journal of jesuit studies 4 (2017) 28-55 “Apostles and men of learning”: Miguel Venegas, Andrés Marcos Burriel, and the Jesuit Vocation for Natural History Bryan Green Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
[email protected] Abstract The transformation of the Empressas apostólicas (1739), a manuscript history of the Jesuits’ missions in Lower California written by the novo-Hispanic Jesuit Miguel Ven- egas, into the Noticia de la California (1757), a thoroughly revised version of Venegas’s original prepared by the Spanish Jesuit Andrés Marcos Burriel, provides a case study in how the enactment of the Jesuit ascetic ideal exercised on the Spanish-American mission frontier was closely linked to Enlightenment natural history and ethnogra- phy. Through an analysis of both works, as well as Burriel’s correspondence with his Jesuit confrères in New Spain, this article aims to demonstrate the underlying tension in eighteenth-century Jesuit writing between traditional, providential narratives and the skeptical, scientific discourse of secular natural histories. Burriel’s work, which was widely translated and disseminated throughout Europe, aimed to bridge these two dis- courses by employing the Society’s apostolic-ascetic vocation and global missionary network in the service of natural histories that would appeal to a secular reading pub- lic and inform Spanish colonial administration. Keywords California – New Spain – natural history – Enlightenment – Miguel Venegas – Andrés Marcos Burriel – Noticia de la California (1757) * This article was written with the support of a research grant from the Chilean government (fondecyt Iniciación en Investigación N° 11140527, 2014–17, “El ascetismo y el problema de la teodicea en la Hispanoamérica colonial”).