The:~Jewishpodiidaflfj'i'f~Oimanitoba' ,(\'Lj; ' :"~\ " , '
F / , ·(17':-:O·:=-'-"',·:"·:':~~·"·'" • L • • • " -. - ' •• -0 -,. ,••..• ~ .....':" _~.o ... ··,.,l.. t'O..<,i~""""' __ "'."_-.'--'''_;'';;;'''''''?-"',''''''''''i'''''''''''''';'''''=-,)"f'~~~f''''::-'''',...~.':",."'!~.-...." ....... ""'"?~:J.• , ~-" ,. -,' ~~. ·2• - THE JEWISH>. POST, Thursday, October ,13,1977 / . , • ', .. f" ...... , , ,. .:,-. , , ,. .. , ". \. ••~- -l. , . Published every Thursday since 1925 by " EMPIRE PRINTERS lTD .. WINNIPEG Second Class Mail Registration No, 0517. Address all mail to P,O.Box:tm. Station '.B·: ., . ;S·'········H··~ . .; .. , ..... News of the The:~JEWISHPodiiDAflfj'i'f~oiMANIToBA' ,(\'lJ; '_:"~\ " , '. , ," I vvir,mipeg .. Manitoba. Canada R2W jR6 . .. I . oflices and plant at117 Hutchings Street \ . of Manitoba is pleased to • to December 31, 1976 .. Organizations Th~Jewts~"Foun~atlon Don~tions Phone 633·5575 Oldest and Largest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada. present'forpu~licati~n the following financial statec . SCHEDUlE OF GRANTS DESIGNATED:". " . " ments rep'Qitt¥d on"by" Arthur Andersen & Co: . MADE .By THE FOUNDATION' Baru, Oscar and Clara $ 2,000 Nqw in oU'.53rd Yea, Thursday, October 13. 1977 - 3 ;. ...... ".,,c' .• ...... '.' ; ·.·~'s: FOR THE YEAR ENDED Berg. Samuel R.Fund 10,000 ,STATEMENTOFTRlJSTPOs1TION December 31,1976. Cosman,Meyer and Ri~a, Fund 2,000 December ~1, 1976 DESIGNATEDFlom, Jack, Memorial Fund 1.060 TRUST ASSETS ,. '.. , . Galpern, Sam and Dorothy, Fund 1,625 Technion Head Here; Oct. 2& Rose Dora'Baru Memorial Scholarship Gilfix, Samuel Fund 2 000 . CASH IN BANK $ _ .1,337 INVESTMENTS, at cost I.L. Peretz Folk School $ 50 Hochman; 0 '500' tle of Jerusalem, and later at 348,922 Talmud Torah . 50' the southern front. He held a OFFICE EaUIPMENT 181 JaCk H. Flom Memorial _ Kravetz. Rabbi, Fund . 30.000 number of senior staff positions , . LAND ~T MIDDLECHURCH, MANI:rOBA, .
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