Essentials of pH Measurement

Kelly Sweazea, Specialist Thermo Scientific Water Analysis & Purification Products Common Questions: Measuring pH

What is pH?

“Potential Hydrogen” or “Power of Hydrogen” pH electrodes are a type of selective electrode (ISE) measuring free hydrogen ion activity

2 Proprietary Common Questions: What is pH?

The Theoretical Definition: pH = - log aH

• aH is the hydrogen ion activity. • In solutions that contain other , activity and concentration are not the same. • The activity is an effective concentration of hydrogen ions, rather than the true concentration; it accounts for the fact that other ions surrounding the hydrogen ions will shield them and affect their ability to participate in chemical reactions. • These other ions effectively change the hydrogen ion concentration in any process that involves H+.

3 Proprietary Common Questions: What is pH?

• The pH of pure water around room temperature is about 7. • pH 7 is considered "neutral" because the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) is exactly equal to the concentration of hydroxide (OH-) ions produced by dissociation of the water. • Increasing the concentration of H+ in relation to OH- produces a solution with a pH of less than 7, and the solution is considered "acidic". • Decreasing the concentration H+ in relation to OH- produces a solution with a pH above 7, and the solution is considered "alkaline" or "basic".

4 Proprietary Common Questions: What is pH? Representative pH values Substance pH Hydrochloric , 10M -1.0 The pH Scale Lead-acid battery 0.5 Gastric acid 1.5 – 2.0 + • [H ] activity increases by a Lemon juice 2.4 factor of 10 for every pH unit. Cola 2.5 Vinegar 2.9 • Cola pH is about 2.5. Cola Orange or apple juice 3.5 is 10x more acidic than Beer 4.5 Acid Rain <5.0 Orange Juice (pH of 3.5) Coffee 5.0 Tea or healthy skin 5.5 • Cola is 100x more acidic Milk 6.5 than Beer! (pH of 4.5) Pure Water 7.0 Healthy human saliva 6.5 – 7.4 Blood 7.34 – 7.45 Seawater 7.7 – 8.3 Hand soap 9.0 – 10.0 Household ammonia 11.5 Bleach 12.5 Household lye 13.5

5 Proprietary Common Questions: Measuring pH

Calibration •The Nernst Equation

E = E0 + s log aH • E = measured potential

• E0 = reference potential • s = slope = RT/nF = 59.2 mV at 25 oC

• aH = activity

6 Proprietary pH Measurement System

• When two solutions containing different concentrations of H+ ions are separated by a permeable glass membrane, a voltage potential is developed across that membrane. (Sensing electrode) • A voltage potential is also generated from the . • The pH meter measures the voltage potential difference (mV) between the sensing electrode and the outside sample (reference electrode) • An algorithm in the meter firmware translates the received mV signal into a pH scale. sensing membrane

reference membrane

7 Proprietary pH Measurement System

The pH Meter • Acts as a volt meter • Translates electrode potential (mV) to pH scale Meter functions • Stores calibration curve • Adjusts for temperature changes • Adjusts electrode slope • Signals when reading is stable Features • mV and relative mV scales • Autocalibration /autobuffer recognition • Number of calibration points • Display information • RS232 or recorder outputs • Datalogging • GLP/GMP compliant

8 Proprietary pH Measurement System

The pH Electrode

Sensing Bulb

Internal Fill Solution (Sensing)


Reference Fill Solution


9 Proprietary pH Measurement System

Reference Electrode

• In a two electrode system a reference half-cell electrode is needed to complete the “circuit”.

• The reference wire or element is typically encased in Saturated AgCl or KCl

• The reference must have a “liquid” connection to the sample in order to generate a voltage potential.

10 Proprietary Common Questions: Electrode Types

What is a combination pH electrode? • A combination pH electrode is one that has a sensing half-cell and reference half-cell built into one electrode body instead of existing as two separate electrodes.

11 Proprietary Common Questions: Electrode Types

What is a triode?

• A triode is a combination electrode (sensing and reference cells) together with an ATC (automatic temperature compensation thermistor) built into one electrode body.

12 Proprietary Common Questions: Electrode Components

pH Electrode Reference Types • Calomel reference ++ • Fixed Hg2 activity in contact with solid mercury • Silver reference • Fixed Ag+ activity in contact with silver wire • Single and double junction design • ROSS reference • Redox couple (Iodide/Iodine) • Double junction design

13 Proprietary pH Measurement System – Reference Types

Single Junction • Recommended for all applications except those involving TRIS buffer, proteins, metal Silver/Silver Chloride ions, sulfides or other substances that will react Reference (Ag/AgCl) with either Ag or AgCl.

• Mid-range cost, Variety of body styles, Advantages Refillable or gel-filled, Good Precision (±0.02 pH)

• Temperature Hysteresis, complexation in Disadvantages samples such as: TRIS, proteins, sulfides

14 Proprietary pH Measurement System – Reference Types

Double Junction • The double junction Ag/AgCl Silver/Silver reference isolates the reference, making it ideally Chloride Reference suited for all types of (Ag/AgCl) samples.

• Mid-range cost, Variety of body styles, Refillable or gel- Advantages filled, Good Precision (±0.02 pH)

Disadvantages • Temperature Hysteresis

Mercury Free alternative to the Calomel Reference

15 Proprietary pH Measurement System - Reference Types

• Double Junction Iodine/Iodide redox couple ROSS™ Reference • The ROSS™ reference is ideally suited for all sample types and all temperature ranges

• Variety of body styles, Unmatched Precision (±0.01 pH), Fast response, Advantages Stable to 0.01 pH in 30 seconds over 50 oC temperature change, Drift less than 0.002 pH units/day

Disadvantages • Cost

Mercury Free alternative to the Calomel Reference

16 Proprietary pH Measurement System - Junctions

• The electrode junction is where the Outer fill solution (reference) passes from inside the electrode body to the sample completing the “circuit”.

• The type of junction is a good indicator of how the electrode will perform in different samples.

• Three basic types of junctions • Wick • Ceramic • Open

17 Proprietary pH Measurement System - Junctions

The Wick • Glass fiber, fiber optic Junction bundles, Dacron, etc.

• Used in rugged epoxy bodies Advantages • Good for aqueous samples

• Will clog if sample is “dirty” or viscous Disadvantages • Not as “fast” as other junctions

18 Proprietary pH Measurement System - Junctions

The Ceramic • Porous ceramics, wooden Junction plugs, porous teflon, etc.

• Good all-purpose junction Advantages • Ideally suited for most lab applications

• Will clog if sample is “dirty” or Disadvantages viscous

19 Proprietary pH Measurement System - Junctions

• Sure-Flow, Laser Drilled Hole, The Open Junction Ground Glass Sleeve, etc.

• Junction will never clog • Can be used in all sample types Advantages • Ideal choice for “dirty” or viscous samples • Can be used in non-aqueous samples

“Sure-Flow” • Sure-Flow Junction has a higher Disadvantages liquid junction flow rate of fill solution

20 Proprietary Common Questions: Electrode Types

What is meant by a “single junction?”

• There is one junction in the electrode body. This term applies to Ag/AgCl electrodes that have a silver reference wire and silver ions dispersed in the internal electrolyte fill solution.

ceramic junction

21 Proprietary Common Questions: Electrode Types

What is meant by a “double junction?”

• There are two junctions in the electrode body. This term applies to any electrode that has a ROSS or calomel electrodes and also to some Ag/AgCl electrodes.

22 Proprietary pH Measurement System – Electrode Types

Refillable or Low Maintenance Gel? Low Maintenance Gel Electrodes • Easy to use • Rugged epoxy body • 0.05-0.1 pH precision • Slower response rate • 6 month average life • Gel memory effects at junction Refillable Electrodes • Fill/drain electrode • Wide applicability • Glass or epoxy body • 0.02 pH precision • Faster response rate • 1 year minimum life • Replaceable fill solution

23 Proprietary pH Measurement System – Electrode Types

Polymer or Low Maintenance Gel? Low Maintenance Gel Electrodes • Easy to use • Rugged epoxy body • 0.05-0.1 pH precision • Slower response rate • 6 month average life • Gel memory effects at junction Polymer Electrodes • Low maintenance • Easy to use • Glass or epoxy body • 0.02 pH precision • Faster response rate • 1 year minimum life • Double junction design

24 Proprietary Common Questions: Temperature Compensation

Why is temperature compensation important when measuring pH ?

• Samples / buffers have different pH values at different temperatures • Temperature compensation will contribute to achieving accurate measurements

25 Proprietary Common Questions: Temperature Compensation

The pH electrode slope is the change in mV value divided by the Nernstian theoretical value.

At 25°C, the expected change in mV per pH unit would be 59.2 mV.

26 Proprietary Common Questions: Temperature Compensation

• Newer meters automatically calculate slope • Nernstian calculation of slope at 25°C (59.2 mV/pH unit) • Example: • pH buffer 7 = -10 mV • pH buffer 4 = +150 mV

between these 2 buffers there’s a range of 160 mV 59.2 mV x 3 pH units = 177.6 mV

• Slope = 160 mV / 177.6 mV = 90.1%

27 Proprietary Common Questions: Temperature Compensation

• Temperature affects calibration slope because it affects the expected change in the mV value per pH unit

28 Proprietary Common Questions: Temperature Compensation

• Nernstian calculation of slope at 50°C (64.0 mV/pH unit) • Example: • pH buffer 7 = -10 mV • pH buffer 4 = +150 mV

between these 2 buffers there’s a range of 160 mV 64.0 mV x 3 pH units = 192.0 mV

• Slope = 160 mV / 192.0 mV = 83.3%

29 Proprietary Common Questions: Temperature Compensation

• Temperature compensation will adjust the calibration slope across a wide temperature range

• It is not possible to normalize pH readings to a specific temperature, but it is possible to get an accurate pH measurement for any sample temperature

30 Proprietary Common Questions: Temperature Compensation

Temperature Compensation Strategies • Calibrate and measure at the same temperature • Use automatic temperature compensator (ATC) or 3-in-1 Triode electrode • Manually temperature compensate using temperature control on meter • Use LogR temperature compensation • Record temperature with pH readings

31 Proprietary Common Questions: Calibration

I have small containers on my bench that are labeled and filled with fresh buffer each week. We re-use these buffers all week. Will this practice affect my calibration?

Cal 1, using fresh 7 and 10 buffer: • slope between 7-10 = 96.7%

Cal 2, using fresh 7 and old* 10 buffer: • slope between 7-10 = 93.4% * set on shelf uncovered for 8 hours

ALWAYS use fresh buffer for each calibration. Don’t re-use today’s buffer for tomorrow’s calibration!

32 Proprietary Common Questions: Stable Readings

Why does it take so long to get a stable reading?

• electrode performance and efficiency • junction and bulb function (non-clogged and non-coated) • electrode type (gel effects, open junction, etc.) • meter stabilization settings (if available) • resolution settings

33 Proprietary Common Questions: Stable Readings… continued

Why does it take so long to get a stable reading?

• inner fill-solution freshness • low ionic strength samples • use an electrode with an open junction • stir the samples during measurement • stirred or not? • air bubbles near bulb

34 Proprietary Common Questions: Maintenance

Is there a cleaning routine I can follow to keep my electrode working?

• refresh inner fill solution • use recommended storage solution • close fill hole at end of day • use cleaning remedies if a coated bulb or a clogged junction is the suspected cause of a poor calibration slope

35 Proprietary Common Questions…

Would you please tell me what is happening here??? pH Clinic Program FREE pH Meter / Electrode Diagnostic Service

• Meter and Electrode evaluated individually • Troubleshooting advice • Care and maintenance planning • Electrode selection recommendations • Leave-behind report • Method evaluation and applications support

36 Proprietary 37 Proprietary Conductivity Measurement

Kelly Sweazea, Specialist Thermo Scientific Water Analysis & Purification Products Properties of Conductivity

Current is carried by electrons

• A wire with 1 ohm resistance allows a current of 1 amp when 1 volt is applied • Resistance to the flow of electrons = Voltage/Current

Units of resistance are measured in ohms

Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance • Conductance of the electrons = Current/Voltage

Units of conductance are measured in Siemens

1 Siemen = 1 mho = 1/ohm 1 Siemen = 1000 mS = 1,000,000 µS

39 Proprietary Common Units and Symbols

Conductance Units Resistance Units • S (Siemens) •  (Ohm) • mS • k • S • M Conductivity Units Resistivity Units • S/cm • cm • mS/cm • kcm • S/cm • Mcm

40 Proprietary Conductivity in Solutions

Conductivity carried by ions is dependent upon: • Concentration (number of carriers) • Charge per carrier • Mobility of carriers K+ SO -2 4 Na+ Cl-

Conductivity = (concentration) x (charge per carrier) x (mobility of the carriers)

41 Proprietary Concentration

• The tendency of a salt, acid or base solution to dissociate in water provides more carriers in the form of ions • More highly ionized species provide more carriers

Example: 1% Acetic Acid = 640 µS/cm 1% HCl = 100,000 µS/cm

Conductivity = (concentration) x (charge per carrier) x (mobility of the carriers)

42 Proprietary Concentration

• In general, as concentration increases, conductivity increases

KCl Sample at 25 C Conductivity, uS/cm 0.0 M/L 0 0.0005 M/L 73.9 0.001 M/L 147 0.005 M/L 718 0.01 M/L 1,413 0.05 M/L 6,667 0.1 M/L 12,900 0.5 M/L 8,670 1.0 M/L 111,900

Conductivity = (concentration) x (charge per carrier) x (mobility of the carriers)

43 Proprietary Charge per Carrier

• Divalent ions generally contribute more to conductivity than monovalent ions

Ca+2 vs. Na+1

Conductivity = (concentration) x (charge per carrier) x (mobility of the carriers)

44 Proprietary Mobility

• The mobility of each ion species is different. The conductivity of 0.1M NaCl and 0.1M KCl will not be the same. Ion Relative Mobility H+ 350 Na+ 50 K=+ 74 Ag+ 62 OH- 200 F- 55 Cl- 76 HCO3- 45

Conductivity = (concentration) x (charge per carrier) x (mobility of the carriers)

45 Proprietary Temperature Affects Ion Mobility

• Increasing temperature makes water less viscous, increasing ion mobility. • Most meters can do a calculation to show all measurements as if the sample were at 20ºC or 25ºC… conductivity temperature compensation / normalization.

Example: 0.01 M KCl at 0 ºC = 775 µS/cm 0.01 M KCl at 25 ºC = 1410 µS/cm

Conductivity = (concentration) x (charge per carrier) x (mobility of the carriers)

46 Proprietary Conductivity Properties

• Conductivity and Resistivity are inherent properties of a material’s ability to transport electrons • Conductance and Resistance depend on both material and geometry

Conductivity = d/A x conductance (d) distance between the electrodes (A) electrode area

47 Proprietary Conductivity Properties

Conductivity is defined as the reciprocal of the resistance between opposing faces of a 1 cm cube (cm3) at a specific temperature

Conductivity = d/A x conductance K = 1.0 cm-1 Distance (d = 1 cm)

Area (A = 1 cm2)

48 Proprietary Cell Constant (K) in cm-1

• The cell constant (K) is the value by which you multiply conductance to calculate conductivity.

• The cell constant (K) is the ratio of the distance between the electrodes (d) to the electrode area (A). Fringe field effects is the amount AR.

K = d / (A + AR)

Conductance = the measured value relative to the specific geometry of the cell

Conductivity = the inherent property of the solution being tested

Conductivity = Conductance x K

Conductivity = d/A x conductance K = 1.0 cm-1

49 Proprietary Cell Constants (K) by Application

50 Proprietary Temperature Coefficients

• Each ion species has a unique temperature coefficient that can change with changes in concentration • Temperature effects vary by ion type.

Some typical temperature coefficients:

Sample % / °C (at 25°C) Salt solution (NaCl) 2.12 5% NaOH 1.72 Dilute Ammonia Solution 1.88 10% HCl 1.32 5% Sulfuric Acid 0.96 98% Sulfuric Acid 2.84 Sugar Syrup 5.64

51 Proprietary Non-Linear Temperature Coefficients

• Unlike salt solutions, the temperature coefficient for pure water is not linear

Typical temperature coefficients of pure water:

Temp °C % per °C 0 7.1 10 6.3 20 5.5 30 4.9 50 3.9 70 3.1 90 2.4

52 Proprietary Measuring Conductivity

• A meter applies a current to the electrodes

in the conductivity cell Field Effect


53 Proprietary Measuring Conductivity

• Reactions can coat the electrode, changing its surface area + • 2 H  H2 bubbles • Reactions can deplete all ions in the vicinity, changing the number of carriers • Instead of using a direct current (DC), the conductivity meter uses an alternating current (AC) to overcome these measurement problems

54 Proprietary 2-Electrode Cells

• Two electrodes are used to measure current Benefits:  Lower cost than four electrode cells  Limited operating range with cell constants geared toward specific applications Drawbacks:  Resistance increases due to polarization  Fouling of the electrode surfaces  Unable to correct for surface area changes  Longer cable lengths will increase resistance

55 Proprietary 4-Electrode Cells

• A constant current is sent between two outer electrodes and a separate pair of voltage probes measure the voltage drop across part of the solution A • The voltage sensed by the inner two electrodes V is proportional to the conductivity and is unaffected by fouling or circuit resistance

56 Proprietary Conductivity Measurement

• Most conductivity measurements are made on natural waters

WATER CONDUCTIVITY (s/cm) Ultrapure 0.0546 Good Distilled 0.5 Good R/O 10 Typical City 250 Brackish 10,000

57 Proprietary Conductivity Measurement

• In natural waters, conductivity is often expressed as “dissolved solids” • Measured conductivity is reported as the concentration of NaCl that would have the same conductivity • (TDS) assumes all conductivity is due to dissolved NaCl Comparison of conductivity to TDS:

CONDUCTIVITY (S/cm) DISSOLVED SOLIDS (mg/l) 0.1 0.0210 1.0 0.44 10.0 4.6 100 47 200 91 1000 495

58 Proprietary Other Measurement Capabilities

• Salinity is the measure of the total dissolved salts in a solution and is used to describe seawater, natural and industrial waters. It is based on a relative scale of KCl solution and is measured in parts per thousand (ppt).

• Resistivity is equal to the reciprocal of measured conductivity values. It is generally limited to the measurement of ultrapure water where conductivity values would be very low. Measured in M -cm.

59 Proprietary 60 Proprietary Thermo Scientific Barnstead Water Purification Systems

Kelly Sweazea, Specialist Thermo Scientific Water Analysis & Purification Products

The world leader in serving science Water Standards

. General laboratory standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

2 Proprietary & Confidential Barnstead Water Purification Systems

• Ultrapure water for critical laboratory tests and research • HPLC, AA, IC, ICP-MS etc. • Life Science applications • BOD • Microbiology • Water for general lab equipment such as: • Incubators • Water baths • Dishwashers • Chillers and cooling loops • Batteries • Environmental Chambers

3 Proprietary & Confidential What are the pure and ultra pure water concerns?

• A variety of contaminants can interfere with research and testing • Contaminants such as dissolved gases, ions, and particles can foul sensitive equipment

4 Proprietary & Confidential WaterWater System System Types Types by by Application Application

• F.A.V.O.R. • Feed water – tap, house RO, distilled, deionized? • Application/s? • Volume – how much water is needed on an hourly or daily basis? UV Applications • OR • Replacement – are you replacing a current system – like for like or something different? UV/UF Applications

5 Proprietary & Confidential Ion Impurities in Water

Dissolved Ionized Solids Major Calcium - Ca++ Cations Magnesium - Mg++ Sodium - Na+

------Chloride - Cl-

Major Sulfate - SO4= Anions Bicarbonate - HCO3- Silica/Silicate - HSiO3 -

6 Proprietary & Confidential Organics

• Total organic carbon monitoring of all volatile and non-volatile organic compounds: • NOT the same as bacteria! • Plant and animal decay • Agricultural and byproducts • Phthalates or plasticizers which are added to plastics to increase their flexibility and transparency. • Best removed from water with UV and carbon.

7 Proprietary & Confidential Chlorine

RO membrane Tap water CARBON to Removes ions Impurities that will remove chlorineand organics damage RO membranes:

• CHLORINE • Particulates (rust) • Water hardness

•Found in most tap water •Needs to be removed for RO Type 1 membranes >0.1 ppm free Tank system chlorine •Easily removed with carbon

8 Proprietary & Confidential Particulates

Typical tap water • Ruins RO membranes Consumables affected: • Lab equipment – can leave a deposit, • Prefilters plug valves • Reverse osmosis • Affect gravimetric methods membranes • Prefilters remove particulates • Final filters Rust Sediment Plumbing debris

9 Proprietary & Confidential Bacteria

Found: Everywhere – air and water

Potentially interferes with: • Lab equipment – clogs filters (HPLC) • Sensitively biological methods such as cell culture, tissue culture, and bacterial studies • Source for pyrogens/endotoxins • Source for nuclease (RNase/DNase)

Removed with final filter, RO, UV • Likes to grow in water systems!

10 Proprietary & Confidential Nuclease and Pyrogens (Endotoxins)

• Endotoxins (pyrogens): Pieces of Gram negative bacteria • Interfere with growth of mammalian cell or tissue cultures • Nucleases: Enzymes RNase and DNase • Degrade and breaks down RNA and DNA • Sensitively biological methods such as cell culture, tissue culture, and bacterial studies

11 Proprietary & Confidential Basic Methods of Water Purification

• Distillation • Reverse Osmosis • Deionization • Filtration • Adsorption • Ultrafiltration • UV Oxidation

12 Proprietary & Confidential Thermo Scientific Barnstead Classic Still

• Consistent Type 2 pure water in one process

• Bacteria, pyrogen removed

13 Proprietary & Confidential Reverse Osmosis - % Removal Technology

*Removes most impurities from Tap water

14 Proprietary & Confidential Deionization

•Ion removal only •Type I water

15 Proprietary & Confidential Electrodeionization (EDI)

16 Proprietary & Confidential Depth Filtration

17 Proprietary & Confidential Adsorption

18 Proprietary & Confidential UV Photo-Oxidation

• Built into systems with UV photo-oxidation: • Type 1 systems – dual wavelength UV: • 185/254 nm organic compounds • 254 nm controls microorganisms • Type 2 systems and storage tanks: • Use 254 nm only to discourage growth • Effective in the flow path • Thermo Scientific UV lamps – up to a 2-year lifetime

19 Proprietary & Confidential Ultrafiltration

• Ultrafilters: • Remove endotoxins in water • <0.001 Eu/ml • Polysulfone hollow fibers • Large surface area

Combination of UV light and Ultrafiltration (UF) . Excellent way to reduce nuclease and endotoxin: . Ultrafilter hollow fiber filters trap impurities . System rinse remove them from the system . UV light – oxidizes bacteria and organics

20 Proprietary & Confidential Limitations & Capabilities

21 Proprietary & Confidential Applications

HPLC Environmental testing (BOD for example)

Chemical synthesis, extraction and concentration


22 Proprietary & Confidential Type 1 Systems – POU Type 1

23 Proprietary & Confidential Type 2

•Use RO and DI to produce Type 2 water

•3,7,12,20,40,60 LPH units

•30,60,100 L tank options

24 Proprietary & Confidential Distillation

Glass Distillation:

1.4 LPH – 13 LPH

Classic Tin lined stills: 0.5 GPH – 10 GPH

25 Proprietary & Confidential Reverse Osmosis

•Use RO and DI to produce Type 2 water

•3,7,12,20,40,60 LPH units

•30,60,100 L tank options

26 Proprietary & Confidential Simple Cartridge Deionizers

27 Proprietary & Confidential Features and Technologies • There are many new features / technologies that make using and maintaining a water system much easier • Look for features like: • Smart Reservoirs (always full and can adjust how much is stored in them) • Hand dispensers • Volumetric dispensing (hand’s free, set, go, walk away) • Monitoring of Resistivity or conductivity on the display • Monitoring of the strength of the UV lamp • Quick connects (make cartridge changes quick and easy)

28 Proprietary & Confidential H2O Select us/promotions/complimentaryh2o-select-analysis.html

29 Proprietary & Confidential Brochures/Water Book global/forms/life-science/waterbook- download-request.html

30 Proprietary & Confidential Myths and Truths: pH and Conductivity of Ultrapure Water smart H2O for you, and your science

31ProprietaryProprietary & Confidential & Confidential The world leader in serving science Overview: 4 Myths of Ultrapure Water

Myth #1 - Ultrapure water conductivity after dispensing should match the ultrapure water system display Myth #2 - pH of ultrapure water should be 7.0 Myth #3 - Ultrapure water purity system display measures all the impurities in water Myth #4 - Accessories added to the ultrapure water system will always improve conductivity/resistivity

32 Proprietary & Confidential Myth #1 – Ultrapure Water Conductivity

MYTH #1 TRUTH #1 Ultrapure water conductivity Ultrapure water after dispensing should immediately picks up match the ultrapure water carbon dioxide and system display. conductivity upon dispensing.

33 Proprietary & Confidential Myth #2 – Ultrapure Water pH

MYTH #2 TRUTH #2 The pH of ultrapure water The pH of ultrapure water should be 7.0 after can quickly decrease dispensing after the water has been generated

34 Proprietary & Confidential The Role of CO2 in Conductivity and pH

Carbon dioxide in the air quickly dissolves into UPW • The conductivity will rise to near 1 or 2 µS/cm (or 1 to 0.5 MΩ∙cm) • The pH will drop and typically settle near pH 5.7

Reaction of water and carbon dioxide:

+ - CO2 + H2O  H2CO3  H + HCO3

At typical ambient pressure (1 atm) and 25°C, there will be about

400 mg/L CO2 in ambient air, which results in:

• Concentration of about 1 x 10-5 M of H2CO3 in UPW • Conductivity near 1 µS/cm (or 1 MΩ∙cm) • pH near 5.7

35 Proprietary & Confidential Effect of CO2 on Conductivity of Ultrapure Water (1)

T (°C) 0 ppm (µS/cm) 20 ppm (µS/cm) 300 ppm 500 ppm 1000 ppm 2000 ppm (µS/cm) (µS/cm) (µS/cm) (µS/cm) 0 0.0117 0.1579 0.6100 0.7875 1.1137 1.5749 5 0.0166 0.1727 0.6662 0.8600 1.2161 1.7197 10 0.0232 0.1863 0.7166 0.9250 1.3079 1.7495 15 0.0315 0.1986 0.7607 0.9817 1.3880 1.9627 20 0.0421 0.2098 0.7984 1.0302 1.4563 2.0591 25 0.0551 0.2203 0.8298 1.0704 1.5129 2.1389 30 0.0711 0.2304 0.8551 1.1025 1.5577 2.2019 35 0.0903 0.2408 0.8741 1.1262 1.5903 2.2474 40 0.1131 0.2519 0.8865 1.1410 1.6100 2.2742 45 0.1399 0.2647 0.8920 1.1464 1.6157 2.2810 50 0.1711 0.2801 0.8906 1.1420 1.6067 2.2663

As more CO2 dissolves into UPW, the conductivity rises.

36 Proprietary & Confidential Effect of CO2 on pH of Ultrapure Water (1)

As more CO2 dissolves into UPW, the pH falls.

37 Proprietary & Confidential The Role of Temperature in Conductivity (1)

The conductivity of degassed ultrapure water rises in a non- linear fashion with increasing temperature.

38 Proprietary & Confidential What to Expect for Ultrapure Water Measurements

Measurements USP <645> Pure ASTM D1193 ASTM D1193 Water Conductivity Type I Water Type IV Water Conductivity @ Stage 1: < 1.3 uS/cm* 0.0555 uS/cm 5.0 uS/cm 25°C Resistivity @ 25°C Not stated 18 MΩ·cm 0.2 MΩ·cm TOC ~500 ug/L 50 ug/L Not specified pH Not applicable Not applicable 5.0 to 8.0 *grab or on-line sample

• pH is not a sensitive indicator of ultrapure • pH of UPW is not expected to be exactly 7.0 • If UPW conductivity meets specifications, UPW pH will be within an expected range

39 Proprietary & Confidential How to Test Conductivity in Ultrapure Water

Grab Flow Cell Temperature (USP <645>) (ASTM D1193) Compensation

Turn “off” Includes CO Excludes CO 2 2 for USP <645>

Use non-linear Expect reading Compare to temp comp for similar to UPW USP <645> ASTM D1193 or display* compare to table

*when using temperature compensation

40 Proprietary & Confidential Conductivity Measurement Equipment

Example of Thermo Scientific Orion Conductivity Measurement Equipment

• Portable conductivity meter • Stainless steel conductivity probe • Glass flow cell (comes with the probe)

See our Application Note, Pure Water Conductivity Measurement, Note 002.

41 Proprietary & Confidential Flow Cell Measurement - Conductivity

UPW “out”

UPW “in”

42 Proprietary & Confidential Grab Cell Measurement – Conductivity

43 Proprietary & Confidential pH of Ultrapure Water

Q: Should I worry about a pH between 5 and 8 if I decide to test my ultrapure water?

A: Probably not. As we have seen, a pH between 5 and 7 or 8 can be attributed to

innocuous exposure to CO2 in the air. In addition, pH is not considered a useful indicator of UPW quality, because of the

expected CO2 absorption.

44 Proprietary & Confidential pH of Ultrapure Water

Q: Will this pH difference affect a solution that I prepare with the UPW?

A: In most cases, we don’t expect there to be a significant effect. CO2 will be present in any solution that we prepare in an air atmosphere.

In general, it may be more useful to monitor/control the pH of the prepared solution than the pH of the UPW used to make the solution.

Exception: a recipe that calls for CO2-free water

45 Proprietary & Confidential pH of Ultrapure Water

Q: Do I need to adjust the pH of the ultrapure water before I use it?

A: Again, in most cases, we don’t expect there is a need to adjust the pH. While the pH may be noticeably different than 7, the acidity of the UPW is negligible. This is not a highly buffered sample.

46 Proprietary & Confidential 5 Reasons to Not Use pH as UPW Quality Indicator

1. Experts and Standards Organizations (e.g. USP, ASTM, EP, JP, etc) agree that pH is not a useful indicator of UPW quality 2. pH of UPW is challenging to read accurately due to low ionic strength

3. pH of UPW changes due to CO2 absorption

4. UPW is an un-buffered liquid: a minute amount of CO2 absorbed will cause a deceptively large pH change 5. UPW at pH < 7 (e.g. pH 5.7) is not significantly acidic

The buffer capacity is minimal, 8 x 10-6 M/pH. Compare to acetate buffer at similar pH, which has buffer capacity of 2 x 10-2 M/pH.

47 Proprietary & Confidential How to Test the pH of UPW (if necessary)

• pH measurements of UPW tend to be unstable and can be inaccurate due to the low ionic strength of UPW • Addition of a neutral salt (KCl) will increase the ionic strength, and minimize drift and bias in the pH measurement • Addition of 0.3 mL of saturated KCl to 100 mL of UPW will stabilize the reading without significantly impacting the pH • The use of a good pH electrode will reduce noise and drift, and increase accuracy

• See our application note for more information: • Measuring pH of Pure Water and Other Low Conductivity Waters, Note 009 • Available in the WAI Online Library at

48 Proprietary & Confidential Myth #3 – Ultrapure Water System Display

MYTH #3 TRUTH #3 Ultrapure water purity system Not all impurities will display measures all of the be measured impurities in water.

49 Proprietary & Confidential pH and Ultrapure Water

Measurements ASTM Type I ASTM Type ASTM Type ASTM Type II III IV Conductivity @ <0.0555 <1.0 uS/cm <0.250 uS/cm <5.0 uS/cm 25°C uS/cm

Resistivity @ >18 MΩ·cm >1 MΩ·cm >4 MΩ·cm >0.2 MΩ·cm 25°C TOC <50 ug/L <50 ug/L <200 ug/L Not specified pH Not applicable Not Not applicable 5.0 to 8.0 applicable

50 Proprietary & Confidential Resistivity/Conductivity Measures Ions

TIS= Total ionized solids: Calculated from conductivity/resistivity

TDS = Total dissolved solids Includes dissolved impurities (organics, colloids) Measured gravimetrically

51 Proprietary & Confidential Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Measures Organics

52 Proprietary & Confidential Total Organic Carbon Measured with Resistivity

53 Proprietary & Confidential Bacteria - No Displayed Measurement

Biofilm on chiller filter bag

54 Proprietary & Confidential Particles - No Displayed Measurement

Turbidity Meter

55 Proprietary & Confidential Endotoxins and Nucleases - No Displayed Measurement

56 Proprietary & Confidential Myth #4 – Ultrapure Water System Accessories

MYTH #4 TRUTH #4 Accessories added to the Yes and No. Depends ultrapure water system will on where it is added to always improve the system. conductivity/resistivity.

57 Proprietary & Confidential Cartridges

58 Proprietary & Confidential UV Light

• Dual 185/254nm and single wavelength lamps • 254 nm provides germicidal action against microorganisms • 185 photo-oxidizes

organics into CO2 for ultralow TOC levels

59 Proprietary & Confidential Point of Use Final Filter

Pseudomonas Particle 0.3 micron 0.6 micron

0.2 micron pore size

60 Proprietary & Confidential Ultrafilters

• Remove endotoxins in water • <0.001 Eu/ml • Polysulfone hollow fibers • Large surface area

61 Proprietary & Confidential Recirculation and Dead Legs

62 Proprietary & Confidential Summary – Truths!

1. Ultrapure water immediately picks up conductivity upon dispensing 2. Ultrapure water pH can quickly decrease after it has been generated 3. All impurities will not be measured 4. Accessories added to ultrapure water systems could affect purity depending on where it is added to the system

63 Proprietary & Confidential 64 Proprietary & Confidential