THE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM • MARCH 2 , 2008 • $2 . 50 100 YEARS OF LENTEN PREACHING THE CATHEDRALOF THE ADVENT, BIRMINGHAM, ALA. CHARITABLE GIV ING ISS UE THE LIVINGCHURCH CONTRIBUTETO THEANNUAL CAMPAIGN OF THELIVING CHURCH FUND. CATEGORY(Please check one.) THELIVING CHURCH publishes a special issue each PATRON $1,000 OR MORE 0 year which includes the names 0 GUARANTOR $750 OR MORE of contributors who gave $100 or more to the fund SPONSOR $500 OR MORE 0 during the previous year. 0 BENEFACTOR $250 OR MORE BESURE TO WRITE ASSOCIATE $100 OR MORE 0 your name and address 0 OTHER below for tax receipt CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT$ ____ _ & publication. 0 Wish to remain anonymousi n issue. 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Kalvelage Executi .1•eEditor Betty Glatzel THIS WEEK General Manager John Schuessler ManagingEd itor Features Steve Waring News Edit or 5 Inspiring Generosity Arny Grau Parishes inspire stewardship Graphic A1tist Tom Parker with generosity Advertising Manag er Thais Jackson 10 Faith Foundations: The Creed Fulf i llm ent Manager Renee Weber Part 4 in a Lenten series Marketing/Promotion Director on basic ei,ement,sof the faith MichaelO 'Loughlin Director of AssociatedPublications BY HUGH EDS.ALL BOARDOF DIRECTORS 12 The Living Church Associates The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser Riverside, Ill. (President) MiriamK. Stauff Wauwatosa, Wis. (VicePresident) News Daniel Muth St. Leonard, Md. (Secretary) 7 Revised Draft Covenant Issued HowardM. Tischler Albuquerque, N.M. (Treasurer) The Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Franklin,T enn. Opinion The Rev. Jay C. James Raleigh, N.C. 16 Editor's Column The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson Alexandria,La. Latest Proposal Offers Little RichardMamman a, Jr. Stamford,Conn. 1 7 Editorials Thomas Riley Confusing and Unhelpful Vienna,Va . Miss AugustaD. Roddis Marshfield,Wis. 18 Reader's Viewpoint What Legacy Are You Leaving? Editorial and Business offices: BY GARYNICOLOSI 816 E. Juneau Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202-2793 Mailingaddress: P.O. Box 514036 20 Letters Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436 On Its Own Telephone: 414-276-5420 Fax: 414-276-7483 : E-mail: [email protected] . www.livingchurch.org OtherDepartments MANUSCRIPTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS: THE Liv­ INGCH t1Rl:H cannot assume responsibility for the return of photos or manuscripts. 4 Sunday's Readings THE:L1 v1Nr. CHURCH is publi shed every week, dated Sunday, by the Living Church Foundation, Inc., at 816 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, WI 22 People & Places 53202. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, Wl, and at additional mailing offices. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $42.50 tor one year; Onthe Cover $62.00 for 18 months; $80.00 for two years. Canadian postage an additional $29.18 per year; A standing-room-only congregation of 665 people Mexicanrate $5.5.42; all other foreign, $4427 per year. hear the Rev. Canon Joe Warren, director of pas­ POSTMASTER:Send address changesto THELl\1Nc; toral care and counseling at the Cathedral of the CHURCH, P.O. Box 514036. Milwaukee, WI53203-3436 . Subscribers, when submitting address changes, Advent, Birmingham, Ala., introduce the preacher please allow 3-4 weeks [or change to take effect. on Feb. 7, the Very Rev. Paul Zahl, rector of All THE LMNG CHURCH (ISSN 0024-5240) is pub­ Saints' Church, Chevy Chase, Md., during the lished by THE LIVINGCHURCH FOUNDATION , cathedral's Lenten Preaching Series and Lunches. INC., a non-profit organizations erving the Church. The cathedral is celebrating 100 years of its noon­ All gifts to the Foundation are taX-deductible. day preaching series. It was believed to be the ©2008 The LlvingC hw-chFoundation, Inc . series' largest attendance ever. (More information AUrigh ts reserved. No reproductionin whole or part can be madewithout permissiono fTuE LIVINGCHV RCH. is available at www.adventbirmingham.org) Volume236 Number9 Mary Margaret Hendry photo MARCH 2. 2008 · THE LIVIN G CHURCH 3 8crtid Oa-l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR Blindedby Sin 'In thy light do we see light' (Psalm 36:9) The FourthSunday in Lent{Year A), March2, 2008 BCP:1 Sam. 16:1-13; Psalm 23; Eph. 5: (1-7) 8-14; John 9:1-13 (14-27) 28-38 RCL:1 Sam. 16:1-13 ; Psalm 23; Eph. 5: 8-14; John 9:1-41 The image from Psalm 36 sets the praise for the mercy of God. imagination in motion. The light in Take moral behavior. What stan­ which we see all around us is sud­ dards do we hear describing a holy denly none but that of Jesus Christ. life? Behavior that doesn't harm oth­ All that we see is only that which he ers, fits new discoveries and wisdom, shines upon. A daunting vision. makes us feel good about ourselves, with FIBRE RUSH SEAT If we only see in his light, then that finds broad acceptance in society, Since 1877 light ought to do the following to us: and generally fits progressive values. R.Geissler-2 Inc. challenge, embarrass, lead, supplant, The light Paul sheds on the holy life surprise, puzzle, scorch, inspire, comes from heaven and condemns - 2641 E. Greystone Ct. expose, clarify, disappoint, correct, yes, condemns! - immorality. His list Eagle, ID 83616 comfort - and much more. begins with sexual immorality and Phone: (800) 862-3159 If we put the lessons for this Sun­ keeps getting more and more meddle­ www.rgeissler.com day under his light, we would find a some . No foul talk, no coveting, no striking exposure of motives and greed. We should expose fruitless models that just don't fit. activities of darkness. Church Take leadership discernment . That's Lastly, the encounter of Jesus with what Samuel was endeavoring to do. the man born blind turns the spot­ Development What do we look for in our leaders? light on faith. Jesu s makes it clear We know the answers, whether it be that our problem is not being misled, Institute for bishop, vestry member, or usher. disoriented, or ignorant . We do not Someone who is glib with trendy find faith through better psychology. Seattle idioms, adept at management skills, The kingdom is not within us, only 2008 June 16 - 27 and at the same time is very affirming. needing to be drawn out. No, we are 2009 June 15 - 26 Why look anywhere else? blind, we cannot see , are lost and That was Samuel's idea, the early broken, unable to know God, and www.CDITrainers.org version of the corporate mod el. The dead in our sin. Lord instructed Samuel in his crite­ He only is light and only in his light For more information: ria. The man God wanted was to do we see. When our eyes of faith Robert A. Gallagher hav e a heart for God, humility have gotten used to his light, we find 206-300-3700 toward God, lament his sin, boldness ourselves in green pastures and [email protected] toward others on God's behalf, and beside still waters. - For lay & clergy leaders - Developinga healthierparish LookIt Up - Developingcompetence and use of "self" Put together a spiritual profile of David as author of Psalm 23. as leaders - Anglicanapproach to congregational ThinkAbout It development What in Christ's light is glaring in contrast to what we usually see? - Membershipgrowth rooted in an organic and appreciativeapproach - Experientialeducation grounded NextSunday in soundtheory TheFifth Sunday in Lent{Year A), March9, 2008 - Projects& readingin-between summers BCP: Ezek. 37:1-3 (4-10), 11-14; Psalm 130; Rom. 6:16-23; John 11: (1-16) 17-44 RCL: Ezek. 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Rom. 8:6-11; John 11 :1-45 4 THE LIVING CHURC H · MARCH 2. 2008 Inspiring ':":_.··;· .. ··:\__ . -•.J, ga~:'#e ~~, · qµlc~f~iican Generosity oh sfuallfanris produce milk, cb:e· Parishesencourage and manure. stewardship Good news from This is just one with creativity a far country-Proverbs 23:6-,7 of many gifts you can purchase This year, our presence in more than to help us make 40 countries will reach over 2 million people • a major impact. Editor's Note: In response to an invi­ with sustainable solutions for lasting change. tation from THE LNING CHURCH, two To order this gift , parishes shared these stewardship Call 1.800.334.7626, ext. 5129 ono receive our ·•. or visit www.er-d.organd make Gifts for Life catalog ,: . · success stories on ways to increase your donation today. parishioner participation and giv­ calr l;S00.334,762tk ' ing level,s. (a EPISCOPAL Make 'em Laugh - RelefandDevelopment For the past two years at St. Paul's Church, Port Townsend , Wash., we have centered our stewardship cam­ paign on an evening of desserts , skits , and short talks about religion and money. We call the evening "Sweet and Hot at Chez Paul's." On a Wednesday evening in early October, parishioners arrive at 7 p.m.
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