Iron–Sulfur Clusters: from Metals Through Mitochondria Biogenesis to Disease

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Iron–Sulfur Clusters: from Metals Through Mitochondria Biogenesis to Disease JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry MINIREVIEW Iron–sulfur clusters: from metals through mitochondria biogenesis to disease Mauricio Cardenas‑Rodriguez1 · Afroditi Chatzi1 · Kostas Tokatlidis1 Received: 13 November 2017 / Accepted: 22 February 2018 © The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication Abstract Iron–sulfur clusters are ubiquitous inorganic co-factors that contribute to a wide range of cell pathways including the main- tenance of DNA integrity, regulation of gene expression and protein translation, energy production, and antiviral response. Specifcally, the iron–sulfur cluster biogenesis pathways include several proteins dedicated to the maturation of apoproteins in diferent cell compartments. Given the complexity of the biogenesis process itself, the iron–sulfur research area consti- tutes a very challenging and interesting feld with still many unaddressed questions. Mutations or malfunctions afecting the iron–sulfur biogenesis machinery have been linked with an increasing amount of disorders such as Friedreich’s ataxia and various cardiomyopathies. This review aims to recap the recent discoveries both in the yeast and human iron–sulfur cluster arena, covering recent discoveries from chemistry to disease. Keywords Metal · Cysteine · Iron–sulfur · Mitochondrial disease · Iron regulation Abbreviations Rad3 TFIIH/NER complex ATP-dependent Aft Activator of ferrous transport 5′–3′ DNA helicase subunit RAD3 Atm1 ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter Ssq1 Stress-seventy sub-family Q 1 Cfd1 Complement factor D SUF Sulfur mobilization system CIA Cytosolic iron–sulfur cluster assembly XPD Xeroderma pigmentosum group D Erv1 Essential for respiration and vegetative helicase growth 1 Yap5 Yeast AP-5 GFER Growth factor, augmenter of liver regeneration Grx/GLRX Glutaredoxin Introduction GSH Reduced glutathione GSSG Oxidised glutathione Iron–sulfur clusters are metal prosthetic groups, synthesized HSP9 Heat shock protein 9 and utilised in diferent cell compartments. They are present HSC20 Heat shock cognate protein 20 in nearly all organisms and required for a variety of protein IRP Iron regulatory proteins biological functions, such as enzyme activity, protein regula- IRES Iron-responsive elements tion, and translation [1–6]. Fe–S clusters are considered to ISC Iron–sulfur cluster be among the most ancient catalysts, a concept that is sup- Isu1 Iron–sulfur cluster assembly scafold ported by the elevated iron and sulfur levels in the environ- protein ment and their unique characteristics, including the electron Jac1 J-type accessory chaperone 1 charge transfer activity and the formation into complexes Nbp35/NUBP1 Nucleotide-binding protein [7, 8]. Despite their abundance, one of the many challenges which this feld had to face early on was the detection of * Kostas Tokatlidis [email protected] the clusters on proteins. The isolation of an intact complex of the protein with the cluster has been a difcult task, as 1 Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology, College the cluster can easily dissociate or change its redox state. of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University These issues along with the lack of additional structural of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry protein information were the cause for slow paced study of others, when the risk of toxicity or DNA damage by iron is the clusters. so great. This is a critical research area that can link Fe–S Consequently, although Fe–S clusters have been studied cluster chemistry with protein function, DNA damage, and for decades, many aspects of their synthesis, transfer, incor- subsequently diseases. poration on proteins, and role have still to be understood In this review, we will frst describe the steps for the Fe–S [9–11]. Even though Fe–S clusters can be found in difer- biogenesis in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae ent chemical structures, all of them derive from iron ions (budding yeast) and expand onto the relevant mechanisms and sulfde (Fig. 1). The simplest form that can be found in in mammalian cells covering the recent information on the nature is [2Fe–2S] and duplication of this form results to transport and delivery of the clusters into apoproteins. Given the cubic cluster [4Fe–4S]. In addition, loss of one Fe ions the importance that mitochondria have on Fe–S cluster for- of that form leads to the non-symmetrical [3Fe–4S] struc- mation, we will discuss any putative links between that ture [10]. Finally, another form is composed of a cubane pathway and the organelle’s biogenesis. Finally, some of the [4Fe–4S] together with a [4Fe–3S] cluster resulting in the main human disorders caused by defects in proteins under- [8Fe–7S] cluster [3, 12]. pinning the Fe–S biogenesis machinery will be discussed. These inorganic moieties pose an excellent example of co-factors that are highly reactive and thus suitable for many catalytic reactions. However, this feature is the main cause Fe–S cluster pathways: from yeast of their susceptibility as they are also prone to oxidation to mammalian cells that leads to the Fe–S cluster inactivation. Many enzymes, such as DNA-binding proteins, have traded over iron for For decades, it was presumed that Fe–S clusters are incorpo- zinc or other metals that are less sensitive to oxidation and rated on apoproteins in a spontaneous fashion, a theory that thus less likely to cause toxicity. Specifcally, it was origi- was proved insufcient, since in vitro successful integration nally believed that glycosylases were the only DNA-binding required toxic Fe levels. A more plausible theory was that enzymes that utilise Fe–S clusters [2, 13]. However, in 2006, there are specifc pathways responsible for the biosynthesis another DNA enzyme, the helicase XfPD (Rad3 in Saccha- of Fe–S for the fnal delivery to apoproteins. Later, studies romyces cerevisiae) was shown to bind to an iron–sulfur on the felds of iron chemistry, metabolism, and oxidative cluster within the catalytic domain of the protein. This stress provided the evidence that changed the perception of fnding indicated a role for iron–sulfur clusters in sensing Fe–S biosynthesis [17–19]. One of the main breakthroughs DNA disruption (Fig. 1) and led to discovering more DNA- was the investigation of the enzyme nitrogenase [20], that binding proteins that use Fe–S clusters, including all DNA catalyses the reduction of dinitrogen, known as ‘nitrogen polymerases [14–16]. The role of Fe–S clusters in process- fxation’. Dennis Dean and colleagues performed genetic and ing nucleic acids is still not fully understood, although they biochemical studies on the Gram-negative facultative anaer- are indispensable for enzyme activity. The main question obe Klebsiella pneumoniae bacterium identifying genes focuses on why these metal moieties are preferred over involved in the nitrogen fxation process. The comparison Fig. 1 Iron–sulfur clusters and proteins. a Example structures of known and well-charac- terised Fe/S clusters. Blue; Fe, black; sulfur. b Crystal structure of XPD helicase (PDB ID 3CRV) and c ferredoxin 2 (PDB ID 4ZHO) with a [4Fe–4S] and [2Fe–2S] clusters bound (black sticks) 1 3 JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry between the sequences of the nifUSV gene clusters from K. organism and provided the necessary platform for the inves- pneumoniae and Azotobacter vinelandii revealed identical tigation of the highly conserved Fe–S pathways. organization of the genomes as well as a high degree of Free iron (as well as sulfdes) can be toxic to the cell [27, sequence homology [21]. The studies made on A. vinelandii 28], rendering its regulation, uptake, and assembly essential were crucial to the discovery of Fe–S biogenesis mecha- processes that should be controlled constantly. Three biosyn- nism as three operons dedicated to the Fe–S biogenesis thesis pathways have been described so far that contribute were found, one of them being the nif operon, involved in to that end; two at the mitochondrial level [iron–sulfur clus- the biogenesis of nitrogenase [22]. Since then, the iron–sul- ter (ISC)] and one at the cytosolic compartments [cytosolic fur cluster synthesis and assembly pathways have begun to iron–sulfur cluster assembly (CIA)] (Fig. 2) [2, 11, 29, 30]. be described, in addition to the sensing iron-level mecha- In the mitochondrial matrix, the frst stage of the ISC path- nisms, providing a better understanding of the complicated way comprises of the iron–sulfur cluster synthesis, with the chemistry of iron [23, 24]. Bacteria Fe–S cluster biogenesis extraction of sulfur from cysteine. This reaction is catalysed machineries have been reviewed elsewhere [25, 26], and by the enzyme cysteine desulfurase, Nfs1. Next is the cluster thus, are not the focus of this review. The data summarised assembly, a step that is accomplished on the scafold protein below have been acquired from studies mainly in yeast and Isu1 by a group of enzymes that utilise the available iron mammalian cell lines. Since the pathways are conserved, we and sulfur, as shown in Fig. 2. The Fe–S cluster is subse- only shortly refer to the yeast system and analyse, in more quently released from the scafold protein and transferred detail, the mammalian as a way to introduce the relevance by chaperones to glutaredoxin 5 (Grx5). The cooperation and implication of this co-factor in a wide range of diseases. between Grx5 and co-chaperones, Jac1 and Ssq1, leads to the fnal incorporation of the clusters onto the target apopro- teins [31]. Apart from the simple cluster, the mitochondrial ISC machinery can also produce the more complex forms Fe–S clusters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are required for the function of several proteins in the organelle. The synthesis of a cubic cluster from the initially Iron–sulfur cluster proteins can be found in most cell com- formed [2Fe–2S] requires a conversion reaction occurring partments from mitochondria to the nucleus.
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    LETTER doi:10.1038/nature18618 Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA matching shapes metabolism and healthy ageing Ana Latorre-Pellicer1,2, Raquel Moreno-Loshuertos3, Ana Victoria Lechuga-Vieco1,4, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo1, Carlos Torroja1, Rebeca Acín-Pérez1, Enrique Calvo1, Esther Aix1, Andrés González-Guerra1, Angela Logan5, María Luisa Bernad-Miana6, Eduardo Romanos6, Raquel Cruz2, Sara Cogliati1, Beatriz Sobrino7, Ángel Carracedo2,7,8, Acisclo Pérez-Martos3, Patricio Fernández-Silva3, Jesús Ruíz-Cabello1,4,9, Michael P. Murphy5, Ignacio Flores1, Jesús Vázquez1 & José Antonio Enríquez1,3 Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) shows extensive within- Extended Data Fig. 3a, b); including ovary preservation, with less lipo- population sequence variability1. Many studies suggest that fuscin accumulation at 12 months in BL/6NZB mice (Extended Data mtDNA variants may be associated with ageing or diseases2–4, Fig. 3e, f). Telomeres in one-year-old animals were on average approx- although mechanistic evidence at the molecular level is lacking5,6. imately 11% longer in BL/6C57 mice, whereas in two-year-old animals Mitochondrial replacement has the potential to prevent this was inverted, with BL/6NZB telomeres slightly longer (Fig. 1d). This transmission of disease-causing oocyte mtDNA and to improve is due to a BL/6C57 telomere-length-reduction rate that is double than fertility by ‘rejuvenating’ oocytes of sub-fertile or infertile women. that of BL/6NZB mice (Fig. 1e). Liver necropsy revealed a higher inci- However, extension of this technology requires a comprehensive dence of tumours in BL/6C57 mice at death (Fig. 1f and Extended Data understanding of the physiological relevance of mtDNA sequence Fig.
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