accepted an appoint­ appointed to a disputed steering com­ ment from Presiding Bishop mittee established by Bishop Jefferts Katharine Jefferts Schori to serve as Schori. The Presiding Bishop has an "interim pastoral presence " in the refused to acknowledge the legitimacy Diocese of San Joaquin. He joins the of six members of the standing com­ Rev. Canon Robert Moore, who was mittee of the Episcopal Diocese of San named in January. Joaquin who said they did not join the "I think the Presiding Bishop's Southern Cone. desire was to have a balanced pastoral "I realize that some conservatives presence as we seek to rebuild rela­ might misunderstand my motives in tionships on all sides," Canon Cox told accepting this assignment," Canon a reporter from THELMNG CHURCH. He Cox said. "Anyone who knows me and added that he hoped to begin "meeting my work on behalf of reconciliation people from all perspectives" and should not be surprised. This is earning their trust during a listening uncharted waters . It is a very difficult tour of the diocese Feb. 19-22. situation for everyone ." Carlyle Gravely/James/ -0u1n Cross photo Bishop Sean Rowe delivers the keynote address to council in Southern Virginia Feb. 1. CentralFlorida Congregation Opts for Independence About 80-85 percent of members of and he is now under the episcopal LargeFunding Increase Grace Church, Ocala, Fla. will join a oversight of the Anglican Mission in new congregation, Christ the King the Americas (AMiA), a missionary Echoing the advice of its keynote Anglican Church, according to the Rev. outreach of the Church of Rwanda. speaker, the annual council of the Dio­ Don Curran, rector of Christ the King. The new congregation will not be cese of SouthernVirginia continued "on Fr. Curran was the rector of Grace joining the AMiA immediately. It will its journey" toward the election of a and president of the standing commit­ remain independent of any denomina­ bishop in September. Council met Feb. tee in the Diocese of Central Florida tion for the time being, Fr. Curran said, 1-3 in Williamsburg. before he decided to leave The Episco­ as part of an agreement reached with A highlight of the weekend's activi­ pal Church. Bishop John W. Howe of Bishop Howe and the diocesan board ties was the ordination of six deacons Central Florida recently sent a letter of Central Florida. in a service at Williamsburg's historic dimissory to Archbishop Emmanuel Members who did not wish to leave Bruton Parish Church by the Rt. Rev. Kolini, Primate of the Anglican Church The Episcopal Church will continue to John Buchanan, interim Bishop of of Rwanda, on behalf of Fr. Curran, worship in their existing building. Southern Virginia. The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Bishop of Northwestern Penn­ sylvania, preached at the ordination WesternLouisiana Bishop Critical of AdventLetter tr, Pli111les service and then provided a keynote The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson, 2007. Archbishop Williams' letter also address to the opening session of the Bishop of Western Louisiana, has offered no substantive alternate means council. expressed disappointment with Arch­ of resolving the conflict within the Bishop Rowe, the youngest member bishop of Canterbrny Rowan Williamsin Anglican Communion over innovations of the House of , urged the 800- a letter to his diocese. He also said he to church teaching on sexuality - a plus lay and clergy delegates and visi­ will attend the Global Anglican Fellow­ particular point of contention for tors to "accept the realities of where ship conference in Jerusalem in June. Bishop McPherson. you are now but keep the faith that vic­ Bishop MacPherson wrote to his dio­ "What hasn't been said is when the tory will be won." He also reflected on cese with some reflections on Arch­ continued extension of conversations Southern Virginia's recent history as bishop Williams' Advent letter to the and meetings will come to an end and a described in the profile prepared for the primates of the Anglican Communion. definitive decision made ," Bishop election. Bishop Rowe also noted that In his highly anticipated letter, Arch­ MacPherson wrote . "What also has adequate funding of the work of the dio­ bishop Williams declined to sanction gone unstated is when is The Episcopal cese was one of the few issues still to be The Episcopal Church for failing to pro­ Church going to be called to a place of dealt with that were identified during a vide the unequivocal assurances sought accountability by the wider Anglican 2004 self-study and in a 2005 report by the primates' in their communique in Communion, Lambeth 2008?" from a team of three bishops appointed

8 TH [ LIV IN G CII URCI I · MARCIi 2. 2008 to visit the diocese and offer advice on and Canons Committee, and the stand­ resolving conflicts that were affecting ing committee met with representa­ BRIEFLY... the ministiy of the diocese. tives of the national church for The search for a successor to the Responding to Bishop Rowe's discussions before preparing the reso­ Rev. James Lemler as direclorof nission remarks and capping a year-long educa­ lution that proposed the new Title VIII. for The Episcopal Church has been tion effort by the diocese's standing The "bishop is concerned about the suspended while the duties and committee and executive board , the future of the diocese ," the Hon. Marie responsibilities of the position are diocese passed a canonical change to Williams, chair of the Committee on reviewed in light of the Church Center implement an "aspirational and Constitution and Canons, told the con­ reorganization currently underway. accountable" funding system. After vention. "The purpose is planning passing the canonical change, delegates ahead and putting a workable proce­ Eighteen members of St. Mark's adopted a $2.4-millionbudget that rep­ dure in place" should a sitting bishop Cathedral,Minneapolis, Minn. , recently resents an approximate 19-percent in the future leave office unexpectedly embarked on a 10-day mission trip to increase over the 2007 approved budget or call for the election of a successor. Cuba at the invitation of Bishop Miguel of the diocese. The 2008 budget In his address to the convention, Tamayo of Uruguay, who is also interim includes funding to support three new Bishop Charles vonRosenberg said, bishop of Cuba. AB part of a deepening college chaplains and adds a congrega­ "we are invited to engage the subject relationship between the Episcopal tional development officer to the dioce­ responsibly at a time that immediate Church of Cuba and St. Mark's, Bishop san staff which serves 119 action is not pressing on us." However, Tamayo also asked the congregation to congregations. he added, "this is not an announce­ enter into a formal, long-term relation­ Carlyle Gravely ment of any retirement plans, let me ship with the diocese. be clear." In case of a vacancy, the standing Episcopal Relief and Development is NewElection Procedure committee assumes leadership of the providing emergency assistance to Clergy and lay delegates to the diocese; the new Title VIII allows the communities in Malawiand Zamlia which annual convention of the Diocese of committee to hire an assisting bishop , recently sustained devastating flooding. EastTennessee formalized the proce­ and it sets out his or her duties. Torrential rains in southern Africa have dure for electing a bishop, approving a If the sitting bishop calls for the swollen the Zambezi River to well new diocesan canon. Convention met election of a successor, the election above the flood limit while washing Jan. 25-26 in Gatlinburg. will be in the hands of the standing away entire villages and thousands of The chancellors , the Constitution committee. That would allow the acres of crops. bishop to continue to fulfill his or her duties but not influence the election The An:hivesof The EpiscopalChll"Ch process. recently unveiled an electronic publica­ The change also would create tion and online exhibit titled The search and transition committees , Church Awakens: African Americans which would remain active until a new and the Struggle for Justice. The bishop took office. multimedia exhibit , found at Convention also approved a $1.7-­ million budget, which includes - for can_history/exhibit/, covers the period the third year - a budget line desig­ of enslavement to the present, with nating 0.7 percent to meeting the Mil­ emphasis on the Civil Rights era lennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as a 100-percent fulfillment of The Diocese of Pennsylvania's stand­ the national church assessment. ing committee recently announced that BishopAllen L Bartletthad accepted an Sharon Rasmussen and Emily appointment to serve as assisting McDonald bishop pro tempore of Pennsylvania while a search continues for an assist­ ing bishop. Bishop Bartlett served as Bishop of Pennsylvania from 1987 to Correction:The church in Grand Rapids, 1998. The Rt. Rev. Charles E. Bennison, Sharon Rasmussen/Ea.~l Tennessee Epis copalin.n photo Mich, that was the site of one of the Jr., who became Bishop of Pennsylva­ The Rev. Mike Kinman, executive director of funerals for the late President Gerald R. nia upon Bishop Bartlett's retirement, Episcopalians for Global Reconcil iation , Ford [TLC, Dec. 30) was misidentified. was inhibited on Oct. 31 pending the speaks to the Diocese of East Tennessee on the Millennium Development Goals. The site was Grace Church. outcome of a misconduct investigation.


Faith Foundations Part 4: The Creed

By Hugh C. Edsall

(Fourth of a six-part series) ing you may have life in his name" (20:30). Christians were under persecution for the first By Hugh C. Edsall 311 years of the Church's life. The persecution was by a succession of Roman emperors who A creed is a statement of belief. Credo is Latin, viewed allegiance to Christianity as treason , meaning "I believe." Some denominations say we since the emperors claimed divinity for them­ shouldn't use creeds . That's like saying that selves. They were determined to get Christians to Christians shouldn't say what they believe, or deny Christ. In addition, the Christians were that they shouldn't be unified in saying it. ordered to worship or pay homage to Caesar: a Jesus emphasized the essential nature of belief de facto denial of Christ. Captured Christians in him in such texts as "Whoever lives and were brought before some object or idol symbol­ believes in me has escaped the judgment and izing Caesar's rule and "divinity," and were passed from death to life" (see John 3:16, 5:24, ordered to kneel and put a pinch of incense at the 6:47). Peter said, "Neither is there salvation in feet of the idol. When the Christians refused to any other Name under heaven given among men, do that , they were tortured in horrible ways, yet whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). At the there is no record of any denial of their Lord. end of his gospel, John the apostle says: "Jesus The last persecution began in AD . 303 under did many other signs in the presence of his disci­ the Emperor Diocletian, and it raged throughout ples, which are not recorded in this book But the empire for nearly a decade. Still the Church these are written that you may believe that Jesus could not be broken. Finally, Diocletian's succes­ is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believ- sor, Galerius, conceded defeat in his Edict of Toi-

10 TH E LIVIN G CHURCH · MARCH 2. 2008 eration in 311, making Christianity a tolerated Nicea was the Nicene Creed, the central state­ religion. Two years later, Emperor Constantine ment of basic Christian belief. The creed, as writ­ published the Edict of Milan, giving complete ten by the bishops at Nicea and polished by them and unconditional recognition to Christianity. at the following Council of Constantinople in Before legalization, Christians had little time 381, settled the argument and answered the ques­ to study the exact identity of Jesus Christ and his tion about the relationship of God the Son with relationship to the Father. They knew he was the Father and the Holy Spirit. It also declared in Lord and believed he was divine. They knew the the clearest of terms God's action to save us. In sayingthat scriptural verses. They were eager to follow him. In the Nicene Creed, presented on page 326 God the Son They were baptizing, confirming, and receiving and page 358 of the Book of Common Prayer, the is "eternally the Eucharist every chance they got. Thousands first paragraph considers God the Father; the were converted. Now that they had an opportu­ second, God the Son; and the third, God the Holy begottenof nity to meet together in safety, they began to pon­ Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, and everlasting the Father,"we der the essential identity of Jesus. life. The word "catholic" is a composite Greek acknowledge word katlwwu meaning, literally, "in accordance Athanasius and Arius with the wholeness"; that is, possessing all four there never Two camps of Christians developed, one led essential characteristics: the apostolic succes­ was a time by Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, and the sion, the seven sacraments, the faith, and the when the Son other by a priest in Alexandria named Arius. scriptures. This term is the basis for the title of Athanasius maintained that the scripture clearly the book from which these articles were was not. said that God the Son (the second person of the excerpted , Whole Christianity. blessed Trinity, who took our nature upon him The first paragraph of the creed declares belief and is known as Jesus Christ) was of the same in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth, of being, same essence, same substance, same all that is seen and unseen. inner reality, with the Father. The Greek word The second paragraph clarifies the truth about meaning "identical substance" is lwrrw-ousias. God the Son as determined by the bishops under Arius maintained that God the Son is of "simi­ the promised protection of the Holy Spirit. God lar substance" with the Father, but not the same, the Son is eternally begotten of the Father . He and that he was created. The Greek word for has eternally been with the Father and the Spirit "similar substance" is lwmoi-ousias. So the con­ by nature. God the Son is equal in majesty, glory troversy concerned the Lord's being of the same and eternity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. substance (lwmo), or of similar substance In saying that God the Son is "eternally begotten (lwmoi) with the Father and the Holy Spirit. of the Father," we acknowledge there never was There was serious division in Christian ranks for a time when the Son was not. the first time, and Constantine, fearing the con­ In the third paragraph, we find the statement troversy would divide his empire, called all of the "We (the bishops gathered together in council) bishops, the apostolic successors, together to believe in the Holy Spirit." This is the great settle it in a ecumenical (worldwide) council. empowering Holy Spirit promised by Jesus to the The brave Christians of the first three cen­ apostles, the same one who guided the council, turies had witnessed to the truth, despite the and who guides and empowers us to this day, the ever-present possibility of dying for their belief. agent of power in creation and in the sacraments. They lmew Jesus Christ to be Savior and Lord, The creed is the church's official statement of and they believed he was God in human flesh; Christian belief. When it is recited during the but it was now essential that they state precisely Eucharist, it is the context by which we under­ his relationship with God the Father and state stand the day's selection of scripture and the ser­ the nature of his being. mon, which have covered a very limited aspect of Constantine called for the council to be held in the whole faith. Saying the creed reminds us of the city of Nicea in 325. The apostolic successors the whole picture, but in a very rapid overview. remembered well the words of the Lord: "When the Spirit of Truth is come to you He will lead you The Rev. Hugh C. Edsall is a priest of the Dio­ into all truth, bringing to your remembrance cese of Fwrida and the autlwr of Whole Christi­ whatsoever I have said to you" (John 14:6). They anity, a book p-ublished in 2004,from which this believed that the Holy Spirit would protect them series of articles is adapt,ed. from error as they gathered together praying for his protection. The product of the Council of Next week: The liturgy.

MARCH 2. 2008 · T H E LIVING CHURCH 11 PATRONS The Very Rev.Charles PrestonWiles $1000+ Edwin D. Williamson The Rev. and Mrs. Richard Bennet GeorgeW. Young SheridanC . Biggs Dioceseof Tennessee,Nashville, TN 2007 The Rev.D. Stuart Dunnan Christ Church Frederica, The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser St. Simons Island, GA The Rt. Rev. Bertram Nelson Herlong Canon Miriam U. Hoover The Rev. and Mrs. Alanson B. Houghton BENEFACTORS Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Joutras Living $ 2 5 0 + Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Dr. Harry S. Balmer Albert 0 . Nicholas Col. Claudia Bartz The Rev. Albert F. Peters Dr. Alan Bauerschmidt Mr. and Mrs. CharlesM. Royce The Rev.and Mrs. WilliamN . Beachy Church The Rev.Thomas N. Sandy The Rev.Canon Ernest L. Bennett Mrs. Lois FaselSchmieler The Rev. Philip C. Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Tischler Dr. and Mrs. Willis E. Brown ASSOCIATES The Rev. Canon Carl E. Wilke Mr. and Mrs. RonaldT. Buckingham Flournoy-ThreadcraftCommunity Trust The Rev.Canon Jervis O. Burns The Hamilton Roddis Foundation The Rev.and Mrs. Peter Chase The Rev.Carl E. Christiansen,Jr . The Rt. Rev.James M. Coleman GUARANTORS The Rev. John M. Coleton $ 7 5 0 + Mrs. Donald J. Davis The Rt. Rev. Robert L. Ladehoff G. Nelson Degerberg The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson DanielP. Devlin MichaelW. McGill The Very Rev.William F. Dopp The Rt. Rev.and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Kristin Flanders Steenson Emily Franke John Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gizara Maj. David H. Grafft John C. Harris SPONSORS John R. Harris $ 5 0 0 + Dr. and Mrs. John Hayden The Rev. Darrow L.K. Aiona The Rt. Rev.and Mrs. G.E. Haynsworth The Rev.and Mrs. DavidApker The Rev. CharlesR . Henery Mrs. E. W. Aylward CharlesR. Hickox Kevin J. Babb The Rt. Rev. Jack Leo Iker Mrs. J. CameronBrown , Jr. BarbaraIvy The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas H. Carson Thomas A. Jackson The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Robert B. Hibbs The Rt. Rev. RussellE. Jacobus Kenneth H. Kerr The Rev. and Mrs. H. August Kuehl Mr. and Mrs. TerryJ . Kohler Jane Lerner The Rev. Joel A. MacCollam The Rev. Canon Thomas W.S. Logan The Rev. Andrew C. Mead ElinorP. McLennan The Rev. Malcolm H. Miner The Rev. Hank Mitchel Mr. and Mrs. James S. Moore FrancesM . Nickerson GenevieveA. Morrill Mrs. ChesterW. Ott Mr. and Mrs. James K. Murray ElizabethM . Palmer Thomas G. Riley Dr. Cecil L. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. WilliamF. Roemer The Rev.Canon and Mrs. William H. Paul Dr. HelenT. Schley Mr. and Mrs. John G. Penson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Spence, Jr. The Very Rev. DavidW. Plumer The Rev. and Mrs. WilliamC . Thiele Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Poitras The Rev. Paul J. Tracy Nigel A. Renton The Rev. Marta S. Weeks The Rev. Edward C. Rutland The Rev. ElijahB. White The Rev.and Mrs. KennethJ.G . Semon

12 TH E LIVING CHU RCH · MARCH 2. 2008 William L. & the Rev. MarlyneSeymour ElizabethS. Bobrinskoy Mr. and Mrs. Gary Engels Mrs. Covington Shackleford Capt. James A. Bortner Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Eppley The Rt. Rev. Harry W. Shipps Janet Botengan The Rev. George C. Estes David J. Sparrow The Rev.Thomas D. Bowers Mrs. J. Maver Feehan Miriam K. Stauff Nancy H. Boyle The Rev. MarjorieJ . and Mr. William H. Dr. HarrisonT. Steege L. R. Brammer Floor Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Trane The Rev. Canon and Mrs. Robert E. The Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Ford Suzanne D. Tull Brodie Lucia D. Forrester Mrs. James E. Ullrich The Rev. Barton Brown The Rev. and Mrs. Peter Francis James G. Vaughter The Rev. Horace Fred Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Frankenthal Mrs. John H. Vruwink Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Brown The Rev. Monroe Freeman M. Lee Walton The Rt. Rev. Edmond L. Browning Dr. and Mrs. Lionel Fuller The Rev. John B. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Jackson M. Bruce George V. Furrer The Ven. and Mrs. Thomas F. Winslow Barbara B. Brumder Dr. William G. Gamel Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Young Richard and the Rev. Sally Bub John C. Gardner Church of the Good Shepherd, Mrs. Jere Bunting Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Donald Gardner Augusta, GA Mrs. Charles L. Burgreen The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas G. Garner Sisters of the Holy Nativity,Ripon, WI The Rev.Joseph Parker Burroughs The Rev. David Gleason Elinor H. Caines Donald K. Gnuse William F. Canny The Rev. Harrington M. Gordon ASSOCIATES Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Carey Irving Graeb $ 1 0 0 + P. Jack Carlsen Charles K. Graf Estate Mrs. Gareth S. Aden The Rev. Richard Casto Cynthia Grantz The Rev. Christopher M. Agnew John Chapin The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. FrancisC. Gray The Rev. Kenneth D. Aldrich The Very Rev. Lloyd G. Chattin Michael C. Grinnell Grace Allen Sally H. Childs EllenA. Groff The Rev.Canon Domenic K. Ciannella The Rt. Rev.and Mrs. C. FitzSimons The Very Rev. John L. Hall Allison Robert C. Clawson John P. Harden The Rev.and Mrs. Milo G. Coerper John McNeil!Anderson The Very Rev. and Mrs. John Harris The Rev.and Mrs. Colby A. Cogswell R. Thad Andress Harper The Rev. Henry C. Coke The Rev. Robert N. Andrew Mary B. Harrington Mrs. John W. Anthony Ray Cole The Rt. Rev. Robert M. Hatch The Rev.Walter A. Collins Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hawkins The Rev. MichaelArcher Mr. and Mrs. David E. Connor The Rev. John Carleton Hayden Lt. Col. EugeneA. Armstrong Rodney M. Austin James B. Cook, Jr. The Rev.James E. Hedman The Rev. Robert J. Bailey The Rev. Martin D .W.Cosand Anne Heian William G. Coulter Vernon R. Helmen Ronald H. Bailey The Rev. R. David Cox The Rt. Rev. Dorsey F. Henderson,Jr. The Rev. Canon FrancisS . Bancroft The Rt. Rev.William J. Cox The Rev. and Mrs. W. Frisby Hendricks The Rev. Daniel L. Banner DorotheaCoy Standish Henning Lydia McIntyre Barnes The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Crafts Dr. Lloyd R. Hershberger Mrs. Dixon Barr The Rev.C. Edward Creswell Irle R. Hicks Francis E. Barrett The Rev. Lawrence N. Crumb Dr. and Mrs. David D. Hill The Very Rev.John P. Bartholomew Robert Jack Cutbirth Dr. John E. Hill The Rev. Robert F. Bartusch Alan 0. Dann Dr. Victor E. Hill IV Alta J. Bates The Rev.J . William Daum Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hilliard Josephine E. Bates Thomas M. Davies The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Himes Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bauer Cam Davis Margery H. Hingle The Rev. Herbert H. Beardsley Col. James W. Davis The Rev. John F. Hird Peggy Beckham The Rev. Canon Fred Dettwiller Loretta RussellHoffmann Patricia I. Belsey Joe R. Dickerson FrederickS . Holmes The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Maurice M. Richard H. Dickie Mrs. Paul Z. Hoornstra Benitez The Rev. Joseph A. DiRaddo The Rev. Mark House Dr. Charles F. Beorn Mary King Dodwell The Rt. Rev. S. Johnson Howard The Rev.and Mrs. Stephen Bergmann Robert F. Dorum The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Hultstrand Alan P. Biddle The Rev.William S. Douglas Edward A. Johnson The Rev. Blair Biddle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dufendach The Rev.T. Herbert Johnson Arthur M. Bjontegard,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ellis The Rev.Wayne L. Johnson The Rev. Elliot H. Blackburn

MARCH 2. 2008 · THE LIVING CHURCH 13 ASSOCIATES James T. McKinstry The Rev.William T. Richter $ 1 0 0 + Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McMillan Col. Forest Rittgers The Rev. and Mrs. Duncan R. McQueen Arthur H. Roach (Continued from previous page) Mrs. Baxter Melton The Rev.Arthur Robertshaw The Rev. Arthur E. Joseph Barry Menuez FrancesK. Robertson The Rt. Rev.and Mrs. David 8. Joslin The Rev. Wilmot T. Merchant Dr. PrezellR . Robinson The Rev. Craig M. Kallio Cyril J. Mergens The Rev. H. Stewart Ross Althea Kaul John R. Mertens The Rev. Herbert E. Rowe The Rev. Robert Kaynor The Rev. John A Meyer The Rev.Graham T . Rowley Phoebe L. Keck Stewart C. Meyer The Rev.G. Ruticelli The Rev. Thomas G. Keithly John FranklinMiller The Rev. FlemingRutledge The Rev. StevenJ . Kelly MaryleeMitcham Mrs. C. Boone Sadler Mrs. James W. Kennedy The Rev. EugeneMonick RosemarySater Stephen W. Kent The Rt. Rev. James W. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. S. PrentissSawyer The Rev. Arthur K.D. Kephart The Rev. Robert A Moore Jane Duberg Schweinsburg The Rev. and Mrs. Paul D. Kidd The Rev. Michael Morrissey Charlotte H. Scott The Rev. Canon Jonathan L. King Steve and the Rev. Wendy Murphy Col. Robert W. Scott The Rev. Victor J. Kinnunen The Rev. Cicely A Murray Edris A Sebastien The Very Rev.and Mrs. H. Scott Kirby Anna Myers The Rev.Canon and Mrs. David L. Seger Joan 0. Kline The Rev.Annwn Myers J. RichardSewell Kenneth J. Knebel Ward A Nelson Mrs. HarlanSexton Dr. Colette M. Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newell The Rev.C. Edward Sharp The Rev. Gregory Kronz Mr. and Mrs. MichaelD . Noble The Rev. Canon Bruce M. Shortell The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Krulak The Rev. Stephen Norcross The Rev.William C. Sibert David M. Lambert The Rev. Thomas J. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Ned Simmons Mary F. Landrum Kenneth R. Nourse The Rev.Webster L. Simons, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Peter M. Larsen The Rev. Louis Oats Mrs. Donald H. Sitz CharlesC . Lee The Rev. Dennis R. Odekirk Ben N. Skardon The Rev. and Mrs. Robert V. Lee Mary E. Oldberg James W. Skardon The Rev.and Mrs. WilliamG. Lewis Stuart G. Oles James B. Skewes The Rev. RichardsonA Libby The Rev.John B. Pahls, Jr. Lee Slayton The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Libby Louise Parkin The Rev. 0 .0 . Smart Dr. Buron 0 . Lindbloom The Rev. LimuelG. Parks The Rev. Paul 8. Smith The Rev. Howard M. Lipsey Mrs. LindsayG . Patience The Rev. Ed Sniecinski The Rev. Donald W. Lloyd The Rev.and Mrs. John W. Patterson The Rev. PatriciaSoukup Mrs. Joseph B. Locke DonaldeenK. Penny Mr. and Mrs. WallaceSpaulding Thomas C. Logan MarshallH . Pepper The Rev. Robert G.W. Spellman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lomastro The Rev. John R. Peterson Joan L. Stansbury The Rev.J. Raymond Lord Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Phillipson Edgar S. Starns The Rev. James L. Lowery, Jr. The Rev. FrederickC . Philputt The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon J. Stenning The Rt. Rev. Edward H. MacBurney The Rev. NathanielW. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Wicks Stephens The Rev. and Mrs. J. Robert Maceo The Rev.Nicholas D. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. CharlesA Stewart Mrs. G. F. Maguire The Rev. and Mrs. CliffordA.H . Pike Mrs. Laurel G. Stewart The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. C. Shannon Jean M. Pinder The Rev. ElizabethStingley Mallory The Rev.Wayne L. Pontious Joseph E. Stockwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mammana The Rev.and Mrs. Roger C. Porter The Rev. Lewis S. Stone The Rev.and Mrs. Frank B. Mangum The Rev. R. Stephen Powers Gladys M. Story The Rev.Canon and Mrs. Henry R. FrederickL . Prange Anita M. Stover Mann Alfred L. PurringtonIll Dr. David J. Strang Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall The Rev. and Mrs. CongreveH . Quinby The Rev. DudleyJ . Stroup The Rt. Rev. Richard 8. Martin The Rev. C. Corydon Randall James S. Summers Robert H. Massey Ann KendallRay The Rev. Jack T. Sutor Hoyt P. Mayes The Rt. Rev. David Reed The Rev.Stephen 8. Swann Robert L. Mays Mr. and Mrs. James S. Reeve The Rev.A Orley Swartzentruber The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Gerald N. The Rev.George F. Regas ElizabethM. Sweeney McAllister ElinannR . Reynolds The Rev.and Mrs. PhilipTalmage Roxanna S. McAlvany Mrs. AugustineJ. Rhodes The Rev. WilliamTapley The Rt. Rev. Earl N. McArthur CharlesE. Rice The Rev. Anthony WilliamTaylor Paul W. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Richardson Dr. EstelleW. Taylor

14 THE LIVIN G CHURCH · MARCH 2. 2008 The Rev.and Mrs. Robert L. Tedesco IN MEMORIAM The Rev.Thomas Withey The Rev. MichaelTessman Alice Mary Yetter WilliamA. Thompson Sister Ruth Angela, SHN Mr. and Mrs. MichaelJ . Tomkovitch Elinor Bartholomew HONORARIA HelenT. Tourigney The Rt. Rev.Alfred Banyard Mr. and Mrs. John S. Townsend Gustav Bittrich The Rev. Canon Thad Butcher George L. Trigg Rex Botengan The Rt. Rev. WilliamJackson Cox The Rev. Donald L. Turner The Rev.John G. Bryant The Rev. Canon Michael DeVine The Rev. CharlesS . Tyler The Rt. Rev. Charles L. Burgreen The Rt. Rev. Mrs. George M. Van Meter The Rev. DarrylCanfill The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick Lt. Col. and Mrs. Lewin E. Vermillion The Rev. Austin RellinsCooper Gail Gasparac Brian and the Rev. Jenny Vervynck Mary Pope McCall Daniel The Rev.Hugh Hall The Rev.Canon B.W. and JacquelynBrown Dann MargaretHall ShirleenS. Wait The Rt. Rev. DonaldJ. Davis The Very Rev. George E. Hillman Alice Walters The Rev.R. J. Dodwell David Kalvelage Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Wanthal Dr. John E. Duberg The Rev.Thomas W.S. Logan Sr. The Rt. Rev. WilliamC . Wantland JeffreyS. Floor The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson Mrs. James H. Waring The Rev. ReginaldFuller The Rev. Gene Paradise Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wartinbee The Rev.Canon Ed Hailwood The Rev. FlemingRutledge Stephen H. Watkin VirginiaA. Hird The Rev.Tom Seitz Philip 8. Watson, Jr. The Rev. Paul Z. Hoornstra Henry M. Simons, Jr. The Rev. Robert W. Watson The Rev. Robert C. Hubbs The Rt. Rev. WilliamJ . Skilton The Rev. Mary Weatherwax The Rev.James W. Kennedy The Rt. Rev. Arthur Anton Vogel Dr. John 8. Weeth The Rev. A. Darwin Kirby The Rev.Charles Washam The Rev. and Mrs. WilliamL. Weiler The Rev.Ted Knies The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Whitaker Diane Knippers NashotahHouse DonaldA. Whitcomb The Rev. Canon and Mrs. Knud A. FaithAlive The Rev. Konrad S. White Larsen WWII EpiscopalChaplains The Ven. Canon Robert N. Willing The Rev. BenjaminV. Lavey The Bishops of the ChristopherWilson The Rev.Jack Malpas AnglicanCommunion Network Dr. J.F. Wine ShirleyN. McArthur The Rev.and Mrs. Edward Winsor John R. Mertens Lt. Col. Peter C. Withers The Rev. E. ElbridgeMorrill To contribute to the The Rev. Donn L. Wolf The Rev.William V. Murray Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wollan The Rev.John Walter Nourse annual campaign of The Rt. Rev.Robert M. Wolterstorff Col. ChesterW. Ott The Living Church Fund, The Rev.Carey C. Womble The Rev.Lindsay G. Patience The Rt. Rev. Milton L. Wood The Rev. Wilfred Penny see page 2. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wright Conway Maphis Plumer .. DeborahA. Yetter Mary Jane Pontious The Rev. George D. Young,Jr. The Rev. Canon H. Boone Porter Mr. and Mrs. William P. Young The Rt. Rev. FrankA. Rhea Church of Our Saviour,Okeechobee, FL Agnes Spencer Roach Epiphanyand St. Simon Church, The Rev.Corwin CarlyleRoach Brooklyn, NY The Rev.John L. Roberts St. FrancisChurch, Wilsonville,OR The Rev.John William Robertson St. Gabriel's Church, Titusville, FL Agnes Ryan St. John's Church, Carthage,TX The Rev.Canon C. Boone Sadler,Jr. St. Michael & All Angels Church, The Very Rev. FrancisB. Sayre Adelphi, MD The Rt. Rev.William C.R. Sheridan St. Michael's Church, Geneseo,NY Donald H. Sitz St. Paul's Church, Savannah,GA The Rev. Frank M.S. Smith St. Stephen's Church, Wimberley,TX The Rev. Robert A. Tourigney The Henderson-Wessendorff The Rev.John Henry Vruwink Foundation,Richmond, TX The Rev.Adam Joseph Walters The Society of the Transfiguration, Joan K. Walton Cincinnati,OH The Rev.James H. Waring TrinityChurch, Red Bank, NJ The Rev.Alan G. Whittemore


LatestProposal Offers Little

If you haven't reached this conclusion down, more of a compromise , than the on your own by now, allow me to try to first effort. help you: The Episcopal Church will not be Q: What's the matter with this draft? disciplined for the consecration of the A: It seems to have no clout in adminis­ Bishop of New Hampshire or for pennit­ tering discipline or in settling disputes. ting blessings of same-gender couples to Q: Can you explain? take place in churches. You knew that, did­ A: For example, the St. Andrew's Draft n't you? If you didn't, then the publication includes a possible disciplinary process for of a proposed Anglican Covenant on Ash provinces (autonomous churches). This Did You Know ... Wednesday ought to make it clear. Known time, in attempting to settle a dispute as the St. Andrew's Draft, the document involving a particular church , that church Thebishops of Hawaii, produced by the Covenant Design Group is could decide whether to accept what SouthwestFlorida and offered for reflection , particularly for the amounts to non-voluntary arbitration. And Chicago,all electedin recent Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops in order to settle disputes , the Archbishop this summer. of Canterbury would have to take action - months,all servedat the If you're confused by this , cheer up. an unlikely scenario with the incumbent. sametime in the Dioceseof You're not alone. As a service to our read­ Q: Would this covenant proposal be NorthernIndiana. ers , I'll try to shed some light on this good for The Episcopal Church? developm ent. A: Again, this depends on one's perspec­ tive, but it seems as though most Episco­ Q: This sounds familiar. Haven't we palians could "buy into" this proposal, for already had a covenant proposal? there is little for them to affirm , and noth­ A: Yes, we have. A proposal known as ing in it to stop same-gender blessings the Nassau Draft was present ed when the from taking place . Quote of the Week primates of the Anglican Communion met Q: Isn't there anything good about TheRt. Rev.G. Porter Taylor, in Tanzania in 2007. this proposal? Bishopof WesternNorth Q: Why do we need an Anglican A: Sure there is. There is an acknowl­ Covenant? edgment that there is no intention to erect carolina,on the importanceof A: Many believe we don't. The idea for a a centralized jurisdiction for the Anglican prayer:"Every Episcopalian covenant was mentioned in the Wmdsor Communion. There are frequent refer­ needsa Bookof Common Report in 2004. The concept was that the ences to scripture. There is an admission member churches of the Communion that this document is "a tentative draft." Prayerand needs to useit would affirm various principles in hopes of And there have been attempts to address everyday." achieving unity and avoiding disputes what some observers regarded as weak­ among member churches . nesses in the first version. Q: What happened to that first Q: What happens to this covenant covenant proposal? next? A: Very little. Only 13 member churches A: It should be a topic of discussion made official responses to it. It was not when the bishops gather for the Lambeth well received by most Episcopalians, who Conference in Canterbury. Then , most thought it would undermine the church's likely, there will be another revision, per­ autonomy. haps even more. Eventually, each of the 38 Q: Who is responsible for this sec­ churches of the Anglican Communion will ond proposal? be asked to approve the covenant. A: A body known as the Covenant Design Group , appointed by the Arch­ Overall, the St. Andrew's Draft is similar bishop of Canterbury, and under the lead­ to many documents published in The Epis­ ership of the Archbishop of the West copal Church and in the Anglican Com­ Indies. The same group put together the munion. It is a sincere attempt to help the first draft. Communion get out of the mess in which it Q: Is the second version improved fmds itself, and to avoid similar pitfalls in over the first one? the future. Unfortunately, like many other A: It depends on one's point of view. In offerings, it's a case of too little, too late. my mind, the second draft is more water ed David Kalvel,a,ge, execu tive editor


Confusingand Unhelpful Rowan Williams has been feeling extraor­ dinary pressure in recent days. If being titular head of the Anglican Communion hasn't been enough of a burden, his role of Primate of the has brought about additional stress. Archbishop Archbishop Williams infuriated a large segment of British society when he said Islamic legal codes ought to be recognized in Britain. Williamswas In a radio interview with BBC, the archbishop said aspects of sharia law, Islam's legal system , could be accommodated in Britain's legal system , and he added that sharia even may seem unavoidable. Speak­ immediately ing of the multicultural society found in Great Britain, Archbishop Williams said Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty." Sharia law, derived chastisedby from the Koran, is frequently criticized for what many perceive as a lack of human rights. manyAnglicans, The archbishop was immediately chastised by many Anglicans, par­ ticularly evangelicals in England, for his remarks, and he used his pres­ idential address for the opening of the General Synod of the Church of particularly England to clarify what he said. ". .. the question remains of whether certain additional choices could and should be made available under evangelicalsin the law of the United Kingdom for resolving disputes and regulating transactions ," he told the synod. The primate's critics , including his predecessor , Archbishop George Carey, said introduction of elements England. of sharia would be "disastrous for the nation," and some cited the ten­ sion experienced by Anglicans who live in countries where Muslims predominate. Archbishop Williams has been lmown as a defender of Christian val­ ues, so his willingness to compromise religious convictions seems curious. He told the General Synod of the importance of witnessing to the Lordship of Christ, and we are willing to take him at his word . His provocative comments were not what the church needed as it attempts to address its own controversy.

ManyFirst-time Contributors We take this opportunity to express gratitude to the many people who participated in the annual campaign of the Living Church Fund during 2007. In particular, it is a privilege to give recognition to the Living Church Associates - those persons who through one or more gifts dur­ ing the year make voluntary contributions of $100 or more above the cost of their subscriptions. We are pleased to list their names in this spe­ cial Charitable Giving Issue. During the past year we have noticed many new names among our contributors , and we have observed others who have moved into the Associates category after having made smaller donations in the past. We are grateful for these developments and thankful for all contributions , whatever the amount. The individuals, families, parishes and other organizations which pro­ vide these contributions merit our deepest gratitude. Without them , it would not be possible to publish this unique magazine, for income from subscriptions and advertising has not been able to keep up with the ever­ increasing costs of postage and production. Our supporters enable us to continue to provide quality publications for The Episcopal Church and other Anglicans, and for this, we are most thankful.


What LegacyAre You Leaving?

By Gary Nicolosi O'Kelly could be chilly, manipula­ tive and abrupt in business interac­ What would you do right now if you tions. But as the process of dying were told that you had just six months progressed, he began to discover the to live? That was the dilemma facing world around him - nature, connec­ Eugene O'Kelly, a business executive tion with loved ones, and being in the at KPMG, one of the largest account- moment - as he had never seen it ing firms in the United States. before. In the course of saying good­ --- In May 2005, O'Kelly learned bye, for example, he would sometimes he had an inoperable, incur­ invite a friend or acquaintance to take 178 able brain tumor, and was told a stroll in the park. This "was some­ he would die before Christ- times not only the final time we would 19 mas. In fact, he died Sept. 10, take such a leisurely walk together, 2005. But before he died, he but also the first time." wrote a book, which was pub­ As I read O'Kelly's book, two ques­ lished posthumously: Chasing tions came to mind. First, will the Daylight : How My Forthcom­ world be a better place because I have ing Death Transformed My been here? For most people, life is a Life (McGraw-Hill, 2006). It is draw. They leave the world as they a book about how a successful found it. They live, they work, they man learns to redefine success retire, and then they die. The world is in the last months of his life. no better and no worse for their hav­ O'Kelly's illness prompted ing been here. They are nice people. him to re-examine his priorities It's just that they made no lasting Studies indicate that and values, look at his life/work bal­ impression or contribution. people who regularly ance, and focus on living in the Making the world a better place moment rather than some indefinite requires a commitment of the will - a make charitable point in the future. He drew a map of commitment to live a life of integrity relationships in his life as a series of and love. It means standing for those contributions are concentric circles. His wife was at the things that are good and right, and happier, more center, then his children, on out reaching out in love and generosity to through family and close friends. The people who need our help and sup­ confident, and more fifth circle was "close business associ­ port. In short, it means living like ates," and he was amazed to find there Jesus lived. It means the willingness to content than those were 1,000 names on the list. He real­ sacrifice for a greater good - the will­ ized that he spent too much time in the ingness to share your time and your who do not. outer circles and not enough on the resources with others. inner ones. My second question in reading "At work," he writes, "with constant O'Kelly's book is this: When I leave demands on my time, I'd got into the this world, will I leave behind a legacy habit of meeting with certain people of love? There are some people who - good people , nice people, but leave this world and nobody misses nonetheless fifth-circle people. Was it them. Why? Because their main con­ necessary to have breakfast with them cern in life was themselves, their four times a month? Had I somehow needs, their opportunities, their bur­ been inspired to draw my map of con­ dens . Only a few persons ever seem to centric circles earlier in my life, per­ get outside themselves and live for haps I could have found time in the others. last decade to have a weekday lunch You may remember that one of with my wife more than ... twice?" Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of

18 THE LIVING CHURCH · MARCH 2. 2008 The Reader's Viewpoint article does not necessarily represent the editorial opinion of THE LIVINGCHURCH or its board of directors.

Highly Effective People is, "Begin with them what you want them to know. Leaving a the end in mind." Visualize yourself, There are no rules on length. It can be Covey says, at your funeral and listen anything from a letter to a memoir. legacy doesn't in your imagination to what people Often it provides a personal history (a say about you. It matters little what series of important stories, not a dry just feed the your net worth was. It matters little list of events), messages to your loved how many times your name was in the ones about the values that you want organization headlines. These things will not last. them to carry on and the things that you are Only two will: Is the world a better have mattered most in your life, place because you've been here? Did including your faith in God and com­ supporting. you leave behind a legacy of love? mitment to the church. Legacy, in fact, is a powerful con­ Leaving a legacy doesn't just feed It feeds your cept nowadays. As Baby Boomers the organization you are supporting. It financial soul. begin to approach retirement , legacy feeds your financial soul. Studies indi­ leaving is becoming a matter of cate that people who regularly make urgency for many of them. There even charitable contributions are happier, has been a motion picture that more confident, and more content addressed the topic of legacy. "The than those who do not. And a legacy, Ultimate Gift," starring James Garner, rather than sporadic donations, is one is an adaptation of a best-selling book of the best and most meaningful ways about a billionaire who forces his to be generous. Ancient Greek wis­ grandson to learn the value of helping dom bids us, "Know thyself, control others before he can claim his inheri­ thyself, give thyself." Jesus says, "Give tance . Along the way the young man and it will be given to you" (Luke learns that there is more to life than 6:38), and "It is more blessed to give money, and other truths his gramps than to receive" (Acts 20:35). That is wants to be remembered for. good advice for us as we journey The film demonstrates the growing through Lent and live out the remain­ interest in legacy planning, in which ing time we have on this earth. 0 you set aside some money in your will for a cause that is important to you. The Rev. Gary Nicolosi is congrega­ We want our money to be a force for tional development offic er for the good, in our children's lives but also in Diocese of British Columbia, Victo­ the world . There is a psychological ria, B.C., Canada. imperative here. We live in an age of abundance. The problem is, even though we are enormously blessed with material resources, we aren't any happier. So we try to find meaning in our lives. One way to do that is by doing something for others: leaving a bequest to our parish church or estab­ 888-ReloCenter(888- 735-6236) lishing a charitable trust. Ask for a clergy moving specialist and discover Practicing planned giving is an ideal why thousandsof churches,clergy and seminarianshave way to leave a legacy. Another is tak­ ♦ ClergyDiscount relied on us for nearlytwo decades. ing the time to draft an ethical will. While a traditional will tells your loved ♦ GuaranteedDates ones (and the legal world) what you .. Up To 3 Estimates want them to have, an ethical will ♦ MajorVan Lines (which is not a legal document) tells email: [email protected]

MARCH 2. 2008 · THE LIV ING C HURCH 19 words, but must be celebrated in wor­ ship and meditation." Perhaps this is what the planners of the celebration at St. John's Cathedral had in mind. I'm distressed when I read about The use of Hindu scripture and bishops being either inhibited or externals of Hindu traditions is com­ threatened with inhibition for "aban­ HinduDialogue monplace in India in many of the Chris­ donment of communion" [TLC,Feb . 3). The Guest Colunm, "Abdicating the tian churches. The name of Fr. Bede I'm not distressed because action is Faith" by the Rev. Leander S. Harding Griffiths, OSB, comes to mind. being taken, but that it has come to [TLC,Feb . 17], left me with more ques­ Although he remained a Roman this. I wonder how this will work out tions than answers. Catholic monk, he adopted the trap­ when some provinces of the Anglican Fr. Harding seems to believe that an pings of Hindu monastic life and Communion recognize the inhibition interfaith service would be out of line entered into dialogue with Hinduism. and others will not. I strongly doubt for the Diocese of Los Angeles to spon­ In the Guest Colunm, there is a ref­ the Province of the Southern Cone sor, but in reality this is one of the most erence to" ... the great missionary the­ will recognize Bishop Schofield's inhi­ effective ways to dialogue with persons ologian and Anglican bishop Lesslie bition. San Joaquin probably will con­ of the Hindu tradition. Dr. Anantanand Newbigin." When was Dr. Newbigin an tinue to function as a diocese, the Rambachan, of St. Olaf College, in his Anglican? In 1936, he was ordained by bishop will continue to function as a presentation, The Nature and Autlwr­ the Presbytery of Edinburgh as a bishop, and the parishes will go on ity of Scripture: Impl ication for Church of Scotland missionary. In just like they have been . The problem Hin du-Christian Dialogu e (World 1947, the Church of South India is that one part of the Communion Council of Churches, 1998), explains appointed him as one of its first bish­ says San Joaquin is legitimate and four types of interreligious dialogue. Of ops in the Diocese of Madurai Ramnad, another does not. particular interest is the dialogue of and he was a Church of Scotland min­ Our autonomous provinces are no spirituality. Participants seek "To go ister. In 1965, he became the Bishop of longer functioning in communion with beyond words to encounter the other Madras. each other. Instead, just like Israel in at the level of the heart." It attracts (The Rev.) John T. Allen the Book of Judges, each one does those "who feel that the essential unity St. Mark's Church what is good in their own eyes (Judges of humanity cannot be expressed in South Milwaukee, Wis.

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20 THE LIVIN G CHURCH · MARC H 2. 2008 Are you reading a borrowed copy of THE OtherNumbers LMNG CHURCH Fred Phillips [TLC, Feb . 3] provided weeks or even months some interesting figures on the relative numbers of Episcopalians in San after it's published? Joaquin as compared to neighboring Now's your chance to receive your own dioceses . copy of the only national, independent One statistic which he neglected to weekly magazine serving the Episcopal Church. offer is that , acc ording to TEC's statis­ tics , between the years 2002 and 2006, You can count on us to deliver the news, the Diocese of San Joaquin lost approx­ features and commentary to keep you imately 9 percent of its average Sunday informed and enlightened. attendance . During the same period , the Diocese of California lost 14 per­ And best of all, cent, the Diocese of Northern Califor­ AN EPISCOPAL SEMINARY we'll send nia lost 15 percent , and the Diocese of 2777 MISSION ROAD THE UVING CHURCH NASHOTAH , WI 53058-9793 El Camino Real lost 18 percent. directly to you If one looks at membership, San Most booksseen In The LivingChurch are available. every week. 3 Ask aboutclergy and churchdiscounts . Joaquin lost percent as compared to (262) 646-6529 no loss or gain for California, an 18-per­ Order with MCNISA cent loss of members for El Camino Toll-free at 1-800- Real and a 19-percent loss of members 211-2771 or by sending in the form for Northern California . Put another SHRINE OF OUR LADY below. Foreign rates and sample copies way, El Camino Real and Northern Cal­ OF CLEMENCY also available. ifornia have lost a combined total of Continuous Novena daily at 5.45pm 6,500 members over the last five years Send your prayer requests to a HALF-YEAFl:,$lb.$cription - almost the total number of San Canon Gordon Reid - $23.00 (2IJ8$tles) Joaquin parishioners leaving for the S.Clement's Church, 2013 Appletre e St . Southern Cone. I think the statistics are Philadelphia , PA 19103 □ ONE-YEAR·subscription telling us something , although probably - $42.50 (62,issu•sl not what Mr. Phillips wanted to hear. James Wirrell □ TWO-YEARfu~f»9r :iption Sacram ento, Calif. 1111 - $80.00-(t.QI l•t:tsl · [ l\ 'IN<.;U ll JRCII NfWS SERVICE •-- • -•.·:,-:C'-- .a. ( II IHI 11\lV,1 fl\~( 11 lt) t !\il' \ i'k' ' l'-11.. RefreshingAnswers Name With regard to David Kalvelage 's Now available! column, "Speaking Her Mind [TLC, Address Jan. 27], he criticizes the Presiding Bishop for her comments to a reporter Online Advertising City from the BBC. I believe instead of crit­ on our icism , the Presiding Bishop should be State ______.Zip__ _ praised . It is refre shing to see a bishop BRAND NEW answer questions directly, honestly , website: PhoneL...,_) ______and without doubl e talk or spin . Email ______I am also somewhat puzzled over why he conclud ed that he would not Make checks payable to: be "complimentary" about the Presid­ Reach more than The Living Church Foundation ing Bishop 's comments , especially P.O. Box 514036 when he went on to praise her candor 60,000 visitors and state that her comment "about a per month Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436 double standard is well taken ." □ Check Telling the truth should always be For more information call the standard and not the exception. I (414) 276-5420 ext. 16 trust the P.B. will continue to speak Or E-mail Card# ____ --'--~------her mind . tparker @ livingchurch .org Exp.Date ___ ;---'e--'-'- ~~ -~-'- Michael J. McPhers on New York, N. Y. Signatur~- ...... :.,..;,.....~~


BOOKS POSITIONS OFFERED ANGLICAN BIBLIOPOLE: theol og ical booksellers. FULL-TIME ASSOCIATE RECTOR-YOUNG FAMI­ Saratoga Springs, NY. (518) 587-7470 . LIES: Christ Episcopal Church, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Appointments AngllcanBk Christ Episcopal Church is seeking an enthusiastic leader and memb er of our cler gy team to focus on The Rev. RonaldKolanowski is curate at CHURCH FURNISHINGS young adult/family ministries. She/He will be the lead cler­ Trinity, 120 Sigourney St., Hartford, CT gyper son for our fastest-growing worship service . FLAGS AND BANNERS : Custom designed Episcopal This person will work collegially with the other clergy and 06105-2796. flags and banners by Festival Flags in Richmond ,Virginia. strong program staff, and will participate in various worship The Rev. ChristyLaborda is vicar of El Please contact us by phone at 800-233-5247 or by E-mail settings , pastoral visits and general clergy responsibilitie s. Buen Pastor, 1852 Liberty St., Durham, NC at festflags The ideal candidate will have good preaching skills and at 27703. least four years of ministerial and leadership experience. TRADITIONAL GOTHIC chapel chairs. Officiant The Rev. StevenLing is priest-in-charge of He/She has a passion for ministry ; is flexible and self-moti­ chair s for modem churches . Custom crosses, altars, hymn vated; relates to and communicates well with young Trinity, 345 Main St., Portland , CT 06480. board s, furniture, cabinet s. OLDCRAFT WOOD­ famlies; and enjoys being in their presence. Christ Episco­ The Rev. Beth Mallon is deacon at St. WORKERS , Sewanee, TN 37375 Ph: (931) 598-0208 . pal Church has grown rapidly to more than 5.800 parish­ Francis ', 8818 SW Miley Rd., Wilsonville, OR E-mail : [email protected] ioners, with over 40% of the growth having occurred during 97070. FACULTY POSITIONS the past decade. Holy Eucharist is celebrated 15 times each The Rev. Michael Murphyis vicar of St. week---at the church, the parish hall and the chapel on the Barnabas' , 110 E Lincoln St., Tullahoma, TN SEM[NARY FACULTY POSlTIONS: Virginia Theo­ Ponte Vedra campus; at the church on the San Pablo cam­ logical Seminary is now accepting applications for two pus; at Serenata Beach; and at the chapels at two life-care 37388. faculty positions: Professor.of Church History and Director communitie s. Our five full-time and a part-time clergy, a The Rev. VirginiaL. Ogdenis curate at St. of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching. Full description s vocational deacon, program staff, administrative staff. and Stephen's, 16 Elsmere Ave., Delmar, NY and application information are available at . hundreds of devoted volunteers, guided by the Holy Spirit, 12054. minister to our parish , the local community, and the world The Rev. WayneRollins is rector of St. POSITIONS OFFERED through worship, Christian formation , a wide range of out­ reach programs , and more than 75 ministri es. Peter's, 687 Washington Ave., Portland, ME FULL-TIME FAMILY MINISTER: Trinity Cathedral in The total budget of the church excluding the pre-school and 04105. Portland, OR, is seeking a full-time Family Ministries Priest foundation is in the $3.6 million range . Please send resume The Rev. David Rudeis rector of Grace to create and implement a new model of ministry, placing the and CDO Profile to crhbeach or call family at the center of faith formation for our youth. Church , 707 1st Ave., Sterling , IL 61081- Charlie Hoskins at (904) 285-0525. Trinity Cathedral is a parish of 1.300+communicants with a 3622. budget of over $2.3 million. The Family Ministries Priest FULL-TIME MISSIONER FOR ADULT CHRISTIAN The Rev. Matthew Scott is associate at will coordinate programs, develop and implement vision and FORMATION AND CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES: The Good Shepherd , 9350 Braddock Rd., Burke , strategy. and gather and empower Trinity 's families to love Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut, Hartford, CT. The mis­ VA22015. and serve God in their lives. As the family ministry team sioner will have responsibility for oversight of the work of leader, the director will recruit and manage volunteers within the diocese to educate children and adults in the Christian the existing youth programs as well as expand the family Deaths faith, and to inspire. equip and empower Christian forma­ ministry in new directions. As a spiritual leader, the director tion leader s who work with childr en and adults in will create a theological framework that welcomes and edu­ UoydE. Cast,Jr., organist and director the diocese 's 174 congregations . The missioner will report cates the large body of families in the parish. The director to the bish op suffragan. Applications are due by of music emeritus at the Cathedral of All will work collegially with the 25-member Cathedral staff. April. For detail s and application informat ion visit: Saints, Albany, NY, died Jan. 26 of com­ the Vestry, and a large volunteer core. Portland is one of the /formationmissioner.pdf . most livable cities in the United States, with abundant oppor­ plications from lung cancer. He was 75. tunities for a lifestyle that offers the best of city or suburban Born in Hollywood , CA, he was a gradu­ living with proximity to mountains, the Columbia River SOFTWARE ate of Indiana University. He served at the Gorge, and the Pacific Ocean. FREE: Albany cathedral for 37 years. Mr. Cast was Come join our dynamic , creative, progressive, and growing corporate parish. Contact Mary Morris, Trinity Episcopal a past dean of the Bloomington (IN) and Cathedral, 157 NW 19th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 or via TRAVEL/ PILGRIMAGES Eastern New York chapters of the American e-mail marym . Deadline for Guild of Organists and was a member of the CLERGY OR LAY LEADERS , interested in seei ng the rece iving applications to include introductory letter, Royal School of Church Music. At the time resume , and current CDO profile is March 7, 2008. world for FREE'! England. Greece, Turke y, the Holy Land, Ethiopia. and more! Contact Journeys Unlimited . of his death he resided in Viera, FL. He was YOUTH MlNISTER: The Church of the Good Shep­ E-mail journeys or ca ll 800-486-8359 a member of St. Luke's Church , Merritt herd, Augusta, GA, is seeking a trained , preferably expe­ ext 205, 206, or 208. Island. He is survived by his brother James , rienced person for this full-time position . We are an active of Cocoa Beach, FL. congregation, average Sunday attendanc e of 530, situated ORTHODOX TOURS: specializes in worldwide custom in a vibrant neighborh ood. For information or to send a tours and pilgrimages to the holy pilgrim sites of the Early resume , contact Robert Fain, 2230 Walton Way , Church and Eastern Christendom. Our tour themes include The Rev. Daniel Wayne Hardy, 77, Augusta, GA 30904, (706) 738-3386 or e-mail sacred art. Christian monasti cism and uniquel y tailored retired priest of the Diocese of New Jer­ rdfain tours that combine elements of pilgrimage with interesting educational historical excursions. Orthodox Tours offer a sey, died Nov. 15 in Salisbury, CT. FULL-TIME RECTOR: St Paul's, Brookings, SD . Parish number of pre-packaged tours, but we also work with Epis­ Born in New York City, Fr. Hardy was a (40+ families) is firmly rooted in the diocese, supports Epis­ copal and Anglican groups and individuals requesting cus­ graduate of Haverford College, the General copal tradition, has a strong lay ministry and adult education. tom-made tours. Our mission is to work with anyone who Theological Seminary, and St. John 's College, Small classes• kindergarten to Canterbury Club. Parish goals has a serious interest in the themes that we offer and who Oxford. He was ordained in Connecticut, as are growth, lay ministry development, and pastoral care. would be interested in our profess ional travel services, a deacon in 1955, and as a priest in 1956. Fr. Position includes campus ministry at South Dakota State offered in the spirit of Christian love, honesty and cordial­ University ( Rectory adjacent to historic ity. For more informat ion on these very special pilgrimages , Hardy was vicar of St. Barnabas' Church, church. Rector 's compensation includes salary and benefits. visit: www.orthodoxtours .com; Call (607)797-1058 , E­ Greenwich, CT, 1956-59; and assisted at St. Inquiries to: The Rev. David Hussey, ODO, (605) 624-3379 mail : [email protected] . Mark's, Londonderry, Birmingham, England, or (605) 338-9751, or e-mail uminusd, before 1968-86. He wrote numerous articles for 3/ 15/08. Website: Worldwide Pilgrimage Ministries is a fully accredited travel ministry that arranges adult, youth and choir spiritual jour­ scholarly journals and was a member of the FULL-TIME RECTOR/VICAR : Fort Dodge/Webster neys to Israel, Turkey, Greece, Italy, England, France, Spain, Society for the Study of Theology, the Amer­ City, IA . Yoked churches of SL Mark 's, Fort Dodge, and Scotland, Ireland and South Africa. We offer a full range of ican Academy of Religion, and the American Good Shepherd, Webster City. seeking a priest or candidate cruises. Phone: 1-800-260-5104; E-mail: [email protected]; Theological Society. He and his wife, Kate, to the priesthood to serve these forward-thinking congrega­ Website: were the parents of four children. tions which are focused on local to global outreach , and hav e active lay mini stries centered in the Eucharist , TO A CLASSIFIED, To learn more about these vital congregati ons, view PLACE pari sh/positi on profile at and PRINT OR ONLINE, Next week ... . Please send inquiries and CONTACT AMBER MUMA AT CDO profiles to: The Rev. Thomas J. Gehlsen, Ph.D., [email protected] . amb~i@liyir,-i9c;t1~,rc_h~9r,9.;'.· Report from Executive Council

22 THE LIVING C HURCH · MARCH 2. 2008 Church Directory

AVERY, CA (Calaveras Big Trees) NEW ORLEANS, LA ST. CLARE OF ASSISI Hwy . 4 CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL (504) 895-6602 The Rev. Marlin Leonard Bowman, v (209) 754-5381 2919 St. Charles Ave. Sun High Mass 9 (Rite 1) Traditional and Contemporary On the street car line at the corner of 6th St. Websrte: FORT MYERS BEACH, FL The Very Rev. David duPlantier, dean ST. RAPHAEL'S 5601 W~liams Drive (239) 463-6057 Sun Mass 7:30 (1928), 10 (Choral H Eu), 6 (Rrte II). Daily Mass: [email protected] M-F 12:15. Sat 9:30 The Rev. Alice Marcrum . r; the Ven. Richard Palmer , assist. priest Sun H Eu 9; Tues Taize 7; Thurs Rosary 4 (Chapel) BOSTON,MA ASHEVILLE, NC THE CHURCH OF THE ADVENT (617) 523-2377 CATHEDRAL OF ALL SOULS (Biltmore Village} STUART, FL 30 Brimmer Street Web: 3 Angle St. (828) 274-2681 ST. MARY'S 623 E. Ocean Blvd . (772) 287-3244 E-mail: office@theadvenLorg www .allsoulscathedral .org Website : www The Rev. Allan B. Warren Ill, r; the Rev. Patrick T. Gray, Sun H Eu 8, 9, 11 :15. Wed noon , 5:45; Tues EP 5:30 The Rev. Thomas T. Pittenger, r; the Rev. David Fran­ assoc: the Rev. Daphne B. Noyes, d; Sharon Knox­ coeur, assoc r; the Rev. Jonathan Coffey, the Rev. Hutchlnson , Pastoral Assistant for Families Stephen Fregeau, the Rev. Canon Richard Hardman , the Sun MP 7:30, Ch S, 10:15; Masses 8, 9, 11:15 (Sol High); SELINSGROVE, PA ALL SAINTS 129 N. Market (570) 374-8289 Rev. Peggy Sheldon, assisting ; Dr. Allen Rosenberg, Mon-Fri, MP 9; Mass 12:15 (except Wed); EP 5:30; Wed, The Rev. Robert Pursel , Th. D., r orga nist & choir dir Mass 6; Sat, MP 8:30, Mass 9, C 9:30 Sun Mass 10 (Rite I); Wed Mass & Healing 1; Weekdays as Sun Eu 7:30, 9, 9 (contemporary), 11, 5. Tues H Eu 12:10; announced (Rite Ii); Sacrament of Penance by appt. Thurs H Eu 10, Sat 5 NEWARK, NJ GRACE CHURCH 950 Broad SL, at Federal Sq. WELLSBORO, PA MACON, GA ST. PAUL'S (570) 724-4771 CHRIST CHURCH (1 min off 1-75) (478) 745-0427 The Rev. J. Carr Holland Ill, r Website: 582 Walnut St. www The Rev. Gregory P. Hinton , r "The first church of Macon; established 1825" Sun Masses 8 & 10 (Sung); Mon-Fri 12:10 Sat Eu 7, Sun Eu 8, 10; Wed H Eu 12 The Rev. Dr, J, Wesley Smith, r; the Rev. Robert Gibson , asst; the Rev. Dr. Tim Klopfenstein, asst; the Rev. David Probst, c; the Rev. Kathy Kelly, d. PASSAIC, NJ CHARLESTON, SC Sun HC 8, 9, 11, Sun School 10; Wed. HS/ LOH 12:05 ST. JOHN 'S Lafayette and Passaic Avenues CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION Website: www (973) 779-0966 218 Ashley Ave. (843} 722-2024 The Rev. William C. Thiele, p-i-c [email protected] Website: SAVANNAH, GA Sun Low Mass 8, Sung Mass 10:30, HD anno. The Rev. Dow Sanderson, r; the Rev. Dan Clarke, c; the Rev. ST. THOMAS - ISLE OF HOPE (912) 355-3110 Patrick Allen, assoc 2 St. Thomas Ave . www.stthomasioh .org Sun Mass 8 (Low) 10:30 (Solemn High} Sun 8 & 10 H Eu, 9. Chr Ed; Mon HS 6; Wed HS 10 RED BANK, NJ TRINITY CHURCH 65 W. Front St. Website : GRACE CHURCH 98 Wentworth Street (843) 723-4575 HONOLULU, HI Websrte: THE PARISH OF ST. CLEMENT (808) 955-7745 The Rev. Christopher Rodriguez , r Sun Masses 8 & 10 (Sung), MP and EP Daily The Rev. Canon J. Michael A. Wright, r; the Rev. Dr. Kirt­ www [email protected] ley Yearwood , v; the Rev. Alastair Votaw , assoc; the Rev. The Rev. Liz Zlvanov, r Paul Gilbert, assoc; Dr. Scott Bennett , organist & choir­ Sun H Eu 7:30 & 10:15 NEW YORK, NY master; Jodi Bennett , children 's choirs ; Jimmy Hartley , ST. MARK 'S (808) 732-2333 CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY (212) 737-2720 youth & young adults 539 Kapahulu Ave. (#13 Bus end of line from Waikiki) 1393 York Ave @ E. 74th Sun H Eu 8 (Said), 9 (Sung), 10: 10 (Christian Formation), 11 Sun Masses 7, 9 (Sung); MWF 8 (5th Sun 8 only) Sun 8:30, 11, 6 (Choral), 6; Wed H Eu & LOH 5:30; Mon-Fri MP 8:45 CHICAGO, IL PARISH OF TRINITY CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TX The Rev. Canon James H. Cooper, D. Min., r ASCENSION N. LaSalle Blvd. at Elm ST. PAUL'S CHURCH AND SCHOOL (210) 226-0345 The Rev. Canon Anne Mallonee, v Inclusive and Affirming Anglican Catholicism since 1883 (312) 664-1271 (212) 602-0800 Sisters of SL Anne (312) 642-3638 1018 E Grayson St., Government Hill Website: www .stpauls-satx .org The Rev. Gary P. Fertig, r; the Rev. Richard Higginbotham Watch & hear our services and conc erts on the Web Sun Masses 8 (Low), 9 (Sung) 11 (Sol & Ser), MP 7:30, Sol The Rev. Doug Earle , r; Dr. Thomas Lee , organ­ ist/choirmaster; Kay Karcher Mijangos. sc hool head­ E&B 4 (1S) Daily: MP 6:40 (ex Sun) Masses 7, 6:20 (Wed), 1O TRINITY Broadway at Wall Street mistress (Sat); EP M-S 6, Sun 4; C Sat 5:30-6 , Sun 10:30-10:50 Sun H Eu 9 & 11:15. Mon-Fri MP 8:15, H Eu 12:05, EP 5:15. Rosary 9:30 Sat Sun Mass 8 (Low) & 10:30 (Sung), Ev & B as anno , Open Sun 7-4; Mon-Fri 7-6; Sat 8-4 Wed Eu & HU 10:30; C by Appl. , HD as anno

RIVERSIDE, IL (CHICAGO WEST SUBURBAN) ST. PAUL'S Broadway at Fulton ST. PAUL'S PARISH 60 Akenside Rd. The Rev. Canon James H. Cooper , D. Min •. r MILWAUKEE, WI Sun H Eu 8, 10. Mon-Sat Prayer Service 12:30 www .stpaulsparish .org (708) 447-1604 ALL SAINTS' CATHEDRAL (414) 271-7719 Open Sun 7-4; Mon-Sat 10-6 The Rev. Thomas A. Fraser, r; the Rev. Richard R. Daly, SSC, 818 E. Juneau Ave . www.ascathedral .org parochial vicar The Very Rev. Warren H. Raasch , dean Sun Eu 9 & 10:30. Wkdy Eu Tues 7, Wed 7, Fri 10:30. Sacra­ ST. THOMAS 5th Ave & 53rd St. Sun Masses 8, 10 (Sung). Daily Mass, MP & EP as posted ment of Reconciliatio n 1st Sat 4-4:30 & by appt , A/C www .saintthomaschurch .org (212) 757-7013 The Rev. Andrew C. Mead , r: John Scott , organist and dir. SPRINGFIELD, IL of music; the Rev. Charles F. Wallace , headmaster; the LUTHERAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST. PAUL Rev. Robert H. Stafford, the Rev. Victor Lee Austin, the Website: www (217) 544-5135 Rev. Jonathan M. Erdman, the Rev. John Andrew , asst. MOJAVE, CA E-Mail: stpaulepca@insightbb .com Sun H Eu 8 (Said), 9 (Sung), 11 (Choral), Ev 4 (ChoraQ;M-F MP HOPE CHURCH K and Inyo Streets (909) 989-3317 The Very Rev. Robert E, Brodie, dean & H Eu 8 & 12:10, EP & Eu 5:30 (Tues,Wed & Thur Choral Even­ The Rev. William R. Hampton, STS Sun 8 & 10:30; Mon-Thurs 12:15 song); Sat H Eu 12:10 Sun Eu 10:30


Light face type denote s AM, bold face PM; add, address; anno, announced; A-C, Ante-Communion; appt., appointment ; B, Benediction; C, Confessions; Cho, Choral; Ch S, Church School; c, curate; d, deacon, d.r.e., drector of religiouseducdion ; EP, Evening Prayer; Eu, Eucharist; Ev, Evensong; ex, except; l S, l st Sunday; hol, holiday; HC, Holy Communion; HD, Holy Days; HS, Heal­ ing Service; HU, Holy Unction; Instr,Instru ctions; Int, Intercessions;LOH, Laying On of Hands;Lit, Litany ; Mat, Matins; MP, Morning Prayer; P, Penance; r,rector; r-em, rector emeritus; Ser,Sermon; Sol, Solemn ; Sta, Stations;V , Vespers; v, vicar, YPF,Young People's Fellowship. A/C, or-conditioned; H/A handicapped accessible.


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